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GE-ELEC8: Ethics


Section Code CEIT-04-501P Act. No. 4

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Social Reform and Toxic Filipino Traits

Social reform is the process of restructuring and changing socially normative rules and

practice’s to take into account new cultural paradigms. This definition of social change

is supplemented with the notion that reform can take place locally, regionally, nationally,

or even internationally. Reform movements are the most successful way to bring about

social change. Any collection of people committed to furthering a shared cause or

philosophy is called a movement. Any collection of people working towards a shared

goal political, religious, humanitarian, or otherwise is referred to as a reform movement.

Removing laws linked to outdated ideals, changing social norms to conform to new

paradigms, and changing the legal code to reflect those changes can all bring about

the desired transformation.

Toxic Filipino Traits

Limited Knowledge of Information, due to their lack of reading comprehension and lack

of familiarity with fact-checking online or when reading news, Filipinos tend to have poor

information literacy. Because we get so much information every day in this century,

information literacy is crucial. The answer lies in being able to distinguish between fact

and fiction when reading news articles or browsing the internet.

GE-ELEC8: Ethics

Regionalism, Filipinos are prone to regionalism, which they perceive as internalized

discrimination. Example of it is calling “Bisaya” when someone is pronounce incorrect.

This is a result of the Philippines’ numerous ethnic groupings and linguistic diversity.

Someone might assert, for instance, that their language or ethnic group is superior to

others. Accepting one another’s differences and valuing our similarities is the way to

resolve this.

Conservatism and Ignorance, the most ignorant individuals are often adults or elderly

people who refuse to embrace new customs and instead adhere strictly to traditions

handed down to them by their parents or grandparents during their own childhood.

People who refuse to accept new customs and strictly adhere to tradition are referred

to as conservatives. The conservative mindset in the Philippines may stem from the

adherence to Catholic traditions that have been handed down through generations.

This is the reason why most Filipinos hold homophobic views, oppose contraception,

and disapprove of sex before marriage. It’s ironic that despite the high number of

homosexuals and the presence of their own language in Filipino communities, many

Filipinos are still ignorant about these realities. Furthermore, a significant number of

Filipinos have children before marriage and oppose contraception. This has resulted in

many children being orphaned or fatherless, as fathers often leave the mothers for new

partners. This could be a contributing factor to the Philippines’ struggle with

overpopulation. To address ignorance and conservatism in Filipino society, we must

focus on educating the younger generations to be more open-minded and unbiased in

GE-ELEC8: Ethics

their thinking and opinions. This will help decrease prejudice and favoritism in

conversations and discussions.




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