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Sách được chia sẻ miễn phí tại

Thích Tiếng Anh


Thieh Tieng Anh



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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website chia sẻ đề thi, tài liệu Tiếng Anh hay, mới nhất







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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website chia sẻ đề thi, tài liệu Tiếng Anh hay, mới nhất

Chitomg 1

L DINH NGHIA (Definition)

Danh t£r la tur dung d£ dat t6n cho ngudi, vat, noi chtfn hoSc y tu&ng: Mary,
brother, father, pen, cat, school, town, beauty.
n. CAC LOAI DANH TIT (kinds of nouns)
Danh tir duqc phan thknh hai loai chinh: danh tit cu th£ va danh tCr triTu tuqng.

(concrete and abstract nouns)
1. Danh tir cu the va danh tur trim tuqng (Concrete and abstract nouns):
1.1. Danh tUcu the (Concrete nouns):

Danh tur cu thl la danh tiir chi m6t cai gl do chung ta c6 thd cam tMy true tie'p

qua gidc quan (nhm, nghe, so, ngui,. ..): man, dog, house, pencil, America.
Danh tit cu th£ duac phan lam hai ti£u loai:
a. Danh tur rifing (Proper nouns): la danh tCr dung dd chi ri6ng m6t dtfi tuqng
nha't dinh nao do va lu6n lu6n duac vi6t hoa: John, London, America. Danh tit
ri£ng ddi khi con duqc dung nhu danh tit chung:

He is called the Shakespeare of India.

(Ong ta duac goi la Shakespeare [nha soan kich va nha tha 16n ngucri Anh]
cua An Do).

b. Danh tir chung (Common nouns): La danh tir dung d£ chi nhung ddi tuqng
co the ap dung chung: man, cat, pencil, mountain.

Trong dang tir chung co danh tir tap hop (collective nouns ) dung di chi m6t
nhom ngucri, vat hoac su vat.

family (gia dinh) police (canh sat) crowd (dam ddng)

cattle ( bd) team (dpi) government (chinh phu)

1.2. Danh tit trim tuemg (Abstract nouns) :

Danh tir truru tuqng ia danh tur chi m6t phdm ch£t, dac tfnh, trang thai hay hoat
bravery (Idng can dam) happiness (hanh phuc)
goodness (cai tot) existence (sutSn tai)
truth (chan li) departure (sukhdi hanh)
Cac danh tir truru tuqng thuang khdng d£m duqc. Chung khdng c6 s6 nhifiu va
khCng co a, an a s6 it.

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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website chia sẻ đề thi, tài liệu Tiếng Anh hay, mới nhất
2. Danh tir dem dugc va danh tir khong dem dirge (Countable &
uncountable nouns)
2.1 Danh tit dem ditgc (countable nouns): la danh tur chi nhirng vat thd, con
ngudi, y nidm,. .. ridng re co thd ddm dugc.
table (cai ban) chair (cai ghe)
cat (con meo) pencil (but chi)
Danh tur ddm dugc co ca h'rnh thuc sd' ft va sd' nhidu, chung ta co thd dung mao
tir at an vcri danh tCr ddm dugc s6 ft (singular countable nouns), vk cac con s6 hoac
some, any, many, few vdi danh tCr ddm dugc s<5 nhidu (plural countable nouns).
a handbag (mot cai tui) many students (nhieu hoc sinh)
two cat (hai con meo) an accident (mot tai nan)

some bananas (hai qua chuoi) a few ideas (mot vai y tudng)
2.2 Danh tit khdng dem dugc (Uncountable nouns): la danh tur chi nhung
Chat lieu, chat long, nhung khai ni6m trufu tugng, va nhung vat ma chung ta xem
nhu mdt kh<5i khdng thd tach roi.

coffee (ca phe) money (tien bac)
milk (sun)

h. sugar (dudng)
Danh tir khdng dem dugc khdng co hinh thuc s6 nhidu. Khdng dhng mao tir a /
an hay s6 ddm trudrc danh tur khdng ddm dugc.
water (nude) chalk (phan)
paper (gidy) happiness (hanh phitc)

Chung ta khdng thd noi: *a water, *a chalk, *a happiness (sai) nhung chiing ta
c6 thd dilng chung kem vdi cac danh tir chi su do luemg nhu:
three glasses of water (ba li nude)

two cup of tea (hai tach tra)


a slice of bread (mot mieng banh mi)

a drop of oil (mot giot dau)
two pieces of chalk (hai vien phan)

Hoac veti nhung danh tir khac nhu:


a source of happiness (mot nguon hanh phuc)

a piece of advice (mot Idi khuyen)
a piece of work (mdt edng viec)
a ray of light (mdt tia sang)
Danh tir khdng ddm dugc khdng c6 hinh thuc sd' nhidu. Chung thudng kd't hgp
vdi some, a lot of, much, a little dd didn ta s6 lugng (some addvice, a lot of mail,
much traffic). Mdt vai danh tir khdng ddm dugc co thd dung nhu danh tu ddm dirge.
Khi do, chung thudng co y nghla khac:

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Danh tCr kh6ng d£m dupe Danh tCr d£m dupe
- stone : d£ - stone : vifcn d£
This house is built of stone. They threw stones into the lake.
- glass : thuy tinh - glass : cai li, cdc
TTiis table is made of glass. He poured me a glass of wine.
- coffee : ch. phS - coffee : c6c, tach ca ph6
John doesn’t like coffee. Do you want a coffee?
- paper : gi£y - paper : tb bao
The cover is made of paper. I read about the accident in a paper.
- beer : bia - beer : li bia, Ion bia
He drink a lot of beer. Buy me a beer, John.

- beauty : ve dep - beauty : ngubi dep
We admire the beauty of Paris. We have seen the beauties of Paris.
(iChung ta kham phuc ve dep cua (Chung ta da thay nhitng ngu&i dep

Pari) _ cua Phap)

1. * Rose is a beautiful flower, (sai)
A rose is a beautiful flower, (dung)
Ghi nhb: Danh tur d£m dupe phai co a , an a s6 ft va -s, -es 6 s6 nhiÿu.
2. * a bread (sai) a piece of bread; a loaf (dung)

* a luck (sai) a stroke of luck (dung)

* an advice (sai) a piece of advice (dung)

* a news (sai) a piece of news (dung)

* a lightning( sai) a flash of lightning (dung)

* a furniture (sai) a piece of furniture (dung)

* a work (sai) a piece of work; job (dung)

* a luggage (sai) a piece of luggage (dung)

Ghi nhd: Ph£n 16n danh tb trim tupng 1ÿ danh tit khbng dfim dupe.

Cac danh tir khOng d£m dupe thubng thupc m6t trong cac nhdm sau day:
(a) Danh tir chi nhom cÿc d6 vat c6 cilng c6ng dung:
baggage (hanh li) equipment (dung cu)
c\otinng(qudn do) furniture (ban ghe)
machinery (may moc) mail (thu tic)
jewelry (do nit trang) money (tien bac)
makeup (do trang diem) traffic (xe cd)

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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website chia sẻ đề thi, tài liệu Tiếng Anh hay, mới nhất
(b) Cac loai chat long:
water (nude) tea {tra) gasoline (xang)
coffee (ca phe) milk {sSa) wine (ritou vang)
oil (dau ) soup {canh) blood {mdu)
orange juice {nude cam)
(c) Cac loai ch£t ran:
bread (bank mi) butter {bo) cheese (pho mat)
meat (thit) gold (vang) iron( sat)
silver (bqc) glass (kinh) paper (gidy)
wool (len)
(d) Cac loai ch£t khi:

air (khdng khi) steam (hoi nitcfc) oxygen (khi dxi)
smoke (khoi) nitrogen (khi ni-to)
smog (suong co Ian khoi bid)

(e) Cac loai hat:

rice (gao) com (bap) dirt (ban)
sugar {dudng) pepper (hd tieu) salt(mwdr)
wheat (lua mi)
sand {cat)
(0 Cac khai ni£m:
beauty {sac dep) confidence (niim tin)

courage {long can dam) health (site khoe)

hospitality {Idng min khach ) pride (long kiiu hanh)
justice (sucong bang) recreation (sit tieu khien )

(g) Cac khoa hoc:

chemistry (hoa hoc) physics (vat li)

literature {van hoc) philosophy (triet li)

3. Danh tir don \k danh tir ghep (Simple nouns and compound nouns)

V£ hinh thifc m6t danh tir c6 thd la danh tir don (simple nouns) hay danh tir
ghep (compound nouns).

3.1 Danh tit don (Simple nouns): la danh tir chi c6 m6t tir.
house {ngdi nha) peace (hda binh)
train {tau hoa) table (edi ban)
thanh l$p danh tir don
a. Nhung danh tit trim tuang chi tinh edeh, tinh trqng, kich thude, su viec,
v.v... duuc Idp bdng edeh them ede hdu t6 -ness, -dom, -th, -hood, -ship, -ty,
ion, -tion, -sion, -ment, -ism vdo nhung tit c6 sdn.
* Adjective + ness: goodness (Idng tdi, tinh td't)y happiness (hanh phuc).

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* Adjective + dom: freedom (tit do), wisdom (stfkhdn ngoan).
* Adjective + th: depth (chieu sdu), length (be dai), truth (stf that).
* Adjective + ty: certainty (dieu ch&c chdn), cruelty (stfddc ac).
* Adjective + ism: imperialism (chu nghia de quoc), socialism (chu nghia xa
* Noun + hood: childhood (then thaau), sisterhood (tinh chi em).
* Noun + ship: friendship (tinh ban), relationship (mSi quan he).
* Verb + ion/ation/sion: pollution (sit 6 nhiim), formation (stf thanh lap),
desicion (stf quyet dinh).
* Verb + ment: movement (stf chuyen dong, ddng tac), payment (stftrd tien).
b. Nhtfng danh tit chi ngit&i: them ede hdu to -er, -ar, -or, -yer vdo dong tit

hoac danh tiled san.
. * Verb + er: driver (tai xe), leader (ngtfdi lanh dao), reader (ngtfdi doc).
* Verb + ar: liar (ngtfdi noi doi), beggar (ngtfdi an xin).

* Verb + or: actor (diin vien), sailor (thuy thu).
* Noun + er: footballer (cau thu bong da).

* Noun/Verb + yer: lawyer (luat stf), sawyer (thq ctfa).
3.2. Danh tit ghep (Compound nouns): la danh tur g6m hai hay nhi6u th k£t
hop vdi nhau. Danh th ghep co thi dtroe viet thknh hai th ri£ng bi£t, co gach ngang
giua hai th hoac k£'t hop thanh m6t th.
greenhouse (nha kinh) world peace (hoa binh the gi&i)

writing-table (ban viet) bedtime (giddi nghi).

*Cach thanh lap danh th ghep

a. Danh th + danh th (Noun + noun)

gold mine (mo vang) newspaper (nhat bao)

oil rig (gian khoan dau) postcard (btfu thiep)

airport (san bay) sunshine (anh ndng)

bathroom (phdng tarn) girl-friend (ban gai)

Cac danh th kep k£t hop bfri hai danh th kh6ng c6 d£u n6i 6 giha chi£m s6

luong rat lrin trong tiehg Anh:

car rally (cupc dua xe) carrier bag (tui nhita)
lab assistant (nhan vien phdng may) computer game (tro choi vi tinh)
horse race (cudc dua ngtta) mineral water (nude khoang)
M6t s6 danh th kep co nguy6n am bi£n d<5i nhu:
cupboard ['kAbod] : tu chan [o: -> a]
postman [’psustman]: ngtfdi dtfa thtf[ae-> o]
hoac each viet bi£n d6i nhu:

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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website chia sẻ đề thi, tài liệu Tiếng Anh hay, mới nhất

shepherd ['Jepod]: ngudi chan ctiu [sheep » shepj
b. Tinh tir + danh tir (Adjective + noun)
quicksilver (thuy ngan) blackboard (bang den)
greenhouse (nha kinh) blackbird (chim ket)
c. Danh tur + danh dftng tur (Noun + gerund)
Trong tnrong hop nky, danh tCr gh£p chi m6t loai cOng vide n&o d6.
fox-hunting (mon san cao) lorry-driving (viec lai xe tai)
fruit-picking (viec hai qua) coast-mining (viec khai thac mo than )
weight-lifting (viec cicta)
d. Danh d6ng tir + danh tCr (Gerund + noun)
waiting-room (phdng defi)

swimming pool (hS bai)
driving licence (bang lai xe)
washing-machine (may giat)

Danh tur kep trong truerng hop n&y dupe nh&n manh tren thanh ph&n ddu
(danh d6ng tur), khac vci tnrong hop cum danh tit dupe c£u tao beri hifin tai phan tCr

+ danh tur dupe nh&n manh tren thanh phhn sau. Hifcn tai phan tir 6 day dupe
dung nhu mOt tfnh tur binh thuerng va khdng c6 d£u gach n6i (-) theo sau. Y nghla
cua danh tir kep va hifcn tai phan tit + danh tir cung khac nhau.
Danh tir kep Hien tai phan tir + danh tir

a dancing-teacher a dancing teacher

( thay day khieu vu) (thay gido biei khieu vu)
a sm6king-room a smoking ro6m

(phdng danh cho ngudi hut thud'c) (can phdng dang bd'c khoi)
a walking-stick a walking stfch

(cay gay, baton) (cay gay biei di)

a dining-room a dining ro6m

(phdng dn) (can phdng biei dn?)

e. Cac truemg hop khac:

Danh tir k6p con c6 th£ c£u tao befi:

- Danh tir + tinh tir: secretary-general (tSng bi thu, tSng thuki)
- Danh tir + gidi tir + danh tir: mother-in-law (ba gia)
- Danh tir + gidi tur: passer-by (khach qua duemg)
- Tinh tur + dong tur: whitewash (nude voi)
- Dong tir + danh tir: pickpocket (hi rndc tui)
- Trang tir + dong tur: upsurge (sUtrdi day)
- Dong tir + trang tir: breakdown (susuy sup)

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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website chia sẻ đề thi, tài liệu Tiếng Anh hay, mới nhất
- Trang tit + danh dong tif: upbringing (viec nudi dudng)
Liru y: danh tir ghep c6 th£ dupe thanh lap boi nhi6u han hai til: mother-in-law
(me va! chSng), glass dining-table (ban an bang kinh), merry-go-round (trd chcri
ngua quay).
Nhung loi thong thuimg: chu y trat tur cua thanh ph£n chinh trong danh tir
- Giay da: leather shoe; khbng noi * shoe leather
- Da giay: shoe leather; * leather shoe
-Khan giay: paper towel; * towel paper
- Den dau: oil lamp; * lamp oil
4. Danh tir so it va danh tit so nhieu (Singular nouns and pluaral nouns)

Danh tCr de'm dupe th6ng thuemg co hai dang: s6 it (singular) va s6 nhi£u
The girl is singing. (Co ay dang hat.) -> singular

The girls are singing. (Cac co gai dang hat.) —
> plural

4.1. Cdch thdnh Idp danh tic so nhieu (Formantion of the plural nouns)
a. H£u he't cac danh tCr s6 nhi£u dupe thanh lap bang each them -s vao danh tir
s6 ft.
book (cuon sack) books (nhung cud'n sach)
key (chia khoa) keys (nhung cai chia khoa)

pen (cay viet) pens (nhung cay viet)

door (cai cua) doors (nhung cai efta)
Cac chu cai, chu s6\ d£u hieu va nhung tCr loai kh£c kh6ng phai la danh tir ma

dupe dung nhu danh tir thi thuring them ’s.

Inhere are two 9’s in 99. (Trong sd'99 co hai sd'9.)

Dot your Vs. (Nhd chdm dau cac chit i.)

b. Nhung danh tir tan chng bang -s, -x, -z, -ch, -sh tao thanh s6 nhi6u bang each

them ~es:
bus (xe buyt) buses (nhung chie'c xe buyt)

box (cai hdp) boxes (nhung cai hdp)

quiz (cudc dd'vui) quizes (nhieng cuoc dd'vui)
wish (udc muon ) wishes (nhung Udc mud'n)
c. Nhung danh tir tan cung bang phu am + y (consonant + y) dupe tao thanh s6
nhi£u bang each bo y va them ies.
baby (em be) -» babies (nhung em be)
party (bua tiec) — » parties (nhung biia tiec)
fly (con ruoi) —> flies (nhung con rudi)

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Chu y: nhtfng danh ttir tan cung bang m6t nguyen dm + y thi chi them -s ma
day (ngay) days (cac ngay)
key (chia khoa) keys (nhitng cai chia khoa)
boy (con trai) boys (nhitng dtfa con trai)
Cac danh tCr ri£ng (Proper nouns) tan cung bang -y, chi c£n th6m -s.
Do you know the Kennedys?
(Ban co biet gia dinh Kennedy khdng? )
I hate Februarys.
(Toi ghet thang hai.)
d. Danh til tan cung bang -/ hoac -fe tao thanh s6 nhi6u bang each d6i / hoac fe

thanh -ves:
knife (con dao) knives (nhitng con dao)
calf (con be) calves (nhitng con be)

thief (ten dn cdp) thieves (nhitng ten dn cdp)

wife (va) wives (nhitng ba vo)
Ngoai le:
cliff (bdda cao) cliffs
gulf (vinh) gulfs
roof (mai nha) roofs

proof (chitng ca) proofs

safe (ken bac)

chief (ngUdi cam dau) > chiefs

belief (niem tin) -» beliefs

handkerchief (khan tay) -> handkerchiefs

M6t s6' danh tur tan chng bang/c6 thÿ c6 hai hinh thirc s6' nhidu.
scarf (khan quang co) -> scarfs, scarves

dwarf (ngUdi lun) dwarfs, dwarves

wharf (cau tau) wharfs, wharves

hoof (mong vudi) hoofs, hooves

e. M6t s6 danh t£r tan chng bang m6t phu dm + o (consonant + o) diroc tao
thanh s6' nhiÿu bang each th6m -es.
tomato (qua ca chua)
hero (anh hung)
— >• tomatoes
potato (cu khoai tay) -» potatoes
echo (tieng vang) echoes


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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website chia sẻ đề thi, tài liệu Tiếng Anh hay, mới nhất

Cac danh tir tan ciing bang m6t nguyen dm + o, cac tCr vay muon cua nucfc
ngoai hoac cac tir dugc viet tat thi chi c£n them -s.
radio (may radio) radios
piano (dan ditong cam ) > pianos
Tjoo(sdthu) -> zoos
photo (bite anh) -> photos
MOt s6 danh tCr tan ciing bang o co th£ c6 hai hinh thirc s6 nhieu.
volcano (nui Ida) volcanos, volcanoes
tornado (con bao) tornados, tornadoes
mango (qua xoai) mangos, mangoes

mosquito (con mudi) mosquitos, mosquitoes
4.2. Danh tit so nhieu bat quy tdc:
a. Cac danh tijr sau day too thanh s6 nhidu kh6ng theo quy tac tr£n:


man (ngudi dan ong) men (nhitng ngudi dan ong)
woman (ngudi dan bd) women (nhitng ngitdi dan bd)
child (dita be) children (nhitng dita be)
goose (con ngdng) geese (nhitng con ngdng)
louse (con chdy) lice (nhitng con chdy)

ox (con bd) oxen (nhitng con bd)

foot (ban chan) feet (nhitng ban chan)
tooth (cai rdng)_ teeth (nhitng cai rdng)__

b. Vai danh tCr sau day co s6' it va sd nhi£u gidng nhau:

aircraft (may bay) craft (tdu, thuyen)

sheep (con cdu) trout (ca hoi)

deer (con nai) salmon (mot loai ca hoi)

swine (con Ion) plaice (ca bon sao)

grouse (ga ritng) carp (ca chep)

There are a lot of sheep grazing in the fields.

(Co nhieu citu dang gam co ngodi ddng.)
c. Vai danh tit co hinh thirc s6' ft (khOng tan ciing bang -s) nhung co nghTa s6'
nhidu (n£n dugc dung vdi ddng tir s<5 nhidu):
cattle (trau bd) clergy (gidi tu si)
people (ngudi ta) police (canh sat)
Cac vf du:
Many people are standing in front of the church.
(Nhieu ngudi dang ditng trude nha thd.)
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The police have arrested the robbers.

(Canh sat da bat bon cit&p.)
Nguoe lai, mOt s6 danh tCr luOn luOn cr hinh thtic sd nhi6u nhung c6 nghia s6 ft
(nOn thirong duoc dung vdi dOng tCr s6 ft):
news (tin tuc) barracks (trai linh)
summons (trat tda) species (chung, lodi)
billiards (bi-da) works (nha may)
The news is very bad today.
This is a summons for you to appear in court tomorrow.
(Day la trat ddi 6ng ra tda vao ngay mai.)

d. MOt s6 danh ttir chi c6 hinh thirc sO' nhi£u (lu6n duoc dilng vdi dOng tfir s6
- Quan ao g6m hai phÿn: pants (quan), pyjamas (do pijama), trousers (quan

ddi), jeans (quan jin),...
- Dung cu hoac thi6t bi g6m hai phdn: scissors (cai keo), glasses (kinh deo

mat), pincers (cay kim), sacles (cai can), binoculars (ong nhdm), tongs (cai kep),
spectacles (kinh deo mat),...
- M6t s6 danh til khac: arms (vu khi), earnings (tien kiern duoc), stairs (cau
thang), savings (tien tiei kiem), surroundings (vung phu can), riches (tai san),
goods (hang hoa), outskirts (vung ngoai 6), clothes (quan ao),...

e. MOt sO' danh tCr co ngu6n gOc tfr tiding Hy Lap hoSc Latin thubng c6 dang s6
nhi6u dac bidt theo luat cua tidng Hy Lap va Latin.
formula (cdng thuc) formulae, formulas

alumna (nCt sink) alumnae

vertebra (xitcmg sdhg) vertebrae, vertebras

focus (tieu chudn) foci, focuses

cactus (cay xuong rdng) cacti

fungus (nam) fungi, funguses


bacterium (vi khuan) bacteria

curriculum (chucmg trinh giang day) curricula
dictum (cham ngdn) dicta
datum (dQ lieu) data
criterion (tieu chudn) criteria
phenomenon (hien tuqng) phenomena
dogma (giao ly) dogmata
stigma (vet; dom) stigmata
basis (nen tang) -» bases

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crisis (cudc khung hoang) crises

analysis (suphan tich)
hypothesis (gia thuyet)
— > analyses
-» hypotheses
e. M6t s<5 danh tir c6 hai hinh thurc s6 nhi£u vdi nghia khac nhau:
a) brother (anh em) brothers (cdc anh em)
brethren (cdc dao huu)
b) cloth (vai voc) cloths (cdc manh, reo vai)
clothes (do quart )
c) genius (thien tai) geniuses (cdc thien tai)
genii (cdc vi than)

d) penny (dong xu le) pennies (cdc ddng xu le)
pence (tri gia bang xu)
e) head (cai dau) heads (nhvcng cai dau ngtfdi)

head (nhtfng cai dau thu)

[50 head of cattle]
HoSc chi co mdt hinh thurc s<5 nhi£u nhung co hai nghla khac nhau:
f) compass (cai la ban)
compasses (nhung cai la ban )
compasses (cai com-pa)
g) custom (phong tuc) customs (cdc phong tuc)

(the) customs (hai quan)

h) drawer (ngan keo) drawers (nhung cai ngan keo)
drawers (quan dui)

i) letter (la thu) letters (nhung la thu)

letters (van chucmg)

j) spectacle (canh tuffng) spectacles (nhung canh tuang)

spectacles (kinh deo mat)

d. Nhung danh tir sau day (co ngu6n g6c nude ngoki) tao th&nh s<5 nhidu theo
quy tac rifing:

analysis (suphan tich) - analyses

crisis (cudc khung hoang) - crises
hyprothesis (gia thuyet) - hypotheses
oasis (6c dao sa mac) - oases
parenthesis (dau ngoac dm) - parentheses
criterion (tieu chi) - criteria
phenomenon (hien tuctng) -phenomena
datum (dulieu) - data
stratum (tang l&p, giai cap) -strata
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e. Stf nhilu cua cdc danh tir ghep

- Trong hinh thurc danh tijf ghep danh tir + danh tir (noun + noun), thi danh tir
thi danh tir thur nhat thucrng cf dang stf ft vd danh tir thu hai dupe dtfi sang stf nhilu.
toothbrush (ban chai danh rang)
boy-friend (ban trai)
— » toothbrushes
-» boy-friends
ticket collector (ngtfdi soat ve) -» ticket collectors
- Trong hinh thurc danh tir ghep danh tir + trang tir (noun + adv), danh tir +
gioi tir + danh tir (noun + prep + noun), danh tir + tfnh tir (noun + adj), thi hinh
thuc stf nhilu duoc thanh lap vci danh tir dlu titfn.
passer-by (ngtfdi di dtfdng) -» passers-by

looker-on (ngtfdi xem) -> lookers-on
mother-in-law (me vo! chong) -> mothers-in-law
[cung co thi vitft mother-in-laws]
lady-in-waiting (thi nit) -» ladies-in-waiting

court-martial (tda an quan stf) — > courts-martial

[cung co thi vitft court-martials]
- Trong cac hinh thurc danh tur ghlp c6n lai: tinh tir + danh tir (adj + noun),
danh dtfng tir + danh tir (gerund + noun), dtfng tir + danh tir (verb + noun), v.v... thi
hinh thurc stf nhilu bitfn dtfi d thanh ph£n sau ciing.
blackboard (bang den) — » blackboards

washing machine (may giat) -> washing machines

pickpocket (ten moc tui) -» pickpockets
breakdown (stf suy sup) — > breakdowns

- Mtft stf danh tir bitfn dtfi ca hai thanh phtfn.

man driver (tai xi'nam) men drivers

woman doctor (bd bac si) — > women doctors

4.3. Cdch phdt dm duoi -s hodc -es (The pronunciation of -s or -es)

s dupe phdt am /s/ khi dung sau danh tir tan ciing b&ng k, p, t,f hodc am /e/.
cups, cats, books, beliefs, cloths, ...

s dupe phat am /z/ khi dung sau danh tir tan ciing b&ng nguytfn am a, e, i, o, u
va phu dm n, d, v, y, m, l, r, g, b.
toys, answers, lessons, legs, trees, knives, ends, dreams, hills, songs, ...
Es dupe phat am /iz/ khi diirng sau danh tir tan ciing bang s, x, ch, sh, z hodc khi
s dung sau ce, ge, se, ze.
watches, boxes, bridges, buses, crashes, buzzes, ...
4.4. Mdu thudn gitfa hinh thtic sd'vd nghla cua danh tit
a. Mtft stf danh tir co hinh thurc stf ft nhung co nghia stf nhilu (co thi dung veri
dtfng tir stf nhilu)
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army (quan dpi), police (canh sat), family (gia dinh), team (dpi), cattle (trail
bo), government (chinh phu), clergy (tu sy),....
b. Nguac lai, m$t s<5 danh tir ludn luAn a hlnh thurc s6 nhieu nhung co nghla sA'
it (dirge dung v6i dAng tCr s6 ft).
news (tin tifc), mumps (benh quai bi), measles (benh soi), rickets (benh edi
xicang), billiards (trd chcri bi-da), dominoes (trd chcri dd-mi-nd), ...
ID. CHtrc NANG CUA DANH TU (Functions of Nouns)
Danh t£r co th£ co nhQng chifc nSng khac nhau trong c3u. Danh tCr c6 the dupe
dung lam:
1. Chu ngu cua c£u (Subject of a sentence)

The boy plays football very well.
- (chu ngu)
Chu ngu la mAt danh tir, dai td hoSc mAt tir loai khac dugc dung nhu danh tir.
Chung luAn luAn chi ngudi, vat hoSc su vat va lam chu hanh dAng dien ta boi dAng


2. Tan ngu: true tie'p hoac gian tiep cua c£u (Direct object or Indirect
object of a sentence)

I saw the boy.
I (tan ngu true tiep)
- Tan ngu true tie'p cung la mAt danh tir, dai tir hoSc mAt tir loai khde dugc dung

nhu danh tir. Chung true tiep nhdn chiu hknh dAng do chit ngu tac dAng len. Tan
ngu true tie'p luAn co the dung dd tra led cAu hoi vdi Who?hoAc What? (I saw
who?/ Who did I see?)

I give the boy a new ball.

(tan ngir gian tiep)

- Tan ngu gian tie'p thucrng la mAt danh tir hoSc dai tir. Chung chi dA'i tugng co
quan he gian tie'p vefi hanh dAng cua chu ngir. Trong cAu tren, a new ball la tAn ngu

true tie'p.

3. TAn nguf cua gitfi tir (Object of a preposition)

They are talking about the football math.
[football math la tan ngu cua gidi tu: about]
Danh tir nao di sau gidi tir cung deu lam tan ngu cho gidd tu: do.
4. Bo ngu cua chu ngu (Subjective compement)
He is a computer programmer
- Bd ngu cua chu ngu (con goi la b6 ngu cua menh de - compement of the
clause) la danh tir, cum danh tir hoac tmh tir mA ta chu ngu. Bd ngu cua chu ngu
dugc dung sau dAng tir be va cac dAng tir lien ke't become, seem,feel, vv...
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5. Bo ngur cua tdn ngu (Objective complement)

They elected him president of the club.
- B6 ngd cua tan ngu Id danh td, cum danh td hodc tfnh tir mf> ta tan ngd.
6. M6t phdn cua ngur gidi td (Part of prepositional phrases)
He spoke in a different tone.
7. D6ng vi ngur vdi m6t danh td khdc (Appositive phrases: ngur d6ng vi)
He told us about his father, a general, who died in the war.
IV. sd HUtl CACH (Possessive/ Genitive Case)
E)£ di£n ta s6 huu cua ngucri hay thu vat (cud'n sach cua John, cai dudi cua con
mio), ngucri ta dilng sd huu each (genitive case).

1. Cach thanh lap sd huru each (The formation of the possessive case)
Sd huu edeh dupe thdnh lap bang edeh:
a. Them ’s vdo sau danh tir s6 ft vd danh tir s6 nhiÿu khdng tan cilng bang -j.

my father’s car. [= the car of my father] (xe 6 td cua cha tdi)

Mary’s dog [= the dog of Mary] (con cho cua Mary)
The bull’s horns [= the horns of the bull] (siing bd)
The children’s room [= the room of the children] (phdng cua bon tre)
Women’s clother [= the clother of women] (quan do phu nic)
b. Them ddu phdy (’) vdo sau cac danh tir s<5 nhi&i tan ciing bang -s.

my parents’ house [~ the house of my parents] (nha cua cha me tdi)

the Smith’s car [= the car of the Smiths] (xe 6 td cua gia dinh Smith )
a girls’ school [= a school of the girls]

( tricfoig hoc danh cho ndsinh; triidmg nit)

the eagles’ nest [= the nest of the eagles] (tS chim dqi bang)

c. Them *s hodc ddu phdy (f) vdo ede danh tir s6 ft hodc ten rieng tan cung
bang -s (nhung 's duoc dung ph6 bieh hon).

my boss’s office / my boss’ office (van phdng cua dng chu tdi)
Charles’s mother / Charles’ mother (me cua Charles)

Lim y: ede ten c6 di£n tan edng bdng -s thudng chi them ddu phdy (’)
Ex: Archimedes’ Law (dinh ludt Archimedes)
d. Vdi danh td ghdp, them ’s vdo tir cu6i edng.
my brother-in-law’s guitar
(cay ghi-ta cua anh re tdi)
The Commander-in-chief’s directions
(chi thi cua tSng tulenh)
e. *s cung c6 th£ dupe dilng sau ede cum tir.
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Henry the Eighth’s six wives.

(sau ngudi vacua vua Henry VIII.)
the man next door’s wife.
(ba cua ngitcri dan dng okeben nha.)
Jach anh Jill’s wedding.
(dam ca&i cua Jach va Jill.)
Ltru y: Khi sir dung sof huxi each, cac mao tir (a, an, the ) dung trude ngucri hay
vat ‘bi so huu’ phai dupe bo.
the daughter of the politician = the politician’s daughter
the plays of Shakespeare = Shakespeare’s plays

2. Caeh phat dm s a hinh thurc so huru:
Phat am nhu s ct danh tii s6 nhi£u.
a. Doc Isi sau nhung am phu am khOng rung:

Jack’s car (xe hoi cua Jack)
a cat’s claws (vuo't cua con meo)
Mrs. Smith’s dog.
b. Doc hi sau cac am nguydn am vd am phu am co rung:
The Crawford’s house (nha cua dng ba Crawford)
Pauk’s room

the teacher’s book.

c. Doc lizl sau cac am c6 tie'ng gi6:
Alice’s friends; my boss’s sister (Em gai cua dng chu toi).

Jame’s hat; George’s letter.

3. Cdch dung so huru each ’s va of + danh til (Use of the possessive and of +

a. each dung s6 huu c£ch

So huu edeh dupe ditng cho danh iCr chi t6n ngucti (John, Mary, Ann), danh ti*
chi vd ngudti (boy, children, doctor) vd thu vat (elephant, tiger,dog):

John’s car my fri end’s shirt the cat’s tail

Mary’s pens the children’s toys the lion’s cage
Danh tit chi chu so huu khong dupe la danh tur chi do vdt.
Khdng dupe noi: *the table ‘s leg.
Phai n6i: the leg of the table.
Nhung scr huu edeh c6 thi dupe dung vdi:
- Danh tCr chi tfin ede chau, qu<5c gia, thanh phd, tructng hoc:
Asia’s future (titang lai cua chau A)
California’s senators (cac nghi sy cua bang California)
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London’s water supply (he thd'ng cap nude dLudn Ddn)

The city’s representatives (cac dai bieu thanh phd')
The shool’s history (lich sucua trudng)
- Danh tit chi thuy£n, fc£, tku lira, m£y bay, xe hoi...
The ship’s name
The name of the ship J
14 ten con tau
The yacht’s mast
~y\cdtthuyen ~~|
The mast of the yacht
A plane’s wings
ddi canh may bay]
The wings of a plane

- Danh tit chi thbi gian, do lixcmg, ti&i bac, khoang c£ch
a week’s holiday (ki nghi dai mdt tuan)
today’s weather (thdi tiet hdm nay)

two hour’s walk (cudc di bd dai hai gid)
a moment’s hesitation (mdt giay lat luemg lu)

fifteen minutes’ break (nghi giai lao 15 phut)
a pound’s worth (gid tri mot bang Anh)
a ton’s weight (trong luemg mdt tan)
Vi khoang c£ch, nguoi ta c6 th£ noi ‘a hunder yards' distance \ tuy nhidn tit
feet lai khOng duoc dDng voti set hitu cich: phai n6i *a hundred feet distance ’

(khoang edeh 100 b6 Anh).

Ddi khi d£u ph£y ductc bo di:

twenty years time (thdi gian hai mud nam)

a thiry miles march (cudc diiu hanh ddi 30 dam)

Thay vl diing sfr huu edeh, ngudi ta c6n c6 thi diing tfnh tit k£p (compound
A two-hour walk (cudc di bd ddi hai gid)

A five-minute talk (bai ndi chuyin ddi nam phut)


A ten-day visit (cudc vieng thdm ddi mudi ngay)

- Danh tit nhan c£ch h6a (chu danh tit duoc vi£t hoa):
Fortune’s smile (nu cudi cua thdn tdi)
Sorrow’s tears (nhung giot nude mdt cua sudau khS)
Duty’s call (tieng goi cua bSn phan)
The Ocean’s anger (sugian ditcua bien cd)
The Sun’s rays (tia ndng mat trdi)
- Mdt s6' c&c cum tif thdng dung:
at a yard’s distance (khoang edeh mdt thude Anh)
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at death’s door (sap chit)
at one’s wit’s end (hit dieting xoay sti)
at one’s fingers’ end (thanh thao)
within a stone’s throw (Ice bin)
a hair’s breadth escape (thoat trong dieting take toe)
out of harm’s way (thoat khoi die'u tai hai)
to one’s heart’s content (hai Idng)
va trong cac cum tir nhu:
for God’s sake (vi Idng kinh Chua)
for children’s sake (vi Idngyeu tre)

for peace’s sake (vi long yiu hda binh)
- So huu each thuemg c6 th4 dilng veri danh dOng tCr:
The dog’s barking (tieng chd sua)
The train’s being late made me miss an appointment.

Tau lua den trl lam tdi When)

Nhung khdng dupe dung vdi cic tinh tit dilng nhu danh tir (the blind, the rick,
the poor):
Khdng noi : *the blind’s country
Phdi noi : the country of the blind.

- Set huu cich (’s) la each diing bat bu6c khi danh tir chi chu s6 huu ia ten
ngufri (Tom, Susan, John,...)
John’s house (NOT the house of London)

But: The house of London (NOT London’s houses)

- Co th£ dilng so huu each (’s) mk khdng co danh ttir chmh theo sau khi:

+ Danh tir chmh Ik m6t trong ckc tir shop, school, house, church, hospital,
office, surgery,firm,

He is going to the doctor’s. [= the doctor’s surgery)

(Anh ta se di bac si.)

We had lunch at Bill’s. [= Bill’s house]

(Chung tdi an trua tinha Bill.)
+ Danh tir chmh da dupe n6i de'n trude hoac sap dupe noi de'n.
Tliis isn’t my book. It’s my brother’s. [= my brother’s book]
(Day khdng phdi la sach cua tdi. Day la sach cua anh tdi.)
b. Qch dung of+ danh tir (of + noun)
So him vdi of thudng dupe dilng cho danh tir chi su vat (things) hoac <] tuerng
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the roof of the church [NOT the church’s roof]
(mdi nha thd)
the result of the match [NOT the match’s result]
(ket qua cua tran dau)
the keys of the car [NOT the-ear!s keys]
(chia khoa otd)
Ddi khi c6 thi dung cdu true danh tit+ danh tit (noun + noun)
the church roof, the match result, the car keys.
Ngo&i ra ca'u true of + danh til con cd th£ duoc dung v6i:
- Danh tit co a! an dimgtrudc.
I’m a big fan of Sting.

[NOT Sting’s a big fan]
(Toi rat ham mdt Sting)
- Cac tit the beginning! end! top! bottom!front! back! part! middle! side! edge.
the top of the page [NOT the page’s top]

(dau trang)

The beginning of the month (dau thang)
- Danh tit chi ngucri khi theo sau danh tit d6 la mdt cum tit hoac mdnh d6.
Ex: The children obeyed the directions of the man with a whistle.
(Bon tre lam theo sit chi dan cua ngudi dan ong cam cdi.)
I took the name card of a girl I met on the train.

(Tdi da xin danh thiep cua cd gai ma tdi gap tren xe Ida.)
Liru y: d6i khi chung ta c6 \hi gap ca hai cSfu true ’s v& of trong cimg mdt cau.
each so hiiu nay duoc goi la so hiru each k6p (double possessive).

We saw a play of Shaw’s. = We saw one of Shaw’s plays.

(Chung tdi da xem mdt vd kich cua Shaw.)

V. GidNGCOA DANH TtT (Gender of nouns)

1. Trong tieng Anh c6 bon giong.

a. Gidhgduc (Masculine): man, boy (con trai), horse (ngita due), lion (sutdditc)

b. Giong cdi (Feminine): woman (dan ba), girl (cd gdi), mare (ngita cdi),
lioness (su tit cdi)
c. Gidhg chung (common) dilng cho ca nam lln nu: parent (cha, me), cousin
(anh ho, chi ho, em ho), friend (ban), teacher (giao vien), student (sinh vien).
d. Trung tlnh (Neuter): book, table.
2. each lap thanh danh tit giong cai (Ways of Forming the Feminines of
a. Thdm -ess vao sau danh tit gitfng due (cd (hi c6 thay d6i c1 phÿn cudi cua tit

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Giong dire Giong c£i
poet (thi si) poetses (niithi si )
actor (diin vien) actress (nit diin vien)
author (tac gia) authoress (nit tac gia)
god (vi than) goddess (nit than)
heir (ngudi thita ke) heiress (nit thita ke)
host (chii tiec) hostess (nit chu tiec)
steward (tiep vien hang khdng) stewardess (nit tiep vien)
waiter (ngudi hau ban) waitress (nit hau ban)
emperor (hoang de) empress (hoang hau)

prince (hoang tit) princess (edng chua)
negro (dan dng da den) negress (dan ba da den)
manager (ong giant doc) managerss (nit giam doc)
lion (sU tic due) lioness (su tit cai)

master (6ng thay) mistress (co giao)

tiger (cop due) tigeress (cop cai)
duke (edng tude) duchess (ba edng tude)
marquess (hau tude) marchioness (ba hau tude
coun/earl (ba tude) countess (ba ba tude)
viscount (tit tude) viscountess (ba tit tude)

baron (nam tude) baroness (ba nam tude)

Hai truerng hop ngoai 16 trong d6 danh tir giOng dire duoc tao th&nh tit gidng c£i
to bride (c6 dau) - bridegroom (ch&ng r£) vh widom (din ba gda chdng) -

widower (d&n Ong goa va). \to trudng hop dac biot: hero (anh hhng) - heroine (nu
anh hung).

b. C6 hinh thurc giOng due va giOng edi khde han nhau:

boy (dita con trai) girl (dita con gdi)

man (dan dng) woman (dan ba)

sir (dng) madam (ba)

king (nha vua) queen (hoang hau)

father (cha) mother (me)
grandfather (dng noi) grandmother (ba noi)
husband (chSng) wife (va)
bachelor (trai chua va) spinster (gdi chua chdng)
horse (ngua)
stallion (ngua due) mare (ngua cai)
bull (bddue) cow (bo cai)
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cock (ga trd'ng) hen (ga mdi)
buck (hum due) doe (hum cai)
colt (ngua con due) filly (ngua con cai)
stag (nai due) hind (nai cai)
boar (Ion due) sow (lan cai)
gentleman (ngudi dan dng quy phdi) lady (ngudi dan ba quy phdi)
son (con trai) daughter (con gai)
uncle (chii, bac) aunt (cd, di)
monk (dng su, thdy tu) nun (ni cd)
tutor (thdy day kem) governess (cd day kem)

wizad (dng phu thuy) witch (ba phd thuy)
drake (vit due) duck (vit cai)
gander (ngdng due) goose (ngdng cai)
dog (cho due) bitch (chd cai)

fox (chSn due) vixen (chSn cai)

c. D<5i vdri nhung danh tCr chi ca hai giOng (common gender), khi c&i thie't c6
the phan biet giOng bang each ghep vbi cac danh tit chi gidng khac:
boy friend (ban trai) girl friend (ban gai)
boy cousin (anh em ho) girl cousin (chi em ho)
cock sparrow (chim se due) hen sparrow (chim se cai)

peacock (con edng trd'ng) peahen (con edng cai)

tomcat (meo due) tabby cat (meo cai)
he-bear (gau due) she-bear (gau cai)

he-wolf (soi due) she-wolf (soi cai)

he-goat (de due) she-goat (de cai)

landlord (dng chu nha) landlady (ba chu nha)

M6t vai danh tCr chi ngh£ nghifcp, do thudng dupe gan cho mOt phai tfnh khi edn

lam ro c6 thd diing kem vdi danh tit chi gitfng nhu male, woman:
nurse (y ta [thudng duoc hi£u la nu: ta])

male nurse (nam y ta)

engineer (ki su) [thudng dupe hidu ia nam kT su]
woman engineer (nit ki su)
MCt s<5 danh tit nhu policeman, businessman cd hinh thtic gitfng cai
policewoman, businesswoman, trong khi mdt s6 danh tir khde (fireman, milkman,
chairman...) chi co hinh thuc diing chung duy nhdt cho ca hai gitfng. Ngay nay co
m6t khuynh hudng mdi diing chairperson d£ thay cho chairman (chu toa).


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1. Khi cac danh tilr chi ca hai gih'ng (friend, teacher, doctor, writer, musician...),
dai tir thay the' khi cdn thiet la he - him:
If any student calls, please tell him I’ll come back soon.
( Neu cd sinh vien nao goi, lam cm bao toi se trd lai ngay.)
2. D6'i vdri thu vat 16n hoSc gdn gui vofi ngucfi (bull, cow, lion, tiger, horse, dog,
cat), dai tuf dung d£ thay the' la he hoac she tuy theo gid'ng cua chung, hoSc dung it
khi khbng bi6t gid'ng (do khdng quen thudc vdi chung):
A hen with a dozen chickens around her.
(M6t ga mdi vdi mudi hai ga con quanh no.)
3. Ten cac qu6c gia thuemg dugc thay the' bang it:

Looking at the map we see France here. It is one of the largest countries of
Europe. ( Nhin ban do chung ta thay nude Phap d day. Do la mot trong
nhung quoc gia l&n dchdu Au.)
Tuy nhien khi noi de'n khla canh kinh t£, chinh tri, quan su hodc di bi£u thi sir

yeu men (affecition) hoac than thu6c (familiarity), chung thuemg dugc thay the'
bang she - her:

England and her fleet
( Nude Anh va ham dpi cua no)
England has done what she promised to do.
( Nude Anh da lam nhung gi no htia.)

4. Danh tir chi d6 vat nha't la cac phircng tien van chuye’n, noi chd'n, khdi niem
co the mang gidng due hay giO'ng edi qua su nhan each h6a (personification). Cach
dung nay thuemg dugc tha'y trong thuemg dam va trong 16'i n6i bong bdy di dien ta

su yeu me'n:
Do you like Paris? Ah yes! She’s a queen among cities.

How’s your old car? Oh, she’s running like a dream these days.
[Ne'u chu xe 1d phu nu, she c6 th£ d6i thdnh he]

5. Nhung danh tir chi nhung vat manh me va nhung y ni£m khung khie'p

thuemg dugc dung gid'ng due:

day (ngay) death (tit than)
the sun (mat trdi) time (thdi gian)
war (chien tranh) summer (mua he)
autumn (miia thu) winter (mua ddng)
6. Nhung danh tir chi nhung vat va nhung <y niem dep de, duyen ddng thuimg
dugc dung gidng cai:
night (dem) the Moon (mat trang)
the Earth (qua dat) liberty (tu do)

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freedom (tudo) peace (hda binh)
sping (mua xuan)
Tau thuy, ten th&nh phd, ten xu:, w...
The Thames glides at his will. (Sdng Thames chdy em dim.)
The Moon gave her silvery light. (Trang chieu ong dnh nhubac.)
VI. SIT TITONG HOP GltJA CHU NGtT VA D0NG Ttt (Subject and Verb
Trong tieng Anh, chu ngu v& ddng tit phai tuong hop vdi nhau.
1. Ddng tiir so it (Singular verbs)
D6ng tit s6 ft thircmg duoe dilng khi chu ngu* la:

a. Danh tir ddm duoc s6 ft (singular noun) hoSc danh tit kh6ng de'm duoc
(uncountable noun).
This book is very interesting.
(Cud'n sack nay rat hay.)

Traffic is always busy at this time of day.

(Vdo thdi diem nay trong ngdy xe cd ludn ddng due.)
b. Hai danh tit (noun) n<5i vdi nhau bang and ciing chi \i m6t ngucti, m6t vatÿ
hoac m6t y tucmg.
My best friend and adviser, Tom, is arriving tonight.
(Tom, ngudi ban than kiem cd'van cua tdi se den td'i nay.)

Bread and butter is my favorite breakfast food.

(Banh mi [va] bo la mon diem tam tdi thich nhdt.)
c. Each! Every! Either! Neither + danh tit sd ft (singular noun)

Every seat has a number.

(Mdi ghedeu co sd.)

Come on Tuesday or Thursday. Either day is OK.

(Hay den vao thicBa hoac thti Ndm. Ngdy ndo ciing duoc.)

Each door is different colour.

(Mdi canh cua cd mau sac khde nhau.)

- Each! Every! Either! Neither! Any! None + of + danh th/ dai tit sd nhi£u
(plural noun/ pronoun)
Each of the houses is slightly different.
(Mdi ngoi nha hoi khde nhau.)
Neither of the oranges is ripe.
(Cd hai trai cam deu chua chin.)
Is any of these old maps worth keeping?
(Co tam ndo trong nhCtng tam ban dS cu nay can giulai khdng?)

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None of my friends lives near me.
(Khong ngudi nao trong sd' ban be cua tdi sd'ng gdn nha tdi.)
Either of the books I bought yesterday is interesting.
(Cd hai cuon sach tdi mua hdm qua deu hay.)
Liru y: neither of, none of, any of + danh tdi dai tUsd'nhiiu ciing co thd dilng
vcfi dCng tit sd nhidu.
None of my friends lives/ live near me.
- Each/ Every + danh tit s6 ft + and + each / every + danh tir sd ft
Each boy and each girl has an English book.
(Mdi nam sink va nit sink deu co mdt cud'n sach tiengAnh.)
d. More than one + danh tir ddm dircrc s6 ft (singular count noun)

More than one person has know the news.
(Nhieu ngtfdi da biet tin nay.)
- One of + danh tit s6 nhi6u (plural noun)

One of my friends is going to Honolulu next week.

(Tuan ten, mdt trong nhifrig ngudi ban cua tdi se di Honolulu.)
e. Everything, everybody, anything, nothing, nobody, everyone, something,
somebody, no one! none, someone, anyone, anybody, somewhere, anywhere,
Everything looks bright and clean.

(Moi thii co ve sang sita va sach se.)

Someone is knocking at the door.
(Co ai do dang go ciia.)

f. M6t sd danh tit co dang sd nhi6u nhung co nghla sd ft:

- News (tin tdc)

- Mdn hoc hoac mdn thd thao: mathematics (todn hoc), physics (vat ly),
economics (kinh te'hoc), politics (chinh tri hoc), linguistics (ngdn ngd hoc),

genetics (di truyen hoc), athletics (mdn dien kinh)...

- Tro choi: billards (trd chcd bi-da), darts (trd nem phi tieu), dominoes (trd

chcd dd-mi-nd),...
- Bdnh: measles (benh sdi), mumps (benh quai bi), rickets (benh edi xtfctng),...
- Qudc gia: the Philippines (nude Philippine), the United States (Hoa Ky),
Wales (xic Wale),...
Physics is more difficult than chemistry.
(Mdn ly kho hem mdn hoa.)
The news was worse than I had expected.
(Tin titc xdu hem tdi nghT.)


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Liru y: mdt sd' t£r tAn ciing bang —ics c6 the duoc dCing vdi ddng til sd' it hoAc sd'
Politics is a complicated business.
(Chinh tri la mdt boat ddng phiic tap.)
What are your politics?
(Quart diem chinh tri cua anh la the nao?)
g. Khoang each, khoang then gian va sd' ti6n (distance, time and money)
Twenty miles is a long way to walk.
(Hai muoi dam Id mdt quang dudng dai neu di bd.)
A thousand dollars is a large sum of money.
(Mot ngan dd la mdt sd'tien Icm.)

Ten seconds was the winner’s time.
(Then gian cua ngudi thang gidi la 10 gidy.)
h. T6n cua m6t cu6n sach, m6t bai bao, mdt cau chuydn, mdt bd phim,

v.v...(title of a book, an article, a story, a film,...)

Tom and Jerry is very well known all over the world.
(Phim Tom va Jerry ’ ndi tidng khap the' gidi.)
The Arabian Nights has delighted many generations.
(Truyen ‘Nghin le mdt dem ' da lam say m6 nhi£u the' he.)
i. Mdt mdnh d6, mdt danh ddng til, v.v...(a clause, gerund,...)

That you get very high grades in school is necessary.

(Dieu can thiet la ban dat diem cao dtritcmg.)
Smoking is harmful to your health.

(Hut thud'c co hai cho siic khde cua ban.)

2. Dong tir so nhieu (Plural verbs)

Ddng til sd' nhieu thuong duoc dCmg khi chu ngu 1A:
a. Danh tir s6 nhieu (plural noun)

These books are very interesting.

(Nhibig cud'n sach nay rat hay.)

The goods have been sent to you direct from our factory.
(Hang dd duoc gui thang den cho ban tit nha may cua chung tdi.)
b. Hai danh tir (noun) nCfi vdi nhau bang and chi hai ngudi, hai vat hoac hai sir
vat khde nhau.
My best friend and my adviser are arriving tonight.
(Ban than cua tdi va edvdn cua tdi td'i nay se den.)
Water and oil don’t mix.
(Nude va dau khong the hda tan vdi nhau.)

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c. The + tfnh t£r (adjective) # danh tCr (noun)
The rich are not always happy.
(Ngudi gidu khdng phai luc ndo cung hanh phuc.)
After the accident, the injured were taken to hospital.
(Sau tai nan, nhitng ngucri bi thucmg dupe dua vao benh vien.)
d. Some, a few, both, many, a lot of, all,... + danh tir s<5 nhieu (plural noun)
Some books I bought yesterday are in English.
(Mot so'sach tdi da mua hom qua la sach tii'ng Anh.)
AH the seats have a number.
(Tat ca cac ghi'deu co so.)

e. Cac danh tit tap hop police, people, cattle.
The police have warned motorists to take extra care.
(Canh sat canh bao nhitng ngu&i di xe may phai hit site can than.)
[NOT The police has warned...]

The cattle are suffering from a disease called BSE.

(Bd dang bi mdt can benh goi Id BSE.)
3. Dpng tit so It hay so nhieu? (Singular or plural verbs?)
a. Cac danh tir tap hop (collective nouns) nhu: family, team,government, staff,
class, firm, crowd, public, orchestra, club, committee, audience, band, the BBC, ...
(ngoai trir police, people, cattle) c6 thi dupe dilng ved ddng tir s6 ft hoac s6 nhilu

(thy theo y ngucri noi mubn di6n dat).

- Danh tir tap hop di v6i dOng tir s<5 ft n£u ngucri n6i xem tap hop nay nhu mpt

t6ng th£ hay m6t don vi duy nha't.

- Danh tir tap hop di vdi dOng tir s6 nhi6u n£u ngucri noi mudn nhah manh d6'n

cric thanh phrin hoac bp phan cua tap hop nky.

Our team is the best. It has a good chance of winning.
(Ddi chimg tdi la hay nhdt. D6i chung tdi co cahdi thdng tran.)-> dpi bdng.

Our team are wearing their new jerseys. (Ddi bdng cua chung tdi mac do

mdi.) -» tat ca cac criu thu trong dpi

My family have decided to move to Nottingham. (Gia dinh tdi quyet dinh
don din Nottingham.) -» cac thhnh vi6n trong gia dinh
The average British family has 3.6 members. (Gia dinh Anh trung binh co
3,6 thanh viin.) -> gia dinh (n6i chung)
Trong tiPng Anh cua ngucri My (American English), dpng tir sP ft thudrng dupe
dung vpi cric danh th trPn trong ta't ca cac truring hop (family co Ihi co dpng tir s6
nhiPu). Dai tir s6 nhifiu c6 thd dimg.
The team is in Detroit this weekend. They have a good chance of winning.
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b. Hai danh tit/ dai tCr k6t hap vdi nhau bang: with, along with, as well as,
together with, accompanied by, in addition to dOng tur duoc chia vdi danh tCr/
dai tvr thi3r nh&'t.
Noun, + with/ along with/as well as... + Noun2 + Verb (Noun,)
The Managing Director, together with his heads of department, is coming to
the meeting. (Gidm doc dieu hdnh ciing vdi cac trudng ban se den du hop.)
The horses as well as the horse-breaker are in the racecourse now. (Hien
gid, nhitng con ngua cung nhu ngitdi day ngtfa dang d trudng dua.)
c. Hai danh tit/ dai tCr k£t hop vdi nhau bang: or, either ... or, neither ... nor, not
... but, not only ...but also # d6ng tir duoc chia theo danh tir/ dai tir thur hai.

Either or
Neither + Noun, + nor + noun2+ Verbs (noun2)
No but

Not only but also

The room is too crowded - two chairs or a table has to be moved out.
(Can phdng qua chat - hai cai ghehoac mdt cai ban phai duac chuyen ra
Either you or I am right. (Ca anh va tdi deu dung.)
Neither she nor her daughters have arrived.

(Ca ba ay Ian cac con gai cua ba ay deu chua den.)

Not tom but his parents live here.

(Khdng phdi Tom ma la cha me anh ay sd'ngdday.)

Not only the bathroom but also the rest of the house was flooded.

(Khdng chi phdng tarn ma toan bo ngdi nha deu bi ngap nude.)
Khi hai danh tir s<5 ft duoc k£l hop bang neither ... nor thl dOng tir thirbng chia 6
s<5 nhifeu, nhitng d6ng tir s6 ft cung cd thl duoc dilng trong 16i van trang trong.

Neither she nor her daughter have arrived, (informal)


Neither she nor her daughter has arrived, (formal)

d. The number of + danh tir s<5 nhilu (plural noun) -» ddng tir chia 6 s6 ft
(singular verb)
The number of books stolen from the library is large.
(Sd'sach bi lay cdp d thu vien rat l&n.)
A number of + danh tir s6 nhilu (plural noun) -» d6ng tit chia s<5 nhilu (plural
A number of problems have arise.
(Mdt so van de da nay sinh.)

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e. Chu tir lk m6t cum danh tir duoc k£t hop bori hai danh tir > ddng tir chia vdi
danh tCr thur nMt.
Noun, + preposition + Noun2 + Verb (Noun,)
A box of cigarettes contains 20 pipes.
(Mdt hdp thuoc la co 20 dieu.)
The effects of stress are very serious.
(NhCtng dnh hitcmg cua viec cdng thdng than kinh la rat nghiem trong.)
f. Cac tir nhu all, some, none, part, half, most, plenty, a lot, lots, majority,
minority, the last, the rest, the remainder + of duoc dilng vdi:
- D6ng tit s6' ft n£u danh tCr theo sau a s6 ft.

- D6ng tit sd nhi£u n£u danh tit theo sau ct s6 nhilu.
All, Some, Plenty, + singular Noun singular Verb
+ OF

Half, Part, Alot,... + plural Noun -» plural Verb

Some of the apples were rotten.
(Mdt vai qua tao da bi thoi.)
Some of the milk was sour.
(Mot it sita da bi chua.)
A lot of time is needed to learn a language.

(Hoc mdt ngdn ngit can rat nhii'u then gian.)

A lot of my friends want to emigrate.

(Nhieu ngudi ban cua tdi mudh di cu.)

g. No + danh tir stf ft (singular noun) -> ddng tut chia 6 s<5 ft (singular verb)

No + danh tir s6 nhi£u (plural noun) -> dOng tir chia s6 nhieu (plural verb).
No student is to leave the room.

(Khdng mot sinh vien nao ditac ra khoi phdng.)

No people think alike.

(Khdng ai suy nghTgiong ai.)

h. Trong cum tb There + be ..., dOng tir be phai tuerng hop vdi chu tir that (real
subject) duong ngay sau no.
There is a lot of noise in the street.
(Co nhieu tieng Sn ngoai du&ng.)
There were many people in the waiting room.
(Co nhie'u «
trong phdng dpi.)

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1. Give the plural of:

1. wife 11. child 21 . roof 31. knife 41. box
2. bus 12. bee 22. thief 32. bamboo 42. class
3. key 13. man 23. tray 33. piano 43. wish
4. lady 14. woman 24. loaf 34. spy 44. fly
5. church 15. brother 25. ox 35. scratch 45. potato
6. pen 16. brush 26. mouse 36. proof 46. handkerchief
7. wolf 17. torch 27. louse 37. ass 47. shelf

8. town 18. life 28. half 38. donkey 48. cliff
9. city 19. axe 29. match 39. inch 49. goose
10. tooth 20. shirt 30. sheep 40. foot 50. fish

2. Which of the following nouns are countable and which are uncountable?

air darkness hole soup
lesson sunshine sleep cream
daytime music
tennis •
dirt hair smoke butter
news dress poetry meat

3. Complete the following sentences with the below nouns in the order given
making the noun plural if necessary.
water road intelligence clay quality

shoe brush smoke carelessness banana

1. He drank two cups of

2. Two fine new have been built.

3. My two brothers are good at football, but i don’t admire their

4. I started work with two balls of

5. I have bought a new pair of

6. The two boxes were full of

7. The from the two fires made me cough.
8. The essay was spoilt by two bad examples of
9. These two people have completely diferent ..
10. Mother bought a bunch of yesterday.
4. Which of the underlined part of these sentences is correct?
1. Did you hear noise/ a noise just now?
2. Thre was somebody in the house because there was light/ a light on inside.
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3. What would it be like to travel at the speed of light/ a light?
4. I didn’t have time/a time for breakfast.
5. We had wonderful time/ a wonderful time in Paris.
6. It’s very difficult to find a work/ job at the moment.
7. They offered me a job because I had a lot of experience/ experiences.
8. Haven’t I got a paper/ any paper to write on.
9 . Bad news don’t/ doesn’t make people happy.
1 0. We had very good weather/ a very good weather while we were on holiday.
11. Your hair is/ Your hairs are too long. You should have it/ them cut.
1 2. Let me give you an advice/ a piece of advice.

1 3. The house is built of stone/ stones.
1 4. If you want to know the news, you can read paper/ a paper.
15. E-mail is a relative new mean/ means of communication.

5. Form compound nouns or word groups express the following phrases. The
first one is done as an example

1 . A knife for cutting paper =A paper knife
2. A glass for holding wine
3. A box for holding wine
4. A desk for writing at

5. A man whose profession is lending money

6. A machine for washing clothes
7. A wall made of brick

8. A room where you have meals

9. A room in which you sleep

10. A man who gets coal out of the ground

6. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate noun. The first one is done as an


1. His job is to put out fires. We call him a fireman.

2. Oh dear, these’s a leak in my water pipe; I’ll have to call the

3. A woman becomes a on her wedding-day and a thereafter.
4. When a woman becomes engaged, her fiancd refers to her as his
5. Josephine was a celebrated of the French.
6. A man who has never been married is a
7. A woman refers to her husband’s father as her
8. George Washington is the first .of the United States.
9. A young duck is called a ...
10. A is a doctor who specializes in treating children’s illnesses.
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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website chia sẻ đề thi, tài liệu Tiếng Anh hay, mới nhất
7. Express by using the possessive form in the blank space
1. That house belongs to my sister. That is my
2. I live very near here. I live a from here.
3. I bought potatoes to the value of five pence. I bought a . of potatoes.
4. I have enough work here to last me for a week. I have a . here.
5. He borrowed a book belonging to me. He borrowed a ...
6. We set out on our journey on a cold morning in winter. We set out on our
journey on a cold
7. After climbing for two hours we were glad to take a rest for a few minutes.
After a we were glad to take a

8. Here are the football results for today. Here are
9. He wanted some meat, so he went to the
10. The discussion lasts for an hour and a half. It is an

8. Choose the right answer.
1. It’s important to brush your ... at least twice a day.
.. . . .. .. .. . .
a. tooth b. teeth c. tooths d. toothes
2. We have a lot of near our house causing pollution.
a. factorys b. factores c. factories d. factoris
3. There are a number of interesting at my party.

a. people b. persons c. peoples d. person

4. Have you ever seen the new in that shop next door?
a. radioes b. radies c. radioses d. radios

5. They’ve put some lovely in the city park.

a. benchs b. benchies c. benches d. bench

6. We usually buy three of bread at the weekend.

a. loaves b. loafs c. loafes d. loave

. of bread at the weekend.

6. We usually buy three
a. loaves b. loafs
.. ... .. .
c. loafes d. loave

7. You’re really afraid of . aren’t you?

a. mouses b. mice c. mices d. mouse

8. Those cows have got their with them.
a. calfs b. calfes c. scarves d. calves
9. We’ve bought some new . to wear.
a. clothies b. cloths c. clothes d. cloth
10. They had to mend the .. of the houses after the storm.
a. roofes b. rooves c. roofs d. roofs

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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website chia sẻ đề thi, tài liệu Tiếng Anh hay, mới nhất
11. The nursery has places for 30
a. childs b. childes c. childrens d. children
12. We saw a flock of grazing in the fields.
a. sheep b. sheeps c. sheepes d. ships
13. The farmer kept a flock of
a. goose b. gooses c. geese d. geeses

a. photoes
15. Some types of ......
14. Do you like these
b. photos

cause diseases.
c. photo

a. bacterium b. bacteriums c. bacterias

d. photoies


9. Choose the correct form of the verb, singular or plural.
1. The results of Dr. Noll’s experiment was / were published in a scientific

2. One of your children has / have lost a shoe.
3. A number of police officers here works / work with dogs.

4. There is /are some interesting pictures in today’s paper.
5. No two teams wear the same. Each team wears / wear a diffirent color.
6. Every man, woman, and child is / are protected under the law.
7, The cattle is /are going to be sold with the farm.

8. An officer and his dog has /have to work closely together.

9. My cat as well as may dogs likes / like cat food.
10. Gymnastics is /are an easy lesson at school.

11. The trousers you bought for me doesn’t / don’t fit me.
12. Where do /does your family live ?

13. Three days isn’t /aren’t long enough for a good holiday.
14. My cousin, along with my aunt and uncle, works / work in my grandpa’s

hardware store.
15. Measles is /are cured without much difficulty nowadays.

16. The United Nations has / have its headquarters in New York.
17. Neither the moon nor stars is /are visible in this dark night.
18. Why isn’t / aren’t there a hospital close to those villages?
19. The staff at the school wasn’t / weren’t happy with their working condition .

20. The news on the radio and TV stations confirms / confirm that a serious
storm ia approaching our city.
10. Supply the correct form (singular or plural) of the verb in brackets.
1. The Philippines (have) signed the new human rights agreement.

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2. (Be) bacon and eggs what you usually eat?

3. The police (think) that more than one person .(be) in the

stolen car.
4. The majority of childrent’s parents (be) unemployed.
5. Everyone (be) pleased with her answer.
6. None of my brothers (remember) my mother’s birthday.
7. Both of these shirts .. (be) dirty.
8. Fifty minutes (be) the maximum length of time allowed for the
9. Some of my friends..

.. .. .. .. ..
(live) abroad.

10. Ann, along with her friends (be) playing volleyball.
11. 1 wonder if either of those alternatives (be) a good idea.
12. A lot of the students in the class (be) from Southeast Asia.
13. Alex, as well as his two older brothers, (have) a good full-time job.

14. Two - thirds of the money (be) mine.
15. The Chinese

h. .(have) an interesting history.

11. What do we call these things and people? Use the structure noun + noun.
1. A station from which trains leave is a train station.
2. Shoses made of leather are

3. A boy who is five years old is

4. Clothes for working in are
5. Somebody whose job is to inspect factories is

6. The carpet in the dining room is .

7. The Director of Maketing is

8. A bottle containing medicine and made of glass is

9. Shops that sell shoes are

10. A card that gives you credit is

12. Answer the question using two of the following words each time.

accident belt card credit editor trying forecast newspaper

number pan road room seat shop weather window _
1. This can be caused by bad driving. A road accident.
2. If you’re staying at a hotel, you need to remember this. Your
3. You should wear this when you’re in a car. A
4. You can sometimes use this to pay for things instead of cash. A
5. If you want to know if it’s going to rain, you can read or listen to this. Tlhe

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6. This person is a top journalist. A
7. You might stop to look in this when you’re walking along a street. A

8. This can be used for cooking. A

13. Complete the sentences, using one of the following. Sometimes you need
the singular (day / page...) and sometimes the plural (days / pages...).
15minute(s) twohour(s) fiveday(s) 60minute(s)
six mile(s) 500 year(s) 20 pound(s) ten page (s)
450 page (s) two year(s) five course(s) 15 year (s) old
1. It’s quite a long book. There are 450 pases.

2. A few days ago I received a ten - pase letter.
3. 1 didn’t have any change. I only had a note.
4. At work in the morning I usually have a ... break for coffee.

5. There are in an hour.
6. It’s only a . flight from London to Madrid.

7. It was a big meal. There were
8. Mary has just started a new job. She’s got a contract.
10. 1 work
9. The oldest building in the city is the old castle.
a week. Saturday and Sunday are free.

11. We went for a walk in the country.

12. 1 teach English for two girls.
14. Join the two (or three) nouns. Sometimes you have to use - ‘s or -s’; and

sometimes you have to use of.

1. the mistake / the policeman the policeman ’s mistake

2. the bottom/ the bottle the bottom of the bottle

3. The doughter/ Mr Hill

4. the name/ this street


5. the gardens/ our neighbors

6. the children/ Don and Mary
7. the wedding/ the friend/ Helen
8. the ground floor/ the building
9. the car/ the parents/ Mike
10. the economic policy/ the government
11. the money/ the gangsters
12. the tail/ the horse
13. the house/ the people we met in Spain

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14. the arm/ the chair
15. the monthly meeting/ the club
16. the work/ last year
17. the death/ someone important
18. the middle/ the night
19. the room/ my sisters
20. the door/ the garage
15. Put into the possessive case:
1. The dog of the doctor.
2. The bags of the ladies.

3. A journey of a day.
4. The fan of Aunt Sally.
5. The books of Mr. Smith an Mr. Jones.

6. The shop of my uncle John the butcher.
7. The votes of the people.

8. An interval of two weeks.
9. The umbrella of the man.
10. The clothes of the men.
11. The teacher of James.

12. The clothes of the boys.

13. The coat of the boy.
14. The club of the women.

15. The orders of the Commander-in-Chief

16. The name of my sister-in-law.

17. The poems of Keats.

18. The toys of my children.

19. The car of my father.

20. The car of my parents.

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Chucmg 2

I. BINH NGHlA (Definition)

Dai tir 1& ttr citing thay the' cho danh tCr (A pronoun is a word used instead of
a noun).
II. CAC LOAI DAI TIT (Kinds of pronouns)

Dai tir ducrc phan chia thanh chin loai nhir sau:
1. Dai tir nhan ximg (personal pronouns)
2. Dai ttr scr him (prossessive pronouns)
3. Dai tir phan than (reflexve pronouns) & dai ttr nhah manh (emphatic


4. Dai ttr phie'm chi (demonstrative pronouns)
5. Dai ttr nghi van (interrogative pronouns)
6. Dai ttr lien he (relative pronouns)
7. Dai ttr phan b<5 (distributive pronouns)
8. Dai ttr bat dinh (indefinite pronouns)

9. Dai ttr h6 tirong (reciprocal pronouns)

1. Dai ttr nhan ximg (Personal pronouns)

Dai tit nhan ximg la cac dai ttr dupe dhng d£ chi ngiroi, vat, nh6m ngirfri hoac
vat cu thd.

a. Hinh thtic (Form)

Dai ttr nhan xung co hinh thurc chu ngQ (subject) vh. tan ngu* (object) hotm tc&n

khac nhau (triryow v& it).

CAC s6 IT (singular) S6 NHlfiU (plural)


NG6I Chu ngtr Tan ngu" NghTa Chu ngur Tan ngur Nghia
Ngoil I me Tdi We Us Chung tdi
Ngoi 2 You You Anh,chi You You Cac anhlchi
Ngoi 3 He Him Anh ay They Them Ho, chung
She Her Chi ay
It It No
One One Ngudi ta


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b) Cdch ddng (Use)
Dai ttir nhan ximg dupe dCing d£ thay th£ cho danh ttir khi khdng c£n thidt stir
dung hoac lap lai chrnh x£c danh ttir hoac cum danh ttir d6.
Tell Mary I miss her. (Hay noi vdi Mary rdng tdi nhacd ay.)

I, he, she, we, they dupe dilng lam:
Chu ngu cua ddng ttir (subjects of a verb)
I saw Bill. (Toi da trdng thay Bill).
They have lived here for twenty years. (Ho da sdhg a day 20 nam rdi.)
B6 ngff cua ddng ttir to be (complements of the verb to be)
•Me, him, her, us, them diroc dilng lam:
- Tan ngur true tidp hoac gidn tidp cua ddng ttir (direct objects or indirect

objects of a verb)
They called us on the telephone.
(Ho da goi dien cho chung tdi.)

Bill’s uncle sent him a brithday present.

(Chu cua Bill gift cho anh ay mdt mon qua sinh nhat.)
Tan ngu: cua gidi ttir (objects of a preposition)
He said he couldn’t live without her.
(Anh dy ndi anh ay sdhg khdng the thieu cd ta.)

You vti it c6 th£ duoc dting ltim chu ngu hoac tan ngu vi chung c6 hlnh thuc

chu ngu hoac tan ngu gid'ng nhau.

Did you see the snake? (Anh cd nhin thay con rdn khdng?)
~ Yes, I saw it and it saw me, too. (Cd, tdi thdfy nd va no cung thay tdi.)

Liru y: Hlnh thurc tan ngu thudng dupe dilng khi dai ttir dung mdt mlnh hoac
sau be.

Who spilt coffee all over the table? ~ Me./ Sorry, it was me.
(Ai lam dS cd. phi ra khdp bdn vdy? ~ Tdi./ Xin Idi, chinh tdi.)

But: Who spill coffee all over the table? ~ I did.

Mdt so cÿch dftng cua it

It thudng dupe dhng thay cho vat, ddng vat, tr6 so sinh hoac tr6 nho (khi gidi
tuih khdng dupe bid't hoac khdng quan trong).
Where’s the dog? - it is in the kitchen.
(Con cho ddu rdi? No d trong bep.)
In this house your own? - Yes, I bought it in 1980.
(Co phai edi nha nay cua anh khdng? - Phai, tdi mua no ndm 1980.
•It dupe dilng d£ chi ngudi khi mubn xdc dinh ngudi d6 la ai. Sau khi da dupe
xdc dinh, thi he hoac she dupe stir dung thy theo ngudi d6 1k nam hay nil.
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Who was it on the telephone? It was Vicky. She just called to say she’s
arrived home safely. (Ai da goi dien vay? ~ Vicky, co ay vita goi de bao cd
ay da ve den nhd binh yen.) \
• Dai tit it (dieu do; no) dirge dung dd chi mOt hanh dfing, m6t t'rnh hudng hoac
met y tuomg da dugc noi d£n trong mdt cum tir, met menh d£ hoac c&u di trude.
He smokes in bed, though I don’t like it. (Anh ta hut thuoc tren giudng,
mac dii toi khdng thick dieu do.) [it = his smoking in bed]
•Dai tCr it dugc ditng nhu chu ngu gia (formal subject) dd noi \i thcri tiet, thcri
gian, nhiet d6, khoang each, s6' do.
It is very hot. (Tred nong qua.)
It’s after midnight. (Bay gidla sau nita dem.)

How far is it to the university? (Tie day den trudng dai hoc bao xa?).
•It la chu ngu gia (Formal Subject) gidi thieu chu ngu that (Real subject) dung
sau bd ngu: theo ca'u true:

It + V + Complement Real S

Chu ngu that la dCng til nguyen the hoac cum nguyen thd (Infinitive Pharase).
It + V + Compl To - Infinitive
It is necessart to stand in line. (Can phai ditng xep hang.)
- Chu ngu that la d6ng danh tir hoac cum ddng danh tit (Gerund Phrase)

It + V + Compl Gerund
It’s word reading. (Dang doc.)
It is no good waiting. (Cherded chdng ich led gi.)

- Chu ngu that la menh de phu (Subordinate Qause)

It + V + Compl Qause

It is still uncertain when Jim will go to London.

(Vdn chita chdc khi ndo Jim se den London.)
•It edn dugc sir dung nhu m6t tan ngu gia (formal object), theo sau n6 la m6t

tinh tir hoac danh tir dugc bd nghla bori cum tir hay menh de.
I find it difficult to believe that.
(Tdi thay kho ma tin dupe dieu ay.)
I find it strange that she doesn’t want to travel.
(Tdi thay la la cd ta khdng mudh di du lich.)
•Dai tit it dugc dung veri ddng tit to be (It is/was ...) dd nhah manh cho tit hoac
cum tit trong cau.
It was his mother, not his father, who said that.
(Chinh me no, chit khdng phai cha no, noi the.)

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It was she who saved his life.
(Chink nang da ctiu mang sting cua anh ta.)
•Dai tit it dAi khi dirge sir dung trong cac dac ngu cd tmh chdt than mat.
Hang it all, we can’t wait all day for him.
(That buc minh, chung ta khong the dai no sutit cd ngay diCcfc.)
When I see him, I’ll have it out with him.
(Gap no tdi se noi cho no vd le ra rncfi dugc.
2. Dai tur sdr huru (Possessive pronouns)
Dai tir sd huu (possessive pronouns) la hinh thuc sd huu cua dai tit nhan xung
(possessive pronouns), dugc dung d£ chi vat gi dd thuAc v6 ngudi nao d6.

a) Hinh thde (Form)


(Dai tir nhan xung) _(Dai tir sit huu) _

I (tdi) mine (edi cua tdi)
You (anh, chi, ban) yours (edi cua anh / ban)
(anh ay)
(chi ay)
h. his
(edi cua anh ay)
(edi cua chi ay)
We (chung tdi) ours (edi cua chung tdi)
They (ho, chung no) theirs (edi cua ho / chung)

It khAng c6 dang dai tir sd huu. Its la dang tmh tir sd huu cua it.
b) Cdch diing (Use)
•Dai ttir sd huu diing mAt minh, khAng c6 danh tir theo sau.

That’s his hat, not yours, [yours = your hat]

(Do la mu cua anh ta, khdng phai mu cua anh.)

•Dai td sd huu cung c6 \h£ dugc diing trude danh tir mb no thay th£.
Our is the third house on the left. (Nhd cua chung tdi la ngdi nha thu ba

bin tay trai.) [ours = our house]

•Dai tir sd hffu khdng thay ddi theo s6 cua vat sd huu.

So sanh: That pen is yours, (sd it)

Those pens are yours, (sd nhidu)
•Dai tir sd huu diing trong edng thtic d cudi thu.
My best wishes to you and yours. QQn gei den anh vd gia dinh anh nhCtng
Idi cau chuc tot dep nhat cua tdi.) (yours your family).
Yours Yours faithfully
Yours truly Yours sincerely.
Day la nhung cAng thtic lich sir diing d cudi thu trude khi ky t£n, tarn dich: Ban
chan thanh cua anh, hoac: Kmh chk>.
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•Dai tit sd huu its rat ft khi dung
History has its lessons and life has its. (Lich sic co nhitng bai hoc cua lich sic
va cudc song co nhtfng bai hoc cua no.)
•Khdng dung mao tit trudc dai tit sd hiru.
That coat is mine. (Ad khoac do cua tdi.) [NOT That coat is the mine.]
Lira y: d6i khi ta c6 th£ thdy dai tit sd huu dung sau gidi tit of. Su k£t hop nay
duoc goi la sd huu kep (double possessive)
Tom is a friend of mine. (Tom la mdt ngtfdi ban cua tui.)
[a friend of mine = one of my friends]
I borrowed some magazines of yours.
(Toi da mtfan mdt sd tap chi cua ban).

[some magazines of yours = some of your magazines]
2. Dai tiT phan than va dai tit nhan manh (Reflexive and Emphatic pronouns)
a) Hinh thicc (Form)

Dai tit phan than va dai tit nha'n manh co chung hinh thuc.

(Dai tit nhan ximg) (Dai tit phan than/ nhan manh)
I myself (ttfl chinh tdi)

You yourself (ttfl chinh ban)

He himself (ttfl chinh anh ay)
She herself (tu!chinh chi ay)

It itself (ttfl chinh no)

We ourselves (ttfl chinh chung tdi)

You yourselves (ttfl chinh cac ban)

They themselves (ttfl chinh ho)_

b) Cdch diing (Use)

• Dai tit phan than (Reflexive pronouns)

•each dung: Dai tit phan than duoc diing khi hdnh ddng do chu tCr gay ndn tic
dOng lai ngay chinh chu tir. N6i cdch khde, chung ta phai diing dai tit phan than
khi chu ngur va tan ngit chi ve cung mot doi turong. Cdc diing nay thudng tuong
duong vdi cdch n6i “(ttf) minh” trong tid'ng Vidt:

Mary saw herself in the looking-glass. (Mary soi minh trong gtf&ng)
f I
myself French. (Toi ttf hoc tieng Phap)
I teach
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Nhung d6ng tCr sau day thudng dilng vdi dai tCr phan than:
to believe in oneself: tu tin to blame oneself: tutrach minh
to introduce oneself: tugioi thieu to tell oneself: tu nhu
to kill oneself: tutu to teach oneself: tuhoc
to be proud of oneself: tuhao
Cac dai tit phan than duoc doc nh3h manh hem khi chung duoc dung dd difin ta
y tuong phan (contrast):
She thinks only about herself \ never of other people.
(C6 ta chi nghi dem minh, chang bao gid nghT den ke khac.)
•Vi tri: dai til phan than c6 th£ duoc dat d vi tri:
Tan ngur true tiep (Direct object):


She knew John better than he knew himself

[himself, tan ngu true tiep cua knew]
(C6 ay biet John ro hem anh ay biet chlnh anh ay)

- Tan ngur gian tiep (indriect object)

She made herself some tea.
[himself, tan ngu gian tiep cua made]
(C6 ay tupha tra cho minh.)
- Bo ngur (Complement). Trong truemg hop nay dai tit phan than lu6n lu6n
duoc nh£n manh:
That poor boy was myself

[herself. b6 ngu: cua was]

(Chlnh tdi la cdu be ddng thuffng do.)
- Tan ngur cua gidi tur (Prepositional object). Trong truemg hop n£y dai tir

phan than dung sau gidi ttir.


They seem very fond of talking about themselves.

[themselves 1& tan ngu cua gidi tir about]
(Ho co ve thich noi vi chlnh minh )

- Chu ngur (Subject)


My wife and myself were invited to the party.

(T6i va vatdi duoc mdi den dutiec.)
Ngudi ta thudng cam th£y edeh dilng myself thay cho dai tir nhan xung (1) trong
cdu tren khieh cho cau ndi trd nen nha nhan, le d6 hon. Cdc dai tit phan than, dac
biet la myself rÿt thudng duoc dilng nhu m6t dai tir nhan xung, khi no di theo sau
danh tir + tir ndi (connecting word) nhu and, like, as..
•C£c each ddng dac biet:
Mdt vai dai tir ludn ludn di kem vdi dai tir phan than; </ nghla phan than cua cac
dai tit ndy thudng khd nhan th&y:

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to pride oneself: tuhdo ve
He prides himself on his skill as a pianist.
(Anh ay tu hao ve tai dan duc/ng cam.)
to avail oneself of: led dung viec gi$
You should avail yourself of every opportunity to practise speaking English.
(Ban nen led dung moi ca hoi de luyen noi tieng Anh.)
to absent oneself: vang mat
Why did you absent yourself from school yesterday?
(Tai sao hdm qua ban khdng di hoc.)
MOt vai dOng tir khde, ngoai cac each diing va nghia binh thuctag, c6 the ket

hop voi dai tir phan than va mang y nghia mOi.
to forget: quen
to forget oneself: khdng the kiem cheducfc minh
I am afraid he isforgetting himself

to find: tim thay

to find oneself: (tu) nhan ra minh
When he regained consciousness, hefound himself in hospital.
(Khi hoi tinh lai, anh ta nhan ra minh dang a trong benh vien.)
to behave: cuxii
to behave oneself: an noi li do

I hope the children will behave themselves.

(Tdi hy vong rdng bon tre se cuxit li dd.)

to enjoy: thick, khoai

to enjoy oneself: cam thdy thich thu

The children enjoyed themselves at the party.

(Bon tre cam thdy thich thii trong buSi hop mat.)

MOt sO' cum tir thOng dung duoc diing v6i dai tir phan than:
If John has a holiday at the seaside he will soon be himself.

(Neu John di nghidbai bien, anh ay chdng bao lau se trdlqi binh thu&ng.)
NguOi ta khOng diing dai tir phan than khi chu ngCr va tan ngft chi mOl quan ht
He looked about him. (Anh ay nhin quanh minh.)
•Dai tir nha'n manh (Emphatic pronouns)
Cdc dai tir nhan manh co chng hinh thurc chung nhimg each diing khde vdi
dai tir phan than. C£c dai tir nhan manh nhir tOn goi duoc diing d£ nhah manh cho
danh tir hoac dai tir nhan xung trong cau va c6 nghia: chinh (tdi, anh ay...). Chung
c6 hai vi tri:
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•Nam ngay sau tit durpc nhhn manh:
My mother herself opened the door.
(Chinh me tdi da mo cua.)
•Nam or cud'i cau. Vi tri d cudi cau la vi tri thdng thudng nh£t cua c£c dai tit
My mother opened the door herself. (Chinh me tdi ddmdcita.)
I saw him do it myself (Chinh tdi da thay anh ta lam dieu ay.)
Chung ta c&i chu <j them nghla cua cdc dai tCr nhah manh. Thdng thudng,
chung dupe dilng vdi y nghla chinh (ai do) chit khdng ai khde;
You yourself told them story.

(Chinh anh - chit khdng ai khde da ke ho nghe cau chuyen do.)
Ddi khi cic dai tit nhah manh c6 nghla ngay ca (= even).
Shakespeare himself never wrote a better line than that.
(Ngay ca Shakespeare ding khdng bao gid viet duoc mdt cdu hay hem the.)

By + oneself dupe dilng vdi nghla mdt minh (alone), khdng cd ai giup do

(without help).
That little girl travelled from London to Paris by herself.
(Cd be da di du lich tCcLuan Ddn den Pa-ri mdt minh.)
He can do it by himself.
(Anh ta cd the lam viec do mdt minh.)

Chu y: Sit khde biet giua dai tit phan th&n va dai tit nhdn manh
Hai loai dai tit nky cd cilng chung mdt hlnh thurc ndn ngudi hoc de nhÿm lSn.
Net khac biet ldn nMt giua chung la dai tir phan than cd chdc nang chu ngfl hoftc

tan ngu ndn khdng bo di dupe. Ngupc lai, dai tit nh£n manh vl dupe dilng di nMn
manh ndn cd th£ bd di dupe ma c&u true cau khdng bi ph£ va va cau v£n khdng sai

He saw Mary himself.

[dai tir himself dilng di nhah manh, khdng tham gia vao c5u true cau ndn cd \hi
bd di dupe]

He saw himself in the mirror. (Anh ay nhin thay minh trong guong.)
[dai tit himself lam tan ngu cho saw, tham gia vao c£u true cau ndn khdng th£
bd di dupe]
4. Dai tit chi dinh (demonstrative pronouns)
Dai tit chi dinh gdm c£c tit: this, that, these, those. Dai tir chi dinh dupe dilng
dd chi vat, su vat hoac di gidri thifiu hay nhan dang ngudi nao dd.
These are my candies. Those are yours.
(Day la keo cua tdi. Kia la keo cua ban.)

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This costs more than that.
(Cai nay dat hem edi kia.)
a. This (cai nay/ ngudi nay), sd nhi£u Ik those (nhitng cai nay/ nhitng ngudi
nay) duoc dung de
- Chi vat d khoang each g£n (vdi ngudi n6i).
In all your paintings I like this best.
(Trong tat ca cac bite ve cua ban tdi thich bite nay nhdt.)
- Gidi thieu ngudi nÿo d6
This is my brother. (Day la anh tdi.)
These are the Smiths. (Day la 6ng bd Smiths.)

- Chi tinh hudng va su vide dang xay ra, sap sira xay ra hoac sap duoc noi tori.
Listen to this. You’ll like it.

(Hay nghe cai nay xem. Ban se thich no day.)
b. That (cai kia/ ngudi kia), s<5 nhi£u \k those (nhitng cai kia/ nhitng ngudi kia)
duoc dhng
- Chi vat 6 khoang each xa (vdi ngudi n6i)
That’s Jery’s car, over there.
(Kia la cai xe hcri cuaJery, d kia kia.)
Put those down - they’re dirty.
(Hay dat nhitng cai do xudhg chung bdn lam.)

- Khi xdc dinh hoac nhan dang ngudi nko d6,

Is that Ruth? ~ No, that’s Rita.
(Kia la Ruth phdi khdng? ~ Khdng phai, dt5 la Rita.)

- N6i \6 difcu gi do trong qua khtir, di6u gi d6 vita mdi xay ra hoac vita mdi
duoc d£ cap d£n.

That was nice. What was it?

(Cdi do that dep. N6 la cai gi vdy?)

c. Nhitng c£ch dhng kh£c cua dai tit

- This, that, these, those + danh td+ of + dai tit sd hitu duoc dilng thay cho

dai tir sd huu + danh tit d£ nhan manh:

This boy of yours
Your boy
__ _ seems very intelligent

(Can con trai nay cua anh cd ve rat thdng minh.)

I don’t like that new servant of his.
(T6i khdng thich ten day tdmdi ay cua anh ta.)
- Tr6n di6n thoai chung ta dilng this 6.1 ndi chung ta la ai, vh this hoac that 6i
hoi ngudi kia lh ai.
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Hello. This is Elisabeth. Is that/ this Ruth?
(Xin chao. Day la Elisabeth. Co phai Ruth dot day khdng?)
- Dai tir those c6 thd diroe theo sau bdi mdt mftnh de quan he xAc dinh hoac
mdt ngu phan tir 66 chi ngudi.
Those who couldn’t walk were carried on stretchers.
(Nhdng ngudi khdng di duac thi ditcrc khieng bang cang.)
[Those who... = The people who...]
-This, that, these, those c6 th£ dung mdt minh hoac co one, ones theo sau
khi c6 sir so s£nh hoac lira chon:
This chair is too low. I’ll sit in that (one).

(Chide ghe nay thdp qua. Tdi se ngSi tren chide kia.)
- The former... the latter: ngadi trade, vat trade, viec trade... ngadi sau, vat
sau, viec sau. Cum tir nay dirge xem nhu mdt hmh thtic dac biet cua dai tir chi

Bob and John were at the meeting. The former brought his wife with him.

(Cd Bob va John deu di da hop. Ngadi trade da daa vocilng di vdi anh ta.)
Theformer, the latter c6 thÿ ding dd thay cho ca cum tir hoac m6nh d£ di trude:
He explained that he had lost a lot of money and that he had also quarrelled
with his wife. The former seemed to have upset him more than the latter.
(Anh dy giai thich rang anh ay da danh mdt rat nhieu tien va ca cai nhau

vdi vctnOa. Viec trade khien anh dy buSn bae hem viec sau.)
Khi mud'n dd cap tir ba ngudi, viec trd ndn, chung ta cd th£ diing first, second,

5. Dai tir nghi van (Interrogative pronouns)

Dai tir nghi v£n ia cAc dai tir diing dd h6i nhu: who, whom, whose, what, which.

CAc dai tir nghi v3h thudng dumg d£u cau va ludn di trude ddng tir.
What did you see?

(Anh da trdng thay cai gi?)

Whose is this car?

(Chide xe ndy cua ai?)

a. Who (ai): ia dai tir nghi van diing cho ngudi, di hoi ten, n£t nhan dang hoac
chtic nang cua mdt hay nhi£u ngudi.
Who is that man?
(Ngadi dan 6ng do la ai?)
Who are those men?
(Nhdng ngadi dan 6ng do la ai?)
Who cd th£ dugc diing lam:

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+ Chu ngur:
Who can answer my question? [who lk chu ngCr cua can answer]
(Ai co the tra Idi cau hoi cua toi?)
Who keeps the keys? [who Ik chu ngu cua keep]
(Ai giit chia khoa ?)
+ T£n ngur:
Who did you see? [who lk tan ngG cua see]
(Anh da thay ai?)
Who are you thinking of? [who lk tan ngtf cua gidri tCr o/]
(Anh dang nghi den ai?)

Liru y: trong trudng hop who la tan ngu cua gidri tCr, gidd tir lu6n dupe dat 6
cu6i c£u.

(Anh da di v&i ai?)
b. Whom (ai): la dai tir nghi vkn dknh cho ngudi. Whom dupe dilng 1km tan

ngu (object) cho d6ng tir hokc gidd tCr.
Whom did they invite? (Ho da mdi nhitng ai?)
To whom were you speaking at that time?/ whom were you speaking to at
that time? (Luc do ban dang noi chuyen vdi ai vay?)
Liru y:

- Ca who vk whom d£u c6 th£ 1km tan ngu cua ddng tir hokc gidd tir, nhung
who thudng dupe dilng hon (nha't lk trong ldi ndi than mat). Whom thudng dupe

dilng trong 16i n6i trinh trong hokc trong vkn vidt.
Who/whom did you invite to your party?

(Ban mdi nhitng ai den dutiec?)

- Trong trudng hop whom 1km tan ngu cho gidd tir, gidd tir c6 \h& dupe dat
trude whom hokc dkt cudi cku. Okch dilng gioi tit + whom thudng dupe dilng trong

16! vkn trinh trong.


Whom did you with? Or With whom did you go?

c. Whose (cua ai): Ik dai tir nghi vkn dilng d£ h6i v& sd huu Whose dupe dilng
lkm chu ngu cua dOng tir.
Whose are these books?
Hokc: Whose books are these?
( Nhitng cud'n sach nay cua ai?)
d. What (gi, cai gi): c6 thl dung m6t minh hokc di trude danh tir, c6 th£ lkm
chu ngfl hokc tan ngu*:
What are you doing?
(Anh dang lam gi day?)
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What happened? [what l&m chu ngu cua happened]

(Cdi gi da xay ra?)
What do you call that flower? [what l&m tÿn ngu call]
(Anh goi bdng hoa ay la gi?)
Khi what dung tnr6c danh tir, what c6 nghla tuong duong vdi “nao”:
What places did you see?
(Anh da trdng thdy nhung ncti ndo?)
What languages does he know?
(Anh ay biet nhung thii tieng nao?)
What cung c6 th£ dupe dilng d£ chi \i ngudi:

What is man? (Con ngudi la gi?)

M6t so c&ch dilng vdi what
- What duoc dilng di h6i v& ngh6 nghidp:

What is he? He’s a bank clerk.
(Ong ta lam nghi gi? Ong ta Id nhan vien ngdn hang.)
What + be... like? Lit c£u hoi v£ b6 ngoki hoac dac trnh cua ngudi hay vat:
What is he like? He’s a tall man with a grey beard.
(Anh ta trdng the nao? Anh ta la ngitdi dong cao co rau xdm.)
- What about? duoc dilng d4 d£ xu£t mdt ki£n hoac dd nghi:

What about a cigarette? (= Wuold you like...?)

(Hut mdt diiu nhe?)
-What thudng duoc dilng d£ hdi vi thdng tin.

What are you doing? ~ I’m writing a letter.

(Ban dang lam gi the? ~ T6i dang viet thu.)

- What ...for? dupe dilng d£ hdi v6 muc dich hoac ty do.

What is this tool for?

(Dung cu ndy dilng di Idm gi?

- What does he!she! it... look like? Dupe dOng hdi \4 ve bi ngoÿi.

What does she look like? She’s tall and glamorous.

(Trdng cd ta nhu thinao? C6 ta cao va ddy quyen ru.)
e. Which (nao, cdi ndo, ngudi ndo): la dai til nghi van dupe dilng cho ca ngudi
va vat, di chi su lua chon trong s6 ngudi hay vat da dupe bifiTt. Which c6 thi dupe
dilng lam chit ngQ cua ddng til hoac tan ngu cua ddng til va gidi til.
Which foreign languages have you studied?
(Anh da hoc nhung ngoai ngir ndo?)
Which is your son John?
(Dtia con trai John cua anh la dun ndo?)
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Which c6 th£ dupe diing vdi of. Which of dupe dung trudc dai tit sd nhi£u hokc
trudc tir xkc dinh (the, my, these, those ...) va danh tCr s6 nhidu.
Which of + pronoun // which of + determiner + noun
Which of these photos would you like?
(Ban thick tarn nao trong sd'dnh nay?)
Which of us is going to do the washing-up?
(Ai trong chung ta se riia bat?)
Luu y: chung ta c6 thd diing which hokc what dd hoi v6 su lua chon
- Which dupe diing de chi su lua chon trong mdt s6 lupng co gidfi han.

