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Monthly Test – English for Grade 4

Comprehension – 8 marks
Read the following passage and answer the questions given below.

Day Dreaming
John loved to daydream. His parents and his teachers sometimes thought John was idle or
lazy, but that was not the case. John had a very rich inner world, and he really enjoyed spending
quality time there.
For example, one day, John lay stretched out on a towel on a hot, sandy beach. He
listened to the waves crashing against the shore. He watched the white sails of boats far out
along the horizon. A seagull squawked, and dived, and tried to make off with his sandwich.
John began to daydream that he was a seagull. He imagined the swooping sensation in his
stomach as he swooped and dove and rode the air currents. A plane flew overhead, filling the
air, for a few moments, with its dull roar. John became a passenger in that plane, looking out of
his window and down over the town where he lived that ran along in a thin strip next to the
Someone next to John cleared his throat. John turned to look at his fellow passenger and
found his teacher looking down at him.
"Daydreaming again, John?" his teacher asked.
The other kids laughed, but John just sighed and tried to concentrate on the math problem
in front of him. He would go back to visit his beach very soon.
Q:1 What did John’s parents and teachers think about him? ( 2 marks)
Q:2 What was John’s imagination about beach? (2 marks)

Q:3 What was John’s Day dream when he saw an airplane? (2 marks)

Q:4 If you were John, what will you day dream about?

Grammar – 12 Marks
Q: Change the form of verb into present continuous tense. (4 marks)
1. I ___________________(listen) to music.

2. She ________________________(watch) a movie tonight.

3. He ______________(jump) on the jumping castle.

4. The students ____________________ (study) in class.

Q: Change the following sentences in to negative and question sentences. (8 marks)

1. She was going to meet her friends.



2. They will be late for school.



3. We were eating dinner tonight.



4. Sara is enjoying her birthday party.



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