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ttps:/ ttps:/ N Printed Pages : 6 ate: ait ata vet & vere AL et HEL 4 ait a Br a6) Roll No, cram 75 wet a ag wee a LLB-V Sem, 12252 1 Inaticy LLB Examination, Dec., 2016 aia 5 Law inal Procedure Code, Juvenile Justice Act 2 Investigation and Probation of Offenders Act, (K-5002} gz 6 all 2 © prime three Hows} Maximum Merks sty § z z 3. Dachage : Note : Attempt all the sections as per instructions. g g wi g Ete: eof ged oh Prtergee ea afte) EE £ . 4 Atal 3 Section-A/ esa z 5 ahr . {ery Short Answer Questions) (aft au get 1e 5. Balableofence Note : Attempt all the five questions. Each question carries 4 rls ge snark. Very short answeris required net exceeding 75 words. 226277600 ct) (PTO) veasarene ” hups:/Avww hups:/Avww aoo:¢pmisnsan- avy ttps:/ ttps:/ Section -B / area Section -C / wue—z (Short Answor Questions) (Detailed Answer Questions) (a4, sata ver) (Praga wearer we) Note : Attempt any two questions out ofthe folowing 3 Note : Atempt any three questions out of the folowing 8 ‘questions. Each question carries 10 marks. Short ‘questions. Each question carries 20 marks, Answver is answer is required net exceeding 200 words. requied in dota ale :Prafeftd 3 avi) 4a Rea 2 vet d sore fe) Hate: Poafatra 6 set a2 oR s wet a sere AGL or re 10 ta tree 200 Teh Aye E z we met 20 ata or #1 te ene ort #1 arte 1 2 : 2 £6 iscusthe classes of ciminalcouts ati powers 6. Difference between summons and watrent ial : 5 and mention sentences which may be passed by ther. ‘waa alle eee Reve F siere 3 3 que serena & ait aor avi afore gent wal PS 7. Difference between camplaint and charge war aul ors Sarat Hy 4 tere qd om H afar 10. Discuss the procedure regarding eomoval of aulisané under Criminal Procedural Cose, 1878 8 Discuss the procedure of Summary Tia. ‘ere star vitor, 197s 3 aie ser a arafRer aftea Rarer oA fer a wis | sftren an a ZAG | 228207600 a pro} 228217000 um i ‘hups:// ‘hups:// ‘woo:gpmsnsao:aaanyesday joa Spmisnsoa anaes 1 12, veat2r000 i ttps:/ Discuss the procedure folowel by poles in. cognizable offence aller FIR has been lodged em aaa om A rei cf att ab ae gf ret ond oR ach stan at as AE) Discuss the sowers afcourtto release certain offenders after admonition under the Probation of Offenders Aet, 1958. uit PAM, r958-@ alee alaera siHeDET wd sedan ob ava alg 23 aA secre A nae a aie fig \wat do you understand by Juvenile Justice’ ? Why hot a juvenie having completed 16 years of age be leeated tke a major common offendor if he has Committed heinous ser of offence ? Give your opinion fvete sara & sana ar eens? i eee Re ict ore oT Are @ ea oe 18 HE aA gel ax gor af to ase PE sae aT oh A eer EL ? or Me we ALY (roy ‘hups:// ‘woo:gpmsnsao:aaayesday joo Spmisnsa-anayesdy 14, s22ser7600 ittps:// Discuss the power and procedure to followed by patie under Section 41 and 41 (A) of Criminal Procedural Code, 1973 when a person arrested without warrent ‘cvg oft efter, 1973 BL INT 41g 41 (A) & hth ages at afer ge wlan at avis ore re Fae | efter a Ran reve a Pree foe TaN reps ‘Whatsspp @ 9300930012 Send your old paper & get 10° A gee Be LO Papin Google Pay 2 (8) ‘hups:// ‘woo:gpmsnsao:manaysday wos Apmsnsoo‘maan//:dyy, http:/ LL.B. V Sem. Examination, Dec. 2017 LAW Code of Criminal Procedure Code, Juvenile Justice Act and Probation of Offenders Act Time: Three Hours] (K-5002) Ferd wet ah Rdergar ea ABI ‘Attempt all the Sections as per given instructions WES (Section-A) Note: ait dia wer ger Afro! Heke eet 4 aes ea 21 safer 75 rach 9 i ery [BRR sf BI Attempt all the five questions. Each question carries 4 marks, Very Short Answer is required not exceeding 75 words. 