There’s gin, whisky and sherry. Which will you have?
(Co rum gin, whisky va sherry. Anh mud'n diing loai nao?)
- What dupe diing khi co su lua chon rdng rai - khdng bi gidi han trong mdt
s<5 lupng nhkt dinh.

What would you like to drink? (Anh mud'n ud'ng gi?)

[NOT Which would you-Iike-to drink?]
6. Dai tir quan he (Relative pronouns)
Ckc dai tir who, whom, whose, which, that Ik ckc dai tir quan he dupe diing d£
thay cho danh tir di trudc vk d6ng thdi cd chufc nkng ndi m6nh d£ chrnh vdi m6nh
d6 phu trong mdnh de lien he (relative clauses).

Who, whom dupe diing d£ chi ngudi, which chi vat hokc su vide, that cd th£ chi
ca ngudi lkn vat va whose chi su so huu. (Ve nghTa vk ckch dung ckc dai tir lien he,
xem Relative Clauses)

7. Dai tir phkn bo (Distributive pronouns)

Dai tir phan b6 g6m ckc tir all, each, every, both, either, neither.

a. All (tat ca): dupe ding d£ chi tokn bd s<5 lupng ngudi hokc vat cua mdt
nhdm tit ba trd len. All c6 th£ la chu ngti, tkn ngu hokc b6 ngu trong cku.

All was quiet in the dark.

(Trong bong dem moi vat deu yen lang.)

All is not gold that glitters.

(Khdng phai tat cd nhitng gi lap Idnh deu Id vang.)
- All c6 \hi dung sau dai tir nhkn xung mk nd phkm dinh hokc dung sau ddng
tit be:
We all wanted to go.
All of us wanted to go.
(Tat cd chung tdi da muon di.)
They were all hungry.
(Tat cd bon chung deu doi cd.)
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-All c6 thd dung tnrdfc hoac sau danh th:

All the boys go to school.
The boys all go to school.
- All c6 thd dung sau tro dOng th vh dung trudc d6ng tilf chrnh:
The boys will all go to school.
They have all gone to school.
- All c6 thd duoc dhng vdi nghla ‘everything ’ (moi thh, moi didu); ‘the only
thing ’ (cai duy nh£t, didu duy nh£t), nhung trong truhng hop nky all kh6ng duoc
dhng m6t mlnh mh phai duoc theo sau b&ng m6t m6nh dd quan ht [all + relative

All (that) I have is yours. [All = Everything]
(Tat cd nhUng gi anh cd la cua em.)
But: Everything is yours. [NOT All is yours.]
(Moi thii la cua em.)

- All ofv6i nghla ‘whole ' (tohn bd) cung cd thd duoc dhng trudic mdt s6 danh

th ddm duoc s6 ft (singular countable noun).
I’ve eaten all (of) the cake. [= I’ve eaten the whole cake.]
(T6i da dn het cdi banh.)
- All of duoc dhng trudc danh th (ddm duoc &6 nhidu hoac khdng ddm duoc)
c6 th x£c dinh (the, my, this, these,... ) hoac dang tan ngu cua dai th nhan xung.

D6ng th theo sau 6 hlnh thhc s<5 ft hay s6 nhidu thy thudc vho danh th.
All (of) + determiter + plural/ uncountable (+ singular/ plural verb)

All of us/ you/ them (+ plural verb)

All (of) my friends like riding.

(Tat cd ban bi tdi diu thich citdi ngita.)

All (of) the money has been spent.

(T(ft cd tiin da bi tiiu sach.)

All of us enjoyed the party.

(T<ft cd chung tdi diu thich bua tiic.)

I’m going to invite all of you.
(T6i se men tat cd ede ban.)
- All kh6ng duoc dhng vdi nghla ‘everybodyI everyone ' (moi ngudi).
Everybody enjoyed the party. [NOT All enjoyed ... ]
(T<ft cd moi ngu&i diu thich bua tiic.)
b. Most (phdrrlcim; hdu hit): duoc dhng dd chi phdn 1dm nhdt cua c£i gl hoac da
s6 nguhi hoac vat.

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We all ale a lot, but Ashley ate (the) most.
(Tat cd chung tdi deu an nhieu, nhtfng Ashley an nhieu nhat.)
All the victims were male, and most were between the ages of 15 and 25.
(Tat cd cac nan nhan deu la nam, va da s6add tuSi tic 15 den 25.)
Most of duoc dilng tru6c danh tit (ddm duoc hoac khdng ddm dirge) c6 tir xac
dinh (a, the, my, this,...) hoac hinh thurc tan ngu cua dai tir nhan ximg. DOng tit
theo sau 6 sd ft hay sd nhilu thy thude vilo danh tir.
Most of + determiner + noun (+ singular/ plural verb)
Most of us/ you/ them (+ plural verb) _
Most of the people here know each other.

(Hdu het moi ngudi d day deu quen bie't nhau.)
John spends most of his free time in the library.

(Phan lan thdi gian ranh rdi, John dtrong thuvien.)
He’s eaten most of a chicken.
(Anh ta an gan het mdt con ga.)
Most of us enjoy shopping.
(Da sd'chung tdi thich di mua sam.)
c. Each (mdi): duoc dung d£ chi timg c(n nhan hoac titng don vj trong mOt sd
luong ngudi hoac vat tir hai trer ldn.
I asked two children and each told a different story.

(Tdi hoi hai dda tre va mdi dtia ke mdt cau chuyen khac nhau.)
There are six flats. Each has its own entrance.

(Cd 6 edn hd. Mdi can co Id'i di rieng.)

- Each of duoc dilng trude mdt danh tir sd nhieu cb tir xdc dinh (the, my,

these,...) hoac hinh thlrc tan ngi? cua dai tir nhan ximg. Ddng tir theo sau thuemg 6
sd l't

Each of + determiner + plural noun (+ singular verb)

Each of us/ you1 them (+ singular verb) _

She gave each of her grandchildren 50p.

(Ba ay cho mdi dita chdu 50 penny.)
Each of us sees the world differently.
(Mdi ngudi trong chung ta nhin nhan the'gidi mdt each khac nhau.)
~ Each c6 thd theo sau mdt tan ngu (true tidp hay gidn tidp) hoac dung sau mdt
con sd.
I want them each to be happy.
(Tdi mud'n mdi ngudi trong bon ho deu duac hqnh phuc.)
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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website chia sẻ đề thi, tài liệu Tiếng Anh hay, mới nhất
She gave the students each a copy of the script.
(Co ay dtfa cho mdi hoc sinh mot ban sao cua kich ban.)
He gave us $5 each.
(Ong ta cho mdi dtfa chung tdi 5 pao.)
- Each c6 th£ dung sau tro ddng tCr (auxiliary verb) \k d0ng tir to be, hoac
dung trudc ddng tilr thucmg (ordinary verb). Trong trudng hop nky ta ph&i diing
danh ter, dai tir vk ddng tir d s6 nhi£u.
We’ve each got our own cabinets.
(Mdi ngtfdi trong chung tdi deu co tu rieng cua minh.)
You are each right in a different way.
(Cac ban mdi ngtfdi deu dung theo mdt each khac nhau.)

d. Both (cd hai): duoc diing dl chi ca hai ngtfdi hoac hai vat.
He has two brothers; both live in London.
(Anh ta co hai anh trai; ca hai deu sd'ng dLuan Ddn.

- Both (of) duoc diing trudc danh tir s6 nhidu c6 tir xkc dinh dung trudc hoac
trudc hinh thirc tan ngu cua dai tir nhan xung. D6ng tir theo sau d s<5 nhidu.

Both (of) + determiner + plural noun (+ plural verb)
Both of usI you/ them (+ plural verb)
Both (of) her children are boys.
(Ca hai dita con cua co ay deu la con trai.)

Marta sends both of you her regards.

(Marta gdi Idi tham hoi tdi ca hai ban.)
Of cd th£ bo khi dung trudc danh tir, nhung khdng duoc bo khi dung trudc dai tCr.

- Both cd thi dung sau tro ddng tir (auxiliary verb), sau ddng tit to be, hoac

trudc ddng tir thucmg.

We can both swim.
(Cd hai chung tdi deu biet ben.)

I have two daughters. They’re both doctors.


(Tdi co hai con gdi. Cd hai dua diu Id bac si )

- Both cd thi dung sau mdt dai tCr sd nhi£u duoc diing Him tan ngu.
She invited us both.
- (Cd ay mdi cd hai chung ta.)
Mary sends you both her love.
(Mary gdi loi thdm tdi hai ban.)
- Both... and...: vita... vita...
He is both a soldier and a poet.
(Ong vda la mot ngtfdi linh vita la mdt nhd tho.)

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e. Every (moi, mdi): luOn lu6n phai di trudc danh tir s<5 ft.
Every man must do his best.
He gave every boy an apple.
Every c6 c£ch dung khac vdi each:
- Each duoc dilng dd chi m6i (ngudi, cdi) khi s6 lucfng tur hai trd lfin. Every
chi duoc dhng khi s6' lucfng tir ba trcf I6n.
- Each duoc dung d£ chi tung ca nhan hay dcfn vi, every duoc dung chi tohn thd
Every student it the class passed the examination.
(Moi hoc sinh trong lop deu thi dd.)
Each student was given a prize.
(MSi hoc sinh deu duoc nhan mdt phdn thuong.)

Chu y each dilng cua every trong c&c cum tit thOng dung sau (khOng th£ thay
bang each):
Every other day: mSi ngay each nhat (vf du thtf hai, thir tu)

Every two days: mSi hai ngay, cti hai ngay mdt Ian
Every now and then: thing thoang

There is every reason to think he is speaking the truth.
(Co moi ly do di nghT rang anh ta dang noi that.)
f. Either (cai nao, ngudi nao): (trong hai) (khi s6 luong d£ cap dfiri hon hai,
chung ta dilng any). Either c6 th£ di trude danh tit s6 ft hoac dftng mdt minh khOng
co danh tit theo sau:

- Either di trade danh tir s6 ft:

Take either hafl; they are exactly the same.

(Lay nua nao cung duoc; chung hoan toan gid'ng nhau.)
- Either duoc dung nhu dai tit khbng c6 danh tit theo sau:

I will take either. (Tdi lay cai nao cung duoc.)

Do you like either of these?

(Anh co thich cai nao trong hai cai nay khdng?)

- Either of duoc dting trade mdt danh tir s6 nhilu c6 tit x£c dinh hoac dang

tan ngu cua dai tit. D6ng tir theo sau thuefng cf sri ft.
Either of + determiner + plural noun (+ singular verb)
Either of us/ you/ them (+ singular verb)_
Does either of you speak French?
(Trong hai ngUdi co ngudi nao bie't noi tieng Phap khdng?)
- Either ... or: hoac la
He must be either mad or drunk.
(Anh ta hoac Id dien hoac la say.)

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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website chia sẻ đề thi, tài liệu Tiếng Anh hay, mới nhất
Please either come in or go out: Don’t stand there in the doorway.
(Xin budc vao hodc la budc ra: dilng dilng angary ngudng cua nhtfthe.)
Chu y:
- Either trong mdt sd trudng hop c6 nghla ca hai (one and the other of two),
trong van n6i thudng duoc thay bang each hoac both:
He came down the street with a girl on either arm.
(Ong budc xud'ng dudng vcri dua be gai tren ddi tay.)
- Either c6 th£ dilng nhu trang tCr v6i nghla: cung. Either trong trudng hop nay
c6 nghla tuong tu also nhung each dilng khac nhau: either duoc dhng trong cau
phu dinh, also duoc dilng trong cau khang dinh:
Tom has not been to China. Harry has not been to China, either.

(Tom chua tUng denTrung Qud'c. Harry cung chua titng den do.)
So sanh vdi:
Tom has been to Japan. Harry has also been to Japan.
(Tom da tvcng den Nhat. Harry cung da titng den do.)

g. Neither (ca hai ... khdng): duoc dilng d£ chi khdng phai cai nay ma cung

khdng phai cai kia trong hai cai.
There were two witnesses, but neither would make a statement.
(Co hai nhdn chiing, nhung ca hai diu khdng cho Idi khai.)
Neither of duoc dilng trude danh til s<5 nhi6u c6 tit xac dinh (the, my, these,...),
hoac trude m6t dai tir. D6ng tir theo sau thudng 6 stf ft.

Neither of + determiner + plural noun (+ singular verb)

Neither of us/ you/ them (+ singular verb) _

Neither of the books was published in this country.

(Ca hai cudh sach deu khdng duoc xudt ban a nude nay.)

Ltru p D0ng til sd ft (singular verb) thudng duoc dilng sau either of\a neither of,
nhung trong I6i van than mat ddng til sd nhi&i (plural verb) cung cd th£ duoc dilng.

Neither of my sister isJ are married.

(Cd hai ngudi chi cua tdi deu chua ket hdn.)

Does / Do either of yo like strawberries?

(Cd hai ban diu thick dau phai khdng?)
8. Dai til bdt dinh (Indefinite pronouns)
Cac dai titbdt dinh trong tidng Anh g6m cd:
some something someone somebody somewhere
any anything anyone anybody anywhere
everything everyone everybody none nothing
no one nobody

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a. Some, any, vk none
Some vk any dlu duoc dkng d£ chii sd lirong bkt dinh cua ngudi hokc vkt khi
khdng ckn hokc khdng thd nfiu ro con srf chrnh xkc lk bao nhidu. None duoc dkng d£
di6n dat khdng mdt ai, khdng mdt cki gl/ di£u gl trong mdt nh6m nguoi hokc vat.
•Some (mdt vai, mot sd')\ duoc dimg trudc danh tCr ddm duoc s6 nhidu vk danh
tir khdng ddm duoc trong cku khing dinh:
There are some milk and some oranges on the table.
(Co mdt it sCta va vai trai cam tren ban.)
He wants some money.
(Anh ay can mot it tien.)
- Some co th£ dhng trong cku hoi, nhkt lk trong cku ydu cku, ldi mdi d£ didn ta

su mong mud'n ngudi nghe chap nhkn y kid'n cua minh:
Did you buy some meat?
(Em co mua thit day chd?)
Would you like some coffee?

(Xin mdi dung cd phe nhe?)

- Some of duoc dung trudc danh tit (ddm duoc s6 nhidu hokc khdng de'm
duoc) cd tCr xac dinh hokc trudc dang tan nguf cua dai tit nhkn xung. DOng til theo
sau cd th£ d s6 ft hokc s6 nhiku thy thudc vko danh t£r.
Some of + determiner + plural/ uncountable noun (+ singular/ plural verb)

Some of usJ you/ them (+ plural verb)

Some of the chairs are broken.
(Co may chiec ghedd bi gay.)

Some of the money was stolen.

(Co mdt it tien bi mat trdm.)

Some of us want to go swimming.

(Mdt vai ngudi trong chung tdi mudh di bai.)

- Trong mdt s6 trudng hop, some of the cd thd dung trudc danh tir ddm duoc d
s6 ft:

Some of the letter is illegible.

(ThUco vai chd kho doc.)
•Any (... nao): duoc ding trudc danh tir d£m duoc sd' nhidu vk danh tCr khdng
de'm duoc trong cku nghi vkn vk phu dinh:
Are there any oranges on the table?
(Co trai cam nao tren ban khong?)
Does he want any milk?
(Anh ay cd can sda khong?)

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- Any cdn c6 nghla bat cu dupe dilng trude danh tCr s6 ft (ddm dupe hoac
khdng ddm dupe) trong cau kh&ng dinh:
Any student can answer this question.
(Bat cut hoc sink nao cling co the tra lei dutre cau hoi nay.)
I’m free all day. Call any time you like.
(TSi rSi cd ngay. Hay goi bat ci( luc nao anh thich.)
- Any con duoc dilng nhu trang til trude cac tfnh til so sdnh, cd nghia ti nao,
chut nao:
Is she any better? (Cd dy co khd hem ty nao khdng?)
I can’t go any farther. (T6i khdng the di xa hem chut nao nlia.)
- Any of duoc dilng trude danh til (ddm duoc sd nhidu hoSc khOng ddm duoc)

co tCr xÿc dinh hoSc tru6c dang tan ngu cua dai tCr. D6ng til theo sau c6 thd 6 sd ft
hoac s<5 nhidu.
Any of + determiner + plural/ uncountable noun (+ singular/ plural verb)

Any of us/ you1 them (+ singular/ plural verb)

Does/ Do any of these books belong to you?
(Co cudn nao trong sdsach nay la cua ban khdng?)
She didn’t spend any of the money.
(Cody khdng tieu dSng nao trong sdtien do.)
Luu y: khi any of dirng trude danh til hoac dai til sd nhidu (plural noun/

pronoun) thi dOng tCr theo sau c6 thd la s6 ft hoac s6 nhidu. D6ng til sd ft thudng
duoc dilng trong ldi van trinh trong vk ddng til sd nhi£u thudng duoc dilng trong
ldi van than mat hoac van n6i.

- Any duoc dilng sau if,1 whether, vk sau tir c6 nghla phti dinh hoac gidi
han never, hardly, barely, scarely, without.

If you recognize any of the people in the photograph, tell us.

(Neu ban nhan ra bat cuCngiCch nao trong anh, hay noi cho chung tdi bie't.)

•None (khdng ai, khdng edi giU dieu gie): ducfc dilng thay cho danh til (ddm
duoc hoac khdng ddm duoc) da duoc n6i ddn trude dd.

How much money have you got? ~ None, [none = money]

(Anh co bao nhieu tien? ~ Chang co dSng nao ca.)
I wanted some cake, but there was none left.
(Tdi mud'n an banh, nhung chang cdn chut banh nao.)
- None of dupe dung trude danh til (danh til ddm dupe sd nhidu hoac khdng
ddm dupe) cd til xic dinh hoac dilng trude dang tan ngu cua dai tir. Ddng tir theo
sau no cd thd d sd ft hoac sd nhidu.


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None of + determiner + plural/ uncountable noun (+ singular/ plural verb)
None of it/ us/ you/ them (+ singular/ plural verb) _
None of this money is mine.
(Chang cd dong nao trong sd'tiin nay la cua tdi cd.)
Lxx>k at these clother. None of them is/ are in fashion now.
(Nhin nhung bd qudn do nayxem. Chang cd cai nao hop thdi trang cd.)
Ltru y: khi none of dupe dhng trudc danh tCr hoac dai ttir s6 nhi6u ((plural noun/
pronoun), thi d6ng tit theo sau co thd a s6 ft hoac s6 nhidu. Ddng tCr s6 it (singular
verb) duoc dhng trong 16i van trinh trong va d6ng tCr s6 nhidu (plural verb) duoc
dung trong \6i van than mat hoac van n6i.

None of the shops were/ was open.
(Khong mot cita hang nao mdcita.)
b. Something, someone, somebody, somewhere, anything, anyone, anybody,
anywhere, nothing, nobody, no one, everything, everyone, everybody.

•Somebody, someone (ai do), something (cai gi do), somewhere (fieri nao

do) duoc dung giOng nhu c£ch dting cua some.
- Dhng trong cau khang dinh, v& di vdi d6ng tCr sd ft (singular verb).
Someone wants to speak to you on the phone.
(Cd ngudi muon noi chuyen dien thoai vcfi anh.)
I’ve got something to tell you.

(Tdi cd dieu muon noi vcfi ban.)

I need to find somewhere to stay.
(Tdi can tim mdt noi nao do di nghi lai.)

- Dhng trong cau hoi khi cau tra 16i se la “yes” hoac trong led mcri, cau ytu cau.
Have you lost something.

(Anh da danh mdt cai gi roi ah?)

[vi tr6ng anh nhu dang tim cai gi d6]

Would you like something to eat?


(Anh an mdt chut gi nhe?) [Ibi mcri]

•Anybody, anyone (bat cu ai), anything (bat cut cai gie), anywhere (bat cut
nefi nao) dupe dhng gi6ng each dting cua any.
- DCing trong cau phu djnh hoac cau nghi v3h va di vdi d6ng tit s6 it (singular
Have you got anything to eat?
(Anh cd gi di an khong?)
We haven’t got anything to eat.
(Chung tdi khdng cd gi dian cd.)

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- Dilng trong mdnh di if (If-clause) \k sau cdc ti)r c6 nghia phu dinh hoic gidi
If anyone has any questions, I’ll be pleased to answer them.
(Neu cd bat ctiai ddt cau hoi, tdi se sdn Idng tra led.)
Let me know if you need anything.
(Hay cho tdi bii't neu ban edn bat ctithtigi.)
•Nobody, no one (khdng ai), nothing (khdng gi)
- C6 th£ diing d£u cau hoSc dung mdt mlnh.
What did you say? ~ Nothing.
(Anh ndi gi thi'? ~ Chang ndi gi cd.)
No one came to the class.

(Khdng cd ai di hoc ca.)
- Dupe dilng vdi nghia phu dinh: nothing = not anything; nobody/ no one =
not anybody

She told nobody about her plans.

(Cdtada khdng ndi vdi bat ctiai vi ke hooch cua minh.)
[= She didn’t tell anybody about about her plans.]
- Dupe dilng vdi d6ng tir cr hinh thiic s6 ft.
The house is empty. There is nobody living there.
(Cdn nhd bo trd'ng. Khdng cd ai sdhg d do cd.)

- Khi dilng nothing, nobody, no one thl khdng dilng ddng til phu dinh.
He said nothing. [NOT He didn’t say nothing] (Anh ta chang ndi gi.)
Nobody tells me anything. [NOT Nobody doesn’t tell ...]

(Khdng ai ndi cho tdi biet dieu gi cd.)

•Everything (moi edit dieu), everyone, everybody (moi ngudi) la cic dai tir

s6 ft (tuy nghia di cap d£n s<5 ddng) ndn dupe dilng vdi ddng til sd' ft (singular

Everyone is having lu!nch.

(Moi ngudi dang dn trua.)

Everything is in good order.

(Moi thtidiu trong vdng trot tu.)
Luu y:
- Ode dai til someone, somebody, anyone, anybody, no one, nobody. Everyone,
everybody cd nghia sd ft vk di vdi ddng tir sd It, nhung thudng dupe theo sau bdi
dang sd nhidu cua dai til (they, them) vh tlnh til scf huu (themselves, their) vi gidi
tlnh khdng xdc dinh.
Someone left their luggage on the train.
(Cd ngudi nao do da de quen hanh ly tren xe Itia.)

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No one saw Tom go out, did they?

(Khdng mdt ai nhin thdy Tom ra ngoai, phai khdng?)
If anybody calls, tell them to call again later.
(Neil cd ai goi dien thi bao ho goi lai sau.)
Nhung it c6 thd dupe dilng vdi something, anything, nothing.
Something went wrong, didn’t it.
(Co dieu gi do true trac phai khdng?)
- Someone,somebody,anyone, anybody, no one, nobody c6 thd dung vdi sd
huu edeh.
Someone’s passport has been stolen.

(Ho chieu cua ngudi nao do da bi danh cdp.)
I don’t want to waste anyone’s time.

(T6i khdng muo'n lam mdt thdi gian cua bat cUai.)
Nhumg 16i thong thifdng:
- Cdc dai til baft dinh phai viet li£n nhau, n£u khdng ngudi doc co thi hidu

nhdm nghia. Khdng vi£t: *every body, *any body, *no body vl c6 thd hidu nh&n
thknh moi cai xdc corpse), w. ..
- Everyone c6 nghia moi ngudi (= every person) nhung every one lai c6 nghia
mdi mdt (= each):
Everyone was happy about the prize.

Every one of the boys was punished.

9. Dai tir tirong ho (Reciprocal pronouns)
Dai tir tuong hd dupe dilng d£ chi mdi quan he giua hai hoac nhidu ngudi hoac

vat vdi nhau, g6m c6 each other one another, tuong ducmg vdi tir nhau trong
tidng Viet:

John and Mary love each other/ one another.

(John va Mary yiu nhau.)

Ddi khi, ngudi Anh-My dilng each other khi dd cap d£n hai ngudi va one
another khi s6 di cap deh nhidu hon hai; tuy nhien su phan biet n£y khdng ph6

bi£n. Dieu edn chu y la c£c dai tir hd tuong cd chdc ning tan ngu ndn vi tri thdng
thudng cua chung phai \k sau ddng tir hoac gidri lit:
Though they lived in the same street, they rarely saw one another/ each other.
(Mac dU sdng trong cung khu phd\ ho it khi gap nhau.)
They gave presents to each other.
(Ho tang qua cho nhau.)
Dai tit hd tuong cung cd th£ dilng vdi sd huu edeh:
The students borrowed each other’s noted.
(Cdc sinh vien mum vdghi chep cua nhau.)
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1. Complete each of the following sentences with the correct form of the
personal pronoun, choosing one of the two in brackets.
1. Jane has a wonderful family. She loves_ very much, and . love
her (they, them).

. . . . . .
2. The class was too small. The headmaster decided to cancelled (it,
3. This book is for John and (I, me).

. . . . . . .............
4. Is that Mary over there? Yes, that’s (her, she).

5. Scots are always making jokes about ourselves (we, us).

6. My wife and have not been well recently (I. me).
7. The crowd at the football game was huge exceeded 100,000 people
(it, they).

8. The audience clapped enthusiastically. Obviously had enjoyed the

concert (it, they).

9. My uncle and aunt love animals. Between (they, them) they own
four dogs and cats. One cat was a present from my wife and (I, me).
10. One cannot see through translucent materials, but light can pass through
(it, them).

2. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate personal pronpun (it, one ones)

1. I tried the door. was locked.
2. I like a strong cup of tea better than a weak

3. is six miles to the nearest hospital from here.

4. I found

difficult to explain to him what had happened.

5. always thinks other people’s lives are more interesting.

6. There was a mother bird in the nest and there were four young .

7. I’m looking for a flat. I’d like a small with a garden.

8. will suit me best for you to arrive at about ten o’clock.

9. I’d like to try on those shoes - the at the front of the window.
10. was my sister who took me to the circus, not my brother.
3. Choose the correct words in italics.
1. Jane fell off hers/her bicycle and broke hers/her arm.
2. My sister had to driver my car to work. HersIHer had a flat tire.
3. He wants you to return a book of his/him you borrowed last week.
4. Is this dictionary yours/your or mine/my?
5. I see that he has lost his pen, perhaps you can lend him yours/your.
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6. His seat and minelmy are on the same row.

7. We live in the same building. Our/ours apartment has one bedroom, but
their/theirs has two.
8. The birds clean theirs/their feathers with theirs/their beaks.
9. 1 saw a cousin of mine/me in the street this morning.
10. You said you would introduce me to a friend of yours/you.

1. They usually eat

2. The man is studying .. ..... . . . . . . . . .
4. Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive pronouns (my/mine, your/
lunch at the Rita Cafeteria.
English lessons now.

...... ...
3. We write letters to ... ... friends once or twice a month.
4. John’s new jacket and (my new jacket) are very similar.
5. His father and mine have offices in the same building (our office) is

on the first floor, but (their office) is on the fourth.
6. That red car in front of (your car) is

(my brother’s car).
7. That big house near the church is (their house).
8. Their house and (our house) are both on the same block.
5. Rewrite these sentences, using pronoun it.
1. To keep it somewhere safe is important.

It ’s important to keep it somewhere safe.

2. The journey to Brighton from London takes only one hour by train.
3. Some parts of King Lear are extremely difficult to understand.

4. That he will fail is clear to everyone but himself.

5. Finding our way home won’t be easy.

6. My question itself made him angry.

7. Meeting each other on this occasion is a good chance.

8. Do you think that to explain to him what happened is difficult?

9. People think that he is the best doctor in this city.

10. To fall asleep like that is stupid.

6. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate reflexive or emphatic pronouns.
1. I shall do the job

3. She stood looking at

4. Why don’t you go
5. They think
2. The teacher..will take this particular lesson.

in front of the mirror.

6. Look after
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7. We gave a lot of trouble.

8. Mother is not feeling today.

...... . . . . .
9. He shaves ; he trusts no barber.
10. She made that chess while she was living by
7. Choose the right answer.
1. I go to school with every day.
a. they b. them c. their d. themselves
2. We saw .. at the Union last Friday.
a. her b. she c. hers d. herself

a nice person?

3. Isn’t
a. he b. his c. himself d. him
4. John and gave the money to the boy.
a. her b. herself c. she d. me

5. Your record is scratched and is, too.
a. my

b. mine
6. John’s shoes were worn out, so he bought
c. It d. myself
a pair of new shoes.
a. him b. his c. them d. himself
7. Who does this CD belong to? ~ .... I’ve just bought it
a. I b. Me c. Mine d. Myself

8. The manager welcomed us to the hotel.

a. himself b. he c. his d. him

9. Mary and would rather go to the movies.

a. me b. my c.I d. mine

10. Just help... to sandwiches, won’t you?

a. you b. your c. yourself d. yours

11. Could you lend Sue your ruler? has just been broken.
a. She b. Her c. Hers d. Herself

12. This parcel is for George and

a. I b. me c. myself d. mine
13. Is that Mary over there? Yes, that’s
a. her b. she c. hers d. herself
14. John arid Tom, you ... have to do it.
a. yourself b. yours c. your d. yourselves
15. It was who called you.
a. he b. him c. his d. himself

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............ . .. .. .. .. . .
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8. Insert the appropriate relative pronoun.
1. Tom, mother is French, speaks that language well.

2. That mountain, the summit
3. It was there that he met Mary
is covered with snow, is not easy to climb.
is now his wife.

..... .. .. .. ..
4. Your problem, I have thought about a lot, is a difficult one.
5. The treaty, was signed yesterday, is an excellent thing.
6. Yesterday I met Harry works near here now.
7. A friend of yours called earlier today, left this parcel for you
8. This is the biggest mushroom I have ever seen.
9. This gentleman, to I have been talking is a mining expert.

10. This is the hardest problem I have ever had to face.
9. Supply the appropriate interrogative pronouns in the blank space in each

1. time is it now? It’s five-fifteen
bicycle is this?
did you talk to?
It’s John’s.
The postman.
4. was that tall boy? My friend, Tom.
5. girl is your sister? The thin one.
Mary, I think.

6. put the chair here?

7. kind of cloth is that? It’s silk.
8. colour is her hair? It’s black.

9. do you call that in English? A “suitcase”.

10. ... picture did you see? My uncle’s.

10. Turn the following sentences into questions with who, whom, whose,
which, what asking about the words in italics.

1. A leaf is part of a tree. What is a leaf?

2. That handsome man over there is Mr Green.

3. You can give your old trousers to the poor.

4. I am going to Canada with my parents.
5. She is a very charming girl.
6. He jumped in the policeman ’s foot.
7. You must drink out of the blue cup.
8. He opened the door with a key.
9. The servant must have broken it.
10. Sweden is a fascinating country.
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11. Put in every or all.
1. Diana is a religious person. She goes to church Sunday.
2. I haven’t been out today because it’s been raining
3. The postman comes at about eight o’clock
4. It’s eleven o’clock. Are you going to lie in bed
5. I was busy last weekend. I spent
6. Why are you in such a hurry
....... day.
Saturday wallpapering the sitting-room.
time I see you?
7. It’s important for student to have o book.
8. Almost children like fairy tales.
9. It’s impossible for one human being to know language in the world.

10. I think of my students are studying hard for the exam.
12. Complete the sentences with some/ any/ somebodyt anybody/ something!

1. I was too surprised to say anything.

2. There’s at the door. Are you expecting ?

3. Did you get the oil? ~ No, there wasn’t
4. Why are you looking under the bed? Have you lost
? ~ Well, I was
looking for but now I can’t remember what it was.
5. Would you like some cheese and biscuits? ~ Oh no, thank you. I couldn’t
eat else.

6. You must be hungry. Would you like to eat?

7. Quick, let’s go! There’s
8. Sally was upset about ....
. . .. .. . . . .
... coming and I don’t want
and refused to talk to
to see us.

9. This machine is very easy to use can learn to use it is a very short time.
10. Were there any calls for me? Yes,- rang while you were out. He

refused to give his name, but he wanted to discuss with you.

11. who saw the accident should contact the police.

12. I didn’t have any money, so I had to borrow


13. Choose the right word.

1. She told (nobody/ anybody) about her wedding.
2. (Everyone/ someone) knows the man is a thief, but (anyone/ no one) dares to
say so publicly.
3. I can’t go to the party. I haven’t got (nothing/ anything) to wear.
4. I’d like to go away (somewhere/ nowhere) if I can. (Someone/ Anyone) I
know has invited me to his villa in Portugal, so I may go there.
5. What’s in that box? (Nothing/ Anything). It’s empty.
6. I don’t know (nothing/ anything) about economics.

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7. Has Matthew got a job yet? No, but he’s looked (somewhere/ everywhere).
He hates the idea of sitting around doing (something/ nothing).
8. The accident looked serious but fortunately (nobody/ anybody) was injured.
9, Could you do (anything/ something) for me, please?
10. There was completely silence in the room. (Somebody/ Nobody) said
(anything/ something).
14. Choose the correct form.
1. We had to wait because someone had lost its/ their ticket.
2. One of the policemen had injured his/ their arm.
3. Most of these shoes is/ are in fashion now.

4. No one likes/ like going to leave early, she/ they can.
5. If anybody wants/want to leave early, she/ they can.

6. One of the guests had brought something wrapped in brow paper. She put it/
them on the table.
7. Some of my friends has/ have arrived.

8. No tourists ever come/ comes to our village.
9. Everybody have/has to leave his/ their bags outside.
10. No car is/ are allowed in the city center.

. .......... .
15. Complete the sentences with all/ both/ neither/ either/ none/ each.
1. I took two books with me on holiday but I didn’t read either of them.

2. We tried a lot of hotels but of them had any rooms. of them

were full.
3. I tried twice to phone George but time he was out. I

4. There are two good hotels in the town, but of them had any rooms. i
of them were full.

5. There are a few shops at the end of the street but of them sell

6. The book is divided into five parts and ... of these has three sections.
7. I can meet you on the 6th or 7th. Would ...of those days be convenient

. . . . .... ........ . . .

for you?
8. John and I couldn’t get into the house because of us had a key.
9. There were a few letters this morning but of them were for me.
were for my father.
10. I’ve got two bicycles of them are quite old. I don’t ride ... of
them any more of them is in very good condition, I’m afraid.

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Chuang 3

Tfnh tilt (adjectives) lk tir chi tfnh cha't cua nguoi, vat hokc sir vide dirac bi&i thi
bang mdt danh ti)r hokc dai tir.
D. CACLOAITiNHTlJ (Kinds of adjectvies)

Co sau loai tfnh tit:
- Tfnh tir midu ta (Adjectives of Quality hoac Descriptive Adjectives).
- Tfnh tCr s6 luong (Adjectives of Quality).

- Tfnh tir scf huu (Possessive Adjectives).

- Tfnh tir phan bidt (Distributive Adjectives).
- Tfnh tir nghi vkn (Interrogative Adjectives)
- Tfnh tir chi dinh (Demonstrative Adjectives).
1. Tfnh tur midu ta (Descriptive adjectives): la tfnh tir dirac diing d£ md ta
hinh dkng, kfch thudc, phdm cha't, dkc tfnh, sac ... cua ngurii, vat hoac sir vide.

new (mcti) large (rdng)

tall (cao) good (tdt)
a large room (mdt can phdng l&n)

a charming woman (mdt ngudi dan ba duyen dang)

a new plane (mdt may bay mai)

a blue pen (mdt cay but mau xanh)

Tfnh tir chi siI midu ta chidm phkn 16n s<5 luong tfnh tir trong tidng Anh. Chung

c6 th£ phan 1km hai tidu nh6m:

- Tfnh tir chi mure do (Gradable adjectives): lk nhung tfnh tir c6 thd didn ta

tfnh chkt hokc dkc tfnh 6 nhung mure dd (16n, nh6,...) khac nhau. Nhung tfnh tir nky
c6 thd diing 6 dang so sknh (comparison) hokc c6 thi ph&n dinh bdi ckc trang tir
chi mure dd nhu very, rather, so,...
small smaller smallest
interesting more interesting most interesting
old so old rather old
useful very useful extremely useful
- Tfnh tir khdng chi mure do (Non-gradable adjectives): 1a nhung tfnh tir
khdng thd diing 6 dang so sknh va khdng thi diing vdi cac trang tir chi mire dd.
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Phin Ion c&c tinh tCr v& ky thuM (atomic, physican) v& chi quO'c tjch d6u thu6c loai
nay. Tuy nhifin cac tirchi qu6c tich nhir English, American, Scottish, Vietnamese...
\k tinh tCr chi mire d6 khi chi v6 hanh vi, c&ch cu xir. Chung c6 th£ dung vdi very,
rather... va dung vdi hinh thirc so sanh.
He is very English.
(Ong ay rat la Anh.)
He is more English than the English. Ij
(Ld'i sd'ng, each ting xticua ong ta con Anh hem ca, ngicdi Anh.)
2. Tinh tur chi so luqng xac djnh va khong xac dinh (Definite and Indefinite)
2.1. Xac djnh

- S6 d£m (Cardinal Numbers)
- S6 thu tu (Ordinal Numbers)
- S6 nh&n 16n (Multiplicatives)
So dem va so thir tu

So dem So thur tu

(1) (2)
1 one the first, 1st
2 two second, 2nd
3 three third, 3rd

4 four fourth, 4th

5 five fifth, 5th
6 sixth, 6th

7 seven seventh, 7th
eighth, 8th

8 eight
9 nine ninth, 9th
tenth, 10th

10 ten
11 eleven eleventh, 11th

12 twelve twelfth, 12th

20 twenty twentieth, 20th
21 twenty-one twentieth, 21sl
22 twenty-two twenty-second, 22rd
23 twenty-three twenty-third, 23
24 twenty-four twenty-fourth, 24th
30 thirty thirtieth, 30th
40 forty fortieth, 40th
50 fifty fiftieth, 50th
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60 sixty sixtieth, 60th
70 seventy seventieth, 70th
80 eighty eyghtieth, 80th
90 ninety ninetieth, 90th
100 a (one) hundred one hundredth, 100th
101a (one) hundred one hundred and first, 101st
(and) one
200 two hundred two hundredth, 200th
235 two hundred and two hundred and thirty-fifth 235th
1000 a (one) thousand (one) thousandth 1,000th

1,244 a (one) thousand two (one) thousand two hundred
hundred and forty-four and forty-fourth, 1244th
1,000,000 a (one) million (one) millionth, 1,000,000th

a) Nhflmg dieu chn biet ve so dem.
•Cdch viet:

S6 16n dupe phan chia ra thanh ttrng nh6m ngan, tri6u, ty (billion) bang dau
phay: 100,000,000,000
S6 le dupe phang dau chain (point) va doc timg con stf.
0.4 zero (hoac nought) point four.

1.3 one point three.

12.905 twelve point nine nought five.
Cdch doc sd'khdng:

S6 khPng (0) c6 thÿ doc la nought hoac zoro.

- ThPng thuemg s6 khftng dupe doc la nought

- Zero dung dd doc nhung s(5 v6 nhi6t d6:

three degrees below zero. (3 dd duen Odd)

Ten degrees above zoro. (10 dd tren Odd )

The thermometer fell to zero last night.

(Dem qua nhiet dd xud'ng toi 0 dd.)

- S6 di£m (s6 ban thang) la 0 trong c&c tran da'u thÿ thao dupe doc Ik nil:
The result of the game was 2-0. (doc: two-nil hoac two goals to nil)
(Ket qua tran dau la 2- 0.)
* Cdch ndi hon k4m, khoang chitng.

- Hem, nhi£u hon:

Six is more than four (6 nhieu hem 4)
She is giving a lesson to a class of more than thirty children.
(Cd ay d ing day mdt lap co hem 30 doa tre.)
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Above 100 people were there.
(Tren 100 ngitdi da co mat a day.)
This book has over three hundred pages.
( Quyen sach nay co hem 300 trang.)
- it hon, dudfi, g£n:
Five is less than seven. (3 it hem 7)
There were no fewer than 100 people present.
(Da co horn tram ngicdi co mat.)
less than (it hem, duai)
below (dic&i)

under (dvt&i) thirty
almost (gdn)
close to (gdn)
- Khoang chtmg:

He is about thirty.
(Anh la chitng 30 tuoi.)
There are a hundred people in the room, more or less.
(Co chitng 100 ngitdi trong phdng.)
I was away three weeks or so.
(T6i di xa chitng 3 tudn.)

- Them:
five more minutes (them 5 phut nita
five minutes more

- Itnha't:
This woman must be at least forty.

(Ngudi dan ba nay it nhat cung phai 40 tuoi.)

- Thira thie'u:

You’ve given me two too few / too many.


(Anh da dita cho tdi thieu! thita 2 cai.)

•Hinh thtic sd'nhieu cua chit sf).
- Chu s<5 s6 nhi£u them ’s:
There are two 7’s in 747.
(Co hai con so 7 trong sd'747.)
- Khi mOt s6' de'm duoc dung nhu danh tir, n6 co th£ hinh thuc s6 ft hoSc s6
It’s a 747. (doc: seven forty-seven)
(No la mdt chiec may bay 747.)
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747's are beautiful planes.
( NhCtng chiec 747 la nhitng may bay dep.)
- Trong c£c thknh ngu: in twos (titng ddi, titng cap mdt), in threes (titng ba
ngitcri mdt), on all fours (bo bang hai tay va dau gd'i - dung v&i, phu hop v&i)
Arrange them in twos.
(Hay xep ho thanh titng hai ngicdi mdt.)
They entered in threes.
(Ho vao titng ba ngit&i mdt.)
b) Couple, Pair va Both
•Couple chi:
- M6t cap vg ch6ng hoac m6t d6i nam nfi

a married couple (mdt cap vachdng)
the newly married couple (cap tan hdn)
a courting couple (mdt ddi trai gdi dang tim hieu)

Ten couples took the floor.

(Mixed cap bade ra san nhay.)
- Hai ngirbi hoac vat:
a couple of boys (hai cau trai)
a couple of oranges (hai trai cam)
•Pair chi hai vdt hap thdnh mdt bd khdng the thie'u mdt duac, hodc do vdt

cd hai bo phdn.
gloves (ddi gdng tay)
shoes (ddi giay)

a pair of
trousers (caiquan)

scissors (cai keo)

* Both nghia Id cd hai, dung vdi danh tit vd ddng tit sd'nhieu.

Both my sister are teachers.

(Cd hai em gdi tdi deu la gido vien.)

There are houses on both sides of the street.

(Hai ben ditemg pho deu cd nha.)
c) Dozen, hundred, thousand, million, billion
Dozen, hundred, thousand, million, billion kh6ng hop stf nhi&i khi dung sau
s<5 d£m: two dozen pencils, three hundred years, four thousand people
London has a population of over 8 million.
(Luan Don co dan so'tren 8 trieu ngUcti.)
Nhung chung cd s khi kh6ng co s6 d£m cr truce.
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Dozen of pencils (hang ta but chi)
We’ve know for hundreds of years that the earth is round.
(Chung ta da biet hang tram nam nay rang qua dat trdn.)
Space research costs billions of dollars.
(Sir nghien ctfu khdng gian ton hem hang ty dd la.)
Chu y: thousand, million co th£ c6 s khi khdng c6 s6 le di theo.
a thousand thousands (1,000,000)
a thousand millions (1,000,000,000)
a million millions (1,000,000,000,000)
d) Phan so

Tir s6 doc bang s6 d6m, m3u s6' doc bang s6 thur tu, trCr half va quater. 6 s<5
nhi£u, mau s6' co s.
: a (one) half |: a (one) third

a quarter hoac one fourth j : a (one) fifth
- ; three-fourths
h. ~ : five-eighths
2- : two and a third
6ÿ : six and three-quarter
two-thirds od nine is six. (| cua 9 ia 6)

I took a third of them; my friend took the other two thirds.

(Tdi dd lay cua so do; ban toi lay kia.)

e) Cong, trfir, nhan, chia


Eight and seven are fifteen. 8 + 7= 15

Seven plus two makes nine. 7+2=9

Add ten to eight. (Cong JO vcri 8.)


Five from six leaves one. 6-5=1

Fifteen minus ten is five. 15-10 = 5
Take eight from twelve. (12 trit 8.)
Once six is six 1x6 = 6
Twice two is four 2x2 = 4
Six times eight is forty-eight 6 x 8 = 48
Multiply nine by five. (Nhan 9 vdi 5.)
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Two into eight goes four. 8:2 = 4
Divide fifteen by five. (Chia 15 cho 5.)
f) Clch doc dc loai so lieu
•Ngdy, thdng, ndm:
- Ng&y thing:
January 1 January first
January 1st
1 January
1st January
~y. The first of January

John’s birthday is on June 23rd. (doc June twenty-third.)
(Sink nhat cua John vao ngdy 23 thdng 6.)
- Nlm:
1066: ten sixty-six

1905: nineteen hundred and five; hoac nineteen oh five (s6 0 doc oh)

19 -: nineteeen something
Elvis was bom on January 8th, 1935. (Elvis sinh ngay 8 thdng 1 ndm 1935.)
(doc January eighth, nineteen thirty-five)
Gib chin

8:00 : eight o’clock

12:00 : twelve noon (12 gid trica)
twelve midnight (12 gid dem )

- Gib Id
Noi trubc gib, phut sau (khOng noi o’clock).

8:05 : eight five hole eight oh five

8: 15 : eight fifteen

8:30 : eight thirty


8:45 : eight forty-five

8: 50 : eight fifty
Dung after hoac past n£u s6 phut sau gib 1& 30 trb lai.
8:05 : five (minutes) after/past eight
8: 15 : a quarter after/past eight
8: 30 : half past eight
N6u stf phut sau gib trdn 30 thi noi s6' phut vdi gib kg' tidp v& dilng before hole
8: 45 : a quarter before/to nine

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8:50 : ten before/to nine
Ngufri ta cung dung of:
8:50 : ten of nine
Room 101 : room one oh one (Phdng 1 a Idu 1)
Room 1021: room ten twenty-one (Phong 21 dlau 10)
•So dien thoai:
Doc timg con s6 va tam ngimg cf giua hai nh6m sA'.
263-7954: two, six, three (tam ngitng) seven, nine, five, four.
•S6'gid'y thong hdnh:

Doc timg con sA'.
A9125834: A nine, one, two, five, eight, three, four.
•Sd'chuyen bay:

Flight 212: Flight two twelve (ChuyA'n bay 212)
•Cdc cdch doc khdc:

Henry HI: Henry the Third (Henry de tam)
Chapter I: Chapter one hohc the first chapter (Chucmg 1)
Turn to page fourteen and begin to read from line sixteen.
(Lat tai trang 14 va bat ddu doc titddng 16.)
102: ten squared (10 binh phucmg)

103: ten cubed (10 luy tkUa ba)

He stood seventh in English and third in arithmetic.
(No ditog thti 7 ve m6n Anh van va thi(3 mon sd'hoc.)

g) So nh&n len

double : twofold (gap doi)

triple : threefold (gap ba Ian )
quadruple : fourfold (gap bon Ian)

quintuple : fivefold (gap nam Ian)


sextuple : sixfold (gap sau Ian)

septuple : sevenfold (gap bay Ian)
hundredfold : (gap tram Ian)
2.2. Tfnh tur chi so lircmg khong xac d|nh
All, most, some, several, many,few, much, little, a lot ofl lots of, no, one, twenty..
a) All, most
•All (tat ca), most (phan Ian) + danh tir d£m duoc of s6 nhidu (plural
countable noun) hoac danh tir khAng d6m duqc (uncountable noun). D6ng tir theo
sau cf hinh thuc s6 nhieu hay s<5 it thy thuAc vho danh tir.
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All children need love.
(Tat ca tre em deu can tinh thucmg.)
They had given up all hope.
(Ho da tit bo moi hy vong.)
Most cheese is made from cow’s milk.
(Phan lan pho mat dupe lam tit bo sda.)
b) Some, any
•Some (mot vai, mdt so), any (nao) + danh tir ddm dupe or s<5 nhidu (plural
countable noun) hoSc danh tir khdng ddm dupe (uncountable noun).
There were some cornflakes on the table, but there wasn’t any milk. (Trin
ban co vai cai banh bdt ngd, nhitng khdng co sda.)

- Some thucmg dupe dilng trong cau khang dinh \k any thudmg dupe dung
trong cau phu dinh va cau h6i.
Some modern music sounds harsh and tuneless.

(Mot sonhac hien dai nghe choi tai va khdng co giai dieu.)

Are there any stamps in the drawer?
(Co con tem nao trong ngan keo khdng?)
- Some thucmg dupe dung trong cau d6 nghi va cau ydu cdu.
Would you like some coffee?
(Anh dung chut ca phe nhe?)

Could you post some letters for me?

(Anh co the giti giup tdi vai la thu khdng?)
- Some c6 \hi dupe dung vdi danh tCr d£m dupe cr s<5 ft dÿ chi m6t nguori, mdt

ncri chd'n, m6t vat chua dupe bifi't ddn hoSc chua cac dinh.
Some man at the door is asking to see you.

(6 ngoai cita co ngudi nao do mud'n gap anh.)

She lives in some village in Yorkshire.

(Cday sdhg trong mdt ngdi lang nao do a Yorkshire.)

- Any c6 thd dupe dilng vdi danh tir d£m dupe s6 ft trong cau khang dinh dd

nhah manh y \i chon lua tu do, v6i nghla "bat citai; bdt cd cai gi, dieu gi.
Any student can answer the question.
(Bdt cdsinh vien nao cung co the tra l&i cau hoi do.)
Take any book you like.
(Hay lay bdt cdquyen sdeh nao anh thick)
- Any dilng vdi other dd chi mdt vai vat nÿo khac.
Have you any other book on this subject?
(Anh co quyen sdeh nao khac ve van de nay khdng?)
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c) Many, much, a lot of/ lots of. (chi s6 lucfng 16n)
•Many + danh tir d6'm duoc d ,<s<5 nhi£u (plural countable noun)
•Much + danh tir khdng d£m diroc (uncountable noun)
We don’t have many oranges today.
(Horn nay chung tdi khong co nhieu cam.)
He hasn’t much money.
(Anh ta khong co nhieu tien.)
- Much va many dung trong cau khang dinh neu chung di vdi chu ngu.
Much snow has fallen.
( Nhieu tuyei da red.)

Many books lie on that table.
(Nhieu quyen sach nam tren ban.)
- Dung trong cau khang djnh khi chung c6 so, as, too, how dung truce:
He has so much money.

You can order as many roses as you like.

(Anh thich bao nhieu hoa hong thi co the dat mua bay nhieu.)
I drank too much beer at my brother’s wedding.
(Tdi da uong qua nhieu ruou bia a le cudi cua anh tdi.)
There are too many mistakes in your exercise.
(Co qua nhieu I5i trong bai tap cua anh.)

Liru y: trong ldi van trinh trong, d6i khi chung ta cung c6 th£ dung many va
much trong cau khang dinh.

Many students have financial problems.

(Nhieu sinh vien gap kho khan ve tdi chinh.)

Many = a large number of, a good number of

Much = a great deal of, a good deal of, a large quantity of

•A lot of7 lots of

- A lot of! lots of thuong diroc dung trong cau khang dinh. A lot of/ lots of +

danh tCr d£m duoc 6 s<5 nhi6u (plural countable noun) hoac danh tir khOng d£m
duoc (uncountable noun).
A lot of people were queuing for the film.
(Nhieu ngitdi dang xep hang mua ve xem phim.)
There was a lot of money in the safe.
(Co nhieu tien trong ket.)
- A lot ofI lots of cung co the’ duoc dung trong cau phu dinh hoac cau nghi v£h
trong 161 van than mat.
I don’t have many/ a lot of friend. (Tdi khdng co nhieu ban.)
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Do you eat much/ a lot of fruit? (Ban cd an nhieu trai cay khdng?)
Liru y: Kh6ng dilng a lot of sau too, so, as, va very.
Sarah has so many friend. [NOT so a lot of]
(Sarah co rat nhieu ban.)
d) (a) few va (a) little: chi s6 luqng nho.
- A few xk a little (mdt vdi; mdt s6) mang nghla khing dinh.
A few + danh tit d£m duoc 6 s<5 nhi6u (plural countable noun)
A little + danh tit kh6ng d£m duoc (uncountable noun)
I enjoy my life here. I have a few friends and we meet quite often.
(T6i sd'ng 6 day rat vui. Tdi co vai nguoi ban va chung tdi gap nhau kha

thudng xuyen.) [a few friends = some friends]
Let’s go and have a drink. We’ve got a little time before the train leaves.
(Chung ta di ud'ng nude di. Chung ta van cdn mot It then gian trude khi tau
chay.) [a little time = some time]

- Few xk little (It) mang nghla phu dinh, ham f ‘khOng nhi£u nhu mong dd/

nhu nguci ta nghl’.
Few + danh tit d£m duoc 6 s6 nhi£u
Little + danh tit khOng d£m duoc
He isn’t popular. He has few friends.
(Anh ta khdng duoc moi nguoi yeu thich. Anh ta co It ban be.)

[few friends = not many friends]

We must be quick. There is little time.
(Chung ta phdi nhanh len. Khdng co nhieu then gian ddu.)

[little time = not much time]

- Very little va veryfew cung cd thd duoc dilng.

We must be quick. There is very little time.

(Chung ta phdi nhanh len. C6 rat it thdi gian.)

•So s4nh hai c£u sau:


He spoke little English, so it was difficult to talk to him.

(Anh ta ndi duoc It tieng Anh, nen ndi chuyen vdi anh ta that kho khdn.)
[little English = not much English]
He spoke a little English, so we can talk to him.
(Anh ta ndi duoc mdt it tieng Anh, chung ta co the ndi chuyen vdi anh ta.)
[a little English = some English]
Lim y: ‘only a little’ xk ‘only a few’ c6 nghla phu dinh
We must be quick. We’ve only got a little time.
(Chung ta phdi nhanh len. Chung ta chi cd mdt it thdi gian.)
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[only a little time = not much time]
The village was very small. There were only a few houses.
( Ngdi lang rat nho. Chi co mdt vai can nha.)
[only a few houses = not many houses]
3. Tfnh tur so huru (Posessive adjectives)
Tfnh tir so huu duoc dung trucrc danh tur de chi danh tur do thu6c v6 ngucri nao
hoac vat nrio.
(Dai tir nMn xung)_ (Tir xac dinh/ tfnh tit so huu)
I My (cua tdi)

you your (cita ban! anhi chi)
he his (cuaanhay)
she her (cuachiay)

it its (cua no)

we our (cua chung toi)
they their (cua ho, cua chung)
Have you seen my new coat?
(Ban c6 thdy cai do khoac mdi cua tdi khdng? )
Her father is a teacher.

(Cha cua cd ay la giao vien.)

4. Tfnh tit chi djnh (Demonstrative adjectives)

This, that, these, those, other, another, the other.

a) This/ that + danh tit s6 ft (singular noun)

- These/ those + danh tit s<5 nhi6u (plural noun)

I want this car, not that car.

(T6i mud'n cai xe nay, khdng phdi edi xe kia.)

This book is mine; that book is yours.

(Quyen sach nay cua tdi; quyen sach kia cua anh.)
These houses are very old.
(NhUng cai nha nay qua cu.)
Who are those people?
(Nhting ngucri kia la ai?)
- This/ these: chi ngucri hay vat 6 khoang each grin vdi ngucri n6i.
This little bot says he’s tired.
CThang be nay noi la no bi met.)
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Come and see these photos.
(Hay den xem nhitng tdm hlnh nay.)
- That! those: chi nguiri hay vat 6 khoang each xa.
Tell those men to go away.
(Bdo nhitng ga kia bien di.)
Give me that hammer.
(Dita tdi cay bua do.)
- This, these, that, those thucmg dupe diing vdi danh tir chi then gian. This/
these chi thcri gian hidn tai hoac khoang then gian sap tdi, that/those chi thcri gian
qua khti hoac khoang then gian xa horn trong tuong lai.

I’m taking my driving test this weekend, so I’m pretty busy these days.
(Cud'i tudn nay tdi se thi lay bang lai, nen nhitng ngay nay tdi kha ban rdn.)
Do you remember that summer we all went to Spain. (Ban co nhd mua he
ma tat ca chung ta cung di TayBa Nha khdng?)

- This, these, that, those + danh tir + of + dai tir scr hiru co thi dupe dung di

nhSh manh, thay cho tinh titsdhitu + danh tit.
This boy of yours seems very intelligent.
(Cau con trai nay cua anh co ve rat thdng minh.)
b) Other + danh tir s6 ft/ s<5 nhidu (singular/ plural noun): m6t hoac nhidu
ngucri, vat hoac su vide thdm vao cai da dupe ndu 16n hoac ngu y trude d6.

In addition to Nicola, Mrs Stanley has three other children.

(Ngoai Nicola, bd Stanley edn co ba ngicdi con khac.)
c) Another + danh tir s<5 ft/ s<5 nhidu (singular noun): m6t ngucri hoac vat khde

ngoai edi da c6 hoac da ndu.

I must find myself another job.

(Tdi phai tim edng viec khac.)

She’s got anther boy-friend.

(Cddy da co ban trai khde.)

d) The other + danh tir s6 ft: cai thtf hai trong hai cai.

The insurance office was on the other side of the street.

(Cdng ty bdo hiem d ben kia dit&ng.)
e) The other + danh tir s<5 nhidu: nhung ngucri hoac nhOng vat c6n lai; phdn
c6n lai.
Where are the other photos?
(Con nhitng tdm hinh khac dau?)
5. Tfnh tit phan bd (Distributive adjectives)
each, every, both, either, neither
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a) Each, every
•Each, every + danh ttir d£m dupe s<5 ft (singular countable noun): chi nhdm
ngudi hoac vat. D6ng tir theo sau cr sd' it (singular verb).
Each room/ Every room has number.
(Mdi phdng deu co sd.)
Trong nhidu trudng hop, ca each v& every ddu co thd diroc dung ma kh6ng co
sir khac bitt nhidu vd nghla.
Each time/ Every time I see you, you look more beautiful.
(MSi Ian tdi gap ban, trong ban mdi dep hem.)
The police questioned each person/ every person in the building. (Canh sat
tham van tieng ngudi trong tda nha.)

Tuy nhidn each va every khOng hoan toan gidng nhau.
- Each (mdi) ham y m6i ngucri, m6i vat hoSc m6i su vat trong m6t nh6m.
- Every (moi; mdi) ham y tat ca ngudi, vat hoac su vat duac xem nhu mot


Every student is the class passed the examination.
(Moi hoc sinh trong Idp deu thi dd.)
Each student has his/ her own place in the library.
(Mdi hoc sinh co chd ngoi rieng cua minh trong thuvien.)
- Each dupe dung khi noi \6 mpt stf lupng nho ngudi hoac vat. Every thufrng

dupe dang vdi mpt s6 lupng ldn.

I tried to phone her two or three times, but each time there was no reply.
(Toi thixgoi cho cd ay hai ba Ian, nhung khdng Ian ndo goi ducfc.)

Every time he phones, I always seem to be in the shower.

(Dudng nhu Ian ndo anh ay goi den tdi cung dang tarn.)

[= all the time]

- Each c6 th£ dupe dung dd ntii vd hai ngudi, hai vat hoac su vat.

In a football match, each team has 11 players.

(Trong mdt Iran bong dd, mdi ddi cd 11 cau thu.) [NOT every team]

- Every dupe dung dd n6i didu gl d6 xay ra thudng xuyfin nhu th£ nao.
There is a bus every ten minutes. [NOT ... each ten minutes]
(Mdi 10 phut co mdt chiec xe buyt.)

6. Both, either, neither

•Both (cd hai), either (edit ngudi nay hoac cail ngudi kia), neither (khdng
cdil ngudi nay hoac khdng edit ngudi kia): dupe dung dd chi hai ngudi, hai vat
hofle su vat.
- Both + + danh tir ddm dupe a s6 nhidu (plural countable noun)
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Both books are interesting.
(Ca hai cuon sach deu hay.)
- Either/ Neither + danh tir ddm duoe s<5 it (singular countable noun)
You may borrow either book.
(Anh c6 th£ miton quyen sack nay hoac quyen kia.)
Neither book is satisfactory.
(Khdng quyin sach nao trong hai quyen lam thoa man ca.)
7. Tinh tir nghi v£n (Interrogative adjectives)
Whose, what, which.
a) Whose + danh tit ddm diroe hofic khdng ddm diroe (counlable/ uncountable

Whose cars are those outside?
(Nhifrig chiec xe ben ngoai kia la cua ai vay?)
Whose money dis you buy the car with?

(Anh mua xe bang tien cua ai vay?)

b) Whats + danh tir d£m duoe hoac khdng dC'm duoe (countable/ uncountable
What famous person said this?
(Nhan vat nSi tieng nao da noi dieu nay the?)
What color are the baby’s eyes?

(Mat be mau gi? )

c) Which + danh tir ddm duoe hoac khdng dSm duoe (countable/ uncountable

Which book do you prefer?

(Anh thich quyen sach nao hem?)

Tell me which ones you want?

(Cho tdi hay anh can nhung edi nao?)

m. TfNH Ttr DUQC PHAN LOAI THEO VI TRf (Adjectives classified

according to their positions)

Ttnh tir duoe phan chia lam hai loai:

1. Tinh tilf dting trude danh tir (attributive adjectives):
a good student (mdt hoc sinh gioi)
a lazy boy (mdt cau be hieri)
He’s a nice man. (Ong ay la ngtfdi td't.)
2. Tinh tir dung mdt minh (predicative adjectives), khdng chap nhan danh tir
nao dung sau n6. D6 la tinh tir theo sau ede hd tir be, become,feed, look...
The boy is afraid. (Cau be so hai.)
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The woman is asleep. (Ngudi dan ba dang ngu.)
The girl is well. (Cd gai khoe manh.)
The soldier looks ill. (Ngu&i link trdng dm.)
Cdc tmh tir nhu trfin lurin lu6n dung mOt minh, do d6 chung ta khdng thi n6i:
*an afraid boy
*an asleep woman
*a well girl
*an ill soldier
N£u mutfn didn dat cdc y tr6n, chung ta phai noi:
a frightened woman (mot ngudi dan ba scfhai)

a sleeping boy (mdt cau be dang ngu)
a healthy girl (mdt cd gai khoe manh)
a sick soldier (mdt ngudi Unh bi dm)
Nhung tinh tit dung mdt minh sau ddng tir nhu tr6n la nhung tmh tir bat ddu

bang a- vk mdt s6 ft cac tmh tir khac nhu:
asleep (dang ngu)
afraid (sohai)
h. aware (biet)
alive (cdn song)
awake (tinh, thik) afloat (nSi)
alone (mdt minh) ashamed (xdu ho)
unable (khdng the) exempt (mien trie)

content (hdi Idng)...

Cdc vi du:

The dog seems afraid.

(Con cho co ve scfhai.)

Is the boy awake or asleep?

(Cau be da thtic day hay cdn ngu?)

[khdng ndi: *afraid dog, *asleep boy]

Tuy nhidn ddi khi chung ta nghe ngudi Anh-MT diing cac tinh tir k£ trdn trude

danh tir, nh9t la khi chung dune ph&n dinh bang mdt tir khde nhu half-asleep
children (nhung diia tre nica ngu nua thuc), a very ashamed girl (mdt cd gai rat hS
then), a somewhat afraid soldier (mdt ngudi Unh kha nhut nhat).
IV. TlNH Ttf DON VA TINH Tl/ GH&P (Simple adjectives and compound
1. Tinh tir dem (Simple adjectives): la tinh tir chi c6 mdt tir.
beautiful (xinh dep), good (td't), sad (budn)...
2. Tinh tir kep (compound adjectives): la tinh tir duoc thanh lap bang each k£t

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hap hai hole nhi£u tCr lai vdi nhau v& duoc ding nhu mdt tmh tCr duy nh£t. Tmh tCr
ghep c6 th£ duoc vidt:
- TMnh mdt tir duy nha't:
life + long - lifelong (Idu ddi, ca ddi)
sea + sick = seasick (say song)
- Thanh hai til c6 da'u nd'i (-) b giua:
word + famous = word-famous (nSi tieng khap the gicri)
work + shy = work-shy (htdi lao ddng)
Cach vidt cua tfnh tir kep duoc phan loai nhu trdn chi c6 gid tri tuang ddi. Mdt
tmh tir kdp c6 th£ duac mdt sd ngudi ban ngu vidt c6 gach nd'i (-) trong luc mdt s6

ngudi khde vidt lidn nhau hoac chung c6 thd thay d6i edeh vidt theo thdi gian.
Cdu tao: tihh tir kep duoc tao thknh ben:
Danh tir + tfnh tir:
blood-red (do nhicmau) homesick (nhdnhd)

world-wide (khap the gicri) noteworhty (ddng chu y)

- Danh tir + phhn tir:
handmade (lam bang tay) heartbroken (dau Idng)
time-consuming (tdh thdi gian) heart-warming (vui ve)
- Tfnh tir + phan tir:

ready-made (lam san, may sdn) clear-cut (rd rang)

easy-going (thoai mai, di chiu) fine-looking (trdng dep mdt)
- Trang tir + phan tir:

never-ending (khdng dut) outspoken (thang than)

well-built (trdng kien) everlasting (vinh ciiu)

- Tfnh tir + tfnh tir:

blue-black (xanh den) white-hot (cue ndng)

dark-brow (ndu ddm ) worldly-wise (titng trdi)

- Tfnh tir + danh tit + ED (adjective + noun + ED)

white-livered (nhat gan, nhut nhdt) long-sighted (viin thi)

good-humored (vui tmh, de ddi)
V. PHAN TITDIJNG NHl/TINH Tlf (Participles functioning as adjectives)
Hidn tai phan tir (present praticiple - V-ing) vh qu£ khti phan tir (past praticiple
- V-ed) cd thd duoc dimg nhu mdt tmh tir trude danh tir hoac sau ddng tit to be va
cac hd tir kh£c.
1. Hien tai phan tit (present participle): duoc ding d£ md ta nguM, vat hoSc su
vide tao ra cam xuc -> nghla chu ddng.
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Jane’s job is boring. [It makes Jane borred.]
(Cdng viec cua Jane that id nhat.)
Tom was very interesting person. [He made us interested]
(Tom la mdt ngtfdi rat thu vi.)
2. Qua khur phan tit (past participle): dupe dimg dd mb ta trang thai hodc cam
xuc cua mdt ngucri (dd'i vdi ngudi, vat hodc su viec ndo d6) -> nghia thu ddng (b|
tac ddng)
Jane is bored (with her job)
(Jane chan cdng viec cua minh.)
Boring teachers make bored students.

(Thay buon te lam trd chan hoc.)
His explanation made me very confused.
(Ldi gidi thich cua anh ta lam cho tdi rat bd'i rd'i.)
Liru y:

- Cdch thdnh lap phan tir:

+ Hien tai phan tit (present participle) dupe thdnh lap bang edeh them -ing vdo
sau dang nguyen th£ cua ddng tCr: interesting, boring, exciting, developing...
+ Qua khur phan tit (past participle) dupe thdnh lap bang edeh them -ed vdo
sau ede ddng tit co quy tac. Qua khu* phan tit cua ede ddng tit bdt quy tac Id ddng tit
ndm 6 cdt 3 trong bang ddng tit beft quy tac: interested, bored, excited, broken,

grown, ...
- M6t sd' ndi dung tit (intranstive verbs) co dang qud khti phan tit co th£ dupe
dung nhu tfnh tit vefi nghia chu d6ng, nhdt Id khi dung trucrc danh tit.

a fallen leat (chiec la rung) [~ a leaf that has fallen]

developed countries (cac nude phat triin) [= countries that have developed]

VI. DANH TLT DUNG NHl/TINH Tl/ (Nouns functioning as Adjectives)

Trong tiehg Anh, danh tit c6 th£ dupe ddng nhu tfnh tit d£ b6 nghia cho danh tit

khde. Cdc danh tit ndy thudng dung trude tit md nd b6 nghia vd ludn 6 dang s6 ft

(singular form).
We need some new garden tools.
(Chung ta can mdt sd'dung cu lam vucm men.)
That shoe shop’s closed down.
(Tiem giay do da dong cita ludn roi.)
Khi danh tit dupe dung nhu tir bd nghia kd't hop vdi mdt con sd' thl danh tit ludn
d hinh thuc sd' ft (ngay khi chiing b6 nghia cho danh tir sd' nhi£u) vd cd ddu gach
ngang giua danh tit vd con sd'.
We took a tour that lasted five weeks, (noun)
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—> (Chung
We took a five-week tour,(adjective)
tdi da di mdt chuyen du lich keo ddi 5 tudn.)
Her son is five years old.
-» She has a five-year-old son.
(Cd dyed mdt dtia con trai 5 tuSi.)
vn. VI TRf CUA DANH TtT (Position of adjectives)
Tmh td c6 ede vi tri sau:
1. Trur6c danh tir:
The new secretary doesn’t like me.
(Ngudri thuky men khdng thick tdi.)

He is an intelligent student
(Anh ta la mdt hoc sink thdng minh.)
2. Sau dhng tit: dung sau ede he tir (linking verbs) be (thi), seem (co ve, dudng

nhu), look (trdng co ve), become (tro nen), get (tro nen), feel (cam thay), sound

(nghe co ve), taste (co vi), smell (co mili), appear (hinh nhu, co ve).
The children seemed happy.
(Trdng bon tre co ve rat vui.)
This dress is new, isn’t it?
(Chiec do dam nay men phdi khdng?)

It’s getting cold.

3. Sau danh tit: tmh tir cd thÿ di sau danh tit n6 phdm dinh trong ede tnrfrng

hop sau ddy:

- Khi tmh tir duoc dilng dd phdm dinh ede dai tit bdt dinh:

There is nothing new. [nothing dai tir bdt dinh]

(Khdng cd gi mefi.)

I’ll tell you something important, [something Id dai tir bdt dinh]

(Tdi se cho anh bii't mdt chuyin quan trong.)

- Khi hai hay nhi£u tmh tir duoc n<5i vdi nhau bdng and hodc but, y tucmg dien
ta bdi tmh tir duoc nhdn manh:
He is a writer both witty and wise.
(Ong ta la mdt nhd van vita di dom vita lich duyet.)
The young man, poor but proud, refused the offer.
(NgUcfi tre tuSi, nghio nhmg tu trong, da tit chdi mdn qua.)
- Khi tmh tir duoc diing trong ede cum tir di6n ta su do luftng:
a room 5 metres wide (can phdng rdng 5 m)
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a building ten storeys high (tda nha cao 10 tang)
[so sanh: a ten-storey building]
a man seventy years old (mot ngiCdi bay muoi tuSi)
[so sanh: a man of seventy (year)]
a river two hundred miles long (con sdng dai 200 dam)
[so sanh: a 200-mile river]
Chung ta can chu y trong cac tfnh tit k6p nhir ten-storey, 200-mile, danh tCr b
hinh thtic s6 ft.
- Khi tinh tit co cum gidi tir theo sau:
He is a man greedy for money.

(Ong ta la ngudi tham tien.)
A man happy in his job is more apt to be successful.
(Mot ngudi hanh phuc trong cong viec cua minh thi de thanh cdng hem.)
- Khi tinh tit a dang so sanh:

They have a house much larger than yours.

[hoac: They have a much larger house than yours]
The boys easiest to teach were in my class.
[hoac: The easiest boys to teach were in my class]
- Khi die qua khur phan tit (past participle) la thanh ph£n cua m6t m6nh
dupe rut gon:

They are looking for people skilled at design.

[= people who are skilled at design]
(Ho dang tim nhung ngudi co tdi thiet ke.)

- M0t s<5 qua khu phan tit (past participle) nhu involved, mentioned:

After the accident the policemen took the names of the people involved.
(Sau tai nan vien canh sat ghi ten nhCtng ngudi co lien quan.)

Look at the words mentioned below.

(Xem nhitng tiiduac de cap dudi day.)

- Nhung tinh tit tan cilng bang -able va -ible, ngoM vi trf dting trude danh tit
con c6 the’ di sau danh tit.
They have bought all the tickets available.
(Ho da mua tat ca cac ve co sin.)
It’s the only solution possible.
(Do la gidi phap duy nhat co the chap nhan ditac.)
M6t vai trang tir cung c6 vj tri tuong tu:
Mary asked him to close all the windows upstairs.
(Mary yeu cau 6ng ta dong tat ca ctia so tren gac lai.)
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- Mdt sd' cum tCr c6 dinh (fixed expressions) cd tinh tir theo sau danh tCr:
from time immemorial (tit thud xa xita)
court martial (tda an qudn stf)
notary public/public notary (cdng chung vien)
president elect (tSng thdhg dac cit)
heir apparent (hoang thai tit)
by all means possible (bang moi each cd the ditoc)
suffering unspeakable (ndi dau khS khdng noi ra ditetc)
generations unborn (nhitng the he chita ra ddi)

Present c6 th£ duoe dat trude hoSc sau danh tCr nhung c6 nghua khde nhau:
- The present members (nhitng hdi vien hien nay)
- The members present (nhitng hdi vien cd mat)
cd cac hoc sinh cd mar phai lk “all the students present” chu

Do d6,
khdng phai lk *“all the present student”.

adjectives before nouns) h.

vm. TRÿT Tir CUA TlNH Ttr DONG TRUdC DANH Ttr (Order of
Chung ta cd thd dhng hai ho&c nhidu tmh tir trude mdt danh tir dd b6 nghla cho
danh tir d6.

She lives in a nice new house on the hill.

(Cd ay sdhg trong ngdi nhd mdi xinh dep tren ngon ddi nay.)
There is a beautiful large round wooden table in the kitchen.

(Trong nhd bep cd edi ban gd to, trdn va dep.)

•Trkt tir cua ckc tinh tit: khi chung ta dhng hai hay nhidu tinh tir miSu la

trong mdt cku. Khi &y trkt tu cua chung duoc skp x£p nhu sau:

S6 Chkt lircrng Klchthi/dc Tuditkc Mkuskc hokc qu6c Chktliku + Danh tir
(number) (quality) (size) (age) (cotour) gia (origin (material) (noun)

or country

Ann has a small round pink face, [size, shape, colour]

(Ann cd gitemg mdt trdn, nhd hdng hao.)
Please give me that old green plastic bucket, [age, colour, materiall]
(Dua giup tdi edi xd nhita cu mdu xanh Ida.)
Luu y:
- Tinh tir chi kfch thude vk chidu dki (big! smallI tallI long! short/...) thuemg dunig
tnrdc tmh tir chi hinh dkng vk chidu rdng (round! oval!fat! thin! wide! narrow! ...)
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a tall thin girl (mdt cd gai cao gay)
a long narrow street (mot con dudng dai va hep)
- Tfnh tCr chi thtf tu (ordinal adjectives -first, second, third,...) dung tnrdc tfnh
tir chi s<5 lirofng (cardinal adjectives - one, two, three,...)
The first two days [Not the twafirst day]
(Hai ngdy dau tien)
- N6u cdc tinh tir cung loai, thi tfnh tir ngan thudng diroc dat trudc tfnh tir dai.
It was a cold windy day.
(Do la mot ngdy gio lanh.)
Basil was a tall well-built man.

(Basil la mot ngudi cao to luc lu&ng.)
- Khi co hai hoac hon hai tfnh tir chi mau s&c, ta dung lidn tir and.
a black and white dress (mot cai do dam mau den va trdng)
a red, white and green flag (mot la cd do, trdng va xanh)

IX. TlNH Ttr Diroc DUNG NHUDANH Ttr (Adjectives used as nouns)

Mdt sd tfnh tir c6 thl diroc dung vcti the n6i v6 mdt nhdm ngudi trong xa hdi,
nhdt la nhung nhom ngudi c6 tinh trang th£ luc hoSc hoÿn canh xa hdi d£c bidt.
The blind (nhiing ngudi mu); the poor (nhiing ngudi ngheo); the old (nhiing
ngudi gia); the deaf (nhiing ngudi diec); the disabled (nhiing ngUdi tan tat); the
sick (nhiing ngudi benh); the under-fives (nhiing diia tre dudi 5 tuSi)

The gap between the rich and the poor is on the increase.
(Khoang each giUa ngudi giau va ngudi ngheo ngdy cang tang.)
The unemployed are losing hope.

(Nhiing ngudi that nghiep dang mat dan hy vong.)


The young are usually keen to travel.

(Nhiing ngudi tre tuSi thudng thich di du lich.)
The + adjective ddi khi edn dir<rc dimg di d£ c$p ddn nhung kh&i nidm triru


the good (cai thien ) the beautiful (cai dep)

the evil (cai ac) the supernatural (hien tticmg sieu nhien)
He is a lover of the beautiful.
(Ong ta la ngudi yeu cai dep.)
Are you interested in the supernatural.
(Anh ta co quan tarn den hien tuemg sieu nhien khdng?)

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1. Rewrite the following sentences, placing the adjective modifiers in
parentheses in correct positions:
1. The table is on sale, (marble)
2. The man is a professor, (history, with the grey hair)
3. The lecture was very interesting, (evening, on life in Tibet)
4. The salesman sold a car to John, (used, who waited on you)
5. The girl is from Turkey, (who has the green dress on)
6. Jim has read books, (many, on photography)
7. The question was difficult, (examination, third)
8. The people enjoyed the concert, (few, who came)
9. Two knives are sharp, (steel, those, that are in the drawer)

o m
10. There were clouds in the sky. (many, rain)
2. Put in each or every
1. There were four books on the table. _
h .
book was a different colour.

guest watched as the President came in.

3. There were cars parked along side of the street.
4. My father plays tennis
5. I understood most of what they said but not
Thursday evening.

of the six flats has its own entrance.

7. We had a great weekend. I enjoyed

n _ minute of it.

it e
_ of these has three sections.
9. Car seat belts save lives_
8. The book is divided into five parts and
driver should wear one.
10. day seemed to pass very slowly.

3. Complete the conversation. Put in every, each, whole, both, either or


h i
Assistant : These plain sofas come in two different styles.

t : I think (1)
them is really what I want. I don’t like (3)
styles are rather old-fashioned. (2).
of them, I’m

Sarah : I feel more and more unsure with (4) _

Assistant : What about a patterned fabric? There are some lovely colour here.
new fabric I look at.
Mark : We haven’t have time to look at (5). fabric in the shop.
We’ve been in here a (6). hour already, you know.
4. Put in much, many,few, a few, little, a little.
1. Ann is very busy these days. She has _ free time.
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2. Did you take photographs when you were on holiday?
3. I’m not very busy today. I haven’t got to do.
4. The museum was very crowded. There were too people.
5. Most of the town is modem. I here are old buildings.
6. The weather has been very dry recently. We’ve had rain.
7. Listen carefully. I’m going to give you_ advice.
8. Do you mind if I ask you _ questions?
9. This town is not a very interesting place to visit, so tourists come
10. I don’t think Jill would be a good teacher. She’s got patience.

11. We must be quick. We have time.
12. “Would you like milk in your coffee?” “Yes, please
13. This is a very boring place to live. There’s to do
14. “Have you ever been to Paris?” “ Yes, I’ve been there times”.

15. She’s lucky. She has problems.

17. You made so

16. I need some money. Have you got any? - Yes, but not
mistakes in your writing.
18. I do not know about biology. I have knowledge about
19. The boys are making too noise.

20. How languages can you speak? Anh how time do you
spend on learning English?

5. Practise reading these sentences in the correct word order:

1. Do you have (a/book/new/telephone)?

2. The library had (English/easy/books/very/several).

3. Mrs. Miller has (suit/pretty/a/green/very).

4. The church has (pictures/very/old/some/Spanish).

Sách được chia sẻ miễn
5. I like (two/silk/those/dresses/blue). phí tại

6. (black/dress/pretty/her/wool)is at the cleaner’s.

7. The parents select (names/first/their/t wo/chi ldren’s).
8. (these/bills/one-dollar/new/five) are for you.
9. He is (young/a/student/American)/.
10. (first/names/daughter’s/her/two) are Mary Grant.
6. Find the right place for the word in brackets.
1. On the whole I thought Gulftown was a place, (nice)
2. Our apartment by the water was really, (big)
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3. The weather was much better than, (usual)
4. We were only a distance from the beach, (short)
5. The view from our balcony was absolutely, (magnificent)
6. If I’d like to go there again some time, (possible)
7. People could swim in the sea because it was so. (warm)
8. Although, the holiday was definitely worth it. (expensive)
7. Choose the correct word.
1. Our headquarters are very central/inner.
2. There are two very alike/similar products in competition.
3. The receptionist gave us an ashamed/embarrassed smile.

4. The question of cost is chief/primarv/principal.
5. It’s obvious that fme/healthv/well employees work better than sick ones.
6. Every business needs content/pleased/satisfied customers.

7. Our control of the market is mere/sole/total.

8. The boss is a live/aliving/an alive legend in the business world.
8. Put in the two words in brackets in the correct order.
1. There is no news at the (time, present)
2. I’ve never met (anyone, famous)
3. You have to read some before you can run the program.

(instructions, involved)
4. There was a plan to build a leisure centre, but the has
gone bankrupt, (company, concerned)

5. There were only a handful of at the reception, (people,


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .

6. Let’s do for a change, (something, different)

7. The police will find the for these crimes, (man, responsible)

8. Thay have interviewed all the in the affair, (people, involved)


9. Look at the information and write a brief description of each product

1. It’s a towel, you use it after a bath, it’s green, and it’s large.

2. It’s an alarm, it’s inexpensive, and it detects smoke.

3. It’s a chair, it’s aluminium, it’s for the garden, and it’s stylish.

4. It’s a mirror, it’s circular, it’s small, and it goes on the wall.

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5. It’s a kind of bag, it’s blue, it’s made of polyester, and it’s for sleeping in.

6. It’s a cupboard, it’s large, it’s for storage, and it’s wood-effect.

7. It’s a hat, it’s Americam, it’s for a cowboy, and it’s traditional.

8. It’s a radiator, it’s electric, it’s oil-filled, and it’s two-kilowatt.

9. It’s a bed, it’s folding, it’s for a guest, and it’s useful.

10. It’s a workstation, it’s for a computer, it’s light grey, and it’s new.

10. Some of these sentences have a mistake in them. Find the mistakes and
write the sentences correctly.

1. The work we do is very tired.

2. I couldn’t find anything of nice in the shops.
3. Those stories are mere fantasy.
4. The nights are very colds.
5. The strong has a duty to care for the weak.
6. I had the same as usual for lunch.
7. The view was very magnificent.

8. I was shocked to see how ill my father looked.

9. I’ve got a good at tennis brother.
10. The child leads a rather alone existence.

11. It was a Japanese digital expensive camera.

12. The tower was tall and imposing.

13. The good is that we all get on well together.

11. Choose the correct word

1. Are you interesting/ interested in football?


2. The football match was quite exciting/ excited. I enjoyed it.

3. It’s sometimes embarrassing/ embarrassed when you have to ask people for
4. Do you easily get embarrassing/ embarrassed?
5. I had never expected to get the job. I was really amazing/ amazed when I
was offered it.
6. She has really learned very fast She has made astonishing/ astonished progress.
7. I didn’t find the situation funny. I was not amusing/ amused.
8. It was a really terrifying/ terrified experience. Afterwards everybody was
very shocking/ shocked.
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9. Why do you always look so boring/ bored? Is your life really so boring/ bored?
10. He’s one of the most boring/ bored people I’ve ever met. He never stops
talking and he never says anything interesting/ interested.
11. The two-hour delay was annoying/ annoyed.
12. This weather makes me so depressing/ depressed.
13. Going for a jog with Matthew is exhausting/ exhausted.
14. This computer has some very contusing/ confused.
15. When I got onto the roof. I felt frightening/ frightened.
16. The journey took all day and night. They found it very tired/ tiring.
17. I thought the program on wildlife was fascinating/ fascinated.
18. The children always get exciting/ excited when the Granny comes.

19. What thrilling/ thrilled news this is! Congratulation!
20. I must say it made me puzzling/ puzzled. I just don’t understand.
12. Complete the sentences, using one of the following words.

tired exciting surprised tiring excited interesting bored
boring frightened worried annoyed frightening
1. I’ve got a present for you. Don’t look so
2. The exhibition was very . I loved it.
3. The TV program was .... so I turned it off.
4. Children can’t get to sleep on Christmas Eve because they’re too

5. Where have you been all day? We’ve been so about you.

6. My feet were killing me. I found going round art galleries and museums


7. I don’t go out at night because I’m that someone will rob me.
8. I’m really with my homework. I’d like to go out for a change.

9. 1 feel very because I went to bed so late last night

10. It’s to go on a ten-day holiday to the Far East.

11. Her father was when she told him she had failed the exam.
12. Their financial situation is very They spend more and more, but

they’re earning less and less.

13. Complete the sentences, using one of the following words.
free deep witted hearted distance famous
made tight covered minded lighted looking
1. After the flood, all the roads in the area were mud-.
2. There is a lot of beautiful hand-. pottery in this shop.
3. Tom is too narrow-. to listen to what we have said.
4. Daisy is not only intelligent but she is aslo terribly good-.
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5. There is not enough light for us to read. It’s a badly-. room.
6. This is a water-. container because water cannot go in or out.
7. We should do everything to make our world a weapon- place.
8. The good news of her mother made her feel very light-
9. They could cross the stream because the water was just ankle-.
10. Peter always helps us deal with difficult problems. He’s a quick-.
11. Tom goes around the country in his lorry. He’s a long-. lorry driver.
12. Pele is a world- football player, who scored more than 1,000 goals
in his official matches.

14. Complete the sentences, using one of the following words.
one-egg three-course twelve-man ten-ton thirty-five-hour
one litre five-minute fifteen-piece 2,000-word 4,000-year-old

. . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . .
1. Their cat was run over by a
2. The concert was performed by a

3. The man was convicted of murder by the

4. The
an orchestra.

Vietnamese people are proud of their


. . . . . . ............
5. The price of a bottle of whisky has gone up by 90p.
6. The workers are on strike for better pay and a week.
7. Peter can’t go out. He has to write a essay by tomorrow.

8. I didn’t have a big lunch. Just a omelette and some potatoes.
9. My new house is very handy for the shops and only a walk from my

10. At this excellent restaurant, we get a meal and coffee just for $5 per

15. Write a second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use

the word in brackets.

1. When I was on holiday, it rained all week, (whole)

2. I’ve lived here more than half my life, (most)

3. Your house is bigger than our house, (ours)
4. I’ve forgotten my doctor’s name, (of)
5. We haven’t had much warning of the changes, (little)
6. Such a large number of people have applied for the job. (so)
7. I met one of your old friends at a party, (an)
8. Both the chairs are uncomfortable, (neither)
9. All the hotels were full, (every)
10. My holiday start ten days from now. (time)
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Chitffng 4

L DINH NGHlA (Definition)

Trang tit lk tit ding 6& cung cSp them thOng tin ve noi chO'n, thdri gian, hoan
canh, ckch thirc, nguy6n nhkn, mtic do... cho mQt dOng tit, mOt tinh tit, mOt cum tit
hoSc m6t trang tCr kh£c.
n. CAC LOAI TRANG TIT (Kinds of Adverbs)

Trang tit c6 thl phan loai theo nghla cua chung trong cau.
1. Trang tCr chi c£ch thurc (Adverbs of manner)
•Trang tCr chi c&ch thuc dien ta c£ch thtic mGt hanh ddng dirge thuc hien nhn

the' n&o (mdt cdch nhanh nhen, cham chap, luci bi£ng...). Chung c6 th£ duoc dung

di tra ldi cdc cau h6i v6i howl
He runsfast.
(Cau ay chay nhanh ) [How does he run? He runs fast]
She sings badly.
(C6 ay hat rat dd)

•Trang tCr chi cdch thirc thirfrng dung 6 vi tri cud'i cau (end position). Trang tCr
tan cilng Id -ly ddi khi c6 thd dung b vi tri giQa cau (mid position) n£ii trang tir
khdng phai 1h phdn trong tam cua thdng tin.

He drove off angrily. (Anh ta gian dii lai xe di)

She angrily tone up the letter. (C6 ta gian due xe tan la thrf)

•Trang tCr chi cdch thirc thudng duoc thknh lap b&ng cdch them -ly vdo sau tinh

Adjective + ly Adverb

happy happily (mdt cdch) hanh phuc

quick qickly (mdt cdch) nhanh nhen
slow slowly (mdt cdch) cham chap
warm warmly (mdt cdch ) nSng nhiit
Liru y: Mdt s6' tir tan cilng bang -ly nhung Id tinh tir (adjective) nhu: friendly
(than thien), lonely (cd dan), lovely (dang yeu), cowardly (hen nhat), silly (nga
ngan), ugly (xdu xi), likely (gidhg nhau), v.v.
She gave me a friendly smile.
(Cd ay mim citcri than thien vci tdi.)
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- MOt s<5 tir co trang tir cung hinh there vdi tmh tu*
hard (chdm chi) fast (nhanh) early (sdm)
late (tre ) deep (sau ) right (dung)
wrong (sai) high (cao) near (d gan)
Simon loves fast cars. He drives very fast.
(Simon rat thich nhung chiec xe hoi chay nhanh. Anh ta lai xe rat nhanh.)
Don’t work too hard. (Dicng lam viec qua vat vd.)
MOt s6 tit co thd co hai trang tit, mOt s6 trang tur co cilng hinh thuc vdi tmh tir
va mOt trang tir tan citng bang -ly co nghTa khac.
- hardly (= almost not): rat it, hau nhickhong

I’m not surpried he didn’t find a job. He hardly tried to fmd one.
(Toi khong ngac nhien khi anh ta tim duoc viec. Anh ta hau nhtf khong co
gdng de tim.)
- lately (=recently): gan day

He has come to see me lately.

(Gan day anh ay co den tham toi.)
- nearly (=almost): gan nhu, suyt
I nearly missed the bus. (Toi suyt Id chuyen xe buyt.)
- highly (= very, very much): rat, lam, hit site
She’s a highly intelligent young woman.

(Co ay la mot phu nit tre rat thing minh.)

- deeply (= very, very much): rat, rat nhieu
He is deeply interested in this project.

(Anh ta rat quan tarn den kehoach nay.)

Liru y: Well va good cimg c6 nghTa la ‘/dr, gioi nhung good la tmh tir (adj) va

well la trang tir (adv).

I like that teacher. He is good and he teaches very well.

(Toi thich thdy giao do. Ong ay tdt bung vd 6ng day rat gioi.)
She speaks English well. (Co ay noi gioi tieng Anh.)

[NOT goodly; NOT She-s peaks well -English]

2. Trang tir chi thin gian (Adverbs of time)
- Trang tir chi then gian duoc dhng d£ diCn ta thoi gian hanh dOng dupe thuc
hiOn (him nay, him qua, tuan trade...). Chung c6 thl dupe dhng di tra ldi cau hoi
vdi When?
then (luc ay), now (bay gid)
today (him nay), yesterday (horn qua)
tomorrow (ngay mai), soon (chang bao lau)
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immediately (ngay lap tdc), recently (gan day)
three days ago (ba ngay trade day)
at two o’clock (vao luc hai gid)
- Trang tit chi thdi gian thudng dung cr vi trf cud'i cau (end position).
He came late.
What’s going to happen next?
(Cai gi se xay ra sau do?)
- Trang tit chi thdi gian d6i khi co the dung cr vi tri diu cau (front position) d£
nhin manh hodc chi sir trii ngupe.
Today I’m going to London.

(H6m nay tdi se di Ludn Ddn.) [nhin manh thcri gian]
We’ve really busy this week. Last week we had nothing to do.
(Tuan nay chung tdi that sit ban rdn. Tuan trade chung tdi chAng lam gi ca.)
[chi su trdi ngupe]

- Mdt sd' trang tCr chi th5i gian nhu: finally (cuo'i cung), soon (chang bao lau),

already (da rSi), last (Ian cud'i), now (bay gid), still (van con), just (vita mdi) cung
c6 th4 dung a vi trf giua cau (mid position); still va just chi dung dr vi trf giflra cau.
We’ll soon be home.
(Chang bao lau niia chung ta se ve den nha.)
My father Anally agreed to let me go on the trip.

(Cud'i cung cha tdi ddng y cho tdi di du lich.)

3. Trang tir chi tin suit (Adverbs of Frequency)
- Trang tit chi tin suit: didn ta muc 6.6 thuerng xuydn cua mdt hinh ddng

(thadng thadng, ludn ludn, It khi...). Chung dupe dhng d£ tra ldi cau hoi How
often? (Co ... thadng?)

Always (ludn ludn), usually (thadng xuyen), often (thadng), occasionally (thinh
thodng), sometimes (ddi khi, thinh thodng), seldom (it khi), never (khdng bao gid),

rarely (hii'm khi), hardly (hau nha khdng),...

Trang tit chi tin suit thudng dupe dat sau ddng tir be hoac trude ddng tit chmh.

John is always on time.

(John ludn dung gid.)
He seldom works hard.
(Anh ay It khi Idm viec cham chi.)
We sometimes go to the beach.
(Thinh thodng chung tdi di bien .)
Khi cau cd tra ddng tit, trang tit chi tin suit thuerng di sau trp ddng tir trir truong
hpp cin nhin manh vi cau tra Icri ngin:

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He can never understand.
Nhung: He never can understand, [nhiri manh]
Can you park your car near the market?
(Anh co the dS xe gan chqkhong?
Yes, I usually can. [ciu tra ldi ngin]
(Vang, thong thudng toi co the.)
- M6t s6 trang tur chi tin suit nhu usually, normally, often; frequenly,
sometimes va occasionally cung co thd dung d vi tri diu ciu hoic cudi ciu dd nhin
manh hoic chi su tuong phan.
Usually I get up early. [NOT Always/Never I get up early.]

(Thudng thi toi hay day sam.)
I feel depressed sometimes. [NOT I feed depressed always.]
(Doi khi toi cam thdy chan nan.)
- Cac cum trang tir chi tin suit nhu every day, every hour, once a week, three

times a month, ... thudng dung d vi tri diu hoic cudi ciu.

The buses go every 10 minutes.
(Cic 10 phut lai co xe buyt.)
He plays tennis three times a week.
(Anh ta chcfi tennis ba Ian mdt tuan.)
4. Trang tit chi noi chon (Adverbs of place)

- Trang tir chi noi chdn didn ta hanh d6ng didn ra ncfi nio, b diu hoic gin xa
thi nio. Chung ding dd tra ldi ciu hoi vbi Where?. Cac trang tir nod chdn thdng
dung li here, there, out, away, eveywhere, somewhere..

- Trang tir chi noi ch<5n thudng dung d vi tri cudi ciu (end position).
She went out.

(C6 ay di ra ngoai.)
John is sitting outside.

(John dang ngdi ben ngoai.)

I have looked for her everywhere.

(Tdi da tim cd ay khdp moi noi.)

- Trang tir chi noi chdn ddi khi cung c6 thd dung d vi tri diu ciu, nhit li trong
vin chuong vi khi trang tir khdng phai li trong tim cua ciu.
At the end of the garden there was a very tall tree.
(Cud'i vit&n co mot cai cay rat to.)
Luu y:
- Trang tir chi phuong hudng (su chuydn ddng) dung trucfc trang tir chi vi tri.
The children are running around the garden.
(Bon tre dang chay quanh vudn.)
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- Trang tCr chi nai chd'n thudng dung tnr6c trang tit chi thfid gian.
She came here a few minutes ago.
(C6 ay den day dugc vai phut.)
My family moved to London in 1987.
(Nam 1987 gia dinh t6i chuyen tai Luan Ddn.)
- Here \k there c6 th£ bat d£u mdt m6nh d£.
Here/ There + verb + subject
Here comes our bus. [NOT Here our bus-eemes]
(Xe buyt cua chung ta den kia rdi.)
There goes the train! [NOT There the train goes]

(Xe Ida chay rdi.)
- Chu ngu la dai tCr (pronoun) dung ngay sau here/ there.
Here it come. [NOT here comes it]

(No din day rdi.)

5. Trang tit chi mure do (Adverbs of degree)
- Trang tit chi mtic d6 cho bi£t su vide xay ra hoac dung 6 mire d6 nko. Cdc
trang tur chi mile d6 thOng dung Ik: too (qua), absolutely (tuyet dd'i), extremely (vd
ciing), nearly (gan nhu), very (rat), quite (khd), almost (gdn nhu), enough (du),
really (thuc su), just (dung, vita du),...

- Trang tfir chi mire d6 thubng dung tnrdc tmh tir hoac trang tit ma nd bd nghla.
I am terribly sorry I’m late.
(Toi that lay lam tiec da den mudn.)

Bill seems pretty young.

(Bill trdng khd tre.) [pretty = rather]

I’m dead tired.

(T6i mit nhoai.) [dead very]

- Nhung enough dung sau tinh tir hoac trang tir.

The box isn’t big enough.

(Cai hdp khdng dii to.)

You should write clearly enough for us to read.
(Anh nen viet ro de chung tdi doc duqc.)
- MGt s6 trang tit chi muc dd cd th£ b6 nghla cho ddng tit nhu almost, barely,
hardly, just, nearly, quite, rather, really, scarely thirdng dung 6 vi tri giua cau
(trude ddng tir chinh, sau ddng tir be vk trq ddng tir).
I really enjoyed it.
(Toi thuc sUthich dieu do.)

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This hammer is just the thing I need.
(Cai bua nay dung la cai tdi can.)

6. Trang tir chi so luong (Adverbs of quantity)

Trang tir chi s6 lupng dien ta s6 luong (it nhidu, mOt hai ldn...):
My son works very little.
(Con trai tdi lam viec rat it.)
He won the prize twice.
(Anh day da doat giai hai Ian.)
7. Trang ttr nghi v£n (Interrogative adverbs)
•Trang tir nghi v&n la cac trang tir dupe dung d£ dat cau hoi: Where, when,

why, how.
- Where (ddau): dupe dung de hoi noi chtfn.
Where do you like? ~ In London.

(Ban sSngddau? ~ dLudn Don.)
- When (khi ndo): dupe dCing d£ hoi thdi gian

When have we got a history lesson? ~ On Monday.
(Khi nao chung ta co gid lich su? ~ Thit Hai.)
- Why (tai sao): dupe diing dd hoi ly do
Why were you late? ~ Because my car broke down.

(Sao ban den mudn vay? ~ Vi xe tdi bi hu.)

•Why not c6 th£ dupe dung d$ dua ra m6t dd nghi hoac d6ng y vdi mdt d6

Why not give her some flowers?

(Sao khong tang hoa cho co ay?)

•Why don 't you,/ we ...? cung co the dupe diing de dua ra ldi de nghi hoac gpi y.
Why don’t you give her some flowers.

(Sao khdng tang hoa cho cd ay nhi?)

- How (nhuthe nao, bang each ndo): dupe diing d£ hoi edeh thtic.

How do you spell the verb ‘practice’? ~ P-R-A-C-T-I-C-E.

(Ban danh van dong tut ‘practice ’? ~ P-R-A-C-T-I-C-E.)
•How + be + (a person) dupe diing di hoi v6 sire khoe cua ngucri ndo do.
How are the children? ~ They’re very well.
(Bon tre the ndo? ~ Chung khoe.)
•How cung co th£ dupe dung de hoi v£ tarn trang
How does she look today? ~ Tired.
(Horn nay trong cd ay the ndo? ~ Met moi.)

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•How + be + (a thing) dupe dilng d£ ydu c&u md ta di&i gl d(5.
How was the film? ~ Very good. [= what was the film like]
(Phim the nao? ~ Rat hay.)

•How + adjective/ adverb: how much, how many, how long, how old, how
often, how far, how high, how fast,... dupe dilng dd h6i kich thude, s6 lupng, muc
dd, khoang each, v.v...
How long is this desk? 135 centimeters.
(Cdi ban nay dai bao nhieu? ~ 135 cm.)
How far is your house? ~ About one kilometers.
(Nha ban each day bao xa? ~ Khoang lkm.)
- Trang tir nghi vain ludn dirng d5u efiu.

Why did you say that? (.Tai sao anh noi the? )
8. Trang tur lien he (Relative adverbs)
Trang tir lidn hd when (ma, khi), where (noi ma), why (vi sao) c6 th£ dupe dilng

dd gidi thidu c&c mdnh dd quan hd sau cac danh tir chi thdi gian (when), noi chd'n

(where) v& ly do (why).
I remember the day when I met her on the beach.
(Toi nhd lai ngay dd gap ndng tren bai bien .)
This is the room where I was bom.
(Day la can phdng noi tdi dd chao dci.)

Tell me the reason why you came late.

(Cho tdi biit li do tai sao anh den mudn.)
m. CHtrc NANG CUA TRANG TtT (Functions of Adverbs)

1. B6 nghla cho d6ng tit


He speaks English fluently.

(Anh ay ndi tieng Anh h(u loat.)
[fluently b6 nghla cho ddng tir speaks]

2. B6 nghTa cho tfnh tir


I led a very pleasant life there.

(ado tdi sd'ng rat vui.)
[very bd nghTa cho tfnh tir ]
3. B6 nghTa cho trang tir kMc
She acts too badly. (Co ay diin qua dd.)
[too b6 nghTa cho trang tir badly]
4. Bd nghTa cho cum gidi tir
His remarks were not quite to the point.
(Nhitng nhan xet cua anh ta khdng dung ngay vao van de.)
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[quite b6 nghTa cho cum gioi tir to the point]
5. B<5 nghTa cho ca cau
Luckily, he passed the final exam.
(May man thay anh ay da dau Icy thi cuoi khoa.)
[Luckily b<5 nghTa cho ca c&u he passed thefinal exam]
IV. VI TRI CUA TRANG TIT (Position of Adverbs)
Trang tit trong tierig Anh co the c6 nhidu vi tri khac nhau: dung ddu cau (font-
posotion), dung giua cau (mid-position) [trucic ddng tur chfnh hoac sau d6ng tit be]
hoac dung cu6'i cau (end-position). Chung ta chu y cac quy luat sau day v£ vi tri
cua trang tit:

1. Luat 1: Trang tit b6 nghTa cho tit nao thi phai dung gdn tit ay. Luat nay
thudng duqc goi la luat ke can (rule of proximity).
Chung ta hay so sanh hai vi du sau day va chu vi tri khdc nhau cua ph6 tit
often se tao ra nghTa khac nhau. Da'u hieu mui ten cong chi m6'i quan he b6 nghTa:

I \

I 1 h.
He often says he visits his father.
He says he often visits his father.
Chung ta hay xem m6t vi du khac vdi cum trang tur a month ago:

A month ago Mother thought she would leave town.

[A month ago dung gdn thought (Mother thought a month ago)]

Mother thought she would leave town a month ago.

[a month ago dung gdn would leave (she would leave town a month ago]
2. Luat 2: Trang tit chi then gian trong tinh hudng binh thubng [khOng nhdn

manh] nen dat cf cu6'i cau (khac vdi tie'ng Viet):

My mother bought me a book yesterday.

Hdm qua me toi da mua cho tdi m6t cu6n sdch.

Trang tir a vi tri ddu cau thuemg duqc nhdn manh hon cr cac vi tri khdc, do d6
chi edn thiei ta mdi dat cr vi tri ddu cau:
Yesterday my mother bought me a book.
[TOi mubn noi ngay hOm qua chu’ kh6ng phai ngdy h6m kia]
Chung ta chu y them m6t vi du vd vi tri ddu cau vdi trang tit chi tdn sudt:
I usually stay at home in the evening. Sometimes I go to a movie.
(Toi thudng a nha vao buSi toi nhUng co khi toi lai di xem phim.)

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Usually dugc dat trude dOng tir chrnh vi d6 Ik vj trf bmh thudng cua trang tOr chi
t£n sua't. Tuy nhi6n, trong cau ti£p theo, sometime phai dung d£u cau vi chung la
c&n n£u l£n su tuong phan giua sometime va usually.
3. Lu&t 3: Trang tir khdng dirge chen giua d6ng tCr va tan ngir:
He speaks slowly.
He speaks English slowly.
[khdng noi: *He speaks slowly English]
Khi co mdt cum tir dai hoac mdnh d6 theo sau dOng tir, chung ta co the dat
trang tit trade ddng ttr:
He walks slowly.

He slowly walks down the treet with his on.
(Ong ay chdm chap bude xudhg phd'cung ngicdi con trai.)
Tuy nhifin pho tir cung co thd c6 vi tri ktac, nhat la khi trg dOng tir thude nh6m
cac d6ng tirkhie'm khuye't:

The work could have easily been done.

The work could easily have been done.
(Cong viec co the da ditoc thuc hien mot each ro rang.)
Cac trang tir chi th£ each cung cd th£ dugc dat sau tat ca cac trg ddng tir:
They will have completely finished it by tomorrow.
(Ho se hodn thanh moi edng viec trude ngdy mai.)

4. LuM 4: khi c6 nhi6u trang tir trong mdt cau, vj tri cua cac trang tir nSm b
cu6i cau se 1£: noi chtfn - th£ c4ch - tin su£t - thdi gian (PMFT).

Pt chi noi Pt chi the Pt chi tin Pt chi thdi gian

chon (P) each (M) suit (F) (T)

John to London by car yesterday.

He walked to the library every night last week.

Til meet you to here with a car tonight.

CAc trang tir chi noi chdri trong tnrdng hgp trfcn day thudng chi phuong hudng

(direction) d£n mdt noi n&o d6 (to London) hoSc cic trang tir nhu here, there,
home... Cac trang tir noi ch<5n trong c£c trudng hop c6n lai thudng theo trat tu: the
cÿch - noi chdn - thdi gian (MPT).

Pt chi the Pt chi noi chdn Pt chi thdi gian

cÿch (M)
Mary sang perfectly in the town hall last night
He was working very hard at his office all day yesterday.
My friend spoke to us very rudely in class this morning _
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Khi c6 nhiiu trang tur trong ciu ho&c khi ciu c6 tin ngir dii, cic trang tCr chi thÿ
each hoic tin suit g6m mbt ttr thudng dupe dit trade dOng tir chinh:
She sercetly burned all her letters in the fireplace last night.
(Co ay da bi mat dot hit tat ca nhitng la thu trong Id sudi dem qua.)
John often goes to Miami with his friends twice a week.
(John thudng di Miami vai cac ban cita cau mSi tuan hai Ian.)
5. Luit 5: cac trang tir ph£tm dinh ca cau nhu fortunately (may lam sao),
evidently (hiÿn nhidn la), certainly va surely (chic chin la), perhaps (co le la)...
thacmg dupe dit d diu ciu:
Fortunately, I didn’t live where the war broke out.
(May lam sao, tdi khdng song ndi chien tranh xay ra.)

Very frankly, I am very tired.
(Ndi that la tdi rat met.)
Chung ta cung cin nha cac trang tit chi thoi gian (yesterday, tomorrow...) cung

co th£ dung diu ciu khi cAn nhin manh.
after adverbs)
D0NG Ttr SAU CAC TRANG TtT (Inversion of the verb
Phep dao ddng tir la su dao ngupc vi tri giua trp d6ng tur va chu ngu auxiliary
verb + subject. Hinh thirc dao ngir duac dung sau trang tir khi
1. M6t trang tir phu dinh hoic mdt trang ngQ phu dinh duac dit diu cAu hoAc

mdnh dd d£ nhin manh.

Under no circumstances should you agree to that proposal.
(Du trong hoan canh nao anh cung ditng chap thuan de nghi do.)

Nowhere else will you find such a kind man.

(Khdng ddau anh co thetim thay mot ngu&i tic te nhu the.)

On no account must this switch be touched.

(Bat cut ly do gi cung khdng dude cham veto nut nay.)

2. Nhurng tir gidi han (restrictive words) nhu: hardly, seldom, rarely, little,
never, vi cic thanh ngti c6 only dupe dit 6 diu ciu hoic mdnh de dd nhin manh.

Never does my father drink coffee in the evening.

(Khdng bao gidbotdi uo'ng ca phe vao buSi to'i.)
Seldom have I seen such a remarkable creature.
(Hie'rn khi tdi trong thay mdt tqo vat tuyet vdi nhu the.)
Not only did we lose our money, but we were nearly killed.
(Chung tdi khdng nhCcng mdt tien ma edn suyt chet niia.)
•Mdt s6 trang tir vi trang ngO thacmg dupe theo sau bdi hinh thtic dao ngir cua
ddng tir.
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hardly on no account in! under
no circumstances only/ only by neitheri nor
only in this way never only then/ when
no sooner ... than rarely not only
scarcely not till/ until seldom
nowhere so


1. Write the sentence and include the adverb. It should come in mid position

or, if necessary, after the subject.
1. I watch quiz shows, (never)

2. Someone has been telling me the news, (just)

3. I have to work late, (usually)
4. 1 don’t get up so early, (always)

5. We have moved house, (recently)

6. You’ll definitely pass the exam, but I wont, (probably)


7. The bus is a few minutes late, (usually)


8. But I do have a day off. (seldom)


9. We’re getting ready to go out. (just)


10. I’ve been checking all these figures, (carefully)

2. Complete the sentences, using one of the following adverbs

slowly easily here a bit tomorrow
clearly happily much a lot automatically
1. You must see the doctor
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2. You didn’t write the address
3. The children played
4. The train travelled so
5. They won the game
6. The meeting was held
7. The machine switches itself off
8. We don’t go out
9. I play the piano
10. I watch TV
3. Choose the correct word.

1. I sing very (bad/badly).
2. She speaks English (good/well).
3. They make very (good/well) bread here.
4. She (hard/hardly) ever wins a game.

5. Do you (usual/usually) eat in restaurants?

6. I understand English quite (good/well).
7. We have to work (hard/hardly) for the exams.
8. 1 ran as (fast/fastly) as I could.
9. 1 haven’t seen the postman (late/lately).
10. He often gets up (early/earlily).

4. In the following sentences, place in regular positions the modifiers listed in

parentheses. Do not place them at the beginning of a sentence.

1. I’ll meet you (tomorrow, outside your office, at 2 pm.)

2. He player (at the Opeza House, beautifully, in the concert)

3. We read the magazine . (eagerly, every week)

4. He telephones me_ . (always, in the morning)

_ _
5. He has worked
6. He doesn’t travel
. (for three weeks, at this stone)
. (ever, by plane)

7. He arrives _. (on time, never, at the meeting)

8. She will return the book . (next week, to the library)
9. We are going (for a week, to Japan, on Saturday)

10. She planted tulips (yesterday, in the garden )
5. Complete the sentences. Put the words and phrases in the correct order.
1. Your brother played. ,(in yesterday’s game, well)
2. I get to work (early, most days)
3. I hope you’ll visit us. (her, soon)
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.. .. .. .. .. . . . . . .
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4. We’ve going (to a barbecue, tomorrow)
5. I’ve just stopped (actually, at a cafe)
6. My sister slept (soundly, the whole time)
7. Mark does tend to act., (sometimes, thoughtlessly)
8. The bus leaves (most days, on time, suprisingly)
6. Complete this newspaper article. Choose the correct form.
Five years ago, Julia Pitman had a good job with the Ensure finance company.
Today she is trying hard/hardlv to build a new life after a long battle in the courts
with her former employers. When Julia realised that Ensure was cheating its
customers, she reported it to the authorities and to a (1) dav/dailv newspaper. She

was sacked from her job, and she took the company to court. The result was a
financial scandal which was (2) high/highlv embarrassing for Ensure. Now that
Julia has won her case, she can at last talk (3) free/freely about the company and
about her experience of the world of finance.

Julia is still the (4) good-looking/well-looking. (5) good-dressed/well-dressed

young woman that she was five years ago, but things have not been easy for her.
Just (6) late/lately she hasn’t been (7) good/well, and she looks tired. ‘It was a
struggle’, she told me. ‘Sometimes it (8) hard/hardlv seemed worth going on
because everyone was against me. Several times I (9) near/nearlv gave up. What
angered me (10) most/mostlv of all was that the authorities weren’t interested in
what I was telling them, even though I was uncovering criminal behaviour.’

You can read the first part of Julia’s story in the Sunday informer next week.
7. Look at each adjective (in bold type) and put in an adverb.

1. The fans were happy. ~ They were certainly smiling .

2. They say snow is likely. ~ That’s right. I’ll snow tomorrow

3. This isn’t going to be a long visit. I won’t stay

4. The rise in crime has been dramatic. Violent crime especially is rising


5. Jeans aren’t suitable for a wedding. Well, I suppose I’ll have to be

6. The balloon was high in the sky. It floated above the countryside.
7. There are some lovely singers in the choir. ~ Yes, they sing absolutely
don’t they?
8. Write the second part of each sentence with one of these adverbs in mid
position:finally, immediately, just, now, soon.
1. I’m feeling overworked, but I’ll be on holiday.

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2. The photos must be here somewhere because I’ve been looking at them.

3. I’ve been thinking about the offer for a long time, and I’ve made up my

4. My sister used to play tennis, but she spends all her time on the golf course.

5. I saw smoke coming from the building, so I rang the fire brigade.

9. Put in these words: after, afterwards, already, any longer, far, long, no
longer, still, yet. Some of the words have to be used more than once.

Richard : I’ve been here an hour, and I’m waiting to see the doctor.
Adam : Well, you haven’t been waiting as as some of the other

Emma : Have you bought your ticket for the concert ,?

Alice : No, not
Emma : Well, don’t leave it too . They’re going pretty fast. Most of
them have been sold.

. . . . . .
: That nightclub we went to last year
building has been knocked down.

............ . . . . .
exists. In fact the

Phil : It’s only a few hours since I’ve been back, but I’ve noticed
quite a few changes only a year away.
Leanne : I just can’t live in that awful place It really gets on my nerves.


Paul : So you haven’t solved all the problems with your flatmates.
Leanne : Not really. It’s OK having meals together. We’ve done that right
from the start. But we’re having regular arguments about

who washes up And anyway, I don’t like living so

from the city centre.

10. Put in an adverb which expresses the frequency. The adverb should go in

mid position (or after the subject if necessary)

1. Low frequency: The old man goes out of the house.

2. Full frequency: I’m pleased to see you.

3. Almost full frequency: We go into town on the bus.

4. Medium frequency: You can get nice things really cheap in the market.

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5. High frequency: I’ve stayed late at the office.

6. Zero frequency: The work I do is boring.

7. Low frequency: We see policemen on the streets.

8. Medium frequency: The program doesn’t work properly.

11. Combine the information in one sentence. Decide if the adverbial goes in
mid position or end position.
1. Lucy: I buy a newspaper. Every day I get one.

2. Mark: I don’t go to the theatre. Well, I seldom go.

3. Adam: I’ve thought about emigrating. Often. •

4. Kate: In the evening I cook a meal. Well, most evenings I do.
5. Alice: I won’t get married. That’ll never happen.

12. Put one of the adverbs in brackets into the second sentence.
1. The two photos aren’t identical. But they’re similar, (fairly/hardly)

2. This is important to me. It matters, (a lot/ extremely)


3. I don’t like the other posters at all. This one is the best, (completely/easily)

4. Oliver shouted and swore at everyone. He behaved impolitely, (a


5. I’m not quite sure if you’re right. I’m convinced by your arguments.

6. Is the story true? Are you running a dating agency? (quite/really)

7. Our teacher is quite young. He isn’t old. (slightly/very)

8. My new job is great. I feel happier now. (much/very)

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9. The party was great. We enjoyed it. (nearly/very much)

10. I feel quite warm. I’m not cold, (at all/fairly)

1 1. I’m glad I met your friend. She’s nice (rather/slightly)

12. What’s so good about this new version? Is it better than the old one? (any/

13. Put the words into the correct order and form a statement
1. Mark and I didn’t agree, (an / argument / 1 had / quite / with him)

2. I like Judy very much, (a / nice / personality / she’s got / such)

3. Sam says some crazy things sometimes, (a / an / bit / he’s / idiot / of)
4. I can’t park here, (a / small / space / there’s / too)

5. 1 think we can win. (a / fairly / strong / team / we’ve got)


6. I can’t answer that, (a / difficult / it’s / question / rather)


7. The work will take a long time, you know, (a / big / it’s / job / quite)

8. No wonder we’re tired, (a / long / quite / way / we’ve walked)


9. It’s great to see you again, (a / for / 1 haven’t seen/ long / such / time / you)

10. You can draw brilliantly, (a/ as / as that / drawing / good / 1 couldn’t do)

14. Look at the information in the first sentences and put in the adverbs. Be
careful with the spelling.

2. Henry was angry. He shouted _

1. Emma’s toothache was terrible. Her tooth ached terribly.
at the waiter.
3. I’m happy sitting here. I can sit here _ for hours.
4. The machine is automatic. It switches itself off
5. The debate should be public. We need to debate the matter
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6. Everyone was enthusiastic. Everyone discussed the idea _
7. We should be reasonable. Can’t we discuss the problem _
8. The building has to be secure. Did you lock all the doors
9. Nobody expected George was coming to see us. He arrived
10. Tom is good at English. He speaks English very _ .
15. Write the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.
1. She has rarely travelled more than fifty miles from her village.
Rarely has she travelled more than fifty miles from her villaee.

2. He only thought about having a holiday abroad after he retired.
Not until he retired

3. He had just started driving his new car when he had an accident.
4. I only realized how dangerous the situation had been when I got home.
Only when I got home _

5. He no longer plays in an orchestra.

No longer
6. He would never be allowed to set foot in their house again.
Never again
7. The designs are seldom reproducted exactly as illustrated.


8. Miss Rose will not be offered the job under any circumstances.
Under no circumstances _
9. 1 have never heard such nonsense in all my life!

Never in all my life

__ __
10. We had only just walked in the door when the phone rang.

No sooner
11. A doctor should never break his confidence on any account.

On no account
12. Tom was not only late, but he had left all his books behind.


Not only
13. If you should need any help, just call.
14. A small stream ran at the end of the village.
At the end of the village
___ _
15. 1 was never shown how to operate the machine.
At no time

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Chmmg 5

C6 ba c£p d6 so sanh tmh tu* va trang tCr: so sanh bang, so sanh hon vh so sanh
L SO SANH BANG (Positive form)

Hinh thuc so slnh bang dirge thanh lap bang each them as vao trudfc va sau tmh
tor (adjective) hoac trang tir (adverbs).
as + adj/adv
jÿnany/few + N + as + noun/pronoun/ clause

J much/little + N
This box is as big as that one.
(Cai hdp nay lem bang cai hdp kia.)
Mary is as intelligent as her sister.
(Mary thdng minh nhuchi c6 ay.)

Jane sings as well as her sister.

(Jane hat hay nhit chi co ay.)
- So s£nh khong bang nhau

Dhng not so as hoac not as ... as

not so/as Adv as
Many/Much + N

He is not so strong as John.


(Anh ay khdng khoe bang John.)

John did not run so/as quickly as Bill.
(John khdng chay nhanh bang Bill.)
She doesn’t buy so/as many roses as her friend.
(Cd ta khdng mua nhieu hoa h6ng nhuban cua cd ta.)
Less than = not as/so ... as
less Adv. than
Uncountable N
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This dress is less expensive than that one.
[= This dress isn’t as/so expensive as...]
(Cai do dam nay khdng dat nhucdi do kia.)
The city center was less crowded than usual.
[= The city center wasn’t as crowded as usual.]
(Trung tarn thanh phd'U ddng hem thudng ngdy.)
Nhung trong 16i n6i than mat not as/so ... as thudng duoc diing hon less ... than.
- Khi ndi gtip bao nhifiu ltin, ta diing ctiu true twice as ... as, three times as ...
as, ect.
Petrol is twice as expensive as it was a few years ago.

(Gid xang bay gid dat gap ddi gid xdng each day vdi nam.)
Their house is about three times as big as ours.
(Nha ho lem khoang gap ba nha chung tdi.)
II. SO StiNH HON (Comparative form)

Hlnh thtic so stinh hon cua tmh tir vti trang til duoc thknh lap bang each:
Them -er vk> sau tmh tit hoac trang tit c6 mdt dm tie't (short adjective/
S + V + short + er + than + Noun/Pronoun/Clause

You are taller than I am. (Anh cao hem tdi.)

John is stronger than his brother. (John khoe horn anh cua cdu ay.)
- Them more vko trude tmh tit hoac trang tit c6 hai dm tiet (trit ckc tinh tir tan

cilng bang -er, -ow, -y, -le) hoac c6 ba dm tiet trdlen (long adjective/adverb).


S + V + more + long + than + Noun/ Pronoun/Clause


The first problem is more difficult than the second.

(Bai toan thtinhat khd hem bdo todn thithai.)

Billy is more intelligent than Jack.

(Bill thdng minh hem Jack.)
- So sknh hon c6 th£ duoc nhah manh bang ckch them much hoac far tntdc
hlnh thtic so stinh.
Harry’s watch is much/far more expensive than mine.
(Ddng hd cua Harry dat hem nhiiu so v&i ddng hd cua tdi.)
Her boyfriend is much/far older than her.
(Ban trai cua cd lam tudi hem cd ta nhieu.)
A lot, a bit, a little, rather, slightly cung c6 th£ duoc diing trude dang so stinh.
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I got up a little later than usual.
(Tdi thtic day mudn hem thiidng ngdy mot chut.)
I’m feeling a lot better to day.
(Hdm nay tdi thdy khoe hem nhiiu.)
- Dai tir sau as hoac than (Pronouns after as or than)
Trong 16i van than mat, dai tir nhan xung lam tan ngir (object pronouns) thuong
dugc dilng sau as hoac than.
He’s older than me.
(Anh ay lorn tud’i hem tdi.)
They have more money than us.
(Ho cd nhiiu tien hem chung tdi.)

Trong 16i van trinh trong, dai tit nhan xung lam chu ngu (subject pronouns)
dugc dilng (thufrng di vdi d6ng tir hoac trg ddng tir).
She doesn’t sing as well as I do.

(Cd ta hat khong hay bang tdi.)
I’m two years older than she is.

(Tdi lem horn cd ay hai tuo'i.)
HI. SO SANH NHAT (Superlative form)
1. Tfnh tir, trang tir ngdn
Them -est v&o sau tfnh tir hoac trang tir ngan (short adj/adv) hoac tfnh tir c6 hai

am tie't tan cilng bang -er, -ow, -ly, -le.

S + V + the + short + adj + est + N


Billy is the oldest child in his family.


(Billy la dika con lem tuSi nhdt trong gia dinh.)

He works the hardest of all.

(Anh ta lam viec can cu nhat trong tat cd.)

2. Tfnh tir dai, trang tir dai

- Them most vao trude tfnh tir hoac trang tir dM (long adj/ adv)
S + V + the + most + long adj + noun
This is the most interesting book I have read.
(Day la quyen sach hay nhdt tdi da doc trade nay.)
Loves is the most important thing.
(Tinh yeu la dieu quan trong nhdt.)

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IV. CACH THfiM ~es \k -est, more v& most:
E>4 thknh lap c£c hinh thtic so s£nh bac hon v& bac nh£t, chung ta:
1. Them -es hoflic -est vao sau die tinh tit mdt dm ttift v& tinh tit hai dm tie't
tan cung bang -er, -ow, -y, le, \k -ure
Tinh tfr gfo So s6nh bac horn So s6nh bac nhat
new (m&i) newer newest
small (nho) smaller smallest
clever (kheo leo) cleverer cleverest
narrow (hep) narrower narrowest
happy (hanh phuc) happier happiest

simple (dan gian) simpler simplest
obscure (mdtd'i) obscurer obscurest
(MOt s6 tmh tii hai am ti£t thubc loai ki trfin cung c6 thd thknh lap hlnh thuc so

sÿnh bac hon bac nhSt bang ca hai edeh).
brave (can dam) h.
N6u tmh tit g6c tan ciing bang e, chung ta chi them -r hoac -st ma thbi:
braver bravest
large (rdng) larger largest
noble (quy phdi) nobler noblest

wise (khdn ngoan) wiser wisest

- N£u tmh tir g6c tan ciing bang phu dm + y, chung ta ddi y Mnh i tru6c khi
them -er hoac -est:

happy (hanh phuc) happier happiest

easy (de dang) easier easiest

heavy (ndng) heavier heaviest

pretty (xinh xdn) prettier prettiest

Nhung neii tlnh tfir g<5c tan ciing b&ng nguyin dm + y, y v£n diioc giG nguy6n:
gay (vui ve) gayer gayest

gray (xdm) grayer grayest

- Neu tmh tG g6c chi c6 mbt am tie't va tan ciing bing mdt nguyen am + mdt
phu am, chung ta phii g£p d6i phu am trade khi them -er hoac -est:
red (do) redder reddest
big (Icm) bigger biggest
hot (ndng) hotter hottest
thin (mong, dm) thinner thinnest


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2. Them more hoac most vao cac tfnh tur hai Am tiet c6n lai va cac tfnh tir
co tir ba &m tiet trcr len:
private (rieng tu) more private most private
beautiful (xinh dep) more beautiful most beautiful
interesting (hay) more interesting most interesting
intelligent (thdng minh ) more intelligent most intelligent
- Tfnh tir c6 nguon g6c ph4n tir (tan cilng bang -ed hoSc -ing) va tfnh tir
lu6n lu6n di m6t minh (predicative adjective) phai k£t hop vdi more hoSLc most dh
chi co mCt hoSc hai Sm tiet:

tired (met) more tired most tired
pleased (hai Idng) more pleased most pleased
boring (chan) more boring most boring
afraid (so) more afraid most afraid

More vh most cung thubng ket hop vdi c£c tmh tir hai am tiet c6 dau nhah tr£n

am tiet d£u (rapid, urgent...). N6i chung, khi cam th£y nghi ngd, chung ta nen
dhng more va most ddi vdi tihh tir hai am tiet.
- Tfnh tir k£p (tihh ttytrang tir + d6ng tir khdng gidi han) nhu good-looking,
hard-working... cd hinh thuc so sdnh thtfbng khdng theo quy luat:

good-looking (xinh xdn)better-looking best-looking

more good-looking
most good-looking

well-known (nSi tiehg) better-known best-known

more well-known most well-known

well-to-do (giau co) more well-to-do most well-to-do

hard-working (Mm chi) harder-working hardest-working

more hard-working

most hard-working
old-established older-established oldest- established
more old-established
most old-established
good-hearted better-hearted best-hearted
more good-hearted
most good-hearted
fine-looking finer-looking finest-looking
far-fetched more far-fetched most far-fetched
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kind-hearted more kind-hearted most kind-hearted
good-natured more good-natured most good-natured
narrow-minded more narrow-minded most narrow-minded
old-fashioned more old-fashioned most oldrfashioned
short-sighted more short-sighted most short-sighted
- Most co khi duoe dhng vdi nghia very; trong trudng hop n£y most kh6ng c6
the di ktm:
Everybody has been most kind.
(Moi ngudi rat tute.)
Mary is a most beautiful girl.

(Mary la mdt co gai rat dep.)
V. HiNH THtrc SO SANH BAT QUY TAC (Irregular comparison)
M6t s<5 trnh tit va trang tit c6 hinh thtic so sanh hcfn vh so sanh nhSit ba't quy lAc

(khOng theo quy luat -erl-est; morelmost)

Tinh tiirgoc So sÿnh bae horn So sanh b$c nh£t
good "iÿ_ better best
well J
bad worse worst

more most
little less least

fewer fewest
few (it) { less least

farther farthest
far (xa)
{ further furthest

1. Good, better & best:


This is good but that is better.

(Cdi nay tot nhung cai kia tdt hem.)
It is the best way from London to Paris.
(Do Id con duemg tSt nhdft tiiLuan D6n di Pa-ri.)
2. Bad, worse & worst:
Linda sings worse than my sister Helen, but I sing worst of all.
(Linda hat ddhan chi Helen cua tdi, nhung toi hat dernhat.)
Is there anything worse than war?
(Con gi te hem chiih tranh?)
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3. Farther & further:
- Farther diing dd chi khoang c£ch:
Manchester is farther from London than Oxford is.
(Manchester each xa Ludn Don hem Oxford.)
- Further, ngoai chi khoang each c6n cd nghla them nita (additional):
I’ll give you further details.
(Tdi se cho anh them cac chi tie't.)
4. Fewer & less:
- Fewer diing tnrcfc danh tCr s6 nhidu ddm duoc:
There are fewer tourists this year than last year.

( Nam nay co it du khach hem nam ngoai.)
- Ixss diing trude danh til khdng ddm duoc:
I earn less money than an engineer.
(Toi kiem duoc it tien hem mot ky si(.)

5. Elder, eldest: c6 thd duoc diing l&m tinh til (dung trude danh til) hoSc dai til

(khdng c6 danh til theo sau) thay cho older/oldest dd chi su nhidu tu6i hon. Chung
chu y£u duoc dung dd so sanh cac thanh vi6n trong chn m6t gia dlnh.
My elder/older brother is a pilot.
(Anh tdi la phi cong.)
He’s the eldre (son) of her two sons.

(Anh ay la con trai lem trong hai con trai cua ba ta.)
His eldest/oldest daughter got married last year.
(Con gai dau cua ong ta dd lap gia dinh nam ngoai.)

Are you the eldest/oldest (person) in your family?

(Anh co phai la con dau trong nha khdng?)

- Elder khdng duoc diing vbi than trong c£u true so sanh hon, vl v$y chi diing

He’s two years older than me. [NOT ...

(Anh ay lorn hem tdi hai tuSi.)

VI. HINH THtfC SO SANH DÿC BB&T (Special comparison)

1. So s6nh kep (Double comparatives)
a. So s£nh d6ng tidn (cang ... rang)
Dang so sanh d6ng tidn vdri the ...the ... duoc diing dd didn dat su cirng thay d6i
(tang them hoSc giam bdt vd s6 lucmg hoSc muc dd) cua su vide.

The +comparative + S + V + the + comparative + S + V

The harder you study, the more you will learn.
(Em cang hoc chdm cang hieu biet nhieu.)

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The more dangerous it is, the more I like it.
(Viec cang nguy hiem tdi cang thich.)
The hotter it is, the more miserable I feel.
(Trdi cang ndng tdi cang cam thay kho chiu.)
- More c6 th£ dirge dilng vdi danh tit
The more electricity you use, the higher your bill will be.
(Dung dien cang nhieu, hoa dan tien dien cang cao.)
- Dang ngSn cua c£u true n&y dirge dilng trong thÿnh ngu The more the
merrier (c&ng ddng cang vui) va trong c£u true The + comparative + the better
What time shall we leave? The sooner the better.

t (May gid chung ta di? ~ Cang sdm cang td't.)
How do you like your coffee? The stronger the better.
(Anh thich ca phe nhuthe nao? ~ Cang dam cang td't.)
b. So sdnh luy ti£n (cang ngay cang)

Dang so sdnh luy tieri dugc dilng d£ dien dat su vide dang tang d£n hoac giam
dan mdt edeh lien tuc.

- and vd more and more dirge diing di didn dat su tang ddn.
short adj’/adv + er + and + short adj/adv + er
more and more + longadj/adv _____

Betty is younger and younger.

(Betty cang ngay cang tre ra.)
It’s becoming harder and harder to find a job.

(Cang ngay cang khd tim viec.)

Her story was more and more attractive.

(Cau chuyen cua ba ta cang ngay cang hap dan.)

- Less and less dugc dilng d£ diSn dat su gi&m ddn.

He became less and less interested in politics.

(Cang ngdy anh ta cang it quan tdm den chinh tri.)

2. Would rather (thfch hon, thd rang)

I would rather go to a walk than watch TV tonight.
(.Td'i nay tdi thich di dao chcti hem la xem truyen hinh.)
3. Had better (t6't hem)
You had better go now before it is too late.
(Tdt hem anh nen di ngay bay gid trUcfc khi qud mudn.)
What had I better do?
(Tdt hem tdi nen lam gi?)
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VII. SO SANH GidNG NHAU (Comparison of Similarity)
1. The same
a. The same
Our suitcases are the same.
(Va li cua chung ta gid'ng nhau.)
b. The same + N
You and I have the same suitcases
(Anh ay va tdi co va li gid'ng nhau.)
c. The same as
My suitcase is the same as yours.

(Va li cua tdi gid'ng va li cua anh.)
d. The same + N + as
My suitcase is the same size as yours.
(Va li cua tdi cung cd v&i va li cua anh.)

2. Alike, like, similar

Our books are alike. (Sach cua chung ta gid'ng nhau.)
My book is like yours. (Sack cua tdi gid'ng sach cua anh.)
similar to yours.

1. Different
Mike and his father are different.

(Mike va cha cua anh ta khac nhau.)

2. Different from

Mike is different from his father.

(Mike khac voi cha cua anh ta.)

3. Different from each other


Mike and his father are different from each other.

(Mike va cha cua anh ta khac nhau.)

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1. Complete the sentences using as ... as. Choose one of the following words.
expensive comfortable fast long quietly soon
well often quickly much strong exciting
1. I don’t earn as much as I’d like.
2. Oh, don’t sit there. The stool isn’t the armchair.
3. I didn’t want to make anybody, so I came in lean.
4. We can’t do crosswords you do.
5. I’m sorry I'm a bit late. I got here_ I could.

6. We like to keep fit, so we go swimming we can.
7. It was a difficult question. I answered it I could.
8. 1 prefer surfing to swimming. Swimming isn’t
__ surfing.

9. How long can we stay with you? ~ You can stay you like.
10. Why don’t you buy a motorbike? A motorbike isn’t a car.
11. I need the information quickly, so please let me know _ possible.
12. I don’t like these plastic screws. Plastic isn’t metal.
2. Choose the correct word in brackets.
1. Pat’s car is (faster/fastest) than Ban’s.

2. This poster is (colourfuler/more colourful) than the one in the hall.

3. Does Fred feel (welter/better) today than he did yesterday?
4. My cat is the (prettier/prettiest) of the two.

5. This summary is (the better/the best) of the pair.

6. This painting is (less impressive/ least impressive) than that one.

7. That recipe calls for (many/much) more sugar than mine does.
8. George Washington is (famous/more famous) than John Jay.

9. My sister’s much (taller!tallest) than me.


10. My mother’s 45, and my father’s two years (older/oldest) than her.
11. English is (easier/easiest) to learn than German.
12. (More! Most) people speak Chinese than any other language.
13. I think my english is getting (better/best).

14. But I’m afraid my pronunciation is getting (worse/worst).
15. You are (more/most) beautiful every day.
3. Complete the sentences. Use the comparison of the word in brackets.
1. Angela is (young) person in the class.
2. Mary speaks good French but Lucia speaks it (good).
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3. The bill isn’t ... (expensive) as I thought it would be.
4. He bought (cheap) petrol he could find.
5. Her teacher speaks (slow) than ours.

. . . ...... .. . .
6. They live (far) from school than I do.
7. Your son’s behaviour is (bad) in the whole shool.
8. It was (boring) film I had ever seen.

9. She sings (beautiful) than anyone else in the choir.
10. He sounded (angry) than he did yesterday.
11. There isn’t a room (comfortable) than this one.
12. She works (quick) than Julian but not (fast) than Alison.

4. Complete the sentences, using the structure and or more and more.
1. This subject gets harder and harder all the time, (hard)
2. I’m just getting more and more confused, (confused)
3. It’s becoming _ for me to keep up. (difficult)

4. The textbook just gets . (complicated)
5. I spend
h. time on my work, (much)
6. My list of things to do gets_ (long)
7. As I waited for my interview, I became
_ . (nervous)
8. My problem is just getting , (bad)

9. Since she has been in Britain, her English has got

10. My bags seemed to get
11. Travelling is becoming _ as I carried them, (heavy)

. .. .. .. . .

12. That hole in your pullover is getting , (big)

5. Complete the sentences with “than, as, less or more ”

1. John and Peter left soon as the professor had finished his lecture.
2. His job is important than his friend’s.

3. He plays the guitar .... well as my brother.

4. A new house is much expensive than an older one.

. ........ .. .

5. Last week was . hot as this week.

6. Martha talented than her cousin.
7. Bill’s books are colourful than this friends’.
8. Nobody is happier . Maria Elena.
9. The boys felt worse the girls about losing the game.
10. They have money than we do.
11. The Empire Stale Building is taller . the statue of Liberty.
12. California is father from New York . Pennsylvania.
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13. Tom reads quickly than his sister.

14. No animal is so big King Kong.
15. I’m afraid that this report is impressive than the government’s.
6. Correct these mistakes in these sentences.
1. More you work, more money you earn.
2. The more it is difficult, more harder he tries.
3. He’s been working longer that you.
4. This meat’s tougher as yesterday’s.
5. You’re the more infuriating person I’ve ever met.
6. He’s a great deal the best boxer in the world.

7. My cousin is very taller than me.
8. I would like to go to a shod as the one my sister goes to.
9. Your apartment is the same size to mine.

10. That garden is as beautiful like the one in the park.
11. She looks as her mother.

12. This blouse is the same expensive as that one.
13. He is as intelligent than his brother.
14. Tom’s suit is the same style that Bob’s.
15. Your shoes are the same colour like mine.

7. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning.

1. Jill can run faster than Peter.
Peter can 't run asfast as Jill (can).

2. I thought this journey would last longer than it did.

This journey didn’t

3. I didn’t arrive as early as I expected.

I arrived

4. You are working too slowly.


You’ll have to
5. 1 have a brother who is older than me.
I have an
6. Martin thought the second part of the film was more interesting.
Martin didn’t think the first
7. Paula’s work is less careful than before.
Paula has been working
8. There aren’t any trains earlier than this one.
This is

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9. All other cafds are further away.
This cafe
10. Is this the best price you can offer?
Can’t you
8. Complete each sentence with the most suitable word or phrase.
1. I really think that apologising is the least you can do
a. not as much as b. a little c. the least d. as far as
2. I can’t stand this weather. It’s getting
a. more and more b. worse and worse
c. coldest and coldest d. further and further

3. Although Brenda came last, everyone agreed she had her best.
a. done b. made c. had d. got
4. I wish Charles worked as hard as Mary
a. did b. can
... c. will d. does

5. The more you water this plant, the it will grow.
a. best

b. tall c. wetter
6. From now on, we won’t be able to go out as much as we
d. faster
a. were b. had c. used to d. will
7. I’ve never owned independent cat as this one!
a. a more than b. such an c. a so d. as much an


8. Brian has been working since he was promoted.

a. much harder b. as harder c. just as hardly d. more hardly
9. I’ve been feeling tired lately, doctor.

a. such a b. the most c. more and more d. much


10. This exercise will give you practice.

a. farther b. much more c. as better d. a lot

‘9. Put one suitable word in each space, beginning with the letter given.

. . . . .. .. . . . .
1. Is William feeling any better today?

2. Everyone ate a lot, but Chris ate the m

3. What’s the 1 news about the situation in India?
4. I’d feel a lot h. if you let me help.
5. Graham has been sinking d into debt lately.
6. It’s 35 degrees today! It must be the h. .. day so far this year.
7. Only $45? Is that all? Oh well, it’s b... than nothing.
8. He had to wait a f. .. two months before he got his promotion.
9. Ruth wore her b. dress to her sister’s wedding.

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10. Harry has got over the w. of his cold.
10. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning.
1. That’s the best meal I’ve ever eaten.
I’ve never eaten a better meal.
2. Fish and meat are the same price in some countries.
Fish costs just
3. I’ve never enjoyed myself so much.
I’ve never had
4. If you run a lot, you will get fitter.
The more

5. The docttor can’t see you earlier than Wednesday, I’m afraid.
Wednesday is
6. I must have a rest. I can’t walk any more.
I must have a rest. I can’t go

7. Home computers used to be much more expensive.
Home computers aren’t

8. I don’t know as much Italian as Sue does.
Sue knows
9. I thought that learning to drive would be difficult, but it isn’t.
Learning to drive is

10. Barbara can skate just as well as John can.

John isn’t

11. Complete the sentences. Use a superlative (-est or most) and a preposition
(if necessary)

1. This room is nice. It’s the nicest room in the hotel.
2. Susan is very beautiful. She’s
_ _
I’ve ever met.

3. It was a very happy day. It was my life.

4. She’s a very intelligent student. She’s _ the class.

5. The speech was very boring. It was I’ve ever heard.

6. It’s a very large company. It’s the town.
7. August is very wet. It’s
8. The meal was delicious. That was _ the year.
I’ve had for a long time.
9. Matthew always drives carefully. He drives
10. She is a very good player. She is one of
__ _ all the drivers.
the team.

11. Manchester United is a very famous football team. They’re one of
the world.

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12. Melanie is a quick child. She reacts __ the three sisters.

14. It’s a very valuable painting. It’s_

13. It was a very bad experience. It is one of my life.
the gallery.
15. Spring is a very busy time for me. It’s _ _ the year.
12. Write the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use
the word in brackets.
1. This hotel is more expensive than all the other, (most)
2. The moon isn’t as hot as the run. (hotter)
3. I’m not as patient as you. (more)
4. The table and the desk are the same size, (big)

5. Prices just get higher all the time, (and)
6. The dress is cheaper than the skirt, (expensive)

7. This crossword is the easiest, (difficult)

8. Their excitement was increasing all the time, (excited)
They were getting .
_ h.
9. I’ve never read a more romatic story, (most)
It’s the .
10. A bus is cheaper than a taxi, (less)
13. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must
use between two and five words, including the word given.
1. Your car was cheaper than mine.

Your car cost less than mine did.
2. I’m not as good at maths as you are.

You Iam.

3. Keith is slightly taller than Nigel.


Keith Nigel.
4. Bill was growing angrier all the time
Bill angrier.
5. Sally tried as hard as she could.
Sally best.

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6. I thought this film would be better.

This film I expected.

7. This is the bumpiest road I’ve ever driven along!
I’ve never road.
8. When you eat a lot, you get fat.
The you get.
9. George said he couldn’t do any better.

George said it do.
10. This year’s exam and last year’s exam were equally difficult.

This year’s exam last year’s exam.

14. Complete the sentences with than or as
1. I can’t reach as high as you. You’re taller than me/ 1am.
2. He doesn’t know much. I know more .
3. I don’t work particularly hard. Most people work as hard
4. We were very surprised. Nobody was more surprised

5. She’s not a very good player. I’m a better player .

6. They’ve been very lucky. I wish we were as lucky _ .

7. You speak English very well. We can’t speak as well

8. 1 didn’t spend as much money as you. You spend more money

15. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning.
1. Our children behave much better than theirs. (Their children)

2. Their house has a larger garden than ours. (Our garden)

3. What I earn in a month, he earns in a week. (He earns)

4. I expected the food they served to be nicer than it was. (Thefood)

5. Henry had more champagne than me. (I didn ’t)
6. The party ended earlier than I thought it would. (The party didn ’t)
7. Fewer people came to the party than he anticipated. (There weren ’t)
8. Sheila usually behaves dreadfully, but she didn’t this time. (Sheila didn ’t)
9. She usually wears a lot of jewelry, but she didn’t tonight. (She didn ’t)
10. I see less of her than I used to. (I don ’t see)

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Chitarng 6
l. DINH NGHlA (Definition)
D6ng tur (verbs) la tit hokc cum tur duoc dung d£ di£n ta hanh ddng (action)
hokc trang thki (state).
n. CAC LOAI D0NG Tl/ (Kinds of verbs)
Dua tr£n cac tifiu chf khac nhau, ddng tir co th£ duoc ph&n thanh nhilu loai.
a. Ngoai dong tir va noi dong tir (Transitive and intransitive verbs)
b. Dong tir quy tfic va bAt quy tic (Regular and irregular verbs)
c. Trq dong tir va dong tir thirimg (Auxiliary and ordinary verbs)
o m
. c
HI. NGOAI D0NG Tl/ VA N0I D0NG Tl/ (Transitive and intransitive verbs)

1. Ngoai dong tir (Transitive verbs): di£n ta hknh d6ng tac ddng true ti£p 16n
ngudi nao d6 hoSc vat nao do; noi ckch khac, ngoai ddng tut la dOng tir thudng

duoc theo sau bdi danh tir hoSc dai tir lam tan ngu true tidp (direct object).
The cat killed a mouse.
(Con meo da giet mdt con chudt.)

(Mouse Ik Un ngu true ti£p cua killed)
2. Noi dong tir (Intransitive verbs): diSn ta hknh d6ng dirng lai 6 ngucri noi

it e
hokc ngudi thuc hi£n hanh ddng d6; n6i ckch khac, ndi d6ng tir la ddng tir khdng
can c6 tan ngu true ti£p (danh tir hokc dai tir) theo sau.
Do sit down. (Hay ngoi xudng.)

c h
The children are playing. (Bon tre dang choi dua.)
D6ng tir sit va play khOng ckn c6 tan ngu true tidp cung da du nghia.
Luu y:

h i
- Nhi6u ddng tir co the vira lk ngoai ddng tir vira lk ndi ddng tir (nghia cua
chung c6 th£ thay d6i)
Ngoai dong tir
The driver stopped the bus.
Noi dong tir
The bus stopped.
(Tai xeditng xe buyt lai.) (Chiec xe buyt dung lai.)
He rings the bell. The bell rings.
(Cau ay rung chudng.) (Chudng reo.)
The boy broke the window. The window broke.
(Cau be da lam vd ciCa sS.) (Cua sS bi vd.)_
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- Ngoai d6ng ttr c6 thd c6 hai tan ngu: tan ngu true tie'p (direct object) vk tan
ngu gikn tie'p (indirect object)
My friend has just sent me a postcard.
Or My friend has just sent a postcard to me.
[direct object: a postcard; indirect object: me]
- Tan ngtf theo sau nOi ddng tit thudng la tan ngu cua gidi tit (prepositional
object) chu: khOng phki lk tan ngu true ti£p cua d6ng tit.)
She walks in the garden.
(Cd ay di be5 trong vufin.) [garden lk tan ngu cua gidi tir in]
Birds fly in the sky.

(Chim bay tren trdi.) [s£y lk tan ngu cua gidi tit in]
- M6t s6 ngoai ddng tit cd thd dupe theo sau bdi m6t tan ngtf va mdt b6 ngu
cua tan ngu (verbs + object + object complement). Bd ngu cua tan ngit thudng lk
tmh tit, danh tit hokc cum danh tit.

I find her attiude strange.

(T6i thay thai dd cua cd ta rat la.)
They elected him president.
(Ho bau dng ay lam chu tick.)
IV. D0NG TT/QUY TAC VA BAT QUY TAC (Regular and irregular verbs)
Ckc ddng tir dupe phkn chia thknh hai loai: quy tkc vk bkt quy tkc,

1. Ddng tit quy tkc: lk nhflng ddng tir tao thanh hmh Me qua khir vk quk khd
phan tir bang ckch them -ed vko ddng tit nguyen thd:

Ddng tit nguyen the Quk khir Qu£ khur phkn tit
work worked worked

learn learned learned

look looked looked

Play played played

2. Ddng tit bat quy tic: lk nhung ddng tit tao h'rnh Me quk khur vk quk khd

phkn tit khdng bkng ckch them -ed mk chu ye'u bang ckch thay ddi nguyen am cua
ddng tit:
Ddng tit nguyfen the Quk khur Quk khur phkn tit
come came come
give gave given
see saw seen
Mudn bidt ddng tit nko lk bkt quy tkc, ckch duy nhkt la hoc thude long bang
chia ckc ddng tir bkt quy tkc!
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a. Thdm -d vao sau ddng ttr tan ciing bang e :
love -> loved —
live » lived
b. Ddng tCr tan ciing bang -y, trude n6 la mdt phu am: d0i -y thanh -i r6i
them -£d:
study -> studied play -» played [vl trudc -y la mdt nguydn am]
c. Ddng tir tan ciing bang mot phu dm (trur h, w, x, y), dung trudc ia mot
nguyen dm : gap ddi phu am do trudc khi them -ed:
stop -» stopped
heat -> heated [khdng gap ddi t vi trudc nd la hai nguyen am]

Ddng tir nhi6u v£n co da'u nha'n (trong am) d v£n cud'i cung theo quy lu$t
prefdr (thich horn) -» preferred
gather (thu nhap) -> gathered [khdng gap ddi -r vi dau nMn a v£n tMu]


Chu y: ky hidu [ ] chi am doc chur khdng phai chi chG vid't.
- Doc la [id] khi ddng tit tan ciing bang [t] hoac [d]:
want -» wanted

end > ended

- Doc ia [t] khi ddng tit tan ciing bang [p], [k], [f], [e], [s], [J], [t f]:
stop -> stopped
talk -> talked

- Doc ia [d] khi ddng ttir tan ciing bang cic am con lai:
live -» lived

learn -» learned _


Tlf THl/ClNG (Auxiliary and ordinary verbs)

1. Trq ddng tit (Auxiliary verbs): la c£c ddng tir dac bidt (special verbs) be,

have, do, can, may, must, ought, shall, will, need, dare, used dude chia thanh hai
nh6m: tro ddng tir chfnh (principal auxiliary verbs) va tro ddng tir tmh thai (modal
auxiliary verbs).
a. Tro ddng tir chinh (Principal auxiliary verbs) g6m be, do, have duoc dung
vdi ddng tir khdc d£ chi thi, th£, va di thanh lap cau hdi hoac cau phu djnh.

infinitive present tense past tense past participle

to be am, is, are was, were been
to do do, does did done
to have have, has had had
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- Be diroe them vdo ddng tir khdc d£ tao thdnh th£ tidp didn hoAc bi ddng.
The children are playing in the yard.
(Bon tre dang chtri trong san.)
He was imprisoned for three yard.
(Ong ta bi bo tu ba nam.)
- Do dirpc dilng dd thanh lap cau hoi, cAu phu djnh vA dang nhAn manh cua
cac ddng tir khdng c6 trp ddng tir.
Do you smoke? (Anh co hut thudc khdng?)
I didn't see them. (Tbi khdng thay ho.)
She does like you. (Cody rat men anh.)
- Have dupe dCing dd tao thd hoan thAnh.

We have lived here for a long time.
(Chung toi da song a day lau rdi.)
I realized that I had met him before.

(Toi nhan ra rdng tru&c day tdi da gap anh ta.)

Lim y: be, do, have cung c6 thd dupe dilng nhu ddng tir thucfng (ordinary
He is lazy. (Anh ta lucd bieng.)
He does nothing. (Anh ta chdng lam gi cd.)
b. Trp ddng tir tinh thai (Modal auxiliary verbs) g6m can, could, may, might,

must, ought, had better, will, would, shall, should dupe dilng trude hlnh thtic
nguydn thd (bare-infinitive) cua ddng tir khAc dd chi kha nang, su chAc chan, su
cho phdp, nghTa vu, v.v. Trp ddng tU tinh thrii c6 nhung ndt van pham sau:

- Ngdi thu* ba s6 ft khdng c6 -s.

She can swim. (C6 ay biet bed.) [NOT she-sans...]

- Khdng diing trp ddng tir do trong cau hdi, cAu phu dinh, cAu hdi dudi vA cAu
tra ldi ngan.

Can you speak French? [NOT Be you sar. speak...]

(Anh co biet noi tieng Phap khdng?)

- Ddng tir theo sau ede ddng tir tinh thdi (ngoai trir ought) ludn 6 nguydn thd
khdng to (bare-infinitive).
I must water the flowers. [NOT Tmust te water...]
(Tbi phai tu&i hoa.)
- Khdng cd hlnh thurc nguydn thd (to-can) vA hlnh thtic phAn tir (maying;
musted). Khi cAn ta phai dilng nhung tir khac dd thay thd.
I’d like to be able to stay here. [NOT can stay...]
(Tdi mudh Id minh cd the 6 lai day.)

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•CAN (cd the): Can c6 hinh thhc phu dinh la cannot (can ’t) va dang qua khur
la could. Can duoc dCing d£ didn dat:
- Kha nang d hidn tai hohc tuong lai - noi rang di£u gi d6 c6 th£ xay ra hohc
ngudi nao d6 c6 kha nang hoac ca hdi dd 1km vide gi.
I can speak Japanese, [kha nang d hidn tai]
(Tdi co the noi duoc tieng N hat.)
I can help you next week, [kha nang d tuorng lai]
(Tuan den tdi co the giup chi.)
Can you swim?
(Anh co the boi duoc khdng? )
- Su xin phep va cho phep; can 't duoc dung d£ txr chd'i ldi xin phep.
Can I go out? [xin phep]
(Em co the di ra ngoai duoc khdng?)
o m
You can go. [cho phep] (Em co the di ra ngoai.)
- Ldi ydu cdu, d& nghi hoac goi y.
Can you wait a moment, please? -> ydu c&u (request)
(Xin vui Idng doi mdt lat nhe.)

n h
Can I carry your bag?-> dd nghi (offer)
(Tdi xach tui giup ban nhe.)

th£ xay ra trong hidn tai.

n g
- Chung ta cd \hi dhng can ’t dd n6i rang chung ta chac chan didu gi d6 khdng
Harry can’t know how to ride a bike; he’s never been on one.

it e
(Harry khdng the nao biet di xe dap; anh ay chua bao giddi xe dap.)
•COULD (co the): Could co hinh thuc phu djnh la could not (couldn’t).

Could vua la hinh thurc qua khur cua can vita lh tro ddng tir tmh Mi.
- Could Ik hinh thurc qua khd cua can, duoc dung d£ didn dat kha nang d qua

i c
When I was a child, I could nin very fast.

t h
(Khi tdi edn la mdt dtia tre, tdi [da] co the chay rat nhanh.)
- Could la tro ddng tur tinh Mi, duoc dhng d£ didn dat:
+ Didu gi dd cd thd xay ra d hidn tai hoac tuong lai, nhung khdng chac chan.
I hear someone coming. It could be John.
(Tdi nghe ai do dang di den. Cd le la John.)
It could rain this afternoon.
(Co the chieu nay troi se mUa.)
+ Su xin phep; could Id phep vh trinh trong hon can. Nhung khdng dhng could/
couldn V dd didn dat su cho phep hoac tur chdi ldi xin phep.
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Can I turn in my paper tomorrow?
Could I turn in my paper tomorrow?
(Em cd the ndp bai vao ngay mai duac khdng?)
+ Lai ydu chu lich sir (lich sir va trang trong hon can) hohc d£ dua ra 16i dd
nghj, gai
Could you mail this letter for me? -> ydu chu (request)
(Nhdanh gift giup tdi la thu nay duac khdng?)
We could write a letter to the headmaster. gai (suggestion)
(Chung ta co the viet thitcho hieu trudng.)
Liru y:
- Can vh could thircmg dhng vdi chc ddng tir chi su nhhn thtic hohc tri gihc

nhu: see, smell, feel, hear, taste, understand, remember di didn dat su vide (nghe,
thhy, ngui, hilu...) d mdt thdi di&n cu thi nho d6.
I can see Susan coming.

(T6i nhin thdy Susan dang di den.)

- Be able to (co the): dhng thay cho can, could di chi kha nhng cd thd lam
mdt vide gi do:
I can speak Japanese. = lam able to speak Japanese.
(T6i co the ndi duac tieng Nhat.)
I can finish this work next week.

= I will be able to finish this work next week.

(Tdi co thehoan tat edng vide nay tuan den.)
When I was a boy I could run very fast.

= When I was a boy I was able to run very fast.

(Khi con nho tdi co the chqy rat nhanh.)

Ngudi ta dhng be able to d£ thay cho can a chc thi Hidn Tai Hohn Thhnh vh
Ti£n Quh Khu vl can khdng c6 cAc hlnh thtic tucfng duong 6 hai thdi ky nhy.

Tuy nhidn, could vh was/were able to khdng phai luc nho cung dilng lhn ldn
nhau duqc. Was/were able to di£n th su dat tdi kd't quh thdng qua mdt nhng luc

nho d6 (attainment of something through capacity), trong luc could chi di£n ta su
cd thi (nhung chua chhc da thuc hidn ducc) mh thdi:
John could swim halfway before he collapsed.
(John co th/ bai duac niCa dudng trude khi dudi stic.)
[chu khdng rd nghia vl ‘cd thd’ nhung chua chhc da thuc su thuc hidn duac]
Phai ndi: John was able to swim halfway before he collapsed.
(John da bai duac nita dudng trude khi duo'i site.)
•MAY vh MIGHT (co the; co le): May cd hlnh thtic phu djnh la may not

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(dang tinh luce mayn’t rat ft dupe sir dung); might c6 hinh thirc phu dinh ia might
not (mightn ’t).
- May vb might dupe dung dd didn dat didu gi dd cd thd la that hoac c6 kha
nang xay ra b hidn tai hoac tuong lai.
It may/ might be a bomb.
(Co the do la mot qua bom.)
Ann may not/ might not come to the party tonight. She isn’t well.
(TSi nay co the Ann se khdng dutiec. C6 ay khdng duoc khoe.)
Trong truemg hop nay might khdng dupe dting nhu dang qua khu: cua may. Ca
may va might ddu dupe dung dd noi v& hidn tai hoac tuong lai. Nhung might it
khAng dinh hon may.

I may go to London next month, [co hdi 50%]
(Thdng tai co the tdi se di Luan D6n.)
My family might come with me. [co hdi 30%]

(Co the gia dinh toi se di cung tdi.)
- May va might dupe dung d 4 xin phep. May va might c6 tmh ch£t trang trong,

Id phep hon can va could. Might it dupe dupe dhng trong van n6i, chu yd'u dupe
dung trong c£u true cau hoi gian tidp.
May I put the TV on? (Tdi mo tivi duoc khdng?)
- May dupe dhng dd chi su cho phep; may not dupe dhng d£ chi su tir chdi 15i
xin phep hoac chi su cam doan.

May I borrow the car?

(Tdi co the muon xe duoc khdng?)

Yes, of course you may./ No, I’m afraid you may not.
(DI nhien la duoc./ Khdng, tdi e la khdng duoc.)

Students may not use the staff car park.

(Sinh vien khdng duoc dung bai dau xe cua can bd nhd tru&ng.)

- May dupe dhng trong nhung Idi c£u chuc trang trong (khdng dhng might)
May you both be very happy!

(Chile hai ban hanh phuc!)

May the New Year bring you all your heart desires.
(Chuc ban nam mdi van sunhuy.)
Liru y: Khdng dung may va might trong cau hoi true tidp d£ didn dat kha nang
c6 thd xay ra didu gi, nhung co thd dhng trong cau hoi gidn tidp.
Are you likely to go camping this summer? [NOT May you go camping...]
(Ban co di edm trqi vao miia he nay khdng?)
Do you think you may go camping this summer?
(Ban co nghT la miia he nay ban se di cam trqi khdng?)
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•MUST (phai): must c6 hlnh thtic phu dinh Id must not (mustn ’t). Must dirge
- Dilng d& chi b6n phan, su bat bu6c d hi£n tai hoac tuong lai:
You must go now.
(Anh phai di bay gid.)
When must I do it?
(Khi nao tdi phai lam viec ay?)
People must eat in order to live.
(Ngudi ta phai an de sdhg.)
- Chi su suy doan, suy ludn ngu y chac chan:
You have worked hard all day, you must be tired.

(Anh lam viec can cu sud't ngay, chac la anh met.)
John’s lights are out. He must be asleep.
(Den nha John tat. Chac la anh ay dang ngu.)

- Dua ra loi khuyfin hoac 16i y£u cdu dugc nhan manh:

She’s a really nice girl. You must meet her.
(Cddy that sU la mdt c6 gdi td't. Anh nen gap c6 ay.)
You must be here before eight o’clock tomorrow.
(Ngay mai ban phai cd mat 6 day trude 8 gid sang.)
- Must notl mustn V dugc dilng d£ chi su cam dodn - n6i ring di£u gi khdng

n£n ldm, hoac bao ai dilng lam di£u gi.

You must not make such a noise.
(Anh ta khdng dugc lam 6n nhuthi'.)

You mustn’t use the office phone for private calls.

(Ban khdng diioc dilng dien thoai edng ty vdo viec rieng.)

• HAVE TO (phai): dugc dilng dl didn dat su edn thifit, hoac su bat bu6c.
- Have to c6 thd dugc dilng tuong duefng vdi must di. di£n dat su thi£t.

I have to/ must go to the hairdresser’s soon.


(Tdi phai di ngay tci tiem cat toe.)

Tomato plans have to/ must be watered regularly.
(Cay cd chua can dugc turn nude thudng xuyen.)
- Have to thudng dugc dilng dd thay the' must 6 ede thi tuong lai (will have to)
vd qud khti (had to) vi must khdng c6 ede hinh thtic b ede thi nay:
You will have to go tomorrow. [Tuong Lai Don]
(Ngay mai anh phai di.)
We had to go yesterday. [Qud KM Don]
(Ngay hdm qua chung tdi da phai di.)
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Mary has had to sell her house. [Hifin Tai Hoan Thanh]
(Mary da phai ban can nha cua co ay.)
Chung ta dung do d£ tao thanh \hi nghi v2ih v& phu dinh vdi have to:
Do you have to work on Saturdays? No, I don’t.
(Anh co phai di lam vao ngay thCcbay khong? Khdng, toi khdng.)
Luru y: ca must va have to ddu dirge dhng d£ di6n dat su c&n thie't phai thuc
hi£n di£u gi d6.
All applicants must/ have to take an entrance exam.
(Tat ca ede img vien phai qua mot ky thi sat hach.)
Tuy nhidn, giua must va have to v5n c6 su khac biet nho edn chu y. Must di£n
ta su bat bude d£n tir phia nguoi noi, have to di6n ta su bat bu6c do tinh the' hoac

di£u kidn b6n ngoki (menh lfinh, luat 16...) gay n6n.
You must finish this work today, [thu trubng n6i vdi nhan vi£n]

I have to finish this work today, [nhan vien noi vdi ban be]
You must do it now! [m£nh I6nh cua ngucti noi]

You will have to have your hair cut when you join the army.
(Ban phai heft toe khi ban vao quan doi.) [luat 16 quy dinh]
You must take off your shoes.(Ong ba phai edi giay ra.)
[n£u khdng chung tdi se khOng cho vao]
You have to take off your shoes.

(Ong ba phai edi giay ra.) [quy dinh cua nha chha day]
6 th£ phu dinh, must not va do not have to c6 nghla khde nhau. Must not [=
mustn’t]: khong dupe, chi su earn doan; do not have to [= don’t have to]: khong

phai, tuefng duong vdi don 't need to hoac needn 7 [xem muc need ph&n tie'p theo]:
You must not drive so fast. It is against the law.

(Anh khdng dupe lai xe nhanh nhuthe. Trdi luat day.)

You do not have to drive SO fast. We have a lot of time.

(Anh khdng phai lai xe nhanh nhuthe'. Chung ta con nhieu thdi gian ma.)
Must cbn c6 nghla: han la, dilng d£ chi su suy dodn.

John must have an early class: he leaves the house every day at 6:30. (Han
la John thudng phai'len Idp sdm: hang ngay anh ay rdi nha luc 6 gid 30.)
Su suy do£n trong qua khir dugc di6n ta bdi must have + qua khur phan tur:
han la da:
John must have won the prize. He looks very pleased.
(Han la John da doat giai. Trong anh ay rat man nguyen.)
•WILL (se): wil ( ’ll) co hlnh thtic phu dinh la will not (won ’t), va c6 dang qud
khur la would. Will dugc dung d&

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- Diln dat hole du do&n su viec, tinh hudrig se xay ra trong tuong lai.
She’ll be here in a few minutes.
(Vai phut nita cd ta se co mat a day.)
Tomorrow will be warmer.
(Ngay mai trdi se dm.)
- Ddng di chi su sin 16ng, led htia, quy& tarn:
All right, I will pay you tomorrow.
(Dicac riii, ngay mai tdi se trd tien cho anh.)
I won’t forget her birthday. I will send her a present.
(T6i nhat dinh se khdng quen ngdy sinh nhat cua cd ay. Tdi se giti tang cd
ay mot mon qua.)

- Dua ra mdt quy£t dinh ngay luc dang n6i.
Did you phone Ruth? ~ Oh no, I forgot. 1*11 phone her now.
(Anh da goi cho Ruth chua? ~ Oi chita, tdi quen mat. Bay gid tdi se goi cho

cd ay.)
Didn dat lbi de doa, led hda.
I’ll hit you if you do that again.
(Tao se ddnh may neu may lam the nita.)
I won’t tell anyone what happened, I promise.
(Tdi hita la tdi se khdng noi vdi bat evtai chuyen da xay ra.)

- You will dung di didn ta mdnh ldnh cua ngired nbi, tuong duong vdi must.
You will work here under Mr. Jenkinson.
(Anh phai lam viec d day duoi quyen dng Jenkinson.)

Chu y: Ndu chi mudri thdng bio chrir khdng phai ra ldnh, thdng thubng ngubi
n6i dung hinh thu*c vdi -ing:

You will be working here under Mr. Jenkinson.

(Anh se lam viec dday diteti quyen dng Jenkinson.)

- Will you? ... nhe, ddng dl didn ta led mbi.

Will you have some more tea?

(Chi diing them trd nhe?)

Chu y: N£u chi mudri tlm kid'm thdng tin chtf khdng phai II lbi mbi, chung ta
Will you be sitting down? (Anh cd the ngSi xudhg khdng?)
- Will you... (please)? Xin anh vui Idng... , ding d£ diSn ta ydu clu:
Will you close the door, please?
= Will you please close the door?
(Xin anh vui long dong cua lai.)

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•WOULD (se): would ( ’d) c6 hinh tMc phu dinh la would not (wouldn ’t)
- Would \k dang qua khu cua will trong l<5i n6i gidn ti£p. Would dirge dung sau
dOng tir tiremg thuat 6 qua khu: trong cau gidn ti£p.
He said he would phone me on Sunday.
(Anh ay noi chu nhat se goi cho tdi.)
- Would dirge dung dd di£n ta m6t gia dinh b qua khur hay du dodn v£ m6t tinh
hutfng c6 th£ xay ra.
It would be fun to have a beach party.
(TS chuc mot bua tiec d bai bien chdc la se rat vui.)
- Would dugc dung d& chi m6t thoi quen trong qud khir.
Years ago, I would have a cold bath every morning.

(Trude day nhieu nam, sang nao tdi cung tarn nude lank.)
- Would dugc dilng trong led yfiu c£u, 15i d£ nghi lich su. Would c6 tmh trang
trong hon will.

•Would you... (please)? Xin anh vui Idng..., co each dung tuong tu nhu Will
you... (please)?

Would you close the door, please?
= Would you please close the door?
•Would like c6 nghla nhu want nhung \t d6 hern:
I would like to see her now.

(Toi mong dugc gap cd ay bay gid.)

•Would you like ...? dung d£ diln ta ldd mcri:
Would you like some more wine?

(Anh dung them chut rugu nhe?)

•Would care c6 ding nghla nhutrdn nhung chi dilng trong cau nghi van va cau

phu dinh:
Would you care to see my pictures?

Would you care for some more wine?

•Would rather \k would sooner: thlch hem

I would rather go.

(Toi thich di hon.)
He would rather stay here than go home.
(Cau ay thich d lai day hon la ve nhd.)
I would sooner read than watch television.
(Toi thich doc sach hon xem truyen hinh.)
Would rather co the’ khOng cd dAng tir theo sau khi chung ta mudn dien ta y
mudn nguefi khac lam vi6c gi do. D6ng tir trong mfinh dd theo sau thuimg b thi qua
khu: dO chung ta mudn difin ta su vifcc cf hi6n tai hoac tuong lai:
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I’d rather you went home now.
(Tdi thich anh di ve nha bay gid.)
•SHALL (se): Shall ( ’ll) chi duoc dilng cho ngdi thu nhat (/ shall, We shall).
Shall co hinh thurc phu dinh ia shall not (shan ’t) vh hinh thurc qud khtf la should.
- Shall dirge dilng di difin dat hoac du dodn m6t su vide hoac tinh hudng se
xay ra trong tirong lai.
We shall know the results next week, [or We will know]
(Tudn sau chung ta se bie't duoc kit qua.)
I shall be rich one day. [or I will be]
(Mot ngay nao do tdi se giau.)
Liru y: Ca will vk shall diu c6 thi dhng vdi ng6i thur nMt (/ willf shall,We will!

shall) d£ chi tuong lai. Tuy nhifcn will duoc dilng ph6 bi£'n hon shall. Shall kh6ng
duoc dung trong tidng Anh cua ngudi My.
- Shall duoc dilng chu ydu trong cau hdi di xin y kidn hoac ldi khuyfcn.

•Shall It we ?: ...nhe?, dilng d£ difin ta ldi de nghi hoac hdi y ki£n:

Shall I wait for you?
(Anh se doi em nhe?)
Shall we go to the cinema tonight?
(Chung ta di xem phirn td'i nay nhe?)
• I! we shall dilng di didn ta su quyfe't tam:

I shall do what I like. I shall go there if I want to.

(Tdi nhat dinh se lam nhung gi tdi thich. T6i quye't se di den defy ne'u can.)
We shall defend our country, whatever the cost may be.

(Chung ta quye't se bao ve dat nude cua chung ta vdi bat cut gidnao.)
•SHOULD (se; nen): Should c6 hinh thurc phu dinh Ik should not (shouldn ’t)

- Should (se) la hinh thurc qud khur cua shall, duoc dilng trong cau tudng thuat
va trong cÿu true ‘tuong lai d qua khur’ (future in the past).

I told them we should/ would probably be late.

(Tdi da ndi vdi ho co the chung tdi se den mudn.)

- Should (phai; nin) la ddng tir tinh thdi, duoc dilng d&
+ Chi su bat bude hoac b6n phan, nhung nghla cua should khdng manh bang
must (vdi should cd th£ cd su lua chon thuc hifin hay khdng thuc hi6n, nhung vcri
must thi khdng cd su lua chon).
You should obey your parents.
(Chau phai vang Idi cha me.)
+ Dua ra ldi khuyfin hoac <j kid'n
You should pay your debt.
(Anh nen tra no.)
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You shouldn’t tell lies.
(Anh khdng nen noi Ido.)
+ Xin 16i khuydn, y kie'n hoac Idi hudng dan
Should we invite Susan to the party?
(Chung ta co nen mdi Susan den dutiec khdng?)
What should I do now?
(Gi&tdi nen lam gi day?)
+ Suy doan hoac k£t lu£tn di6u gi d6 c6 th£ xay ra (ngudi noi mong dpi di£u d6
xay ra).
We should arrive before dark.

(Chac la chung ta se den trudc luc tr&i to'i.)
+ Should + Prefect Infinitive dung cho qua khur, ngu y da khdng thuc hi6n bdn
phan, nghia vu hoac di£u n6n l&m.
You should have seen him long before.

(Lera anh phai di tham no tvtldu.)
I should have written that letter yesterday.

(Dang le toi phai vie't cdi thuay horn qua.)
•OUGHT (nen): Ought c6 hinh thuc phu dinh la ought not (oughtn't). Sau
ought la ddng tCr nguygn th£ co to (to-infmitive).
Subject + ought + to-infinitive

You ought to work harder.

(Anh phai lam viec can cu hem.)

He ought to go tomorrow.
(Hgay mai no phai di.)

Ought dupe dhng tucrng tu nhu should di:

- Chi sir bat bude, hoac bdn phan. Nghia cua ought tuong tu nhu should va

khdng manh bang must.

We ought to start at once.

(Chung ta phai khdi hanh ngay.)

They oughtn’t to let their dog run on the road.
(Ho khdng dupe tha chd chqy rdng ngoai duemg.)
- Dira ra 15i khuyfin hoac kieh nghj.
You’re not very well. Perhaps you ought to see a doctor.
(Ban trong khdng dupe khoe lam. Co le ban nen di kham benh.)
- Du doan di6u gi do co th£ xay ra (vi didu do hop logic hoac thdng thuefng).
The weather ought to improve after the weekend.
(Thcd tiei chac se tot hem sau ky nghi cud'i tudn.)
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We’re spending the winter in Miami. ~ That ought to be nice.
(Chung tdi se di nghi ddngd Miami. ~ Chac la thu vi lam.)
•HAD BETTER (nen; td't hem): dupe dilng dd dua ra ldi khuydn, hoac bao
rang ngudi nÿo d6 ndn hoac khdng ndn \hm di£u gi trong mdt tinh hudng riko d6.
It’s cold. The children had better wear their coats.
(Trdi lanh day. Bon tre nen mac do khoac vao.)
- Had better cd hinh thtic phu dinh la had better not va hinh thuc cau hoi ia
Had + S + better.
You don’t look very well. You’d better not go to work today.
(Trdng ban khdng duoc khoe. Tot hem het la hdm nay ban khdng nen di 1dm.)

Ltru y: Had better c6 nghia tuong tu vdi should, nhimg khdng hoan toan gidng
nhau. Had better chi dupe dilng cho tinh hudng cu (hi, va cd nghia manh hon
should va ought (ngudi noi nhan th£y hanh ddng do ia edn thidt va mong dpi hanh
ddng se dupe thuc hidn). Should cd (hi dupe dilng trong ta't ca cac tinh hudng khi

dua ra </ kid'n hay cho ai lcri khuydn.

It’s cold today. You had better wear a coat when you go out.
(Horn nay tred lanh qua. Td't hem la ban nen mac do khoac khi ra ngoai.)

•May! might! could have + past participle dupe dilng d£ didn dat:
- Di6u gi dd c6 th£ da xay ra hoac c6 hi dung trong qua khti.

You may/ might have left your wallet at home.

(Co the ban da di vi dnha.) [= Perhaps you left it at home.]
Someone could have stolen your wallet.

[= It’s possible that someone stole it.]

(Co the ngUdi ndo dd da lay cdp vi cua ban.)

- Didu gi dd cd (hi xky ra nhung khdng xay ra.

Why did you let him come home alone? He might/ could have got lost.

(Sao anh lai di nd di vi nhd mdt minh? No cd thi bi lac.)

-> But he didn’t get lost

•May not! mightn ’t have + past participle dupe dilng d£ didn dat didu gi dd c6
thd da khdng xay ra trong qua khti.
I may not/ mightn’t have locked the door.
(Cd le tdi dd khdng khoa cud.)
•Can 7/ couldn 7 have + past participle dupe dilng dd didn dat didu gi dd chac
chan khdng thd xay ra trong qua khur.
Daniel can’t/ couldn’t have caught the bus. It doesn’t run on Sundays.
(Chdc chan la Daniel dd khdng don duac xe buyt. Chu nhat xe buyt khdng
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•Must have + past participle dupe dilng di diin dat diiu gi d6 hiu nhu chic
chan da xay ra trong qua khu.
The phone rang but he didn’t hear it. He must have been asleep.
(Chudng dien thoai reng nhung anh ta khdng nghe. Chdc la anh ta dang
I’ve lost one of my gloves. I must have dropped it somewhere.
(Toi bi mat mdt chiec gang lay. Chdc la tdi danh rcfi no a dau do.)
•Should have + past participle dupe dilng di diin dat diiu gi d6 le ra ndn hoac
phai xay ra nhung da khdng xay ra trong qua khu:. Shouldn't have + past
participle dupe dung di diin dat diiu gi d6 le ra khdng ndn xay ra nhung dil xay
ra trong qua khur.

I should have phoned her this morning, but I forgot.
(Lera sang nay tdi phai goi dien cho co ay, nhung tdi quen mdt.)
You shouldn’t have called him a foot. It really upset him.

(Lera ban khdng nen goi anh ta la ke ngu xuan. Dieu do thuc su lam anh ta

buc minh.)
• Ought (not) to have + past participle dupe dilng tuong tu nhu should (not)
have + past participle.
It’s disappointing. We ought to/ should have won the game easily. [But we
lost the game.]

(.That dang that vong. Lera chung tdi phai thang tran ddu mdt each de dang.)
Ann is feeling sick. She ought not to/ shouldn’t have eaten so much chocolate.
[But she ate too much chocolate.]

(Anh cam thay buSn ndn. Le ra cd ay khdng nen an nhieu sd-cd-la nhu the.)
Liru y: khi chung ta hohn toan chac chan mdt diiu gi dd thi chung ta khdng

cln dilng ddng tir tinh tMi. Nhung chung ta thuemg dilng ddng til tinh thai khi
chung ta dua ra mdt suy luan vi su chac chin cua mdt su vide hoac su kidn nio dd.

Mtic dd chic chin (degrees of certainty) dupe diin dat nhu sau:
- Trong cau khing dinh (Positive sentences)

Why isn’t John in class? (Tai sao John nghi hoc?)

100% He is sick. (Anh dy bi benh.)
95% He must be sick. (Chdc anh dy bi benh.)
It hon 50% He may/ might/ could be sick. (Co the anh dy bi benh.)
- Trong cau phu dinh (Negative sentences)
Why doesn’t Sam eat? (Tai sao Sam khdng an?)
100% Sam isn’t hungry. (Sam khdng doi.)
99% Sam can’t1 couldn’t be hungry. He’s just had dinner.
(Sam khdng the doi. Anh dy vito mefi an tdi xong.)
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95% Sam must not be hungry. (Chac Id Sam khdng doi.)
ft horn 50% Sam may not/ might not be hungry.
(Co le Sam khdng doi.)
* Mu:c chac chan 6 qua khu: cung dupe dilng tucmg tu nhu 6 hiOn tai.
• Mot so dong ti)r vilra la trq d6ng tft tinh th£i (modal auxiliary verbs) vfta
la dong t£r thtfftng (ordinary verbs).
• NEED (can; can phai): dilng d£ di6n ta nhu cdu, sir cdn thi6t hoac sir bat
bu6c phai thuc hiOn di6u gi do.
- Need thirOng dupe dilng nhu m6t dOng t£r thufrng (ordinary verbs). Sau need
la mOt dOng tir nguydn mlu co to hoac m6t danh tir.

need + to-infinitive/ noun
Everyone needs love.
(Moi ngU&i deu can tinh thitcmg.)

He needs to study hard.
(Anh ay phai hoc cham chi)

You don’t need to answer that question.
(Anh khdng cdn tra Idi cau hoi do.)
We’ve got plenty of time. We don’t need to hurry.
(Chung ta co nhieu thdi gian. Chung ta chang cdn phai vdi va.)

•Need + verb-ing c6 nghla bj dOng.

This room needs cleaning. [=This room needs to be cleaned]
(Cdn phdng nay cdn ditac lau chili.)

- Need cung c6 thd dupe dilng nhu mdt trq ddng tir tinh thdi (modal auxitiary
verbs); chu y€u trong cau phu dinh, cau h6i, sau ifva whether hoac v6i cdc tir

mang nghla phu dinh hardly, scarely, never, only, nobody, anybody, v.v. Sau need
la ddng tir nguyfin mSu khdng to.

Need + verb (infinitive without to)


Need I come again?

(Tdi co cdn phai den nita khdng?)
Need you go so soon?
(Anh co cdn phai di scfm the khdng?)
He needn’t come to the office tomorrow.
(Ngay mai no khdng cdn phai den sd.)
You needn’t worry; everything will be all right.
(Anh khdng cdn phai lo lang; moi viec rdi se td't ca.)

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•Needn ’t have + past participle dugc dilng d£ di£n dat di£u gi d6 da dirge thuc
hifin trong qua khur, nhung khdng edn thifi't.
We needn’t have hurried so much. There was pletny of time.
(Le ra chung ta khdng can qua vdi vang nhu the. Da co nhieu thi gift.)
•Will need + to-infinitive dirge dung dd chi su bat bude phai thuc hidn didu gi
trong tuong lai hoSc dua ra led khuydn cho tucmg lai.
We’ll need to repair the roof next year.
(Nam toi chung ta can phai sun mai nha.)
You’ll need to work hard if you want to pass your exam.
(Neu muon thi dqu ban phai co gang hoc tap.)
Liru y: Trong tiehg Anh cua ngucti My (American English), need r£t ft dugc

dung nhu mdt trg ddng tir tinh thdi.
That shirt isn’t dirty. You don’t need to wash it. [NOT needn’t wash]
•DARE (dam)

- Dare thudng dugc diing nhu mdt ddng tir thudng. Sau dare 1& mdt ddng tir

nguydn m&u c6 to (to-infinitive)
He doesn’t dare to answer my letter.
(No khdng dam tra Idi thutdi.)
Do you dare to ask him question?
(Anh co dam hoi dng ay mdt cau khdng?)

She didn’t dare to say a word, did she?

(Cd ta khdng dam noi mot Idi nao phai khdng? )
- Dare cung c6 the dugc dung nhu mdt trg ddng tir tinh thai trong ede cau phu

djnh, cdu hoi, sau i/va whether hoSc vdi hardly, never, no one, nobody, v.v. Sau
dare Id mdt ddng tir nguydn m&u khdng to (infinitive without to).

She dare not ask for a rise, for fear of losing her job.
(Cd ta khdng dam doi tang litong, so hi mat vide.)

Dare you climb that tree?

(Anh co dam leo len cay kia khdng?)

You daren’t climb that tree, dare you? ~ Yes, I dare.

(Anh khdng dam leo len cay kia, phai khdng? ~ Cd, tdi dam chut.)
•Dare + object + to-infinitive dugc dung d£ thach d<5.
Do you dare me to climb that tree?
(Anh cd thach tdi leo len cay kia khdng?)
He dared me to walk down Piccadilly in my pyjamas.
(No thach tdi mac dd ngu di bo tdi Piccadilly.)
•I dare say - I think probably; I suppose
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I dare say it’ll rain soon.
(Tdi dam chdc lat nUa trdi se mUa.)
• USED TO (da thudtig; da ticng): dupe diing d£ di£n dat tinh trang hoac thdi
quen trong qu£ khvr m& nay khdng c6n nQa.
- Used to thudng dupe diing nhu mdt ddng t£r thuftng. Sau used to ia ddng tit
nguyfin m§u khdng to.
When I was a boy, I used to swim in this river.
(Khi con be tdi thudng ben dsdng nay.)
His hair used to be black, but it is white now.
(Trude day toe anh ay mau den, bay gid toe anh ay da bqc rdi.)
- Used to cung c6 thd dupe dung nhu trp ddng tir tinh thdi trong I6i van trinh

trong (formal style). Hinh thtic cau hoi Used + 5 + to...? ft dupe dung.
I used not/ usedn’t to like opera, but now I do.
(Trude day tdi khdng thich nhac kich, nhung nay tdi thich.)
Luu y:

- Used to ... khdng c6 hinh thirc hifin tai. n6i v6 th6i quen va tinh trang cr

hifin tai, dilng thi hidn tai don (present simple tense).
My brother used to play basketball, but now he plays volleyball.
(Trude day anh trai tdi chcti bdng r6, nhung nay anh ay chon bong chuyen.)
We used to live in a small village but now we live in London.
(Trude day chung tdi sdhg trong mdt ngdi Idng nho nhung hien nay chung

tdi dang sd'ng dLuan Ddn.)

- Trong cau hoi dudi (tag-question), used to khdng dupe diing nhu mdt trp
ddng tir tinh thdi.

You used not to like him, did you? [NOT ... used you?]
•Be used to + verb-ing/ noun (quen; quen vdi)

He is used to getting up early.

(N6 quen day sdm.)

•Get used to + verb-ing/ noun (trd nen quen vdi)

You’ll soon get used to living in the country.

(Ban se sdm quen vdi viic sdhg d miin que.)

Little by little, he got used to his new family.
(No da ddn quen vdi gia dinh mdi cua minh.)
2. Ddng tit thirdng (Ordinary verbs)
Ddng tir thudng c6 nhung n6t van pham sau:
- Ngdi thir ba sd' ft c6 -s.
She lives in a small house.
(Cd ay sdhg trong mdt ngdi nha nho.)
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- Cau hoi v& cau phu dinh ducrc Mnh lap vdi trg ddng tir do.
Jane doesn’t want to go the party.
(Jane khong thich di drftiec.)
Do you like my ear-rings?
(Ban cd thich ddi hoa tai cua toi khdng?)
What did you tell to the police?
(Anh da khai gi vcri canh sat?)
- Sau ddng tir thircmg co the’ la mdt ddng tir nguyen mau co to (to-infinitive),
ddng tur nguyen m§u khdng to (bare-infinitive/ infinitive without to) hoac mdt
danh ddng tir (gerund).
I hope to see you soon.

(Tdi hy vong se s&m gap lai ban.)
Don’t let the children play with match.
(Ditng cho tre con nghich diem.)

They enjoyed collecting stamps.

(Ho thich suit tam tem.)
D6ng tir thircmg co ba hinh thurc: nguy&n mlu (the infinitive), danh ddng tir (the
gerund), phan tir (the participle)
a. Hinh thurc nguyen mau (The infinitives) la hinh thurc co ban cua ddng tir.
Dang nguyen m&u cua ddng tir g6m nguyen mhu co to (to-infinitive) va nguyen
mau khdng to (infinitive without to/ bare-infinitive).

- Dong tiir nguyen mau c6 to (to-infinitive): ddng tir nguyen mau co to co the
dugc ditng lam

- Chu ngur cua cau

To act like that is childish.

(Hanh dong nhit the that tre con.) Sách được chia sẻ miễn phí tại

- Tan ngOr cho ddng tir


I like to swim.
(T6i thich bai.)

Chung ta dilng ddng tir nguyen mau c6 to khi ddng tir di trudc n6 la cac ddng tir
sau day:
- Ddng tir + dong tir nguyen mau c6 to:
afford decide learn promise agree
deserve like propose arrange determine
long refuse ask demand love
regret attempt desire manage start
bear expect mean swear beg
fail need seem begin fear
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neglect strive care forget offer
tend cease hate omit threaten
choose help plan try claim
hesitate prefer want come hope
pretend wish continue intend prepare
He asked to get up.
(Anh ay yeu cau duoc dicng day.)
I want to see him now!
(T6i mud'n gdp anh ta ngay bay gid.)
We have decided to go early.

(Chung tdi da quyet dinh di sdm.)
I expect to see my parents next week.
(Tdi trdng dpi gap ba me tdi tudn tcfi.)
He forgot to pay me.

(Anh ta quen tra tien cho tdi.)

- D6ng tfir + (dai) danh tur + dong itt nguyen m&u c6 to
advise cause invite ask expect
tell want allow encourage persuade
I advise you to see a doctor.
(Tdi khuyen anh nen den gap bac si.)

They allowed me to stay at home for a week.

(Ho cho phep tdi d nha mdt tudn.)
They encourage me to study abroad.

(Ho khuyen khich tdi di hoc dmidc ngoai.)

- Dong tiir nguyen mlu khong to (Bern infinitive/ infinitive without to): duoc

- Sau c£c tro dQng tit tlnh Mi can, could, may, might, should, shall, must,

will, would,...
We must go now. (Chung tdi phai di bdy gid.)

You should stay at home. (Anh nen dnhd.)

- Sau cdc d6ng tfir let, make, see, hear,feel, watch, notice + tan ngu’ (object).
I often hear Linda talk to her friends.
(Tdi thudng nghe Linda noi chuyen vdi cac ban cua cd ay.)
We felt the house shake.
(Chung tdi cam thay can nha rung chuyen.)
Let me go!
(Hay de tdi di.)

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b. Danh dong tir (The gerunds): la hinh thrtc dOng ttir dirge them -ing va dugc
dhng nhu mbt danh tCr. Danh dbng tCr c6 th£ dirge dung Him
- Chu ngu cua cau (subject of a sentence)
Swimming is good exercise.
(Bed loi la mon luyen tap tot.)
- B6 ngu cua d5ng tir (complement of a verb)
My hobby is collecting stamps.
(Sor thick cua tdi la situ tarn tem.)
The new agreement will mean working overtime.
(Hap ddng mod ddi hoi phai lam ngoai gid.)
- Tan ngu cua d6ng tir (object of a verb)

o m
Danh d0ng tir co th£ dugc dung nhu m6t tan ngu” true ti£p (direct object) sau

cac dbng tCr:

burst out
recollect avoid
appreciate excuse
fancy postpone
give up

put off

resist delay suggest...
We enjoy meeting you.
it e
(Chung tdi thick dupe gap anh.)
Harriet suggested having a party.
(Harriet gpi y tS chitc mdt biia dec.)

Mdt s0 d6ng tir c6 the theo sau txM danh d6ng tir hoac d6ng tir nguy&i mau ma

y nghla khdng thay d6i:
begin (bdtdau) The president began to speak.

t h
continue (tiep tuc)
The president began speaking.
The traffic continued to move slowly.
The traffic continued moving slowly.
(Xe c6 tiep tuc di chuyen mdt each cham chap.)
like (thich), love (yeu men ) I like to drive your car.
hate (ghet) I like driving your car.
prefer (thich hem) John prefers to type his own letters.
John prefers typing his own letters.
(John thich tu danh may thu cua minh hpn.)
plan (dudinh) I plan to visit her next week.
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I plan visiting her next week.
start (bat dau) She starts to work tomorrow.
She starts working tomorrow.
(Cd ay se bat dau lam viec ngay mai.)
I can’t bear/ 1 can’t stand I can’t bear to see her cry.
(khdng chiu ducrc) I can’t bear seeing her cry.
(Thay cd ay khoc tdi khdng chiu duac.)
Sau ckc ddng t£r see (tr6ng My), hear (nghe), feet (cam My), notice (nhkn
thÿy), watch (xem) + tan ngu, chung ta c6 thi dung ddng ttir nguydn mku khdng to
hoSc hidn tai phan tit:

I saw him walk in the garden.
I saw him walking in the garden.
(Tdi da trdng thay cau ay di bo trong vudn.)
Ghi chu: Tuy nhidn chung ta chu y nhung di£m sau day:

1) Khdng ndn dilng cung luc hai ddng tir co -ing khi co thd dung mdt ddng ttr a
dang nguydn mku:

Khdng ndn n6i: It is beginning raining.
Hay ndi: It is beginning to rain.
2) C6 su khac bidt giua:
I like to swim this afternoon.

(Tdi thick di boi chieu nay.)

Va: I like to swimming.
(Tdi thick mdn bed loi.)

Ddng tit nguydn mku c6 to dtroc dilng dd chi hanh ddng (action), thudng la mdt
hknh ddng cu thd (6 dau, khi nao...), trong khi danh ddng tir chi mdt hoat ddng

(activity) mang tmh t6ng qudt.