4, sre, site aan fear A ae gra 2? ‘What isthe distinction among investigation inquiry and tial ? 2, are ern Reed tke aftere af oRtafca st ae ge a & dhe sree BY ‘FE FHA Define FR. and complaint and bring out their ferences? 3. aftadh & sefters 3 OG an seh ay aa gE RT TT a Bs fare 3 aan wera gat 8? What isthe effect of Non-appearance or death ‘of complainant in atrial of Summon's cases’ by a Magistrate? 4. aa =aarera arta 8 oftaca ax za 8? Can a court ater a cherge? 5. oftdan-aitrand) & at acta wage Give two duties ofa ‘Prcbation Officer. @Ws-a (Section-B) Note: Prete fr met 3 & far zh eat & are Are wets we 10 sis at afar 200 edt 8 ag see rar 21 Attempt any two questions out of the following three questions. Each question carries 10 marks, Short Answer is required not exceeding 200 words 6, firerare anf & ata 8 eters gen argh afore 8 What aré constitutional and legal rights of an arrested person? 7. andere ape ame & Bet reer a star ahs a arene wea 8? Which court can take cognizance of an offence for initiation of proceedings? 8. ave afore wifeen, 1973 2 err.206 8s aa Bede Bs a anal BA rest ah ait 8? How are proceedings commenced before a Magist erate under section 204 of code of Criminal Procedure, 19732 =8°S- (Sectlon-C) Note: Freee er seh a fara ta mets rN ees we 20 ks at faega se afar @1 Attempt any three questions out of te fllowing S« ‘questions, Each question cartes 20 marks. Answer is required in detail http:/ woo: épnysnsso:mmayy:dny wos Apmysnsoo‘maan//:dyy, http:/ Ges ofeen afte & arta we fa 8 fee ae aA rere ala a ot A Sora A ces emer a ace wv a8 A et dint are diferent criminal cours established under CP. ina Distt? WWnte about each one, Also wre about her powers 40, sara fateoe’ &? te sda argeeh sr & Prem as ats ara cares evs en fen & area Sr mC fe 35 aH ‘Bam #? What is Bail? Discuss ruler relating to Bal in Non- Balble: ‘fences. When can an accused claim Ballas @ matter of rig under code of Criminal Procedure? sa, aan fret ae ato he of fd me are erage as a ae aa & afk a at or cart snratbes acer 3 fa wee wei a ‘wea #? Are the statements of the witnesses and the accused persons recorded by @ Police officer during he course of investigation admissible in evidence? If so, How they can be used ina Ciminal Proceedings? 12, srt a afturta BGrO srehh ds deh weeth Bent a fede aAfFAI Define ‘Charge’. Discuss the ruler which govern the jinder of ‘Charges 13, fer ase we meer are sa aaa rer ak Pi ‘Wate about Magistrate Trial of warrant caseinstiutedon police repo, 14. eRe 8 fine are areree oot Sretrerreres The SAL Crticaly examine the Juverite Justcein India 8 tpu/ Whatsapp @ 9300930012 Send your old paper & get 10/- 2 go ede Aa he 10 we Paytm or Geogle Pay & http:/ woo: épnysnsso:mmayy:diy ‘woo:spmisnsaa-avavysch ttps:/ G Printed Pages : 4 (21218) Roll No. LLB.-VSem. 12252 LL.B. Examination, December-2018 LAW Code of Criminal Procedure Code, Juvenile Justice Act and Probation of Offenders Act (K-02) Time : Three Hours} [Maximum Marks : 100 Note : Aatempt all the sections as per isiuctions ates wh aed a Plager ra afar Section-A 55 (Nery Short Answer Quest (aft 3q sata 577) Note : Attempt all the fixe questions. Each question carries 4 marks. Very short answer is required not exceeding 75 words eh ata eet & rae A te aes 4 ih Bh see 78 al At ay ce often 1 Ieguiy ara 2 Acquita aragies 182 TO. hups:/Avww toa’

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