3) Hidn tai phan tit c6 thd dilng nhu mdt tinh tit vk thudng mang nghTa chu

an exciting story (mdt cau chuyen [lkm ngudi doc] hSi hop)

disappointing news (tin tiic [1km ngudi nghe] that vong)

4) Hidn tai phan tit co \h£ dilng thay cho mdt mdnh dd tinh ngu:
Do you know the man working over three?
[= ...the man who is working over three?]
Mdt sd ddng tit cd thd dirge theo sau bdi ca hai dang -ing va infinitive nhung
nghla khac nhau.
advise allow begin (can ’t) bear continue
forbid forget go on go hate

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hear intend like love permit
prefer propose regret remember see
stop start (can’t) stand try watch
- Remember (nho)
+ Remember to do sth: nho lam mot viec gi
+ Remember doing sth: nho lai mdt viec da lam
Please remember to post this letter this morning.
(Nho gift la thu nay sang nay nhe.)
I remember posting the letter this morning.
(T6i nhd lai chuyen da giti la thu sang nay.)

- Forget (quen)
+ Forget to do sth: chi hanh ddng tiicmg lai - hknh d6ng qudn qudn xay ra
truoc h&nh dCng cdn thuc hidn.
+ Forget doing sth: chi hanh d6ng da qua - h&nh ddng nhd,1 qudn xdy ra sau

hanh ddng dtrqc didn dat bang danh dfing tir.

The clothes are still dirty because I forgot to switch on the machine.
(Quan do van cdn ban vi tdi da quen mdmay giat.)
I’ll never forget seeing him the first time.
(T6i se khdng bao gid quen Idn dau tien tdi gap anh ay.)
- Stop (ngicng)

+ Stop to do sth: ngitng lai de lam viic gi do

+ Stop doing sth: ngitng lam viec gi
John stopped to talk to me.

(John [dang di thl] ditng lai de noi chuyen v&i tdi.)


John sopped talking to me.

(John thoi khdng noi chuyen vdi tdi nita.)
- Try (c6gdng, thit)

+ Try to to sth: cd'gdng lam mdt viec gi


+ Try doing sth: thitlam mdt viec gi

We’ll try to find her.
(Chung tdi se cd'gdng tim cd dy.)
We’ll try telling her. She might know the answer.
(Chung tdi se thit bao cddyxem sao. Cd le cd dy biet led giai dap.)
- Regret (tiec; hd'i tiec)
+ Regret to do st: hd'i tiec vi dieu dang lam
+ Regret doing st: hd'i dec vi diiu gi da xdy ra trong qua, khvt
We regret to tell you that we are unable to help you.
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(Chung tdi rdt tiic phdi ndi la chung tdi khdng the giup ban duac.)
I regret leaving shod at 14 - It was a big mistake.
(T6i thdy tide vi da nghi hoc nam 14 tuSi - Do la mdt sai lam Icm.)
- Mean (coy dinh; co nghTa)
+ Mean to do sth: chi dudinh hoac y dinh
+ Mean doing sth: chi su lien quan hoac kit qua
Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt you.
(Xin Idi, tdi khdng dinh ngat led ban.)
Spending all the money today means starving tomorrow.
(Tiiu hit tii'n hdm nay co nghTa la ngay mai chet doi.)

c. Phan tit (The participles): I k hinh thtic cua ddng til duqc dilng trong ede tii
tie'p didn vd hodn thdnh (is going, has gone,...) hodc duqc dilng nhu mdt tmh it
(interesting book, broken heart).
Ngoai trit ede ddng tir tlnh thdi, ddng tir ndo cung c6 hai phan tir (parti ciples):

hidn tai phan tit vd qud khir phan tir.

•Hten tai phdn tit (present participle)
Hidn tai phan tir (present pariciple) duqc thdnh lap bang edeh thdm -ing vb
ddng tir nguydn mdu.
work working love -» loving
interest -> interesting excite -> exciting

Hidn tai phan tir (present pariciple) duqc dilng

- Vdi trq ddng tir be tao thdnh ede thl tidp di£n (progressive tenses).
Tim is working at the moment

(Luc nay Tim dang lam viec.)

- Nhu mdt tmh tit d£ di£n ta ngudi, vat hoac su viec tao ra cam xuc.

He told us an amusing story. [= A story that amused us.]

(Anh dy kd cho chung tdi nghe mdt cdu chuyin vui.)

The game was really exciting. [= It made the players excited.]

(Trd choi rdt hdo hitng.)

- Nhu mdt tmh tir hodc trang tir, c6 nghia tucrng tu nhu ddng tir chu ddnj
(active verb).
She swept up the falling leaves. [= leaves that fall.]
(Bady quit la rung lai thdnh ddng.)
- Sau ede ddng tir chi tri gidc: see, hear.fell, smell, taste, ... vd sau ddng tir go
I saw flames rising and heard people shouting.
(Tdi thdy Ida bde lin vd nghe mpi ngudi la hit.)

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- Hidn tai phÿn tvr (present pariciple) dung trong cum phan tCr (participle
phrase) thay cho chu ngu + ddng tU a dang chu ddng (subject + active verb) khi:

+ Hai hanh dOng c6 cung chu ngu xay ra cung mdt luc > hanh ddng sau dupe
dien dat bÿng hien tai phan tCr.
We had to stand in a queue. We waited for the bank open.
-» We had to stand in a queue waiting for the bank open.
(Chung tdi phai xep hang dai ngdn hang md cUa.)

+ Hai hanh ddng co cung chu ngu xay ra lien tie'p nhau » hanh ddng xay ra
truac c6 th£ dupe dien ta bang hien tai phan tir.
Mike opened the bottle and then poured milk into his glass.
-* Opening the bottle, Mike poured milk into his glass.

(Mike md nap chai roi rot sua vao ly.)
- Hidn tai phan tir dung trong cum phan tir thay cho mdnh d6 trang ngir chi ly'
do hocic nguydn nhan.

The fans queued for hours because they hoped to get tickets.

-» The fans queued for hours, hoping to get tickets.
(Nhtfng ngUdi ham md xep hang hang gid, hy vong mua duac ve.)
- Hidn tai phan tir diing trong cum phan tir thay cho mdnh d6 trang ngir chi
thdi gian. •
While I was walking along the street, I saw an accident.

—> Walking along the strees I saw an accident.

(Khi dang di bd tren dudng, tdi thay mot tai nan.)
After he had put down his newspaper, he walked over the window.

—» Putting down his newspaper, he walked over the window.

(Dat td bao xudhg, anh ta budc den ben ci(a s6.)

- Hidn tai phan tir diing trong cum phan tir thay cho mdnh dd quan hd khdng
xdc dinh 6 dang chu ddng (relative pronoun + active verb).

Do you know the woman who is talking to John?

-* Do you know the woman talking to John?

(Anh c6 quen vdi ngUdi phu nii: dang noi chuyen veti John khdng?)
A lorry which was carrying'concrete pipes has overturned.
-» A lorry carrying concrete pipes has overturned.
(Mdt chiec xe tdi chddhg be tdng da bi lat.)
•Qua khur phan tir (past participle)
Qua khti phan tir dupe thanh lap bang each them -ed vao sau ddng tir c6 quy
tie; qua khur phan tir cua ddng tir bat quy tac la ddng tir nam o cdt thir 3 (past
participle) trong bang ddng tir bat quy tac.

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bore bored work -> worked
see seen go gone
Qud khu: phan tCr (past participle) duoc dilng:
- V6i: have, had di tao thÿnh cic thi hoan thanh (perfect tenses) nhu Hidn Tad
Hokn Thanh, Tiin Qua Khir...
He has spent all his money. [Hidn Tai Hoan Thknh]
(Anh ay da tidu het ca tien rdi.)
She had studied English before she came to England. [Tidn Qua Khu]
(Cdaydd hoc tieng Anh trudc khi den nude Anh.)
- Vdi ddng tCr he 6.6 tao thÿnh thd bi ddng

The glass was broken.
- Sau cic ddng tit nhu get, have, make, like, want, hear, see, feel... + tan ngu:
di didn ta thu ddng kd tit ph£n tan ngQ tr6 di:

You must get your hair cut. [cut la qua khuf phan til cua ddng tit cut]

(May phai hat toe di.)
Mary had a new dress made, [made la qua khti phan tit cua ddng tit make]
(Mary da dat may mdt cai do men.)
- Nhu mdt tmh tit d£ chi cam giac cua mdt ngucri d<5i vdi mdt hanh ddng hoac
su vide.

The children always get terribly excited when Granny comes.

(Bon tre ludn rdt phan khdi khi ba chung den.)
I was disappointed with the film.

(Tdi that vong vi bd phim.)

- Nhu mdt trnh tir ho3c trang tit, c<5 nghia tuemg tir nhu ddng tir bi ddng

(passive verb).
The police has found the stolen jewellery.

[= the jewellery that has been stolen.]

(Canh sdt da tim thdy sd'nit trang bi ddnh cdp.)

- Qua khu* phan tit (past participle) dilng trong cum phan tit (participle phrase)
thay cho chu ngit + ddng tit bi ddng (subject + passive verb) di k£t ndi ho&c rut
gon hai cau c6 cilng chu ngur.
She enters. She is accompanied by her mother.
-> She enters, accompanied by her mother.
(Cday bude vdo, cilng vdi me.)
He was aroused by the crash, he leapt his feet.
-> Aroused by the crash, he leapt his feet.
(Bi tieng dSdm ddnh thiic, anh ta ngdi bdt ddy.)
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- Qua khu ph&n tir dilng trong cum phan tir thay cho mftnh dd quan he 6 dang
bi ddng (relative pronoun + passive verb).
I found him sitting at a table which was covered with papers.
I found him sitting at a table covered with papers.
(Tdi thay anh ta ngoi a mdt cai ban day gidy 0.)
We couldn’t agree on any of the problems that were discussed.
We couldn’t agree on any of the problems discussed.
(Chung tdi khong the dong y v&i bat cut van de ndo da di0c thdo luqn.)
Luu y: M6t s6 d6ng tir c6 qu£ khur phan til c6 thd dupe dilng nhir m6t tfnh tit
mang nghla chu ddng, nh£t la khi dung trude danh tir.

a broken glass (mot cai li [bi] vd)
stolen money (tien bi danh cap)
a tired soldier (mot ngudi Unh met moi)
a blocked road (mot con dit&ng bi tdc)

3. He tir (copular verbs/ linking verbs) \h m6t loai ddng tir dac biet (special

verb) dupe dilng dd ke't nd'i chu ngu (subject) cua cau vdi b6 ngG cua nd (subject
complement). Cac he tir thdng dung: be (thi, la, 6), seen (co ve nhu, di0ng nhu),
appear (hinh nhu, co ve), look (trdng nhu, trdng co ve), sound (nghe nhu), smell
(co miii), taste (co vi),feel (cam thay), become (trdthanh), get (trdnen).
My father is a doctor. (Cha tdi la bac si.)

It’s getting dark. (Trdi dang tdi dan.)

- B6 ngu theo sau he tir c6 thd 1& mdt danh tir hoac mdt tfnh tir.
Your argument sounds right. (Ly le cua ban nghe c6 ly.)

She has turned dressmaker. (C6 ay da trdthanh the/ may.)

- Mdt s<5 he tir dupe dilng dd n6i vd su thay d6i, hoSc khdng thay d6i: become,

het, grow, go, turn, stay, remain, keep.

It’s becoming/ getting/ growing colder. (Trdi dang lanh.)

The leaves are turning brown. (La dang nga dan sang ndu.)
Luu y: Mdt s6 he tir cung c6 thd dupe dimg nhu ddng tir thudng (ordinary

verb), nhung cung c6 nghla kMc vdi ddng tir dac biet: look, taste, feel, appear.
Khi cac ddng tir n£y dupe dung nhu ddng tir thucrng thi chung dupe dilng vdi trang
tir (khdng dilng vdi tfnh tir).
You look very unhappy. What’s the matter? [look 1& he tir]
(Trdng ban co ve khdng vui. Co chuyen gi vay?)

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I. Classify the verbs in italics as transitives, intransitives, infinitives, present/

past participles or gerunds.
1 . My father prefers cleaning his own room.
2. We heard a stranger talk to him last night.
3. Would you mind turning on the light?
4. We have tofinish this work today.
5. I think I’ll stop working. I am getting tired.
6. We went for a walk after we finished cleaning up the kitchen.

7. Kay has been studying hard. She ought to do well in the test tomorrow.
8. I wonder why Susan hasn’t written us.
9. The students got the teacher to dismiss class early.
10. Iam looking forward to going to swim in the sea.

2. Write the correct form of an auxiliary verb in the blank space in each
1. I h.
study today because I have an important test tomorrow.
2. You _ buy stamps at the post office, but you buy shoes there.
3. It’s getting hot in here._ you please open the window?

4. Mr. Johnson working on a report right now?

5. Tom, you _ say that word. That’s not a nice word.
6. you post this letter for me?

8. If you are tired, you _

she usually sit in the third row?
drive a long distance.

9. I have a toothache. What should I do? ~ You see a dentist.

10. Fish live in the air, but they live in water.

3. Use be able in place of can and could in the following sentences. Study the
first example.

1. We couldn’t hear everything. We weren 7 able to hear everything.

2. My sister can speak three or four foreign languages.
3. I could answer all of the questions in the lesson except one.
4. Can you finish all of the work for us by next Thursday?
5. No one could explain the exact meaning of the word to me.
6. Unfortunately, I can’t attend the meeting with you tomorrow.
7. I couldn’t find Dr. Hanson’s name or addess in the directory.
8. Can’t you help your friend with the difficult parts of the works?
9. We can certainly pay back the money before that time.
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10. Couldn’t the students follow teh teacher’s instructions?
4. Put in musty mustn Y or don ’t/doesn Y have to.
1. The coffee is too hot. You mustn’t drink it yet. Wait for it to cool.
2. Come on. We hurry. We be late.
3. My friend Tom is very rich. He work for a living.
4. John, you put these glasses in the dishwasher. They might break.
5. Most vegetables can be eaten raw. You cook them.
6. You take an umbrella with you. It isn’t going to rain.
7. I’ve already finished all my homework, so I stay up late tonight.
8. You _ introduce Mary to me. We’ve already met.

9. Johnny! You play with sharp knives.
10. You __ tell anyone my secret. Do you promise?
5. For each situation write a sentence with should or shouldn Y + one of the
following. _

go away for a few days go to bed so late take an aspirin
use her car so much
h. look for another job
put some pictures on the walls
take a photograph
drive so fast
1. Daisy’s got a headache. She should take an aspirin.
2. My salary is very low. You

3. Liz needs a change. She

4. Sue drives everywhere. She never walks. She
5. Bill’s room isn’t very interesting. He

6. There’s a police car behind you. You

7. Jack always has difficulty getting up. He _

8. What a beautiful view! You

6. For the following situations, write the requests in a very polite way, using

could and the words provided.


1. Mr Wilson asks his boss if he can leave the office an hour earlier than usual.
2. Stephen asks his guitar teacher to lend him his guitar for the evening.

3. Mr Wilson wants his neighbour to help him carry a cupboard upstairs.
4. You ask someone to move his car, as it’s blocking the entrance to your garage.


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5. Julie and two of her friends ask their typing teacher for permission to leave
6. Mrs Wilson would like Julie to do some shopping for her, if she has time.

7. You ask a stranger next to you in a train if you can look at his newspaper.

8. You ask your host for permission to use his phone.
9. You ask someone you hardly know for a lift into town.

10. You ask the hotel receptionist to get the bill ready for you to check out
before 11 am.

7. The people interviewing Julie for the job couldn’t understand why she was

so late. What can be some possible explanations? Use may or might.
1. Perhaps she is ill.
2. Perhaps her train is late.

3. Maybe she doesn’t know the way.

4. It’s just possible she thinks it’s on another day.


5. Perhaps there’s a traffic jam.

6. Maybe she feels the salary is too low.


There’s a slight possibility that she doesn’t want the job after all.
7. Perhaps she’s not feeling well today.
8. It’s just possible she has a good reason.
8. Rewrite the following sentences into formal notice, using must or must not.

The key
1. Return the key after use.

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2. Don’t keep books for more than r.wo weeks.

3. Students are not allowed to use this computer.
This computer

4. Turn off all lights by midnight.
All lights

5. Leave your bags with the librarian.

6. It is forbidden to make copies without permission.

7. Don’t leave the door open.

This door
9. Complete the following sentences, using modal verbs.
1. I promise to phone you next week.

2. At the age of nine, he still didn’t know how to read.
3. It is essential that we leave on time tomorrow morning.

4. Are you able to come with me tonight?


5. It’s not a good idea for you to work so hard.


6. It’s possible that they’ll be here soon.


7. Why don’t we go and see a film tonight?


8. He refuses to give me answers.


9. Am I allowed to smoke in here?

10. Do not tell him any of this, it’s vital that it remains a secret.

10. Put in used to + infinitive or be/ get used to + ing form. Use the verbs in
1. When I was a child. I _ (dream) of being an astronaut.
2. I’m terribly nervous. I _ (not/ speak) to a large audience.

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3. It took us ages to _ (live) in a block of flat.
4. Lx)ts of trains__ _ (stop) here, but not many do now.
5. Didn’t Nick _ (work) on a building site?
6. I’ll have an orange juice, please. I (not/ drink) alcohol.
7. David doesn’t seem to mind being in hospital. I suppose he (be) there.
8. When Laura was at college, she (have) a picture of Elvis Presley on
her bedroom wall.
9. We (live) in a small village but now we live in London.
10. I feel very full after that meal. I (eat) so much.
11. I (have) a car but I sold it a few months ago.
(be) a cinema here but it was knocked down a few years ago.

12. There
13. In the old days we (not/ have) electricity and things (be)
different from the way they are now.
14. After her husband died, the old woman had to (live) on her own.

15. Most visitors to Britain (not/ drive) on the left.

1. We discuss (buy)
11. Complete the sentences with the correct form(s) of the verbs in parentheses.
_ a new car.
2. We are planning (go) to Florida next week.
3. I have decided (rent) . _ a new house.
4. When I travel, I prefer (drive) to (take)_ a plane.

5. 1 always remember (turn) off all the lights before I leave my house.
6. I can remember (be) _ _ very proud and happy when I graduated.
7. Did you remember (give) Jack my message?

8. I remember (play) _ with dolls when I was a child.


9. When my sister finished (clean) the floor, she dusted the furniture.
10. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him (drink) _ .

12. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate form of the verbs
in parentheses

1. I forgot (buy) some sugar when I went to the grocery store.

2. We promised not (arrive) late for the party.
3. The Taylors are considering (move) to a new apartment next month.
4. Did you remember (feed) _ the dog today?
5. My friend Tom offered (take) _me to the airport.
6. Would you like (go) _ .(fish) this afternoon?
7. They agreed (meet) _ me at the office tomonrow.
8. Mu uncle had to quit (jog) _ because he hurt his leg.


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9. What time do you expect (arrive) _ at the airport?
10. I was very angry. My boss refused (give) _ me a raise as he had
13. Below is a passage about a 97-year-old man who has been selling newspapers
in the street in San Francisco for 40 years. Fill in the blanks with the correct
form of the verbs given in brackets. Use either the infinitive or gerund.
Yesterday Harold Douglas celebrated his 40,h anniversary hawking newspapers
in San Francisco. He claims (1. start) hawking newspapers on the street
comers before there wew automatic streetlights, and he is proud (2. know) _
as the oldest hawker in San Francisco. He happily mentions (3. greet) _
yesterday by dozen of people who shook his hand as he stood on his street comer.

He is happy (4. raise) as a hard worker, and he has never liked sitting
around. He refuses (5. restrict) _ to the house all day, staring out the window
at nothing, so he appreciates (6. permit) . to sell newspapers, every day on

the street comer. He regrets (7. suffer) from a severe case of pneumonia

this past winter, which kept him from his job for the first time since he started (8.
hawk) .
14. Correct the mistakes in the foilwing sentence, using the infinitive or gerund.
1. They didn’t ask that I leave early.
2. To take regular exercise is becoming quite a trend these days.

3. Try to not keeping to interrupt the speaker.

4. Excuse my to interrupt, but I can give you the directions you want.
5. The doctor seems having left a prescription here for you.

6. Since he’s been in England, he’s got used to drive on the left.
7. In my view parents should not let their children watching too much television.

8. In addition to lose all my money, I realized my credit card had been stolen.
9. He enrolled at a language school in Fisa for learn basic Italian.

10. It seems strange to have stood here, looking out at Sydney Harbour.
11. It’s no use to tell me all your problems. You’ll have to see the stuck nt

12. I’m afraid I just can’t face to go into the witness box and tell all those
people what happened.
15. Choose the correct answer.
1. He finished two of his compositions before midnight.
A. written B. write C. to write D. writing
2. One of the least effective ways of storing information is learning _
A. how repeat B. repeating C. to repeat D. repeat
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3. We can’t help _ _ why the chairman left so early.
A. wonder B. wondering C. to wonder D. wondered
4. The man meant _ an evening paper but he didn’t see anyone it.
A. to buyAo sell B. to buy/selling C. buying/selling D. buyingAo sell
5. She remembers part of her childhood quite clearly. She remembers
to school for the first time and frightened and her finger in
her mouth.
A. go/be/put C. goAo be/to put
B. to go/ to beAo put
6. The lecturer began by _ D. going/being/putting
us where the island was, and went on
about its history.

A. telling/talking B. tell/talk
7. Are you going to make your son _ C. told/talked
D. to tellAo talk
part time in the store this summer?
A. work B. to work C. working D. works

8. Do you think that we can get Karen us to the airport tomorrow?

A. take B. talking C. to take D. took
9. My sister Mary likes the way she had the beautician _ her hair.
A. do B. to do C. does D. doing
10. After walking for three hours the caravan stopped to let the others _
with them.

A. catched up B. to catch up C. catching up D. catch up

16. Choose the correct answer.
1. 1 told Sally how to get here, but perhaps I for her.

A. had to write it out B. must have written it out


C. should have written it out D. ought to write it out

it rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the visit to the M.arble

A. Were
_ B. Should C. Would D. Will

3. Tom ought not to me your secret, but he meant no harm.

A. have told B. tell C. be telling D. having told
4. Peter _ come with us tonight, but he isn’t very sure
A. must B. may C. can D. will
5. Could I borrow your dictionary? ~ Yes, of course you
A. might
6. We
B. will C. can
last night, but we went to the concert instead.
D. should

A. must have studied B. might study

C. should have studied D. would study
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7. A computer _
think for itself; it must be told what to do.

8. Jane _
A. can’t B. couldn’t C. may not D. might not
have kept her word. I wonder why she changed her mind.
A. must B. should C. need D. would
9. “Do you have to leave now?” ~ “Sorry, but I really
A. can’t B. mustn’t C. have D. should
10. He _ you more help, even though he was very busy.
A. might have given B. might give
C. may have given D. may give
11. It’s a fine day. Let’s go fishing,:

A. won’t we B. will we C. don’t we D. shall we
12. I didn’t hear the phone. I _ asleep.

A. must be B. must have been
C. should be D. should have been
13. Mother us stories when we were young.

A. was used to tell B. is used to telling
C. used to tell D. used to telling
14. You return the book now. You can keep it till next week.
A can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. may not
15. The plant is dead. I it more water.

A. will give B. would have givem !

C. must give D. should have given
16. There was plenty of time. She

A. mustn’t have hurried B. couldn’t have hurried

C. must not hurry D. needn’t have hurried

17. No matter how hard I have tried, the door

A. doesn’t B, won’t open

C. won’t be opened D. can’t

18. Did you visit the famous museum? ~ No. We it, but we spent too

much time shopping.

A. must have visited B. could have sivited

19. My mother _
C. can’t have visited
such a thing.
D. shouldn’t have visited

A. cannot say B. couldn’t say

C. may not say D. cannot have said
20. You the look on his face when he won the prize.
A. would have seen B. can be seeing
C. must see D. should have seen
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Chitcmg 7
I. DINH NGHlA (Definition)
Gidi tCr la tCr hokc nhdm tit thudng duoc dilng trade danh ttr hokc dai tCr dÿ chi
sa lien he giCxa danh tit hokc dai tCr nky vdi ckc thknh phkn khke trong cku.
He will arrive on Wednesday. (No se den vao ngdy thu tu.)

They live in London. (Ho 6 lai London.)
n. VI TRf CUA Gl6l Ttr (Position of prepositions)
Theo dinh nghia neu tren chung ta thky gidi tir ludn ludn phki di trade mdt danh
tCr (hokc dai danh tir) nha:

The horse is in the stable.
He spoke to me.
He wrote about them.
Khi mdt danh tired vi tri nha trong ckc vf du trdn, cluing ta n6i danh tCr d6 1A tan
ngu cua gidi tir dung trade (stable, me, them, lk tkn ngu cua gidi tir in, to, about).
Gidi tir ddi khi c6 th£ nkm cu6i cku. Trong tradng hop nky ludn ludn phki cd

mdt (dai) danh tir nko dd di trade 1km tkn ngu: cho gidi tir 66:
This is the girl (that) they are talking about.
[That thay cho girl vk 1km tkn nga cho about]

What are you doing that for?


(Tai sao anh lam chuyen do?)

[What lk tan nga cua for]
Trong nhidu cku thude dang thu ddng, gidi tir cung cd thd nkm d cudi cku:

Has any decision been come to?


(Ngitdi ta du'a ra duoc quyet dinh ndo chua ?)

A doctor must be sent for.
(Phdi goi bde sy din.)
[JO sdnh vdi: They must send for a doctor]
My new hat had been sat on.
(Cai mu moi cua tdi dd bi ai dd ngSi len rdi.)
Chung ta c4n ghi nhd hai quy lukt chu y£u:
1. Dai tir nkm sau gidi tir ludn ludn phai b hlnh thirc tkn ngu (me, you, him,
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2. Ddng tir dung sau gidi tir ludn ludn phai b hinh thtfc c6 -ing. Chung ta goi
hinh thtic nay la danh ddng tCr (gerund):
The sun is near setting.
(Mat trtii sdp Ian.)
[setting: danh dOng tir, tan ngO cua gidi tir near]
Many people relax by listening to music.
(Nhie'u ngUtii nghi ngoi bang each nghe nhac.)
[listening: danh d6ng tir, tan ngir cua gidi tir by]
in. C AC LOAI Gl6l Tir (Kinds of prepositions)
05 \h£ ndi gidi tir la mdt phdn gay khdng ft khd khan cho ngudi hoc tidng Anh

bdi gidi tir khdng cd mdt nghTa nha't dinh, ta chi bi£t nghla cua nb thdng qua mdt
tmh hud'ng hoac ca'u true n£o do. Chung ta tarn phan bi6t gidi tir nhu sau:
1. Gidi tir chi noi chon (prepositions of place)

•AT: a; tai
- At ducrc dirng d£ chi vi tri tai mOt di£m.

at home; at the station/ airport/ door/ crossroad/ office/ seaside
at the top/ bottom (of a page/ hill ...); at the front/ bach (of a building/
group of people); at the beginning/ end (of a lesson)
Will you be at home tomorrow night?
(TSi mai anh cd tinha khdng?)

She write her name at the end of the letter.

(Cd ay viet tin minh a cuSi la thu.)

We are studying English at the university.

(Chung tdi dang hoc tieng Anh titrating dai hoc.)

- At (at sb‘s) diroc dilng d£ chi nha, van phong, cira hang hoac dia chi cua
ngudi nao db.

at the doctor’s (office)/ hairdresser’s (shop)/ butcher’s (store)/ Sally’s

(house); at 73 Albert Avenue

They were at Mike’s (house) last night.

(TSi qua ho da tinha Mike.)
She live at 431 Clark Street.
(Cd ay sd'ng d sS431 dieting Clark.)
- At ducrc dilng trubc t£n cua mdt tda nha, khi chung ta khdng nghi d£n toa
nha ma chi d£ cap d6n hoat ddng hoac sU ki&n xay ra b6n trong.
There’s a good film at the cinema in Elpel Street.
(Co mdt bd phim hay dang chieu tai rap chieu bong tren dating Elpel.)
The meeting took place at the company’s headquarters.
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(Cudc hop da diin ra tai tru sd chink cua cdng ty.)
- At chi noi l&m vide hoac hoc tap.
at work/ school/ college/ university
My father is at work now.
(Hien gidcha tdi dang d noi Idm viec.)
Her daughter is at Oxford.
(Con gai cua ba ta hoed Dai hoc Oxford.)
; [= Oxford University]
I He’s at the London School of Economics.
(Anh ay hoc dDai hoc kinh te London.)

- At chi su hidn didn (cua mdt ngirfti) tai mdt su kidn.
at the party, at the meeting, at the concert, at the match, at the lecture
We were at the party last night when you called.
(Td'i qua, khi ban goi dien chung tdi dang dutiec.)

•IN: trong; dtrong

- In diroc dhng di chi vi trf bdn trong m6t didn tich, hoSc trong khOng gian ba
chidu (khi vat gl d6 duoc bao quanh).
in the room/ buiding/ kitchen/ garden/ restaurant/ office/ park/ pool/
mountains/ sea/ river/ forest/ field/ desert/ village/ town/ country/ city
There are 400 seats in the theater/ cinema.

(Co 400 chd ngdi trong rap hdt! rap chieu bdng.)
Look at the children who are swimming in the pool/ river/ sea.
(Hay trdng chitng nhCtng dtia tre dang beri trong hSt sdngl biin.)

My firend lives in a small village in the mountains.

(Ban tdi sdhg trong mdt ngdi Idng nho dmiin nui.)

in the world/ in the sky/ in the air/ in space

Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

(Everest la ngon nui cao nhat thigidi.)


It was a lovely day. There wasn’t a could in the sky.

(That la mdt ngay dep trdi. Trin trdi khdng mdt g<m mdy.)
in a line/ queue/ row
in a book/ newspaper/ magazine/ photo/ picture
in a pocket/ box/ bottle
! When I go to the cinema, I perfer to sit in front row.
(Khi di xem phim, tdi thick ngdi d hang ghe phia trade.)
Who is the woman in that photo? [NOT ... on thaLphoto]
(NgUdi phu nit trong tam hinh dd Id ai vay?)
l 164
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He had left his passport in his coat pocket.
(Anh ay bo quen ho chieu trong tui do khoac.)
What is it in the box?
(Co gi trong hdp vay?)
- In duoc dilng trudc ten lkng, thi traCn, thknh ph<5, qu<5c gia,...
When we were in France, we spent a few days in Paris.
(Khi d Phap, chiing tdi da d Paris vai ngdy.)
- In diroe dilng vdi ten dudng (ngudi My dilng on).
in the street/ road/ avenue/ in Wall Street
Her house is in Albert Street.

(Nha eddy d dudng Albert.)
I’ve lived in this road for twenty years.

(T6i da sdng tren con dudng nay 20 ndm roi.)
- In duoc dilng vdti phuong tien di lai bang xe hoi v& xe taxi.
in a car/ taxi
They arrived in a taxi.
(Ho den bang taxi.)
- In duoc dung khdng c6 mao tir dd ndi rang m6t ngudi dang 6 mOt noi nao d6:
in bed/ hospital/ prison/ church
Her mother is now in hospital.

(Hien gidme c6 ay dang ndm vien.)

- In duoc dilng di chi phuong hudng hoac duoc dilng trong m6t s6 cum tir chi
noi chdn.

in the south/ east/ west/ north

in the middle of/ in the back/ font of (a car)

Ho Chi Minh City is in the south of Viet Nam.

(Thanh phdHS Chi Minh ndm dmiin nam Viet Ham.)

That old man has pain in the middle of his back.


(Ong lao do bi dau gitia lung.)

I like sitting in the back (of the car).
(Tdi thich ngdi dghesau.)
•ON: tren; dtren
- On duoc dilng d6 chi vi tri tr6n b£ mat.
on the table/ carpet/ wall/ ceiling/ backboad/ screen/ pavement/ door/
shirt/ map/ page
I sat on the grass/ on the chair/ on the ground.
(Tdi ngoi tren co! tren ghel xud'ng ddt.)
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There’s a dirty mark on the wall/ on your nose/ on your shirt.
(Co vet ban tren tilting! tren mui cua ban! tren do cua ban.)
- On dirge diing d£ chi noi chtfn ho5c s6 t£ng (nhii).
on the platform/ railway/ farm/ island/ river/ beach/ coast
on the ground/ on the (1th, 2th, 3th) floor
They have lived on this farm for twenty years.
(Ho da sting 6 trang trai nay 20 nam rdi.)
Portsmouth is on the south coast of England.
(Porstmouth nam dbtibien phia nam nittic Anh.)
He works on the railway.
(Ong ay lam viec dnganh duting sdt.)

My office is on the fifth floor.
(Van phdng cua tdi d tang nam.)
- On dugc diing trude ten direfng (US)

on the street/ on Wall Street/ on Shirley Road

Her house is on Albert Street.
(Nha c6 ay d duting Albert.)
I’ve lived on this road for twenty years.
(T6i da sting tren con duting nay 20 ndm rdi.)
- On dugc diing v6i c&c phuong tifin di lai c6ng c6ng hoSc ca nhan (ngoai trir

car V& taxi).

on a bus/ train/ plane/ ship/ motorbike/ bicycle/ horse
There were too many people on the bus.

(Co qua nhieu ngutii tren xe buyt.)

Mary passed me on her bicycle.

(Mary dap xe ngang qua tdi.)

- On c6n dugc diing trong m6t s6 cum tir chi vi tri.

on the left/ right/ on the front/ back (of a letter/ piece of paper/...); on sb’s
left/ right

In Britain people drive on the left.

(d nude Anh ngutii ta chay xe ben trai.)
Write you name on the back of the envelope.
(Hay vitit ten cua anh d phia sau phong bi.)
If you look on your right, you will see the White House.
(Neu ede ban nhin ben phai, cac ban se thtiy Nha Trang.)
• TO: den (m6t noi nko d6)
Mary goes to school every day.

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It’s time to go to bed.
That coat is quite wet; hold it to the fire for a few minutes.
(Chiec do nay bi udt, hay hong no len ngon Ida chitng vai phut.)
•FROM: tit(mOt noi n&o db). From thubng k£t hop vbi to (tit ... den)
You can see my house from here.
(Tit day ban co the nhin thay c an nhd cua toi.)
He drove from Boston to New’ York last night.
(Dem qua cau ay da lai xe tit Boston den New York.)
He read that book from beginning to end in an hour.
(Anh ay da doc cuon sach do t itddu den cud'i trong mdt gid.)
•BY: ben cqnh

He is sitting by the door.
I go by his office every day.
•BESIDE: ben cqnh

The well is beside the house.

Who is sitting beside her?
•NEXT TO: cqnh ki
He is sitting next to his wife.
There is a bowl of goldfish next to the sofa.
(Co mdt be cd vang ben cqnh ghetritdng ki.)

•NEAR: gan
They live near the city.
John pulled her nearer to him.

(John keo cd ay lai gan minh turn.)

•AGAINST: tua sat

They put the ladder against the wall.

(Ho dat cai thang tua sdt tu&ng.)

He leaned against the chair.


(Cau ay tua minh vao thanh ghe.)

•OVER: ngay tren
Our apartment is directly over yours.
(Can hd cua chung toi ndm ngay tren can hd cua anh.)
•UNDER: dudi, ngay dudi
The cat is under the table.
The agreement bans all nuclear tests under the sea.
(Ban thoa hiep cam chi moi cudc thu nghiem nguyen tit dudi mat bien.)
•ABOVE: ben tren (khfing nh£t thie't phai ngay tt£n)
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We flew above the clouds.
(Chung tdi bay tren nhting dam may.)
This city is three thousand feet above sea level.
(Thanh phd'ndy cao 3000 bd tren mat bien.)
above above above
near by beside below below below
•BELOW: ben ditch (khdng nh£t thi£t phai ngay dutfi)

His coat reaches below teh knees.
(do khodc cua anh ta dai qud dau gd'i.)
This city is below the sea level.

(Thanh phd'ndy ndm ditch mite nude bien.)
•ACROSS: ngang qua
John walked across the street.
(John bang ngang qua dudng.)
•AROUND: vdng quanh
We are sitting around a table having lunch.

(Chiing tdi ngdi an trita quanh ban.)

Let’s take a walk around the block.
(Chung ta hay di dao quanh thanh phd'.)

•THROUGH: xuyen qua

We went through the forest yesterday.

(Hdm qua chiing tdi da di qua khu rung.)

•IN FRONT OF: phia tritdc

There’s a garden in front of my house.

(Phia tritdc nha tdi cd mdt khu vitdn.)

•BEHIND: phia sau

The car behind us was flashing its lights.
(Chiec 6 td phia sau chiing tdi dang nhdy din.)
•OPPOSITE: ddi diin
The bank is opposite the supermarket.
(Ngan hang ddd'i dienJ tritdc mat sieu thi.)
2. Gitii tir chi thfti gian (prepositionns of time)
•AT: vdo luc
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- At duoc dilng d£ chi then di&n.
I don’t like going out at night.
(Tdi khdng thick di chd vao ban dem.)
We’ll arrive at half past eight.
(Chung tdi se den luc 8 gidt rit&i.)
- At duoc dilng trong cac tit ngtr:
at noon (vao buSi trua) at sunrise (luc mat trdi moc)
at night (vao ban dem) at sunset (luc hoang hdn)
at midnight (vao nUa dem ) at Chrismas (vao ll Giang sinh)
at twilight (luc chang vqng) at ftrst/last (luc dau/cud'i)

at the age of (vao tuoi) v.v...
- At duoc dilng d£ n6i vi nhung ky nghi (toAn b6 nhung ngay trong ky nghi)
at the weekend/ at weekends/ at Christmas/ at Easter/ at Thanksgiving/ at
New Year

We often give each other presents at Christmas.

(Vao li Giang sinh chung tdi thiedng tang qua cho nhau.)
What did you do at the weekend?
(Ban da lam gi vao Icy nghi cud'i tuan?)
+ Ngufti My dilng: on the weekend/ on weekends
Let’s go away on weekends.

(Cud'i tuan chung ta di did xa nhe.)

- At c6n duoc dilng trong c£c cum tCr chi th&i gian.
at the moment/ at present/ at the same time/ at that time/ at first

Mr Bean is busy at the moment.

(Luc nay 6ng Bean dang ban.)

•ON: vao
- On duoc dilng dÿ chi ngay trong tu£n hoSc nghy thAng trong n&m.

on Monday/ on Sundays/ on 15 April/ on 12 May 2003


I often see her on Mondays.

He left on March 10, 1993.
- On duoc dilng di chi mOt nghy trong ky nghi hoAc cAc bu6i trong ngAy cu th&
on Christmans Day/ on New Year/ on Easter Monday
on Sunday morning(s)/ on Friday afternoon(s)
on my birthday
Do you usually go out on Saturday evening?
(Ban cd thitdng di chd vao tdi thiiBay khdng?)
They’re having a party on Christmas Day.
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(Ho se tS chtic mdt bua tiec vao ngay Giang sink.)
• IN: trong
- In dirge dtlng dd chi khoang thdi gian dÿi: thÿng, nam, mila, th$p nidn, th£ ky.
in September/ in 1987/ in the 1970s/ in the 18th century/ in the Middle Ages
I must leave in a few minutes.
(Tdi se di trong vai phut nua.)
The train will arrive in an hour.
(Tau luta se khdi hanh trong mdt gidnQa.)
She arrived in winter.
He was bom in 1975.
- In dugc dilng cho m6t ky nghi cu thl, m6t khda hoc vk cdc bu6i trong ngÿy.

in the morning/ afternoon/ evening
in the Easter holiday, in the summer term
We’ll arrive at 5 o’clock in the morning.

(Chung tdi se den luc 5 gid sang.)

Most students look for temporary jobs in the summer holidays.
(Phan Idn sinh vien deu tim viec lam tam thdi trong nhitng ngay nghi hi.)
- In c6n dugc dilng di chi khoang thdi gian phai m£t di ho&n th&nh vide gl do
hoac khoang thdi gian trong tuomg lai.
I did the crossword in five minutes.

(Tdi da giai trd choi 6 chSdd trong 5 phut.)

The supermarket will open in two weeks.
(Sieu thi semdeita trong hai tuan nita.)

[= two weeks from now]

Luu khdng dilng gidi til at, on, in trude c£c tir all, each, every, some, last,

next, this, today, tomorrow, yesterday.

I’ll see you next Friday.

(Tdi se gdp anh vao thtisau tdi.)


Are you free tomorrow morning?

(Sang mai anh co ranh khdng?)
•IN TIME: dung luc; kip luc
Will you be home in time for dinner?
(Lieu anh cd ve nha kip bua td'i khdng?)
We’ll have to hurry if we want to be in time for the show.
(Neu mud'n den kip giddiin thi chung ta phai khan truemg ttn.)
•ON TIME: dung gid
Reachel is never on time. She’s always late.
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(Reachel khdng bao gid dung gid. Cd ay ludn tre.)
• FOR: cho, dung tnrdc danh tCr chi mOt quang thdi gian trong qud khir, hi&n
tai ho&c tircmg lai.
for two hours/ 20 minutes/ five days/ a week/ three months/ 5 years
for a long time/ ages
We go to the seaside for a week every August.
(Thdng tarn nao chung tdi cung di bien mdt twin.)
They stayed for three weeks.
(Ho dad lai trong ba twin.)
He has worked here for many years.
(Anh ay da lam d day trong nhieu ndm.)

• DURING: sud't cd, dung trudc danh tCr chi mdt quang thcd gian.
He was Prime Minister during that time.
(Ong ay la Thu tudng sud't thdi gian do.)

I worked in a little restaurant during the summer holidays last year.

(Ndm ngoai tdi da lam viec trong mdt nha hang nho sud't ky nghi he.)
•SINCE: tut do (d£n nay), dung trude danh tit chi mtfc th6i gian (since
yesteday, since August 15...)
We have been here since 1970.
(Chung tdi da d day tut 1970 den nay.)

• FROM: tii (mdt luc n&o d6 dd'n mdt luc n&o d6). Chu <jfrom thudng di veri to
hoac until;from c6 nghla v& c&ch dhng khac v6i since.
He works from morning to night.

(Anh ay lam viec tit sang din td'i.)

John lived here from 1970 to 1975.

(John da sd'ng d day tit ndm 1970 den 1975.)

•BY: trude hodc vao (mOt th&i di&n n&o d6)

I have to finish tliis report by Thursday.

(Tdi phai hoan thanh ban bao cdo ndy trude thit Ndm.)

By this time next week we’ll be in Bew York.

(Vdo gid ndy tudn sau, chung tdi se cd mat tai New York.)
•UNTIL/ TILL: den; cho den (mdt thdi di&n dupe n<5i ro)
I’ll wait until/ till half past ten.
(Tdi se dai den 10 gid rudi.)
We usually work from eight until/ till five.
(Chung tdi thudng lam viec tit 8 gid sang den 5 gid chieu.)
[= ... from eight to five]
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- Not until/ till not before (khdng ... cho den)
Don’t open it until/ before your birthday.
(Ditngmdnd trade ngay sink nhat cua ban.)
•BEFORE: trade; trade khi
She regularly goes for a run before breakfast.
(Cd ay thudng chay bd trade khi an diem tarn.)
•AFTER: sau; sau khi
I’ll see you after the meeting.
(T6i se gap anh sau cudc hop.)
3. Gidi tit chi sir chuyen dong (prepositions of movement)

•TO: den, tdi (m6t ndi nko d6)
She walks to school every day.
(Cd ay dibd den tradng mdi ngay.)
He was taken to the hospital for treatment.

(Ong ta da dactc daa tdi benh vien de dii'u tri.)
•FROM: til (m6t ndi nko d6)
A child fell from the seventh floor of a block.
(Mdt dda be rai xud'ng til tang 7 cua mdt tda nha.)
- From... to (tit... den)
We drove from London to Edinburgh.

(Chung tdi lai xe tH London den Edinburgh.)

• ACROSS: qua; ngang qua

The explorers walked across the desert.

(Doan thdm hiem di qua sa mac.)

•ALONG: doc theo

We saw her running along the road.

(Chung tdi thay cd ta chay doc theo con dadng.)

•ABOUT: quanh qudn day dd

The children were playing about the yard.

(Bon tre dang chcti quanh qudn trong san.)
•INTO: vdo; vao trong (t6a nM, can ph6ng, xe hofi...)
Don’t wait outside. Come into the house.
(Ditng cd dai ben ngodi. Hay vdo nhd di.)
She got into the car and drove away.
(Cd ay vdo xe rSi lai di.)
•OUT OF: ra khoi (toa nha, can phbng, xe hoi...)
She got out of the car and went into a shop.
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(Cd ta ra khoi xe rdi di vao mdt cita hieu.)
A bird flew out of the cage.
(Con chim bay ra khoi long.)
•UP: len (m6t di&n ho&c mdt vi tri cao hem)
He ran up the stairs hurriedly.
(Anh ta vdi va chay len lau.)
•DOWN: xudhg (m6t di&n hoSc m6t vi tri tha'p hem)
The stone rolled down the hill.
(Hon da Ian xud'ng doi.)
•THROUGH: qua; xuyen qua

The burglar got in through the window.
(Ten trom vao nha qua cua sS.)
We walked through the wood.
(Chung tdi di xuyen qua rung.)

•TOWARD(S): viphia

She sat silently looking out towand(s) the sea.
(Cd ay ngdi lang im nhin ra bien.)
The child came running toward(s) me.
(Dda be chay vi phia tdi.)
•ROUND: quanh; vdng quanh

The earth moves round the sun.

(Trdi dat quay quanh mdt treh.)

4. C6c loai tir khde (other types of prepositions)

N goM cac loai gi6i tir chinh ki trfin, ede gidri tir sau day dtroc dilng d& difin ta:

a. Muc dich hodc chdc nang:for, to, in order to, so as to (de).

- For + verb-ingl noun

This room is for emergency cases only.

(Can phdng nay chi danh cho nhitng trudng hap khan cap.)

I have two cars, one for business and one for pleasure.
(Tdi cd hai xe hoi, mdt dung de di edng viec va mdt dung de di chcri.)
- tol in order to/ so as to + bare-infinitive
I went out to/ in order to/ so as to post a letter.
(Tdi ra ngoai de gift thu.)
b„ Nguydn nhdn: for(vi), because of, owing to (vi, bdi vi)
He was sent to prison for stealing.
(Han bi bo til vi tdi an trdm.)

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He didn’t do that for fear of punishment.
(Anh ta da khdng lam viec ay vi sc/ bi tritng phat.)
We didn’t go out because of the rain.
(Vi trdi mica nen chung tdi khdng di chcfi.)
c. Tdc nh&n hay phuong tidn: by (bdng; bdi), with (bdng)
The door was opened by a skeleton key.
(Canh cita dd bi mtibang chia khda gia.)
Please write with my pencil.
(Hay viet bang but chi.)
I see with my eyes and hear with my ears.
(Tdi nhin bang mat va nghe bdng tai.)

d. Sir do lubng, stf lupng: by (theo, khoang)
Coffee is sold by the pound, but cloth is sold by the yard.
(Cd phe dicac bdn theo cdn Anh, cdn vai duc/c ban theo thuac Anh.)

e. Su tuong d6ng:

John looks like his brother.
(John trdng gidhg ngitdi anh cua cau.)
This material feels like silk.
(Thtindy [sd] gidhg nhiilua.)
He walks like an old man.

(Cdu dfy di nhumdt dng gia.)

f. Su s£nh ddi: with (chng v6i)

She went with her boyfriend to the dancing hall.

(Cddydi voi ngiidi ban trai den sdn nhay.)

Have you brought your books with you?

(Anh cd mang theo sdch ddy khdng?)

g. Su sd him: with (c6), o/(cua)

He loves a girl with blue eyes.

(Anh ta dang yiu mdt cd gai cd ddi mdt xanh.)

I chose a coat with two pockets.
(Tdi chon mdt do khoac cd hai tui.)
Please tell me the name of the street
(Vui Idng cho tdi biei ten dieting.)
h. Cich thtfc: by (b&ng edeh), with (vdi, b&ng), without (khdng), in (bang) ...
She greeted John with a smile.
(Cd ay mim cittii chao John.)

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He speaks in a voice.
(Cau ay noi nho.)
Liru y:
a. Phan bi£t m6t s6 gidi tCr
•Among va between: a giua
Beetween: giua hai vat, hai ngircri hoSc hai su vi6c.
Among: giua nhi6u ngudi hoSc nhidu vat.
The little child sat between his mum and dad.
(Dtia be ngdi giua me va cha no.)
He found it among a pile of old books.

(Anh ta tim thay no giita dd'ng sack cu.)
•At va in: dhng dd chi nori chbn

At: dung dd chi mOt didm dimg trong cube hanh trinh, m6t didm hen, v.v.
In: dung vdfi thanh phb, d6 thi, mi£n, da't nude
The ship docket at Bombay and Singapore.
(Tau da cap cang Bombay va Singapore.)
When did you arrive in New Zealand? h.
(Ban den New Zaeland khi nao?)
•Beside va besides

Beside: b£nh canh

Besides: ngoM ra; them v&o do
He was standing just beside me.

(Anh ta dang dvtng ngay ben canh tdi.)

No one writes to me besides you.
(Khdng ai viet thucho tdi ngoai anh.)

•Above, below va over, under

Above: 6 tr£n (ndi m6t c£ch tdng qu£t)

Below: 6 dudi (n6i mrit c£ch t6ng qu£t)


The birds were flying high above the trees.

(Chim choc bay lum cao tren nhung dam may.)
Over: ngay tr£n (n6i cu th£)
Under: ngay dudi (n6i cu th£)
A flag is flying over the palace.
(La cd tung bay tren tda Idu dai.)
b. M6t sd cum tir thuerng dung vdi on! in! at
•Nhung cum tir thudng dung vdi on
on holiday, on vacation, on business, on a trip, on a tour, on a cruise, on
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television, on the radio, on the phone, on strike, on a diet, on fire, on the

whole, on purpose, ...
Did you go to German on business or on holiday?
(Anh di Diic de Idm viec hay nghi ngcfi?)
On the whole I enjoy my job.
(Noi chung tdi thick cdng viec cua minh.)
• Nhflng cum tit thubng dting vdi in:
in the rain, in the sun, in the share, in the dark, in bad weather, in ink, in
pencil, in words, in figures, in cash, in cheque, in love with, in one’s opinion,

May I pay in cheque?
(Tdi tra bang sec c6 duqc khdng?)
In my opinion, the film wasn’t very good.
(Theo tdi thi phim khdng hay Idm.)

•Nhung cum tCr thuongf dilng vdi at:

at the age of, at a speed of, at a temperature of...
Jill left cshool at 16/ at the age of 16.
(Jill thdi hoc nam 16 tuii.)
(Prepositions following adjectives, nouns, and verbs)

1. Adiective + prepositions (Tfnh tit + gidi tit)


ashamed of : xdu hS(vi) ... (in)capable of : (khdng) cd khd ndng

afraid of : so, e ngqi ... envious of : dd'ky, ghen ti

ahead of : trudc guitly of : pham tdi, cd tdi

confident of : tin tuong terrified of : so, khiep so

tired of : chdn certainJ sure of : chdc chan

fond of : thick joyful of : vui mitng (ve)

full of : ddy jealous of : ghen ty voi

sick of : chdn ngdy frightened of : hoang so
hopeful of : hy vong scared of : bi hoang so
suspocious of : nghi ngd independent of : ddc lap
proud of : tuhdo short of : thieu, khdng du
aware/ conscious of: nhdn thvcc
important to : quan trong acceptable to : co the chap nhdn
likely to : cd thi accustomed to : quen voi
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agreeable to : cd the ddng y useful to sb : co ich cho ai

next to : ke bin rude to : thd Id, cdc can
open to : md delightful to sb : thu vi dd'i vdi ai
pleasant to : hai Idng familiar to sb : quen thudc dd'i vdi ai
clear to : ro rang preferable to : ddng thich hem
contrary to : trai lai, dd'i lap similar to : gid'ng, tuang tu
addicted to : dam me equal to : tuang duang vdi, bang
engaged to : dinh hdn vdi available to : sdn cho ai
grateful to sb : bii't an ai favourable to : tan thanh, ung hd
responsible to sb : co trach nhiem vdi ai

harmful to sb/ for sth : co hai cho ai! cho cai gi
necessary to sth/sb : can thiet cho viec gi, cho ai

difficult for :kho... available for sth : cd sdn (cai gi...)
late for : mudn ... grateful for sth : bie't an ve viec...
dangerous for : nguy hiem...
famous for : nSi tieng (ve) h. convenient for : thuqn lai cho...
qualified for : co phdm chat
greedy for : tham lam... necessary for : edn thiet
perfect for : hodn hao suitable for : thich hap

fit for : thich hap cho helpful/ useful for : co lai, cd ich
ready for sth : sdn sang cho viec gi
good/ bad for : td't! khdng td't cho ...

sorry for sb/ doing sth : tie'e (cho ai/ vi da lam dieu gi)
responsible for sth : chiu trdch nhiem vi' viic gi

good at : gioi (ve...) surprised at : ngac nhiin

bad at : dd(ve) shocked at : bi sung sdi

clever at : kheo leo... amazed at : kinh ngac

quick at : nhanh... present at : hien diin

excellent at : xudt sac ve... clumsy at : vung ve
skilful at/ about sth : kho chiu ve dieu gi
angry at/ about sth : gian ve dieu gi
bored with : chdn... delighted with/ at : vui miCng (vdi)
fed up with : chdn... acquainted with : lam quen (vdi ai)
busy with : ban... crowded with : ddng due
popular with : phd biih angry with sb : gian dfi (vdi m )
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pleased with : hai Idng... contrasted with : ticcfng phan v&i
familiar with : quen thudc... annoyed with sb : kho chiu (v&i ai)
friendly with : than may... furious with sb : phan nd
satisfied with : thoa main v&i... impressed with/ by : dntuang
disappointed with sth : that vong (vi diiu gi)
sad about : buSn... confused about : bd'i rd'i (ve...)
upset about : that vong excited about : hao hicng ...
doubtful about : nghi ngd sorry about sth : xin iSi (ve diiu gi)
angry about sth: titc gian (vi...) wormed about : lo lang

serious about : nghiim tuc... anxious about : lo lang
disappointed about sth : thdft vong vi dieu gi

happy about/ with sb/ sth : hanh phuc, vui, hai Idng
rich in : gidu vi interested in : thich, quan tdm (vi...)
successful in : thanh cdng (vi...)

involved in sth : c6 lien quan t&i...
confident in : tin cdy, tin tu&ng (vao ai! cdi gi)
isolated from : bi cd lap absent from : vdng mdt (khoi...)
far from : xa different from : khac

safe from : an todn divorced from : ly di, lam xa rdi


keen on : hdng hai vi... dependent on : phu thudc vao

* M6t s6 trtrdng hop cin lim y:
•Be tired of: chdn

Be tired from: mSt vi


I’m tired of doing the same work every day.

(Tdi chdn Idm mdt cdng viic mdi ngay.)

I’m tired from walking for a long time.

(Tdi met vi phai di bd Idu.)
•Be grateful to sb for sth: bii't cm ai vi van di gi
I’m frateful to you for your help.
(Tdi biit cm ban vi sUgiup dd cua ban.)
•Be responsible to sb for sth: chiu trach nhiim v&i ai vi viic gi
You have to be responsible to me for your actions.
(Anh phai chiu trach nhiem v&i tdi vi hdnh ddng cua anh.)
•Good/ bad for: td't! xau cho...
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Good/ bad at: gioi! dove...
Milk is good for health.
(S&a td't cho site khde.)
He is good at Mdth.
(Anh ay gioi mdn Todn.)
•Be kind/ nice of sb: ti/tel td't vdi ai
It’s kind/ nice of sb: ...that td't
Mary is very kind to me.
(Mary rat tic te vdi tdi.)
It’s very kind of you to help me.
(Ban that tdi khi giup do tdi.)

2. Noun + prepositions (danh tit + gidi tit)
a request for : siXyeu cau an order for : six yeu cau/ menh lenh

a wish for : six mo udc a demand for : nhu cau (ddi vdi san phdm)
preference for : siXiXu dai
a need for : nhu cau
h. a reason for :ly do (ve dieu gi do)
a desire for : six mong muon
an appetite for : sixkhat khao
an application for : don xin
a cheque for (a sum 6 money): mdt tarn ngdn phieu

a cause of : nguyen nhan (cua...)

an example of : vi du
a cost of : gid (cua...)

an opinion of : y kiih (ve...)

a lack of : sixthieu hut (ve...)
an experience of : kinh nghiem (vi...)

a hope of : niem hy vong (ve...)


an advantage/ disadvantage of: diem thudn loil bat loi

a photograph/ a picture/ a map/ a plan ... of : mdt tarn anh! mdt bice tranh! mdt
tarn ban dS/ mdt Ice hoach (cua...)
an increase/ a decrease/ a reduction/ a rise/ a fall in (the price/ the number of
sth) : six gia tdng/ sixsui giam (gid cal so hxcmg cua cai gi)
an increase/ rise in the price (six tdng gid)
a reduction/ fall in the number of unemployment
(six giam sd'ngitdi that nghiep)

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But: an increase/ rise of $10 (tdng 10 bang)
a reduction/ fall of 3% (giant 3%)
a damage to : suhuhai (dd'i vdi...)
a solution to/ for (a problem) : bien phdp giai quyet (mdt van de)
a key to (a door) : chia khda (mo cita)
an answer to (a question) : cau tra led (cho mdt cdu hoi)
a reply to (a letter) : thUphuc dap
a reaction to : siiphdn ting (dd'i vdi...)
an attitude to/ towards : thdi dd (dd'i vdi...)
a contrast to : sutuemg phan; sutrdi nguoc (vdi)

an invitation to (a party/ a wedding ect): led mei, thumei (du tied dam cued)
a relationship/ a connection/ contact with (somebody/ something): md'i lidn he/

su lien quan/ sUtie'pxuc vdi (ngudi nao do/ dieu gi do)
But: a relationship/ a connection/ contact/ contrast/ difference between (two

things or people): md'i lien he/ suliin quan! sutiep xuc/ sutrdi nguoc/
sukhac nhau giiia (hai ngudi! hai vat)
3. Verb + prepositions (d6ng tis + gidi tit)
apologize to sb for sth : xin Idi ai vi viec gi

admire sb of sth : kham phuc ai ve vide gi

belong to sb : thude ve ai...
accuse sb of sth : bude tdi ai vi' viec gi

congratulate sb on sth : chuc mitng ve viec gi

differ from : khac vdi

introduce to sb : gidi thieu vdi ai

give up : tit bo

look at : nhin vao

look after : chdm soc, trdng nom

look for : tim kiem

lookup : tratit(thdngtin,...)
look forward to : mong doi
put on : mang vdo, mdc vao
put off : hoan lai
stand for : tuong trung
call off : huy, hoan lai
object to sb/ sth/ doing sth : phan dd'i ai/ viec gif lam viic gi...

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infer from suyratU...
approve of sth to sb ding y v&i ai vi viic gi
participate in tham gia
succeed in thank cdng vi
prevent sb from ngan can ai
provide/ supply sb with cung cap
agree with ding y v&i
beg for sth van nai cho, xin
borrow sth from sb muon cdi gi cua ai
depend on/ rely on dim vao! phu thudc vdo
die of (a disease) chit vi (mdt can benh)

join in tham gia vao
escape from thodt khoi
insist on khdng khdng

change into/ turn into hoara

care about sb/ sth quan tarn din ai!cdi gi
care for sb/ sth chdm soc ail thick dii'u gi
apply for (a job) xin (viec)
wait for sb chd ai
laugh at sb cu&i che nhao ai

smile at sb mim cudi v&i ai

shout at sb la mang ai
aim/ point sth at chia vao, nhdm vdo

explain sth to sb gidi thich dieu gi v&i ai

dream about sb/ sth mo thay ail dieu gi

dream of being/ doing sth motuong din diiu gi

suspect sb of sth nghi ng&ai ve dii'u gi

consist of gdm cd
pay sb for sth tra tien cho ai vi dieu gi

suffer from (an illness...) chiu dung (mdt can benh)

protect sb/ sth from bao ve ai! cdi gi khoi
believe in tin tu&ng vdo
break into ddt nhap vdo
crash/ bump into dam sam vdo
concentrate on tap trung vdo
spend on tieu xdi vdo
complain to sb about sth phdn nan v&i ai ve viec gi

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prefer sb/ sth to sb/ stth : thick ail cai gi hem ait cai gi
blame sb for sth/ blame sth on sb : dS Idi cho ai ve mdt viec gi do
arrive at (station, bus stop, airport, John’s house...)
arrive in (London, Nha Trang. Paris, England, Vietnam, France...)


1. Underline the most suitable prepositions.

1) I got at!to the station just in time to see Jack getting from!off the train.
2) The cafe is among!between the chemist’s and the butcher’s and
across!opposite the library.
3) Sue lives at/in Wales, which is a country at/in the west of Britain.

o m
4) I was brought up inion an island near/next to the coast of Scotland.

h .
5) Travelling by/in your own car is better than going by!on foot.
6) Jack was leaning by/against the wall with his hands is!into his pockets.
7) Ann had a hat on!over her head and a veil abovelover her face.
8) We arrived at!in England at/in Gatwick Airport.

a n
9) I left my bags at/from the station at!in a left luggage locker.
10) Peter came running into/to the room and threw his books at!onto the floor.

1) I was out last night. I was

n g
2. Fill in the prepositions of places in the following sentences.
the cinema.

it e. . . . . .
2) I was standing .. the back of the queue.
3) The phone is .. a little shelf in the hall.
4) I saw several people I know . the barbecue.
5) We could see smoke

c h .....
the distance.

6) Crowds of football fans blue shirts were coming along the street.
7) If felt really hot and stuffy .... the cinema.

t h
8) Polly is visiting some friends Canada.
9) Let’s look at the figures
10) My brother is
11) The plane landed safely
12) The cottage is right
13) The Prime Minister always lives
.... the screen.
university. He’s doing a business course.
. Heathrow Airport.
. the coat with views out to sea.
No 10 Downing Street.
14) I work a restaurant the old part of town.
15) I was the only . the plane travelling first class.
16) Our office is . the tenth floor.

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17) There was a lot of discussion about whether the tunnel should be
the sea-bed or top of it.
1 8) Little groups of lost and injured children were found wandering
the ruins.
19) At the meal I found myself sitting the priest. I had him
one side and my mother-in-law the other.
20) During the eight hours the train, I could not avoid looking straight

...... .....
into the eyes of the woman sitting
We lived
me. I knew I would see her

the ground floor. The browns were

us. They were
the flat
the Greens who had the second floor flat.

22) My wife and the nurse sat the back seat, with the baby
23) Many people think that Britain is the times and old fashioned.
24) My marks in the exam were, I’m sorry to say, .... average. Everyone

was surprised because I’ve always been quite a bit .... average.

1) We’re going to a concert

3. Fill in the prepositions of time in the following sentences.
2) We got home .... half past eleven.
3) I’ll see you ... the morning.
4) My sister starts at college .... the autumn.

5) The accident happened .... Thursday afternoon.

6) I usually have a sandwich .... lunch time.

7) Shakespeare was bom 1564.

8) You’re allowed to drive .. .. seventeen in Britain.

9) There will be lots of excitement .... the coming weeks.

10) People remember the dead .... the anniversary of the terrorist attack.

. . . . . .

11) It was the Spring of 1945 that my parents met for the first time.
They didn’t get married

. . . ..... .

12) There were a lot of refugees the Second World war.

13) I’d hate to work night. My best work is done the morning.
14) This year my birthday is Friday the thirteenth.
15) I’m only free weekends . August.
16) There can be a lot of rain August and September, but October is
generally quite dry.
17) The road works will start three weeks and they’ll last
about three weeks.


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...... ......
. . . . . .
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18) If we arrive 2 o’clock in the morning, qhat will we do 9,
when the shops open?

20) ....
19) ‘Sugar

the morning, sugar
suppertime’ was a pop song
the evening, sugar
the early sixties.
1970 thee cost of living was only a fraction of what it was
4. Fill in the following prepositions in these sentences.

about at by for from with

1) The longest rail tunnel is Tappi Saki to Fukushima.
2) He died the grand old age of 95.
3) A lot of people have been poisoned mushrooms this autumn.
the life to come.

4) All his life he talked
5) Are you or against nuclear power?
6) What did you buy for your sister her birthday?
7) Was there anyone important _ the wedding?

8) This whole debate is who makes the decisions.

9) I wish you wouldn’t play that radio full volume.
10) Are you paying cash or cheque?
11) To catch the bus we’ll have to be ready 12 o’clock.
12) I didn’t want to be seen so I sat _ . the back.
13) You’re very welcome to come _ us in our car.

14) You may think you’re talking the Labour Party, but I think you’re
only talking ~ a small minority.
15) Now, is this Handel or Mozart?

16) You’re sure not going to hitchhike all yourself?


5. Fill in the following prepositions in these sentences.

about at by for from with

1)1 was absolutely blue cold. I hadn't taken any warm clothes.
2) Can we discuss this _ _lunchtime? I’ll meet you then.

3) What’s the word someone who collects stamps? I know it begins

4) I’ve never bought an avocado. How can you tell a ripe one an
unripe one?
5) There’s something funny _ John. He never gets eye contact with anyone.
6) _ Edinburgh, we took the train to Aberdeenn.

8) Divide 63 _
7) I’ll be in the Canaries October till mid-December.
7 and you get 9.
9) We’ve lived in the same house the past 25 years.

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10) I’m not very good foreign languages, but I am quite good

maths and science.
You sound as if you are_ Australia.
1 2) We all watched the film _ tears in our eyes.
13) It’s not a book_ Graham Greene, it’s a book him. Someone
else wrote it.
1 4) If you don’t want to go on your own, why not take someone you?
15) _ time to time I worry the future. What’s going to happen?
16) _
I got this lovely sweater Peter my birthday.
6. Complete each sentence with a suitable word or phrase from the box.

at by for in on off out of to under without
1) Police officers don’t have to wear uniform when they are duty.
2) I feel very tired times I consider giving up work.
3) The children were all upset, and some were tears.

4) This factory needs modernising. Everything here is date.

5) Don’t worry, everything is control.
6) Sorry, I seem to have taken the wrong umbrella mistake.

7) Please hurry. We need these documents delay.
8) That wasn’t an accident! You did it purpose.
9) We thought the two films were similar each other.

10) We decided to take a holiday in Wales a change.

7. Underline the most suitable phrase in each sentence.

1) I can’t disturb John now. He’s at bed!in bed.

2) Tony always arrives exactly in timelon time for his lesson.

3) Two pounds for each ticket, that makes $12 in all/with all,
4) I can’t pick that last apple. It’s out of hand! out of reach.

5) Joe and I met on the plane completely by chance/by surprise.

6) The children spend most of their time our of doorstout of place.

7) I’m sorry but Jane isn’t here at present/ at a time.

8) How can Sam love Lucky? They have nothing in common/in general.
9) They should be here soon. They are in the wayi on the way.
10) Terry isn’t here. He’s away in business! on business.
8. Choose the correct preposition.
1) This film goes on bv/during/till midnight.
2) I’ll be away between7firom/though Tuesday to Friday.
3) The library will be closed during/for/on a week.

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4) The ticket is valid for travel inside/over/throughout the day.
5) The building won’t be finished forAoAintil next year.
6) There will be a limited bus service in/over/while the holiday weekend.
7) The shops close among/between/from one to two o’clock.
8) There had been a period of heavy rain close to/over/ prior to the accident.
9) My grandfather was killed during/inside/throughout the war.
10) We have to complete our assignment bv/throughAintil 15 June.
9. Complete each sentence with a suitable word or phrase from the box.
according to because of instead of apart from by means of
in favour of on behalf of as for in case of regardless of

1)1 think I’d rather have coffee tea.

2) the danger, Paul ran back into the burning house.
3) fire, smash the glass and push the button.

4) Personally, I am banning cigarette smoking completely!

5) I would like to thank you, everyone who was rescued.
6) you, no-one esle knows that I have escaped.
7) Steve, he believes that we should stay where we are.
8) Jim managed to climb into the house a ladder he found.
9) the rain, the match was postponed.

10) the timetable, the next train isn’t for two hours.
10. Complete each sentence with a suitable phrase from the box.

by heart in difficulties out of work by sight in pain

in two on sale without a doubt

1) When I sat on the pencil, it broke

2) This is the best washing machine on the market.
3) Graham has been ever since he came to London.

4) I know her . , but I don’t know her name.

5) The lifeguard dived in to save a swimmer


6) John learned his first speech

7) You could tell he was because he kept groaning.
8) Cigarettes and ice cream are in the foyer.
11. Sue is writing to an old school friend telling her about a visit she has just
had. Fill in the missing prepositions.
Dear Jill,
You’ll never forget who has just been visiting me! Mary bruce! I was (1)


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_ the garden (2) Sunday morning when the phone went, and it was
Mary. She’s over (3)
went out there (5)
_ Canada (4) two months. Remember, she
1980 as a nurse and she hasn’t been back (6)
came over (8) _
then. Her mother is ill, so she’s going to look after her (7)
Sunday afternoon and has been staying (9)
a while. So, she
_ me (10)
the past two days. She’s just left. We stayed up each night (11)
two (12) _ the morning talking! She told me all (13) her life and
how she couldn’t get a job (14) _ two months when she first went out there.

_ _
But then she got a super job (15)
a big hospital and she’s been there
the last 12 years. At first she had to work (17) _ night, but now
she works (18) nine (19) six, and she never works (20) _ weekends.

She’s very lucky only working (21) the day. It would be terrific if the three
_ _
of us could meet. Are you free (22)
the morning and go off (24) _
Friday 15th? We could all meet (23)
lunch somewhere. Give me a buzz
(25) seven any evening. That’s when I finish work.

Lxx)king forward to hearing from you.

...... ...... ..... h.

12. Fill in: in, on or at.
A footballer’s life starts (1) the weekend. Most people go out (2)
Friday night, but I have to be in bed (3) 10 o’clock. (4)

. . . . .. .. . . . . ............
Saturday I get up (5) 8 o’clock (6) the morning and drive to the

stadium (7) noon. (8) lunchtime our manager talks about the team
we are playing. We play most of our games (9) the winter and sometimes
it can be hard to play (10) a cold Saturday afternoon, especially (11)

January. It isn’t much fun (12) Christmas either. We play a lot of

games (13) the Christmas holiday. Although we don’t play (14)

Christmas Day, we do play (15) December 26th, so I can’t eat or drink too
much! It would be nice to spend more time with my family (16) that day,

but I can’t.
13. Fill in with: by, by the time, until/till or at.


When I went out last Saturday I told my father I’d be back (1) 1
o’clock at the latest. However, I was having such a good time that I didn’t even
look at my watch (2) 2:30! (3) I found a taxi to take me home it
had gone 3 o’clock, and I finally arrived home (4) 3:30. My father was
furious and told me I’d have to be home (5) 7 o’clock every night of the

week (6) the end of the month!
14. Fill in with: within, after, afterwards or from to/untWtiU.
I’m in trouble with my history teacher. He gave us a project to finish (1)
a week, and I haven’t event started it yet. I was going to do it (2)
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dinner on Thursday, but my friend phoned and invited me out to the cinema. He
didn’t tell me we were going to a party (3)
11 o’clock (5)
! we stayed at the party (4)
3.00 in the morning. Now it’s Friday and the
History class starts at 2 pm. If I don’t finish the project (6)
hours, my teacher will probably make me stay behind (7)
the next two

15. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.
This is Newton High Street There are people walking (1) and (2)

...... the street. An old man is walking (3)

A young couple are walking (4)
boy is walking (6) .
the road at the zebra crossing.
the pavement (5) post office. A
“Thompson’s Sports” shop. He’s holding a bag (7)
. the bus-stop there is a bus. Some people are getting

his arms. (8)

.. . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . .
(9) it while some others are getting (10) . it. The bus goes (11)
the centre of town (12) the outskirts.
16. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

Last year my family went (1) holiday to Thailand. We went (2)

...... ......
air; it was a very long journey but we were very well looked after (3) the
plane by all the stewardesses. When we arrived (4) the airport we went
directly to our hotel (5) taxi. There was a lot of traffic (6) the
streets of the city and there were many people walking (7) the pavements.
We stayed (8) a large hotel (9) the outskirts of bangkok. We were
given a wonderful suite (10) the top floor of the hotel. The most enjoyable

day I had was when we went (11) a trip (12) boat, down the river

. . . . . .
to the crocodile farm. We had a wonderful holiday.

. . . . .

17. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

Last year I went (1) a trip which was an absolute disaster. I was going


. . . . . .
to Berlin (2) business when, (3) accident, I got (4) the
wrong train. We were (5) the way to Brussels before I realised my mistake.
When I got to Brussels I had more problems because all my money was (6)

German Marks and I didn’t have my credit card with me (7)
chance, I found a helpful policeman, who was soon (8) the phone to my

company. Thanks to his help I was able to arrange for some money to be sent to a
nearby bank. I spent that night in a hotel and paid my bill (9) cash before
leaving. (10) the end I got to Berlin twenty-four hours later than I had
expected. Everyone thought my trip was a big joke, especially when I told them I
had seen Brussels (11) the way.
18. Choose the correct answer - A, B, C, or D - to complete the following
1) Excuse me. How can I get the air terminal?
A. for B. at C. to D. towards
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2) We arrived _ the airport good time for the plane.
A. atAn B. at/on C. to/in D. in/on
_ the beginning of a textbook there is a preface, and the end
there is an index.
A. at/in
4) The boy was leaning
B. at/at
the wall
C. in/in D. in/at
his hand in his pockets.
A. at/with B. on/with C. against/at D. against/with
5) My brother retired 57 and went to _ the country.
A. at/in B. at/at C. on/at D. on/in
6) the age of 18 he was sent to prison theft.
A. at/on

7) I saw him standing
B. at/for

the bus or not.

C. with/for D. in/on

o m
the queue but I don’t know whether he got

A. at/on

B. at/into
8) As the child was too young to travel
C. on/at
c D. in/on
herself, they arranged for her to
A. at/in
9) He was fined _
B. at/under
parking his car
n h
the care of a friend of the family.
C. by/under D. by/in
a no-parking area.

A. for/in

B. for/on

g a
C. of/in
fairy stories, stepmothers are always unkind
D. of/at

A. From/with B. In/with
n C. From/to D. In/to

it e
19. Choose the correct prepositional phrase from the table to complete the
following sentences.
a glance advance average
AT least

c h captivity ON business

most charge good terms
random common purpose

BY t
all means
due course
a hurry
second thoughts
the whole

heart the long run

no means mind
a change touch breath
FOR good trouble OUT order
safe-keeping tune OF tune
short vain
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1) The piano is again. It sounds terrible.
2) At school we used to have to learn bits of Shakespeare
3) Parts of the play were boring, but

5) There weren’t many passengers on the bus-twelve
6) You’ll have to use the stairs. The lift is
I quite enjoyed.
4) I’m tired of staying at home on Sundays. L>et’s go out

7) Apparently British people only give #5 a month to charity .

8) Mary’s new boyfriend is a Scorpio, and he likes cats, so they have a lot

9) Zoos were very popular, but now many people think it’s wrong to keep

animals .
10) He gave his watch and wallet to me __ while he went for a
swim in the lake.

11) I must speak to somebody responsible. Who’s here?
12) Despite many disagreements, they’re now with
their next-door neighbours.
20, Complete the sentences using one of the following nouns + correct
connection difference demand contact solution reason damage

need invitation attitide increase cheque cause advantage difficulty

1) The cause o/the fire at the hotel last night is still unknown.
2) The
_ living alone is that you can do what you like.

3) Money isn’t the every problem.

4) There has been an
_ the number of road accidents recently.

5) There are some British and American English.

6) When Paul left home, his
his parents seemed to change.

7) The firm close down because there wasn’t enough

8) When I opened the envelope, I was delighted to find a _
_ _
its product.

9) Bill and I used to be good Mends but I don’t have much him now.
10) Carol has decided to give up her job. I don’t know her
doing this.
11) I’ve had an _ Laura’s barbecue.
12) The accident caused seem the car.
13) Unfortunately there was some the arrangement.
14) We need to provide more shelters for the homeless, so there’s a
more houses.
15) The two companies are completely independent. There is no them.
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21. Say what these people’s feelings are. Use the adjective in brackets and a
1) The children are going on a trip to the zoo (excited)
They ’re excited about the trip to the zoo.
2) Vicky doesn’t like the dark, (afraid)
She’s __
3) Nick is watching a video, but he is going to switch it off. (bored)
4) Emma is reading about computers, (interested)
She’s _

5) Mark has just heard some news that he didn’t expect, (surprised)

6) United have won a victory, (pround)

7) Olivia’s children are being very silly, (annoyed)

_ h.
8) The Zedco staff don’t think their pay increase is big enough, (satisfied)
They aren’t
9) I’m not used to speaking in front of the crowd, (nervous)

10) Our team lost in die final, (disappointed)
We’re all


22. Put in these prepositions: asy by, except, for, of, like, on, with, without. You
will need to use some of the prepositions more than once.


1) It’ll take ages if we go bus.

2) A girl very blue eyes was staring at me.

3) Alex has gone to the supermarket some food.

4) Justin always wears old clothes. He looks a tramp.

.. ........ .
5) 1 met someone I know the boat.
6) There’s nothing . any interest in the newspaper.
7) You cut the tiles . a special tool.
8) I’m exhausted. Would you mind carrying these boxes me, please?

9) Kate was trying to use her magazine an umbrella.
10) There was just enough food. We ate everything for one sandwich.
11) Your flight is boarding. Please proceed to the gate for one sandwich.
12) You learn a language best using it to communicate.
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23. Put in an idiomatic phrase beginning with a preposition.
1) You’ll soon find another job. You won’t be for long.
2) The plane wasn’t late. It arrived more or less
3) Your friends must be moving because their house is
4) I suppose I drink about five cups of coffee a day . Sometimes it’s
more and sometimes it’s less.
5) The players swapped shirts ....
6) We’d been waiting ages when .....
of the game.
something happened.
7) Luckily I was just

. . . .. .. .. . . .
to catch the last train.
8) There’s no time to waste. We must leave

9) I didn’t do very well in the interview I made a complete mess of it.

.. .. .. ......
10) Let’s get going, shall we? We can have a chat to the meeting.
11) You can’t just turn up at the airport. You have to book your flight

24. Decide which answer is correct.
1) I have to get up early Tuesday morning.
a. at
2) Not many people live h.
b. during c. in
the island.
d. on
a. at c. on d. to
3) We’ve been standing here forty-five minutes.

a. along b. for c. in d. since

4) I keep falling over this suitcase. It’s really the way here.
a. across b. by c. in d. on

5) I can come any day apart Thursday.

a. for b. from c. of d.with

6) As usual, Tiger Woods is the leaders.

a. among b. between c. into d. towards

7) The cow got our a gap in the fence.


a. across b. along c. between d. through

8) The alarm rang continuously from ten o’clock half past four.
a. along b. at c. in d. till
9) The actors spoke their lines passion.
a. by b. for c. of d. with

a. across b. behind
11) I saw a really funny program
a. at b. from
10) I couldn’t stretch my legs out because someone was sitting
c. opposite
c. in
d. over

d. on

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12) Are these pictures sale?
a. at b. in c. for d. to
13) The audience clapped the and of the show.
a. at b. to c. in d. for
14) I’ve lived here last year.
a. after b. by c. for d. since
15) We could see the balloon high .... the town.
a. above b. on c. onto d. up
16) There was a fall
a. at b. by
ten per cent in prices.
c. in d. of

17) What time did they arrive the hotel?
a. to b. at c. in d. on
18) What’s the difference .... a boat and a ship?
a. between b. from c. under d. with

19) His new car looks more .. .. an aeroplane.

a. as
We’re all bored
b. like
this game.
c. near d. similar
a. about b. at c. for d. with
21) We get lots of .. help.
a. at b. for c. of d. on

22) I don’t understand. Can you explain this word me?

a. to b. for c. with d. on
.. we get home.

23) The babysitter will stay there

a. by

b. fo c. to d. until

24) We do most of our business summer.

a. along b. at c. in d. on

25) The job is similar my old one.

a. as b. at d. with

26) Do you believe God?

a. in b. on c. at d. to
27) Could you let me know Friday at the latest?

a. by b. to c. up to d. until
28) The cameras prevent motorists speed.
a. by b. from c. for d. with
29) What’s the matter ... your car?
a. for b. on c. by d. with

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30) The bus didn’t come, so me started out foot.
a. by b. in c. on d. With
25. Put in the correct preposition.
1) I was delighted _ the present you gave me.
2) It was very nice_ . you to do my shopping.

3) Why are you so rude __ your sisters? Can’t you be nice them?
4) Were you disappointed _ your exam results?
5) We always have the same food every day. I’m fed up it.
6) I can’t understand the people who are cruel animals.
7) Linda doesn’t look very well. I’m worried_ her.

8) It was a bit careless you to leave the door unlocked.
9) Are you angry what happened?
10) I’m sorry _ what I said. I hope you’re not angry '

11) The people next door are furious us making so much
noise last night.
12) Are you excited
13) I was shocked __ h. _
going on holiday next week?
what I said to you?
14) We weren’t very impressed his appearance.
15) Are you still upset what I said to you?

16) I felt sorry the children when we went on holiday.

17) His letter was full . mistakes.
18) The Italian city of Florence is famous its art treasures.

19) Kate is very fond

20) Are you afraid_
her younger brother.
snakes. ~ Yes, I’m terrified_ them.

21) You don’t seem interested what I’m saying.

22) Did you know that Liz is engaged _ a friend of mine?

23) I’m not ashamed what I did. In fact I’m quite proud it.
24) I suggested we should all go out for a meal but nobody else was keen

the idea.
25) These days everybody is aware _ the dangers of smoking.
26) The station was crowded _ people waiting for the train.
27) Why are you always so jealous _ other people?
28) I’m tired doing the same thing every day.
29) Her children have all been successful their chosen careers.
30) I’m a bit short _ money. Can you lend me some?

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Chtfamg 8

I. DINH NGHIA (Definition

Cum ddng tit (phrasal verbs) la mOt ddng tir kdt hop vcfi mOt trang tit (adverb)
hoac mdt gidi tit (preposition), hoac ddi khi ca hai, &£ tao thanh mdt ddng tit mdi
thirdng c6 nghla dac bidt.

call off: huy bo
belong to: thudc ve
accuse of: t6cao
NGHlA CUA CUM D0NG TtT (Meaning of phrasal verbs)

Mot s<5 cum dOng tir c6 nghla ro rang va de hiftu vi nghla cua chung dua tren

nghla thudng dung cua dOng tir va trang tir hoac gioi tir.
Would you like to come in and have a drink?
(Anh vao nha ud'ng chut gi nhe ?)
The man in front turned round and stared at me.
(NgiCdi dan 6ng phia trade quay lai nhin tdi cham cham.)

Tuy nhidn phdn 16n cdc cum ddng tit (verb + adverb) thuang co nghla dac bidt
- khdc han nghla cua cdc tit ridng re trong cum.

We had to put off the meeting till Tuesday.

(Chung tdi da phai hoan buSi hop cho den thiZBa.)

[NghTa cua put o/fkhdng gidng nghla cua put va off]

Could you look after the kids while I’m out?

(C6co the trdng giup bon tre khi tdi di vdng khdng?)
Mdt s6 cum ddng tit c6 the c6 nhi£u nghla.

The bomb went off.

(Qua bom phdt nS.)
The lights went off last night.
(T6i qua den bi tat.)
The milk went off this morning.
(Sdng nay sita bi chua.)
m. CACH DUNG (Use)
Ph£n ldn cac cum ddng tit thudng ditcrc dung trong dam thoai, thay cho nhung
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tir c6 cilng nghla nhung nghe cd vd trinh trong hem. Chung ta cung c6 thd dung
cum ddng tir trong l<5i vi£t than mat nhu trong thu vi£t cho ban b& hoac ngudi than.
What time are you planning to turn up? [turn up = arrive]

(Ban dinh den luc rrufy gid?) » than mat
Please let us know when you plan to arrive.
(Vui Idng cho chung tdi biet 6ng dinh khi ndo se den.) trinh trong hon
- Cum ddng ttir cd thi 1A ngoai ddng tir (transitive) hoac ndi ddng tir
(intransitive). Mdt sd cum ddng tit c6 th£ duoc dilng ca hai edeh.
She tore up the letter, [transitive]
(C6 ay xe Id thu.)

Shall we eat out tonight? [intransitive]
(T6'i nay chung ta an tiem nhe?)
He told me to shup up. [transitive]
(Anh ta bao tdi edm mSm.)

- MOt sO' cum dOng til c6 tan ngu (objects) c6 th£ tdeh rdi dOng tOr vh trang tir.

nOu tan ngu: Id danh tir thl ta c6 thÿ dat tan ngu* 6 trude hoac sau trang tir (adverbs).
She tore the letter up. Or: She tore up the letter.
(C6 ay xe la thu.)
I’ll throw these newspapers away. Or: I’ll throw away these newspapers.
(T6i se vtit nhung td bao nay.)

Nhung n£u tan ngft Id dai tir (me, it, them, him...), tan ngu luOn duoc dat trude
trang tir.
She read the letter and then tore it up.

(C6 ay doc Id thu rSi xe nd.) [NOT ... tore up it]

Do you want these newspapers or shall I throw them away?

(Ban co can nhung td bdo nay nua khdng, neu khdng thi tdi vut chung nhe?)
[NOT ... throw away them]

- MOt s6 cum dOng tir cd tan ngu (objects) nhung khOng thi tdeh rdi dOng tir
vd trang tir: tan ngu: luOn dung sau trang tir.

Sally looks after her younger sister while her mother’s at work.
[NOT ... looks her younger sister -after]
(Sally cham soc em gdi khi me di Idm.)
I came across an old photo in my drawer.
[NOT came an old photo across]
(Tdi tinh cd tim thay mdt torn anh cu trong ngan keo.)
+ Tan ngu Id mdt cum tir dAi thudng dung sau trang tir.
She tore up all the letters he had sent her.
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(Cody xe tat ca nhung la thuma anh ta da gia cho cd.)
Why don’t you try on that dress in the window?
(Sao ban khdng thu chiec do trong 6 kinh.)
1. account for: \k ly do hoac giai thfch nguydn nhan (di£u gi do t6n tai hoSc
xay ra)
His illness account for his absence.
2. accuse of: td'cdo
The woman accused the boy of breaking her radio.
3. apply for: ndp dan xin viec

My brother is thinking of applying for a job in the city bank.
4. back out from/of: khdng tien hdnh nCta
If you back out from/of your contract, you will have to pay money to the

5. bear out: xdc nhan; chting thuc (= confirm)

Some witnesses will bear out what I say.
6. belong to: thudc ve
The blue coat belongs to Mary.
7. blame for: quy track nhiem
They blamed George for the failure of the discussion.

8. blow up: pha huy

The soldiers blew up the enemy bridge.

9. break down: (mÿy) hu, hong

His car broke down on the way to the airport.

10. break out: bilng nS, bung phdt

A fire broke out in the hospital last night.

11. break off: ddt nhien ngimg lai; ket thuc (m6t m6i quan he, m6t cu6c thao

The two countries have broken off diplomatic relations.

12. break up: kit thuc (kh6a hoc, nam hoc, cu6c hop, btta tiec, ...)
When does your school break up?
13. bring in: dua ra, gich thieu
They bring in a new law about wearing seat belts in cars.
14. bring up: nudi nang
My aunt brought up four children.
15. burn down: thieu huy; thieu rui
The mob burnt the embassy down.
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16. burst out: bat (kh6c, cir&)
Everyone suddenly burst out laughing.
17. call for: ghe tham (dd d6n ai hoac l£y cdi gi)
He’s calling for me at eight.
18. call in (on): ghe tham; ghe qua
Call in on your way home to tell me how the interview went.
19. call off: huy bo
They’ll have to call off the match as it’s going to rain.
20. call on: vieng tham
We’d better call on his father next Saturday.

21. call up: dien thoai
Please call me up tomorrow morning.
22. carry on: tiep tuc, tien hanh
The baker has carried on business here for many years.

23. carry out: tien hanh; thuc hien (= execute)

Police carried out a series of raids on the homes of drug dealers.
24. catch on: hieu
Would you mind repeating that? I didn’t quite catch on.
25. catch up with: theo k\p
He spent six months catching up with his studies.

26. check in: ddng ky den luc

Has Mr Brown checked in at the hotel yet?
27. check out: lap thu tuc rdi khoi

Has Mr Brown checked out yet?


28. cheer up: lam ai do vui han

You need a holiday to cheer you up.
29. close down: dong cita han (m6t cita hkng hoac m6t doanh nghiep)

Trade was so bad that many small shops closed down.


30. come about: xdy ra

How did the accident come about?
31. come across: tinh cdgdp
I came across this old picture in the back of the drawer.
32. come along: nhanh len
Come along, children, or we’ll be late.
33. come into: thiXa hudng
Tom came into a forture when his father died.
34. come out: trdnen ro rang
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The meaning of the passage comes out as you read further.
35. come over: ghe tham
Why don’t you come over to our house one evening?
36. come round: ghe tham, link lai
Why don’t you come round and see us next Saturday?
The girl faited, but she came round when we threw some water on her face.
37. come up: xay ra, xuat hien
I’ll let you know if anything comes up.
38. come up against: duemg dau, gap phdi
Sorry to be late, but we came up against some unexpected delays.
39. come up to: dap ting dicoc

The play came up to our expectations.
40. come up with: nghT ra, de nghi
I hope you can come up with a better plan than his.

41. cope with: giai quyet

I can’t cope with such a pile of work today.
42. count on: tin, dua vao
You can always count on Tom, he’ll never fail you.
43. cut back/down on: giam bdt
The doctor advised Peter to cut back/down on smoking.

44. die out: bien mat

That style of music died out ten yearrs ago.
45. do away with: bo; huy bo; bdi bo

They should do away with these useless traditions.

46. do with: can co

I could do with a cup of coflee.

47. do without: khdng can

If there’s no sugar, we’ll have to do without.


48. draw up: dting lai

The driver drew the bus up just in time to avoid hitting the child.
49. dream of: mo den
Many people dream of living on an island in the Pacific Ocean.
50. dress up: an mac sang trong
Are you going to dress up for the party or is it informal?
51. drop in: ghe tham
Drop in on us any time you’re in town.
52. fail for: say me
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The whole family fell for the new house as soon as they saw it.
53. fall out: cai nhau
Jim and Mary fall out every few weeks, but their quarrels never last.
54. fall through: that bai
The plan fell through when it proved too costly.
55. fill in: dien thdng tin
Some people find it difficult to fill in a form.
56. get by: sd'ng qua
We can’t get by on such a small income.
57. get down: lam that vong
This difficult situation is getting me down.

58. get off: (\hu, mdy bay...) budc xudhg
Excuse me, I have to get off at the next stop.
59. get on: (t&u, m&y bay...) budc len

Did the man get on the last stop?

60. get on with: sd'ng hda thuan
Does she get on with your aunt?
61. get over: vuat qua
It took him one month to get over his operation.
62. get up: thiic day

My father is used to getting up early in the morning.

63. give up: tit bo
The doctor told Him to give up sweets to lose weight.

64. go about: bat ddu

I want to make a dress, but I don’t know how to go about it.

65. go down with: mac benh

Our holiday was fine until Tom went down with a bad cold.

66. go off: (chufing) reo, (sung) nS, (sua) bi chua


I’m sorry I’m late because my alarm clock didn’t go off.

A gun goes off every day to mark exactly one o’clock.
Don’t drink the milk, it’s gone off.
67. go on: tiep tuc
We can’t go on any further, the fall of snow has blocked the road.
68. go out: din tdt
Yesterday the lights went out when I was reading a book.
69. go over: kiem tra
We went over the house thoroughly before buying it
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70. grow up: l&n len
Susan wants to be a doctor when she grows up.
71. hang on: chd may dien thoai
I’m afraid the line is busy, would you like to hang on?
72. hang up: gac may dien thoai
Don’t hang up, I haven’t finished talking to you.
73. have out: giai quyet thau dao
After our argument, I called her brother to have it out with him.
74. hear from: nhan tin
We were worried when we didn’t hear from her for three weeks.

75. hold up: lam chqm tri
We were held up on the road by a traffic accident.
76. jot down: ghi nhanh
I must jot down this phone number in case I forget it.

77. keep off: (kifing cir) khdng an, ud'ng

The doctor advised Tom to keep off fattening foods.
78. keep on: tiep tuc
If you fail the exam, you should try to keep on until you pass.
79. know down: lam nga nhao, pha huy
Jim was knocked down by the bus and seriously hurt.

It’s a pity that old theatre has to be knocked down.

80. lay off: cho nghi viec

Five hundred men were laid off work when the factory closed.
81. leave out: bo sot, bo quen

I left the washing out in the rain all night.

82. let down: lam that vong

We should never let our friends down.

83. let on: tiet 16 bi mdt

Don’t let on about the meeting. I want it kept private.

84. live on: sdhg dtfa vao
Animals with long necks live on the leaves of tall trees.
85. live up to: dap ibig dicoc
Children will always live up to your expectations of them.
86. look after: cham soc
Who will look after the children while you go out to work?
87. look down on: coi thudng
The whole school looks down on such beha viour.
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88. look for: tim kiem
I’m looking for a suitable hotel. Can you suggest one?
89. look forward to: mong dai
I’m looking forward to meeting you again.
90. look into: dieu tra
The police are looking into the disappearance of an old man.
91. look up: tra (tfir di&i)
If you don’t know the meaning of a work, look it up in a dictionary.
92. look up to: kinh trong
Every child needs someone to look up to and copy.
93. make for: di nhanh ve huang

After the concert, the crows made for the nearest door.
94. make out: hieu duac, nhin thdy
I can’t make out the meaning of this poem.

You can make out the farm in the distance.

95. make up: bja ra, trdn
He made up a story to explain his coming home so late.
My grandmother used to make up her own medicines.
96. object to: phan dd'i
I object to being blamed for something I haven’t done.

97. operate on: giai phdu

This famous doctor has operated on many important people.
98. pass out: ngdt xiu

When the woman heard the news, she passed out with the shock.
99. patch up: hda thuan tra lai

Have Jim and Mary patched up their quarrel yet?

100. pay off: chi tra (s6 ti6n ldm)

One hundred workers will be paid off when the factory closes.

101. pay out: chi tra (s6 ti6n nh6)

The bank pays out interest on its savings account every six months.
102. pick up: don bang xe
Don’t stand at the road side hoping to be picked up by motorists.
103. pull down: pha bo
The old houses were pulled down to build an amusement centre.
104. pull off: thanh c6ng
After driving tests eight time, John at last pulled it off.
105. put aside: de danh
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Would you like us to put the rest of the wool aside for you?
106. put by:
I have a little money put by for a rainy day.
107. put forward: de nghi
We have put forward a better system for preventing a world war.
108. put in for: tham gia
Have you put yourself in for the competition?
109. put off: hoan lai
Tonight’s concert will be put off until next week.
1X0. put on: ma thiet bi dien boat ddng, len can

Please put the light on, it’s getting dark.
I can’t wear this dress because I have put on a lot of weight.
111. put through to: noi day dien thoai de lien lac
Can you put me through to this number?

112. put up: xay dipig

A new college will be put up in the centre of the city.
113. put up with: chiu dung
I can’t put up with her another day, she never stops complaining.
114. run out of: can, het
I’ve run out of coffee, will you have tea?

115. run across/into: tinh cd gap

I ran across/into an old friend when I was going shopping yesterday.

116. see into: xem xet de giai quyi't

When are you going to see into the customers’ complaints?

117. see to: chdm lo, phu track

Excuse me, I must go and see to the dinner

118. see through: nhqn ra duac

He’s a poor liar; anyone can see through him.

119. see out: ban het Sách được chia sẻ miễn phí tại
I’m sorry, all the coffee is sold out.
120. send for: cho rndi den
Leave this house now, or I will send for the police.
121. set off/out: khdi hanh
He set off/out for work an hour ago.
122. set up: thanh lap
We need a loy of money to set up a school for gifted children.
123. settle down: on dinh cudc sd'ng
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How long did it take you to settle down in this city?
124. show up: din
Three hundred people showed up for the meeting.
125. sort out: xdp xep, Itfa chpn
I’m sorting out suitable clothes to take on holiday.
126. stand by: ting hd
We’ll stand by you in spite of difficulties.
127. stand for: thay the cho
The letters UN stand for United Nations.
128. stand out: nSi day

I don’t like to stand out in a crowd.
129. take after: (tmh cdch, difcn mao) gid'ng
The boy takes after his grandfather.
130. take off: (mdy bay) cdt cdnh, (do, qudn, gidy, mu) cod

It’s exciting to feel the plane taking off.

I can’t take off my boots off, they’re so tight.
131. take on: thue, mutin
The factory has to take on 1,000 workers to complete the plan.
132. take over: dam nhan trdch nhiim
My sister is old enough to take over some of the cooking.

133. take to: thick

Jane took to music as soon as she learned about it.
134. take up: bdt dau tham gia, chiim chd

When did Jim take up running in competitions?


The bed takes up too much space in the room.

135. think over: suy nghi cdn thdn
I’ve thought the plan over and decided not to join it after all.

136. touch down: (mdy bay, thu thuy) ha cdnh, cdp bin

In spite of the damaged wheel, the plane touched down safely.

137. turn down: bac bo, khdng chdp nhdn
Why was she turned down for the job?
138. turn Into: trdthdnh
Jane is turning into a skilled musician.
139. turn off: (thi£t bi) tdt
Please turn off all the lights as you leave the room.
140. turn on: (thi£t bi) md
Please turn on the light for me, it’s getting dark.
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141. turn up: den
Daisy invited fifty people to her party, but only twenty turned up.
142. wear out: mdn, cu
This is the third pair of shoes that you’ve worn out this year.


1. Complete each sentence with one suitable word.

2. Jess asked if she could help me wash up the dirty dishes.

3. I need a dictionary, so I can up this word.
4. If I were you’d off early because Edinburgh is a long way.
5. Our meeting tomorrow has been off, I’m afraid.

6. I’m not sure about the size of this coat, so can I it on?

7. Robert had to in a form, giving all his personal details.
8. You’ll never guess who

h. up at our school party last week!

9. Six people applied for the job, but one of them out.
2. Complete each sentence with one suitable words from the box.
across against in into on

round to up with for

1. I’ll send someone to call for the parcel on Thursday.

2. You’ll have to work hard to keep ... with the rest of the class.
3. Jean didn’t expect to come up

such difficulties.
4. It’s not fair. You’re always picking me.

5. Terry sang the first verse and then everyone joined

6. I came one of your novels in a second-hand bookshop.

7. I’m not interested in buying anything. I’m just looking

8. Don’t you think the manager should deal this problem?

9. George came a lot of money when his uncle died.

10. You look very guilty! What have you been getting up ?
3. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate phrase from the box.

1. The plane ...... ...

set out
put off wear out see to
run into sellout take off
at 9 o’clock, 3 hours late.
2. The bus stopped suddenly and the car
3. It was raining so heavily that they
think over

the back of it.

the match until next week.
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4. It was an offer he
5. The lights
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very carefully before he made his decision.
and we couldn’t see anything.
6. Because of her bright clothes she really
7. They on the excursion at 7 o’clock.
from the others in the group.

8. The bookshop
9. Peter
10. My shoes . ..... . all the copies of his latest novel within two hours.
the cooking while I prepared the table.
so quickly that I had to buy a new pair after two months.
4. Underline the correct preposition in each sentence.
1. Can you explain that again? I don’t know what you’re getting bylwithlatl
2. He’s a very strict teacher. He doesn’t stand for/ up/with any bad behaviour in

3. I enjoyed London, but it didn’t really live up to/with/for my expectations.
4. I smoke 20 cigarettes a day, buy I’m trying to cut offlthroughfdown.

5. I think she has got over/by/down the break-up with her boyfriend.

6. I’ll call by!in!for you at eight o’clock, and then we’ll go to the party together.
7. I’m going crazy! I can’t put qff/upfdown with so much confusion!
8. I’m lucky, I get on!off!over really well with my colleagues.
9. If you miss too many lessons, it’s difficult to catch over/up/with.
10. It’s difficult to keep alonglby/up with changes in bio-technology.

11. My car needs a service - the engine needs seeing in/to!at.

12. The printer is working, but it’s run away/out/down of ink.
5. Rewrite each sentence so that it does not contain the words in italics, but

does contain a phrasal verb.

1. Brian and his mother are very similar.

Brian takes after his mother.

2. There isn ’t any food left!

3. Mike and Tom aren ’t very goodfriends.


4. Jean is very good at handling people 's problems.

5. The handlebars on my bike need fixing.

6. Julia was very ill, but she’s recovered now.

7. What exactly are you suggesting?

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8. Paul’s new school wasn ’t as good as he expected it to be.

6. Complete each sentence with the most suitable word or phrase.

1 . Brian at our dinner party wearing a pink bow tie.
a. wore out b. showed off c. turned up d. tried out
2. You don’t have to decide now, you can
a. put it aside b. call it off c. tear it up d. think it over
3. Pat was caught by the police, but Martin

a. gave in b. gave up c. got away d. held up
4. After the quarrel, we kissed and .
a. cleared up b. looked up c. made up d. put up
5. Why exactly did war between the two countries?

a. break out b. set in c. go off d. call off

a. broken down
6. After a long day at work most people feel
b. worn out c. knocked out d. turned down
7. I’ve just been offered a new job! Things are
a. turning up b. clearing up c. making up d. looking up

8. In the end I the form in disgust, and threw it away.

a. filled in b. worked out c. tore up d. put off
7. Rewrite each sentence using a verb from the box so that the meaning stays

the same. You may have to change the form.

call off draw up give in look up put aside put up

turn down wear off work out

1 . Jack always arrives late for work.
Jack always turns up late for work.

2. See if their number is in the phone directory.

3. I’m saving up to buy a new bike.

4. After a few days the pain in Dave’s leg went away.

5. I’m afraid the match has been cancelled.

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6. The government refused to yield to the demands of the terrorists.

7. We offered them #250,000 for the house but they refused our offer.

8. You can stay with us if you come to Cambridge.

9. I can’t calculate how much the whole trip will cost.

10. A large silver limousine stopped outside the house.

8. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the phrasal verb in brackets. You
may have to change the form.
1. Sorry, but I haven’t found time to fix your bike yet. (get round to)

Sorry, but I haven 7 got round tofixing your bike yet.
2. Oh bother, we don’t have any milk left, (run out of)

3. It took me a long time to recover from my illness, (get over)
4. Julie must be too old to bite her nails, (grow out of)

5. I think we’ve found an answer to the problem, (come up with)


6. I don’t think I’m well enough to play football today, (feel up to)

7. Ann is someone I really respect, (look up to)

8. 1 must arrange to have the kitchen painted, (see about)


9. Please help me. I’m relying on you. (count on)

10. Peter is just like his father! (take after)

9. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate phrase from the box.
send for holdup blowup bring up hangup do without
cutoff leave out makeup carry on fall for breakdown
1. I’m sure he that sotry. It can’t be true.

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3. They
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2. My car at the crossroads and I couldn’t start it again.

the doctor and he came immediately.
4. They

the bridge with dynamite.
5. She accidentally
6. After a short break they
7. She
8. We
our talk when she pressed the wrong button.
with their work.
six children on her own.
. tea and drank coffee instead.
9. He. an important thing. He didn’t tell us where we would meet.
10. Some thieves the national bank at lunchtime yesterday.
11. She . him because he was so amusing.

12. He. in the middle of our talk. Maybe I said something wrong.
10. Choose the correct answer.
1. Tom was slow to catch , but gradually he began to understand.

A. in B. on C. away D. out

A. off
2. I haven’t time to speak to him now, you’ll have to put him
B. back C. aside D. away
3. You know I’ll always stand you if you are in trouble.

A. for B. up C. by D. with

4. I disapprove people smoking in public places.

A. on B. at C. with D. of
5. She found it hard to up to the fact that she would never be famous.

A. come B. face C. get D. keep

6. For the first few minutes she was leading the race, then she began to fall

A. out B. through C. back D. off


7. The job offer was too good for him to turn

D. away

A. down B. out Coff

8. His son’s death was a terrible shock and it took him a long time to it.
A. get round B. come through C. go over D. get over
9. Please come and see us some time - you’re always welcome.
A. to B. round C. about D. away
10. She put
A. over B. away
11. He filled in the necessary form and
A. appealed B. asked
speaking to him as long as possible.
C. off
for the job.
C. requested
D. back

D. applied
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12. She went a bad cold just before Christmas.
A. down with B. in for C.over D. through

13. They had never come
A. at

A. out
B. across

B. down
such a beautiful little village before.

15. The doctor advised me not to take

A. to B. over
C. off

C. after
D. across
14. When the tenants failed to pay their bills, the authorities decided to cut
the gas supply to the flats.
D. across
so much work in future.
D. on
16. The police have warned tourists to look for pickpockets in the

town centre.
A. out B. up C. down D. forward
17. I wouldn’t of going to a party I haven’t been invited to.
A. intend B. dream C. rely D. depend

18. If you want to be healthy; you should cut on your smoking.
A. up
19. Their aim is to
B. down C. out
up a new political party.
D. through
A. strike B. stand C. set D. show
20. He was busy when I phoned but I hung until he was free.

A. back B. off C. to D. on

21. I’m not sure how old he is but he must be for 70.
A. going by B. getting up C. getting on D. going off


22. I absolutely with everything that has been said.

A. agree B. accept C. admit D. approve

23. The man who lives opposite is sometimes comes for a cup of

A.on B. over Goff D. to

24. The butcher cut some steak, it up and handed it to me.

A. closed B. wound C. strung D. wrapped

25. In order to with his studies he worked through the summer.
A. take on B. catch on C. catch up D. take up

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Chiicmg 9
I. £>INH NGHIA (Deflnition)
Lien tir (conjunction) la tir dirge dung d£ n6i cac til, cum tit, m6nh d£ hoac cdu.
Ex: and (va), but (nhitag), or (hoac)...
II. CAC LOAI LF&N Tl/ (Kinds of conjunctions)

Li6n tir diroe phan iam hai loai: Lien tir ke't hop (coordinating conjuntions) va
lien tCr phu thu6c (subordinating conjunctions).
1. Lien tir ket hop (co-ordinating conjunctions): diing d£ n<5i cac tir, nhom tir
c6 chtic nang gidng nhau (danh tir vdi danh tir, ddng tir vdi dCng tir, tinh tir voi tmh

tir...) hoac cdc menh de dec lap v6 mat ngu phap. Loai lien tir tir nay dirge chia

thanh 4 nh6m:
a. Nhom AND: chi su them vao
G6m cac lien tir: and, both... and, not only... but also, as well as, besides,
furthermore, moreover, in addition...
And (va)

There are many boys and girls in the hall.

The weather is both hot and dry.
(Then tiet vita nong lai vita khd.)

Both... and (ca... va)

The project will take both time and money.

(Du an can ca then gian Ian tien bac.)

Not only... but also (khdng chi... mh edn)

Yesterday it not only rained but also snowed.

(Hdm qua trdi khdng chi mica ma edn dS tuyet.)

Not only is he stupid, but also abstinate.

(No khdng chi ngu ma edn cting ddu nCta.)
[Chu f day ia cau dao, dCng tir dirge dat trade chit tir d£ nhah manh $ \khdng
chi... ma con 'j
b. Nh<5m BUT: chi su mau thuin hoac trdi ngugc
G6m ede lien tir: but, yet, still, however, nevertheless, on the other hand.
But (nhitag)
He is slow, but he is sure.

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(Anh ta chdm nhtfng chac.)
Bill is a hardworking but not very intelligent boy.
(Bill la cdu be sieng ndng nhtfng khdng thdng minh lam.)
Yet (tuy the)
I was not unhappy, yet I wept.
(T6i hanh phuc, tuy the tdi vdn khdc.)
He did not study very hard, yet he passed the exam.
(Anh ay chdm hoc lam, tuy thi'anh ay da thi dS.)
Still (tuy the)
I was annoyed, still I kept quiet.
(T6i btfc minh, tuy the vdn giityen Idng.)

c. Nh6m OR: chi su lua chon hoac do&n chting
G6m c&c lifin tit: or, or else, otherise_, either... or, neither... nor.
Or (hoac)

Is it green or white?
(Cai do mdu xanh hay mdu trang?)

We can ask him now, or wait until tomorrow.
(Chung ta co the hoi anh ta bdy gid hoac den den mai.)
Either... or (hoac... hoac)
Either stay here or go out

(Hoac dlai ddy hodc hay di ra ngoai.)

I’ll take either English or French next year.
(Ham den tdi se chon tieng Anh hodc tieng Phdp.)

Or else (hoac la)

John must be joking, or else he’s mad.

(Han Id John dang dila, hodc Id anh ta diin.)

Otherwise (niu khdng)

Do what you’ve been told, otherwise you will be punished.

(Hay Idm nhung gi ngtfdi ta bao may, neu khdng may se bi phat.)

d. Nh6m SO: chi hau qua, k£t quit

G6m c£c lidn tir: so, therefore, consequently, as a result
So (cho nen)
He speaks very little English, so I talked to him through an interpreter.
(Anh ta ndi dtfctc rat it tieng Anh, nin tdi da noi chuy$n vdi anh ta qua mdt
ngtfdi phiin dich.)
She \vas tired, so she went to bed early.

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(Co ay met nen di ngu stim.)
Therefore (do do)
Bill has a sore throat, therefore he doesn’t smoke or drink.
(Bill bi viem hong, do do anh khdng hut thudc hoac ud'ng racru.)
2. Lien tilr phu thuoc (subordinating conjunctions): dhng d£ md (Mu mdt
menh d£ phu (menh d£ danh tir hoac menh d6 trang tCr). Lieritir phu thu6c bao
a. Nhom WHEN: chi m<5i quan he v& thcri gian
G6m cac lien tCr when, whenever, while, as, as soon as, after, before, until/till,
since, by the time...

When (khi)
Sunday is the day when I am least busy.
(Chu nhat la ngay toi it ban ron nhdt.)
Whenever (bat ctikhi nao)

Please call me whenever he arrives.

(Hay goi tdi bat culuc nao anh den.)
As soon as (ngay khi)
He started as soon as he received the news.
(Ngay khi nhan duac tin anh ay di ngay.)
Directly (ngay khi)

Directly I had done it, I knew I had made a mistake.

(Ngay khi vita lam xong, tdi biet minh da sai rSi.)
As (khi)

I asked you to call me as he arrived.

(Tdi yeu cau anh goi tdi khi anh ay den.)

While (trongkhi)
I saw him while I was walking in the street.

(Tdi da gap anh ay trong khi tdi dang di tren duting.)


After (sau khi)

I arrived after she had left.
(Tdi den sau khi co ay da di roi.)
Before (trade khi)
I must finish my work before I go home.
(Tdi phdi kit thuc edng viec trade khi vi nha.)
Till/Until (chodenkhi)
Please wait till I come back.
(Lam cm dcri cho den khi tdi trd lai.)
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Ckc lien tir khac trong nhdm n&y g6m c6: the moment (that), since, by the time.
Chu y when (vk ck where, why) tuy diing diu cac m6nh d£ phu nhung duoc goi \k
trang tCr lien he. Di trdnh sir phan biet do c<5 vki tmh cha't rieng, ngirbi ta goi nhflng
tir dilng dd lien ket ckc menh de (bao gdm lien tir, trang tir lien he v& dai tu lien he
la ckc tir n6i - connectives)
b. Nh<5m BECAUSE: chi nguyen nhan hoSc 1ÿ do
G6m cdc lien tir because, as, since, now (that), seeing (that! as).
Because (bdi vi)
He came because he was interested in music.
(Anh ay den vi anh ay quan tdm den dm nhac.)
As/Now (that) (vi)

As/Now (that) it’s turned so cold, we’ve changed our plans.
(Vi trdi da trd lanh, chung tdi da thay dSi ke hooch.)
c. Nh6m IF: chi di£u kien

G6m ckc lien tir if, unless, in case, provided (that), supposing (that)

If (neu)
If you want me, I will come.
(Neu anh cdn tdi, tdi se den.)
Unless (trie khi)
You will not pass unless you work harder.

(Ban se khdng thi dd trie khi ban chdm chi hem.)

d. Nhdm THOUGH: chi su tuefng phan
G6m ckc lien tir though, although, even though, even if.

Though (mac dii)

Though Tom didn’t like her, he sent her a present.

(Mac dd khdng thich cd dy, Tom van gici cd ay mdt mon qua.)
Although (mdc dd)

They went for a bath although it had begun to rain.

(Ho di tdm mdc dd trdi dd bat ddu dd miea.)

Cac lien tir wherever, whenever, whatever, whether...or not, no matter what,
however cung thude nh6m nky (dd cho ...):
Wherever you may be, you can always rely on him.
(Dd cho anh cd di ddu, luc ndo anh cung cd the trdng cay vdo anh dy.)
No matter whdt you do, don’t touch this switch.
(Dd cd lam gi, anh cung ditng cham vdo nut nay.)
You have to take this medicine, whether you like it or not.
(Con phai udhg thud'c nay dd cd thich hay khdng.)

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e. Nh6m IN ORDER THAT; chi muc dfch
G6m c4c lifin tCr in order that, so that, forfear that.
In order thatJ so that (de, cd't de)
We looked for a quiet place in order that we could have a rest.
(Chung tdi tim mot noi yen tinh cd't de nghi ngcri.)
Speak clearly, so that they may understand you.
(Hay noi ro rang de ho co the hieu duac anh.)
In case/ for fear that (Iced)
Put a hat on, dear, in case you get sunstroke.
(Hay ddi mu vao keo em se bi trung ndng day.)
f. Nhdm SO ... THAT: chi kdt qua

So + adjVadv + that (den ndi md)
The dog was so fierce that no one dared come near it.
(Con cho dH qua den ndi khdng ai dam den gan.)

The rabbit ran so quickly that no one could catch it.

(Con tho chay nhanh den ndi khdng ai bdt duac no.)
Such + noun + that
He spoke for such a long time that people began to fall asleep.
(Ong ta noi dai den ndi moi ngudi deu mud'n ngu ca.)
g. Nh6m THAT: dua ra mdt ldi tuydn b6, m6t f ki6n, m6t su kien hoSc mOt l

That (rang)
He said that he would help us.

(Ong ay ndi ring dng ay se giup chung ta.)

I think that we’ll find a room in that hotel.

(Tdi cho rang chung ta se tim duac mdt can phdng trong khach san do.)


1) Fill the blanks with appropriate conjunctions

1. I ran fast I missed train.
you try, you will not succeed.
3. I am sure . he said so.
4. Wait _ I return.
5. Do not go I come.
6. He finished first he began late.
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you eat too much you will be ill.
8. I shall not go I am invited.
9. I do it_ I choose to.
10. Live well _ you may die well.
2) Join each pair of the following sentences by means of an appropriate
1. My brother is well. My sister is ill.
2. He sells mangoes. He sells oranges.
3. He did not succeed. He worked hard.
4. Tom played well Mary played well.

5. I honour him. He is a brave man.
6. You may go. I will stay.
7. Tom reads for pleasure. Mary reads for profit.
8. We decided to set out. It was late.

9. He is rich. He is not happy.
10. He must be tired.

h. He was walked twelve miles.

3) Rewrite the following as one sentence, using and, but, so, or.
1. It was raining. I felt cold. I went indoors.
It was raining and Ifelt cold so I went indoors.
2. He loves her. She loves him. They are getting married.

3. I can paint the lounge. I can clean the fridge. I can’t do both.
4. Mr Downes seemed poor. In fact, he had a lot of money.

5. Tim is sleeping. You can’t speak to him at the moment.

6. The postman banged the gate. He shouted at Lulu. She bit him.

7. My mother wanted me to become a doctor. I didn’t.

8. Nick didn’t understand the lesson. He couldn’t do the homework.

9. A bee flew into the classroom this morning. It stung me.

10. You mustn’t put this in the washing machine. You must wash it by hand.

You must dry-clean it.

11. We lay in the sun. We got hot. We swam. We cooled off.
12. Louis broke her watch. Then she borrowed mine.
13. We might go to spain. We might go to France.
14. Mike could speak French. He could speak Spanish. He couldn’t write
15. We went to the museum. It was closed. We went to the cinema.


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4) Put in these word: although, because, but, if, in case, in order to, in spite of,
so, so that, unless.
1. Olivia booked a babysitter so that she could go out for the evening.
it was late, Nick didn’t seem in a hurry to leave.
3. They put video cameras in shops _ stop people stealing things.
4. We decided not to go out for a meal _ we were simply too tired.
5. Our room was very small, we didn’t really mind.
6. you’re ready, we can start now.
7. No one was watching the television, I switched it off.
8. You can’t drive a car you’ve got a licence.
9. _ having absolutely no talent, Guy became a popular TV personality

and chat show host.
10. I think my answers are right, but can I just check them with yours
I’ve made a mistake?

5) Rewrite the following sentences, using these word instead of the underlined

ones: as soon as, before, since, when, while, until, after.
1. I’ll love you UP to the day I die.
-> I’ll love you until 1 die.
2. 1 must get to the post office earlier than it closes.
3. My leg hurts at the time I walk.

4. Mark heard the news on the radio during the time he was driving home.
5. We’re going to tidy up later than eveiyone has gone.
6. It started to rain immediately after she had left.

7. You have to wait UP to the time the light changes to green.

8. I’ve been sad from the time you left me.

Think of me during the time I’m away.

l'o. Come back earlier lhan I forget you.

6) Put in a suitable conjunction: after, before, when, while, until, as soon as,
since, as if.

1. I usually have a snack _ going to bed.

2. He had a heart attack . watching a video.
3. You look you’ve seen the ghost.
4. How many jobs have you had
5. Have a rest every hour or so__ leaving school?
driving long distances.
6. We haven’t heard anything from her getting that letter last month.
7. I’ll look after the kids you get back.
8. Put this on shaving and you’ll smell wonderful.

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9. Always wear goggles working with metal.
10. I fell in love_ we met.
7) Complete the conversation. Choose the correct linking word.
Daniel : What are you going to do (1) after/ before you finish college,
Rachel : Vicky and I will be off to the states (2) as soon as/ in spite of
this term is over. We may go to Canada (3) so that/ to see some
friends of Vicky. We’ve been thinking about nothing else (4)
since/ until we bought our plane tickets.
Daniel : It sounds great. How are you getting around in the States?

Rachel : By Greyhound bus. I know it takes more longer than flying, (5)
but/ in spite of it’ll be more interesting. We are going to buy a
special ticket (6) in order to/ so that we can go anywhere we
like on the way.

Daniel : Yes, it’s better by bus (7) because/ unless you can stop off at

interesting places. Maybe you should take plenty of money (8)
if/ incase you decide to fly instead.
Rachel : I’m hoping to stay out there (9) unless/ until I have to come
back and start my job in September. I’m really looking forward
to the trip, (10) although/ because I will be sad to leave here.

And what about you? What are you doing this summer?
Daniel : I’d go away somewhere (11) if/ incase I could afford to. But

I’m working. I’ve got no money, (12) because/ §o I’ll have to

earn some.

Rachel : Have you really got on money (13) although/ in spite of the
fact that you’ve had a par-time job this term?
Daniel : You know me, Rachel. If I’ve got money, I spend it.

8) Complete the letter to a local newspaper with the words or phrases from

the box.
however after furthermore as a result
in other words for example on the contrary
There’s been a lot of talk about a ‘spaceship’ seen over the town at about
eleven o’clock on Friday night. (1) ., hundreds of enthusiatic sky-
watchers have arrived in town, hoping that it will return. But was it really a
spaceship? About twenty people say they saw it. (2) ., there is a
photograph which is supposed to show the object in the sky. We know, (3)
., that trick photos are easy to produce. (4) ., it is
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(5) _
almost certainly a fake. But it would be wrong to treat the whole thing as a joke.
, all such reports should be carefully investigated. (6)
the arrival of a spacecraft from another world would indeed be a
serious matter. But usually there is a more simple explanation. Many supposed
spaceship turn out to be weather balloons, (7) . A similar mistake
probably lies behind the belief that someone from another world really did pay us
a visit last Friday.
9) Join each pair of sentences. Use the words in brackets.
1. Mary came to class late. Her motorbike had a puncture, (because)
— > Mary came to class late because her motorbike had a puncture.

2. Nick used to smoke. He seems to be in good health, (although)
3. Our team won by a large margin. No one thought we would win the
championship, (but)
4. I could not see his face clearly. He was standing in the shadow, (so)

5. We couldn’t get tickets. We queued for an hour, (in spite of)

6. Tom was late. So was Ann. (both ... and)
7. You don’t practice. You won’t learn to use a keyboard properly.
8. The man spoke very slowly. He wanted me to understand what he said, (so
9. We can leave today. We can leave tomorrow, (either ... or)

10. You can use my car. You drive carefully, (as long as)

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Chuomg 10

I. DINH NGHlA (Definition)

Mao tCr (articles) Id tit dilng trude danh tit vh cho bi£t danh tit &y di cap d£n
mdt dd'i tuong cu th£ hay tdng qudt, x4c dinh hay khdng xdc dinh.
n. CAC LOAI MAO Tf (Kinds of articles)

Mao tit trong tidng Anh duoc phan lkm hai loai: mao tit bdt dinh va mao tit
xdc dinh.
1. Mao tit bat djÿih (indefinite articles)

•each doc: a thudng duoc doc Id [o] vk an thudng duoc doc Ik [on]:
a [o] book a [o] chair
an [on] man
h. an [on] office
Khi ngudi n6i mud'n nMn manh hoac khi ngan ngimg trude cac danh tit,
ngudi ta doc a Id [ei] v& an Ik [on]:
He’s bought a [ei], er, a [ei] Honda, I think.

(T6i cho rang cau ay da mua mdt, a a... mdt chiec Honda rdi.)
Mao tit bSft dinh a/an thudng dung trude danh tit d£m duoc s6 ft (singular
countable noun)

Mao tit bat dinh a, an duoc dilng vdi nghla mdt (edi, ngudi, vat).
•Phan biet a v& an:

+ a duoc dilng:
- trude phu dm: a chair (edi ghe), a hat (edi mu ), a yard (thude Anh, edi san ).

- trude dm /ju:/: a university (trudng dai hoc), a useful book (quyen sdeh c6
ich ), a European (mdt ngudi chdu Au).

- trude o co dm /w/: a one-eye man (ngudi chdt), a one-way street (dudng

mdt chieu).
+ an duoc dung:
- trude nguyen dm: an orange (trdi cam), an old shoe (chiec giay cu).
- trude h cam: an hour (mdt gid), an honest man (mdt ngudi luong thien).
- trude mdt dm tiet khdng co trong dm bdt dau vdi h: an historical novel (mdt
tieu thuyet lich sti).
1.1. Cac trirdng hop dilng mao tit a/an
a. Mao tit bdt dinh a/an duoc dilng trude danh tir d£m duoc s6 ft di chi mdt
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ngucri/ vat khdng xdc dinh hoac mOt ngucri/ vat dugc d£ cap dd'n l£n d£u - ngucri
nghe khdng bid't chfnh x£c hoac chura ttimg bidt vd ngudri hay vat do.
She lives in a nice small house.
(Co ay sd'ng trong mdt ngdi nha nho.)
I saw a boy in the street.
(Tdi nhin thay mdt cau be tren ducmg.)
b. a/ an dirge dung trude danh tir chi ngh£ nghidp, chue vu.
My mother is a doctor. [Kh6ng n6i; *My mother is doctor ]
(Me tdi la bde si.)
We call him a fool. [Khdng noi: *We call him fool]

(Chung tdi goi no la dtia ngu.)
Tuy nhidn, khi n6i dd'n churc vu cua mdt ngucri m& chi duy nhat ngudri d6 c6
trong mdt 16 chirc hay edng d6ng ngudri, chung ta khdng dilng a, an:

He was President of the Lion Club.
(dng ay la chu tich cua cau lac bd Sii tie.)

As Chairman of the Society, I call on Mr. X to speak.
(Voi tic each la Chu tich Hdi, tdi xin men dngXlen phat bieu.)
c. A/ an dugc dilng trude danh tir dd'm dirge sd' ft d£ noi v6 mdt ngudi hoac
mdt vat baft ky cua mdt loai

A dog is a domestic animal.

(Cho la thu nudi trong nha.)
A cow has horns.

(Bo thi co sieng.)

Luru y: Danh tir sd' nhi6u khdng cd mao tir dirng trude thudmg dugc dilng hon

di ndi chung vd t£t ca cic thknh vidn trong cilng mdt loai
Owls can see in the dark. [= all owls]
Children need love. [= all children]

Oranges contain vitamin C. [= all aranges]

d. A/an trong cac tir chi vi do ludmg nhu:
a couple (mdt cap) a great deal (nhieu )
a dozen (mdt ta) a lot of (nhieu)
half a dozen (nuta ta) a plenty of (nhieu)
a hundred (mdt tram) two dollars a kilo (hai dola mdt ki Id)
a thousand (mdt nghin ) 60 miles an hour (60 dam mdt gid)
a million (mot trieu) five times a week (nam Ian mdt tudn.)

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e. A/an dilng trong c3u true:
as + Adjective + a + Noun
He is not so clever a boy as his brother.
(No khdng phai Id dua be lanh lai nhuanh no.)
She is as pretty a girl as her sister.
(Nang cung Id cd gai dep nhu chi ndng.)
f. A/an dilng sau many, such, quite, hafl
Many a man thinks so.
( Nhieu ngudi nghi nhu vay.)

I have never seen such a thing.
(T6i chiia thay mdt viec nhu the bao gid.)
He is quite a good fellow.

(Anh ta qua la ngudi tot.)
h. A/an dCing trong nhimg cdu cam thdn bat d£u bang what, such:
What a brave fighter!
(Ngudi chien si mdi dung cam chu!)
Such a beautiful day!
(Mot ngay that la dep!)

h. A/an dilng trong m6t s6 thÿnh ngu:

to have a headache, a pain, a cold, a cough (nhiic dau, dau nhde, cam
lanh, ho)

to be in a hungry (vdi vang), to be in a passion (tunc gidn).

to be at a loss what to do (lung tung khdng biet phdi lam gi), to have a

right to (co quyin )t to make a noise (Idm 6n ), to take a seat (ngdi).

all of a sudden (bat thinh linh), as a rule (thudng thudng, thdng thudng),

on a large scale (trin quy md Idn), on an average (trung binh, dS dSng), it

is a pity (thdt dang tiec), v.v. ..

1.2. C£c trifdng hop khdng dilng mao tilr a/an

a. Trtfdc danh tilr s<5 nhi6u (plural noun) hoic danh tit khdng d€m duoc
(uncountable noun).
Horses are quaduped.
(Ngua la ddng vat bd'n chan.)
Both my parents are teachers.
(Cd cha vd me tdi deu la gido vien.)
What terrible weather!
(Thdi tiet kho chiu qua!)
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b. Trude cac bua an, trir khi c6 tfnh tir dung trude.
We have breakfast at eight.
(Chung tdi dn diem tam luc 8 gift.)
But: He gave us a good breakfast.
(Anh ta dai chung tdi mdt bua diem tam think soan.)
c. Trude tfnh tit hodc dai tit sd huu; thay vao do ta cd th£ dung cdu true a ...
of mine! yours/ hers/ etc.
He’s a friends of mine. [NOT He’s a my friends.]
(Anh ay la ban tdi.)
Lmi y:
- A! an c6 th£ dugc dung trade mdt s6 danh tCr khdng d£m dirge (uncountable

nouns) khi cac danh tir nay dirge xem nhir danh tir d£m dugc d£ didn dat nghla
‘mdt loai cua’, ‘mdt phdn cua’, hodc khi cac danh tir nay dd cap ddn xuc cam
cua con ngudi vd hoat ddng \6 tinh th£n.

Have you got a shampoo for dry hair?

(Chi co loai dau gdi danh cho toe khd khdng?)
Would you like a coffee?
(Anh dung mot tach cd phe nhe?)
- Mdt sd tir cd th£ gay su nh£m l§n vl edeh vidt vd edeh doc khde nhau.
a house but an hour

a university but an umbrella

2. Mao tir xdc dinh: THE

•Cach phat Am mao tir xac dinh theo the

- Doc I60I trude phu am: the boy, the girl

- Doc Idil trude nguydn dm hodc h cam: the animal, the eyes, the honest

•Mao tir xdc dinh the dugc ding cho t£t cd ede danh tir: danh tir ddm dugc
sd ft (singular countable noun), danh tir ddm dugc sd nhi£u (plural countable

noun) vd danh tir khdng ddm dugc (uncountable noun).

the boy, the boys, the food
2.1. Cac trudng hgp dung mao tir the
a. Mao tir xdc dinh the dugc ding trude danh tir chi ngudi hodc vat da xac
dinh hodc da dugc d6 cap ddn trude do - ngudi nghe bidt (hodc co thd hidu)
ngudi ndi dang ndi vd ngudi hodc vat nao.
Did you lock the car?
(Anh da khoa xe roi chit? )
[= your car/ our car]
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Could you close the door.
(Anh dong giilm cai cua duc/c khdng?)
[chi c6 mOt c£i cira dang md]
His car struck a tree; you can still see the mark on the tree.
(Xe anh ta dam vdo mdt cai cay; ban van co the nhin thay ddu vet tren
[‘tree’ trong cau thu: hai da duoc d£ cap d£n trong cau thu nh£t]
Luu y: the duoc dhng d£ chi ngudi hoac vat da x£c dinh, a/ an duoc dhng di
chi ngudi hoac vat khdng x£c dinh.
We hired a car to go to Scotland.

(Chung tdi da thue mdt chie'c xe de di Scotland.)
[ngudi nghe khdng bidt Ih. chide xe nho]
But: I cleaned the car yesterday.
(H6m qua tdi da rita xe.) [my car/ our car]

[ngudi nghe bidt ro duoc chide xe nzlo dang duoc ndi dd'n]

Ann is looking for a job.
(Ann dang tim viec.)
[khdng ndi dd'n mdt edng vide cu th£ nÿo]
But: Did Ann get the job she applied for?
(Co phai Ann da nhdn duoc viec lam md cd ay da xin khdng?)

[mdt edng vide cu thi nko dd]

b. The duoc dhng trude danh tit chi vat gl d6 la duy nhdt, hoac vat gi d6 chi
c6 mdt trong mdi trudng quanh ta: the earth, the sun, the sky, the stars, the

moon, the planets, the world, the equator, the Goverment, the prolice, the
Japanese, the Prime Minister, the capital,...

The Secretary General of the United Nations will fly to New Delhi.
(Ong tSng thu ky Lien hap qud'c se bay di New Delhi.)

The sun is shining and the sky is clear.

(Mdt trdi dang chieu sang va bau trdi dang quang dang.)

c. The duoc diing trude danh tit chi sd' thti tu

Room 101 is on the first floor.
(PhdnglOl dldul.)
King George the Sixth.
(V ua Geogre de luc.)
Whast’s today’s date? - It’s the tenth.
(Hdm nay, ngay may? - Ngdy 10.)
d. The duoc diing trude c£c danh tit chi ncri chdn cu th£.
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Turn left here for the station.
(Re trai d day de den nha ga.)
[nha ga trong thi tr£n hoac thanh phtf nay]
But: The train stopped at a station.
(Tau dicng d ga.)
[khOng bie't cu th£ la ga n&o]
Ann is in the garden.
(Ann dang d trong vtfcm.)
[virbn cua ngdi nha nay]
Liru y: khi chung ta ndi (go to) the cinema, the theater thi kh6ng nh£t thi£t

la chung ta mutfn n<5i d£n m6t rap chie'u bong hay m6t nha h&t cu th£ nao d6.
I often go to the cinema, but I haven’t been to the theater for ages.
(T6i thudng di xem phim, nhiCng lau rdi tdi khdng di xem hat.)
e. The diroc ditng trndc danh ttr duorc x£c dinh bang m6t cum tit hoac m6t

mfenh d£ theo sau.
Who's is the girl in blue? nh
(Co gdi mac do xanh la ai vay?
What did you do with the camera I lent you?
(Ban da lam gi vch cai mdy anh tdi cho ban muon?)
Tell Pat the story about John and Susie.

(Hay ke cho Pat nghe chuyen John va Susie di.)

f. The diroc dilng vdi m6t s6 cum tCf d4 cap d£n m6i tru5ng vat ch£t cua
chung ta - ttic the' gidri quanh ta va khi hau cua n6 - hoac cdc mat thdng thucmg

khac trong cu6c stfng: the environment, the town, the country, the sea, the
seaside, the night, the mountains, the desert, the rain, the wind, the fog, the

weather, the sunshine, the universe, the future ...

Do you prefer the town or the country?

(Ban thich thanh thi hay n6ng thdn hem?)

I love listening to the wind.

(Tdi thich nghe tieng gid.)

g. The ducrc dilng trude ten cic dang chinh tri, ten trau thuy, va ten cac ban
She’s a longlife member of the Republican Party.
(Ba ay Id thanh vien lau nam cua Dang Cdng Hda.)
The Titanic sank on its first voyage across the Atlantic in 1912.
(Tau Titanic da bi dam trong chuyih di dau tien bdng qua Dai Tdy
Duong nam 1912.)

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The Beatles was an internationally famous British pop group.
( Beatles la ban nhac pop Anh nSi tieng the gi&i.)
h. The dirge dung trubc ten ngudi b s6 nhidu dd chi to&n thd gia dinh.
The Taylors have lived in this town for over 50 years.
(Gia dinh Taylors da sting dthi trdn nay hem 50 nam rdi.)
[= the Taylor family]
The dirge dung trubc ten ngudi d sb ft dd phan biet mdt ngudi vbi mdt ngudi
khac co cilng ten.
We have two Mr Smiths. Which do you want? - I want the Mr Smith
who signed this letter.
(d day co hai ong ten Smith. Anh can gap dng nao? -Toi mutin gap ong

Smith da ky btic thu nay.)
i. The thudng dirge dilng trubc ten cac ter bao (newspapers), nhung the
khbng dirge dilng trubc ten cac tap chi (magazines).

The Times; The Washington Post; New Scientist

Lun y: chung ta cung dilng the vdi (news)paper, nhung the (news)paper
khbng cd nghTa 1& mdt td bao cu thd niio dd.
I read about the accident in the paper.
(Toi doc ve tai nan do tren bao.)
j. The + danh tir khdng de'm dugc hoac danh tir dem dugc s6 nhidu (The + a

uncountable noun/ plural countable noun) dugc dilng dd ndi vd ngudi hoac vat
cu thd.
I often listen to music.

(Toi thudng nghe nhac.)

[= all music] -> ndi chung

The film wasn’t very good but I like the music.

(Phim nay khdng hay lam nhung tdi thich nhac phim.)

[= the music in the film] -> ndi cu thd

Cars have wheels.

(Xe hai co cac banh xe.)

[= all car] -> chung
The cars in this car park belong to people who work here.
(Xe trong chS dau xe nay la cua nhung ngudi lam viec a day.)
cu thd
k. The thudng khdng dugc dilng khi ndi d£n ngudi hoac vat mdt c£ch chung
chung, nhung the + danh tir dem dirge so it (the + a singular countable
noun) cd thd dugc dilng dd ndi chung vd m6t loai ddng vat, mdt loai dung cu
hoac may mdc, cac phat minh khoa hoc vk cic nhac khi.
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The tiger is in danger of becoming extinct.
(Cop dang co nguy ca bi tuyet chung.)
[The tiger = All tigers] # d£ cap d£n ca lo&i cop
The blue whale is the largest mammal on earth.
(Ca voi xanh la loai d6ng vat co vu to nhat tren trai dat.)
[= all blue whales]
The piano is really difficult.
(Duong cam rat kho chcti.)
Sandra can play the piano, the violin and the clarinet.
(Sandra biet choi duong cam, violin va ken clarinet.)
Lull y: chung ta cung co ihi dung a/an dS noi khai quat bang cdch ntu m6t

thanh vidn b£t ky cua loai.
A baby deer can stand as soon as it’s bom.
(Huoru con co the dung ngay khi men sinh.)

Nhung a/an kh6ng dirge dilng khi n6i khdi qudt \i t£ft ca ede thdnh vifcn cua

m6t loai.
The tiger is in danger of becoming extinct./Tigers are in danger of
1. The + tmh tft (The + adjective) dugc dilng d£ n6i \6 m6t nh6m nguci cu
th£ nao do trong xa hdi: the young, the old, the elderly, the poor, the rich, the

sick, the disabled, the unemployed, the homeless, the deaf, the blind...
The government should provide accommodation for the homeless.
(Chinh phu nen cung cap noi an chd'n d cho nhtfng ngudi vd gia cu.)

Life must be hard for the unemployed in our society today.

(Trong xa hoi chung ta ngay nay, cudc sd'ng han la rat kho khan ddi voi

nhung ngitdi that nghiep.)

m. The +qutfc tich (The + nationality) dugc dilng dd chi todn dan cua m6t

qu6c gia n&o d6.

The French are famous for their cooking.

( Ngudi Phap nSi tieng ve nau an.)

The Chinese invented printing.
(Ngudi Trung Qudc da phat minh ra ky thuat in an.)
n. The thuemg dugc dung truoc nhung danh tir c6 o/theo sau.
the palace of Westminster. (Lau ddi Westminster)
the Gulf of Mexico (Vinh Mexico) [Mexico Gulf]
the University of London [= London University]
(Dai hoc London)

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2.2. C£c trirdng hop khong dung mao tit the
The khdng duac diing
a. Trudc danh tit s6 nhidu v£ danh tit kh6ng ddm diroc vdri nghia chung.
Cats catch mice. (Mio bdt chudt.)
Books are true friends. (Sdch Id nhitng ngudi ban chdn thank.)
b. Trudc c£c danh tCr trim tirong: nature, space, society, life, happiness,
freedom, love... khi nhitng danh tit nhy c6 nghia chung. Diing the khi nhitng
danh tit nhy c6 nghTa rjdng bifit.
Life is complicated. (Cudc sd'ng thdt pMc tap.)
I’m studying the life of Beethoven.
(T6i dang hoc tieu sic cua Beethoven.)

I love nature. [NOT the nature]
(T6i yeu thien nhien.)
c. Danh tit v£ c£c mOn hoc, nghfc thuat, th£ thao, tr6 chd

Mathematics is a very interesting subject.

(Toan hoc la mdn hoc rat ly thu.)
She is studying music.
(C6 ta dang hoc dm nhac.)
Football is my favourite game.
(Bong da la mdn the thao ita thich cua tdi.)

baseball (chcri bdng chdy)

football (chcri bdng da)
to play tennis (chcri quan vat)

chess (ddnh ccr)

cards (chcri bai)

d. Tnrdc c£c danh tir chi c£c bira an trong ng&y: breakfast, lunch, dinner,

Breakfast is ready. (Bua diem tdm da sdn sang.)

Can you come and have dinner with us next Wednesday?

(Anh c6 th£din diing bita com tdi vc/i chung tdi vdo thtitutudn sau khdng?)
e. Trudc nhiing danh tir chi ng&y trong tudn, th£ng, mha, ngky l£.
He goes to school every day except Sunday.
(No di hoc mdi ngdy tritchu nhat.)
My birthday is in September.
(Sink nhdt cua tdi d trong thdng chin.)
Summer is a very hot season.
(Mila he la mda rdt ndng.)

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May Day (ngay quoc telao dong), Christmas Day (ngay le giang sink),
New Year’s Day (ngay tit).
Nhimg: The summer of last year was very hot.
(Mua he ndm ngodi rat nong.) (nghTa xac dinh)
f. Danh tCr chi chuc vi di vdi danh t£r riring.
President Lincold, Queen Elizabeth, Gerenal Smith (tiicmg Smith )
g. Trong mrit stf thknh ngu.
next Tuesday (thd ba tuan sau ), next week (twin sau ), next month (thang
sau), next year (sang ndm).
last Monday (thd hai tudn truac), last week, last month, last year
at noon (luc gida trtfa), at night (vao ban dem), at school (a trucmg), at

home (d nha).
to school (di hoc)
to work (di lam)

to market (di chcr)

to go to church (di nha thd)
to bed (di ngu)
home (di vi nha)
by day (ban ngay), by night (ban dem, ve dem), by bus (bang xe buyt), by
train (bang xe Ida).

from north to south (tdbac xuong nam), from left to right (tdtrai sang phdi).
2.3. C&ch dung the vdi ten rieng cua mot so noi chon va dia danh.
a. The khring dhng duoe trudc trin cua

- Luc dja: Africa, Europe, Asia

- Quri'c gia: France, Japan, Switzerland, New Zealand

- Ti£u bang: Texas, Florida, New Orleans, California

- Thanh phd\ thi tr£n: Cairo, New York, Houston, Bristol

- Dao: Corsica, Sicily, Bermuda, Corfu

- H6: Coniston Water, Lake Michigan

- Nui; d6i: Everest, Etna, Kilimanjaro, North Hill

- During phri, cring virin, quang truring: Shirley Street, Morden Road, fifth
Avenue, Times Square, Hyde Park
- Nha ga, phi truring, truring hoc, vh c&c tria nha, cring trinh hoSc ca quan
trong yri'u: Kennedy Airport, Victoria Station, Edinburgh Castle, Oxford
University, Westminster Abbey, Bristol Zoo, Merton College
- Cua hang, nha hang, khach san, ngSn hang, ... duoc dat trin theo trin ngurii
sdng lap hoSc cac nha thd duqc dat trin theo cic vi thdnh: Matilda 's Restaurant,
Lloyds Bank, McDonald, Harrods (shop), St John ’s Church. St Paul ’s Cathedral
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- Cac hknh tinh: Venus, Mars, Jupiter
- C2c cdng ty, c2c hang hang khdng, v.v...: Fiat, Sony, Bristish Airway, IBM,
Vietnam Airline
b. The duorc dhng trudc ten rieng cua
- Cdc qudc gia co tCr Republic, Kingdom, State, Union, ho2c ten c£c qudc gia
cr sd nhi6u: the United State, the Netherlands, the Philippines
- VCing; mi£n: the west, the north, the south, the south-east, the Middle East,
the Midlands
- Bie’n: the Black Sea, the Mediterrannean (Sea)), the Baltic
- Dai duong: the Pacific (Ocean), the Arlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean
- Sdng: the River Nile, the Volga, the Thames, the Amazon

- Kdnh d&o: the Suez Canal, the Panama Canal
- Sa mac: the Sahara (Desert), the Kalahari
- Rang nui; rang ddi: the Rockies, the Andes, the alps, the Himalayas

- Qu£n dao: the Canary Islands, the Bahamas, theBritish Isles

- Nh6m h6: the Great Lakes
- KMch san, nha hang, qu2n rugu: the Continental Hotel, the Bombay
Restaurant, the Red Lion (Pub)
- Rap hat, rap chie'u b6ng: the Globe Theater, the Odeon Cinema, the

- Vien bao t2ng, phdng trung bay nghe thu$t: the National Museum, the
Frick (Gallery), the Science Museum, the British Museum
- Thu vien, cau lac bd: the Library of Congress, the Angle Club

- Mdt sd cdc tda nha, cdng trlnh ndi tidng: the Empire State Building, the
White House, the Royal Palace, the Golden Gate Brigde, the Vatican

Liru y:
- Chung ta ditng the khi ndi \i cac midn, nhung chiing ta khdng dhng the vdi

ten midn tan cdng bang ten mdt chau luc hoac ten mdt qudc gia.
the north (of France) but northern France

the west (of Africa) but West Africa

the south-east (of Spain) but south-eastern Spain/South-East Spain
- Chung ta khdng dung the trudc ten cua cac tda nha va cac ca quan trong
y€u cd hai tCr: tit d£u tien thucmg la ten rieng cua mdt ngudi hay mdt dia didm,
Kennedy Airport, Cambridge University, Hull Station, Salisbury Cathedral,
Norwich Museum.
Nhung the dugc ddng trudc cac ten cd of ho2c cac ten cd tCr d£u tidn la mdt
danh tit chung ho2c mdt tihh tit.
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the White House; the Royal Palace; the University of York; the Palace of
Westminster; the Science Museum; the Open University
2.4. Cac quy lu$t d$c biet vh cac ngoai Ie
a. Khdng dung the trudc mdt s6 danh tit chi noi chd'n nhu: hospital, church,
prison, school, college, university khi dl cap dd'n kMi nidm tdng quat hoSc muc
dich sir dung chfnh cua nhirng noi nay.
The injured were taken to hospital. They are still in hospital now.
( Nhtfng ngudi bi thucmg duqc dua tdi benh vien. Hien gid ho vdn dang
nam vien.) -> as patients
Mrs Kelly goes to church every Sunday.
(Chu nhat nao ba Kelly cung di li.) -> as a Christian

School is over at half past three.
(Tru&ng tan luc 3 gidrudi.) -» [= school activities]
Dhng the khi nhirng noi nay duqc d£ cap d6n nhu m6t noi chtfn cu thd.

Jane has gone to the hospital to visit Tom. She is at the hospital now.

(Jane den benh vien tham Tom. Hien gid c6 ay dang d benh vien.) » as a
I went to the church to see the stained glass windows.
(Tdi den nha thd de xem nhitng 6 cua sS klnh mdu.) -» as a visitor
The school is a mile from here.

(Trudng hoc each day mdt dam.) [= school building]

Luu y: trong ti£ng Anh cua ngudi My, the luOn duqc dhng trudc hospotal.
He spent a week in the hospital with food poisoning.

(Anh ay da phai nam vien mdt tuan vi ngd ddc thuc pham.)
b. KhOng dhng the trudc c3c danh th bed, home, work, sea, town

•Bed: in bed, go to bed (to rest or sleep), get out of bed (= get up)
It’s midnight - Why aren’t you in bed?

(Da nica dem rdi - sao anh khdng di ngu?)

But: I sat down on the bed.

(Tdi ngdi tren giudng.) [mdt d6 vat cu th£]

•home: at home, go home, come home, leave home
Will you be at home tomorrow afternoon?
(Chieu mai anh co nha khdng?)
•work: at work, go to work, leave work, finish work
Ann didn’t go to work yesterday.
(Horn qua Ann khdng di lam.)
•sea: at sea (= in a boat or ship on the sea), go to sea (as a sailor)
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Keith is a sailor. He spends months at sea.
(Keith Id thuy thu. Anh ay a Iren bien hang thdng trci.)
But: We’re renting a house by the sea.
(Chung tdi se di thue mdt ngdi nhd gdn bien.) [m6t ncfi chtfn cu th£]
•town: in town, go into town, leave town, out of town
We’re going into town this afternoon.
(Chiiu nay chung ta si vdo thi trdn.)
c. Mao tit thucmg kh6ng duoc dhng v6i cdc tCr hodc cum tCr chi thhi gian.
See you on Thursday.
(Gap ban vdo thu: Nam nhe.)

I start the course in September.
(Tdi se bat dau khoa hoc vdo thdng chin.)
My country is lovely in (the) spring.
(Vdo mda xuan que tdi rat dep.)

Mao th duoc dhng khi n6i vi nghy, thdng,... cu th£ nho d6 (duoc xdc dinh

bang tfnh th dung trudc hoac cum th/m£nh d& theo sau.)
We met on a wet Monday evening.
(Chung tdi da gdp nhau vdo mdt chiiu mua thvtHai.)
It was the January after we went to Greek.
(Do la thdng gieng sau khi chung tdi di Hy Lap.)

I worked very hard in the summer that year.

(Mda hi nam do tdi da lam viec rat vat vd.)
Liru y; khi n6i chung mha (seasons) ta c6 \hi dhng hodc khGng dhng the,

nhung the lu6n duoc dhng trong cum tCr in the fall (US)
d. The + danh th s6 ft thucmg duoc dhng di n6i chung v& nhac khf, hoac v£

viec choi cdc nhac khf. Nhung trong ti£ng Anh cua nguhi My, ta c6 th£ dhng
hoac khdng dhng the.

Who’s that on (the) piano?

(Ngudti dang choi ducmg cam Id ai vdy?)

She studied (the) aboe and (the) saxophone at the Royal Academy of Music.
(Cd ay hoc ken d boa vd xac-xd 6 Hoc Vien Am Nhac Hoang Gia.)
e. Kh6ng dhng mao th trudc television khi n6i v£ truy£n hlnh nhu m6t hinh
thhc giai tri.
I often watch television after dinner.
(Sau bQa to'i tdi thic&ng xem truyen hinh.)
What’s on television tonight?
(Td'i nay truyen hinh cd chucmg trinh gi vay?)

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Mao tCr diroc ddng khi television c6 nghia la lmot chie'c may truyen hinh ’
Can you turn off the television, please?
(Lam cm tat dum tivi?)
f. Mao tCr thucfng dugc dting vdi raido, cinema v& theater.
I always listen to the radio/listen to the news on the radio while I’m
(T6i ludn nghe radio!nghe tin tuc tren radio trong khi lai xe.)
How often do you go to the cinema?
(Ban co thudng di xem phim khdng? )
g. Khdng dhng the trudc ten ri6ng d dang sd huu cdch.
The car was parked on front of Tim’s house.

(Chie'c 6 16 dau trudc nha Tim.)
[NOT the Timÿs house]
Nhung the c6 the dugc dilng trudc danh tir sd huu

The woman in red is the boss’s wife.

(Ngtfcri phu nit mac do do la vacua sep.)

1) Insert “a”, “an” or “the” where necessary.
friend of mine has two dogs and ... cat.

2. Put your bag in back of ... car.

3. Which is quickest way to Start Hotel?

4. It is pity that friends you spoke of have not come.

5. Would you like . cup of tea and cake?

6. It is better to tell
7. We had
. truth than to tell
dinner together at .

good restaurant yesterday.

8. Thames, Seine and . Rhine are famous rives.
9. mothers often tell small children stories before
10. I dislike. towns but I love countryside.
11. Where is ....hat that I bought yesterday?
12. Smith, .... man you met yesterday, is honest man.
13. cheese, butter, iron, and milk are all
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14. .
Alps are . .
15. He crossed
. . .
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highest mountains in
Atlantic in record time.

16. It’s....
17. Stay a
19. I had
hotel or
wool is one of
lunch with
hope springs eternal in
shame! There won’t be another train for at least hour.

......... ............ inn near

chief exports from
... old friend on

human breast.

21. What..
22. Out of
23. He collects .....
. sight, out of
rain hasn’t stopped all
starns and .

. lucky mouse

24. cat caught mouse yesterday but
25. I like .... lot of milk in my tea, and few lumps of

26. He came to see me last week and said it was last opportunity he

would have.
27. In last week of year we had .. lot of snow.
28. nature is more wonderful than works of man.
29. He works all day and very day from morning till late at

. . . . . . . . .. . . . . .
.... bread and

30. He asked for butter: loaf of

former and . pound of latter.
31. He works hard by day and sleeps soundly at night.

32. He won prize of hundred pounds and spent it all in


33. He became .... soilder and proved to be good soilder.

34. life is ....
education in itself.

35. He is man for job! None other can do it so well.

2) Choose the best answer

1. (A language/Language) in unique to humans.

2. We are looking for people with {an experience/experience).
3. To press clothes you need {an iron!iron).
4. (A play/Play) is more natural for children than adults.
5. He kept his money in {a tin/tin) under the bed.
6. She has been looking for {a work/work) for ages.
7. (A charity/Charity) begins at home.
8. In her youth she was {a beauty!beauty).
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9. You should study (a law!law) at university.
10. Everybody called for him to make ( a speech!speech).
3) Combine the phrases from the two groups to make complete sentences.
Use the definite article the when necessary.
1) The Pope lives in ... a) ___ Alps.
2) The American President lives in ... b) China Sea.
3) Mrs Smith lives in ... c) _ Buckingham Palace.
4) Nobody lives in ... d) _ Vatican.
5) We sailed across ... e) _ White House.
6) We flew over ... f) _ Piccadilly Circus.
7) We saw the snow on ... g) _ Eiffel Tower.

8) We climbed ... h) _ Lake Ontario
9) The Queen lives in ... i) _ George Street.
10) We can meet at ... j) _ Taj Mahal.

4) Put in the where necessary. If you don’t need the, leave an empty space.

_......... h.
1. I haven’t been to t]je cinema gor ages.
2. I lay down on _ ground and looked up at_ sky.
3. She spends most of her free time watching television.
4. _ television was on but nobody was watching it.
5. Have you had dinner yet?

6. Mary and I arrived at same time.

7. You’ll find information you need at _ top of _ page 15.
8. Peru is a country in the South American. _ capital is Lima.
_ _

9. What is
10. The man is in _
longest river in world?
prison. He went to _ prison two years ago. His

wife goes to prison to visit him every month.

. . . . .........
.. . . . . . . . .
5) Put in a! an or the

(1) man walked into (2) .... bank in America and handed (3)
note to one of the cashiers, (4) .... young woman. (5) wonman read (6)

note, which told her to give (7) man some money. Afraid that he
might have (8) gun, she followed (9) instrution. (10) man the
walked out of (11) building, leaving (12) note behin. However, it

was not (13)

arrested (16)
written (18) . . . . . . . . .
successful crime.
man had no time to spent (15) .

same day. He had made (17)
note on (19)
other side of (22)
back of (20)
envelope were (23)
money because he was
. stupid mistake. He had
envelope. On (21)
man’s name and
address. This information was quite enough for (24) .... police to get him.
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6) Complete the sentence. Use in, at or to and these words: bed, church,
home, college, factory, hospital, library, prison, shop, town, work, school,
sea, cinema, pub. Decide if you need the.
1. This sweater was cheap. I bought it at the shop by the railway station.
2. We’ll eat out tonight. I’ll meet you . later.

3. The weather was awful. We stayed all weekend.
4. Melanie had an early night last night. She was at ten.
5. Bill was injured in the accident and now he’s , We’re going

to visit him tomorrow.

6. In Britain, children from the age of five have to go
. every Sunday.

7. Vicky’s parents are religious. They go
8. Laura doesn’t like her job. She just goes to earn some money.
9. I’ve read these books. I’m taking them back
10. The man who did the robbery is no longer He was let out

last month.

11. If you want to get a degree, you normally have to study
12. It’s very quiet when they’ve turned all the machines off.
13. Let’s go for a drink.
14. Tom is a sailor. He spends most of his life
15. Melissa is a popular actress. When she was a child, her greatest pleasure

was going
7) Choose the correct from, with or without the.

l.A: Did you see football/ the football on television/ the television last

B: No, I hate football/ the football. I was listening to news/ the news
on radio/ the radio.

2. A: Do your family have a dog?

B: No, I’m afraid of does/ the does. I didn’t like does/ the dogs that

are running aroud on the street.

3. A: You know that cars/ the cars cause pollution/ the pollution, don’t you?
B: Yes, but cars/ the cars these days are cleaner than they used to be. Isn’t
it aeroplanes/ the aeroplanes that are mainly responsible for pollution/
the pollution of atmosphere/ the atmosphere?
4. A: I’ve put some bread out in the garden for birds/ the birds.
B: you like birds/ the birds, don’t you?
A: Yes. I love wildlife/ the wildlife.
5. A: Do you play sports/ the sports?
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B: Yes, my favorite sports is basketball/ the basketball. I also like skiing/
the skiing but I’m not very good at it.
6. A: What’s the noise?
B: My sister is listening to music/ the music. Music/ The music is too
loud, isn’t it?
7. A: What did you have for breakfast/ the breakfast?
B: Nothing. I never eat breakfast/ the breakfast.
8. A: Will you be in American for Thanksgiving/ the Thanksgiving?
B: Oh, no. That’s in November/ the November, isn’t it? I’m often
very busy at that time, but I’ll be back at Christmas/ the Christmas.

9. A: Do you think rick/ the rick should pay more taxes to help poor/
the poor?
B: That’s right. And one of our biggest social problems is unempoyment/
the unempoyment.

10. A: You’re always reading books about history/ the history, aren’t you?

B: It was my favorite subject. Do you know anything about history/
the history of this area?
A: No, but if you like looking round museums/ the museums and
old buildings / the old buildings, we could find out it together.
11. A: Can you play guitar/ the guitar?

B: Just a little. But piano/ the piano is my favorite instrument.

12. A: Do you know who invented telescope/ the telescope?
B: Yes, Galileo developed telescope/ the telescope for use in astronomy/

the astronomy.

8) Complete these sentences. Put in the words and decide if you need the.
1. Have you ever been to
.(British Museum)?


2. The train to Paris leaves from (Waterloo Station).

3. You can take a trip by boat along (Thames).

4. .(Grand Hotel) is in . (Baker Street).

5. If you are looking for a good clothes shop, I would recommend


6. The serpentine is a lake in
7. John works for
(Hyde Park).
(IBM) now. He used to work for
(British Telecom).
8. From there you get a view of _ (Houses of Parliament).
9. The Queen lives at _ .(Buckingham Palace).
10. .(Everest) is the highest mountain in the world.
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11. We’ve just been to .(States) - to _ .(New York).
12. .(Statue of Liberty) is at the entrance to
(New York harbour).
13. Earl’s Court is in _ .(West London).
_ _
14. Frank is a student at (Cambridge University).
_ _
15. We spent a day in
we walked along _ _( Broadway) and around _
(Metropolitan Museum of Art). And

(Macy’s department store).

9) Fill in the blanks with a, an, or the, or if no article is necessary. Give all

(1). People from (2) cultures find some of (3) different
customs of (4) U.S. difficult to get used to. (5) Japanese students
frequently say that (6) Americans are much more physical than they
would like. They feel uncomfortable when they get (7) amiable hug or

even just (8) pat on (9) back. English visitiors complain about (10)
_ excessive friendliness of (11) _
Americans. They recount tales of (12)
_ _ gas station clerk striking up (14)_
parking lot attendants or (13)
conversation with them about (15) longg lost ancestors from (16) _
“motherland”. However, (17) _ friendliness and physical affection are part
American profile, even if they are hard for some to adjust to. (19)
of (18)
being aware of (20) differences such as these can only help us all to

get along better.

_ __
10) Fill in the blanks with a, an, the only when it is neccessary.

lonely hillside on (3)

__ _
Yesterday (1) light aircraft crashed into (2)

border between Italy and Yugoslavia. (4)

_ _
pilot and (5) two

passengers were killed when (6) plane came down in (7) thick fog.
So far, (8)_ passengers have not been identified. (9) pilot, Sir Antonio
Ferrara was (10) prominent Milan industrialist. (11) _ countiyside

_ _
around (12) crash site is hilly and (13)
difficulty in locating (14) _ _
aircraft. (15)
rescue team from Venice had
plane was found by (16)

_ local hunters and their dogs. Several bags containing millions of dollars in
used banknotes were found beisde (17) plane. (18) police are

. .

. .
11) Add articles where neccessary.

........ . .. .. .. .

What’s (1)
Great Britain - that is (7) . . . . ........
difference between (12)

United Kingdom brings together (5)

Britain and (3)

three countries that form

England, (8) Scotland and (9)

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......... . . . . ........
. . . . . . .
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. . . . ........
Wales - with (10) Northern Ireland.
I know what (11) UN, (12) EC and (13) OPEC are, but what
do (14) initials stand for?
(15) UN is (16) United Nations, (17) EC is (18)
European Community and (19) OPEC is (20) Organisation of
Petroleum Exporting Countries.
12) Choose the correct answer.
1. John is . university student.
A. some B. any C. a D. an
2. I have been waiting for hour and a half.

A. the B. a C. an D. 0
3. John Smith is honest man.
A. one B. an C. the D. a
4. My father told me he was soon going to visit

A. the United State B. the United States

C. United states

snow that covers
D. United state
top of mountain is beautiful sight.
A. the / the / the B. 0 / the / the / a
C. the / the / the /a D. 0 / 0 / the / the
6. My uncle is principal of Khai Tri High School.

A. a B. an C. the D. 0
He has to work ten hours . . .

7. day.

A. another B. a C. the D. an
8. “Do you think Lesson 10 is most difficult Lesson?” - “Yes. But
it isn’t .

most difficult lesson in Book Two, isn’t it?”

A. a / a B. a / the C. the / the D. the / a
professor and ....

9. writer is to attend the meeting.

A. A/ a B. the / the C.the/0 D.0/0

10. He is of our school.

A. a teacher B. the teacher C. teacher D. only teacher
11. Mr Smith gives lesson in
A. compositions B. a composition
C. composition
12. The guard caught the thief by
A. an B. a C.0
D. the composition
D. the
13. Thousand of people fought bravely in
A. the World War II B. World War U
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The teacher entered the classrom,
A. a/a
Da Nang is
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C. World War then D. second World War II

G 0/a
book in

third biggest city in Vietnam.


A. a B. the C. 0 D. one
16. “’’Have you seen pen? I left it here this morning.” - “Is it
black one? I saw it somewhere.”
A. a / the B. the / the C a/a D. the / a
17. Biology is
A. science of life B. science of the life

C. the science of the life D. the science of life
18. She has girl girl is very clever.
A. a / the B. the / a Ca/a D. 0 / the

19. The old scientist was looked upon as Einstein in his research field.
A. a B. an C. the D. one
A. a h.
We had never thought that she turned
B. the C. one
21. Do you often listen to .... Radio or watch TV?
A. the / the B. 0 / the C.0/0 D. the / 0

22. “What did Tom do?” - “He turned on M

A. television B. the television C. a television setD. radio


He is last one to come and first one to leave.

A. the / the B. a / 0 C. an / a D. the / a

24. Smith are all fond drawing.

A. a B. the C. 0 D. 0 / the
25. Usually we have breakfast at home, but they gave us

Good breakfast at the restaurant yesterday.


A. 0 / a B.0/0 C. the / the D. 0 / the


We go to

A. the / a
He stands up for
town four times
B. 0 / a
D. 0 / the

. . . . . .......
A. the B. an C. 0 D. a
28. Is Mississippi the longest river in world?
A. the / the B. 0 / the Ga/a D. a / the
29. Philippine Island are to south-east of Vietnam.
A. the / a B. a / the G the/the D.0/0
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30. “Can you tell me what for” - “father” is?” - “I’m sorry, I don’t
A. Russian / Russian B. the Russian / the Russian
C. the Russian / Russian D. Russian / the Russian
31. Times is read all over the world.
A. a B. the C. 0 D. an
32. My sister is fond of
A. the / the B. 0 / the
.....Music. She is learning
C. the/0 D. 0/0

33. They will arrive here on . New Year’s Day.
A. the B. a C.0 D. an
The building was complete in ..

.......... ..........
34. September of 1956, not in
October, 1955.
A. 0 / the B. the / the C.0/0 D. the/0

35. is the official residence of President of the U.S.A.

36. ..........
A. White House / 0
C. White House / the
Thames is one of
A. the / the/0
B. The White House / 0
D. the White House / the
Longest rivers in
B. 0 / the / 0

C. the / the / the
I don’t like to be led by ...... D. 0 / the / the

A. 0 B. a C. the D. one

Do you know that
by Atlantic Ocean?
Europe and . America are separated

A. a / an / the B. an / a / 0 C. 0 / 0 / the D.0/0/0

39. Is my native language, but for Jim is hard to leam.

A. the Vietnamese / the Vietnamese language

B. the Vietnamese/ Vietnamese language

C. Vietnamese / Vietnamese language

D. Vietnamese / the Vietnamese language

40. Mary likes to play . Guitar, but her brother prefers to play

Chess and . football.
A. the / 0 / the B. 0 / the / 0


C. the / 0 / 0
book on that shelf is . .
A. a / an / the B. the / the/0
I hope you have .
I’m not going for

lovely time and .....

interesting one about history.
C. the / an / 0 D. the / an / the
good weather. But
. holiday. I’m going to London on
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A. a / / a / 0 B. 0 / an / a / the C.a/a/0/0 D.0/0/ a/a
43. Tom is not quite as his sister.
A. good as a student B. as good a student
C. as a good student D. an a good student
44. They came by sea and had a lovely journey on Queen
Elizabeth n.
A. 0 / the B. the / 0 C. 0 / 0 D. the / the
45. It is pleasant to play .... game of ... tennis on .
summer afternoon.
A. a / 0 / the B. the / the / the C. a / the / a D. 0 / the / 0
46. John spent only on his homework.

A. a half hour B. half a hour C. half an hour D. both A and C
47. He’s turned cruel robber. He is danger to

A. 0 / a / 0 B. 0 / 0 / the C.a/a/0 D.0/ the/the
48. She makes
A. the / the
living by teaching
B. a / a

... C.a/0

..... D.0 /the

49. I know he lives in Room 401 as I went to see him other day.

A. a B. the
They have sent Bob to
C. one
prison for hitting
policeman on

head. I’ll go to ... prison tomorrow to bring him some clothes.

A. 0 / a / his / 0 B. a / a / the / 0
C. the /the/ 0 /the D. 0 / a / the / the

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Chitong 11

I. THI HE&N TAI DON (The Present Simple Tense)

1. Cau true (Form)
a. Thd khang dinh (Affirmative form)
I/We/You/They + verb (bare-inf.)
He/ She/ It + verb si es -

- D0ng ti1 chia b hifcn tai (V, - bare-infinitive)
- NgOi thut ba stf it, ddng tir them -s hoac -es (them -es sau cac ddng tCr tan
cimg la o, s, x, z, ch, sh.).

I usually get up at about six o'clock.

Toi thuemg thuc day vao 6 gid sang.
The football season usually starts in August.
Mila bong da thuemg bdl ddu vao thang 8
b. Thd phu dinh (Negative form)
- D6i vdi ddng til be (amJ is/ are), them not sau be.

Rut gon: am not 'm not; is not = isn't; are not = aren’t.
He is not/ isn't a student.
(Anh ta khdng phai la hoc sink)

- D6i vdi ddng tir thuemg, dhng tro ddng til do! does.

He/ She/ it _
I/You/ We/ They + do not + verb (bare-inf.)
+ does not + verb (bare-inf.)

Riitgon: do not —» don't does not —> doesn’t

Ex: We don't live far away.

(Chung tdi sd'ng khdng xa day lam).

c. Thd nghi vdn (Interrogative form)
- D<5i vdi ddng tir be, dem be ra ddu cau.
Are you a student?
(Ban cd phai la hoc sinh khdng?)
- Ddi vdi ddng tir thudng, dilng Do/ Does b ddu cau.

Do + I/you/we/they + verb (bare-inf.) ?

Does + he/ she/ it + verb (bare-inf.) ?
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Do you live here?
(Anh sd'ngdday a?)
2. C3ch dilng (Use)
Thi hi6n tai don duoc dilng di diSn ta:
a. H&nh dOng lap di lap lai theo thdi quen, phong tuc va kh& nang:
Dorothy "sually goes to the cinema on Sundays
{Dorothy thtfdng di xem chieu bong vao nhitng ngay chu nhat)
The Thai people eat rice.
(Ngtfdi Thai Lan an corn)
He speaks English very well.

(Cau ay noi tiihg Anh rat gioi)
Cÿch dilng nky thubng duoc dilng vdi cic trang tir hoac cum trang tir chi tÿn
su£t nhu:
every day/week/month (mSi ngay/ tuan, thdng) always (ludn ludn)

every other day (ngay each ngay) often (thtfdng)

occasionally (ithink thoang)
every now and then (thinh thoang)
usually (thtfdng thtfdng)
seldom (it khi)
from time to time (thinh thoang) never (khdng bao gid)
once a week (mSi tuan mdt lan)
twice a year (mSi nam hai lan)....

b. Nhan thurc, cam giac, tinh trang xay ra ldc dang n6i.
How many planes do you see?

(Anh thay bao nhieu may bay?)

I see four.

(Toi thay bd'n chiec)

Mary doesn't like music

(Mary khdg thich nhac)

C4ch dilng nay thiremg ip dung cho cac dOng tir lien quan 66h nh$n thurc tinh

cam hoac tinh thdn nhu:

to know (biet) to doubt (nghi ngd) to seem (dtfdng nhtf)
to understand (hieu) to hope (hi vong) to look (trdng nhtf)
to suppose (cho rang) to remember (nhd) to appear (hinh nhtf)
to wonder (tu hoi) to forget (quen) to love (yeu thich)
to consider (xem xet) to recognize (nhdn ra) to like (thich)
to believe (tin) to worship (thd cung) to dislike (ghet)
to think (cho la) to contain (chura dimg) to hate (ghet)

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c. Chan ly hoac su kien dung mOt cdch hi&i nhien:
The earth goes_round the sun.
(Trdi ddt quay quanh mat tr&i)
Children need love and affection.
(Tre con can tinh thucmg yeu)
d. Hanh ddng se xay ra trong tuong lai.
each dilng nay thuang ap dung cho nhung dCng tit chi sir di chuydn (leave,
go, walk, arrive...) khi noi thori gian di lai, lich tau chay, may bay cdt ednh.... va
thudrng dilng k&m vdi mdt trang tit chi thdi gian tuomg lai.

Past Future
(Now) I
I leave by the 6.35 train this evening.
(Tdi se ra di bang chuye'n tau 6g35 toi nay)

When does the plane arrive?
(Khi nao may bay den)

n. THI HI$N TAI Tl£p Dlfi\ (The Present Progressive Tense)
1. C&u true (Form)
a. Th4 khing dinh (Affirmative form)

I + am
He/She/It + is + verb-ing
We/You/They + are

b. Th£ phu dinh (Negative form)


Subject + am/ isI are + not + verb-ing

The children aren’t playing in the yard at the moment.

(Vdo luc nay bon tre khdng chcri trong san)

c. Thd nghi van (Interrogative form)

Am/Is/Are + subject + verb-ing?

What is he doing? (Anh ay dang lam gi vay?)
2. Cach dilng (Use)
Thi hidn tai tie'p di£n diroc dung d£ didn ta:
a. Hanh dOng dang thuc su di£n ra ngay tai thefi di&n n6i.
John is watahing television now.
(John dang xem truyen hinh )
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Mary is practising the piano.
(Mary dang tap chtri ducfng cam)
Cach dilng ndy thucmg k£t hop v6i cdc trang tit: now, at present, at the moment
(hifen nay)....
b. Hdnh d6ng n6i chung dang difin ra nhung khOng nhdt thidt phdi dang that su
di£n ra ngay tai thin di£m n6i:

Past Future
(Now) |
D6'i thoai giua hai nguifi ban gap nhau trftn duimg.
What are you doing now?

(Bay gidban dang lam gi?)
I am working for an import-export company.
(T6i dang lam viec cho mdt cdng ty xudt nhap khau)

Are you still having difficulty with English?

(Anh van cdn gap kho khan trong viec hoc tieng Anh a?)
Yes, I am having a lot of trouble this semester.
(vang tdi dang dang nhiiu trdngai trong hoc ky nay)
Cdch dilng ndy thuimg k£t hop vdi ede trang tir nhu: now, today, this week, this
term, this year...

c. Hdnh d6ng xay ra trong tticmg lai gdn (a near future action), thuimg duoc
dilng vdi cdc dOng til chi su di dOng nhu: go, come, leave...
Cdch dilng ndy thudng phai k£t hop vdi m6t trang tir chi thin gian vd thucmg

dien ta m6t su sap x£p trong tuong lai da duoc du dinh trude, vi n£u khOng c6
trang til chi tuong lai, nguifi nghe thuimg dl hidu nhdm Id hdnh ddng dang xay ra.

Past Future


We are going to Hanoi next week.

(Chung tdi sdp di Ha N6i tudn tdi)
They are going to the movies tonight.
(Ho se di xem chieu bong tdi nay)
John is coming here next week and is staying here until August.
(John se den day tudn tdi vd se d lai day cho den thang tarn)
d. Thi hidn tai ti£p di£n con duoc dilng d6 di£n td mdt hdnh dOng c6 tmh chdt
tarn thin, khdng thuimg xuyfin.

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I often go to school by bike, but this week my bike breaks down so I am
walking to school.
(Tdi thudng di hoc bang xe dap, nhung twin nay xe dap cua tdi bi hong nen
tdi di bi5 den tru&ng.)
Jane is working at a sports shop for six weeks.
(Jane lam viec d cua hang ban dd the thao trong 5 twin )
e. Thi hifin tai ti£p didn co th£ dugc dung d£ di6n ta hÿnh d6ng lap di lap lai gay
ndn sir buc minh hay kho chiu cho ngudi noi. each dung nay k£t hop vdi cac trang
tur nhu: always, constantly, continually..., tirong ducmg vdi ti£ng VI£t “eft .... mai”.
He is always leaving cigarette-ends on the floor.
(Anh ta cut vdi tan thuoc la tren san nhd mai).

She is constantly complaining that her bicycle is old.
(Chi ay cii mai phan nan ring xe dap chi ay cu)
Khi dugc dung vdi ngdi thft iMt, each dung nay thudng chi mdt hanh ddng xay

ra vi tinh cd.
I'm always doing that.
(Tdi lai lam dieu ay)
1. Khi dflng til tan ding bang mOt e, ta phai bo e trade khi them -ing:
love - loving write - writing

take - taking hate - hating

Nhung n£u ddng tir tan ciing bang ee, ta v&n giu nguydn chung:
free - freeing see - seeing

2. Khi ddng tir mdt am tiet c<5 tan ciing bang mOt phu am (trir h, w, x, y), di
trude la m6t nguydn am, ta gap ddi phu am cud'i tru6c khi them -ing.

stop - stopping run - running


fix - fixing ; play - playing (vi x, y 6 cutfi)

greet - greeting (di truoc bang hai nguyen dm)

work - working ( tan ciing bang hai phu dm)

Quy luat nÿy cung dugc ap dung cho ddng tir hai am tiet midn la dau nhah
nam trdn am titft cudl cung:
begin - beginning prdfer - preferring
Nhung : suffer - suffering (vl d£u nh&i 6 am ti£t d£u)
Cac ddng tir tan cung bang “1” thudng dugc gap ddi (Mi: khdng gap d6i)
travel - travelling signal - signalling
3. Mdt vai trudng hgp c£n phai hoc thude long:
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die - dying lie - lying
tie - tying (hoSc tieing)
4. Cdc ddng ttr sau day phai them mbt k trade khi them -ing:
traffic - trafficking panic - panicking mimic - mimicking


(Verbs without Continuous Forms)
1. Dong tir to be (khi chi m6t trang Mi)
He is very witty.
(Cqu ay rat lanh le sang da)

That is a naughty child.
(Do la mdt dtia tre hudon)
Nhimg khi mang <j nghla khac, tobe vin dupe dhng vdi hlnh thtic tie'p dien:
He is being very witty. [= He's speaking in a witty manner]

That child is being naughty. [= He is behaving naughtily]

2. Dong ttr to have (khi chi su sd huu)
He has a book and two pencils.
Nhung: He's having a bath/a fever/a smoke...
[Have 6 day khfing c6 nghla c6 chi su sd huu; nghla cua nd thy
thude v&o danh tir theo sau]

3. Nhufng ddng tir chi ve cam gidc: to see, to hear, to feel, to taste (co vi), to
smell (co mui).
I don’t see anything there.

(T6i khdng thay cai gi a day cd)


It smells wonderful.
(N6 co mili tuyet vdi)
Nhung khi mang <j nghla kMc, c£c d6ng tir trfin v&n dupe dhng 6 hlnh thurc ti£p


I'm seeing her tomorrow. [= meeting]

They are seeing their friends off at the station.
[=saying good-bye to]
Mike is seeing her home. [= going with]
Mary is smelling the new perfumes.
(Mary dang ngui cac loai ntfcfc hoa men)
Cac d6ng tir look (nhm), listen (lang nghe) v&n dupe dhng 6 hlnh thurc titfp

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4. Mot sd dong tir lien quan den hoat dong nh£n thurc va tmh cam:
understand, know, like, want, glance, feel, think, smell, love, hate, realize, seem,
remember, forget, own belong, have,...
I’m thinking about the present I'll give her.
(T6i dang suy tmh ve mon qua se tang cd ay)

5. Mot so dong tir khac nhu:

To suit (thfch hop, vtira):
Black suits you very well.
(mau den rat thich hap vai anh)
to contain/to hold (chtfa dung):

This case contains/holds 20 cigarettes.
(Cai hdp nay chua 20 dieu thuoc)
to consist of (g6m co)
Water consists of two parts of hydrogen to one part of oxygen.

(Nude gSm hai phan hi-dr6 va mdt phan dxi)

to seem/to appear (c6 ve):
He seems/appears to be excited.
(Trdng anh ay co ve hSi hdp)
in. THl HI$N TAI HOAN THANH (The Present Perfect Tense)

1. Cÿu true (Form)

a. The khang dinh (Affirmative form)
II You/ We/ They + have

+ past participle
He/ She/ It + has

Rut gon: V you/ we/ they've He/ she/ it's

I have broken my leg./ I've broken my leg.

(T6i bi gay chan).

b. Thd phu dinh (Negative form)

Subject + have/ has + not + past participle

Rut gon: have not -> haven't has not -» hasn't
John hasn't finished his report yet.
(John chua lam xong ban bao cao cua minh.)
c. Thd nghi v£n (Interrogative form)
Have/ Has + subject + past participle?
Have you seen Jane recently?
(Gan day ban co gap Jane khdng?)
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Liru y: Cach chia ddng til d qua khu: phan til (past participle)
- Ddng til c6 quy tie (regular verbs): them -ed vao sau dOng tir nguydn thd.
finish -> finished —
work > worked
- Ddng til bat quy t&c (irregular verbs): ddng til & cdt 3 (V3- past participle)
trong bang ddng tir bdt quy tSc.

see > seen; —
go > gone
2. Cach dilng (Use)
Thi hidn tai hoÿn thkih duqc dilng d£ didn ta:
a. Hanh ddng da xay ra trong qua khur nhung kdt qua cua n6 v£n con trong hidn

Tom has had a bad car crash.
(Tom da bi tai nan 6 td nghiem trong.)
[ndn bay gid anh £y dang nam vidn]
I have washed the car.

(Toi da rda xe). [ndn trdng chide xe rSt sach]

Where's your keys? ~I don't know. I've lost it.
(Chia khda cua ban dau?- T6i khdng biet. Tdi da ddnh mat no)
[ndn bay gift tdi khdng c6 chia khda]
- Ndu khdng edn kdt qua b hidn tai, ta dilng thi qua khur don (past simple).
Tom had a bad car crash.

(Tom bi tai nan 6 td nghiem trong)

[nhung hidn tai gift anh dy da ra vidn]

I washed the car.

(T6i da riCa xe.) [nhung gid chide xe lai bi bdn]
b. Hanh ddng da xay ra trong qua khu: khi chung ta khdng bidt ro hoac khdng

mudn dd cap ddn thdi gian chinh xac md hanh ddng da xay ra.
They have visited London.

(Ho dd di thdm London)

- Ndu mudn dd cap ddn thdi gian cua hanh ddng, ta phdi dilng thi qua khu: don

(past simple).
They visited London last year.
Dilng qua khti don vl c6 last year.
c. Hanh ddng da xay ra trong qua khu* va hanh ddng nay c6 thd edn duoe lap lai
trong hidn tai hoac tuong lai.
I have seen the play Romeo and Juliet at least three time.
(Tdi dd xem vdkich Romeo va Juliet it nhat 3 Ian rSi)
They have never met John.
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(Ho chita bao gid gap John cd)
- N6u hanh d6ng da xay ra nhidu l£n trong qua lchuf nhung khdng cbn c6 th£ lap
lai duoc nQa trong tirong lai, ta phai dilng thl Qua khtr Don.
The Chinese invented printing.
(Ngudi Trung Hoa da phat minh thuat in)
Shakespeare wrote many plays.
(Shakespeare da viet nhieu vdkich.)
d. Hanh dOng bat ddu trong qua khu, keo dai d£n hi6n va co kha nang ti£p tuc a
tuong lai. Cach dilng nay thirdng k£t hop vbi cac trang tit up to now; up to present;
sofar va cac gicti tit for, since.
Up to the present, we have done every exercise in this book.

(Cho den bay gid, chung tdi da lam moi bdi tap trong sach nay)
We have lived in this city for ten years.
(Chung toi da sd'ng dthanh phd nay duac mudi nam rdi)

- N£u hanh ddng xay ra trong mCt khoang thbi gian va da chain dirt trong qua

khu:, ta phai dilng thl qua khir don.
She worked in that factory for three years.
(Cota da 1dm viec trong nha may do ba nam)
-> gict cd ay khdng cbn lam vide cr do nua.
I was in hospital for three weeks.

(T6i da nam vien ba tuan) > gib tdi da ra vidn.
e. Thl hidn tai hoan thanh thubng ducrc dung dd thdng bao tin mod hoac loan
bao mdt su vide vita mdi xay ra.

Ow! I’ve cut my finger.

(Oi tdi bi did toy rdi)

The road is closed. There has been an accident.

(Dudng da bi chan. Co tai nan xay ra)

Nhung ndu chung ta tid'p tuc n6i mdt edeh chi ti£t thl ta dilng thl qua khu: don
(past simple tense).

A: Ow! I've burnt myself. (6i! Tdi bi did tay rdi)

B: How did you do that? (Lam sao ma bi phong vay?)
A: I picked up a hot dish. (T6i bung dia thiic an nong)
f. Hanh ddng trong cac cdu hoi vbi yet vh before (“da.... chua?”)
Have you found a job yet?
Anh da. tim duac viec lam chua?
Trong cac cdu hoi nhy yet co thd bo di.
Have you met John?
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(Anh da gap John chiia?)
Have thev ever been to Moscow before?
(Ho da tdng den Moscow bao gid chua?)
Yes, they have been there several times.
(Vang, ho da den day nhieu Idn rdi)
g. H&nh ddng trong cic cau tii lbi khang dinh vdri already (“da....r6i”) va phu
dinh vbi not....yet (“da... chua”)
We've seen that film already.
(Chung tdi da xem cud'n phim ay rdi)
I haven't seen her yet.

(T6i chiia gap cd ay)
h. Hanh ddng da bat d£u trong qua khb va vita chain dbt vao luc n6i. Cdch dbng
nay thubng dp dung vbi cic ddng tb b thd phu dinh:
I haven't seen you for ages.

(Lau lam rdi tdi khdng gdp anh)

[nhung bay gid dang gdp]
This room hasn't been cleaned for months.
(Ngudi ta da khdng lau quit phdng nay nhieu thang rdi)
[Nhung bay gib n6 dang duoe lau qubt]
3. Cac tur hoac cum tb thubng duoc dhng vbi thi hien tai hoan thbnh:

just, recently, latel : gan day, vita mbi

before : trubc day
already : rdi

ever : datbng
never : khdng bao gib, chua bao gib

for : trong khoang (dilng trubc danh tb chi mdt quang thbi
gian: for six days, for a year, for a long time,...)

since : tb khi (dbng trubc danh tb chi mdt dibm/mdc thbi

gian: since 1987, since January, since last year, since

eight o'clock,...)
yet : chua (dilng trong cau phu dinh va cau hoi)
so far = until now up to now = up to the present: cho d£n bay gib.
It's/ This is the first/ second time...: Day Id Ian ddullan thtihai...
Have you ever been to London?
(Anh da bao gid den London chua? )
I've never met him before.
(Trude day tdi chua tieng gap anh ta)

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I have already had breakfast. (Toi da an diem tarn rdi)
Susan hasn't finished the report yet.
(Susan chua lam xong ban bdo cao)
This is the first time we've been to Scotland.
(Day la Ian ddu tiin chung tdi den Scotland.)
Lull y: CAc trang tit nky chi dupe dilng kem vdi thi hien tai ho&n thÿnh trong
cdc cau don. D61 vdi cau c6 tit hai m6nh d& tro 16n hoSc trong m6t doan van thi
dOng tit phai dupe chia theo ngir canh chit khdng phu thuOc vao cac trang tit (xem
them o phln Sequence of Tenses)


o m
Khi c6 since dpng tit cua mfinh de chfnh thubng 6 thi Hien tai Hoan
thanh (m£nh d6 chfnh Ik mSnh de dupe in nghieng dudi day), c6n mfinh &6

phu c6 since di trade co th£ cr cic thi sau:
1. SINCE 4- Qua khur don:

h .
I’ve loved you since I was a child.
2. SINCE + Hien tai Hoan Thhnh:

deh hien tai:

a n
Khi ca hai h&nh d6ng a hai menh dd d£u dien ra song song tit qua khur

I've loved you since I've known you.

n g
(Anh da yeu em tit khi anh biet em)
3. SINCE + Hien tai hoan thiknh tiep dien:

it e
Khi ca hai hknh d6ng deu di6n ra song song tit qud khur vh kdo d&i den
hien tai, tfnh chtft k6o dM cua hÿnh ddng vdi since dupe nhah manh:
I've loved you a lot since I've been living with you.

(Titluc sd'ng v&i em, anh da v6 cung yeu em)


h i
Progressive Tense)
TAI HOAN THANH Tl£p Dlf:N (The Present Perfect

1. C£u true (Form)
a. The khSng dinh (Affirmative form)
I, We, You, They + have
+ been + verb-ing
He, She, It + has
It has been raining all day.
(Tred mua sud't ngay).
b. Thd phu dinh (Negative form)
Subject + have/ has + not + been + verb-ing

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Our team hasn't been doing very well lately.
(<Gan day ddi chung tdi chcti khdng tdi lam)
c. Th£ nghi v£n (Interrogative form)
Have/Has + subject + been + verb-ing?
Have you been waiting long?
{Ban dcti co lau khdng?)
2. C6ch dung (Use)
Thl hidn tai hoan thanh ti£p di£n dupe diing dd didn ta:
a. Hanh d6ng da bat (Mu trong qud khti va keo dai cho d£n hidn tai:

He has been living here for six weeks.
(Anh dy da sdng 6 day duqc sdu tudn rSi)
She has been sitting in that chair all afternoon.
(Cddy da ngdi tren ghesudt cd buSi chieu)

- Cdch dung nay thudng phai c6 cac cum tit chi thcri gian di k£m di cho th£y

tinh li£n tuc cua hanh ddng.
b. Hanh d0ng bat (Mu trong qua khur va vita m6i cham dut.
I've been swimming. That's why my hair is wet.
(Tdi da boti. Do la ly do tai sao toe tdi bi itat).
Why are your clothes so dirty? What have you been doing?

(Sao qudn do con lai ban thevay? Con da lam gl the?)

c. Hanh ddng xay ra lap di lap lai trong mdt khoang thdi gian tCr qua khur d£n
hi£n tai (thi hidn tai hoan thanh cung c6 th£ dupe dhng)

Sarah has been playing/ has played the piano since she was five.
(Sarah chcti dit&ng cam tit luc len ndm)

[Hi£n nay c6 ay v&n chcd]

Liru y:

- Khdng dhng thl hifin tai hoan thanh ti£p didn vdi cac ddng tir chi nhan thu*c, tri
gidc, s6 huu (xem cac ddng tir da ndu trong thl hidn tai ti£p di£n). V6i ede ddng tir

nay ta dimg thl hidn tai hoan thanh (present perfect).

I've known the secret for a long time.
(Tdi da biet bi mat dd tit lau)
[NOT I’ve been knowing the secret..,]
- Thi hidn tai hoan thanh ti6p di£n nhdn manh ban than hanh ddng; thi hidn tai
hoan thanh don nhdn manh su hoan thanh va k£t qua cf hi$n tai.
I've been learning irregular verbs all afternoon.
(Tdi hoc ddng tit bat quy tac sud't cd buSi chieu) -» nhdn manh hanh ddng.

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I’ve learnt all my irregular verbs.

(Tdi da hoc het tat ca cdc dong tit bat quy tac.) > nh&n manh su hoan ta't.
- DOng tCir live vk work co thd duoc dung vdi ca hai thi hidn tai hoan thanh don
va tid'p didn ma khdng c6 su khac nhau v6 nghia.
We have been living/ have lived here since 1992.
(Chung tdi da sd'ng a day tCcnam 1992.)
How long have you been working/ have you worked here?
(Anh da lam viec dday bao lau roi?)
Tuy nhidn, thi hidn tai hoan thanh don lu6n duoc dung vdi always.
We've always lived here.
(Chung tdi da ludn sd'ng dday)
[NOT We’ve always been living here]

o m
V. THi QUA KHtfDON (The Past Simple Tense)
1. Cfi'u true (Form)
. c
a. Th£ khang dinh (Affirmative form)

I/You/He/She/It/We/They + verb (past tense) h
I met him yesterday.
(Hdm qua tdi da gap anh ay)
b. Thd phu dinh (Negative form)
g a
- D<5i vdi ddng tir be (was/ were), th6m not sau be (was not = wasn't; were not =

it e
He wasn't present at class yesterday.
(Hdm qua anh ta da khdng di hoc)

- DOi vdi ddng tir thircmg, dilng tro ddng tir did.

Subject + did not/didn’t + verb (bare-inf)

I didn't watch TV last night.

(Td'i qua tdi khdng xem tivi)
c. Th4 nghi v£n (Interrogative form)
- Ddi vdi ddng tir be, dem be ra d&u cSu.
Was the train ten minutes late?
(Co phai xe Ida da mudn 10 phut khdng? )
- Ddi vdi ddng tir thuong, dat tro ddng tir Did 6 d£u cau.

Did + subject + verb (bare-inf.) ?

Did you see my son, Tom?
(Tom, anh co nhin thay con trai tdi khdng?)
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2. CAch dAng (Use)

Thl quA khA don dupe dung di di£n tA.
a. MOt hAnh d6ng da xAy ra vA chAm duft 6 mOt thfcti di£m xAc dinh trong quA
I met her yesterday.
Tdi da gdp cd ay tigay hdm qua
We learned Japanese last year.
Chung tdi da hoc tieng Nhat nam ngodi.
CAch dAng nAy thufrng diroc dAng vdi cAc trang tA hoAc cum trang tA chi then
gian quA khA: last week/ month/ year... (tuAn trade/ thAng trade/ nAm ngoAi....).

ago (cAch dAy). yesterday (h6m qua).
b. HAnh d6ng da xay ra sud't m6t quang thbi gian trong quA khA, nhirng nay da
hoAn toAn chAm dAt.
They lived with us for a year several years ago.

Ho da sd'ng veri chung tdi mdt nam nhiSu nam trtfdc day

During the spring vacation, the students went on a camping trip.
Trong Icy nghi mda xudn, cac hoc sinh da di cam trai.
c. Thl QuA khA don c6n dAng di di£n ta mdt loat hAnh ddng xay ra ki ti£p nhau
trong quA khA:
She drove into the car-park, got out of the car, closed all the windows,

locked the doors, and walked towards the cinema.

(C6 ay lai xe vdo chS ddu, bude ra ngodi xe, dong ede cica sS, khoa cica
chinh vd bude ve huefng rap chieu bong)

When he saw me he put the receiver down.

(Khi anh ay thdy tdi, anh ay ddt d'ng nghe xud'ng)

- CAch dAng nAy thuftng dupe sA dung khi thuAt lai cAc cAu chuyfcn trong quA

d. HAnh ddng theo th6i quen trong quA khA

While her husband was in the Amy, she wrote to him twice a week.

(Trong khi chdng chi ay 6 trong qudn ddi, chi viet thic cho anh ay mSi tuan
hai Idn)
Did he come to see you often?
(Anh dy cd din thdm chi thuefng xuyen khdng?
Yes, he came every week.
(Vang, anh dy den hang tuan)
- CAch dAng nAy thudng k£t hop vdi used to (da thuctag) dd chi mdt thoi quen
trong quA khA nay khdng con nua.

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When (I was) a boy, I used to go swimming in this river.
(Khi cdn nho, tdi thtfcmg di hai dsdng nay)

* HJtl V:


Nhu chung ta da bi£t, thi Qua khur don phai dupe dhng vdi mdt trang tir chi thei
gian qu£ khtf x£c dinh. Tuy nhidn, trong nhung trading hop sau day, thi qua khur
don khdng c£n cd trang tir chi then gian di kem:
1. Thdi gian cua hanh dong dupe hieu ngam tir mot dieu khde hoac tir kien
thurc lich suf:

- This time last year, I was in Paris.
- How curious! I was there too.
[Thdi gian cua c£u n6i thur hai dupe hidu ng£m tir cau thur nhÿt (last year)]

Lincoln freed the slaves in America.
(Lincoln da giai phong ede no le d My)

[Thdi gian cua hhnh d6ng (freed) dupe xac dinh nho kidri thurc lich sir]
2. Then gian cua hhnh ddng dupe hi£u ng&n thOng qua su d6 cap d£n noi ma
hhnh dpng ay da xay ra:
I ate spaghetti in Rome.
(Tdi da an man mi 6'ng 6 La Ma)

3. Khi thi hifcn tai hohn thanh da dupe sir dung trade:
James has been to Rome. He was received by several famous people.

( James da tiftig den La Ma. Anh da duac nhieu ngitdi nd’i tieng don tiep)
[Dhng was received mac du khdng cd trang tir chi thbi gian vi thi Hi£n tai

Hohn thanh (has been) da dupe su dung trong cau trude.]


1. Them -d vho sau c£c ddng tir tan cilng bang e hoac ee:
live - lived (sdng) agree - agreed (d6ng f)

2. Them -ed vho cac ddng tir c6n lai:

work - worked (lhm vide) learn - learned (hoc)
Tuy nhien, chung ta c£n chu nhu sau:
a) Ddi vdi ede ddng tur mdt v£n, tan cimg bang mdt nguyen am + phu am (trir
h, w, x, .y), chung ta phai gap ddi phu am trude khi them -ed.
fit - fitted (thich hap) stop - stopped ( ngung)
Nhung: stay - stayed (khdng gap ddi vi tan cilng bang y)
work - worked ( khdng gap ddi vi tan cung bang hai phu dm rk)
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heat - heated (khdng gap ddi di trade nd la hai nguyen dm ea)
b. D6'i vdi ddng tir hai am tidt c6 ddu nh&i trfin v£n cutfi cilng v& vdn nay co c£u
tao am nhu tnrdng hop (a) ndi trfin, chung ta cung phai gdp ddi phu am tnrdc khi
prefer - preferred (thick hem) permit - permitted (cho phep)
c. Ddng tCr tan cilng bang phu &m + y, chung ta ph£i ddi y thanh i trutfc khi
th6m -ed:
study - studied (hoc) -
try tried (cd'gang)
Dudi -ed cd ba each phat am: /d/, Af va /id/

fdj sau ede phu am huu thanh (voiced consonants): /b/t /g/, /m/, /n/, /]/, /v/, /z/,
/6/, /y, AI3/, /r)/, va tdt ca cac nguydn am (a, e, i, o, u)
tried, cleaned, robbed, clothed, failed, played, saved, used.
/t/ sau cac phu am vd thanh (unvoiced consonants): /0/, /p/, /f/, /s/, /J7, AJ7, M

stopped, passed, laughed, looked, watched, finished.

/idJ duoc phat am sau /d/ va /t/
ended, started, decided, invited
VI. THl QUA KHUTlfiP Dl£N (The Past progressive Tense)
1. Ca'u true (Form)

a. Thd khang dinh (Affirmative form)

1/ He/ She/ It + was
+ verb-ing
We/ You/ They + were

The children were playing football at that time.


(Luc d6 bon tre dang dd bdng)

b. Th£ phu dinh (Negative form)

Subject + was/ were + not + verb-ing


I waved to her but she wasn't looking

(Tdi vay cd cry nhitng cd dy khdng nhin thay)
c. Th£ nghi v£n (Interrogative form)
Was/Were + subject + verb-ing?
What were you doing at 10 o'clock last night?
(Luc 10 gidtd'i qua ban dang lam gi?
2. Cach dhng (Use)
Thi qua khir ti£p diSn duoc ditng d£ di£n ta:
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a. H&nh ddng dang xky ra tai mdt thfti di£m cu th£ nÿo dd trong qu£ khur.
I was listening to music at 7 o’clock last night
(Toi qua, luc 7 gid tdi dang nghe nhac.)
What were you doing at this time yesterday?
(Vao gid nay hdm qua ban dang lam gi? )
b. Hknh dOng da xay ra vk keo dki lien tuc trong mdt quang th5i a qud khir.
Yesterday, from six to seven o'clock, we were listening to an interesting
play on the radio.
(Horn qua, tit 6 den 7 gid, chung tdi da nghe mot vd kich hay tren may thu
All last week, they were staying with me.

(Sud't ca tudn qua, ho da a lai vdi tdi.)
c. Hai hay nhidu h&nh ddng xay ra chng mdt luc trong qu& khur.
Yesterday, we were listsening to an interesting play on the radio while

Mother was preparing dinner.

(Hdm qua, chung tdi nghe mdt vdkich hay tren may thu thanh trong khi me
chudn bi cam td'i.)
d. H&nh ddng dang xay ra vao mdt thdi di&n trong qu£ khir thl mdt h&nh ddng
qud khac xay d£n (dCing thl past progressive cho hanh ddng xay ra trong mdt thdd
gian dai va thl past simple cho h&nh ddng xay ra trong mdt thdi gian ngan). Cach .

dung nay thubng dupe dilng vdd cac lien tir When vd While.
When he postman came, I was having breakfast.
(Khi ngitdi dita thu den, tdi dang an diem tarn)

While I was working in the garden, I hurt my back.

(Tdi bi dau lung khi tdi dang lam viec trong vitdn.)

e. Hknh ddng lap di lap lai trong qua khur gay cho ngucri noi su buc mlnh, kho
chiu (a frequently repeated action in the past, which often annoys the speaker).

Cach dung nity thudng lien ket vdd 'always' va 'constantly', cd nghia “cu: .. ..mai”
He was always ringing me up.

(Anh ta citdien thoai cho tdi mai.)

Fortunately, he's been transferred to the other department. He was always
poking his nose into everybody else’s affairs.
(That may, anh ta da bi chuyen qua phdng khac rdi. Anh ta citludn luon xo
mui vao chuyen cua ngudi khac.)
Luru y: Khdng dilng thi qua khur tidp didn (past progresive) vdd cac ddng tit chi
nhan thurc, tri gi£c. Thay vao dd, ta dCing thi qua khu don (past simple).
When the students heard the bell, they left their class.
(Khi cac hoc sinh nghe tieng chudng, chung rdi khoi lap.)
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[NOT ... were, hearing...]
He felt tired at that time.
(Vdo luc do anh ta cam thay met.)
VH. THl QUA KHtr HOAN THANH/TIÿN QUA KHtf (The Past Perfect
1. C£u true (Form)
a. Thi khSng dinh (Affirmative form)
Subject + had + past participle
I had left my wallet at home.
Tdi da de quen vi d nha.

b. Th£ phu dinh (Negative form)

Subject + had not/ hadn’t + past participle
The house was dirty. They hadn't cleaned it for weeks.

Ngdi nha rat ban. May tudn rdi ho da khdng lau don nha.
c. Thd nghi v&n (Interrogative form)
Had + subject + past participle ?
Where had he put his wallet?

(Anh ay dddevid dau?)

2. C6ch dhng (Use)
Thi qud khti ho&n thanh dirge dhng d£ difin ta:

a. Hanh ddng da xay ra v& da k€t thuc trude m6t thdi di£m trong qua khu.
By 2 o'clock we had had lunch

(Chung tdi da an xong cam trila trude 2 gid.)

We had had lunch when she arrived.

(Khi c6 ay den chung tdi da an trita xong.)

b. H&nh dOng da xay ra vh da k€t thuc trade mdt hhnh dOng qud khur khÿc (h&nh

ddng xay ra trude dhng past perfect, hanh ddng xay ra sau diing past simple.)
When I got up this morning, my father had already left
(Sang nay, khi tdi thtic day cha tdi da di rSi.)
After the children had finished their homework, they went to bed.
(Bon tre di ngu sau khi da lam xong bdi tap vi nha.)
c. Hanh dOng da xay ra v& k6o d&i d£n mdt thdi didm n&o db trong qud khur.
By the time I met you I had worked in that company for five years.
(Luc tdi gap anh tdi da lam viec cho edng ty do duac nam nam rdi.)

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vm. QUA KHtf HOAN THANH Tl£p Dlf:N (The Past Perfect Progressive
1. Cau true (Form)
a. The khang dinh (Affirmative form)
Subject + had + been + verb-ing _
She was tired because she had been working very hard.
Co ay met vi eddy da lam viec rat vat va.
b. Thi phu dinh (Negative form)
Subject + had not/hadn't + been + verb-ing
I hadn't been paying attention.

Tdi da khdng de y
c. Thi nghi vain (Interrogative form)
Had + subject + been + verb-ing?

Was the ground wet? Had it been raining?

Dat bi Udt ha? Trdi da mua phai khdng?
2. Cdch dung (Use)
Thi qua khti hc&n thanh tiip diin duoc dilng di diin ta:
a. H&nh ddng da xay ra lien tuc tuc trong m0t khoang thed gian trong qud khti.
I found the calculator. I'd been looking for it for ages.

Tdi da tim thay cai may tinh. Tdi da tim nd lau rSi.
b. H&nh d6ng bat diu trude m6t then diim trong qui khir va tiijp tuc cho tdi thdi l
diim dd, hoac chain dut ngay trude thcd diim dd.

He had been living here for a year when he decided to move to the suburbs.
Cho ddn khi anh ay quyet dinh don vi ngoai d, anh dy dd sd'ng ct day duoc

mdt ndm.
John came across the lawn to meet his sweetheart carrying the roses he had

been cutting.
John bude qua vu&n hoa de gap ngudi yeu, mang theo nhitng dda hoa hdng

cau dd cat.
[Hanh ddng “cutting” bat ddu txr trude do vh ch£m ddt ngay trude khi John
bude qua bai co.]
IX. THI TUONG LAI DON (The Future Simple Tense)
1. C£u true (Form)
a. Thi khang dinh (Affirmative form)
I/We + will/shall
+ verb (bare-lnf)
You/He/She/It/They + will

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Rut gon: will/shall -» 'll
I'll be on holiday in August.
(Tdi se di nghi vao thang Tam.)
b. Thd phu dinh (Negative form)
Subject + will/ shall + not + verb (bare-inf.)
Rut gon: will not -» won't shall not -> shan't
We won’t/ shan't have time for a meal.
Chung ta se khdng co then gian de an.
c. Th£ nghi v£n (Interrogative form)

Will/Shall + subject + verb (bare-inf.) ?
Will you be at home this evening?
Chieu nay anh se ve nha chit?
2. Cach dung (Use)

Thi tucfng lai don thubng duoc dung d£

a. Di£n ta mOt hanh dOng se xay ra trong tuong lai, hoSlc mdt hknh d6ng se *ay
ra trong m6t quang thdi gian dki cf tuong lai.
Will he be here on time?
(Anh ay se den ddy dung gid chit?)
Yes, he’ll be here by five o'clock.

(Vang, anh ay se den trade 5 gid.)

I'll telephone you tomorrow.

(Tdi se goi dien cho anh ngay mai.)

b. Di£n dat ki£n, su chac chan, su du do£n cua ngubi nbi v6 mbt di£u g; d6

trong tuong lai.

I'm sure he will come back soon.

(Tdi chac la lot nita anh ay se ve.)

Tom won't pass the examination. He hasn't worked hard enough for it.

(Tom se khdng thi dau. Anh dy da khdng hoc hdnh cham chi de de dau.)
I don't think the exam will be difficult.
(Tdi nghi la bai thi se khdng kho.)
c. Dua ra m6t lbi huca, 16i de doa.
Til call you tomorrow.
(Ngay mai tdi se goi diin cho anh) —> Idi hita (promise)
I'll hit you if you do that again.

(Neu con cdn lam the, me se ddnh ddn) » lbi de doa (threat)


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d. Dira ra quy£t dinh ngay tire khic, khi ta quydt dinh ho3c d6ng y lam didu gi
d6 ngay luc dang n6i (will khdng dupe dilng d4 diln dat quy£t djnh sSn c6 ho&c
There's a postbox over there. I ll post these letter.
(dkia cd thung thu. Toi se gid nhieng la thu nay)
e. Dira ra loi y£u cdu, lcri 66 nghi va ldi mdi.
Will you open the door?
(Anh dong cua giup toi duac khong? )-» lcri y6u cdu (request)
I'll peel the potatoes.
(Toi got vo khoai lay nhe.) -> ldi dd nghi (offer)
Will you come to lunch?


(Anh den dung cam trua nhe?) > lcri mdi (invitation)
3. Cac trang tur thtrdng dupe dung: someday (mdt ngay nao do), tomorrow
(ngay mai), next week/ next month... (tuan tai/thang toi.,.), soon (chang bao lau


Lmi y:
Ngucri Anh dung I will/1 shall va we will/ we shall vdi nghta nhu nhau d£ n6i
ve tuong lai, nhung shall it dupe dung hem will. Shall thudng ducrc dilng trong 16i
van trang trong hoac trong lea d£ nghi va lcri gpi y.
I shall see you at the meeting tomorrow.

(Ngay mai tdi se gap anh tai cudc hop.)

Shall I carry your bag?
(T6i xach tui giup ban nhe?)

Shall we go out for dinner?

(Chung ta ra ngoai an tdi nhe?)

Trong tie'ng Anh cua ngudi My (American Enalish), shall thudng khdng dupe
dilng d£ n6i \6 thdi gian trong tuemg lai.

C ACH DUNG Be Going to


Tfir ngu be going to dupe dilng 66 di6n ta:

1. Si dinh trong tuemg lai (Future Intention) (= djnh se)
I am going to write to her this afternoon.
(T6i dinh se viet thucho cd ay chieu nay)
Mr Brown says he is going to buy a new car next year.
(Ong Brown noi Sng ay dinh mua mot chiec xe mai ndm tdi.)

tuemg lai g£n. _ _

Khi dilng khOng c6 trang tir chi thcri gian, hinh thufc nay thudng chi

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I know what you are going to say.
(Tdi bie't anh sdp noi gi rSi)
2. Sir chdc chdn (Certainty) (= chic Id)
I think it is going to rain; look at those clouds.
(TSi chdc la trdi sap mUa; hay nhin nh&ng ddm mdy kia)
He is very ill; I’m afraid he is going to die.
(Ong ay dm nang, tdi chdc 6ng ay sap che't)
Theo each diing nay, be going to thudng khdng c6 trang tir chi thdi gian
di k&m, nhung thudng dupe hi£u 1k tuong lai gin. Cic tinh hu6ng d hi6n tai
(dim miy, dau ning...)thudng Ik nhiing can c\x cur giup cho sir suy doin
chic chan.

Liru y:
- Be going to khdng duoc dimg dd didn ta tuong lai don thuin (nghia Ik tuong
lai khOng phu thude vio dinh cua bit cur ngudi nio). Chung ta khdng duoc n6i:

* I am going to be 15 years old in May.

* Today is the fourth of May; tomonrow is going to be the fifth.
- Be going to kh6ng duoc diing vdi dOng tir go vk come. Chiing ta kh6ng n6i:
* I am going to go to the cinema tonight.
* He is going to come to see me on Sunday.
Trong trudng hop niy chiing ta ndn diing Hidn tai Ti£p Di6n d£ didn ta tuong

I am going to the cinema tonight.
He is coming to see me on Sunday.


Chiing ta thudng c6 th£ diing will hoac be going to di di£n ta du dinh

trong tuong lai, nhung ddi khi chung ta chi c6 th4 dimg mdt trong hai hlnh

thtic trdn m& th6i.


1. Be going to lu6n ludn bao hilm mdt dinh da duoc tni tmh, sap x£p
tir trude, tuong duong nhu dinh se trong ti£ng vidt:
I have bought some bricks and Tm going to build a garage.
(Tdi da mua gach va dudinh se xdy mdt nha chCta xe)
2. Will bao h&m <j dinh khdng dupe tril tinh tir trude. Nhidu khi <j dinh
niiy reft md nhat.
- I've got a terrible headache! {Anh bi nhtic dau qua\)
- Have you? Wait there and I'll get an aspirin for you.
_{Thi'a? Anh den day, em se di lay aspirin cho anh) _

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Ngudi n6i di l£y thudc vi tlnh hudng thuc diy ngay luc &y khdng phai
vi y dinh da dude tru tinh tir trudc. Nhung n£u ngudi n6i dir dinh di mua
thuOc vi bid't thu6c dix tru trong nha da h£t, ngucri &y se n6i Tm going to
buy some aspirin tomorow'.

Hinh thtic be to duoc dimg di difin ta:
1. Su sdp xep trong tucmg lai (sap dat lam gi):
I’m to meet her at the station at 9 o'clock.
We are to have a film show tomorrow night.

2. Mdnh I6nh, thircmg 6 dang nghi van va phu dinh [= phai/kh6ng duoc]
Children are not to play near the well.
(Tre con khdng duoc choi gan gieng)

Are we to bring our books to the class?

(Chung ta co phai dem sach den lop khdng?
She is to be back by 10 o'clock.
(C6 ay phai trdvi trudc 10 gid)

X. THi TUttNG LAI Tlf;p DI£N (The Future Progressive Tense)


1. C£u true (Form)

a. Th£ khing dinh (Affirmative form)

Subject + will/shall + be + verb-ing

b.Th£ phu dinh (Negative form)

Subject + won't1 shan't + be + verb-ing


c. Th£ nghi vain (Interrogative form)


+ subject* be + verb-ing?
2. C6ch dhng (Use)
Thi tucmg lai tifip didn duoc diing di di6n ta:
a. Hknh ddng dang xay ra tai mOt thdi di&n hoac trong m6t khoang then gian
cu thd n&o d6 or tucmg lai.
We'll be waiting for you at 9 o'clock tomorrow.
(Chung tdi se dcri anh luc 9 gid sang mai.)
At this time next year I'll be working in Japan.
(Vao thdi gian nay ndm den, tdi dang lam viec d Nhat)

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b. Hanh d6ng tuong lai dang xay ra thi m6t hknh d6ng khdc xay den.
The band will be playing when the President enters.
(Ban nhac (se) dang choi khi TSng thd'ng btfcfc vdo)
When Tom gets home, I'll be sleeping.
(Khi Tom ve nha, tdi (se) dang ngu.)
c. H&nh dOng se xay ra v& k£o d&i lien tuc trong m6t quang thciri gian 6 tuong
I shall be swimming all day long tomorrow.
(T6i sidi ben sud't ca ngay mai)
d. H&nh d6ng se xay ra trong qu£ trinh di£n bi£n ede sir ki6n vi n6 la m6t ph&i
trong k£ hoach hoSc m6t ph£n trong thbi gian biiu.

The party will be starting at ten o’clock.
(BuSi tiec se bat dau luc 10 gid.)
I’ll be seeing Sally this evening.

(Td'i nay tdi se gap Sally.)

e. Thi tuong lai ti£p difcn cung c6 th£ dirge dhng di hoi m6t each lich sir vi k£
hoach cua m6t ngudi nk> d6.
Will you be working this weekend?
(Cud'i tudn nay ban c6 di lam khdng?)
Will your family be staying at home this Easter?

(Li Phuc Sinh nay gia dinh ban c6 dnha khdng?)

Ngudi Anh c6 nhi6u c£ch di£n tii hhiih ddng se xky ra trong tuong lai:

1. Simple Present .-
7 leave next week

2. Present Continuous : I am leaving next week.

3. Simple Future :17/ leave next week.
4. Future Continuous : HI be leaving next week.

5. Be going to : I'm going to leave next week.


6. Be to : I'm to leave next week.

7. Be about to : I'm about to leave next week.
8. Be on the point of : I'm on the point of leaving next week.
9. Be on the verge of : I'm on the verge of leaving next week.
XI. THi Tl/ONG LAI HOAN THANH (The Future Perfect Tense)
1. C&u true (Form)
a. Th£ khang djnh (Affirmative form)
Subject + will/ shall + have + past participle
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b. Th0 phu dinh (Negative form)
Subject + won’t/ shan't + have + past participle
c. Th£ nghi v2n (Interrogative form)
Will/ Shall + subject + have + past participle ?
2. Ctich diing (Use)
Thi tuong lai hotin thknh dirge dilng d£ diln ta:
a. Htinh d6ng se dirge hoan t£t trude m0t thori diÿm hoac trude mdt hanh ddng
khic trong tuong lai.
I shall have written the letter by 10 o'clock.
(Tdi se vie't xong la thu trade 10 gid)

I shall have spent all my money by the end of the month.
T6i se tieu hit sd'tien truac cud'i thang nay.
Cach dting nay thudng dirge dilng vdi ede cum trang tti chi thdi gian bat (Mu

bang by: by then, by that time, by the end of next month, by the 24th, by next June,

b. Hanh d6ng xay ra va keo dtii cho d£n m6t thdi di&n trong tuong lai:
When I leave the school next week I shall have taught this class for ten
(Khi tdi rdi trudng nay tuan den, tdi dd day a lap nay duac 10 nam rSi).

On December 18th we shall have been married for 25 years.

(Vdo ngay 18 thang 12 den chung tdi dd cudi nhau duac 25 nam rdi.)
Cdch dung ntiy bat bude phai k6t hop vdi mdt trang tti chi thdi gian (thudng

dilng vdi /or)


Thi Hien Tai Hotin Thknh phai thay th£ thi Tidn Tuong Lai (nghia la bo
shalllwilt) trong ede mtnh dft trang ngti chi thoi gian:

I will repair your bicycle when I have finished this job.

(T6i se sua xe dap cho anh khi tdi dd lam xong viic nay.)

I will come with you; but wait until I have written this letter.
Khdng noi:
*When I shall have finished/I shall have written...
XD. THl TUONG LAI HOAN THANH TrflP DlUN (The Future Perfect
Progressive Tense)
1. C£u true (Form)
a. Thi khang djnh (Affirmative form)
Subject -t- will/shall + have been + verb-ing
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b. Th£ phu dinh (Negative form)

Subject + won’t/shan't + have been + verb-ing

c. Th£ nghi v£n (Interrogative form)
Will/Shall + subject + have been + verb-ing?
2. C6ch dbng (Use)
Thi tuong lai ho&n thcinh tidp didn dupe dilng di£n tk m6t hknh ddng xay
ra vh keo dm lien tuc ddn mdt thdi di&n nko d6 trong tuong lai.
We’ll have been studying for an hour when he comes.
(Vao luc anh ay din, chung ta se hoc dicac mdt gid rdi)

On April 12, 2008 we shall have been living in this house exactly ten
(Vao ngay 12 thang 4 nam 2008, chung tdi se 6 can nha ndy dung mitcd

1. Change the verbs in brackets into the Simple Present or the Present
1. It is Sunday afternoon and the Taylor family are at home. Mr Taylor (watch)

a football game on television, Mrs Taylor (read) a magazine, John Taylor

(do) his homework and Ann Taylor (play) with her little cat.
2. My father often (go) to the theatre but my mother (not go) very often. He

(like) all sorts of plays. She (prefer) comedies.

3. 1 usually (go) home by train, but this weekend I (go) by bus. It (lake) longer

but it (cost) less.

4. John (take) a group of American tourists round now and tomorrow an

Australian group (come).

5. My brother (live) next door and his two children (come) and (see) me every

day. The boy (not bother) to knock at the door, but the girl always (knock).
6. The Browns (watch) a very modem play at the moment They (enjoy) it, but
they (not understand) some of the jokes.
7. Look! The policeman (put) a ticket on Tom's car. Tom will be furious when
he (see) it. He (hate) getting parking tickets.
8. All the guides here (speak) at least three foreign languages, because a lot of
foreign visitors (come) every summer.
9. Ann (make) a dress for herself at the moment. She (make) all her own
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10. My wife usually {do) the shopping, but I (do) it today as she isn't well.
2. Underline the correct item.
1. 1 see /am seeing that the situation is out of control.
2. The sausages are tasting/taste delicious.
3. Do you enjoy/Are you enjoying this party?
4. You haven't said a word all morning. What are you thinking/do you think
5. He has/is having a Siamese cat.
6. These flowers are smelling/smell nice.
7. 1 don't know/am not knowing where she keeps the keys.

8. Why are you feeling/do you feel your pockets? Have you lost anything?
9. Why do you smell/are you smelling the milk? Do you think it has gone off?
10. Anna is Italian. She is coming/comes from Italy.

11. That dress looks/is looking nice on you.

12. Paul listens/is listening to a new record in his room.
13. If you don't look/aren't looking at that comic book, I'd like to see it.
14. Joan weighs/is weighing 50 kilos.
15. Mary is/is being very naughty these days.
3. Fill in with Present Simple or Continuous.

Sue : What! (1) (you/do) now?

..... .....
Mark :I(2). (look) through these old film magazines.

Lxx)k, here's an old picture of Jack Nicholson

Sue : Oh, I (3) (think) he (4) (look) awful!

And his suit (5) (not/fit) him properly.

Mark : Yes, I (6) (agree). And he (7) (appear)

to be really angry. I wonder what he (8) (think) about.

Sue : He (9) (be) in that new film that’s on at the Odeon

now, isn't he?

Mark : Yes, I saw it last night. He (10) ,. (look) very different

now. He (11) (weigh) a lot more.

Sue : I (12) (hope) it's a good film. I (13)
(see) it tonight. Stuart (14) (take) me. Actually, he
(15) (be) very nice to me these days.
Mark : He probably (16) (want) to borrow some money.
Sue : 1(17) (see). That explains it.

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4. Change the verbs in brackets into the Simple Past or the Past Continuous
1. What she (do) when you {arrive) there? She {write) a letter.
2. She {have) her bath while her sister {get) the breakfast ready.
3. The storm {begin) at half past ten while the class {study) history.
4. When the students {hear) the bell, they {get) up and {leave).
5. Mr Harvey {ask) me about my plans the next time he {see) me.
6. Just as I {leave) for home, a student {stop) me in the hall.
7. As I {cross) the street, two cars {race) by me at full speed
8. Dorothy and I {just leave) the house when the telephone {ring).
9. The minute I {hear) the news, I {send) him a telegram.

10.1 {go) to ask you to help me, but you {sleep) so peacefully when I {look) into
your room that I {decide) to do it alone.
11. My mother (arrive) while I {clean) the kitchen.
12. John {work) from morning to night: he (study) to be a doctor.

13. Just as I (write) the letter, the inkpot (fall) over.

14. A noise of breaking chairs {suggest) that the men (fight)
15. He (just close) the church door when he (notice) a man still praying in the
16. The men (fight) bravely, but the general (order) them to retreat.
17. As he (come) up to his house in the darkness, he (see) that a man (climb)

out of one of the bedroom windows.

18. John (work) hard when suddenly the door (open).
19. When we (open) the front door we (see) someone walking out of the gate.

20. Lightning (strike) the tree that they (shelter) under. Of course, they (have) a
terrible fright, but they (be) very lucky. No harm (come) to them at all.

5. Read the following, putting the verbs into the Present Perfect tense.

1. 1 (work) very hard for this exam.

2. 1 (live) here since 1970.

3. You (be) to the zoo?

4. I'm afraid you (look) at the wrong one.
5. Why are the police here? What (happen)!
6. Please stay for dinner. Jane (cook) a lovely meal.
7. He (1earn) English for three years, but he can't even read a newspaper yet.
8. This watch was working all right a moment ago but now it (stop).
9. Lunch is not quite ready yet, although I (cook) all the morning.
10. Look! That light (burn) all night.

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6. Complete the following sentences with the Simple Present, the Present
Continuous or the Present Perfect tense.
1 . My teacher (teach) English at this school for six years.
2. Listen! I {think) someone (knock) at the door.
3. Mr Smith (pay) all of his bills at the end of the month.
4. Michael (study) English for six months now.
5. It usually (rain) very much in that part of the country.
6. 1 (be) sorry. I (forget) that fellow's name already.
7. My secretary (sit) at a different desk today.
8. Our present boss (work) in this company all of his life.

9. Up to the present, George (do) good work in this class.
10. So far, you (make) no mistakes on this exercise.
7. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D-to complete the following

1. He. in London for two years and then .. to Paris.
A. has lived/has gone
C. has lived/went h. B. lived/went
D. lived/has gone
2. You. your hair long when you. at school?
A. Did you wear/are B. Did you wear/were

C. Do you wear/were D. Do you wear/have been

3. My brother several novels. He. his fifth tragedy.
A. wrote/has just finished B. writes/has just finished

C. has written/has just finished D. wrote/is just finishing

4. John for two weeks. He is trying to give it up.

A. didn't smoke B. doesn’t smoke

C. isn't smoking D. hasn't smoked

5.1 a new car last year, but I my old car yet, so at

the moment I have two cars.

A. bought/didn't sell B. bought/haven't sold

C. have bought/didn't sell D. have bought/didn't sell
6. Tom to England two years ago. He there for a
while and then . to Canada.
A. went/worked/went B. went/has worked/went
C. went/has worked/has gone D. went/was working/went
7. the door before you left the house?
A. Do you lock B. Have you locked
C. Did you lock D. Were you lock
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8. He. his job last month and since then he. out of
A. loses/was B. lost/was
C. lost/is D. lost/has been
9.1. tennis when I was at school. I it very much.
A. play/enjoy
C. played/enjoy
10. 1.
ticket? I ....... B. played/enjoyed
D. have played/enjoyed
on the train, you know. Why do you keep asking to see my
it to you three times in the last four hours.
A. didn't just get/already showed

B. didn't just get/have already showed
C. haven't just got/ already showed
D.haven't just got/have already shown
8. Change the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or the Present

Perfect Continuous. Remember that some verbs have no continuous forms

1. 1 (not see) you for a long time.
2. You must tell me what you (do) since I last saw you.
3. He (not be) here since Christmas; I (wait) for him for two weeks.
4. I (try) to learn English for years, but I (not succeed) yet

5. We (live) here for the last six months, and just (decide) to move.
6. You already (drink) three cups of tea since I (sit) here.

7. I (wait) here for her since 7 o'clock and she (not come) yet.
8. Mary (rest) in the garden all day because she (be) ill.

9. How long you (learn) English?

10. You must wake her! She (sleep) soundly for 10 hours!

9. Supply the correct past tense of the verbs in brackets

1. He (do) nothing before he saw me.

2. He thanked me for what I (do).

3. I (be) sony that I had hurt him.
4. After they had gone, I (sit) down and (rest).
5. As soon as you (go), I (want) to see you again.
6. Before you (go) very far, we found that we (lose) our way.
7. He (die) after he (be) ill a long time.
8. My friend (not see) me for many years when I met him.
9. In England he soon remembered all he (1earn).
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10. When the airplane landed, the pilot (find) that one of the wings (be damaged)
by a shell.
10. Change the verbs in brackets into the Simple Past or the Past Perfect tense.
1. My father (tell) me he (give) up smoking.
2. He (be) late because he (have) an accident
3. I (come) to tell him they were the wrong seeds, but he (plant) them already.
4. It had been raining in the night, the ground (be) wet.
5. Mr John (be) in England for four years when the new government (come) to
6. A man who (be attacked) by bandits was lying bleeding on the road.

7. I now (have) to leave the house where I (spend) so many happy days.
8. Although he (make) some mistakes, he (be considered) good enough for

9. He (want) to find out whether you (arrive).
10. He (be treated) like a slave, so he (resign).

11. Choose the correct answer -A, B, C, or D-to complete the following
1. The movie was very boring and many people began to leave early. By the
end, most people ....

A. had already left B. were already leaving

C. were already left D. had already been leaving
2. After ancient Greek athletes won a race in the Olympics, they

a simple crown of olive leaves.

A. received B. had received

C. were receiving D. have received

3. Fortunately, the hospital's new air-conditioning system when

the first heat wave of the summer arrived.

A. had installed B. installed

C. had been installed D. had been installing

4. Yesterday while I was jogging in the park, Matthew ., on the
company's annual report.
A. was working B. had been working
C. has worked D. works
5. When do you wish to leave? We'll leave when the teacher his class.
A. will dismiss B. is dismissing
C. dismisses D. will have dismissed
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6. The earthquake began a minute before noon while the inhabitants of Tokyo
their midday meals.
A. would cook
C. were cooking
7. When I last saw Janet, she .....
B. cook
D. had cooked

the campus and did not have time to talk.

A. hurried
to her next class on the other side of

B. was hurrying
C. had hurried D. had been hurrying
8. Nancy said that she to the supermarket before coming home.
A. goes B. went C. has gone D. had gone

9. Since erected in 1886. the Statue of Liberty as a symbol of freedom.
A. serves B. served C. has served D. had served
10. Although some people find bats terrifying, they are actually beneficial
because they. harmful insects.

A. eat B. ate C. have eaten D. had eaten

12. Choose the Future Perfect or the Future Perfect Continuous for the verbs
in brackets.
1. By next June he (write) his second novel.
2. Before you go to see them, they (leave) the country.

3. By this time next week you (meet) my boy-friend.

4. The meeting (finish) by the time we get there.
5. The horse race (start) before we even leave home.

6. 1 hope it (stop) raining by 5 o'clock.

7. By the end of this year he (travel) more than a thousand miles.

8. By Christmas I (work) in this office for 10 years.

9. 1 (finish) long before you get back.

10. By next Sunday you (stay) with us for five weeks.

13. Choose the correct answer -A, B, C, or D-to complete the following

sentences. Use the Simple Future, the Future Continuous or the Future
1. I hope they this road by the time we come back next year.
A. have repaired B. will repair
C. will be repairing D. will have repaired
2. His father, a billionaire, left him a lot of money, but he lives so extravagantly
that he it all before he's 50.
A. spends B. spent
C. will be spending D. will have spent
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3. They give a very good dinner at the school but I it. I prefer to
go out and buy fish and chips.
A. don’t eat B. won't eat
C. won't be eating D. won't have eaten
4.1 glasses when you see me next. I'll be wearing contact lenses.
A. won’t wear B. don't wear
C. won't have worn D. won't be wearing
5. By the end of next week my wife her work and we'll all be
able to relax again.
A. will finish B. have finished
C. will be finishing D. will have finished

6. This time tomorrow everyone of your success, and all sorts of
people up to congratulate you.
A. will have read/will have rung B. have read/have rung

C. will be reading/will be ringing D. will read/will ring
7. He spends all his spare time planting trees. He says that by the end of next
year he
A. will plant h.
B. has planted
C. wilt be planting D. will have planted
8. Apparently Venice is slowly sinking into the sea. Scientists are trying to save

it but by the time they’ve found the answer the city

A. will probably sink B. will probably be sinking
C. will probably have sunk D. was probably sinking

9. Please wait a bit. Don't drink your coffee without milk. The milkman
in a minute.
A. has come B. will be coming

C. comes D. will have come


1 0. Everywhere you go in Central London you see blocks of flats being pulled
down and huge hotels being erected. In ten years’ time all the private

residents out and there'll be nothing but one vast hotel after

.. .. .. .. ..
A. will be driven B. would be driven
C. will have been driven D. would have been driven
14. Fill in with Past Simple or Present Perfect.
1. A: you been, (you/be) on holiday this year?
B: No, I (can/not) go, because I .(break) my leg in
August and (have) to stay in hospital.


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2. A:
B: Yes, I. ...... ....
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.(you/visit) the National Museum yet?
everything yet.
(be) there three times, but I

3. A: I'm ever so sorry, Jim, but I.


(bum) your dinner. Maria

(phone) and I (forget) about the food.
B: That's okay. I (already/eat)
4. A: I (buy) a new dress yesterday, but when I

(arrive) home, I (find) a hole in the seam.
B: What (you/do)? (you/ take) it back to the shop?
A: No, I (not/be) into town yet. Til do it this afternoon.

5. A: Your hair (grow) a lot since I last (see) you.
B: Yes. I (want) to get it cut yesterday but I (be) too
6. A: I (never/fly) before and I'm very nervous about it.
B: I
7. A: I
B: No. Where
A: I
..(feel) like that the first time I
(enjoy) it.
(lose) my glasses.
(you/put) them?
(fly), but I

(put) them on the table a minute ago, but they're not there

8. A: . (you/ever/meet) anyone famous?
B: Yes, I (speak) to Paul McCartney and I (see)
John Lennon before he was killed.

9. A: Where (you/go) on holiday?


B: To Rhodes. (you/be) there?

A: Yes, I (go) there last year. We (swim)
every day. It was great!

.. ... .. . . . . . .
10. A: How’s your job, Mike?

B: I. .(just/start) a new one. I (leave) the old

one because they (not/pay) me enough money,
11. A: When. (you/leave) school?

B: I (leave) in 1980,1 .(finish) university in
1984 and I (have) three jobs since then.
12. A: (you/see) "Barabas" on TV last night?
B: No I (see) it so many times already that I
(not/want) to watch it again.

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15. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Perfect.

Lucy (5) .. .. .. ..........

Last Monday Angie (1)

.(open) the fridge, she (4)
.(get up) for work as usual and (2)
.(go) to the kitchen to have some breakfast. But when she (3)
.(find) that her flatmate
(drink) all the milk - not a good start to the day! So she (6)

and (8)
she (10) ...
there (11) ..........
However, when she
(have) a quick cup of black coffee, (7) ....
(go) out to the car. There she (9)
.(get) dressed
(find) that
(forget) to put the cover on the car the night before and
(be) thick frost all over the windscreen. She (12)
(scrape) it all off and (13) (get) into the car.

............. ........
(14) .(turn) the key, nothing (15) .(happen)!
Someone (16) .(leave) the headlights on and the battery (17)
(go) flat. She (18) (be) furious as Lucy (19)
(use) the car last and it (20) (be) her who (21)

(forget) to switch off the lights. Angie (22) .(head)

for the bus stop to wait in the freezing cold.
16. Fill in with Past Simple, Present Simple, Present Continuous or Present
Jane: Hi, Johnny. 1(1) haven't. heard., (not/hear) from you for a long time.
Where (2) (you/be)?

Johnny: I (3) (start) a new job six months ago. I (4)

(be) a computer salesman now. I (5)
(enjoy) it very much. My company (6) .... (send) me

abroad every few weeks. Last month I (7) .... (go) to

Japan - it (8) (be) fantastic!

Jane: Wow! Japan! How long (9) (you/stay) there? Tell me

all about it.

Johnny: 1(10) (stay) there for three weeks in a luxurious hotel.

The company always (11) (pay) for everything.

Jane: I'd love a job like yours.

Johnny: Well actually, Jane, that (12) (be) the reason why I
(13) (call) you now. I (14) (need) an
assistant. Last week, the company (15) .... (tell) me to
choose someone and I immediately (16) . (think) of
you. What (17) .(you/think)?
Jane: When (18) (1/start)?

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17. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.
1. While I washed/was washing my hair, the phone rane/rineed.
2. How did you felt/did you feel yesterday afternoon?
3. When I got/was getting home I received/was receiving a phone call.
4. Last summer I was going swimming/went swimming every weekend.
5. When the dog bitlwas biting Laura's leg, she screamed/was screaming.
6. We sang!sung some songs and then ate!eat some sandwiches.
7. When you felll'felt over the cliff, what happened/was happening next?
8. While Mary washed-up/was washing-up, she broke/was breaking a cup.
9. 1 didn't see!saw where the bus stop was, so I was missing/missed the bus.

10. What did you dolwere you doing when I phoned!was phoning you last
night? There was no reply.
18. Complete each sentence with a suitable time expression from the box. You
can use an expression more than once.

c ......
ago in last week at when white

1. A burglar broke into the hous we were watching television.
2. I met an old friend of mine in the city centre.
3. What were you doing. the police officer knocked on the door?
4. Jan met Sarah half-past eight outside the cinema.

5. Dick was preparing lunch, he cut his finger badly.

6. 1 first came to this town more than twenty years
7. Jeff was studying to be a doctor he met Sally.

8. Tony bought his first motorbike 1992.

9. did you start playing basketball?

10. Most of the young people left this village a long time
19. Underline the errors in these sentences. Rewrite each sentence.

1. When we had ate lunch, we were sitting in the garden.


2. While I looked for my keys, I remembered I left them at home.

3. Anna had used to play badminton when she had been at school.

4. When I got into bed, I was falling asleep immediately.

5. When I was finally finding the house, I was knocking at the door.

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6. After Jill was giving Nick his books, she went home.

7. Maria would live in Sweden when she was a child.

8. 1 was using to get up early when I had gone sailing.

9. The Vikings had sailed to North America a thousand years ago.

10. Juliet was sure she was seeing the tall man before.

20. Complete each sentence with a time word or phrase from the box.
yet for often ever never

..... .....
already so far just always

1. Luis has lived in the city centre smc£. 1996.

2. Thanks for the present! I've wanted a pet goldfish!
3. Have you drunk pineapple luice? It's fantastic!
4. I've heard some fantastic news! I've passed my exams!
5. Hurry up! Haven't you fmished .... .? You're so slow!
6. Nina has worked in this company. five years.

7. I've. been on a big ship before. It's an interesting experience!

8. We're very busy today we've sold over a hundred bikes.
9. I've passed this building, but this is the first time I’ve been inside.

10. Can I have a different book? I've read this one.


21. For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same
as the first, using no more than three words.
1. We started working here three years ago.

We !xe.w.Qrkedh£j:e for three years.


2. This is the first time I've been on a plane.

I. on a plane before.
3. That's strange! My pen isn’t here!
That's strange! disappeared!
4. Nicky and Jan aren't at this school any more.
Nicky and Jan this school.
5. 1 saw a friend of yours a few moments ago.
I. a friend of yours.


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6. I'm still writing my letters.
I writing my letters yet.
7. Is this your first visit to South America?
Have to South America before?
8. Oh no! My wallet is still in the car.
Oh no! I my wallet in the car.
9. It's a long time since we spoke to your sister.
We to your sister for a long time.
10. Is Anna still asleep?
Has up yet?

22. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable past verb form. Only use the past
perfect / where this is absolutely necessary.
1. While I (try) was.drying,

.to get my car started, a passing car
and the driver (offer). to help me.

2. The police (pay)...., no attention to Gare's complaint

because she (phone) them so many times before.
3. Mary (not wear) .her glasses at the time, so she (not notice)
what kind of car the man (drive)
4. Nick (lie) down on the grass for a while, next to some
tourists who (feed). the ducks.

5. Tony (admit). that he (hit). the

other car, but said that he (not damage). it.
6. Sorry, I (not listen) .... to you. I (think)

about something else.

7. Helen (feel) .very tired, and when she (finish)

her work, she (fall). asleep.

8. The police (get) .to Gare's house as fast as they could,

but the burglars (disappear).

9. I (phone) .you last night but you (not answer)

What (you do). ?

10. We (not go). out yesterday because it (rain)

23. Underline the most suitable time expression.
1. 1 haven't seen Gerrv for/since a long time. How is he?
2. It's ages ago!since I last went to a football match.
3. I’ve written to Deborah last week!recently.
4. What have you been doing todaylyesterdayl
5. Have you eaten Italian food beforelalready?

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6. I've been living here in!since the end of last year.
7. Actually I had dinner with Sue last night/lately.
8. I've been trying to get in touch with David/or ageslfor the last time.
9. Terry hasn't been to Edinburgh sineelwhen we went there together.
10. 1 can't remember how long!when I've had this watch.
24. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the
first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.
You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
1. Steve started learning the violin a month ago.

,the violin for a month.
2. 1 haven't been to an Indian restaurant for ages.
It’s ages .an Indian restaurant.

3. When she heard the results, Mary began to feel more confident.

Since hearing the results .more confident.
4. The last time Nancy came here was in 1986.
Nancy hasn't 1986.

5. This is my first visit to Japan.


This is the first .to Japan.

6. How long have Helen and Robert been married?

When. .married?

7. Jack bought those trousers last month, and has been wearing them ever

Jack has .a month.
8. It's a long time since our last conversation.
We. .long time.
9. Thanks, but I had something to eat earlier.
Thanks, but I’ve .eat.

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10. This is my first game of water-polo.
I. before.
25. Rewrite each sentence. Use a verb from the box to replace the words in
be cost feel have see
smell taste have think of have
1. This flower has a wonderful perfume.
This flower smells wonderful
2. 1 think you are behaving in a very silly way.

3. She is expecting a baby in the sumn'ver.

4. Nancy is considering moving to Scotland.

5. Don't go in. They are holding a meeting.
6. 1 am meeting Janet this evening actually.

7. Good clothes are becoming more and more expensive.

8. 1 am trying the soup to see if it needs more salt.


9. Helen is taking a bath at the moment.

. . . .. . . . .
10. 1 think that you would be happier in another job.

26. Fill in the correct tense.

Kevin Adams (1) .trains. He first (2)

was great. He (4) ..,

week and (5)
he sees. He (6)
was fifteen he (7)
. . .. . . .
(see) one when he was four years old and he (3) (think) it
(go) to a different railway station every
.(write down) the engine number of every train
(do) this since he was eight. By the time he
(collect) over ten thousand different
engine numbers in various counties. Once, while he (8)
(stand) in a station in Cheshire he saw something very unusual. He (9)
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he (10)......
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(wait) for over an hour for a train to go by when suddenly
(see) a very old steam train coming down the track.
It (11)

.... (not/stop) at the station and, as it passed, Kevin

noticed that all the passengers (12)

said that no steam train (13) ...

(wear) old-fashioned
clothes. When he told the station guard about this, the poor man turned pale. He
(pass) through that station for

years, and that the last one (14) (crash), killing everyone on board.

........... . . .
27. Put the verbs in brackets into Past S., Past Pert., Past Cont. or Past
Perf. Cont.
Sally Deedes (1) walking (walk) home late one night. She (2)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(be) to a dinner party at her friend's house. The city streets
(3) (be) empty and it (4) .(rain) slightly.
She (5)

at dinner her friends (6)

. .
.(look forward) to getting safely home to bed because

.. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. . (talk) about a dangerous murderer

who (7) ... (escape) from prison the week before. Her friend

Mark (8) (offer) to walk home with her but, as she (9)
(live) only a mile away, she (10) (tell)

him that she would be OK. She was about halfway home when she (11)
(hear) footsteps behind her. She (12) (stop)
and (13) (turn) around, but she couldn't see anyone and the
footsteps (14) (stop) as well. When she continued on her

way the footsteps (15) (start) again.

She (16) .(begin) to feel afraid. She started to run. The
(get) closer. Suddenly she (18) (feel)

footsteps (17)
a hand on her shoulder and she (19) (scream) in terror. "Sally!
Sally! It’s me, Mark." He tried to explain that he (20) .(be)

worried about her and (21) (decide) to follow her home. But
Sally (22) (can/not) hear a word because she (23)

. . . . . . . . . .

28. Choose the correct item.

John Jones is a 45 (1).

and (3)
since he was a child. He loves (4)
antiques and (5)
dealer. He studied History of Art (2)

.(years/years'/year) -old antique
(in/at/on) university
(has collected/has been collecting/collected) things
(buying/buy/have bought)
(found/had found/has found) some good
bargains so far. The only problem is that he finds it (6)
(such/too/enough) hard to sell the things he has bought (7)
(if/because/while) he likes them all. One day last week he came (8)
(into/across/at) the most beautiful antique wooden trunk he had (9)
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(already/ever/never) seen. As he was (10) (in/on/at) a hurry
he told his driver to (11) (fetch/bring/take) the trunk to his
shop. When the driver (12) ... (arrived/ reached/got) the shop,
he (13) (needn't/couldn't/mustn't) find a place to put the

for (17) ...

trunk so he left it by the front door. (14)
moment an old man came (15)

(before/that/when) the door opened and a furious lady (19)

(At/In/By) that
(into/at/by) the shop to (16)
(spot/look/search) around. When he saw the trunk, he asked
(it’s/each/its) price. It was just then (18)

(broke into/entered/got) the shop. "Don't touch that trunk!" she screamed. "It
belongs (20)

.... .......... (in/to/at) me."

29. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Future.
"You (1) ‘Ikmtzt. .(meet) Agent 205 under the clock at the railway
station. When she (2) .. (arrive), she (3)

(give) you an envelope. I don't know if you (4) (recognise)
her in her disguise, but if she (5) . .(not/say) the secret code
word, you (6)

(know) she is an enemy agent. You (7).
(take) the envelope and head for the train to Waterloo Station. When the train
(8) (come), you (9) (get on) it and go to Waterloo.
If you (10) (miss) the 9.15 train, you (11)
(have to) get the next one. As soon as it (12) (reach) Waterloo,


leave the train and take a taxi to the Opera House. You (13)
(meet) Jenny there, although I'm not sure exactly when she (14)
(get) there. Give her the envelope. Wait until she (15) (drive)

off and then go home. We (16) (call) you there. Are there any questions?"
30. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable verb form.

At the dentist's
I was on time for my dentist's appointment, but the dentist was still busy

with another patient, so I (1). m. (sit) in the waiting room and

(2). (read) some of the old magazines lying there. While I

(3). . (wonder) whether to leave and come back another day, I

(4). (notice) a magazine article about teeth. It (5)
(begin): 'How long is it since you last (6). (go) to the dentist?

The dentist (9).

(hurt).' I (11)
(you go) regularly every six months? Or (8)
(you put off) your visit for the last six years?' Next to the article was a cartoon
of a man in a dentist's chair.
(say): 'I'm afraid this (10)....
(suddenly realise) that my tooth (12).
(stop) aching. But just as I (13)
(open) the door to leave, the

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. . . . . ......... . . . . . .
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dentist's door (14) (open). 'Next please,' he (15),
(call), as the previous patient (16) (push) past me. ’Actually
I’m not here to see you, I (17) (wait) for my friend,' I (18)
(shout), leaving as rapidly as I could. (19) (you ever do) this kind of
thing? Surely I can’t be the only person who (20) (hate) the dentist!
31, Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.
The latest news
Dear Linda,
I'm sorry I (1) B. .to you for so long, but I (2)
very busy lately. All last month I (3) exams, and I (4).

anything else but study for ages. Anyway, (5). studying now,
and I (6) .for my exam results.
As you can see from this letter, I (7)... my address and
(3). in Croydon now. I (9).

. that I wanted a

change from central London because it (10)., , so expensive. A

friend of mine (11). me about this flat, and I (12). . here about
two months ago. When you (13). to London this summer, please visit
me. I (14) here until the middle of August. Then 1(15) on
holiday to Scotland.
Please write soon,

1. A. don't write B. haven't written
C. am not writing D. wasn’t writing

2. A. was being B. had been

C. am D. have been

3. A. had B. was having

C. had had D. have had

4. A. haven’t done B. don't do

C. wasn't doing D. am not doing

5. A. stop B. will have stopped

C. have stopped D. was stopping
6. A. wait B. am waiting
C. have waited D. was waiting
7. A. am changing B. had changed
C. will change D. have changed
8. A. will live B. have been living
C. live D. have lived

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9. A. decided B. have decided
C. was deciding D. decide
10. A. will become B. becomes
C. has become D. will have become
11. A. tells B. told
C. was telling D. win tell
12. A. have moved B. had moved
C. was moving D. moved
13. A. will come B. came
C. come D. were coming

14. A. am staying B. stayed
C. stay D. have stayed
15. A. have gone B. went

C. am going D. will have gone

32. Choose the correct item.
1. How long here?
A. you live B. do you live C. have you lived D. are you living
2. .. I help you with the cooking?
A. will B. Am C. Shall D. Have

3. He denied. the money.

A. to take B. to have taken C. take D. having taken
4. She for 12 hours before she finished everything.

A. had been working B. has been working

C. is working D. has worked


5. When I was a child I running every day.

A. have gone B. used to go C. was gQing D. had gone

6. What at 10 o'clock last night?

A. have you done B. were you doing

C. have you been doing D. had you done

7. He hasn't left the office
A. yet B. before C. just D. already
8. They will have finished, 8 o'clock.
A. until B. by the time C. since D. by

9. I’m afraid I to come to the party.
A. don't go B. won't C. won't be able D. can't
10. We went into town some new clothes.
A. to buy B. for buying C. to have bought D. buying
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1 1. We'd rather. to bed early last night.
A. to have gone B. to go C. going D. have gone
12. Remember the door when you leave.
A. to lock B. lock C. locking D. have locked
13. "You look slimmer." "Yes I 12 kilos"
A. had lost B. lost C. have been losing D. have lost
14. "I’m having trouble with this exercise." "Don't worry. I you.
A. have helped B. am going to help C. helped D. ‘11 help
15. "Have you ever been to China?" "Yes, I .... there in 1990.'
A. have gone B. went C. have been going D. have been

16. "How long have you worked here?" "By the end of the month I
here for three years."
A. 'll work B. ’m going to work.
C. ’ll have been working D. ’ll be working

17. "We'll need some cola for the party." "I. .some."
A. buy

C. ‘ve already bought
B. will have bought
D. had bought
18. "I need to give a message to Susan." "I her at the office this
A. see B. have seen C. 'll have seen D. 'll be seeing

19. "Have you ever met a famous person?" "Yes, I Maria Callas

A. have met B. met C. meet D. have been meeting

20. "These shoes aren’t at all comfortable." "You shouldn’t them."

A. have bought B. to buy C. bought D. buying

21. "What's wrong with Lynda?" "She problems at work lately."

A. has been having B. will have

C. was having D. 'll be having

22. "What's Pam doing?" "She seems.

A. to be workingB. working C. to have worked D. to work
23. "How long have you been working here?" months."
A. Since B. For C. From D. Ago
24. "I can't stand this any longer!" "Calm down. There's no point upset."
A. to get B. get C. in getting D. to getting
25. "How long does it take you to write a novel?" "By December I
on this one for 3 years."
A. will work B. will have been working
C. will be working D. am going to work
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M6t cau c6 th£ bao g6m mdt m6nh d6 clrinh (main clause) v& mOt hoSc
nhi6u m0nh dt phu (subordinate clause). Khi trong cau c6 tur hai mfinh d£ tro
16n, thi cic ddng t£r phai c6 su phd'i hop v£ thi.
(Main clause) VA M$NH Dfi PHU (Subordinate clause)


Present simple Present simple 'i

Future simple Present progressive !ÿ Present tenses
Present perfect J
Future simple

am/ is/ are + going to + V (bare-inf.)

Past simple (C6 thfri gian x£c dinh dr qud khur)
Past simple Past simple
Past perfect Past tenses
Past progressive J
Future in the past (would + bare-inf.)

was/ were + going to + V (bare-inf.)

Present simple (didn ta m6t chan ly, m0t sir that hidn
nhi£n, hoac mpt th6i quen d hi6n tai)__

Present perfect Present simple

Past perfect Past simple

I work so hard that I am always tired.

(T6i Idm viec vat vd din ndi tdi ludn cam thay mit moi)

She will think that I have taken her book.


(C6 ta se nghi rdng tdi da lay cud'n sack cua c6 ta.)

Tom promises that he will visit me again
(Tom htia rdng anh ay se den thdm tdi Ian nUa.)
He says that he is going to eat it.
(Anh ta ndi rdng anh ta se an nd.)
She says she was born in 1980.
(Cd ay ndi cd ay sinh nam 1980)
We knew that the bridge was unsafe.
(Chung tdi da bie't rdng cay cau nay khdng an toan)
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I thought that she was cooking then.
(Luc do tdi ctinghi la cd ta dang nau an)
He saw that he had made a mistake.
(Anhta nhan ra rdng anh ta da lam)
We thought that it would rain.
(Chung tdi da nghT rdng trdi se mUa)
My teacher said that the moon circles the earth every 28 days.
(Giao vien cua tdi da noi rdng mat trang xoay quanh trdi dat mdi vdng
28 ngay.
I have forgotten what he looks like.

(T6i da quin anh ta trdng nhu the nao)
They had done all that was necessary.
(Ho da lam tat cd nhitng dieu can lam).

(Main clause) VA MfiNH t)£ TRANG NG0 CHl THOl GIAN (Adverbial
clause of time)
trang ngtf chi thcri gian thufrng duoc bat d£u bang cac lien tCr chi
thdi gian nhu: when, while, whenever, as, before, after, as soon as, till! until, just
as, since, no sooner... than, hardly... when, as long as, once, by the time, .v.v.
Cdch phtfi hop thl trong menh d6 trang ngQ chi thdi gian:


Present tenses Present tenses

Past tenses Past tenses

Future tenses Present tenses

X. Present tenses: Tat ca c£c thl hifin tai (Thy theo ngu c&nh cua cdu).
He never goes home before he has finished his work.

(Anh ta khdng bao gid ve nhd tructc khi lam xong edng viec).

I often read a newspaper while I am waiting for the bus.

(Toi thuemg doc bao trong khi dqi xe buyt).
Wait here until I come back.
(Hay dci d day cho den khi tdi trd lai.)
I'm starting a job in sale after I finish/have finished college.
(T6i se bat dau edng viec kinh doanh sau khi hoc xong cao dang).
2. Past tenses: T£t ca cic thi qua khtf (thy theo ngS c?- ii).
It was raining hard when I got thete.
(Khi tdi den do trdi dang mua rat to.)
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They arrived at the station after the train had left.
(Ho din nhd ga sau khi tau da rdi ga).
He slammed the door as he went out.
(Khi anh ta di ra, anh ta ddng sdm cita lai.)
He had no sooner arrived than he was asked to leave again.
(Anh ta vita din lai duac yiu cdu phai lin dudng ngay)
Would you follow me wherever I went?
(Em hay di theo anh din bat citndo ndo nhe?)
By the time I arrived, they had already left.
(Luc tdi din ho da di rdi.)

3. Future tenses: T£t ca c&c thl tuong lai (thy theo ngu canh).
We will give you a call as soon as we arrive/ have arrived.
(Chung tdi se goi diin cho anh ngay khi chung tdi din.)
After she graduates, she will get a job.

(Sau khi tit nghiip cd ay se di Idm.)

By the time he comes, we will have already left.
(Luc anh ta din thi chung ta se da di rSi.)
On Sunday I will be lying on the beach while you are studying.
(Chu nhdt, trong khi ban dang hoc thi tdi dang ndm trin bai bien.)
Liru y:

- KhPng dhng cdc thl tuong lai (Future Tenses) trong c£c mdnh dd trang ngu
chi thdi gian, thl Simple Future dupe dhng thay bang Simple Present; thl Future
Perfect hohe Future Perfect Continuous dupe thay b&ng thl Present Perfect hoac

Present Perfect Continuous.

- Trong truftng hop dhng lien ttir since ph&i luu

+ DOng tit trong menh d6 chfnh thuftng dupe chia 6 thl hien tai hohn th&nh
(present perfect) hoic hien tai hohn th&nh ti£p di$n (present perfect

progressive), ddng tir trong menh de phu c6 since thudng dupe chia d thl qud
khir don (past simple).

S + V (present perfect/ present perfect pro.) + since + S + V (past simple)

We haven't seen her since she left school.
(Chung tdi khdng gdp cd ta tit khi cd ta f&i khoi truing.)
She has been playing tennis since she was eight.
(Cd ta chcti quan vat tit ndm lin tdm)

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2. She said that she
3. Bill said that he
4. He knew that I
1. Suppfy the correct verb form.
1. He thinks that it
5. 1 was taught that the sun
6. The boy knew that an hour
7. I didn't know what time it_
on the radio
_ _

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(rain) tonight.
(get) married soon.
(lose) his bicycle.
(come) the following week.
( be) bigger than the moon.

(be), so I_
(have) sixty minutes.

8. I wondered whether I (lock) the door or not.
9. They hoped that they _ (end) soon.
10. This is the house that Jack (build) three years ago.

11. He is saving his money so that he. (take) a long vacation.

12. I see that Henry. (write) his composition now.
13. The students had thought that the test (be) rather difficult.
14. They have found that the road (be) very long.
15. 1 saw that I
16. We find that we __ (make) a mistake.
(take) a wrong way.

18. 1 didn't know who

17. 1 want to know how long she

_ (help) him.
(live) here.

19. Do you hear what she (just, say)?


20. They believed that the police

21. 1 wonder what changes the new president _ (capture) the thief soon.

_ _
23. Tom promised he__ _
22. Mrs Smith complains that her neighbor (make) too much noise.
(not do) it again.

24. Miss White swears that she. _ (never see) that man before.

25. She has told me her name_ (be) Mary.

2. Choose the correct answer - A, B, C, or D - to complete the following
1. He said that he here tomorrow.
A. will be B. would be C. is D. may be
2. John believed that his friends ... him.
A. forgot B. had forgotten C. forget D. will forget
3. I'll think about your suggestion while I . for you.
A. waited B. am waiting C. will wait D. will be waiting
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4. I had heard the news before you. me about it.
A. told B. had told C. tell D. will tell
5. The salesman was telling me yesterday that he ten cars
last week.
A. sold B. had sold C. sell D. was selling
6. John had thought he .t next week.
A. will arrive B. can arrive C. may arrive D. might arrive
7. My father works so hard that he .. always tired.
A. is B. was C. will be D. had been
8. My father worked so hard that he always tired.
A. is B. was C. will be D. had been

9. We see that we .. a terrible mistake.
A. make B. have made C. would make D. had made

10. We saw that we a terrible mistake.

A. make B. have made C. would make D. had made

A: What (1)
3. Complete the dialogue using the correct future form.
(do) tonight?
B: I (2) ... (try) to finish my homework because I (3)
(go) to my cousin's wedding on Saturday and I (4)
(not/be able) to do it then.

A: What time (5) the wedding. (start) on

B: The ceremony (6)

...... (begin) at 2 o'clock, then I (7)


(go) to the party in the evening.

A: (8) any of your friends .(be) there?

B: Well, my cousin says I can bring a friend. (9) .(you/do)
anything on Saturday night?

A: No, but I (10) (feel) shy if I don’t know anyone.

B: Never mind. It (11) (be) a big party and I'm sure you (12)

(have) a great time.

A: OK, then. Thanks very much.
4. Put each verb in brackets into either the present perfect, past simple or
present simple.
1. Last week I (lose) my scarf, and now I (just lose) my
2. I (work) for Blue Bank at the moment but I (decide)
to change jobs.


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3. We (be) here for hours. Are you sure we (come) to
the right place?
4. (you see) my calculator? I'm sure I (leave) it
here earlier.
5. We (have) some coffee and then (catch) the
bus home.
6. 1 (never eat) .... octopus, but once on holiday I (eat)
some squid.
7. 1 (hope) you aren't a vegetarian. I (cook) you some
lamb chops.
8. Recently a lot of young people (take up) kite surfing.

9. When we (reach). the cinema, there (not be) any
tickets left.
10. Please come quickly! Nick (have) an accident, and he (go)

to hospital.

5. Fill in with Present S., Present Cont., Present Perfect or Present Perfect
Tom : h. (you/see) the state of this kitchen? Someone
(2) (wash) clothes in the sink and they're still there!
Fred : Yes, I know. I usually (3) .(use) the bath, but it (4)
(be) too dirty at the moment.

Tom : Why didn't you clean it? You (5) (live) here for
two months now, and I (6) ,(never/see) you do any

Fred : What do you mean? I (7) (wash) the dishes at least

three times and I always (8) (make) my bed.

Tom : Rubbish! You (9) , (always/make) a mess and not

cleaning up afterwards.
Fred : What about you? You (10) (always/drink) my

Tom : Don't be ridiculous! Where (11) (you/go)?
Fred : Out! I (12) (see) my girlfriend this evening.
Tom : What about the kitchen?
Fred : Bye!
6.Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verbs In brackets.
1. When I (see) ,you tomorrow, I (tell) you my
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3. 1 (go)
4. we (wait) ... ... ... ...... . . .
,to the library before I (do)
here until the rain (stop)
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2. As soon as we (get). .there, we (phone) for a taxi.
the shopping.

5. 1 (get) #50 from the bank when it (open)

6. After you (take). the medicine, you (fee.) .better.
7. You have to stay until you (finish). ,your work.

8. 1 (let) you know the minute I (hear). .the results.
9. Before we (paint) the wall, we (have) .cup of tea.
10. We (climb) ... over the wall as soon as it (get) .dark.
11. The village (have) no electricity until a new generator is


12. By the time I.... (leave) the room, I had turned off the lights.
13. The first time I. ... (go) to New York, I saw a ballet.
14. Have a good time when you. (go) to Paris next week.

15. While I. (make) Sandy's birthday card, I cut my finger.
16. David... (not/ be) able to work since he. (break) his leg.

17. By the time he comes, we
18. When Sandra found the letter, someone.
(already/ leave).
(already/ open) it.
19. Whenever I. (see) her, I say hello.
20. 1 will never speak to him again as long as I (live).

21. As soon as we... (see) the tornado, we ran to the basement

of the town hall.
22. We're going to tidy after everyone (go).

23. Trevor tried to fix the shelves while Laura. (be) out shopping.
24. By the time we got to the party, most of the other guests. (go).

25. You have to wait until the light. (change) to green.

7. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past form.

I remember when I (1). .(go) on holiday abroad for the first

time. I (2) .(just/leave) school. I (3) (study)

very hard for my final exams and I (4) .(feel) that I needed a
holiday. A friend of mine (5) .(want) to come as well so we
(6) (look) at some brochures from the travel agent's. We (7)
(read) for about an hour when my friend (8)

(find) the perfect holiday - two weeks in Hawaii. We (9)
excited about it.

Finally the day of our holiday (10)
(just/leave) the house..
(be) very

... (arrive). We (11)

when the phone (12)

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(ring). I (13) .(run) back into the house, but
the phone (14)

(reach) it. When we (16)
(stop) by the time I (15)
... (arrive) at the airport we (17)
(sit) in the cafeteria. The airline (18)
Our flight was delayed for eight hours. We (19)
and rushed to the airport, all for nothing.
(just/make) an announcement.
(get up) very early

. . . . . . . . . . .
8. Fill in with Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous.
When I entered the house something smelt awful. Someone (1)
(cook) and (2)

.......... ..............
(visit) the house once before and (4)
I didn't know what (5)
(bum) the meal. I (3)
(meet) the family but
(happen) since then. The house was
.... (play) in the living-room and (7)

a mess. The children (6)
(leave) their toys all over the floor. Someone (8)
(leave) all the windows open. It (9) (rain) for hours and all the
curtains (10) (get) wet and dirty. I asked the children

where their parents were. They told me that their mother (11)

(be) in hospital for the past two weeks. Their father (12)
(look after) them since then. Obviously he (13) (do) his

best, but he couldn't do any better since he worked all morning and had to leave
them alone most of the day. I had to do something to help them.
9. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form.

Jane (1) (always want) to be a nurse ever since she

(2) (be) a child but her father (3)
(tell) her that nursing (4) .(is) not a suitable profession

for her to follow (5) .(leave) school, she (6)

(offer) a job working as a doctor's receptionist. She didn't want to take the job,

so she (7) .(decide) to talk to her friend. Anne, about

what she should do. Jane and Anne (8) (be) friends for a
long time and (9)

.(live) in the same street. When Jane

(10) (arrive) at Anne's house, Anne (11)

(sit) in the garden (12) .(read). She (13)

(look up) and smiled as Jane (14) (approach) "Hello, Jane.

How are you? Why are you looking so miserable?" Jane (15) ...
(explain) the situation and her friend (16) .(listen)
sympathetically. As Jane finished speaking, Anne's mother (17)
(come out) of the house and (18) .(shout) to the two girls
to come over. "I'm dreadfully sorry Jane, but I'm afraid your father had an
accident this morning in work and is in hospital. They weren't able to give me
many details, but they (19) .(tell) me he's going to be all


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right, I'll drive you over there now." When they (20)
(arrive) at the hospital Jane was amazed to see her father sitting up in bed and
smiling broadly as they walked into his hospital room. "Father, I (21)
(be) so worried, I thought something dreadful (22)
(happen)." "Oh, there's no need to worry. I've broken
my arm but the nurses here have taken such good care of me, they’ve been
wonderful. And Jane, I've been thinking...." Jane smiled at her friend, and knew
that everything was going to be all right!

10. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present simple, Future simple,
Future perfect or Future perfect continuous.
1. 1 think she (hear) .. all about it by the time I (see) her.

2. I reckon I (finish) this book by the weekend and then I
(give) it to you.
3. The children (be) . .hungry when they (get in) .
because they (run around) all afternoon.

4. This government (be) in power for eight years soon but

.. . . ...... .. . h.
I don't think they (win)
5. Don't phone them now. They (not get)
.. the next election.
home yet.
They (probably get back) .at about half past eight.
6. I think they (finish) building the house by the time the
winter (come) and then we (move in)

in the New Year.

7. 1 expect they (be) .... .
because they (work)
...... tired when you (see)
all day.

8. If I (come) and see the film with you on Saturday, I

(see) it six times. But it is my favourite film of all time:

I think you (love) .... .it.

9. Why don't you come round at 9 o'clock? The children (go)


to bed then so it (be) nice and peaceful.

11. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past simple or Past perfect.

. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .

James (1. sat) . outside the office waiting for the interview.
He (2.feel) .so nervous that he (3. not know)
what to do with himself. The person who (4. go in) before

him (5. be) in there for nearly an hour. And she (6. look)
.so confident when she (7. go ) .in. Not like
James. He (8. feel) sure that she (9. already get)
the job. The problem (10. be) that he (11. want)
this job so much. It (12. mean) everything to him. He (13.
think) about it such a lot before the day of the interview. He

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(14, imagine) himseif performing brilliantly at the interview
and being offered the job immediately. But now he (15. be)
feeling terrible. He (16. cannot remember) all those things he
(17. plan) to say. At that moment, he (18. almost decide)
to get up and leave.
But no he (19. have to do) this. He (20. spend)
so much time thinking about it that he (21. cannot give up)

.. .. .. .. .. ............... . . .
like that. His hands (22. be)
The woman who (25. go in)
.hot and sticky and his mouth (23.
dry. Finally, the door of the office (24. open)
.an hour earlier (26. come out)
looking very pleased with herself. She (27. smile)

. . . . .
sympathetically at James. At that moment James (28 hate)

kept you waiting." James suddenly (30. wish)
her. The managing director then (29. appear)
at the office door. "Would you like to come in now, Mr Davis? I’m sorry to have
that he (31. go)

home after all. He (32 get up) legs shaking
and forehead sweating and (33. wonder) whether he (34. look)

as terrified as he (35. feel)
12. Choose the correct answer.
1. 1 wish I. .the answer.
A. was knowing B. know C. knew D. would know

2. I'm glad you remembered some tea because I haven't got any.

A. to bring B. bringing C. to have brought D. bring
3. By the end of the month the estate agent. twenty houses.

A. will sell B. will have sold C. will be selling D. is going to sell

4. Swansea, .... my father was brought up, is a beautiful town.

A. who B. where C. that D. which

5. "Why hasn’t your company moved yet?" "They .to find new

offices for months.'

A. have tried B. had tried

C. have been trying D. were trying

6. You may leave the classroom when you, .writing.
A. will finish B are finishing C. have finished D. had finished
7. The foreign guests. here almost a week.
A. have arrived B. have been C. have reached D. have got
8. a noise just then?
A. Have you heard C. Did you hear
B. Were you hearing D. Are you hearing

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9. I'm sure I
A. have seen
10. She
A. did
11. My brother
.. .. .. .. . . . . . .
B. saw
.her four years ago.
C. had seen D. will see
her lessons from seven to nine last night.
B. had done C. was doing
the Youth League since 1955
D. has been doing

A. joined B. has taken part C. is in D. has been in

12. 1 wonder if he. the job.
A. takes B. will take C. would take D. has taken
13. Oh, you had been here yesterday. I you. until
A. thought / were coming C. think/ was coming

B. didn’t think/ were coming D. don’t think/ was coming
14. As soon as Martina saw the fire, she the fire department.
A. was telephoning C. had telephoned

B. telephoned D. has telephoned

15. Before Jennifer won the lottery, she .any kind of contest,
A. hasn't entered C. wasn’t entering
B. doesn't enter D. hadn't entered
16. Every time Prakash sees a movie made in India, he homesick.
A. will have felt B. felt C. feels D. is feeling

17. Since I left Venezuela six years ago, I .to visit friends and
family several times.
A. return C. am returning

B. will have returned D. have returned

18. While he was washing his new car, Mr. Brown .a small dent in

the rear fender.

A. has discovered C. is discovering

B. was discovering D. discovered

19. Yesterday while I was attending a sales meeting, Matthew

on the company’s annual report.

A. was working C. has worked
B. had been working D. works
20. After the horse threw her to the ground for the third time, Jennifer
picked herself up and said, "I. on another as long as I live."
A. never ride C. will never ride
B. have never ridden D. do not ride
21. Ever since Maurice arrived, he. .quietly in the comer.
Is something wrong?

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A sat B. has been sitting
C. had been sitting D. will have sit
22. After Nancy for twenty minutes, she began to feel tired.
A. jogging C. has been jogging
B. had been jogging D. has jogged
23. Peter, .since you got home from football practice?
A. have you eaten C. are you eating
B. will you eat D. do you eat.

24. By the time the young birds
will have learned how to fly.
A. will leave B. will have left C. are leaving
.the nest for food, they

D. leave

25. The last time I. in Athens, the weather was hot and humid.
A. had been B. was C. am D. will have been
26. After Jessica .her degree, she intends to work in her
father’s company.

A. will finish C. finishes

B. will have finished D. is finishing
27. By the time I go to bed tonight, I. .my work for the day.

A. will finish C. will have finished
B. have finished D. finish
28. When my parents for a visit tomorrow, they will see

our new baby for the first time.

A. will arrive B. arrived C. will have arrived D. arrive
29. Susan looked down to discover a snake at her feet. When she saw it, she

A. was creaming C. screamed


B. had creamed D. screams

30. As soon as Laura. ... the house, it started to rain.
A. had been leaving C. was leaving

B. had left D. left


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Chtfong 12



I. CUM Ttt CHt MUC fifCH (Phrases of purpose)

1. D£ diSn la muc di'ch khSng dinh, ta dung cum tCr bat <Mu bang
infinitive, in order to hoac so as to.

in order to + verb (bare-inf.)
so as to

I went out to post letter
T6i ra ngoai de giti thu.
We shouted in order to warn everyone of the danger.
Chung tdi het len de bao cho moi ngitdi ve sU nguy hiem.

They gave me some money, so as to buy some food.

Ho da cho tdi it tien de mua mdt it thitc an.

2. Dl di£n ta muc dfch phu dinh ta dilng cum tir bat d£u bang so as not to
hoac in order not to.

She is hurrying in order not to miss the bus.

(C6 ta dang di vdi de khdng bi Id xe buyt.)

He studied hard so as not to fail in the exam.

(Anh ay hoc chdm chi d£ khdng bi thi reft.)

3. For + danh tit cung c6 th£ dupe dilng d£ ndi d£n muc dfch cua ai khi him
didu gi d6.
I went to the store for some bread.
(Tdi di den cua hang de mua mdt it banh mi)
[- I went to the store to buy some bread.]
Chung ta c6 th£ dilng to -infinitive hoac for + verb-ing dd n6i \6 cAng dung
cua mdt vat.
This knife is only used to cut/for cutting bread.
(Con dao nay chi duac dung de cat banh mi.)

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+ Nhung chung ta khdng dung for + verb-ing dd ndi \6 mdt hanh ddng cu
I used this knife to cut bread.
Toi dung con dao nay de cat banh mi.
[NOT -f used-this-knifc for cutting bread.]
C£u true For + object + todnfinitive c6 th£ dupe dung dS n6i de'n muc dich
lidn quan hanh ddng cua mdt nguefi nao khac.
I left the door unlocked for Harry to get in
(Toi da khdng khoa cua de Harry vao ductc)
n. M$NH TRANG NGtf CHi MUC DfCH (Adverb clauses of purpose)

Mdnh d£ trang ngu chi muc dich la mfinh d£ phu dirqc dhng d£ chi muc dich
cua hanh ddng ct mdnh 66 chinh. M6nh d6 trang ngur chi muc dich thuemg dupe
bat ddu bang so that hohe in order that.

so that will/would
s+v+ + V (bare-lnf)

+S+ can/could
in order that may/might
She wants to stay here so that she can perfect her English.
(Co ay mud'n sSngd day de cd co the hoan thien vdh tie'ng Anh)
We wore warm clothes in order that we might not get cold.

(Chung toi mac quan do dm de khdng bi lanh)

- will! can/may dupe dhng d£ di£n dat muc dich 6 hi6n tai (present purpose) va
would!could / might dupe dhng dd diln dat muc dich a qud khu (past purpose).

Put the milk in the refrigerator so that it won’t spoil.

(Hay cho sita vao tu lanh de sua khdng bi hong)

We moved to London so that we could visit our parents more often.

(Chung tdi chuyen den London dS cd the thdm cha me thudng xuyen hem.)

- Ddi khi th) hi6n tai don (present simple) mang nghTa tuong lai cung c6 th£
dupe dhng sau so that/in order that.

Send the letter express so that she gets/will get it before Tuesday.
(Hay gift thunhanh de cd ay nhan duqc vao truac thtiBa)
Liru y: Khi mdnh 66 chinh va mdnh d£ trang ngu chi muc dich khdng chng
chu ngu thi khdng nfin dung cum th chi muc dich (phrase of purpose). Nhimg ta
co th£ dhng chu true For + object + to-infinitive.
Ex: I left the door unlocked so that Harriet could get in
Or: I left the door unlocked for Harriet to get in.

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2. Most tourists come here

1. Put one suitable word in each space. Contractions count as one word.
1. 1 wrote the date in my diary so.thnl. I wouldn't forget it.
..visit the ancient temples.
3. Mary called a meeting .announce the team.

4. The thief. in black so that nobody , see him.
5. Jack came to me. advice.
6. Our teacher made us sit far apart so that we.... cheat.
7. I'll leave the box open so that you . help yourself.

8. Lisa got up early so that she .finish her homework.
2. Combine the ideas, using a clause of purpose.
1. Rachel wanted to watch the news. She turned on the TV.
2. I’ll post the card today. I want it to get there on Daniel's birthday.

3. Please turn down the radio. I want to be able to get to sleep.

4. She locked the door. She didn’t want to be disturbed.
5. 1gave her my address. I wanted her to contact me.
6. I'm going to cash a check. I want to make sure that I have enough money
to go shopping.
7. Please arrive early. We want to be able to start the meeting on time.

8. 1 slowed down. I wanted the car behind to be able to overtake.

9. Jackson is planning to take a semester off. He wants to travel in Europe.

10. The man spoke very slowly. He wanted me to understand what he said
11. 1 whispered. I didn't want anybody else to hear our conversation.

12. I’ll give you a map. I want you to find the way all right.
13. Please be quiet. I want to be able to hear what Sharon is saying.

14. The little boy pretended to be sick. He wanted to stay home from school.
15. 1 turned off the TV. I wanted my roommate to study in peace and quiet.

3. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains to word in bold.

1. 1 went to the shops to get some eggs.

2. Nicola came here for a meeting with the director.


3. We went on holiday to have a rest.

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4. Mike plays chess for relaxation.


5. 1 opened the window to let in some air.


6. Cristina went shopping to buy some new clothes.


7. 1 went to a private school for English lessons.

8. Sam went to a specialist to get treatment.


4. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
1. Paul had to go to the doctor's, and left work early. .so that hecguld&o .to the doctor's.

2. The school was rebuilt because it wasn't large enough.

The school in order to. larger.

3. Sophia wanted Jack to call her, and gave him her phone number.
Sophia. so that her.

4. 1 might get sunburnt, so I'll put on some suntan oil.

I’ll. so that sunburnt.

5. Cathy hid the presents and nobody saw them.

Cathy. so that .them.

6. We wanted people to dance, so we had the party in a large hall.

We. so that .dance.
7. Dick wanted to get a good seat, so he arrived early.
Dick. so that .a good seat.
8. 1 couldn't see well in the cinema, and changed seats.
I. so that .better.
9. We didn’t want to feel hungry, so we took some sandwiches.
We took ,so that we.

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10. Harry wanted his friends to notice him so he wore a funny hat.
Harry. so that him.
5. Change phrases of purpose to clauses of purpose or vice versa.
1. Melanie was hurrying in order not to miss her bus.
2. Ah borrowed an eraser so that he could erase a mistake in his composition
3. Most people work to earn money.
4. 1 wish we had a garden for the children to play in.
5. She is learning English so that she can study in the United States.
6. The staff are working at weekends so as not to delay the project any

7. Can we stop for me to buy a newspaper?
8. We moved to London so that we could visit our parents more often.
9. We're having to borrow money in order to pay our bills.
10. 1 left the door open so that Harry could get in.

11. I'm going to be very careful so that I won't have an accident.

12. The government took these measures in order to reduce crime.
13. He wore glasses and false beard so that he wouldn’t be recognized.
14. 1 lowered the volume on the TV set so as not to disturb my neighbors.
15. Yesterday I took my umbrella so that I wouldn't get wet.

6. Comment on what each person says. Use the word in brackets.

1. Ilona : I'm learning English. I want to get a better job. (to)
Ilona is learning English to get a better job.

2. Claude : I study encyclopedias. Then I can answer quiz questions, (so that)
3. Vicky : I’m saving up. I'm planning a holiday, (for)

4. Nick : I keep a dog. It guards the house, (to)

5. Olivia : I booked a babysitter. I wanted to go out for the evening, (so that)

6. Jessica: I’m going on a diet. I want to lose weight, (in order to)
7. Trevor: I often switch off the heating. It. saves money, (to)

8. Sarah : I had to go to Birmingham. I had a business meeting, (for)

9. Emma: I wore boots because I didn't want my feet to get wet. (so that)
10. Mark : I'm saving my money. I'm planning to travel in Europe next
Summer, (in order to)

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I. CUM Ttr CHi K£T QUA (Phrases of result)

1. TOO (qud...khdng the): dirge dhng trude tinh tCr (adjective) hoSc trang tCr
too + adj/adv + to-infinitive
She is too young to get married
Cd ay qua tre di ket hdn.
They spoke too quickly to understand

Ho ndi nhanh qua khdng the hiiu duqc.
-Too much vd too many (noun) thuring dirge dhng trude danh tir (noun)
Andrew spent too much time working.

(Andrew da danh qua nhieu thdi gian cho edng viec)

There are too many people at the entrance.
(Co qua nhieu ngucti 6 Id'i ra vao)
2. ENOUGH (du ...d£ c6 th£): dirge dilng sau tfnh tir v& trang tir.
Adj/adv + enough + to-infinitive

Mary is old enough to do what she wants.

(Mary da du l&n di co the lam nhitng gi cd ta mud'n)
He didn’t jump high enough to win a prize.

(Anh ta nhay chua du cao di cd thi doqt giai.)

Enough thirbng dung trade danh tir.

enough + noun + to-infinitive


I have enough strength to lift that box.

(Tdi du khoe di nhac edi thung do.)

We haven’t got enough money to go on holiday.

(Chung tdi khdng co du tien didi nghi mat).
+ Enough c6 th£ dugc dhng khdng c6 danh tir theo sau n&i nhu nghTa cua
chu da ro rhng.
I’ll lend you some money if you haven’t go enough.
( Tdi se cho ban mum it tien neu ban khdng co du)
Ltm y: Cum tir vdi for c6 th£ dugc dhng sau too vd enough.
too + adj/ adv
+ for + noun/pronoun (+ to -infinitive)
adj/ adv + enough
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The food was too hot for me to eat.

Thtic an qua nong tdi khdng an duac.
I haven’t enough money for holiday
Tdi chua co du tien de di du lich.
n. MfiNH »£ TRANG NGtfCHi K£T QUA (Adverb clauses of result)
M6nh d£ trang ngu chi k£t qua lk mdnh d£ phu duac dhng d£ chi k£t qua do
hanh d6ng cua mfcnh d£ chfnh gay ra.
1. SO THAT ('n nSi; din nSi md)
Subject + verb + so + adj/ adv + that + subject + verb

main clause adverbial clause of result
He ran so quickly that I could not catch him.
(No chay nhanh den nSi tdi khdng the bat kip no)
He played the violin with such skill that everybody admired him.

(Anh ta chai dan vidlong hay den ndi moi ngudi deu than phuc)

The car was so expensive that I couldn’t buy it.
Chiec o td dat qua tdi khdng the mua duac.
Khi tfnh tit lk much, many, few, little thi c6 th& c6 danh tit theo sau:
so many/few + plural countable noun + that

so much/little + uncountable noun + that

She had so many children that she couldn't remember their dates of

(Ba ta co nhieu con den ndi bd ta khdng the nhdngdy sinh cua chung)
There were so few people at the meeting that it was canceled.

(Co It ngudi tham du cube hop den ndi no bi huy bo)

He has invested so much money in the project that he can't abandon it now.

(Anh ta da dau tu vdo du an ndy nhii'u tiin den ndi bay gid anh ta
khdng the td bo nd.)

I have got so little time that I can't manage to have lunch with you.
(Tdi co it thdi gian den ndi tdi khdng thu xep di dn trua vdi anh duac)
- M6t cku true khke cua "SO ... THAT"
S + V + so + adj + a + singular count, noun + that
It was so hot a day that we decided to stay indoors.
(Trdi nong den ndi chung tdi quye't dinh dfnha khdng di dau ca.)
It was so interesting a book that he couldn't put it down.
(Cud'n sach hay den ndi anh ta khdng the dat no xud'ng)
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2. SUCH ...
THAT (qua....den noi)
S + V + such + (a/an) + adjective + noun + that 4 S + V |
It was such a heavy piano that we couldn't move it.
(Chiec ducmg cam nang den ndi chung tdi khong the7 di chuyen no)
They had such fierce dogs that no one dared to go near their house.
(Ho co nhtfng con cho du den nSi khong ai dam di gan nhd ho)
It was such horrible weather that we spent whole day indoors.
(Thai tiet kho chiu den ndi chung tdi d trong nhd suoi ngdy)
Chung ta cung c6 thd dung such trudc danh tCr kh6ng co Lmh tir.
She's such a baby that we never dare to leave her alone.

(No tre con den ndi chung tdi khong bao gid dam de no mot minh)
He showed such concern that people took him to be a relative.
(Anh ta to ra lo lang den ndi moi ngudi tudng anh ta la ho hang than

Liru y:

- Khdng dilng a/an trudc danh tir s6 nhi6u (plural nouns) va danh tir khdng
d£m dircfc (uncountable nouns).
They are such old shoes. [NOT ...
It was such lovely weather. [NOT ... such a lovely weather]
- So dirge dilng vdi many, much, few, little; such dugc dhng veri a lot (of).

Why did you buy so much food?

(Sao ban mua nhieu thtic an qua vay?)

= Why did you buy such a lot of food?

- That co thi dugc bo.

She was so angry (that) she couldn’t speak.

(bd ta gian den mice khdng noi duqc)


1. Complete the answers to the questions. Use too or enough with the word
in brackets.
1. A: Is she going to get married?
B: No. she's not .(old)

2. A: I need to talk to you about something.
B: Well, I'm afraid I'm .to you now. (busy)

B: No, it’s
3. A: Let's go to the cinema.
to the cinema, (late)

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4. A: Why don’t we sit in the garden?
B: It's not _ in the garden, (warm)

B: No, I’m _
5. A: Would you like to be a politician?
a politician, (nice)
6. A: Do you want to play tennis today?
B: No, I haven't got_ .tennis today, (energy)
7. A: Did you hear what he was saying?
B: No, we were _ what he was saying, (far away)

B: No, he doesn't know _

8. A: Can he read a newspaper in English?
a newspaper. (English)

9. A: Why don't you put the wallet in your pocket?

B: It’s in my pocket, (big)

10. A: I think you should apply for the job.

B: I'm afraid I haven't got . (qualifications)
2. Make one sentence from two. Use too or enough and a phrase with for or

a to-infinitive.
1. We couldn't eat the food. It was very hot.
2. A taxi would have been best. But I didn't have much money.
3. Sarah can’t take a day off. She's very busy.
4. A picnic would be nice. But it's wet.

5. Nobody could move the piano. It was very heavy.

6. 1 don't wear this coat in winter. It isn't warm.
7. All my guests will need chairs. But I haven't got very many.

8. 1 can't explain the situation. It's complicated.


9. Three people can't sit on this sofa. It isn't wide.

10. 1 couldn't carry the equipment. I had such a lot.
11. We couldn't climb over the wall. It was very high.

12. Natasha wants to be a professional musician. She’s very good.


13. We shouldn’t swim in this river. The water isn't clean.

14. You can't see some things without a microscope. They are very small.

.. .. .. .. .. ..
15. He didn't get the job. He wasn't experienced.
3. Put in so, such or such a.
1. Mark has . .beautiful eyes that she fell in love with him at first sight.
2. My wife is intelligent that she can run her own business now.
3. Jill and I had ... stimulating conversations that I was immediately
attracted to her.


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4. His family was. a welcoming group of people that I immediately

.. .. .. .. .
felt accepted.
5. .witty was her husband that she couldn't stop laughing in
their first conversation.
6. Jack had few financial difficulties that I found him very stable.
7. Rhonda had. many friends that I was sure she was a special person.
8. I had ,an easy feeling to be there that I wanted to go back there
9. He was
10. We had
11. The children had.
.patient with children that he became their best friend.
a good time together that we'll never forget it.
much fun at the carnival that they begged

to go again.
12. The food at the hotel was.
awful food.

.......... awful. I’ve never eaten.

13. The test was .easy that everyone got a high score.
14. 1 didn't realize you lived. long way from the city center.
15. 1 feel like I have
h. ..little energy that I wonder if I'm getting sick.
4. Combine the sentences using so... that
1. The weather was hot. You could fry an egg on the sidewalk.
2. 1 couldn't understand her. She talked too fast.

3. Grandpa held me tightly when he hugged me. I couldn’t breathe for a

4. There were few people at the meeting. It was canceled.

5. Ted couldn’t get to sleep last night. He was worried about the exam.
6. Jerry got angry. He put his fist through the wall.

7. 1 have many problems. I can use all the help you can give me.
8. 1 cant figure out what this sentence says. His handwriting is illegible.

9. It took us only ten minutes to get there. There was little traffic.
10. Too many people came to the meeting. There were not enough seats for

5. Combine the sentences using such ... that.
1. We took a walk. It was a nice day.
2. It was an expensive car. We couldn't afford to buy it.
3. 1 don't feel like going to class. We're having beautiful weather.
4. The classroom has comfortable chairs. The students find it easy to fall
5. The tornado struck with great force. It lifted automobiles off the ground.
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6. This is good coffee. I think I'll have another cup.
7. Karen is a good pianist. I'm surprised she didn't go into music professionally.
8. It was a good book. I couldn't put it down.
9. We did a lot of gymnastics. We couldn’t walk afterwards.
10. They were beautiful flowers. We took a photograph of them.
6. Match the sentences and combine them, using so or such.
1. Sarah was late home. - All the tickets sold out.
2. Mike hadn't cooked for a long - He wouldn't speak to anyone.
time. - He'd almost forgotten how to.

3. The piano was heavy. - It kept all the neighbors awake.
4. Tom was annoyed about United - Mark had already gone to bed.
losing. - You could hear it from miles away.
5. The band was a big attraction. - We spent the whole day indoors.

6. Vicky had a lot of work to do. - Mike and Harriet couldn't move it.

7. The party made a lot of noise.
8. She speaks English well
- She was sure she'd never finish it.
You would think it was her native
9. It was horrible weather. language.
10. The music was loud.



I. CUM TtT CHi NGUYfiN NHAN HO£C LY DO (Phrases of cause or


Cum ttr chi nguyfin nhan hoac do thubng dupe bat ddu bang c£c gidi tit
because of, due to hoac owing to (do; vl; bdi vl)

because of
+ noun/ Pronoun/ gerund phrase

due to/owing to
We didn't go out due to the cold weather.
(Vi trdi lanh nin chung tdi khdng di chai.)
They are here because of us.
(Ho dday vi chung tdi)
Owing to his carelessness we had an accident.
(Do su bat edn cua anh ta ma chung tdi bi tai nan)
She stayed home because of feeling unwell.
(Cddyd nha vi cam thdy khdng duefe khoe)
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(Adverb clauses of cause or reason)
Mdnh d£ trang ngG chi nguydn nhan hoac do thudng ducfc nd'i vori mdnh d£
chmh bang cac lidn tCr: because, since, as, seeing that (do; vi; bed vi).
because/ since/ as/ seeing that + subject + verb
Tom took the train to Auckland because he hated flying.
(Tom don tau den Auckland bdi vi anh ay ghet di may bay)
As it was getting late, we decided to come home.
(Bdi vi trdi sap td'i nen chung tdi quye't dinh ve nha)
Since he was late, I decided to go without him.
(Bdi vi anh ay den muon nen tdi khdng di cilng anh ay)
Seeing that I have no money, I can't buy the book.

o m
(Vi khdng co tien, tdi khdng the mua cuo'n sach ay)
Lmi y:

h .
- Since, as, seeing that thuong diroc dung khi ngtreri nghe/ngudi doc da bi£t
ly do hoac ly khdng phai la phdn quan trong trong c£u. Su nh£n manh thude
mdnh dd chmh.

a n
Since you won’t help me, / must do the job myself.
(Vi anh khdng giup tdi nen tdi phai tu lam viec do)

n g
We watched TV all evening as we had nothing to do.
(Chung tdi xem ti vi sud't buSi td'i vi chung tdi dicing co viec gi de Idm)

it e
- Because dirge dhng dd’ nhan manh ty, cung c£p thdng tin mdi m& ngudi
nghe/ngucri doc chua bidt. Sir nhan manh thude mdnh dd chi ly do.
Joe started jogging because his doctor told him to.

c h
(Joe bat ddu chay bd vi bac si bdo anh ta lam the.)
Because they live near us, we see them quite often.

h i
(Vi ho sd'ng gan chung tdi nen chung tdi thitefng gap ho)
- Mdnh dS trang ngu chi do cd th£ dung tnrbc hoac sau mdnh d£ chmh.

Khi mdnh d£ trang ngu dung trUdc, giua hai mdnh d£ c6 dau ph<iy (,).
Because it was cold, I turned the heating on.
Or; I turned the heating on because it was cold.
(Tdi bat mdy sudi len vi trdi lanh.)
- Khi d6i tCr mdnh d& sang cum tCr, ndu 2 chu ngu: gid'ng nhau ta co thi dung
cum danh ddng tir (gerund phrase).
She stayed at home because she was sick.
-> She stayed at home because of being sick.
(Cd tad nha vi bi benh)

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1. Match the two halves of the sentence. Then write the full sentence, using
the word in brackets. Add commas where necessary.
1. Yesterday was a public day - she was very popular, (since)
2. We didn't want to wake anybody - we ate out. (as)
up -it explains everything very
3. We didn't know what time it was clearly, (because)
4. It was a nice day - none of us had a watch, (because)

5. The door was open - the teacher decided to give it again,
6. You paid for the theater tickets (since)
7. Oil is an irreplaceable natural - she missed the bus. (because)
resource - we went for a walk by the sea. (as)

8. We didn’t see Lisa for a long - we didn't recognize her. (because)

h. - we must do whatever we can to

9. Lilian was late for work conserve it. (since)
10. Sonia was tired - we came in very quietly, (as)
11. Eve had an attractive - she felt weak, (because)
personality - we didn't have to go to work, (since)

12. Mother had burnt the dinner -please let me pay for our dinner, (as)
13. It's a really useful book - she'd been working very hard,
14. Ellie hadn't fully recovered yet (because)

15. All the students had done - I walked in. (since)

poorly on the test

2. Rewrite these sentences, using because.


1. Due to the cold weather, we stayed home.

2. Most people hear jogging is a good exercise, so they begin to jog.

3. People like to live in this country because of its healthy climate.

4. A computer can be used for various purposes, so it becomes very popular
5. Stacey retired in 1987, partly because of ill health.
6. We were late for the meeting due to the heavy traffic.
7. Harry had to stay in hospital because of his broken leg.
8. Our leader couldn't attend the meeting, so it was canceled.

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3. Combine each pair of sentences without changing their order. Put the
word in brackets either at the beginning or in the middle.
1. I'm going to move abroad. The weather is so awful here, (because)

2. My father gave up his job. His health is poor, (on account of)

3. I'd worked all weekend. I had Monday off. (seeing)

4. 1 didn't buy the coat. It was so expensive, (as)

5. 1 feel much more confident. I'm qualified, (now)

6. The car is in excellent condition. It's a bargain, (because of)

7. 1 can't talk now. I'm working, (because)

8. There is so much street crime. You had better take a taxi, (since)
9. Joshua helped us. He was being kind, (out of)

10. People are staying at home. They are afraid of terrorism, (because of)

4. Change clauses of reason to phrases of reason.


1. Jim had to give up jogging because he had sprained his ankle severely.

2. The water in most rivers is unsafe to drink because it's polluted.

3. We had to stay in London an extra day because it was foggy at the airport.

4. Bill has to do all of the cooking and cleaning because his wife is ill.
5. We all have received the best of everything because our parents are generous.

6. 1 couldn't get to sleep last night because it was noisy in the next apartment.
7. John has to sit in the front row in class because he has poor eyesight.
8. We stopped our car because the traffic lights turned red.
9. She couldn’t see the road because the wall was too high.
10. We postponed our trip because the driving conditions were bad.
11. Sarah will not walk across a bridge because she's afraid of heights.
12. Marie's doctor has advised him to exercise regularly because he is overweight.
13. Piranhas can devour an entire cow in several minutes because their teeth
are extremely sharp.

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14, Most students couldn't do the final exam because it was extremely difficult,
15, John succeeded in his exam because he worked hard and methodically.



I. CUM TiTCHi SU TUONG PHAN (Phrases of concession)

Cum ttir chi su tuong phan thucmg duqc bat d£u bang c£c gidi tif in spite hoac
despite (mac dCt, cho dil, b5ft chip).

In spite of
+ noun/ pronoun/ gerund phrase
In spite of/Despite the rain, we enjoyed our holiday,

(Mac du trdi mica, chung tdi van thich thu trong Icy nghi)
I didn’t get the job despite my qualifications.

(Tdi khdng nhan duoc cdng viec do mac dil co du bang cap)
Qc cum ttr in spite of / despite this, in spite ofi despite that, in spite oft despite
what, in spite of! despite thefact (that), v.v. thudng duqc theo sau bci m6t mfcnh d£
She wasn’t well, but in spite of1 despite this she went to work.

(C6 ay khdng duoc khoe, nhung dH vay c6 ay vdn di lam.)

In spite of/ Despite what I said yesterday, we're still good friends.

(Du hdm qua toi da noi gi dinQa thi chung ta vdn mai la ban than)
I couldn't sleep in spite of/ despite the fact (that) I was very tired.

(Tdi khdng the ngu dil thdt su la tdi rat met)

Luu y: M$nh d6 c6 despite hoac in spite of c6 the duqc dat a trudc hoac sau

m6nh d& chrnh.

In spite of/ Despite the rain, we enjoyed our holiday.

We enjoyed our holiday in spite of/ despite the rain.

n. M$NH D£ TRANG NGU CHi sy TUONG PHAN (Adverb clauses of
Mfenh d£ trang ngu chi su tucfng ph£n la m6nh Ai phu chi su tuong phan cua hai
hknh dOng trong cau. M6nh d& nay thudng duqc bat d£u bang cdc ttr: though,
although, even though, no matter, whatever/ whoever/ wherever/ ...
1. Though, although, even though (Dil, mac dil, cho dil)
although/ though/even though + subject + verb

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Although he smokes 40 cigarettes a day, she is quite fit.

Mac du hut 40 dieu thuoc mot ngay, anh ta van hoan toan khoe manh
Even though I was really tired, I couldn’t sleep.
Cho du tdi that su met, nhung tdi vdn khong the chop mat duoc.
Though they lack official support, they continue their struggle.
(Du cho ho khong duoc chinh quyen ung ho, ho vdn tiep tuc dau tranh)
Lull y:
- Trong dam thoai, chung ta c6 the dung though b cu<5i c&u voi nghla tuong
dircfng vdi but hoac however.
The house isn't very nice. I like the garden though.

( Ngoi nhd khdng dep lam. The nhung tdi thick khu vudn)
[= but I like the garden]
I see him every day. I've never spoken to him though.

(Toi gap anh ta mdi ngay. Tuy vay tdi chua bao gidnoi chuyen voi anh ta.)
[= but I’ve never spoken to him]

- Even though duoc dilng di nh2n manh su tuong phan (even though co net
nghla manh hon although/ though).
Even though I didn't understand a word, I kept smiling.
(Mac dii tdi chang hieu mot titnao, tdi vdn mim cUcti.)

2. No matter, whatever (Dii, cho, bat ke)

No matter + what/ who/ whenI where/ why/ how (adjI adv) + subject + verb
Whatever (+ noun)/ whoever/ whenever/ wherever/ however (+ adj) + subject + verb

No matter who you are, I still love you.


(Du em co la ai di mla, anh vdn yiu em)

Don't trust him, no matter what he says.

Phone me when you arrive, no matter how late it is.

(Hay goi dien cho tdi khi anh den cho dii co mudn may di chang nOa)

Whatever problems you have, you can always come to me for help.
(Bat ke ban gap vdn de gi, ban ludn co the den nhd tdi giup do.)
Whatever you say, I don't think he’s the right man for you.
(Cho du ban co noi gi di nita tdi cung nghi anh ta khdng phai la nguoi
thich hop voi ban)
I'm not opening the door, whoever you are.
(Du ong la ai di nita tdi cung se khdng md cica)
However much he eats, he never gets fat.
(Dii anh ta co an nhieu the nao di nua anh ta cung khdng bao gidbi beo)
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Liru y:
- M6nh de bat (Mu bang although, though, even though c6 th£ diing tru6c
hoac sau mfcnh d£ chrnh.
- Mfinh de bat (Mu bang no matter hoac whatever thirbng diroe dat tnrdc
m6nh d6 chinh.


1. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

1. 1 read the book you suggested. I didn't enjoy it, although!however.

2. In spite of!Although we warned him, Harry still got lost.
3. Although/However I like it here, I won't stay here long.
4. Cars are convenient. On the other hand/Whereas, they cause pollution.
5. 1 didn’t have much time, but!however I managed to visit lots of places.

6. Catherine won the race, although/despite falling over.

7. Although/In spite o/the delay, the train arrived on time.
8. 1 didn't manage to jump over the wall, althcugh/yet I tried twice.
2. Complete each sentence with one suitable word.
1. Tim felt tired, he stayed up to finish his homework.
.... he went with his friends all the same.

2. Sam didn't like skating,

3. 1 found French hard at first. . I soon started to enjoy it.
4. Jane kept running

though she knew she couldn't win.

5. Mike was lost, but he .... refused to look at the map.

6. Carol went to see the film, . she had seen it before.

7. the rain, the school sports were a great success.

.. . .. .. .. . . .
8. Helen won the swimming competition, in. of her cold.

3. Complete the sentences with although/ in spite of! because!because of.

1.Although, .it rained a lot, we enjoyed our holiday.

2. Daniel forgot his passport. having it in his list.

3. 1 couldn't get to sleep .the noise.
4. .1 had nothing for lunch but an apple, I ate dinner early.
5. A lot of things went wrong. all our careful plans.
6. She wasn't wearing a coat... it was quite cold.
7. He only accepted the job.... the salary, which was very high.
8. 1 went home early .1 was feeling unwell.
9. I knew the truth, I decided not to tell them.
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The villagers refused to leave
We decided not to go out for a meal
Have you really got no money
..the drought.
we were simply too tired.
....the fact that you've had a
13. Sarah can't climb up the tree .her fear of heights.
14. Matthew looked quite fresh, ..he'd been playing squ
15. .his age, John was not hired. .he had the
sary qualifications.
4. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning.
1. Although it was snowing, we went out for a walk.
Despite /Afc maw,..W6. ttf.W.QUtlQX.a mlL

2. Some experts think prices will fall, but others disagree.
3. Even though they were losing at half-time, City won in the end.

4. Despite the heat, Diana wore her winter clothes.
5. Whereas last summer was good, this summer it's rained all the time.
Last summer was good
6. James had a headache, but he still read until late.

In spite of.
7. Although Jon hadn’t studied, he did well in the test.
Jon hadn't studied

8. Despite the cold weather, we all went for a walk.


9. John has done well in French, but not so well in Maths.


10. 1 tried to persuade her. I didn't succeed, however.


1 1. It was raining, but I went swimming anyway.

In spite of.
12. Ann felt ill, but insisted on going to work.
13. In spite of his early lead, Hudson lost the race.
14. I'm not going to pay, although I know that I should.
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15. We expected Larry to accept the job, but he didn't.
Even though Larry
5. Make one sentence from two. Use the word(s) in brackets in your sentences.
1. I enjoyed the film. The story was silly, (in spite of)
2. We live in the same street. We hardly ever see each other, (despite)
3. My foot was injured. I managed to walk to the nearest village, (although)
4. They have very little money. They are happy, (in spite of)
5. I got very wet in the rain. I had an umbrella, (even though)
6. I couldn't sleep. I was tired, (despite)
7. He liked the sweater. He decided not to buy it. (though)

8. I didn't get the job. I had all the necessary qualifications, (in spite of)
9. Nick used to smoke. He seems to be in good health, (although)
10. I had turned on the air conditioner. It was still hot in the room, (even though)

11. Laura wants to fly. She feels afraid, (in spite of thefact)

12. Trevor didn't notice the sign. It was right in front of him. (even though)
13. I'm no better. I've taken the pills, (despite the fact)
14. Matthew doesn’t know any French. It was one of his school subjects, (though)
15. Henry’s friend is a millionaire. He hates spending money, (despite)
16. We couldn't get tickets. We queued for an hour, (in spite of)

17. I'd met her twice before. I didn't recognize her. (although)
18. Laura felt unwell. She went on working, (in spite of this)
19. I told the absolute truth. No one would believe me. (even though)

20. The good were never delivered. We had received the promise, (despite)
6. Change clauses of concession to phrases,

1. Mr. Pike doesn't wear glasses though he is over sixty.

2. Although he had much experience in machinery, he didn't succeed in

repairing this machine.

3. Although it got dark, they continued to work.

4. Although it was noisy, I kept on studying.

5. Although it rained heavily, I went to school on time.
6. Although he is strong, I'm not afraid of him.
7. Everybody has great regard for him though he is poor.
8. Although he had not finished the paper, he went to sleep.
9. Though he had been absent frequently, he was managed to pass the test.
10. He didn't stop his car though the traffic lights turned red.

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7. Rewrite the sentences, using the word in brackets.
1. They are very rich, but they aren't happy, (no matter)
2. I'd rather have a room of my own though it's small. ( however)
3. He got good jobs, but he was not satisfied, (no matter)
4. If you should do any job, you should do it devotedly, (whatever)
5. Anyone who gains the most points wins the competition, (whoever)
6. Although he had taken any kinds of exercise, he got fatter and fatter, (whatever)
7. Although he lived anywhere else, he always thought of his homeland, (no
8. My roof leaks every time it rains, (whenever.)

9. He may say something, but don't trust him. (no matter)
10. You should study hard although you encounter difficulties, (whatever)
1 1. Although she is very intelligent, she can't answer my question, (no matter)
12. She would still love him even though he behaved very badly, (however)

13. Although the papers print any nonsense, some people always believe it.

1 4. I'll find him, wherever he has gone, (no matter)
15. Phone me when you arrive, no matter how late it is. (however)



a. As if, as though dirge dhng dd didn dat m6t ngurii hoac m6t vat nko d6 trdng

nhu the' nzio, nghe nhu the' n£o, cam th£y nhu the' mio..v...v.
Ann sounds as if/ as though she’s got a cold.

Giong An nghe co vi c6 ay bi cam lanh


The house look as if nobody was living in it.

Ngdi nha trdng co ve nhukhdng co ngueri d.
b. As if, as though dugc dung dd didn ta m6t didu khdng that hoSc trai v6i thuc te'.
* Didu khdng c6 that cr hien tai
S + Vpresent + as if/as though + S + Vpast simple
The old lady dresses as if it was/ were winter even in the summer.
(Ngay trong mua he ma quy ba do dn mdc nhu the dang mua ddng.)
-> but it isn't winter
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He talks as though he knew where she was.
(Anh ta ndi nhitthe anh ta bie't c6 ta ddau.)
—> but he doesn't know
They look at me as if I was/ were mad.
(Ho nhin tdi nhitthe tdi bi dien)

Lmi y:
» but I’m not

- Were c6 thl dirge dilng thay th£ was (vdi cic chu tCr I, he, she, it).
He ran as if he was/were running for his life.
(Anh ta chay nhit the dang gdp nguy)

- D6ng tCr dung tnrdc as if! as though c6 th£ 6 thl qu£ khur mh khCng c6 su thay
d6i thl trong m6nh d£ gia dinh.
They look/ looked at me as if I were mad.
* Di&i khdng c6 that 6 qui khti

S + Vpast + as if/as though + S + Vpast perfect
Tom looked tired as if he had worked very hard.
(TrdngTom co ve mit moi nhitthe anh ta da lam vide rdt vdt va.)
—> but he didn't work hard
He talked about Rome as though he had been there himself.

(Anh ta ndi ve Rome nhitthe Id chinh anh ta da din d6.)

-> but he hasn't been to Rome

It’s time!It's high time c6 th£ duoc theo sau bdi:


a. D6ng tCr nguyfen m&u c6 to (to-infinitive)

It's time/It's high time + (for + object) + to-infinitive

It’s time to buy a new car.

(Da den luc phdi mua xe men rdi.)

It’s high time for the children to go to bed.

(Da din gid bon tre di ngu rdi)
b. Mfcnh di (d6ng tCr chia 6 qu£ khu nhung mang nghla hifin tai)
It’s time/It’s high time + S + Vpast simple
Ten o'clock - It's time you went home.
(10 gid rdi. Da den liic ban phdi ve nha)
It's high time we set out.
(Da den luc chung ta lin ditdng.)
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It's time the children were in bed.

(Da den gid bon tre di ngu.)
Luti y: Were c6 th£ dugc dilng thay cho was.
It's time I was/ were in bed.
(Da den gid tdi di ngu.)

a. Would rather (thfch...hon) dirge dCing d£ di6n dat nhCrng gi mh m6t ngudi
n£o d6 mu6n thuc hifin trong m6t tinh hutfng cu th£ (kh6ng dirge dilng trong
tnrcmg hop tdng quat.) Would rather (do) = would prefer (to do).
* CJ hign tai hoac tirong lai

S + would rather (+not) + V bare-inf.... (+-than+ V bare-inf)
I would rather stay at home tonight.
(T6'i nay tdi thich d nhd hem.)

Would you rather have tea or coffee?

(Ban thich dilng trd hay ca phe horn?)
I'm tired. I'd rather not go out this evening.
(Tdi met. Chieu nay tdi khdng thich di choi)
John would rather go for a swim than play tennis.
(John thich di befi hon choi qu&i vgt)

We'd rather walk than take a bus.

(Chung tdi thich di bd hom la di xe buyt)
* 6 qua khur

S + would rather (+ not) + have + Vm<tna (+than)



We went by sea but I’d rather have gone by air.

(Chung tdi da di bang tdu ihuy nhUng tdi thich di bang may bay hem)

-* I wanted to go by air but I didn’t get my wish.

Tommy would rather have gone skiing than fishing last weekend.

(Ky nghi cud'i tuan trude, Tommy da thich di tritot tuyet hem la di cau)
-* but he didn't get his wish
b. Would rather (mong; mutfn) c6n dirge dilng d4 diSn dat nghla mflt ngudi
muOn ngudi kh£c lhm didu gi do.
* 6 hien tai hoac tuong lai
S + would rather (that) + S + Vpast simple
I'd rather you went home now.
(Tdi mud'n anh ve nhd ngay bay gid.)
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I'd rather you didn’t tell anyone what I said.
(Tdi khdng muon ban ke vai bat ky ai nhitng gi tdi da ndi.)
We'd rather she was/ were here tomorrow.
(Chung tdi muon co ta co mat d day vao ngay mai.)
* 6 qua khu:
S + would rather (that) + S + Vpast perfect
Roberto would rather we hadn’t left yesterday.
{Roberto mudh hdm qua chiing tdi da khdng ra di.)
-» but we left yesterday

I would rather you had met my future wife.
{Tdi muon Id ban da gap vo sap cu&i cua tdi.)
-> but you didn't meet

1. Use the sentences in the box to make sentences with as if.
it has just been cut he hadn't eaten for a week
it never gets fed I'm going to be sick

she was enjoying it she didn't want to come

he's been up all night he meant what he was saying
they’re going to get married someone has been smoking here

1. Carol had a bored expression on her face during the concert. She didn't look

2. I don’t think he was joking. He looked

3. The grass is very short. It looks

4. That poor dog looks

5. I've just eaten too many chocolates. Now I'm feeling ill.

I feel
6. 1 phoned Emma and invited her to. the party but she wasn't very enthusiastic
about it. She sounded
7. Tom looks really awful. He looks
8. Peter was extremely hungry and ate his dinner very quickly.
He ate
9. From what Emma said, it sounds
10. Do you smell something burning? It smells
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2. Complete the sentences with as if! as though.
1. Tim isn’t the boss but he acts the boss.
2. The hole in my shirt wasn't made by a bullet, but it looks
by a bullet.
3. Barbara has met me many times before, but she looked at me
never me before.
4. I'm 20 years old, so please don't talk to me a-child.
5. She heard everything I said, but she went right on talking
a word I'd said.
6. Mark has many friends, but he looks so depressed a friend
in the world.


7. It was a long time ago that we first met but I remember it yesterday.
8. Steve has only met Nicole once but he talks about her a close
9. When Joanna came in from the rainstorm, she looked

a shower
with her clothes on.

10. She will be here, but she spoke .here.
3. Read the situation and write sentences with It's time + clause (somebody did
1. You think the children should be in bed. It's already 11 o'clock.

2. You haven't had a holiday for a very long time. You need one now.
3. You're waiting for Mary. She is late. Why isn't she here yet?
4. You're sitting on a train waiting for it to leave the station. It's already five

minutes late.
5. You enjoy having parties. You haven't had one for a long time.

6. The company you work for is badly run. You think there should be some
7. It's 10 o'clock and Tim is still in bed. You think he should get up now.

8. You want your parents to stop treating Tommy like a child. He’s 18 years

9. You and your friends enjoy the picnic. But it’s too late. You must go home
10. The windows are very dirty. You think they should be cleaned now.
4. Complete the sentences with the suggestions in the list.
be an engineer study Chinese
not go out stay home
lie on the beach not tell you .
go to an opera
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go out with their friends ...
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stay home with their parents

1. I went to the movies last night. I prefer opera to movies. I would rather

2. 1 studied French when I was in high school only because my parents wanted
me to. I would rather
3. Jack’s parents want him to become a doctor, but he'd rather
4. I know you want to know, but I'd rather. .1 told Marge
that I'd keep it a secret.
5. Sometimes teenagers would rather .than
6. I would rather. .right after dinner at the restaurant last

night, but my friends insisted on going to the cinema.
7. Tonight, I’d really rather I want to get a good night's
sleep for the first time all week.
8. 1 don’t want to do anything energetic. I'd rather.

5. Choose the correct answer.
1. John would rather
A. is
B. was
free tomorrow.
C. be D. have been
2. 1 would rather he. her to his birthday party last Sunday.
A. have invited B. had invited C. invited D. would invite
3. We'd better take an umbrella with us because it looks as if it

A. is going to rain B. would rain

C. is raining D. rained

4. It's time we all now.

A. had gone
_ B. go C. should go D. went

5. It’s high time you .the tea ready.

A. have got C. got C. get D. had got
6. 1 don't like Nick. He talks as if he. everything.

A. knew B. had known C. knows D. will know


7. Td rather you me now.

A. had paid B. is paying
8. You're very selfish. It's high time you _ C. paid D- pay
.that you’re not the most
important person in the world.
A. realize B. had realized
9. When I told them my plan, they looked at me as if I _
C have realized D. realized
A. was B. am C. had been D. will be
10. Jack spent his money as if he. a lottery.
A won B. had won C. has won D. wins
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11. Peter would rather on a mattress than on the floor.
A. to sleep B. sleeping C. sleep D. have slept

12. The medicine made me feel dizzy. I felt as though the room
around and around.
A. were spinning B. will spin
C. spins D. is spinning
13. It's time for everybody. to bed.
A. go B. to go C. going D. went
14. Did you go to the concert last night? ~ Yes, but I'd rather to
the concert.
A. not go B. haven't gone

C. not have gone D. not had gone
15. It was so quiet that it seemed as if the earth
A. had stopped B. would stop

C. stopped D. had been stopped

6. Write the sentences, beginning with the words given.
1. 1 wasn't run over by a ten-ton truck.
I feel terrible. I feel as if.
2. 1 like to eat at home better than to go to the restaurant.
I'd rather

3. I'd rather to go to the concert tonight.

I'd prefer
4. He spent his money like a billionaire.

He spent his money as if.

5. We must go home now, it’s a little late.

It's high time

6. You should review your lessons for the exams.

It's time you

7. English is not her native tongue.

She speaks English as if.
8. 1 want you to stop fighting.
I wish
9. They didn't tell me the truth.
I'd rather
10. He'll come to my house tonight.
I’d rather

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Wish (irdc g'l, mong) va if only (ude gl, gi£ ma) thudng duoc dhng d£ di&n dat
ude mudn (if only manh hem va ro rang hem wish). Sau wish va if only, la mdt
mdnh dd chi su ao ude, hoac mdt di£u kidn kh6ng c6 that Mdnh d£ sau wish va if
only ditgc xem nhir mdt mdnh d6 danh tCr (noun clause).
Sau wish va if only c6 3 loai mdnh d£ duoc diing d£ chi su ao ude or tuong lai,
hidn tai va qua khti.
1. Ao ude d tuong lai (Future wish): mong mudn di6u gi dd xay ra hoSc
mudn ngudi nÿo d6 lam didu gl d6.

Subject + wish(es)
It only
+ subject + would (not) + verb (bare.inf)

I wish you would stop smoking.

(Tdi mong anh bo thud'c Id)
Tom wishes his neighbors wouldn't make so much noise.
(Tdm ude gi nhieng ngudi hang x6m cua anh ay khdng Sn do nhuthe)
If only Jane would take the trip with me next Sunday.
{ude gi Chu nhdt tdi Jane di du lich vdi tdi)

If only it would stop raining.

Ude gi trdi ngiCng mica.

- Chu ngu cua wish khdng thd cilng chu ngu vdi would do 66 chung ta khdng
\h£ n6i / wish 1 would., nhung chung ta c6 \h£ dhng could.

I wish I could attend your wedding next week.

[NOT I wish I would attend your wedding next week]

- 1 wish...would... duoc dung khi n6i v£ hanh dOng va su thay d6i, would khdng
duoc dhng khi n6i \£ mdt tinh trang.

I wish something exciting would happen.

(Tdi mong dieu gi do thu vi se xay ra.
-> Cho hanh ddng 6 tuong lai
But: My life isn’t interesting. I wish my life was more interesting.
(Cudc sdhg cua tdi thdt budn te. Ude gi cudc sdhg cua tdi thu vi hem)

[ life would-be more interesting]
2. Ao ude d hten tai (Present wish): didn dat mong ude v£ mdt di£u khdng cd
that hoac khdng th£ thuc hi6n duoc trong hidn tai.
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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website chia sẻ đề thi, tài liệu Tiếng Anh hay, mới nhất
Subject + wish(es)
If only
+ subject + verb (Past simple)

I wish I was/ were rich. (Ifdc gi tdi gidu) —> but I am poor now.
I wish I could swim. (ifdc gi tdi bie't bai.) ->but I can't.
If only Ben was/ were here, {ifac gi co Ben dddy) -» but Ben isn’t here.
If only we knew where to look for him.
(Gid md chung tdi biet phdi tim anh ta d dau...) —> but we don't know.
Liru y:
- Would khdng diroc dhng di diin dat mong uric vi hidn tai, nhitng chung ta c6
thi dung could.

I feel so helpless. If only I could speak the language.
(Tdi cam thay minh that vd dung. Gia md tdi noi duac ngdn ngitdd.)
[NOT If only 4 would...]
- Were cd thi duoc dilng thay cho was (I, he, she, it was/ were), nMt la trong

ldi van trinh trong.

I wish I was/ were taller, I might be better at basketball.
(Ifac gi tdi cao hem, tdi co the choi bong rS hay hem)
3. Ao irdc of qua khur (Past wish): difcn dat mong uric v6 m6t di&u da xay ra
trong qua khti hoac diin dat sir h6i tiic vi m6t diiu gi d6 da khdng xay ra.

Subject + wish(es)
If only _ + subject + Verb (Past perfect)

I wish I hadn't failed my exam last year.

(Gid nhundm ngoai tdi da khdng thi rat)

—> but I failed my exam last year.

She wishes she had had enough money to buy the house.


>but she didn't have enough money to buy it.

If only I had met her yesterday. (Gia nhu hdm qua tdi da gap eddy)

-> but I didn’t meet her.

If only David had been a bit more carefully, he’d have been all right.
(Gid nhu David can than hem mdt chut, thi anh ta da binh yen vd sUrdi.)
Liru y:
- Chung ta c6 thi dhng could have + past participle di diin ta mong uric vi
qu3 khur.
I wish I could have been at the wedding, but I was in New York.
(Tdi ude tdi co the du dam cudi, nhitng tdi da a New York.)

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- M6nh dd if only c6 thd dting m6t mlnh hoSc trong c&u di£u kidn.
If only I wasn't/ weren't so fat. (Gia ma tdi khdng qua map)
If only I weren't so fat, I would be able to get into this dress.
(Gia ma tdi khdng qua mat, tdi da cd the mac chiec do dam nay.)
- Wish c6 th£ diroe dilng & qu£ khu m£ khdng thay d6i thd gia dinh.
He wished he knew her address.
(Anh ta itdc gi anh ta bie't dia chi cua cd ay)
-> He was sorry he didn't know her address.


1. Underline the most suitable verb form in each sentence,
1. I'm sunburnt. I wish I hadn ’t sunbathed)didn't sunbathe for so long.
2. 1 don't feel well. I wish I could stay!stayed at home tomorrow.
3. I'm not a good swimmer, but I wish I could swim/would swim well.

4. 1 wish I had/have a puppy or a kitten!

5. 1 wish I could see!saw you tomorrow, but it's impossible.
6. 1 wish Jim didn’t sit/doesn't sit next to me. He's so annoying!
7. If only we had/would have some money we could take the bus.
8. 1 hope you enjoyed!enjoy yourselves at the dance tomorrow.
9. 1 wish I can!could speak English better!

10. 1 hope rillVd win the lottery!

1 1. 1 wish Peter doesn’t live/didn’t live/wouldn’t live so far away from the town
centre. We'll have to take a taxi.

12. 1 feel rather cold. I wish I brought/had brought my pullover with me.

13. What a pity. I wish we don't have to/didn't have to/wouldnt have to leave.
14. 1 wish you tell/toldlhad told me about the test. I haven't done any revision,.
15. I wish the people next door hadn't made/wouldn't make/couldn't make so

much noise. I can't hear myself think!


16. Darling, I love you so much! I wish we are/had been/would be/could be

together always!
17. I'm sorry I missed your birthday party. I really wish I come/came/had
come/would come.
18. I like my new boss but I wish she gave/would give!could give me some
more responsibility.
19. Having a lovely time in Brighton. I wish you arelwerelhad been here.
20. This car was a complete waste of money. I wish I didn't buy/hadn't bought
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2. Put each verb In brackets into a suitable verb form.
L This train journey seems endless! I wish we (go) by car.
2. I wish I (have) the money to buy some new clothes,
but I can't afford any at the moment.
3. 1 wish the government (do) something about the pollution
in the city.
4. I'm getting really soaked! I wish I (not forget). my umbrella.
5. 1 wish you (not do).

........ that! It's a really annoying habit.

6. That was a lovely meal, but I wish I (not eat).
7. 1 wish I (study)
8. 1 wish you (not leave).
.so much.
harder for my exams. I'm not going to pass.
your dirty shoes in your bedroom!

9. I'm afraid I have no idea where Diana has gone. I wish I (know)
10. 1 really enjoyed our trip to the theatre. I wish we (go) more often.
11. I'm soaked to the skin! If only I (bring) ... an umbrella!

12. This pullover was cheap. I wish I (buy) two of them!

13. 1 like your school. I wish I (go) there too.
14. I must get in touch with Sue. If only I (know). her phone number!
15. This bus is really slow! I wish we (take) the train.
16. I'm disappointed in this camera. I wish I (not buy). .it.
17. 1 answered three questions well. If only I (finish).. the whole test!

.. .. .. ... . .
18. 1 can’t understand Marie! I wish I (speak) ... French.
3. Put the verbs into the correct form.

1. 1 feel sick. I wish .so much cake.

2. I’m fed up with this raining. I wish... raining, (it/stop)


3. Its a difficult question. I wish .the answer. (1/ know)

4. 1 should have listened to you. I wish your advice. (I/ take)

5. 1 wish. .here. She’d be able to help us. (Ann/be)

6. Aren’t they ready yet? I wish (they/ hurry up)

7. It would be nice to stay here. I wish. .to go now. (we/ not/ have)

wanted to see. I wish

9. It’s freezing today. I wish
(it/ not/ be)
10. What's her name again? I wish.
8. When we were in London last year, I didn't have time to see all the things we
more time, (we/have)
so cold. I hate cold weather.

remember her name.

11. What I said was stupid. I wish anything. (I/not/say)
12. You're driving too fast. I wish a bit. (you/slow down)
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1 3. It was a terrible film. I wish. to see it. (we/ not/ go)
14. You're always tired. I wish
15. 1 spent all my money. I wish
16. Vicky’s work isn't going well. She wishes.
17. 1 looked everywhere for the key. I wish....

18. The phone has been ringing for five minutes. I wish
to bed so late, (you/not/go) (1/ save)
better, (it/be)
it. (I/find)
(somebody/ answer)
19. It's very crowded here. I wish. so many people, (there/not/be)
20. 1 wish me about the dance, I would have gone, (you/tell)
4. Complete what people are saying about their situation.

1. Amy isn't as confident as Laura, but she would like to be.
Amy to Laura: I wish .you.
2. Julia drove to the aiiport, but she missed her plane because she didn't get up
early enough.

Julia: If only. .earlier.

3. Rick and Emily can’t afford a new computer, but Rick would really like one.
Rick to Emily: I wish
4. Chloe very much wants to contact an old friend, but she doesn’t have the
Chloe: If only. .the address.

5. Nicola and Kirsry had a secret, but Nicola is annoyed because Kirsty told
Nicola to Kirsry: I wish

6. Adam never locks the front door, and Oliver is complaining to him about it
Oliver to Adam: I wish

7. The DVD player won't work, and Carl is desperate to play his DVD.
Carl: If. .work.

8. Unfortunately Kate couldn't be at Tim's wedding, although she regrets not

being there.

Kate to Tim: I wish

5. For each situation, write a sentence with wish or if only
1. Ann issn’t here. I need to see her now.
2. John would like to be a pilot when he grows up.
3. I’m sorry I didn’t come to the party last night.
4. 1 regret that you didn’t give me a chance to tell you the truth.
5. Mayr is afraid she won’t be able to attend your wedding next week.
6. 1 regret I didn’t leam to play a musical instrument.
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7. You drive too fast. I'd like you to drive more slowly.
8. It is raining. I want to go out, but not in the rain.
9. I'd like to buy this book but I don't have enough money to buy it.
10. 1 live in a big city, but I don’t like it.
11. Nam was sorry that he didn't accept the job.
12. 1 have to work tomorrow but I’d like to stay at home.
13. 1 feel sick because I ate too much ice-cream.
14. It’s pity that you were not here last week.
15. A lot of people drop litter in the street.
16. I'd like to take some photographs but I didn’t bring my camera.

17. It's cold and I hate cold weather.
18. 1 can’t go to the party and I'd like to.
19. 1 regret I didn't apply for that job.
20. My life isn't interesting.

6. Choose the correct answer.

B: I wish I h.
1. A: Could you lend me some money?
.you some money for your rent, but I’m broke myself
A. can lend B. would lend C. could lend D. will lend
2. A: Are we lost?

B: I think so. I wish we. .a map with us today.

A. were bringing B. brought
C. had brought

.... D. would bring


3. A: What are you doing later this afternoon?

B: I wish I.. the answer of that question.

A. knew B. know C. could know D. would know

4. A: I told your mother that you had left your job.

B: Well, I wish you .her. It's none of your business.

A. wouldn't tell B. didn't tell C. hadn't told D. doesn’t tell

5. A: I wish you. .making that noise. It's bothering me.

B: Sorry, I’ll stop it right now.
A. would stop B. are going to stop
C. stop D. can stop
6. A: These figures are too complicated to work out in your head.
B: Yes, a calculator.
A. I wish we would have B. if only we had
C. if only we had had D. I wish we have

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7. A: You look so tired.
B: Yes, I'm really sleepy today. I wish I. .Bob to the airport late last
A. didn’t have to take B. weren't taking
C. hadn't had to take D. didn’t take
8. A: It's raining. I wish it
B: Me too. If only the sun .so that we could go swimming.
A. stopped/ shined B. would stop/ were shining
C. had stopped/ had shined D. would stop/ would shine
9. A: Did you study for that test? .

B: No, but now I wish I .because I flunked it.
A. had studied B. studied C. would study D. have studied
10. A: My feet are killing me! I wish I. more comfortable shoes.
B: Yeah, me too. I wish I ...that we were going to have to walk

this much.
A. had worn/ knew

C. were wearing/ would know
B. am wearing/ had known
D. wore/ had known
G. MfiNH Dfi QUAN Hfi


Menh d£ quan he (relative clauses) c6n duoc goi Id menh d£ tmh ngtf (adjective
clauses), Id menh de phu duoc dilng d£ b6 nghla cho danh tit dung trade. Menh d6
quan he dung ngay sau danh tit md n6 b6 nghla vd duoc bat ddu bang ede dai tit

quan he (relative pronouns) who, whom, which, whose, that hodc ede trang tit quan
he (relative adverbs) when, where, why.


MfiNH Dfi QUAN Hfi (Uses of relative pronouns and relative adverbs in
relative clauses)
1. Dai tit quan he (Relative pronouns)
Khi ede dai tit who, whom, whose, which, that duoc dilng dl gidi thieu m6nh de
quan he, chung duoc goi Id dai tit quan he (relative pronouns).
a. Who: duoc dilng 1dm chu ngu (subject) hodc tan ngu (object) thay cho danh
tit chi ngudi.
The man who saw the accident yesterday is my neighbour.
(NgU&i[maJ da trdng thay tai nan hdm qua Id hdng xom cua tdi.
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The girl who spoke to you is my sister.
NgUdi ma anh noi chuyen la chi gai tdi.
b. Whom (ink): diing thay cho danh tit chi ngucri, lkm tan ngu. W/io vk that rSft
thir&ng thay thay the' whom trong trircfng hop nky:
The man whom I saw yesterday is John.
The man who I saw yesterday is John.
The man that I saw yesterday is John.
(Ngudi [ma] tdi da gap hdm qua la John).
Chung ta c6 th£ b6 ludn whom, who, that trong cku trdn, dkc bidt trong dkm

The man I saw yesterday is John.
c. Which (mÿ): dupe diing thay cho danh tir chi d6 vat, con vat, sir vat; lkm chu
ngu: hoac tan ngu:
The horse which I recently bought is an Arab.

(Con ngua tdi vita mua la mdt con ngua a Rap)

The street which leads to my house is rather slippery.
(Con dudng dan tdi nha tdi kha trcm trot)
d. Whose: duoe diing d£ chi su so huu cho danh tir chi ngucri hoac vat dung
trudc. Whose dupe diing nhu tit han dinh dung trude danh tit thay cho cric tinh tir
s6 hOu his, her, its, their. Whose + noun c6 thd 1km chu ngu hoac tan ngu trong

mdnh d& quan hd.

A child whose parents are dead is called an orphan.
(Mdt dita tre ma cha me cua no chet duoe goi la mdt dita tre mo edi)

The house whose windows are broken is mine.

(Can nha co cua sd' bi vd la can nha cua tdi).

e. That: dupe diing thay cho ck danh tit chi ngucri vk danh tit chi vat. That c6
thd’ thay thd who, whom, which trong mdnh dd quan hd xric dinh (defining relative

The architect who/ that designed this building is very famous.

(Kidh true suthiet kd'tda nha nay rat nSi tieng)

That is the bicycle which/ that belongs to Tom.
(Do la chiec xe dap cua Tom)
* Dkc bidt trong ckc trudng hop sau day, that thubng dupe diing hon:
- Khi di sau cric hinh thirc so srinh cue cdp:
He was the best man that I have ever seen.
(Anh ay la ngUdi tdt nhat tdi da titng gap)
John was the most intelligent man that ever studied at this school.
(John la ngUdi thdng minh nhat da titng hoc d trudng nay)
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- Khi di sau: all, same, any, only, the first, the last, It is/It was:
I have said all that I want to say.
(Tdi da noi tat cd nhitng gi tdi mud'n noi)
You are the only person that can help me.
(Anh la ngicdi duy nha't cd the giup tdi.)
Any boys that want to succeed must work hard.
(Bat citdita tre nao muon thanh cdng phai lam viec can man)
It is his wife that makes the decisions in his family.
(Chinh ba vadng dy quye't dinh moi chuyen trong gia dinh)
It was the first time that John heard of it.

(Day la Ian dau tien John nghe ve chuyen dy.
- Khi di sau cic dai tur b£t dinh (indefinite pronouns) nhu: no one, nobody,
nothing, somebody, someone, anybody...
She always had everything that she wanted.

(Cd dy ludn ludn co moi thuminh mud'n)

He never says anything that is worth listening to.
(Anh ta chang bao gid noi duoc dieu gi dang cho ngudi khac lang nghe)
It was not for nothing that he studied carpentry.
(Anh dy hoc nghe mdc chang phai di chcri.)
- Khi danh tif di trudc bao g6m ca ngirfri l£n vat:

He talked of the people and the places that he had visisted.

(Cau dy noi ve nhitng ngitdi va nhitng noi cau dy da den tham)
f. of which (cua vat do): dhng d£ chi s6 huu cho danh tCr chi vat diing trudc,

khdng dhng cho ngucri:

This is the dictionary the cover of which has come off.

(Day la cudh ticdien bia cua nd da bong ra)

Two rabbits came out of the hole, both of which the dog killed immediately.

(Hai con tho chay ra ngodi Id hang, cd hai deu bi cho cdn chit lap tuc)
Nhu the' chung ta c6 thi dung ca whose va of which d£ chi so huu cho vat dung

We crossed the river the current of which was very rapid.
(Chung tdi bang qua mdt dong sdng chay xiet)
2. Trang tit quan he (Relative adverbs)
Cac trang tii when, where va why c6 thd duoc dting dd gidi thi£u m£nh de quan
he sau c£c danh tir chi thdi gian, ncri chrin \h do.
a. Where (= in/ at which): duoc dung thay cho danh tit chi nd chrin.
The place where we met was an old pagoda.
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( Ncri chung tdi da gap nhau la mdt ngdi chila cS)
Mary would like to live in a country where it never snows.
(Mary thich sd'ng d mdt nude khdng co tuye't)
b. When (= on/ at/ in which): duoc dung thay cho danh tCr chi then gian.
Sunday is the day when I am least busy.
(Chu nhat la ngay tdi it ban ron nhat)
There are times when joking is not permissible.
(Co nhitng luc ngudi ta khdng duac phep dim)
c. Why (= for which): thu&ng duoc dung chi ly do, thay cho the reason.
The reason why he did it is obscure.

(Li do tai sao anh ta lam dieu do thi khdng rd)
Luu y:
- When va why c6 thi duoc bo, hodc thay bang that.
I'll never forget the day (that) I met her.

The reason (that) I didn't phone you was that I didn't have your phone

- Where co th£ bo hodc thay bang that khi where dung sau ede tir somewhere,
anywhere, everywhere, nowhere, va place (khdng diroc bd khi where dung sau
ede tCr khac.)
Have you got somewhere (that) I can lie down for an hour?

(Ban co chd ndo cho tdi ngd lung mdt tieng ddng ho khdng?)
We need a place (that) we can stay for a few days.
(Chung tdi can mot net de d lai vai ngay)

[NOT We -need- a house (that) we can stay for a few days.]

- Kh6ng dilng gidri til (prepositions) trong m$nh &6 quan he bat ddu bang ede

trang til quan he where, when va why.

The building where he lives is very old.

[ where he lives or where he lives in]


But: The building in which he lives is very old.

I’ll never forget the day when I met you.
[NOT ...on-when I met you or when I met you onj
But: 111 never forget the day on which I met you .
- Where co thd duqc dung ma khdng c6 danh tir chi ncri chdn di trud>c.
Put it where we can all see it.
(Hay dqt no d ned ma tat ca chung ta deu nhin thay.)
n. Gl6l TIT TRONG M$NH QUAN H$ (Prepositions in relative clauses)
Trong mdnh d£ quan h£ (relative clauses), khi dai tir quan ht 1dm tan ngu
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(object) cua gidi tCr thi gidi tCr thudng cd hai vi tri: trudc cdc dai tir quan he whom
va which hoac sau ddng tit.
1. Trong I6i van trang trong, gi6i tilf dumg trudc cdc dai tOr quan he whom
vd which.
The man to whom my mother is talking is my form teacher.
(Ngatii ddn 6ng md me tdi dang ndi chuyen Id gido vien chu nhiem cua tdi.)
The restaurant to which we noimaUy go is closed today.
(Nhd hdng ma chung tdi thating den hdm nay ddng ci(a.)
Mr Carter, to whom I spoke on the phone last night, is very interested in
our plan.

(Ong Carter, ngatii md tdi da ndi chuyen diin thoai td'i qua, rat quan tarn
den ke hooch cua chung ta.)
Fortunately we had a map, without which we would have got lost
(May thay chung tdi cd mdt tarn ban dS, khdng co no chac han chung tdi

da bi lac dating.)

2. Trong loi n6i th&n m$t, gift tit thirbng dumg sau ddng tit trong menh de
quan he.
That's the man who(m)/ that I was talking about.
(Do la ngutii md tdi thating ndi den)
The picture that/ which she was looking at was famous.

(Btic tranh md eddy dang xem rdt ndi tieng)

Sandra, who(m) we had been wait for, finally arrived.

(Cud'i edng thi Sandra, ngatii md chung tdi dang dai, cung da den)
Yesterday we visited the City Museum, which I’d never been to before.

(Hdm qua chung tdi di tham quan Nhd bao tang thanh phd', nai md trUtic
day tdi chaa bao gitiden.
- Trong menh d£ x£c dinh, cic dai ti)r quan he l&m ten ngC cua gi6i tir (who(m)/

which/that) thudng duqc b6 \k gibi tir lu6n ddng sau d6ng tir.

That's the man I was talking about.

The picture she was looking at was famous.
Was that the restaurant you normally go to?
(Cd phai kia Id nhd hdng md ban thating den an?)
Lim y:
- Gibi tir khdng duqc dat trudc that hoac who.
She is the woman who I told you about
(Body Id ngatii md tdi da ndi vtii ban.)
[NOT the woman-about who-r-..]

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The bus that I'm waiting for is late.
(Chuyen xe buyt ma tdi dang doi den tri.)
[NOT The bus for that...]
Mr. Jones, who I am working for, is very generous.
(Ong Jones, tdi dang lam viec cho dng ta, rat tdt bung)
[NOT ... , for who I’m working,...]
- Vdi cum ddng tit (phrasal verb) thl gidfi tit khdng duoc dung tru6e whom vh
Did you find the word which/ that you were looking up?
(Anh da tim ra ticma anh mud'n tra chita?)

[NOT ... the word up which you were looking]
The child who(m)/ that I have looked after for a year is very naughty.
(Dita be ma tdi da chdm soc mdt nam nay rat btf&ng binh.)

[ NOT The-ehild after whom I have looked ...]
- Gidi tir without kh6ng ducfc dhng & vi tri sau ddng tit.

The woman without whom I can't live is Jane.
(Ngitcri phu nitma tdi khdng the sd'ng thieu cd ay chinh la Jane.)
[NOT The woman -who{m) I can't live without ...]
3. Trong menh d£ khdng xdc dinh, cdc cum tit chi s6 lmrng all of I most of!

neither of! many oft... c6 th£ duoc dhng vdi whom, which va whose.
Mary has three brothers, all of whom are married.
(Mary cd 3 anh em trai, tdt cd diu da lap gia dinh.)

[NOT all of who]

I Tom tried on three jackets, none of which fitted him.

(Tom thit 3 chiic do vet, khdng chiec ndo vita v&i anh dy.)
[NOT none of that]

Two men, neither of whom I had ever seen before, came into my office.

(Hai ngitcd dan dng, nhCtng ngitdi ma tritdc day tdi chita bao gid gap,
bitdc vdo van phdng cua tdi.)
She had a teddy-bear, both of whose eyes were missing.
(Cd dy cd mdt con gay nhSi bdng, cd hai con mdt cua nd deu bi mdt.)
m. CAC LOAI M$NH QUAN H$ (Kinds of relative clauses)
C6 hai loai mftnh dd quan he: menh d£ quan he xdc dinh (defining relative
clause) v& mftnh d6 quan he khdng x£c dinh (non-defining relative clause).
1. Menh de quan he x£c dinh (Defining relative clauses)
Menh dd quan he xdc djnh 1& menh dS duoc dhng dS xdc dinh danh tir dung
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trudc d6. Menh d£ xac dinh Id menh d£ cdn thie't cho nghTa cua c&u, khdng c6
no cau se khdng du nghia.
That is the house that I would like to buy.
The book which you lent me was very interesting.
I do not know the town where he was born.
Living in a house whose walls were made of glass would be horrible.
(Sdhg trong nhd tudng Idm bang klnh that Id khung khiep)
- Trong menh d£ quan he xdc dinh, chung ta c6 \hi bo cac dai tir quan he ldm
tan ngtf who(m), which, that vd cdc trang tit when, why, nhdt la trong l<5i van
than mat.

The woman you met yesterday works in advertising.
The book you lent me was very interesting.
Do you remember the day we met each other?

2. Menh de quan he khdng xdc dinh (Non-defining relative clauses)

M6nh d6 quan he khdng xdc dinh la menh d6 cung cdp them thdng tin \6
mdt ngudi, mdt vat hodc mdt su viec da duoc xdc dinh. Menh d£ khdng xdc
dinh Id menh d£ khdng nhdt thi£t phai c6 trong cau, khdng c6 n6 cau vdn du
nghTa. Menh d£ quan he khdng xdc dinh duoc phan ranh gidri v6i menh d£ chfnh
bang cac ddu ph£y (,) hoac ddu gach ngang (-).
The sun, which at midday was hot, made the traveler thirsty. ,

(Mdt trdi-nong vao luc gitia trUa-dd lam ngudi lithanh khat nude.)
Karl Marx, who wrote Das Kapital, is a German philosopher.

(Cac Mac, ngudi da viei bdTuban, Id mdt nhd triet hoc Dtic)
This is George, whose sister is my best friend.

(Day la George, chi cua cau dy Id ban than cua tdi)

- Khdng dting dai ta quan he that trong menh d£ quan he khdng xdc dinh

(non-defining relative clause).

Ms Smith, who(m) you met at our house, is going to marry next week.

(C6 Smith, ngudi ma anh da gap tai nhd chung tdi, se ket hdn vdo tudn tdi.)
[NOT ..., that-you-met at our house,...]
Harry told me about his new job, which he's enjoying very much.
(Harry ke cho tdi nghe ve edng viec mdi ma anh ta rdt thlch)
[NOT ..., that he's enjoying very much]
- Khdng th£ bo cdc dai ta quan he 1dm tdn ngu who(m), which, that vd cdc
trang ta where, when, why cua menh de quan he khdng xdc dinh (non-defining
relative clause).

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Peter, who(m) everybody suspected, turned out to be innocent.
(Peter,ngu&i bi moi ngu&i nghi ngd, hoa ra khdng co tdi)
We stayed at the Grand Hotel, which Ann recommended to us.
(Chung tdi d tai khach sqn Grand ma Ann da gicri thieu)
[NOT ... the Grand -Hotelr Ann recommended to us]
Trong menh d6 quan he khdng x£c dinh (non-defining clauses), which co
th£ duqc dCmg d£ b6 nghTa cho ca cau.
It rained all night, which was good for the garden.
(Mua suo't dem, dieu do tot cho khu vucm.)

[which co nghia ’the fact that it rained all night']
Max isn't home yet, which worries me.
(Max chua ve nha, dieu nay lam tdi lo Idng.)
IV. DANG RtJT GON CUA M$NH t)P QUAN H$ (Reduced forms of

relative clauses}

Menh d£ quan he c6 th£ duqc rut gon bang c£ch dung cum phan tir
(participle phraser), cum danh tur (noun phrases) hoac cum ddng tit nguydn m&u
(infinitive phrases).
1. Cum phÿn tit (Participle phrases)
Menh di quan he c6 th£ duqc rut gon bang cich dilng cum phan ttir hien tai

hoac qua khti (present/ past participle phrases).

a. Hien tai phan tit (present participle) c6 th£ duqc dilng khi:

DOng tit trong menh quan he b thi tie'p dien.

That man, who is sitting next to Mandy, is my uncle.

-» That man, sitting next to Mandy, is my uncle.

(NgUcri dang ngSi canh Mandy la chu cua tdi)

A lorry which was carrying pipes has overturned.

-» A lorry carrying pipes has overturned.

(Chiec xe tdi chd dhg da bi lat )

- Deng tit trong menh d£ quan he dien dat hÿnh ddng hoac su viec c6 tmh
thufrng xuydn, lau dai.
The road that joins/ joined the two villages is/ was very narrow.
The road joining the two villages is/ was very narrow.
(Con du&ng no'i lien hai ngdi Idng rat hep)
Boys who attend/ attended this school have/ had to wear uniform.
-> Boys attending this school have/ had to wear uniform.

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( Nam sink hoc trtfdng ndy phai mdc dSng phuc).
- DOng til trong mdnh di£n dat u6c mudn, hy vong, mong doi, v.v.
Fans who hope to buy tickets have been queuing all night.

> Fans hoping to buy tickets have been queuing all night.
( Nhtfng ngtfdi ham md hy vong mua dtfoc ve da xep hang sud't dem.)
Bill, who wanted to make an impression on Ann, took her to the Portrait
-> Bill, wanting to make an impression on Ann, took her...
(Bill, ngtfdi mud'n gay an ttfong vdi Ann, da dtfa cd ay den phdng trtfng
bay anh chan dung.)
Liru y: Kh6ng dhng hidn tai ph&n ttir di diSn dat hknh d6ng don trong qua

The police wanted to interview the people who saw the accident.
(Canh sat mud'n tham van nhtfng ngtfdi chtfng kien vu tai nan)

[NOT ... the-people seeing the accident]

b. Qua khu: phan tit (past participial) duoc dbng khi ddng tit trong mfinh dÿ
quan he b dang bi d6ng (passive form).
The boy who was injured in the accident was taken to the hospital.
-» The boy injured in the accident was taken to the hospital.
(Cau be bi thtfcmg trong vu tai nan da dtfoc dtfa tdi benh vien)

Most of the goods which are made in this factory are exported.
-» Most of the goods made in this factory are exported.
(Phan Idn hang hoa dtfoc san xudt tai nha may nay deu dtfoc xudt khdu)

Some of the people who have been invited to the party can't come.


» Some of the people invited to the party can't come.

(Mdt sd' ngtfdi dtfcrc mdi dtftiec khdng din dtfoc)

2. Cum danh tit (Noun phrases)

M6nh d6 quan he khdng x£c dinh (non-defining relative clause) c6 th£ ducfc

rut gon bang cum danh tCr.

George Washington, who was the first president of the United States,
was a general in the army.
-> George Washington, the first president of the United States, was a
general in the army.
(George Washington, tSng thd'ng ddu tien cua Hoa Ky, titng la mdt vi
ttfdng trong qudn ddi)
We visited Barcelona, which is a city in northern Spain.

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—(Chung tdi
> We visited Barcelona, a city in northern Spain.
den tham quan Barcelona, mdt thanh phd' d mien bdc Tay Ban
3. Cum dong tit nguyen m&u (Infinitive phrases)
Menh de quan he xac dinh (defining relative clause) c6 thi duqc rut gon
bang cum dQng tit nguy£n m£u ( to-infinitive hoac for + object + to-inf). To-
infinitive c6 th£ duqc ditng :
- Sau c£c tit first, second,...; last, next; only; v& dang so sdnh nh£t
The captain was the last man who left the ship.

The captain was the last man to leave the ship.
(Thuyen tritdng Id ngitcfi cuo'i cung r&i tau)
New Zealand was the first country which gave women the vote.
— » New Zealand was the fust country to give women the vote.

(New Zealand la qudc gia dau tien cong nhan quyen bau cut cua phu nit.)

The guest on our show is the youngest golfer who won the Open.
-» The guest on our show is the youngest golfer to win the Open.
(Khach mcri cua chucmg trinh la van ddng vien chcri gdn tre tuSi nhat vita
doat giai mo rdng.)
- Khi mutfn di£n dat muc dfch (purpose) ho3c su cho ph6p (permission).

The children need a big yard which they can play in.
-> The children need a big yard to play in.

(Bon tre can mdt cai san rdng de choi dda.)

Here is a form that you must fill in.


> Here is a form for you to fill in.

(Day la mau don de anh dien vao.)

I don't like him playing in the streets; I wish we had a garden that he
could play in.

-> I don't like him playing in the streets; I wish we had a garden for him
to play in.
(Toi khdng thick no choi dua ngoai ditdng; tdi tide gi chung tdi cd mdt
khu vitcm de no choi dua trong san.)

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1. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

1. An old man, who/which was carrying a suitcase, knocked at the door.
2. The winner, whichlwhose bike was an unusual design, won a medal.
3. The girl who/which spoke to me turned out to be in my class.
4. The museum, whichlwhose was in a beautiful building, was closed.
5. A policewoman that/which we asked told us how to get there.
6. 1 The boy whose/whom house I was staying at was an old friend.
7. The last person whichlwhose pen I borrowed didn't get it back.
8. My friend Jack, thatlwho/whose parents live in Glasgow, invited me to

spend Christmas in Scotland.
9. Here's the computer program that/whom/whose I told you about.
10. 1 don't believe the story thatlwho/whom she told us.

11. Peter comes from Witney, thatlwholwhich is near Oxford.

12. This is the gun with that/whomlwhich the murder was committed.
13. Have you received the parcel whomlwhoselwhich we sent you?
14. Is this the person wholwhich/whose you asked me about?
15. That's the girl that/wholwhose brother sits next to me at school.
16. The meal, that/whichfwhose wasn't very tasty, was quite expensive.

17. We didn't enjoy the play that/wholwhose we went to see.

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .
2. Put a suitable relative pronoun in each space, or leave the space blank

where possible.
1. The friend .... Whose. . house I stayed in is coming to stay with us.

2. The guidebook we bought explained everything.

3. The couple

... ............ .. .. . .
.house I bought both worked in my office.

4. I'd like you to tell me. you were talking to.

5. The girl ruler I had borrowed wanted, it back.


6. 1 can't remember . I lent my bike to.

7. Do you know Catherine works for?
8. My bike . I had left at the gate, had disappeared.
9. The shoes
10. The bag in
11. The medicine
12. Peter,,
13. 1 really liked that tea.
. . .... .
....I bought were the ones. .1 tried on first.
..the robbers put the money was found later.
the doctor gave me had no effect at all.
.couldn’t see the screen, decided to change his seat.
. you made me this morning.
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15. The flight
16. This is the kind of language.

18. The chimpanzee,

19. My father,
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14. What was the name of your friend. .tent we borrowed?
Joe was leaving on was cancelled.
is used by deaf and dumb people.
17. "Dumb" is the word used in English for someone. .is unable to speak was Washoe, learned about 160 signs. a doctor, is fifty years old now..
20. Another person.. .work has become well known is Roger Fouts.
3. Underline any relative pronouns that can be left out in these sentences.
1. 1 think that my boss is the person who I admire most.
2. Harry, who was tired, went to bed very early.

3. We’re taking the train that leaves at 6.00.
4. Have you seen the book that I left here on the desk?
5. The film which we liked most was the French one.

6. My radio, which isn't very old, has suddenly stopped working.
7. The clothes which you left behind are at the reception desk.

8. The couple who met me at the station took me out to dinner.
9. Last week I ran into an old friend who I hadn't seen for ages.
10. Don't cook the meat that I put in the freezer - it's for the dog.
4. Replace the relative pronouns in italics with that, where possible.

1. This is the magazine which I told you about.

2. John's flat, which is in the same block as mine, is much larger.


3. The girl whose bag I offered to carry turned out to be an old friend.

4. The policeman who arrested her had recognised her car.


5. I work with someone who knows you.

6. We don't sell goods which have been damaged.

7. Brighton, which is on the south coast, is a popular holiday resort.

8. I don't know anyone whose clothes would fit you.


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9. There's a cafe near here which serves very good meals.

10. People who park outside get given parking tickets.

5. Combine the following pairs of sentences by means of relative pronouns

1. You sent me a present. Thank you very much for it. (Thank you very
much for. .. )
2. She was dancing with a student. He had a slight limp.
3. Romeo and Juliet were lovers. Their parents hated each other.
4. This is Mrs Jones. Her son won the championship last year.

5. The man was sitting at the desk. I had come to see this man.
6. His girlfriend turned out to be an enemy spy. He trusted her absolutely.
7. The car crashed into a queue of people. Four of them were killed.

8. The roads were crowded with refugees. Many of them were wounded.
9. He wanted to come at 2 a.m. This didn't suit me at all.

10. They gave me four very bad tires. One of them burst before I had driven
four miles.
11 . Who lives in the house? It has a white door.
12. We visited a patient. His eyesight had been restored by the surgeon.

13. The girls should go to the main office. Their names begin with the letters
14. The countries will not be helped. They have very large debts.

15. The people will be compensated. Their houses were damaged by the

1 6. The shop will make a big profit. Its turnover is the largest.
17. The player changed their shirts at half-time. Their shirts were dirty.

18. Those people should go on strike. They are ill treated

19. The car was involved in an accident. It had a white roof

20. The guard was punished. He let a prisoner escape.

6. Combine the following pairs or groups of sentences, using relative
1. Tom had been driving all day. He was tired and wanted to stop.
2. Jack's tires were very old. He wanted to stick to the tarred road.
3. He gave orders to the manager. The manager passed them on to the
4. She said that the men were thieves. This turned out to be true.
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5. The lorry crashed into a bus-load of schoolchildren. Six of them were
slightly injured.
6. The Smiths were given rooms in the hotel. Their house had been destroyed
in the explosion.
7. The river bed is uneven and you may be in shallow water one moment and
in deep water the next. This makes it unsafe for non-swimmers.
8. He paid me 5 dollars for cleaning ten windows. Most of them hadn't been
cleaned for at least a year.
9. Tom came to the party in patched jeans. This surprised the other guests.
Most of the other guests were wearing evening dress.
10. I missed the train. I usually catch this train. And I had to travel on the

next. This was a slow train.
7. Combine the sentences by using relative adverbs.
1. This is the place. The accident occurred there.

2. 7:05 is the time. My plane arrives at that time.

3. I'll show you the second-hand bookshop. You can find valuable books in
this shop.
4. The reason is to invite you to my party. I'm phoning you for this reason.
5. Mark likes to travel at night. The roads are quiet at that time.
6. The Riverside Restaurant is very beautiful. I once had lunch with Henry in

this restaurant.
7. She doesn’t want to speak to the cause. She divorced her husband for this

8. The days were the saddest ones. I lived far from home on those days.
9. A cafe is a small restaurant. People can get a light meal there.

10. You didn't tell us the reason. We had to cut down our daily expenses for
that reason.

8. Change the relative clauses to phrases.


1. Do you know the woman who is coming toward us?

2. The road that joins the two villages is very narrow.
3. Most of the goods that are made in this factory are exported.
4. My grandmother, who is old and sick, never goes out of the house.
5. Kuala Lumpur, which is the capital city of Malaysia, is a major trade
center in Southeast Asia.
6. The woman who lived here before us is a romantic novelist.
7. The scientists who are researching the causes of cancer are making

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8. Our solar system is in a galaxy that is called the Milky Way.
9. All students who don't hand in their papers will fail in the exam.
10. Simon Bolivar, who was a great South American general, led the fight for
independence early in the 19th century.
11. Some of the people who have been invited to the party can't come.
12. Ann is the woman who is responsible for the error.
13. Mr. Jackson, who has been working in the company for over ten years,
was nominated as the new director.
14. English has an alphabet that consists of 26 letters.
15. We noticed a pile of stones which had been left in the road.

9. Change the relative clauses to phrases, using to-infinitive or infinitive
phrases (for + O + to-infinitive).
1. We used to have a room in which we could play music.
2. The child will be happier if he has someone that he can play with.

3. David was the only person who offered his help.

4. We had to sit on the ground because we hadn't anything that we could sit
5. She didn't have anyone to whom she could send cards.
6. There is a big yard that your children can play in.
7. Emma Thompson is the most famous actress who will appear on stage

8. We have some picture books that children can read.

9. He was the second man who was killed in this way.

10. Here are some novels that she should read.

10. Replace the clauses in italics by an infinitive or infinitive phrase.

1. We had a river in which we could swim.

2. The child is lonely; he would be happier if he had someone that he could

play with.

3. I don’t much care for cooking for myself; if I had a family that I had to
cook for I’d be more interested.
4. I’ve got a bottle of wine but I haven't got anything that l could open it with
5. 1 have some letters that I must write.
6. 1 don't want to go alone and I haven’t anyone that I can go with.
7. 1 don’t like him playing in the street; I wish we had a garden that he could
play in.
8. He was the first man who left the burning building.
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9. The floor is dusty but I haven’t got a brush that I can sweep it with.
10. The fifth man who was interviewed was entirely unsuitable.
11. Complete the sentences using reduced noun clauses.
1. Her date is arriving in ten minutes. She doesn't know what clothes she
should wear.
She doesn't know
2. Joe has gained a lot of weight. He went to the doctor for advice.
The doctor told him
3. There are several English schools for Kyoko to choose from.
She cannot make a decision.

Kyoko is not sure
4. They want to adopt a child but they don’t know much about the procedure.
They go to a lawyer.

The lawyer told them

5. Ben is failing his economics class. He went to talk to the professor.
The professor advised told him
6. She forgot the time of her dental appointment.
She doesn't know
7. Jane is new in town. She wants to buy a new dress but she isn't sure about

the stores.
Jane doesn’t know
8. "My dog's sick! Help!" cried Linda.

Linda didn't know

9. 1 can't stop smoking. Please give me some advice.

Please tell me
10. Share a problem you have with your friend then offer advice to each


Tell your friend

12. Find any errors in noun clause construction and verb tense. Correct
the errors.
1. A few students asked the teacher why was there
going to be a final exam. .
2. The teacher told to the students that it is crucial
that they learn to take tests.
3. According to the students, however, it was more
important that they were given more class time.
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4. The president told the press to not worry about

the recent problems because the economy was
strong and healthy.
5. What is my father's annual income is none of
your business.
6. This is exactly that I noticed at my age.
7. What are we in such a situation is only an
example for our children.
8. That at what age a parent should suggest her
child break away and live independently is that

a parent should consider
13. Comment on each situation. Use the to-infinitive structure.
1. David offered his help. No one else did.

David was the only person to offer his help.
2. Oliva's daughter swam a length of the pool. No other girl as young as her
did that.
Oliva's daughter was h.
3. The secretaries got a pay rise. No one else did.
The secretaries were

4. The pilot left the aircraft. Everyone else had left before him.
The pilot was
5. Mrs. Harper became Managing Director. No other woman had done that

Mrs. Harper was

6. Daniel applied for the job. No other candidate as suitable as him applied.
Daniel was

7. Janet solved the puzzle. She did it before everyone else.

Janet was

8. Mark wrote a letter of thanks. No one else did.

Mark was
14. Complete the sentences, using present participle, past participle or to
infinitive of the verbs in the box.
overlook blow call strike live offer read ring sit
study work leave fill survive play block publish
1. An obstacle is something .your way.
2. 1 was woken up by a bell.
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3. Baseball is a game. mainly in the USA.
4. Here is an application form for you, in.
5. Somebody Jack phoned while you were out.
6. Ian has got a brother
7. There was a tree
8. The captain was the last. ..........
9. Life must be very unpleasant for people.

11 . The photographs.
in a bank in London and a
economics at the university in Manchester.
. down in the storm last night.
the sinking ship.
near busy airport.
10. When I entered the waiting room, it was empty except for a young man
in the newspaper were extraordinary.

12. The air-hostess was the only person the plane crash.
13. Two out of three people . .. by lightning survive

14. We have an apartment the park.
15. A few days after the interview, I received a letter. me a job.

15. Make one sentence from each group of sentences, beginning as shown.
1. The hotel was full of guests. The hotel was miles from anywhere. The
guests had gone there to admire the scenery.
The hotel, which . was.miles.from anywhere,.was.full.of. guests.
2. 1 lent you a book. It was written by a friend of mine. She lives in France.

The book I .Who. hod gone. there, io.admire.,the. scenery

3. A woman’s jewels were stolen. A police officer was staying in the same
hotel. The woman was interviewed by him.

The woman whose

4. A goal was scored by a teenager. He had come on as substitute. This goal

won the match.

The goal which

5. I was sitting next to a boy in the exam. He told me the answers.


The boy I
6. My wallet contained over #100. It was found in the street by a schoolboy.
He returned it.
My wallet
7. My friend Albert has decided to buy a motorbike. His car was stolen last
My friend Albert
8. Carol is a vegetarian. I cooked a meal for her last week. She enjoyed it.
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16. Put one suitable word in each space, or leave the space blank where
Murder At The Station by Lorraine Small. Episode 5. Trouble on the 6.15.
The story so far: Jane Platt, (1) who . is travelling to London because
of a mysterious letter, is the only person (2), witnesses a murder
at Victoria Station. The detective to (3) she gives her statement
then disappears. Jane goes to an office in Soho to answer the letter (4),

Gordon, is suspicious of the box, (8). . ........ m

she had received. There she discovers that her uncle Gordon, (5)
lives in South America, has sent her a small box (6).
open if in trouble. Jane, (7)
she is only to
parents have never mentioned an Uncle
she gives to her friend Tony.
They go to Scotland Yard and see Inspector Groves, (9). .has not
heard of the Victoria Station murder, (10).

,was not reported to the

police. Jane gives Inspector Groves the murdered man's ticket (11)

(12). was the town (13).

from. On the train they meet a man, (14).
h .
she found beside his body. Then Jane and Tony decide to go to Redhill,
the murdered man had come
face is somehow familiar to
Jane, (15).

a n
says he knows her Uncle Gordon.

n g
it e

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Chuomg 13

I. DINH NGHIA (Definition)

Cau la mdt nhdm tir thircmg bao g6m m6t chu ngu va m6t d6ng tir, di6n dat m6t
ldi n6i, cau hoi hoac m6nh lenh.
H. PHAN LOAI CAU (Classification of sentences)
Cau co thÿ dupe phan loai theo ca'u true hoac cOng dung.

1. Phan loai cau theo ca'u true (Sentence classified according to structures)
Khi phan loai theo ca'u true, cau g6m 4 loai: cau don, cau hop, cau phire va cau
phtfc hop.

1.1. Cau dom (Simple sentences):
Cau don la cau chi c6 mOt ddng tit dupe chia (finite verb).

The little boy looks very happy.
Cau be trdng rat hanh phuc.
John gets up nearly in the morning.
John thudng day rat sdm.
1.2. Cau kep (Compound sentences): Cau kep la cau g6m hai hoac nhiÿu

menh d6 ddc lap dupe ke't nO'i vdi nhau bang lien tir (and, but, for, nor, or, so, yet,
...) hoac bang m6t da'u cham ph£y.

The moon was bright and we could see our way.

Trdng sang va chung tdi co the nhin thdy 16'i di..

Night came on and rain fell heavily and we all got very wet.
Khi mdn dem budng xud'ng, can mica trd nen nang hat, tat ca chung tdi bi

udt hit.
Ddi khi cau k£p dupe rut gon vi c6 m6t b6 phan nao d6 b menh 66 n£y dupe lap

lai or menh d£ kia.

Tom is sitting and (he is) eating a banana.
Tom dang ngoi an mot qua chud'i.
One side will attack, and the other (will) defend.
Ben nay se tan edng va ben kia phdng ngu.
Cac menh de cua cau kep cung co ihi dupe ndl vcfi nhau bang d£u phiy (,), da'u
cha'm phÿy (;) hoac da'u hai chain (:) thay vi cac lien tit nhu tren:
The rain fell softly, the house was quiet.
Can nha yen tinh trong khi can mica rai lat phat.
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All day long he thought of his father; every night he dreamed of him.
Ca ngay cau ay nghi ve ngudi cha, dem nao cau cung mcf ve ngudi ay.
I went to bed early: the long journey had tired me.
Tdi di ngu scnn vi chuyen di ddi ngay da lam tdi met moi.
1.3. Cku phurc (Complex sentences)
Cau phurc lk cau c6 m6t m6nh d£ chinh vk m6t hay nhi£u mdnh d£ phu.
The man whom you saw yesterday is John's brother.
Ngudi anh da gap hdm qua Id anh trai cua John.
All that she dreams comes true.
Tat ca nhicng diiu nangmaudc deu bien thdnh suthat.

The man who knows no foreign language knows nothing about his
mother tongue. (Goethe)
Ngudi khdng biet ngoai ngtfthi khdng biet gi ve tieng me de cua minh ca.

1.4. Cau phurc hop (Compound-complex sentences)
Cau phurc hop la cku c6 hai hay nhifiu mfinh d£ chinh vk mbt hay nhi£u m6nh
de phu.

As the morning was fine, and he had an hour on his hands, he crossed
the river by the ferry, and strolled along a footpath through some
Vi buSi sang dep trdi vd duoc ranh rSi mdt gid, anh ay di qua sdng bdng

dd vd tan bd tren con dudng mdn chay qua nhicng cdnh ddng co)
Cau trfin c6 hai m£nh d& phu:
(1) As the morning was fine

(2) (As) he had an hour on his hands


Vk hai mknh de chinh

(3) he crossed the river by the ferry
(4) (he) strolled along a footpath through some meadows.

2. Phan loai cku theo cdng dung (Sentence classified according to usage)

Khi phkn loai theo cbng dung, cku g6m 4 loai: cku trkn thukt, cku nghi vkn, cku
mknh lfinh vk cku cam thkn.
2.1. Cku trkn thukt (Declarative sentences)
Cku trkn thukt lk cku dhng d£ ndi 16n nghi, tlnh cam cua minh hokc d£ thukt
lai m6t sir vi£c nao do. Cku trkn thukt c6 th£ 6 dang khing dinh (affirmative) hokc
phu dinh (negative).
The farmer is feeding the chickens.
Ngudi ndng dan dang cho ga an.
Cku phu dinh duoc tao thknh bang ckch them not vko trcr ddng tCr (be, have, do,
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must, can, ... ) hoac dilng cic trang tir phu djnh never, hardly, scarely, ...trudc
ddng tCr chmh.
Mary does not know the answer.
(Mary khong biet cdu tra Idi)
John never drinks tea in the moring.
(John khong bao gid udng tra vao buoi sang)
Cau phu dinh cung c6 th£ dirge tao thknh bang each ihtm fail vao trade ddng tir
nguyfcn m£u (chu ydu trong van vi£t):
John failed to keep his word.
(John khong giu: Idi htia)

Chung ta c£n nhd tir phu dinh not di sau ddng tir chinh khdng nh£t thidt lam
cho cau n<5i trcr thanh phu djnh. Chung ta hay so sanh:
He didn't decide to go. [Cau phu dinh]
He decided not to go. [Cau khang dinh]

[= He had a decision - a decision not to go]

Trong thgc hanh, ddi khi chung ta thay ngudi Anh-MT dilng hinh thirc phu dinh
kep (double negative):
I can't not obey. [= I have to obey]
(tdi khong the nao khdng tudn lenh)
Not many people have nowhere to live.

[= Most people have somewhere to live]

2.2. cau nghi van (Interrogative sentences)
Cau nghi vSn la cau dilng Ai hoi. Cau nghi van c6 c£c loai sau day:

a. Cau hoi C6/Kh6ng (Yes/No questions): la cau hoi ma cau tra ldi la c6 hoac
khdng (yes or no).

Is he a student? Yes, he is/No, he isn't.

Does he like coffee? Yes, he does/ No, he doesn't.

Cau h6i C6/Kh6ng c6n duoc chia thanh hai tiiu loai:

* Cau hoi xac dinh (Affirmative questions)

Trong dang cau hdi nay, trp ddng tir (auxiliary verbs: be, have, will, can, may,
must, ...) thubng duoc dat trudc chu ngu (subject):

Auxiliary verb + subject + verb?

Is he a student?
Does he like coffee?
Can he play tennis?
Cach tra ldi cho cau hoi x£c dinh: tra ldi yes c6 nghla la dung va no c6 nghia la
khdng dung.
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Are you a student?
(Ban cd phai la hoc sink khdng?)
~ Yes, I am. (Vang, dung vay.)
~ No, I am not. I left school last year.
(Khdng, khdng phai. Toi da tdt nghiep nam ngoai)
* Cku hoi phu dinh (negative questions)
Cau h6i phu dinh duoc thanh lap bang cdch thdm not (n't) vao sau tro ddng tir.
Isn't he a student?
(Anh ay khdng phai la sinh vien sao?)
Doesn't he like coffee?

(Cau ay khdng thich cd phe a?)
Can't you play tennis?
(Anh khdng chcfi quan vort duoc sao?)

Cau h6i phu dinh ngoki vide didn \k su phu dinh thdng thudng nhu trong c&c vf
du trdn con didn ta su ngac nhidn (surprise) hay nghi ngd (disbelief):

Haven't you finished your work yet?
(Anh chua lam xong cdng viic a?)
[Ham ngudi n6i nghi rang le ra anh ta da phai lam xong vide]
Isn't your car working?

(Xe anh khdng chay duoc a?)

[C6 that ia xe anh hong r6i khdng? Trudc day tdi vin cho la no chay tdt

Cau h6i phu dinh c6n didn ta mong dpi cua ngudi n6i rang ngudi nghe se d6ng
y vdi minh. Khi trdng tha'y mdt cd gdi dep di ngang qua, ngudi ta c6 thd h6i:

Isn't she pretty?

(Cd ta dep day chut?)

Ngudi nghe c6 th£ d6ng <j nhu ngudi n6i mong dri (Yes, she is) nhung cung cd
thi la khdng (You may think so, but I don’t).

- each tii ldi cho cau h6i phu dinh: tr& ldi No c6 nghla la dung va Yes c6 nghia
la khdng dung.
Haven't you repaired the car yet?
(Anh chua sita xe sao?)
* No. I haven't had time.

(Chua. Tdi khdng cd thdi gian.)

Yes, I did it yesterday.
(Khdng, tdi da sita no hdm qua rSi.)
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Liru y: D6i khi cau hoi yes! no, dac biet la cac cau hoi vdi cac d6ng tir tinh
thai, diroc dung d£ dira ra 15i goi ldi yfcu c£u, lbi d£ nghi, lcfi mcfi hoac xin phdp.
Shall we eat out tonight?
(TSi nay chung ta ra ngoai an nhe?)
-> Lxri gcd y (suggestion)
Could you wait a moment, please?
(Anh vui long dm mot chut co duqc khong?) —> led yeu cau (request)
Can I carry your bag?
(.T6i xach hd tui cho ban nhe?) —> led de nghi (offer)
Would you like to come to the party?

(Anh den dutiec nhe?) -ÿlcfi meti (invitation) •
May I go out?
(Toi co duoc phep ra ngoai khong?) -ÿxin phep (asking permission)
b. Cau hoi Wh- (Wh questions)

Cau hoi Wh- Ik loai cau hoi bat (Mu bang cac nghi vSn tit (question words)

who, whom, which, what, where, when, why, how, ...
Question word + auxiliary verb + subject + verb ?
What is happiness?
(Hanh phuc la gi?)
Where do you come from?

(Chi ttidau den?)

- Khi who, what, which lam chu ng£i cua cau hoi, khdng dung trq ddng ta do

(do, does, did) va trat tCr cua tir gidng trong cau tran thuat.
Who telephoned you last night?

(TSi qua ai da goi dien cho anh vay?)

[NOT Who did telephone ...]

What will happen next?

(Chuyen gi se xdy ra nGa day!)

Which bus goes to the city center?

(Xe buyt nao di vao trung tarn thanh phS?)
[NOT Which bus does go ...]
- D6ng tir chrnh be cung dtfng tru6c chu ngu trong cau hoi.
Where is Kitty? (Kitty dau?)
What was that noise? (Tieng 6n do la tiSng gi vay?)
* M6t s<5 cum ta dhng di hoi: what time, what kind of, what sort of, what
colour, how often, how long, howfar, how high, how much, how many, how old, v.v
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What time is your friend arriving?
(May gid ban cua anh se den?)
How much money did you spend?
(Anh da tieu het bao nhieu tien?)
Liru y: Khi chung ta hoi vd thdng tin, chung ta thuimg n6i Do you know...?
hoac Could you tell me...? v.v. N6u ban bat dau cau hoi bang cac cum ttr nay, thi
trat tu cua tir trong cau se khac vdi cau h6i don.
Where has Tom gone? ('Tom di dau vay)
But. Do you know where Tom has gone?
(Anh cd bietTom di dau khdng?)
c. Cau hoi ke (Declarative questions):

Cau hoi kl ia loai cau hoi mang hinh thfrc cua cau ki, len giong or cudl cau:
You've got some money? (Anh cd tien chit?)
You live here? (Anh sd'ng d day a?)

He didn't finish the work? (Anh ay chua xong viec a?)

d. Cau hoi duoi (Tag questions/ Question tags)
Cau hoi duoi (question tags) la cau hoi ngdn duoc them vao cu<5i cau trÿn
thuat (statements). Cau hoi dudi thudng duoc dilng d£ ki4m tra di6u gi do c6 dung
hay khdng, hoac di yeu ciu su d6ng y.
You haven't seen Mary today, have you?

(H6m nay anh chia tay Mary phai khdng?)

Trong cau h6i dudi, tro ddng tCr khi ke't hop v6i not ph£i duoc tinh luqc (isn’t,
aren't, doesn't, can't...) va chu tir cua dudi phai la mdt dai tir. Phÿn dudi nay duoc

thanh lap theo nguyen tac sau:

- Neu ddng tit trong cau k£ la be, ph£n dudi se ia:

Be + not + chu tur

Father is here, isn't he?

(Bad day, phai khdng?)

- Neu ddng tir trong cau ki ia be + not, ph£n dudi se ia:

Be + chu tit
Father isn't here, is he?
(Ba khdng d day, phai khdng?)
- Neu ddng tir trong cau ki la cac ddng tir khdc o dang khang dinh, phan dudi
se ia:
Do/Does/Did not + chu tit
You like coffee, don't you?
(Anh thich cd phe, phai khdng? )
- Neu cac ddng tir nay fr dang phu dinh, ph£n dudi se la:
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Do/Does/Did + chu tit
You don't like coffee, do you?
(Anh khdng thich cd phe, phai khdng?)
- Ndu cau kd bao g6m cic trcr dftng tvr (auxiliary verbs) 6 dang khSng dinh,
ph£n dudi 1&:
Tro dong tit + not + chu tur
You can speak English, can't you?
(Anh cd the noi duac tieng Anh, phai khdng?)
- N6u cic trcr ddng tit n&y 6 dang phu dinh, ph&n dudi se la:
Trcr dong tir + chu tit

You can't speak English, can you?
(Anh khdng the noi tieng Anh, phai khdng?)
* Cach tra 16i cau hbi du6i: cau tra lari YES c6 nghla cau khang dinh Ik dung,
va No co nghla cau phu dinh la dung.

Claire is married, isn't she?

(Claire da ket hdn phai khdng?)
~ Yes, she has just married, (vang, cd ay vita mcfi ket hdn)
~ No, of course she isn't. (Khdng, di nhien la cd ay chita ket hdn.)
Andrew hasn't got many friends, has he?

(Andrew khdng co nhieu ban phai khdng?)

- No. (Vang) [= He hasn't got many friends.]
~ Yes. (Khdng phai) [= He has a lot of friends.]

Lull y:
- Cau hoi dudi cua / am \k aren't /?

I am late, aren't I? (Tdi bi mudn phai khdng?) [= am I not]

- There cd th£ lam chu ngtf cua cau h6i dudi.

There's something wrong, isn't there?

(Cd dieu gi khdng Sn phai khdng?)

- Sau Let's ... diing cau hoi dudi shall we?

Let's go for a walk, shall we? (Chung ta di dao nhe?)
- Sau cau mdnh ldnh (Do .../Don't do ...), cau h6i dudi thircmg la will you ?
Give me a hand, will you?
(Giup tdi mot tay duac khdng?)
Don't make any noise, will you?
(Ditng lam Sn duac khdng?)

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- won’t you? Thubng duac dilng trong 15i mdi (nhat 1k trong ti£ng Anh cua
ngubi Anh)
Do sit down, won't you? (Men ngSi)
- Can! cant you? could you? Hodc would you! Cung c6 th£ dupe dung trong
c£u m6nh ldnh khang dinh.
Wait here a moment, can you?
(Deri dday mdt lot, duac chA?)
Open the window, would you?
(Hay met cita sd\ duac chi??)
- Cau hoi du6i khang dinh diroc dilng sau nhung cau c6 ckc dai tir hokc trang tir
phu dinh never, nothing, nobody, no, none, hardly, scarely, little.

You never say what you’re thinking, do you?
(Ban khdng bao gid noi ra nhtfng dieu ban nghi phdi khdng?)
It's no good, is itl(Dieu do khdng td't phdi khdng?)

Nothing was said, was it? (Khdng ai ndi gi phdi khdng?)
- Dai tit it diroe dung trong cau hoi du6i thay cho all, nothing va everything.

Everything can happen, can't it?
(Moi chuyen deu co the xdy ra, dung khdng?)
- Dai tir they duac dilng thay cho anyone, nobody, no one. somebody, someone,
everybody, everyone.

Someone had recognized him, hadn't they?

(Co ngued da nhan ra anh ta phdi khdng?)
No one would object, would they?

(Khdng ai phan ddi phdi khdng?)

* Y nghia va ngtf dieu (meaning and intonation)

Trong van ndi, <j nghia cua cau hoi dudi thy thude vko ngu di6u.
- Ne'u ban xudng giong 6 cau hoi du6i c6 nghia Ik ban khdng that su dat cau

h6i, ban chi mudn ngirefi nghe ddng vdi ban.

It's a nice day isn’t it? -Yes, lovely

(Mdt ngdy dep trdi phdi khdng? - vdng, thdt dep)

Tom doesn't look well today, doesn’t he? - No, he looks very tired
(Hdm nay Tom cd ve khdng khoe phdi khdng? - Vdng, anh ay co met)
- N£u 16n giong b cau hdi dudi, thi d6 Ik cau h6i trat su.
You haven't seen Mary today, have you? -No, Tm afraid not seen.
(hdm nay anh chua gap Mary phdi khdng? - Vdng tdi chua gap
- Cau trkn thuat phu dinh + cau h6i dudi khang dinh (negative statement +
positive tag) thuemg dupe dilng hdi vd di£u gi d6, hoac ydu cku ai lam di£u gi.
Cau hoi duac ldn giong 6 phkn cu6i cau.
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You don't know where Karen is, do you?
(ban khdng bii't Karen ddau a?)
You couldn't lend me a pound, could you ?
(Anh khdng the cho tdi muon mdt bang a?)
e. C&u hoi rut gon (Short questions)
Cau hoi rut gon 1k hlnh thuc rut gon cua cau hoi C6 / khdng.
John is here. Is Bill?
(John b day, c6n Bill?)
I can't be there this afternoon. Can you?
(Toi khdng the den do chieu nay duoc. Anh co the den duoc khdng?)

f. Cau hoi phan urng (Reactive questions)
Cau hoi phan ling ia loai cau hoi didn ta phan dng cua ngucri nghe d<5i vdi mdt
phat ngdn ndo do:
- Where's the rest of the money? (Tien cdn lai dau rdi?)

- I'm afraid it's all spent, sir. (Tdi e rang da tiiu hit cd rSi, thiCa dng)

- Oh, It's all spent, is it? (6, tieu hit rdi a?)
Cau hoi phan ung thircmg bat diu vdi oh hoac so, va khac vdi cau hoi dudi b
chd ca hai thanh ph£n (It's all spent va is it) d6u cilng la khing dinh hoac phu dinh.
Cau hoi phan dng cung cd \hi phan chia giua hai ngucri noi: ngudi thur nhat ndi
thanh phdn dÿu, ngudi thti hai bidu Id phan dng bang thanh ph£n con lai:

A: - She cries. (Cd ay khoc)

B: - Does she? (The a?)
A: - I've broken a cup.

(Tdi da lam v&cai tach)

B: - Oh, you have, have you? (The a?)

A: - You mustn’t talk to me like that.

(Anh khdng duoc noi vdi tdi nhuthi)

B: - Oh, I mustn’t, mustn't I?

(Khdng duoc a?)

g. Cau hoi ltxa chon (Alternative questions)

Cau hoi lua chon bat (Mu vdi mdt trq ddng td (Do/Does/DidllslAre,..) va chda
li£n td or:
Do you like your coffee black or white?
(Anh thich ca phi den hay cd phi sua?)
Is this answer right or wrong?
(Cau tra lei nay dung hay sai?)
Ydu t6 lua chon co the’ nam b chu td:
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Did Italy or Brazil win the World Cup?
Did Italy win the "World Cup or Brazil?
(Ai da doat giai the giai, y hay Brazil)
Khi ylu td' lira chon nkn a ddng tir, chung ta c6 thl diing or not:
Are you coming or not?
(Anh den hay khdng?)
Khi ylu td' lira chon budc phai thay d6i each dilng thl, chung ta phai lap lai d£y
du thanh ph£n di trurie:
Is it raining or has it stopped?
(Trdi dang mica hay da tanh rdi?)
h. C&u hoi dap lai (reply questions)

Chung ta thucmg cri thl dap lai mOt cau kl bang mdt cau hoi ngan dl bilt thlm
thdng tin.
I’m going out. Who with? (Tdi se di chci. ~ Vdi ai?)

Anne is leaving her job. ~ When? (Anne se thdi viec. ~ Khi nko?)

Can you talk to Tom this afternoon? ~ Why me?
(Chieu nay anh noi chuyen vdi Tom duac khdng? ~ Sao lai la tdi?)
Cau hoi ngan g6m trp ddng tit + dai tCr (auxiliary verb + pronoun) cung c6 thl
dupe dilng dl bay to su chu f hoac quan tarn. Dang cau h6i nay khdng phai dI hoi
thdng tin ma chi cho tMy phan ting cua ngudi nghe vdi nhung dilu da dupe nrii.

We had a lovely holiday. - Did you?

(Chung tdi da cd Icy nghi that thu vi. ~Vay sao?)
I've got a headache. ~ Have you? I'll get you an aspirin.

(Tdi bi dau ddu. ~The a? Di tdi lay cho ban mdt viin aspirin.)
Dl h6i lai dilu mrii duoc nrii, ta lap lai dilu nghe duoc va ldn giong cuCTi cau.

Nlu chi mudri h6i mdt phln trong cau, thl ta cd thl dat tir dl hdi thay cho phln ta
mudn hoi.

I'm getting married. ~ You're getting married?

(Tdi se kit hdn. ~ ban se kit hdn a?)

She’s invited thirteen people to dinner. ~ She’s invited how many?

(Cd ay da md 13 ngud den an td'i. ~Cd ay md bao nhiiu ngud? )
i. Cau hoi tu tir (Rhetorical questions)
Cau hdi tu tir dupe dilng nhu mdt biln phtip tu til (lam cho cau van trd ndn bring
bly, ngu ldi cudn ngurii doc) va khdng ddi hdi cau tra ldi. Cau hdi tu tir khang
dinh thudng ham $ phu dinh va cau hdi tu tir phu dinh thudng ham y khang dinh.
Is that a reason for despair?
(Do la li do di tuyet vong sao?)
[= D6 chac chan khdng phai la li do de tuyet vong]
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Who knows?
(Ai bie't dugcT) [= Khdng ai bie't ca]
Is no one going to defend him?
(Kh6ng c6 ai benh vuc anh ta sao?)
[= Chac rang mdt ngtfcri nao do se benh vuc anh ta.]
Cau hoi Yes - No phu dinh thircmg £m chi m6t tinh hudng khang dinh.
Haven't I done enough for you?
(Toi lam chua du cho ban hay sao? )
[= I have done enough for you.]
2.3. C&u dtu khien (Imperative sentences)

Cau c£u khieh dung d£ diin ta y6u c£u, menh 16nh, c£m doan...C6 hai loai cau
ciu khien:
a. Cau menh I6nh (Command): thucrng bat diu bang cac ddng tir 6 dang nguyen

Open the door! (Hay mo cua)

Switch on the light! (Bat den len!)
- Cau menh lenh khing dinh (Affirmative imperative) thirong bat 6iu bang
dOng tir nguyin miu khdng to (bare-infinitive).
Verb (bare-inf.) + object/ preposition

Bring another chair. (Hay mang lai cai ghekhac)

Open the door. (Hay md cita)
Get out of here. (Hay ra khoi day)

Hurry up or we’ll be late. (Hay nhanh len neu khdng chung ta se bi mudn.)
+ Do c6 thi dirge dat truoc dOng tit nguyen \hi d6 nhan manh cau menh lenh

khang dinh.
Do sit down. (Ngoi xudhg) .

Do be quiet. (Im lang nao)

* Cau menh lenh phu dinh (negative imperative) dirge thinh lap bang do not

(don't) + ddng tir nguyen miu.

Don’t + verb (bare-inf) + object

Don’t smoke in class! (Dicng hut thudc trong lap!)
Don’t be late! (Dung den tre!)
-> Cau m6nh lenh thuong khdng c6 chu ngu, nhung chung ta c6 th£ dung danh
tu hoac dai tir di nhSfn manh ho|c chi ro chung ta dang ndi vdi ai.
Somebody tell me the truth.
(Ai do hay cho toi biet su that di.)
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Mary come here everybody else stay where you are.
(Mary den day - cdn nhung ngUcfi khdc hay d nguyen vi tri)
Don't anybody say a word, (Khdng ai duac noi led nao.)

- You dirge dCing trade cau mdnh ldnh di nhSh manh sir thuydt phuc hoSc su
gian du.
You be quiet! (May hay im di!)
You mind your own business, and leave this to me!
(May hay lo edng chuyen cua may di, cdn viec nay hay de cho tao!)
- Chu tCir c6 thi dugc diin dat bang mdt danh tir dung cud'i cum tit.
Eat your breakfast, boys. (Cac cau be, hay an diem tarn di.)

Come in, Tom. (Vdo di Tom)
-> always va never co thi dung trade cau mdnh I6nh.
Always remember what I told you

(Hay luon nhd nhung dieu tdi da noi vdi anh)

Never speak to me like that again.
(Dung bao gid noi vdi tdi nhuthentta.)
Cau mirth linh co thi dugc thanh lap vci Let (+ object) + bare-infinitive.)
Let me see. ( Hay di tdi xem nao)
Let’s (Let us) go home. (Chung ta hay vi nhd.)

Let’s not open the door. (Chung ta dung mdeda)

[= Don’t let's open the door.]
Let them go by train. (Hay de ho di bang xe Ida.)

b. Cau yiu c4u (Requests)

Cau yiu cau la hlnh thtic cAu khiin lich su, nha nhan r£t thong dung trong giao

tiip. Cau yiu cÿu c6 rdt nhiiu dang khdc nhau. Trong cAc vf du sau day, ta't ca diu
ham y: “Anh lam ofn cho tdi mugn mdt cudn sach, ngay mai tdi se tra”. Muc dd

lich su cua nhung cau nay ft nhiiu cd khic nhau:

1. Please lend me a book till tomorrow.

2. Will you lend me a book till tomorrow?

3. Can you lend me a book till tomorrow?
4. Could you lend me a book till tomonrow?
5. Would you like to lend me a book till tomorrow?
6. Would you lend me a book till tomorrow?
7. Would you mind lending me a book till tomorrow?
8. Would you be kind enough to lend me a book till tomorrow?
9. Would you be good enough to lend me a book till tomorrow?
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10. Would you be so kind as to lend me a book till tomorrow?

11. Would you be so good as to lend me a book till tomorrow?
2.4. Cau cam than (Exclamatory sentence)
Cau cam thdn \h c&u duoc dftng dd diSn dat cam xtic hay thai d6 (ngac nhifin,
Ddn phuc, tbi nghi6p, khinh miet, gh6 t6m, thu vi...) cua m6t ngucri trudc mdt
r.gucri, su vat hoac su vific nao do.
How fast he runs! (Anh ay chay nhanh that!)
What a lovely girl! (Co gai dang yeu qua!)
Cau cam than thudng duoc thanh lap vdi how, what, so, such va hinh thdc cau
hoi phu dinh.

a. Cau cam than vdi how (Exclamations with how)
1 How + adjective
How beautiful! (That dep qua!)

How expensive! (That ddt qua)

How + adjective/ adverb + subject + verb
How cold the night is! (Dem that lanh qua!)
How old he is! (Ong ay gid qua!)
How fast she speaks! (Cody noi nhanh qua!)
How well John writes! (John viet hay qua!)

How + subject + verb

How you've grown! (Chau Icm nhanh qua!)

b. Cau cam than vdi what (Exclamations with what)


What + a/an + (adjective)+ singular countable noun

What a terrible noise. (Tiehg on kinh khung qua!)

What an intelligent girl! (That Id mdt c6 gai thdng minh!)

What a nuisance! (That phien toai)

What + (adjective) + uncountable/plural noun

What awful weather! (Thdi tiet kho chiu lam sao.)
What lovely flowers! (Hoa dep qua!)
What rubbish! (That Id do rdc rued!)
What (+ a/ an) + adjective + noun + subject + verb
What a beautiful smile your sister has!
(Chi cua ban c6 nu cucri dep qua!)
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What nice shoes you've got on!
(D6i giay cua ban dang mang dep qua!)
What rubbish he writes!
(Anh ta viet te lam sao!)
c. Cau cam th&n vdri so v& such (Exclamation with so and such)
so + adjective
such (+ a/ an) + adjective + noun
He is so fat! (Anh ta map qua.!)
It was such a boring speech! (Bdi diin van buSn te qud!)

She has such an expensive coat!
(C6 ay co cai do khoac dat tie'n lam sao!)
Kh6ng ditng a!an trubc danh tit s6 nhi£u (plural noun) vk danh tit kh6ng d£m
dupe (uncountable noun).

You have such good books! (Ban co nhieng cu6n sdeh hay lam sao!)

Such c6 th£ dupe dhng trubc danh tir khOng c6 tmh tit.
She's such a baby! (Co ay tre con qud!)
d. Dang c£u hoi phu dinh (Negative question forms)
Dang cau hoi phu dinh cung c6 thd tao thÿnh cau cam than.
Isn't the weather nice! (Then tiet dep qud!)

Hasn't she grown! (C6 be lem nhanh qud!)

e. Mot so cac tit ngfir thufrng dung dupe xem nhu tit cam thdn.
Chung dupe xem nhu tit rut gon cua cau cam th£n:

Goodbye = God be with ye. [ye .= you]

(Cdu Chua phu hd anh )

Farewell = May you fare well, [fare = go]

(Chile anh di binh yin)

Well done = You have done well.


(Anh chcri hay qud!)

ffl. CHfC NANG VA TRAT TV TtT TRONG CAU (Function and order of
words in the sentences)
1. Churc nfing cua tit trong cku (Functions of words in the sentences)
a. Chu ngur (Subjects)
Chu ngu 1a tir hoac cum tir chi ngubi, su vat hoac su vibe thuc hifcn hoac chiu
trach nhi6m cho hitnh dbng cua d6ng tit trong cau v& thubng dung trube d6ng tit.
M6i cau trong ti£ng Anh d£u phai c6 chu ngu, tuy nhidn trong cau m6nh 16nh, chu
ngu “you” dupe hi&i iMm.
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- Chu ngu co th£ la mdt danh tCr hoac mdt cum danh tir.
Coffee is delicious. (Ca phe rat ngon)
Jane likes shopping. (Jane thick di mua sdm)
My father is a pilot. (Cha tdi la phi cdng)
That new red car is John's.
(Chiec xe hoi men mau do do la cua John.)
- Chu ngu co th£ la dai tit.
I usually get up early in the morning.
(Tdi thitting thtic day sdm vao buoi sang)
Somebody called while you were out.

(Khi anh vdng nha co ngutii ndo do da goi dien.)
- Chu ngu cung cd th£ la mdt ddng tit nguyfcn thd (to-infinitive) hoSc danh ddng
tir (gerund).
To lean out of the window is dangerous.

(Nghieng ngutii ra ngoai cita s6 rat nguy hiem.)

Refusing invitations is not always easy.
(Khdng phdi luc ndo tic chd'i Itii mtii cung di dang.)
- Trong mdt s6 trudng hop, chu ngu that (real subject khdng xu£t hidn cr vi tri
blnh thuerng (trade ddng tir) m& n6 dung sau ddng tir It hoac There duoc dting lam
chu ngu gia cua cau.

It's hard to believe what he says.

(That Icho tin duoc nhung dieu anh ta ndi)
[= What he says is hard to believe.]

There is a man at the bus-stop.


(Co mot ngutii dan dng a tram xe buyt.)

[- The man is at the bus-stop.]
b. Dong tit (Verbs)

Ddng tir la tir theo sau chu ngu trong 16i ndi khang dinh. Ddng tir didn dat hknh
ddng hoSc trang thdi cua chu ngu trong cau.

- Ddng tir cd th£ la mdt tir don.

John drives too fast. (John lai xe qua nhanh.)
They speak English fluently. (Ho ndi tiihg Anh luu loat.)
- Ddng tir c6 th£ ia mdt cum tir.
We are going to Miami tomorrow.
(Ngay mai chung tdi se di Miami.)
Jane has been studying French for 5 years.
(Jane da hoc tieng Phap ditac 5 nam roi.)
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c. Bo ngfir (Complements)
Bd ngu: la tir hoac cum tir (thucmg la m6t danh tir, cum danh tir, hoac tinh tir)
duoc ddng dd mO ta chu ngu hoac tan ngu.
My father is a doctor. (Cha tdi la bac si)
That cat regards Bill as his father.
(Con meo do xem Bill nhitcha cua nd.)
Leaves turn yellow in Autumn.
(La nga vdng vao miia thu)
- Bd ngtf cho chu ngu1 (subject complement) thudng di sau cac dOng tir be,
look, seem, become, get,feel, turn, ...

Alice is a ballet dancer. (Alice la diin vien miia ba le.)
The weather gets cold in the evening.
(Then tiet lanh vao buSi td'i.)
— » a ballet dancer va cold l&m bd ngu cho chu ngu Alice vd the weather va

duoc goi la subject complement.

- Bd ngu cho tan ngu* (object complement) thudng dung ngay sau tan ngu m&
n6 bd nghla.
She called her husband a liar.
(bd ta goi chdng minh la ke dd'i tra.)
They painted their house blue.

(Ho son nha mdu xanh.)

Why ever did they elect him chairman?
(Sao ho lai bau 6ng ta lam chu tich?)

IV. TRAT TI/CCJA Ttt TRONG CAU (The order of words in the sentence)
cac mau chu ca ban (Basic sentence patterns)

Hang ngay, chiing ta c6 thd doc hoac nghe hang ngan phat ng6n that da dang
trong tidng Anh, nhung that ra chung ta cd thd quy vao m6t s6 m&u cau nhat dinh.

S6 m£u cau nay co thd thay ddi thy theo su sap xdp cua cac nha ngu phdp. Nhung
thanh phSn ghi trong m£u cau tifiu bidu cho nhung don vi co ban nhat cua m&u cau

ay. Chung ta hay xem mlu cau Chu tit x dOng tir (SV) sau day:
Lions roar. (Sutdgdm)
Cau tren chi gdm c6 hai tir ti6u bidu cho hai thanh phan:
1. Chu tir: Lions
2. D6ng tir: roar
Vay cau ti£n thu6c m&u cau: Chu tir x D6ng tir (SV).
Chung ta lai xem cau sau day:
All the old circus lions that my brother is keeping in a shed behind our
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house roar so much every morning about 4:30 that they wake up the whole
(Tat cd nhung con sutuxiec gia mia anh toi dang nhd't trong chudng sau nha
gam thet khoang chieng 4g30 mdi sang nhieu den ndi lam ca xom thuc giac.)
Mac dil cau rat dai, that ra n6 chi chtra hai thanh phan ca ban: Chu tir x Ddng tCr
(SV): Lions roar. C£c tir kMc chi d6ng vai tro pham dinh (modifier) cho hai thanh
phÿn ca ban tr6n ma thdi.
TUSng Anh c6 sau mlu ca ban sau day:
1. Chu tir x ddng tir (SV)
2. Chu tir x ddng tir x b6 ngu (SVC)

3. Chu tir x dQng tir x tan ngu (SVO)
4. Chu tir x d6ng tir x tan ngG x tan ngu (SVOO)
5. Chu tir x ddng tir x tan ngu x b6 ngu (SVOC)
6. THERE x ddng tir x chu tir (THERE x VS)

1. Mau cau chu ngur x dong tir (SV)

Lions h.
Chu ngur
Pong tir
He left.
The child laughed.

Who is speaking?
We all breathe, eat and drink.
Nhung ddng tir thudc m£u nay la nhung ndi ddng tir (intransitive verbs), khdng

c£n cd tan ngu.

2. Mau cau chu ngu x dong tir x bo ngur (SVC)

Chu tir Pong tir Bo ngur


He is happy
Who are you?

That is what I want

He is out of town
Ddng tir be trong m&u cau nay duoc theo sau bcri danh tir, tinh tir hoac mdt cum
tir nhu trong hai vf du sau ciing. Ddng Tir be cung cd thÿ ia mdt ndi ddng tir va cd
thd’ dung trong mku Chu tir x ddng tir (SV) tr6n, nhu:
Whatever is it right. [SV + SVC]
(Bat citcai gi ton tai deu cd U)
I think; therefore I am. [SV]
(Toi suy nghT, vay tdi ton tai)
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Trong vf du (Mu ti£n b tr£n, ddng tCr is thur nhk't thu6c mku SV vk ddng tir is thu
hai thu6c mku SVC. Ngoki dCng tCr be, ddng tCr trong mSu SVC cd thd lk m6t d6ng
tir n<5i (linking verb), dupe theo sau bdri mdt tmh tfir hokc m6t danh tir.
Chu ngfl Dong tiir Tinh ti*
Alice looked foolish.
The meals tasted terrible
The cake turned sour.
My arm stayed sore.
The rivers are running dry.

His story rang true
Why does she appear so sad?
His dream has come true
Her father falls ill

The door flew open
Have you gone mad?
keep calm!
The screw worked loose

The plan proved useless

He feels hot

These roses smell sweet

She seems (to be) rich

It becomes hot.
She growns older.

The boy sat tight in the saddle


Chu ngur Dong tilf Danh tif

Albert becomes my brother.
He looke a fool.
John continued my friend.
He turned socialist.
The fisherman fell a prey to the angry waves.
Albert seems (to be) a happy man._

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IM ngu trong mSu (2) nay khi chi v£ thcfi gian, khoang cdch hay trong luopg c6
the kit hop voti m6t s<5 d6ng tit khac. Gidi tit for ducfe dhng (nhung cung co the bo
di) khi dirng trudc danh tur chi sir do lircmg ve then gian va khoang each.

Chu ngur Bong tir (for) + Danh tir

They walked (for) ten miles.
Will you stay (for) the night?
He waited (for) an hour.
We have come a long way.
The spacecraft weighed five tons.

The storm lasted two days.
This bicycle cost 50 dollars
The forest stretched (for) miles and miles.
3. Mau cau Chu tit x dong tit x tan ngur (SVO)

Chu ngur Dong tit Tan ngur
The boy cut his finger.
She likes music
A baby cannot dress itself.
Do you know the answer?

She smiled her thanks

Tan ngu trong mSu nhy cung cd thi la m0t d6ng tir nguy&n m&u:

Chu ngur Dong tit Dong tir nguyen mau

He Wants to go

They decided not to go

I don’t like to ask you

Do you remember to mail the letter?


Tan ngu trong mito nay c6 the’ \k m0t ddng danh tut:
Chu ngur Dong tit Danh dong tit
She likes dancing.
The students began talking
please stop talking
Would you mind passing the sugar?
Tan ngu trong m£u nity cung cd th£ la mdt cum tir bat d£u vdi who, which,
what. . .+ d6ng tir nguy£n mau hoac mdt m6nh d£:
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Chu ngu Dong tir Cum tir/m6nh de

We do not know what to do
Do you know how to answer this question?
I hope that you will understand it
He said that he would come .
Chung ta c£n chu y kh6ng phai ta't ca cac c&u thu6c m&u SVO nay d6u co th£
chuydn sang dang thu dfing.
4. Mail chu Chu ngur x dong tir x tan ngur x tan ngur (SVOO)
Tan ngu c6 hai loai: tan ngu true ti£p (direct object) thuorng chi v6 vat, tan ngu

gian ti6p (indirect object) thubng chi v£ ngubi. Trat tu cua hai tan ngu nay co \h$
thay d<5i lln nhau.

Thn ngur Tan ngu
Chu ngur Dong tir

gidn tiep true tiep
Get me ataxi!
They sold him their car.
will you lend me your book?
He bought his wife a watch

His mother told him a story

My Mend handed me a book
He made himself a cup of tea.

I owe john a pound.

M£u B dudi day la dang bie'n d6i cua mSu A n6i titn. Gidi tir (to hohe for) k6t

hop v6i tirng ddng tir nhSft dinh, ngudi hoc c£n hoc thuOc 16ng.

Tan ngur Gibi Tan ngur

Chu ngur Dong tir
true tiep tir gian tiep

I gave the box to him

He bought a watch for his wife
He made a cup of tea for himself
His mother told a story to him
get ataxi for me
I owe a pound to John
Ca hai tan ngu cua m&u cau nky c6 th£ d6u \k dai tir:
I give John the key

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I give him the key
I give the key to him
I give it to him
Trong dam thoai, chung ta co thl noi: I give it him.
Trong m&u cau C sau day, hai tan ngu khOng th£ thay d6i nhau; day la trucmg
hop chi xay ra ddi vdi vki d6ng tit mk thdi.

Chu nguf Dong ttr Tan ngtir 1 Tan nguf 2

I envy you your garden
He struck him a heavy blow
Your help

has saved me a lot of work
forgive us our sin
Vcri cac dOng ttr da duac list kS trong m5u C, trat tu cua cac tan ngu 1 va 2 la c<5
dinh. D6i vdi m£u B, cac giai tu thudng dilng la to va for, tuy nhiSn cac giai tit

khac vSn co the xay ra:

I'll play you a game of chess.
(Toi se chcri vcri anh mot van cd)
I'll play a game of chess with you.
Hoac: I'll play a game of chess against you.
She asked Jim a favour.

{Cota yeu cau Jim giiip dd)

She asked a favour of Jim.

Mac du May I ask a favour of you? (= May / ask you to help me?) la m6t ySu
Cciu kha thdng dung trong dam thoai, She asked a favour of Jim rift ft khi duac sur
dung trong tiSng Anh.

Chung ta cung c£n chu y trong m&u A, nSu tan ngu gidn tigp chi vS vat, d6 vat
thi khOng \hi chuyÿn d6i sang m&u B duac:

He gave the car a wash.


(Anh ta lau chui xe hoi)

Kh6ng th£ chuyÿn d6i thanh:
He gave a wash to the car.
Tuang tu:
They never gave the plan a fair trial.
(Ho khong bao gidchiu thicnghiem kehoach ay mot each edng bang)
IChdng th£ chuy£n d<5i thanh:
They never gave a fair trial to the plan.
Ngoai ra, mac du ca hai cau:

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1. I've found a place for my tree.
2. I've found a place for my sister.
D6u dung vA thudc v6 mAu B, chi c6 cAu 2 vdi tAn ngu chi nguoi la my sister
mci chuyÿn sang mAu A duoc mA thdi.
1. *I’ve found my tree a place, [sai]
2. I've found my sister a place, [dung]
Chu ngfir Pong tijr TAn ngOr Menh de
She told me how to make a cake
My teacher showed me how to do the exercise
She taught her children how to behave properly

He forgot to tell me wher to park the car.
5. MAu cAu Chu ngur x d6ng tit x tAn ngur x bo ngfir (SVOC)
B6 ngu (complement) trong mAu cAu nAy c6 thd 1A mdt tinh tit, danh tir, hif n tai

phan tir, quA khir phAn tir... DA thudc tit loai nAo, t£t ca nhfing b6 ngu nay deu cho

thAy m6i quan ht vdi tAn ngu dung ngay trudc n6. Vi thA cac b6 ngir nAy duoc goi
la b6 ngu cua tAn ngur (objective complement).
Chung ta hay so sanh hai cAu sau dAy:
1. He called me a taxi. [SVOO]
(Anh ay goi cho tdi mdt chiec taxi)

2. He called me a fool. [SVOC].

(Anh ay goi tdi la thang ngu)

Chu ngu Dong tir TAn ngfir Tinh tit

My mother will get the dinner ready

The dye turned her hair green

The sun keeps us warm

The weather makes me uneasy

I found the box empty

Chu ngfir Dong tit TAn ngfir Hien tai phAn tit
I smell something burning
She kept me waiting
We caught them stealing money
I found him working in the garden
We watched the train leaving the station


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Chu ngu Dong tur ngur
Tÿn Qua khtjr phan tir
I had my chicken killed.
You must get your hair cut.
We heard the music played by the band.
I have seen it done.
I want my fish fried, not boiled.
Chu ngur Dong tir Tan ngur DT nguyen mÿu khong to
We made him come.

We heard the boy shout.
mary saw him steal the money.
Watch him do it.

Chu ngur Dong tir Tan ngur DT nguyen miu co to
He wants
me to come early.
I told him to open the door.
He asks me to help him.
We warned the boy not to be late.

John likes his wife to dress well.

Chu ngu Dong tur Tan ngur Danh tir


We called our dog “Spot”


They named their ship Victoria.

We elected him President.

The players made John Captain of the team.


Chu ngur Dong tit Tan rtgur (Cum) trang tur

The man took his hat off.
The peasant placed his sickle on the grass.
They treated me kindly.
We put it in the sack.
Chung ta cin chu y trang tir hoac cum trang tir trong m&u G ia thanh ph&n bat
buOc kh6ng bo di duoc. No hoan toan khic vdri miu cau (3) Chu ngir x d6ng>tir x
tan ngu nod r6ng c6 ph6 tir kern theo nhung pho tir nay c6 thÿ bo di duoc:

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We put it in the sack. [SVOC]
[KhOng th£ b6 in the sack]
We saw it in the sack. [SVO]
[co th£ bo in the sack]
6. Mau c£u There x be x Chu tilr (There x be x S)
There is someone at the door.
There is a book on the table.
There is some chairs in the room.
There dung trong mlu cau nky thudig khdng ductc nh£n manh vk duoc doc lk
[65]. Ngoki ddng tir be, mdt vai ddng tit khkc nhu seem, appear, come cung duoc

xem nhu thudc m&u cau nky:
There comes a time when it is useless to struggle.
There seems (to be) no doubt about it.
(Du&ng nhu khdng co gi dang nghi ngd ve viec do)

Nguoc lai, ckc trucmg hop sau day vdi there khdng thudc mku cau trdn:

There’s the bell ringing for church! [gcti su chu £]
(Chudng goi di xem li nhd thdkia!)
There comes John! [Dao ng]
(John den kia!)
The door opened, anh there entered a stranger. [nhkn manh]

(Cua md, mdt ngudi la budc vao)

There’s good boy! [khen ngd]

(Cau be gioi qua!)

There trong cAc trudng hop trdn ludn lu6n duoc nhkn manh vk doc lk [6e5].

Ngoki mku cau vdi there trdn day, chung ta cdn My trubng hop vdi It x ddng tilr x
chu tit:

It seems that both of you were wrong.

(Hinh nhu ca hai anh deu sai ca)

It doesn’t matter what you do.

(Anh c6 lam gi dieu dd cung khdng quan trong)
It happened that I wasn’t at home when they called.
(Dieu ngau nhien la tdi dd vang nhd luc ho goi den)
It trong cic vf du trdn, cung nhu there 6 mlu cau (6), chi Ik chu tit hinh thurc
(formal subject), chu tir that di sau ddng tir.
Cac cau sau day, vdi chu tir that nam o cud'i, cung cd th£ xem nhu thudc trucmg
hop nay:


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+ Chu nghii hinh thu’c
-> Chu ngu that

ii Is difficult to learn Chinese

[=To learn Chinese is difficult]
(Hoc tieng Hoa that kho)
It must be very pleasant, living in a flat like this.
(Song trong mdt can hd nhu the nay that la di chiu)
Hinh thu’c nhan manh (emphasis) thudng duoc dhng khi chung ta mu6n bay to
cam xuc manh \6 di6u dang noi (nhah manh xuc cam), n6u 16n su tuong phan

(nha'n manh n6u bat sir tuong phan) hoac cho tha'y di£u mong dui da xay ra.
1. Nha'n manh trong ph£t am (Emphasis in pronunciation)
Trong ldi n<5i, chung ta c6 th£ nha'n manh tu bang cdch doc ldrn hon va vdi ngu

dieu cao hon. Chung ta cung c6 the keo dki nguyfin am , hoac ngung lai trudc tu

duoc nhan manh. Trong van ban, nhung tir nha'n manh thuong duoc in nghieng, in
dam, vie't hoa hoac gach chan.
This is the last opportunity
(Day la ca hoi cuoi cung)
He lives in France, not Spain.

(Anh ta sd'ng d Phap chukhdng phdi Tay Ban Nha)

Mary, I’m IN LOVE! Please don’t tell anybody!
(Mary nay, tdi dang yeu! Dung noi vdi ai nhe!)

2. Nha'n manh trong cich viet (Emphasis in writing)

a. Nha'n manh dong tir (Emphasize verbs): D£ 1km cho cau nghe manh hon

hoac di n£u bat su tucmg phan, chung ta thucmg nhkn manh tro d6ng tit (auxiliary

I am telling the truth - you must believe me!

(Tdi dang ndi that day - ban phdi tin tdi!)

You really should drive more carefully. We almost had an accident.

(Anh phdi lai xe can than hen chit. Suyt chut nita chung ta bi tai nan rdi.)
N6'u trong cau nh£n manh kh6ng c6 tro d6ng tir, ta co \hi dung tro ddng tir do
dd nha'n manh.
Do/does/ did + verb (bare-infinitive)
John visited her yesterday.
-» John did visit her yesterday.
(Horn qua John da den tham cd ta)

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She likes you.
—» She does like you. (Cd ta rat thich anh)
— > You do look nice today! (Hdm nay trdng ban xinh qua!)
Cau true What. . .do cung c6 thd duoc dhng di nhan manh ddng tvr. Hlnh thtre
cua ddng tir cd thi thay d6i.
He screamed. -> What he did was (to) scream.
(Dieu ma. anh ta da lam la het len)
She writes science fiction.
-> What she does is (to) write science fiction.
(Viec ma ba ay lam la viet truyen khoa hoc vien ttfdng)

Khi tro d0ng tit diroe nh£n manh thi trat tu tit c6 thi thay d6i (trang tCr thudng
duoc dat trude tir nhan manh).
You have certainly grown.

> You certainly have grown! {Chau han da trudng thanh rdi!)
b. NMn manh tmh tir (Emphasize adjectives): tinh tit thudng duoc nhan manh
bang cdu true:
h.Itis/was + adj + to-infinitive
Travelling by air is fast.
It is fast to travel by air. (Di bang may bay that la nhanh)

L/eaming a foreign language is necessary.

-> It is necessary to learn a foreign language.
(Hoc ngoai ngUrat can thiet)

We found that getting a visa was difficult.

— > We found that it was difficult to get a visa.

(Chung tdi nhan thay rang that kho xin hd chieu)

c. NMn manh danh tir, dai tCr hoac trang tir (Emphasize nouns, pronouns or

adverbs): Di nMn manh danh tir, dai tir hoSc trang tir, ta cd thi
- Dilng Me dai tir nhfin manh (emphatic pronouns) nhu myself, yourself,

himself, itself, v.v. dd nh£n mah cho danh tir (nouns) hoSc dai tir nhan ximg
(personal pronouns). Dai tir nhan manh thudng dting ngay sau tir duoc nhah manh
hoSc d cudi cau.
The house itself is nice, but the garden is very small.
(Ngdi nha thi dep, nhung khu vucm thi nho xiu.
My sister designs all these clothes herself.
(Chinh chi tdi thiet ke tdi cd qudn do nay)
I'll come and see the manager himself.
(Tdi se den gap chinh giam doc.)

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- Dting What... is / was ... nh&'n manh danh tir chi su vat hoSc su vific; the
person who ... is/ was ... nha'n manh danh t£r chi ngucfi; the place where, the day
when! that, the reason why ... is/ are ... nha'n manh danh tilr chi ncfi ch<5n, thcri gian,
ly do.
I need a good rest.
-> What I need is a good rest.
(Nhung gi toi can la sunghi ngcri thoai mai.)
She kept some old photos in this wooden box.
— > What she kept in this wooden box was some old photos.
( Nhftng gi co ta cat giUtrong chie'c hdp gS nay la vai bite anh.)
Nancy keeps a parrot in her bedroom.

-» The person who keeps a parrot in her bedroom is Nancy.
(Chinh Nancy la ngudi nuoi con vet trong phdng ngu cua minh.)
Jack went to London on Tuesday to see Colin.

-> The day when Jack went to London to see Colin was Tuesday.
(TVgay Jack di London gap Colin la thitBa)

The reason why Jack went to London was to see Colin.
(Ly do Jack di London la de gap Colin)
Lull y: Cac tir duoc nh£n manh cung co th£ dirge dat 6 6iu cau.
A good rest is what I need. (Sunghi ngoi thoai mai la dieu toi can)

- Dung ca'u true It is/ was ... d<6 nh£n manh mCt danh tir dai tijr, hoSc trang tir.
It is/was + tir dirge nhan manh (stressed words) + that/who + S + V
I love you. -» It’s you that I love. (Ngudi anh yeu chinh la em)

John paid for the drinks. -> It was John who paid for the drinks.

(Chinh John da thanh toan tien nude)

Brazil won the World Cup in 2002.
-» It was Brazil that won the World Cup in 2002.

(Chinh Brazil dd doat duoc cup The gidi vao nam 2002)

The robbery happened yesterday evening.

-» It was yesterday evening that the robbery happened.
(Vu cudp xdy ra dung vao chieu hdm qua)
Luu y:
- Khi tir nhan manh la mOt dai tir hay danh tir chi ngucfi, chung ta c&n chu y
chdc nang 1km chu ngu hay tan ngu cua nd d£ dung who hokc that cho thfch hop.
We want to see the manager.
-» It’s the manager that we want to see.
(Chung toi muon gap chinh giam doc)

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The manager welcomed us to the hotel.
—» It was the manager who welcomed us to the hotel.
(Chinh giam dd'c da chao don chung tdi den khach san)
- Dang CSLU C6 2 menh d£
I need water. I don’t need milk. -» It is water, not miik that I need.
(Cai tdi can chinh la nude chu khdng phai sita)
I saw Hoa. I didn't see Lan. -> It was Hoa, not Lan that I saw.
(Ngudi tdi gap chinh Id Hoa chie khdng phai la Lan)
Peter lent us the money. Paul didn't.
-> It was Peter who lent us the money, not Paul.

(Peter chinh la ngudi da cho chung ta muon tien, khdng phai Paul.)
3. Nh£n manh trong c£u menh lenh (Emphasis in Commands)
a. Cau menh lenh khang dinh (Affirmative commands)

Do + Verb (bare-inf.)

Sit down. -* Do sit down! (hay ngSi xud'ng di!)
Say you'll stay for dinner. # Do say you'll stay for dinner!
(Hay noi la anh se 6 lai an tdi di!)
b. GUi menh lenh phu dinh (Negative commands)
Don’t you + Verb (bare-inf.)

Don't talk in class. -> Don't you talk in class.

(Khdng duac noi chuyen trong Icrp)
Don't make too much noise.

-> Don't you make too much noise!


(Khdng duac gay 6n do)

VI. SI/ DAO CAU (Inversion of the sentence)

Th6ng thudng, mdt c£u ki bao gib cung bat d£u b&ng chu tCr tiep theo \h mOt
ddng tCr. Tuy nhien, tr$t tu cua c£u nhu tren c6 thÿ bi thay d6i khi ngubi n6i (hay

viet) mu6n nhain manh. Su dao cau xay ra khi:

1. Neither, nor va so duoc dung 6i dien ta ngubi, vat hay su vat nay tuong tu
nhu ngubi, vat hay su vat kia:
(a) Mary is ill today. (Horn nay Mary bi dm)
So is Tom. (!Tom cung vdy)
(b) I can't understand Japanese. (Tdi khdng hieu duac tieng Nhat)
Nor can I. (Tdi cung khdng)
(c) I can't swim. (Tdi khdng bai duac)
Neither can. (Tdi cung khdng)

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Thay vi dung neither va nor, trong hai c£u (b) va (c) tr6n chung ta co th£ dung
not...either v6i trat tu bmh thudng : "I can't either".
2. Seldom, rarely va never duoc nhan manh:
Trong truong hop nay seldom, rarely va never ludn durng 6 d£u cau, theo sau la
trp d6ng tit:
Seldom had I seen such a terrible thing.
(Hiem khi nao tdi lai chitng kien mdt dieu khung khiep nhuthe)
Rarely had we seen a man look so unhappy.
(it khi nao chung ta lai thay mot ngudi dau khS nhuthe)
Never has Tom felt better.

(Tom khdng bao gid cam thay khoe hem the)
3. Hardly... when, scarcely... when va no sooner than duoc dung de diin ta
mot hanh dong xay ra ngay sau mot hanh dong khac.

Hardly had I arrived when I heard a terrible explosion.
(Toi vita den thi nghe mdt tieng no khung khiep)

Scarcely had we started lunch when the doorbell rang.
(Chung toi vita bat dau beta cctm trua thi chudng cua reo)
No sooner was she back home than she heard the news.
(Co ay vita ve nha thi nghe tin ay)

4. Only, not only, not until dime nhdn manh va dat a ddu c&u:
Only after a few days did I begin to see the results of my work.
(Chi sau vai ngay tdi mdi thay duoc ket qua viec lam cua minh)

Only by asking questions can you learn.

(Chi bang each neu cau hoi ban mdi hieu duoc van de)

Only after a year did I begin to see the result of my work.

(Mdi mdt nam sau tdi mdi thay duoc ket qua viec lam cua minh)

Not only did we lose all our money, but we also came close to losing our

(Khdng chi chung tdi mdt hei tien rnd edn suyt mdt mqng)
Not until the war ended did he return to his native village.
(Anh ay khdng trd ve lang que ah minh cho mdi den khi chien tranh ket thuc)
5. Cac cum tur chi noi chon ho$c thur tu duoc nh&'n manh:
Near the old pagoda is a big banian tree.
(Canh ngoi chua co la mdt cay bang Ion)
On a hill stood a very beautiful castle.
(Sitng sung tren mot ngon doi la mot lau ddi rat dep)
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First came a police car, then came an ambulance.

(Trude tien mdt xe earth sat chay den, tiep theo la xe cim thuemg)
Khi kh6ng mu6n nh£n manh, chung ta c6 thd d&t c&c cum trang tir, gidi tijr duoc
n6i d£n b,c,dvae tr£n d&y theo triLt tyr thdng thiremg.


1. Underline the most suitable words in each sentence.

1. Let's go to London next weekend, shall we/won V we.
2. You shouldn't have told me, did you!should youl

3. Jim hasn't been waiting long, was heIhas hel
4. You won't tell anyone about this, do you/will you?
5. You're not doing what I told you, do you/are you?
6. Answer the phone for me, will you!do you?

1. George can't have noticed, can he!has he?

8. You've got to leave now, don't you!haven't you?
9. Pam and Tim got married last year, didn't they/haven't they?
10. 1 don't think John's very friendly, does he!is he?
2. Rewrite each question, beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning.
1. What's the time?

Could you tell me . .what the. time. is?.

2. What does this mean?

Do you know,..,..,..,.....
3. How much does this cost?

Could you tell me

4. What time does the museum open?

Do you know
5. Am I in the right seat?

Could you tell me

6. Where's Asham Street?
Do you know
7. Is this Trafalgar Square?
Could you tell me
8. When does this bus leave?
Do you know
3. Read each situation and write down the question.
1. You want to know if it is raining.
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2. You need to ask Poly where she lives.

3. You want to know if Mark has been to Los Angeles. Ask Sarah.
4. You would like to ask Nancy where she bought her coat.
5. You want to know if Laura plays tennis. Ask Trevor.
6. You want to ask Matthew if you can borrow his squash racket.
7. On the phone you want to know who you are speaking to.
8. You need to know how much video recorders cost.
9. You want to ask Adrian what he locked the door for.
10. You need to know if David will be at the club tonight. Ask him
1 1 . You are wondering if Claire enjoyed her holiday.

12. You need to find out how long the journey takes.
13, You're in town with a friend, and you are wondering where the two of you
are going to have lunch.
14. You want to know if the train is on time.

15. You are wondering if Mike and Harry go camping. Ask David.

16. You've forgotten when the course finishes. Ask your friend.
17. You want to ask what happens next.
18. You want to suggest to Rachel that you both go for a walk.
19. You want to know if Nick has got a motorbike. Ask him.
20. You are asking permission to come in.

4. Write the questions to which the underlined words are the answers.
1. Christopher is going to London bv train
2. The Smiths have got three cars.

3. Janet works at the superrmarket.


4. Anne is learning English because she will need it in her job.

5. The film was really romantic.
6. The meeting will take place next Tuesday.

7. Tessa switched off the computer.


8. Mr Johnson's burglar alarm was ringing.

9. Ann went to the dance with Martin.
10. The Olympic games are held every four years.
11.1 weigh seventy-five kilos.
12. Mv father is an engineer.
13. I earn about $250 a week.
14. It’s about 200 meters from here to the post office.
15. The Vietnamese flag is red and yellow.
16. I bought a box of chocolates.
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17. Mv friends are arriving at half past eight.

18. The meeting will last an hour.
19. Susan works in a toy shop.
20. We bought this computer magazine to read about business software.
5. Add a tag question to each sentence.
1. We're nearly there, ..aren.’l.w£. ?
2. You haven't got a spare pen, ?
3. You’re coming to my party, ?
4. You won't be late ?
5. Harry’s fifteen ?

6. Kate and Pat live in Leeds, ?
7. You don't feel well, ?
8. You like fish, ?

9. Richard's bought a new bike, ?
10. I shouldn't tell you this, ?

11. Don’t leave anything behind,
12. David is bringing some wine,
13. You'll be home before midnight, ?
14. Harry was working in Bristol then, ?
15. Nobody knows who invented the wheel,. ?

16. You don't need me any more, ?

17. The ticket to London doesn’t cost a lot,.... ?

18. Let's invite the Smiths from next door, ?

19. You aren’t too busy to talk, ?

20. Jean owns a restaurant, ?

6. Make a new sentence with a tag question which has the same meaning as

the first sentence, beginning as shown. Make any necessary changes.

1. I'm sure that Paul doesn't like football.

Paul ..daesnltJikefoatbalJ. .does. he?

2. I’m checking that you've got a sister.
3. 1 don't think that you've done your homework!
4. I'm angry that you sat next to Ellen!
5. I’m surprised that the guests have arrived.
The guests
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6. I'm checking that your name is John.

Your name .
7. I'm surprised to meet you and think that your name might be John.
Your name .
8. You're certain that you didn't leave your wallet on the desk.
9. You're surprised that William has got married.
10. You're checking that this book is by Martin Aimless.
This book

7. Fill in the blanks with the imperative form (positive or negative) of these
verbs: place (2), clean, eat, make, switch, use, put, leave, keep.
How to set up your computer

1. _your computer on a flat table or desk.

.sure your chair is a comfortable height.
a screen to protect you from dangerous X-rays.
4. .it near a fire or the central heating.
jour computer in the sun.
6. .liquids (water, ect.) on the computer; they may get inside.

while you're working; food can fall into the keyboard.

8. .the computer and dust it regularly.
9. .the floppy disks clean and in their box.

10. Always _ off the computer and the screen when you finish.

8. Turn into exclamatory sentences. Beginning as shown.

1. The boy is very clever. What.
2. She is very tall. _

3. The novel was interesting. How _

4. They wrote slowly. Didn't

5. The horses are fast. What _
6. The dress is expensive. How _
7. The film was frightening. Wasn't
8. It was warm weather. What _
9. They work effectively. How _
10. My friend has a lovely cat. What _
11. He looks like his father. Doesn’t
12. Those trousers are dirty. How _
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13. The noise is awful. What.

14. It's very cold today. How .
15. You've got on nice shoes. What.
16. I feel tired. How .
17. The house is very old. What.
18. That's a great song. Isn’t .
19. Marta sings very beautifully. How .
20. She has a beautiful smile. What.
9. Write sentences, put these words into the correct order. Do not add or omit
any words.

1. Helen/ giving/ some cassettes/ Jack/ is/ on his birthday.
2. some new jeans/ recently/ bought/I
3. doesn't/ this climate/ me/ suit.

4. Diana/ beautiful/ these days/ is becoming/ more and more.

5. a bright yellow/ have painted/ they/ their front door!
6. my purse/ under the bed/ 1/ found.
7. sold/ yesterday/ to our next door neighbor/ the old Renault/ Dad
8. our friend/ some tulips/ us/ by express mail/ sent.
9. in town/ Bob/ crossing/ saw/ Mary/ the street .

10. a bus/ took/ we/ to the airport

11. answering/ all the time/ hates/ she/ the phone.
12. her/ to be/ all the neighbors/ a widow/ supposed.

13. living/ her/ her father/ alone/ would not/ in a big city/ consent to
14. you/ me/ can/ a few minutes/ spare/ of your valuable time?

15. important/ regularly/ is/ to go/ it/ to school.

16. we/ the encyclopedia/ must/ back/ them/ give/ to.

17. short of/ is/ we/ are/ money/ the trouble/ that.
18. no one/ leave/ the house/ John/ heard.

19. John/ we/ are/ for/ waiting/ to anive.

20. the bus/ knocked/ down/ him.
10. Complete the answers. Use a pronoun + emphatic do + a verb.
1. A: Melanie is always helping people, isn't she?
B: Yes, she does help a lot of people.
2. A: How much did that dress cost?
B: Well,. .rather a lot.
3. A: Someone once told me I look like a singer Arlene Black.
B: Well, a bit like her, actually.
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4 A: This train doesn't stop at our station.
B: Are you sure? I think. .there.
5 A: Why didn't you go to the match on Saturday?
B: What do you mean? . _ to the match.
6 A: Matthew and Emma never quarrel.
B: Oh yes,. .. All the time, in fact.
7 A: Emma says Matthew doesn’t care about her
B: But he says_ .
8. A: Did you enjoy the concert last nigh'?
B: Yes. .it. It was really good
9. A: You are worried about something, aren't you?

B: You know, about my job prospect.
10. A: Have you ever seen a ghost?
B: Never. But Vicky is quite sure that a ghost.

11. Write sentences with it and an adjective followed by a to-infinitive.

1. Buy a Compex computer. It isn't expensive.
2. Using a computer is very simple.
3. Understanding the handbook isn’t difficult.
4. You can run any kind of software. It's easy.
5. Exploring the world of Compex is absolutely fascinating.

6. Try the ultimate computer experience. Are you ready?

7. Don't play on ladders. It isn't safe.


8. Making such a fuss was silly.

12. Add a sentence with an emphatic pronoun, e.g. myself. Use these verbs:

bake, clean, decorate, cut, develop, grow, paint, service, type, make.
1. I don't take the car to the garage / service it mvself .

2. Laura didn't buy those pictures.

3. Tom doesn't have his windows cleaned._ .


4. My bread doesn't come from a shop.

5. My friends eat lots of fresh vegetables.
6. We finished the dinning-room yesterday. .
8. I don't pay to have my photos done. _
7. Mark doesn't dictate his letters to a secretary.

_ .

9. My sister doesn't pay for her clothes. .

10. We didn’t have the lawn mowed. _ .

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13. Emphasize the underlined words, using what.

1. Rachel's stereo kept me awake. > What kept me awake was Rachel's stereo.
2. Vicky is looking for a job in television.
3. 1 want to make a fresh start.
4. You must pay attention to the details.
5. They booked a holiday together.
6. You have to think about your profit.
7. You must know the needs of your customers.
8. Your news made me happy.
9. You should work towards a realistic target.

10. You need to plan ahead
14. Look at each question and answer and write a sentence with It is/ was... +
relative clause.
1. Who invented radio? ~ Marconi. -> It was Marconi who invented radio.

2. When did Columbus sail to America? ~ In 1492.

3. What does Tiger Woods play? ~ Golf.
4. Where did the Olympic Games first take place? ~ In Greece.
5. Which is nearest the sun, Venus or Mercury? ~ Mercury.
6. Who designed the Eiffel Tower? Alexandre. G. Eiffel.
7. What was discovered by Crick and Watson? ~ The structure of DNA.

8. Who built the Pyramids? ~ The Ancient Egyptians.

9. Which is the highest mountain in the world? ~ Mount Everest.

10. Who was the 35th President of the US? ~ John F. Kennedy.
15. Rewrite the imperatives in emphatic forms.

1. Bring another chair.

2. Don't be silly.

3. Send me a copy of your catalogue.

4. Don't make so much noise.

5. Be quiet. I'm trying to concentrate.

6. Do not lean out of the window.
7. Forgive me - 1 didn't mean to interrupt.
8. Don’t do that again or you'll be in trouble.
9. Give me a hand.
10. Don't tell anybody what happened.
16. Emphasize the underlined words.
1. Ted broke the news to me.
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2. Knowing your limitations is important.
3. They want money. They don't want affection.
4. He misunderstood my intentions.
5. 1 remembered her name after she had gone.
6. 1 did my English test very well.
7. Does Mary wash up every day?
8. She first heard the news from Francis.
9. We need pilots, not ground staff.
10. To be early is better.
11. Peter lent us money. Paul didn't.
12. We found that getting a visa is impossible.

13. Mike's uncle died on Thursday.
14. Bad roads don't cause accidents. Speed does.
15. Teasing animals is cruel.

16. 1 love you; I love you; I love you.

17. England won the World Cup in 1966.
18. We enjoyed ourselves.
19. Income tax will be reduced. This is unlikely.
20. The countryside is most beautiful in the Fall.
21.1 saw Ann. I didn’t see Mary.

22. Remember to lock the door before you leave.

23. 1 think that taking up Yoga is not a good idea.
24. He was kind to help me.

25. Visit us again some time.

26. Don’t make too much noise.

27. 1 did my English test very well.

28. I'm eating chocolate cake.

29. David teaches in a Technical College.

30. Don't let, me wait so long.

17. Rewrite each of the following sentences with the given words in such a
way that it means the same as the sentence printed above it.
L The only way you can become a good athlete is by training hard.
Only by _ .
2. My grandfather did not say a single word during his dinner with us.
Not a single word .
3> He spent all his money. He even borrowed some from me.
Not only _ .
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4. He had hardly left the office when the telephone rang.
No sooner __
5. I had only just put the phone down when the boss rang back.
Hardly .

6. He didn’t finish his work until the bell rang.
Not until

7. A sleeping dog was lying under the table.
Under the table
8. His brother had rarely been more excited.
Rarely _ .

9. We only began to see the symptoms of the disease after several months.
Only .
10. 1 have never seen anyone in my life drink as much as you.

18. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the
1. Tony was not only late, but he had left all his books behind.
Not only was.T.ony.late*.but he.had left. all his. honks, behind
2. 1 had no sooner gone to bed than someone rang my doorbell.
No sooner

3. 1 have seldom stayed in a worse hotel.


4. 1 have never heard such nonsense!


5. I realised only then that I had lost my keys.

Only then

6. The economic situation has rarely been worse.


7. The manager not once offered us an apology.

Not once
8. You should not send money to us by post under any circumstances.
Under no circumstances
9. I understood Hamlet only after seeing it on the stage.
Only after seeing Hamlet
10. The embassy staff little realised that Ted was a secret agent.

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Chitamg 14

C£u didu kien g6m c6 hai mdnh dd:

• M6nh dd chrnh (Main clause) la mfinh dd chi kdt qua.
• Mdnh dd If (If- clause) lh mfinh dd phu chi didu ki£n.
I. CAC LOAI CAU Dl£u KI$N (Types of conditional sentences)
Co 3 loai cau didu kifcn chrnh:

1. Didu ki6n co that trong hi£n tai hoac tuong lai (Real condition in the present
or future): c6 thd thuc hifen dupe trong hipn tai hoac tucmg lai vi hanh dOng trong
mfinh dd If hoan toan co thd xay ra.

2. Didu ki6n khOng co that trong hi£n tai (Unreal condition in the present):

khOng thd thuc hifin duoc trong hidn taihoSc tuong lai vi hanh dpng trong m6nh dd
If khOng thd xay ra (gia dinh trai nguqc vdi thuc td trong hidn tai).
3. Didu kipn khdng c6 that trong qu£ khu: (Unreal condition in the past): KhOng
the’ thuc hi6n dupe trong qud khu* vi hanh d6ng trong m6nh dd If da kh6ng xay ra
(gia dinh trai ngucrc vdi thuc td trong qua khu:)

II. THI CUA DONG TIT TRONG CAU DIÿU KI$N (Verb forms used in
conditional sentences)
Loai 1: Real condition

a. Dd noi vd tinh hubng co thd xay ra trong hi£n tai hoac tuong lai, chung ta
diing thi hipn tai don. (present simple) trong mfinh dd i/va will + dong tit nguyen

mau ( will + infinitive) trong m6nh dd chinh.


Present simple will + infinitive


If you help me, I will help you.

(Neu anh giup da toi, toi se giup ddanh.)
If I get this right, I'll have answered every question correctly.
(Neu toi hieu dung van de nay, tdi se tra Idi dung moi cdu hoi)
If you meet Henry; tell him I want to see him.
(Neu anh gap Henry, hay bao no la toi can gap no.)
b. Thi hien tai don (present simple) dupe dung trong ca hai mfinh dd dd chi mpt
su that hidn nhidn, mpt quy luat tu nhi£n hoac mOt hanh dCng xay ra thuong xuydn.

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If you heat ice, it turns to water.
(Neu ban dun nong nude da no se tan thank nude.)
If you press this switch, the computer comes on.
(Neu ban nfian vao nut nay, may tinh se bat.)
If Daniel has any money, he spends it.
(Niu Daniel cd tii'n anh ta se tieu xdi hit.)
c. Cdc ddng tit tinh thii can, may, might, should, ought to, have to, must,... c6
thd dupe ddng trong mdnh dd chfnh (main clause) dd ndi ddn kha nang, su chic
chin, su cho phdp, su bit bude hoSc su cin thid't.
If it rains, we are going to stay home.
(Neu trdi mua, chung tdi se d nha.)

If you need a ticket, I can get you one.
(Neu ban can ve tdi cd the mua cho ban mdt tarn.)
If Matthew goes to a job interview, he should wear/ ought to wear a tie.

( Neu Matthew di phong van xin viec, anh ay nen deo cd vat.)

If you want to see clearly, you must wear your glasses.
(Neu ban mudh thay ro, ban phdi mang kinh)
If Henry jogs regularly, he may/ might lose weight.
(Neu Henry chay bd thudng xuyen, anh dy co the gidm can)
d. Ddi khi chung ta cd th£ dhng should trong mfnh dd di£u kifin (If-clause) di

gpi y mdt didu gi dd khdng chic chin.

If you should change your mind, please phone me.
(Hdy gpi dien cho tdi neu ban dSi y)

If anyone should call, please take a message.


(Neu co ai gpi den, vui long ghi lai Idi nhan)

Liru y:

Khdng dCtng will trong mdnh dd didu kidn (If-clause).

If we hurry, we’ll catch the bus.

[NOT If we’ll hurry, we’ll catch the- bus]

(Niu vdi, chung ta se ddn xe buyt)
Nhung will cd thd dupe dilng trong mdnh dd didu kidn khi ta dua ra ldi yfiu ciu.
If you'll just wait a moment, I'll find someone to help you.
(Vui Idng doi mdt lot, tdi se tim ngudi den giup.)
[= Please wait a moment ...]
Loai 2: Present Unreal condition
a. Dd ndi vd tinh hudng khdng cd that hoac khdng thd xiy ra trong hidn tai hoac

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tuong lai, chung ta dhng thi qud khu dofn (past simple) trong mfinh di. if va would
+ddng tit nguyin mdu (would+ infinitive) trong mCnh d£ chfnh.


| Past simple would + infinitive
If I knew her name, I would tell you.
Neu tdi biet ten c6 ay, tdi se noi cho anh biet.)
— » but I doesn't know her name.
If we didn't have a car, we would find it’s difficult to get about.
(Neu con cho cua tdi co sau chan, no se chary rat nhanh.)
-> but we have a car.

If my dog had six legs, it would run very fast!
(Neu con cho cua tdi co sau chdn, no se chay rat nhanh.)
b. Could va might cung c6 th£ duoc dhng trong m6nh d6 chfnh dd n6i den kha
nang c6 th£ xay ra.

If she had a camera, she could take some photos.

(Gia nhitco may anh, cd ay co the chup vai tam hinh.)
[could take = would be able to take]
If Rachel worked harder, she might do even better than at her study.
(Gia nhit Rachel hoc cham hem thi ket qua hoc tap cua cd ay co the edn
tdi horn nita.)

c. Were c6 th£ ducfc dhng thay cho was (vdi cac chu tir I, he, she, it) trong
m6nh d6 if nha't la trong m6nh d6 If I were you.
If Nick were rich, he would have a yacht. [Or: If Nick was rich,...]

(Neu Nick giau co, anh ay se mua mdt chide du thuyen.)

I'd go out if it weren't raining. [Or: wasn't raining]

(Gia nhutrdi khdng mua thi tdi se di chcri)

If I were you, I would accept their invitation. [Or: If I was you, ...]

(Neu tdi la anh, tdi se chap nhan led mdi cua ho)

Lull y: KhCng dilng would trong m6nh d6 di6u ki6n (if-clause)

(Neu tdi dn banh, tdi se bi map.)

Nhung would c6 (hi duoc dhng trong mfinh d6 if khi chung ta dua ra 16i y£u
If you'd like to come this way, the doctor will see you now.
(Vui long di Id'i nay, bac si se kham cho ba.)
[= Please come this way ...]


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Loai 3: Past Unreal
a. Dd noi v6 mdt tinh hud'ng da khdng xky ra trong qua khu:, chung ta diing thi
qua khu: hoan thanh (past perfect) trong mdnh d6 if va would have + qud khu:
phdn tit (would have + past participle) trong mdnh dd chinh.


Past perfect (had + past participle) would have + past participle
If he had studied hard, he would have passed his exam.
(Gid nhu anh ta hoc hanh chdm chi thi anh ta da dau rdi.)
-> but he didn't study hard so he failed.
If I had known of your arrival, I would have met you.

(Gia md tdi bie't anh den thi tdi da di don anh rdi.)
-> but I didn't know so I didn't come.
b. Could have va might have cung c6 th£ diroe dhng di chi kha nSng da c6 thd
xay ra.

If I had had my cellphone yesterday, I could have contacted you.

(Gia nhu hdm qua tdi co dem theo dien thoai thi tdi da co the lien lac vch
[could have contact = would have been able to contact]
We just caught the train. If we had stopped to buy a paper, we might
have missed it.

(Chung ta vua kip tau. Neu nhu chung ta diing lai mua bao, thi co the
chung ta da bi Id tau.)
Luu y:

- Khdng dung would trong m6nh d£ di£u ki6n (if-clause).

If you hadn't made that mistake, you'd have passed your test.

(Gid md ban khdng bi Idi dd thi ban da qua duac ky thi rdi)

- Dang rut gon 'd c6 th£ diing cho ca had va would.


If you'd asked me, I'd have told you.

(Gid md ban hoi tdi thi tdi dd noi cho ban biet rdi.)


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KI$N. (Overview of bash verb forms used in conditional sentences)
1. Real in the present/ future Will

may/ might ,
Present simple: chi sir that,
Present simple

quy Mt hoac thoi quen.

2. Unreal in the present would 'i Past simple

could + V (bare-mf)
might J
3. Unreal in the past Would Past perfect

Could + have + V (barc-inf) (had + Vpast part)

* Cac thi dupe n£u trong bang trfin day la ph£n can ban cua nhung thi tr£n thuc
t£s dang dupe sir dung, nhimg theo quan diim ngu phap mdi chung ta co \hi bi£n
d6i thi trong cau dilu ki6n nhu sau:
a. Dung cac thi ti£p di6n (progressive tenses) d6’ difcn ta hanh d6ng dang xay ra,
m6t su sap x£p trong tuong lai hoac gia dinh m6t hanh d6ng dang xay ra trong

hifin tai hoac qua khd.

If you are waiting for a bus, you should join the queue.

(Neu ban dang dai xe buyt, thi ban nen xep hang) [present action]
If you are staying for another night, I'll ask the manager to give you

a better room.
(Neu ba d lai mdt dem nda, tdi se xin giam dSc cho ba phdng tot hem.

[future arrangement]
We are going by air and I hate flying. If we were going by boat I would feel

much happier.
(Chung tdi dang di may bay va tdi ghet di may bay.Gia nhu chung tdi dang
di tdu thuy thi tdi se thay thich thu hem )
If I were on holiday, I might be touring Italy too.
(Gia nhu dang trong ky nghi thi co the tdi cung dang di du lich ay)
I was wearing a seat belt at that time. If I hadn’t been wearing one I would
have been seriously injured.
(Vdo luc do tdi dang that day an toan. Neu tdi khdng rnang day an toan thi
tdi da bi thuang nang rSi.)
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At the time of the accident I was sitting in the back of the car because Tom's
little boy was sitting beside him in front. If Tom’s boy hadn't been there I
would have been sitting in front.
(Luc xdy ra tai nan tdi dang ngdi d bang ghe sau vi cau con trai nho cua
Tom dang ngdi canh anh ay a phia trade. Neu cau con trai cua Tom khdng
ngdi odd thi tdi se dang ngdi d phia trade.
b. DCtng thi hi6n tai hokn thanh (present perfect) trong mdnh di diiu ki6n (if-
clause) di diin ta hknh dOng hokn t&l
If he has written the letter, 111 post it.
(Neu anh ta da viei xong la thuthi tdi se gfii no.)
If they haven’t seen the museum we'd better go there today.

(Neu ho chua tham quan vien bao tang thi hdm nay chung ta nen den do.)
c. Dung be going to di diin dat hoac du dodn m6t su vi6c xay ra trong tuong

If it’s going to rain, I'd better take an umbrella.
(Neu trdi sdp mUa thi tdi hon hei la tdi nen mang theo du)

If they try to cut down the trees, there's going to be a big protest.
(Neu ho cd'dd'n bo nhung cay nay thi se bi chd'ng ddi kich liet.)
d. Niu thfri gian trong mfinh di diiu kiin (if-clause) v& thbi gian trong minh di
chi kit qua (main clause) khdng gidng nhau: m6t m6nh di d hidn tai va minh di
kia 6 qua khti, thi ta c<5 thi kit hop diiu lain loai 2 vh diiu lain loai 3.

I didn't eat breakfast this morning, so I am hungry now.

-» If I had eaten breakfast this morning, I would not be hungry now.

(past) (present)
(Neu sdng nay tdi dn diem tarn, thi bay gid tdi se khdng ddi bung)

He is not a good student. He did not study for the test.

-» If he were a good student, he would have studied for the test.

(present) (past)
(Neu no Id mdt hoc sinh ngoan thi no da hoc bai cho bai kiem tra.)

If he had taken my advice he would be a rich man now.

(Gid nhu anh ay nghe theo Idi khuyen cua tdi, thi gid anh ay da trd thanh
ngudi giau co.)
[But he didn't take my advice and now he isn't rich.]
If I didn't have all this work to do, I would have gone out. for a picnic
(Gid nhu tdi khdng phai lam tat cd nhung viec nay, thi hdm qua tdi da di da
[But I have all this work to do, so I didn’t go out for a picnic yesterday.]
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Liru y: M6nh d£ chi di£u kifcn (If-clause) c6 thd dting tnrbc hoac sau m6nh d£
chinh (main clause). N6u mutfn nh£n manh di6u kifcn, ta dat If-clause cr d£u cau va
co da'u phay (,) giura hai m€nh dd. N6'u mudn nhah manh k£t qua ta dat main
clause d ddu va cr giua hai m6nh d6 khdng c6 da'u phay.
If I don't practise my golf, I won't get any better.
Or: I won't get any better if I don't practise my golf.
in. NHONG CACH KHAC D£ DifiN TA Dlfiu KlfeN (Other ways of
expressing conditions)
1. Unless {trie phi, neu..kh6ng) duoc dilng vdti m6nh d6 di£u ki6n cr th£ khang
dinh, diroc xem nhu tuong ductag voi if... not:

Unless you start at once, you'll be late.
(Neu anh khong khdi hanh ngay, anh si bi mudn)
= If you don't start at once, you'll be late.

2. When (khi)
When you depress this button, you will hear his voice

(Khi anh dn nut nay xudng, anh se nghe duac giong noi cua anh ay)
= If you depress this button...
Tuy nhien, khOng phai luc nao chung ta cung cd thd thay //bang when diroe bcri
vi if \u6n lubn bao ham six ngcr vuc (doubt).
I'll phone you when I go to bed tonight.

I'll phone you if I go to bed tonight. (?)

3. Suppose/ supposing (gia sir)

Suppose the news is true.

(Gia sic tin nay la dung)

Supposing it rains, what will you do?

(Gia sic tred mua, ban se lam gi? )

Suppose the earth were flat.

(Gia sic qua dat la phang)

Supposing you saw a flying saucer, what would you do?

(Gia sic ban trdng thay dia bay thi ban se lam gi?)
4. Provided (that)/ providing (that) (mien la)
I'U accept your invitation provided you go with me.
(Toi se nhan Idi men mien la anh di v&i toi.)
5. Assuming (gia sir)
Assuming we have good weather, we shall be there by dusk.
(Gia sit chung ta gap then tie't td't, chung ta se den day trude khi trdi tdi)
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6. Without (khdng co)

Without his books, he would know nothing.
(Neu khdng co sack, cau ay se khdng hieu biet gi ca)
= If he had no books
7. On condition that (vci didu kidn la)
I shall go on condition that you go with me.
(T6i se di miin la ban se di vdi tdi)
$. Menh lenh each + and
Do that again and I'll call a policeman!
(Neu edn lam nhuthi'tdi se goi canh sat day!)

= If you do that again, I'll call a policeman!
IV. NHtfNG Tf NGffDtNG V0I (Expressions with if) IF
Chung ta c£n chu <j mdt s6 trong nhung tCr ngCr sau day, mac dh k€t hop vdi if,

thuong khdng didn ta didu kidn.

1. Even If (ngay ck ndu) duoc dhng chi su tuong phan (contrast) hoac de
nhSh manh:
Even if he goes to bed early, he always wakes up late.
(Ngay ca niu di ngu s&m, anh ay cung ludn thutc day mudn)
2. As If/as though (nhu th£ \k)

3. But for (n6u khdng vi, ndu khdng c6)

But for his blindness, no one would pity him.
(Neu khdng vi mil, chang ai thUffng hqi anh ta dau)

But for the storm, we should have arrived earlier.

( Neu khdng co ccm bao ay, chung ta da den sdm rdi.)

4. If only (uric gl)

•If only + thi hidn tai don hoac Tuong lai don dhng dd didn ta su hi vong:

If only he comes in time.

(Udc gi anh ay den kip luc) [= We hope he will come in time]

If only he will listen to Mother.

(TJdc gi anh ay nghe l&i me)
[= We hope he will be willing to listen to her]
•If only + thl Qua khti don ditng dd didn ta mong udc khdng thd thuc hidn
duoc trong hidn tai hoac trong tuong lai.
Oh, if only Daddy were home!
(6, udc gi ba dnha bay giernhi!)
If only he didn’t drive so fast!
(Ufa gi anh ay khdng lai xe nhanh qua!)
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•IF only + thi Ti6n qu£ khu: di&n ta mong uoc khdng thd thuc hifcn dupe trong
qua khir:
If only he had given me some money, I could have bought that new hi-fi.
(Udc gi anh ay da cho tdi mot it tien, toi da mua du&c dan may nghe nhac
m&i ay roi)


1. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

1. If we'd be!we re late for class, our teacher will be/was angry.

2. If we would livellived on another planet, we'll seelwe'd see the Earth in the sky.
3. If we take/will take a taxi, we arrived/we'll arrive sooner.
4. If we won't hurry/don't hurry, we'll be/we'd be late.
5. If we were/are birds, we would be able to/are able to fly.

6. If you don’t wear/wouldn't wear your pullover, you'llfeel/you felt cold.

7. If I studied/will study harder, I get/would get better marks.
8. If I have/had a motorbike, I rode/I'd ride it to school.
9. If you will lend/lend me your bike, YU let/I let you borrow my skateboard.
10. If I had!have lots of money, I gavelI'd give some to all my friends.
11. If you phoned!had phoned me yesterday, I had givenlwould have given you

the news.
12. If you took/would have taken more exercise, you mightfeel!hadfelt better.

13. If Tim drove!had driven more carefully, he wouldn’t have crashed!didn't


14. If you had come!came to see the film, you had enjoyed/would have enjoyed
15. If Yd knownfl would know it was your birthday, I would send/would have

sent you a card.


16. If people had helped!helped one another more often, the world might
be/was a better place.
17. If our team had scored!scored more goals, we had won!could have won.
18. If you would have wornfwore a coat, you wouldn't getldidn't get wet.
2. Complete each sentence using if, unless or would.
1. If he asked me to help him, I .... would
2. We'll have lunch outside in the garden, .it's too cold.
3. John win more races if he trained harder.
4. Come on! .we hurry, we'll miss the plane!
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6. The manager won’t be long
7. I'm sure that Connie
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,you like to see my stamp collection?
you take a seat, please.
go to the cinema with you, if you asked her.

8. you feel like a chat, phone me tonight.
9. What. .you do if you saw a snake?
10. 1 don’t feel happy. .1 swim every day.

3. Put in the correct form of each verb in brackets
1. If I ask Paul nicely, (he/help) us.
2. (you/make) yourself ill if you don’t eat properly.
3. If the ball (cross) the line, that would have been the

end of the game.
4. If. , (you/drink) up all the orange juice that was in that

carton, you ought to go out and get some more.

5. If everyone .(work) an extra hour a day, it would greatly
increase production.
6. If you're a lucky winner, a prize.
7. If I'd seen anything suspicious, .
nh .(be) on its way to you soon.
(I/call) the police.
8. If I slipped quietly out of the room in a few minutes' time, no one.
9. If. (you/not/mind) waiting a moment, I'll see if the

manager is free.
10. If (I/drive), I would hire a car to drive round the island.

11. If ....(I/let) you know in time, I would have done.

12. If someone knocked a candle over, .(it/start) a fire.

13. A moisturizer is what you need. If you use one,, .. . (you/ not / get)
dry skin.

14. If. .(I/not/agree) with you, I would say so.

15. Even if there had been an SOS message on the radio,

(I/not/listen) at the time.

16. If I (have) arms five metres long, I (be able)
to reach the top of that shelf!
17. Don't worry, you've just got a cold. If you (take). .an aspirin, you
(feel). better.
18. Vegetarians believe that if nobody (eat). .meat, everyone
(live) .longer.
19. If I (become) .a famous rock star, I (buy)
my parents an enormous house.

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20. It says 'No Parking1. If you (leave). .the car here, the police
(give). .you a parking fine.
21. It’s not far. If you (follow) this path, you (come)
to the station.
22. If people (use) bikes instead of cars, there (not be)
so much pollution.
23. Actually, Brutus is a very friendly dog. If you (touch). .him,
he (not bite).. you.
24. If you (leave). your books on the desk, I (give)
them back to you at the end of the lesson.

25. If you (own) a pet tiger, your friends (not visit)


4. Complete the sentence for each situation.
1. Charlotte didn't leave early, and so she missed the bus.
If Charlotte. Mad.left..early.. . she

wpuldnlhave.miss.ed the bus.

If I.
2. I didn't buy more milk, so I didn't have enough for breakfast.
.enough for breakfast.
3. We forgot to take a map, so we got lost in the mountains.
If we ., we

.in the mountains.

4. 1 didn’t go to bed early, so I didn't wake up at 7.00.

If I. .early I
at 7.00

5. Mike didn't make a shopping list, and he forgot to buy some coffee.
If Mike ., he

.some coffee.
6. 1 didn't realize you were tired when I asked you to go for a walk.

If I. „I
for a walk.
7. The Romans didn't sail across the Atlantic, so they didn't reach America.
If the Romans. , they
8. 1 didn't turn left at the station, and I lost my way.
If I. ,1
my way.

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5. Correct the clause that has a mistake in it.

If I have my wish, I’d be a film star.
1. If I had a camera, I ean take a photo.

2 If they would have bought a group ticket, it would have been less expensive.

3. If you're joking, I-going to be angry.

4. If you can go to the concert, you'd have enjoyed it, I'm sure.

5. The alarm rings will approach the-house.

6. Just keep quiet about it. Mention it to anyone or you’ll regret it.

7. If anything -shall go wrong, give me a ring.
8. If we drove through the town centre, it will take longer.

9. A bank will lend you money only if they knew you can- pay it back.

10. If I had trusted my instincts, Thad refused.


11. Have-we-deleyed-any-lenger, we would have been too lale.


12. If the material gels very hot, it would burst into flames.

6. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning.

1. I didn't have an umbrella with me and so I got wet

I wouldn't...fee w.i w&t.M.L’A,.

2. ril call the police if you don't leave me alone!
3. In the snowy weather we don’t go to school.
4. Without Jack's help, I wouldn't have been able to move the table.
5. Make me some coffee, and I'll give you one of my biscuits.

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6. If you hadn't told me about Sue's hair, I wouldn’t have noticed.
7. If you see Peter, tell him to be here at 8.00.
8. 1 wouldn't accept if you asked me to marry you!
If you were
9. You’d better see a doctor.
10. He won’t help you if you don’t ask him.

11. Take your medicine, otherwise you won’t get better.
12. You won’t make any spelling mistakes provided you use a dictionary.

13. If you park here, you'll be fined #20.

14. You’d better confess your crime.
15. She went home early because she was exhausted.

16. You won’t understand the story unless you finish the book.
17. She can’t go out if she doesn’t promise to be back early.

18. The bee won’t sting you as long as you stay still.

7. Underline the most suitable verb forms in each sentence.

1. If the machine stops/will stop, you press/will press this button.

2. 1 can't understand what he sees in her! If anyone treats/will treat/treated me

like that, I am!will be/would be extremely angry!

3. If you help/helped me with this exercise, I will/would do the same for you
one day.
4. According to the timetable, if the train leaves/left on time, we will/would
arrive at 5.30.
5. If it is/will be fine tomorrow, we go/will go to the coast
6. If wefind/found a taxi, we will get/would get there before the play starts.
7. It's quite simple really. If you takelwill take/ took these tablets every day, then
you lose/will losellost/would lose weight.
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8. I don't like this flat. I think / am!I will be/I'd be happier if / live/will
liveIwould live/lived in a house in the country.
9. I don’t know how to play baseball, but I'm sure that if I will do!did, I
play!will play/would play a lot better than anyone in this awful team!
10. If I phone/will phone!phoned you tonight, are you/will you be!would you be
11. Why didn't you tell me? If you told!had told me, I had helped/would have
helped you.
12. If Bill didn't steal!hadn't stolen the car, he wasn't/wouldn't be!hadn't been
in prison now.

13. If Ann wasn't driving!didn't drive/hadn't driven so fast, her car didn't
crash!wouldn't crash/wouldn't have crashed into a tree.
14. Let me give you some advice. If you smoked/would smoke/had smoked
less, you didn'tfeel/wouldn'tfeel/wouldn't havefelt so tired.

15. What bad luck! If Alan didn't fall/hadn't fallen/wouldn't fall over, he

won/would win/would have won the race.
16. If you invited/had invited me last week, I was able/had been able!would
have been able to come.
17. I'm sure your letter hasn't arrived yet. If it came/had come I'm sure I
noticed/had noticed/would have noticed it.

18. We have a suggestion to make. How do you feel/would you feel if we

offered/would offer/had offered you the job of assistant manager?
19. If you lent/had lent us the money, we paid/ would pay/had paid you back

next week.
20. Terry never catches anything when he goes fishing. And if he catches/

caught/ had caught a fish, he throws/would throw it back!

8. Complete the conversation. Put in the correct form of each verb in

Lucy: Tm going to watch a documentary on fashion tonight if no one want

anything else.
Emily: What time is that?
Lucy: Half past eight.
Alice: If it goes on after nine o'clock, (1) .(we/miss) the start
of the film.
Emily: I'd like to see the film too.
Lucy: Well, if you're both watching the film, (2). .(I/watch) it
with you. If (3)... .(I/record) the documentary, I can
watch it tomorrow.
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Alice: I don't think we've got another tape. You know, if we bought a few new
ones, (4). .(we/not/keep) having this problem.
Emily: If (5). .(I/think), I could have bought some at the
supermarket this afternoon.
Lucy: Chloe has recorded some tennis on this one, but that doesn't matter. If
she really wanted to, (6). (she/watch) it by now.
Emily: Chloe (7). .(be) annoyed if you record over her tennis.
Alice: I’d be annoyed if someone (8), .(do) that to me.
Lucy: I’m sure if I explain, (9). .(she/not/mind).
Emily: Well, if (10) .(there/be) a row, I'm going to keep out of it.

1. You don't get there in time if you don't hurry.

2. We can't do the job if we don't get help.
o m
9. Write a new sentence with the same meaning. Use UNLESS in your sentence.

. c
3. You are allowed into the club only if you're member.
4. 1 don't like fish. I wouldn't eat it if I wasn't extremely hungry.

5. Don’t leave the TV on if you aren't watching it.
6. The doctor will see you today only if it's an emergency.

7. 1 wouldn't have bought the picture if I didn't like it.

8. You can't get a driver's license if you're not at least eighteen years old.
9. I'm going to the party only if you go with me.

10. The dog will attack you only if you move suddenly.

e n
10. Choose the best correct word or expression for each sentence.
1. Rachel will be pleased if/ unless she passes her driving test.

2. You can use my car unless/ as long as you drive carefully.
3. The bus won't stop unless/ providing you ring the bell.

c h
4. You'd better take a coat if/ in case it gets cold.
5. Don’t bother to ring me unless/ in case it's important.

6. Children are allowed to use the swimming pool unless/ provided they are
with an adult.

7. I'll make myself an omelette when/ if I get home tonight.
8. 1 don't mind if you come in late unless/ so long as you come in quietly.
9. You won't have to leave unless/ if you can pay your bill.
10. Write the name down in case/provided you forget it.
11. Rewrite these sentenes, using the words in brackets.
1. I’ll call the police if you don't leave me alone. (Unless)
2. In the snowy weather we don't go to school. (If)
3. You press this button to stop the machine. (If)
4. Make me some coffee, and I'll give you one of my biscuits. (If)
5. If you see Peter, tell him he should be here at 8.00. (If)
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6. If the news turns out to be true, Til sell my shares at once. (Should)
7. If he fails the final examination, he won't be able to graduate. (Unless)
8. Should you persist in defying instructions, we'll be forced to act. (If)
9. Provided that you leave an address we will be able to contact you. (Unless)
10. Unless you save some money, you will never be able to buy a car. (Provided)
11. 1 didn't have an umbrella with me and so I got wet. (If)
12. Without Jack's help, I wouldn't have been able to move the table. (If)
13. If you hadn't told me about Sue's hair, I wouldn't have noticed. (Unless)
14. What a pity we ate all the food. (If)
15. 1 regret not going to university. (I wish)
16. 1 should have bought that car. (If only)

17. Oh dear! I didn’t realize it was so cheap. (I wish)
18. The policeman showed me the way, so I found the house. (If)
19. If I'd gone to the party, I'd have met Melanie. (Had)

20. He would have lent you his violin if you'd asked him. (Had)

12. Choose the best anwer.
1. 1 didn't get home until after midnight last night. Otherwise, I your call.

A. returned B. had returned
C. would return D. would have returned
2. The lecturer didn 't know what he was talking about, but if Dr Mason

I would have listened carefully.

A. lectured B. was lecturing
C. would lecture D. had been lecturing

3. I you sooner had someone told me you were in hospital.

A. visited B. visit

C. would have visited D. had visited

4. If you can give me one good reason for your acting like this, this

incident again.
A. I don't mention B. I will never mention

C. I never mention D. will I never mention

5. If Jake.
A. hadn't agreed
.to go on the trip, would you have gone?
B. doesn't agree C. didn't agreed D. wouldn't agree
6. If I found Rob' s phone number now, I him about the change in plans.

A. called

A. will spend
8. If energy
be different.
B. had called
7. If I could speak Spanish, I.
B. had spent
C. could call D. will call
.next year studying in Mexico.
C. would spend D. would have spent
inexpensive and unlimited, many tilings in the world would

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A. is B. were C. will be D. would be
9. If you to my advice in the first place, you wouldn't be in this mess
right now.
A. listen B. will listen C. listened D. had listened
10.. more help, I could call my neighbour.
A. Should I need B. Needed C.*I have needed D. I should need
11. 1 didn't know you were asleep Otherwise, I so much noise when I
came in.
A. don't make B. didn't make
C. won't make D. wouldn’t have made

12. If you to talk loudly, I will have to ask you to leave.
A. continue B. continued C. will continue D. could continue
13. "How do you like your new apartment!"
"I wish I.
c o
.used to the constant noisefrom the street below."
A. got B. could get
C. had gotten D. am

14. "Will you see Tom at lunch? Td like you to give him a message"

"lfl. .him later, III give it to him."
A. will see B. would see C. see D. could see

15. A nation's balance of trade is considered unfavourable if it

money on imports than it gains from exports.
A. will spend B. would spend C. can spend D. spends

16. A huge tree crashed through the roof and broke my bed in the

it e
room, I would have been killed.
A. Should I be B. Had I been
C. Would I be D. Would I have been
17. 1.

ch William with me if I had known vou didn't get along with him.

A. hadn't brought B. didn’t bring
C. wouldn't have brought D. won't bring

18. If I me same problems you had as a child, I might not have
succeeded in life as well as you have.
A. had had B. have C. would have D. should have
19. Do you think -there would be less conflict in the world if all people
the same language?
A. speak B. spoke C. will speak D. had spoken
20. Had you told me that this was going to happen, I. .it.
A. don't believe B. can't believe
C. hadn't believe D. would never have believed

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Chuang 15

I. L(JI N6l TRUC Trfip VA LOl N6I GIAN Tl£p (Direct and indirect
03 hai ckch dd thuat lai nhung gl mk m6t ngucri nko d6 da n6i: true tidp va gian

1. Liri n6i true tiep (direct speech): lk sir lap lai chinh xac nhung tCr cua ngucri
/ •
He said, ‘I am very hungry’.
Leri ndi true tidp ‘I am very hungry’ dupe dat trong cap dku ngokc (*...’ theo

16i Anh hokc theo 16i Mi), sau ddng tir chinh c6 dku phdy (,) hokc dku hai

chkm (©. D6i khi mfinh dd chinh c6 thd dat sau liri ndi true tidp:
‘I am very hungry’, he said.
2. Lfri n6i gikn tiep (indirect/ reported speech) lk ldri tudng thuat lai <) cua
ngudi n6i, ddi khi khdng ckn phki dkng dung nhiing tir cua ngudi n6i.
He said that he was very hungry.

(Cau ay noi rang cau ay rat ddi)

D. CAU TRAN THUAT TRONG L6l N6l GlAN Tlfip (Statements in

indirect speech)
Khi chuydn mdt cku trkn thuat tir true ti£p sang gikn tidp, chung ta crin luu <j

d£n nhung thay d6i sau:

1. Dimg ddng tir gidi thieu say hokc tell: say that; say to somebody that; tell
somebody that. Ddng tir gidi thidu trong ldi ndi gikn ti£p thudng 6 quk khu vk lidn

tir that c6 thd dupe b6.


Tom said (that) he was feeling ill.

(Tom noi anh ay thay khdng khoe)
I told her (that) I didn’t have any money.
(T6i ndi vdi c6 ay la tdi khdng c6 tien)
Luu y:
tell + tan ngU (object) thudng dupe dhng hon say to + tan ngu.
2. Doi ckc dai tir nhkn xung, dai tir hokc tfnh tir sdr huru sao cho tuong tfng
vdi chu ngu hokc tan ngu cua mftnh dd chinh.

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a. Dai tir nh&n xirng (personal pronouns)
Chu ngff (subject) Tan ngu (object)
I — > he, she —
me > him, her

we > they
you -> I, we
us -> them
you -> me, us
b. Dai tir so hull c. Tinh tir so huru
(possessive pronouns) (possessive adjectives)
mine -» his, hers my -> his, her
ours -» theirs our -> their
yours -> mine, ours —
your > my, our
Luu Khi ttfcfng thuat lai 15i n6i cua chrnh minh, dai tir va tmh tir

scf huru
kh6ng d<5i.
I said, ‘I like my new house.’
I said (that) I liked my new house.

(Toi noi rang tdi thich ngdi nha mai cua minh)

3. Doi thi cua dong tir thhnh thi qua khur tuong irng.
Present simple Past simple
Tom said, ‘I never eat meat.’ Tom said (that) he never ate meat.
Present progressive Past progressive

He said, ‘I’m waiting for Ann.’ He said he was waiting for Ann.
Present perfect Past perfect

She said, ‘I’ve seen that film.’ She said she had seen that film.
Present perfect progressive Past perfect progressive

Andrew said, ‘I’ve been learning Andrew said he had been learning
Chinese for 5 years.’ Chinese for 5 years.

Past simple Past simple/ Past perfect

They said, We came by car.’ They said they camel had come by car.

Past Progressive progressive Past progressive/ Past perfect progressive

He said, ‘I was sitting in the park at 8 He said he was sitting/ had been sitting
o’clock.’ in the park at 8 o’clock.
Past perfect Past perfect
Daniel said, ‘My money had run out.’ Daniel said his money had run out.
Future simple Future in the past
Judy said, ‘I’ll phone you.’ Judy said she would phone me.


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Future progressive Future progressive in the past
He said, I’ll be playing golf at three He said he would be playing golf at
o’clock tomorrow.’ three o’clock tomorrow.
Modal verbs Modals in the past
+ Can + Could
She said, You can sit there’. She said we could sit here.
+ May + Might
Claire said, 1 may go to Bali again.’ Claire said she might go to Bali again.
+ Must + Must/ Had to
He said, ‘I must finish this report.’
He said he must I had to finish this

a. DQng ttir trong mfcnh d6 chinh 6 thl Hifen tai don, Hiftn tai ti£p di£n, Hi6n tai

Ho&n tMnh, Tuong lai don:
True tiep:
He says,
He is saying, the dress is expensive.
He has said,
He will say

Gihn tiep:
He says,
He is saying, that the dress is expensive.

He has said,

He will say
1. Ldi ndi di£n ta chan hoSc su kiftn dung mOt cdch hiÿn nhi6n.
The earth moves around the sun.

— > He said that the earth moves around the sun.


(Anh ta noi rang trai dat quanh quanh mat trdi.)

c. L6i n6i di6n ta m6t hoat dOng theo thdi quen v&n c6n ti6p tuc vao liic thuat
I get up at seven o’clock every morning.
-» He said that he gets up at seven o’clock every morning.
(Anh ay noi rang anh ay thiCcmg day vao 7 gid sang)
My wife always drinks coffee for breakfast.
-» He said that his wife always drinks coffee for breakfast.
(Anh ay noi rdng va anh ay thiCcmg ud'ng cd phe khi dn sang.)

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d. Leri n6i true ti£p c6 eric d6ng tCr tinh thrii could, would, should, might, ought
to, used to, had better.
* Would:
She said, ‘I wouid help him if I could.’
She said that she would help him if she could.
She said, Td rather Tom went.’
C6 ay noi: Tdi thich Tom di hem ’
—> She said that she’d rather Tom went.
2. Should:
You should eat more fruit.

(Anh nen an them trai cay)
-> He said that I should eat more fruit.
You should have gone to bed early.

c o
(Lera anh nen di ngu s&m)
-> He said that I should have gone to bed early.
3. Could:
You could have helped me.
(Lera anh da co the giup tdi)
4. Might:
He said that I could have helped him.

He said, ‘I might be there’

—> He said that he might be there.

5. Ought to:

You ought to go now.

(Anh nen di bay gid)

-> He said that I ought to go then.
6. Used to:

He said, ‘I used to go to the movies when I had leisure time.’

(Anh ay noi: Tdi thudng di xem phim khi co thi gid rdi ’)
-> He said that he used to go to the movies when he had leisure time.
7. Had better:
You had better stay at home.
(Anh nen ernha thi hem)
—» He said that I had better stay at home.
* Must:
Khi must dupe dung di chi nghla vu, b6n phrin (obligation), su suy diSn
(deduction), ldi khuyfin (advice), must c6 th£ dupe:

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a. Giffnguyfen:
They must bring their books to class.
—» He said that they must bring their books to class.
She must have gone home very late.
(Han la cd ay da ve nha rat mudn)
-> He said that she must have gone home very late.
b. HoSc d6i thhnh would have to khi bdn ph£n dugc n6i tdi phu thu6c vho m6t
hhnh ddng 6 tuong lai kha xa (fairly remote):
He said, ‘We must mend the roof properly next year.’
-> He said that they would have to mend the roof properly the following

Hoac khi led n6i didn ta m6t di£u ki6n hoac sir nghi ngb:
He said, ‘If the weather gets any worse, we must stay at home.’
(Anh dy noi: ‘neii thei tiet trdnen xau hem, chung ta se phdi a nha.)

> He said that if the weather got any worse, they would have to stay at

b. Hoac d6i thanh had to n£u b6n phan dugc n6i tdi sdm dugc thuc hifin ngay:
He said, ‘I must wash my hands.’
(Anh dy noi: Toi phdi rica tay '- ham y anh dy di rita lay ngay)
-> He said that he had to wash his hands.

Tom said, ‘I must come to see him by eight tomorrow morning.’

-> Tom said that he had to come to see him by eight tomorrow morning.
d. L&i n6i true ti6p \k cau di6u ki6n 6 dang gia dinh (subjunctive) hoac cau c6

thi qua khu gia dinh (past subjunctive) di sau wish, would rather, would sooner,
it’s time.

He said, “If I were you I wouldn’t wait.”

— > He said if he were me he wouldn’t wait.

(Anh dy noi rdng neu anh dy la tdi anh dy se khdng chd deti.)
“We wish we didn’t have to take exams,” said the children.

-» The children said they wished they didn’t have to take exams.
(Bon tre noi chung tide gi chung khdng phdi lam bai kiem tra.)
He said, “It’s time we began planning our holidays.”
-» He said that it was time they began planning their holidays.
(Anh dy n6i rdng da den luc ho bdt dau len ke hooch di nghi.)
e. Thi qua khu don (Past simple) hoSc thi qua khu: ti£p di£n (Past progressive)
cd thfri gian xac dinh hoac thu6c mÿnh d£ chi th5i gian.
She said, “Ann arrived on Monday.”


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She said Ann arrived on Monday.

(Ba ay noi Ann den hdm thu Hai.)
He said, ‘When I saw them, they were playing tennis.’
-> He said when he saw them they were playing tennis.
(Anh ay noi khi anh ay gap ho thi ho dang chcd tennis).
4. Cac thay doi d tmh ttr vik trang tur chi khai niem g£n xa trong khong
gian va thbi gian:
True tiep Gian tiep
This That
These Those

Here There
Now Then
Today That day

Ago Before

Tomorrow The next day/the following day
The day ofter tomorrow In two days’time
The day before/the previous day
The day before yesterday Two days before
Next week The following week

Next year The following year

Last week The previous week/the week before
Last year_ The previous year/the year before.

He said, ‘I saw her yesterday.’

He said he had seen her the previous day.

(Anh ay noi hdm truac anh ay da gap cd ta)

‘I’ll do it the day after tomorrow,’ he promised.

-» He promised that he would do it in two days’ time.

(Anh ay htia hai ngay sau anh ay se lam viec do.)

Daniel said, ‘I got my driving licence last Tuesday.’

Daniel said he’d got his driving licence the Tuesday before.
(Daniel noi anh ay da cd bang lai hdm thu: Ba tuan trU&c.)
They said. ‘We’ll return to Paris next month.’
-> They said they would return to Paris the month after.
(Ho noi thang sau ho se ve Paris)
Luu y:
a. N£u then didm duoc d£ cap trong 16i noi true ti£p v&n chua d£n, thi cua d6ng
tCr va trang tit chi then gian trong leri n6i gian tiep v£n giu: nguyen.
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Jane said, I’ll go to Bali by the end of this month.’

-> Jane noi, ”cud'i thang nay tdi se di Bali. ”)
+ Cau ndi cua Jane dupe thuat lai trudc cudi thang n&y.
-» Jane said she will go to Bali by the end of this month.
+ Cau n6i dupe thuat lai sau d6 vki thdng.
Jane said she would go to Bali by the end of that month.
b. Ndu dia didm dupe dd cap trong ldi n6i true tidp cung dia di£m vdi ngucri
tudng thuat, trang tir chi noi chdn trong ldi ndi gian ti€fp khdng d6i.
The old man said, ‘I’ve lived in this village for over 80 years.’
+ Thdng thudng chung ta chuy&i sang gian tidp.

-> The old man said he had lived in that village for over 80 years,
(Ong lao noi dng da sd'ng trong ngdi lang do hem 80 nam)
+ Nhung nd'u ngu6i tudng thuat dang a trong ngdi lkng do thi trang tit chi noi
chdn khdng d6i.

-> The old man said he had lived in this village for over 80 years.

(Ong lao noi dng da song trong ngdi lang nay hefn 80 nam.)
m. CAU H6I TRONG L£JI N6I GIAN Tl£p (Questions in indirect speeches)
C6 hai loai cau hoi: cau h6i Yes-No vh cau h6i Wh-
1. Cau hoi Yes-No (Yes-No questions)

Khi d6i cau hoi Yes-No tir true tidp sang gidn tidp, ta c2n luu nhung didm
- Dhng ddng tir gidi thidu ask, inquire, wonder, want to know. Ask c6 thd dupe

theo sau bdi tan ngu true tidp (He asked me ...), nhung inquire, wonder, want to
know thi khdng c6 tan ngu theo sau (NOT He wondered me...)

- Dhng if hoac whether ngay sau ddng tir gidi thidu cua mdnh dd chrnh. If /
whether c6 nghia ‘cd ... khdng’

- Ddi cdii true cau h6i Mnh cau trdn thuat

- Ddi dai tir, tfnh tir sd huu, thi cua ddng tir \p. cic trang tir chi thdi gian, noi

chdn (gidng c£ch d6i trong cau tr£n thuat)

Subject-!- asked (+ object) + if/ whether + subject + verb
Does John understand music?
-» He asked if John understood music.
(Anh ay hoi John co hieu dm nhac khdng?)
Is she your sister?
He asked me if she was my sister.
(Anh ay hoi tdi cd ay co phdi la chi gai tdi khdng?)

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Can she drive?

— » He asked if she could drive.
(Anh dy hoi cd dy co biet lai xe khdng ?)
- Trong cdc ldi n6i gian ti£p trdn If dupe dung chi cau hoi gidn ti£p vd
thirftng co nghla ‘c6 phai. . .khdng’?. If thircfng c6 thi dupe thay th£ bang whether.
He asked me if she was my sister.
— > He asked me whether she was my sister.
Whether di6n ta sir lira chon vd thubng dupe theo sau bed or:
Do you want to go by air or by sea?
-> He asked me whether I wanted to go by air or by sea.

Do you want to insure your car or not?
-» He asked whether or not I wanted to insure my car.
(Anh dy hoi tdi co mudn bao hiem xe hoi khdng?)

- Whether thudng dupe xem Id thich hop hon If khi di trude ddng tit nguyfin
th£ (infinitive) vd Cau di£u kidn:

I don’t know whether to stay here or go on.
-> John asked whether, if I got the job, I’d move to New York.
(John hoi co phdi tdi se don di New York neu tdi kiem duoc viec lam khdng)
2. Cau hoi Wh- (Wh - Questions)

Cau hoi wh- Id loai cau h6i dupe mo (Mu bang cac nghi vah tit who, what,
where, when, why ... .Trong ldi n6i gian ti£p loai cau h6i nay dupe chuyÿn ddi nhu

- Dilng cdc ddng tir gidi thidu: ask, inquire, wonder, want to know.
- Lap lai tir dd hoi (what, when, where ...) sau ddng tir gidi thidu.

- D6i trat tu cau h6i thanh cau trdn thudt.

- Ddi dai tir, tfnh tir s6 huu, thl cua ddng tir vd cdc trang tir chi thcri gian, ned

Subject + asked (+ object) + what/when/where... + subject + verb

What is your name?

He asked me what my name was.
(Anh dy hoi ten tdi la gi?)
Where does she live?
-» He asked where she lived.
(Anh dy hoi cd dy sdng ddau?)
He said, ‘What time does the film begin?’
— > He wanted to know what time the film began.
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(Anh ay mud'n biet may gidphim bdt dau.)

Lmi y:
- Khi tudng thuat lai cic cau h6i c6 cdu true who/what/which + be + bS ngit
(complement), be c6 thd dirge dat trude hoac sau b6 ngu.
Who’s the best player?
-» She asked me who was the best player. /She asked me who the best
player was.
Which is my seat?
—» She wondered which was her seat/ She wondered which her seat was.
- D6ng tCr gidi thidu trong mdnh 66 chinh d thi hidn tai don, hidn tai tidp didn..

Hidn tai hoÿn thknh vh tuong lai don # thl cua ddng tit trong cau gidn tidp khOng
‘Has the taxi arrived yet?’
-> She is won if/whether the taxi has arrived yet.

(Cday tunhu khdng biet taxi den chua.)

‘Where can we stay?’ -» They want to know where they can stay.
(Ho mud'n biet ho se ddau)
rv. CAU MfiNH LfeNH, CAU YfiU CXU, CAU fit) NGHI, Ldl KHUYfiN,
v.v. TRONG Ldl N6l GlAN Tlfip (Orders, requests, offers, advice ect
In indirect speeches)

Cau mdnh ldnh, cau ydu c6u, cau dd nghi, led khuydn v.v. trong ldi n6i gidn tidp
thudng duoc tudng thuat lai bang dOng tCr nguydn mlu c6 to(to-infinitive) hoac tan
ngu: + d6ng tCr nguydn mSu c6 to (object + to-infinitive).

1. Cau menh lenh cau yeu diu (Orders and requests)


Dd chuydn cau mdnh ldnh, cau ydu cdu tCr true tidp sang gi£n tidp ta lÿm nhu

- Dhng ddng tir gidri thidu ask, hoac tell.

- Dat tan ngu (object) chi ngubi nhan ldnh hoac ngubi duoc ydu cdu sau ddng til

gidi thidu.
- Dhng dang nguydn m§u c6 to (to-infmitive) cua ddng tir trong cau true tidp.
Trong cau phu dinh, not duoc dat trude to-infinitive.
- Ddi cac dai tit, tmh tit s6 huu vabdtir ‘please’ (ndu c6).
Subject + asked/told + object (+not) + to-infinitive
Don’t be late tomorrow.
-> He told them not to be late the next day.
(Anh ay bao ho ngay mai khdng duoc den mudn)

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‘Do sit down’, said my hostess.
-» My host invited me to sit down.
‘Try again’, said Ann’s friends encouragingly.
Ann’s friends encouraged her to try again.
(Cac ban cua Ann dong vien c6 ay hay cd'len mot Ian nua.)
Be quiet, will you!’
(Hay im lang di!)
He ordered us to be quiet.
(Anh ta yeu cau chung t&i hay yen lang.)
—» Cau true ask + to-infinitive hoac ask for cung co th$ dupe dung.

‘Can I see your driving licence, please?’ the policeman said.
-> The policeman asked to see my driving licence.
(Vien canh sat ddi xem bang lai cua tdi.)
‘Can I have some brochures, please?’ Judy said.

Judy asked (the travel agent) for some brochures.

(Judy hoi xin [nhan vien du lich] mot vdi tap qudng cao.)
-> Cau m6nh I6nh hoac y6u c2u cung co th£ dupe tudng thuat lai bang m6t
mfinh d6.
The doctor told me (that) I had to stay in bed for a few days.
He asked his neighbors if they would mind turning the music down.

Luu y: Ngoai ask vd tell,ede d6ng tit order, command, request, beg, implore
cung c6 thd dupe dung .

‘Please, please don’t take any risks,’ said his wife.

-» His wife begged/ implored him not to take any risk.

(Vo anh ta van xin anh ta ditng co lieu tinh)

2. Ldi de nghi, 15i hura, ldi khuyen, liri mdi, v. v. (Offers, promises, advice,

invitations, ect.)
Ldi d£ nghj, leri htra, ldi khuySn, ldi mdi, v.v. thudng dupe tudng thuat bang cac

ddng tir gidi thi6u: offer, recommend, promise, advise, encourage, invite, agree,
remind, warn, urge, ...

subject + offered/recommended ( + to-infinitive

Shall I bring you some tea?
(Tdi mang lai anh mot chut nude tra nhe? )
-> He offered to bring me some tea.
Anh ay de nghi mang cho tdi tach che.
Shall we meet at the theatre?
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He suggested meeting at the theatre.
(Anh ay gen y gap nhau a rap hat.)
‘Go on, apply for the job,’ said Jack.
— > Jack urged/ encouraged me to apply for the job.
(Jack thuc giuc/khuyen khich tdi ndp dem xin viic.)
Danh dOng tit (Verb-ing) duge ditng sau admit, apologize for, insist on va
‘I really must have a rest.’
-* Emma insisted on having a rest.
(Emma ddi nghi ngen)

‘Shall we go to a cafeteria?’
- Mfcnh d6 that (that-clause) c6 th£ duge diing sau admit, advise, agree, insist,
promise, remind, suggest va warn.
Nick promised (that) he would finish the work by the end of this week.

(Nick hUa la anh ay se hodn thanh edng viec vao cu6i tuan.)

She warned (that) Nick’s dog is very fierce.
(C6 ay canh bdo rang con cho cua Nick rat dCt.)
Ltru y:
- Qfu true Cant Could! Will-! Would you.. , please ? hoSc Would! Do you mind
+ V-ing...? dirge xem nhu c&u y£u ciu.

‘Could you pass me the salt, please?’

-» He asked/ told me to pass him the salt.
(Anh ay bdo tdi chuyen cho anh ay lo mud'i)

- C£u true Would you like .. ? dirge xem nhu lbii mcri.

‘Would you like to go to the movies?’

-> He invited me to go to the movies.
(Anh ay men tdi di xem phim)

- Qfu true Shall // we ...? vk Can I ...? duge xem nhu 16i d6 nghi.

‘Shall I carry your bags?’ the porter said.

-> The porter offered to carry my bags.
(Ngitdi khuan vdc di nghi xdch tui cho tdi.)
- Qfu true If I were ... duge xem nhu ldi khuyfcn.
‘If I were you, I would stop smoking.’
-» She advised me to stop smoking.
(Cd ay khuyen tdi bo thud'c Id)
- Qfu true Let ’s ...; Shall we ...? ho3c Why don *t ... ? duge xem nhu ldi ggi
duge tudng thuat lai bang: suggest + verb-ing! that clause.
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The guide said, ‘Let’s stop for a rest.’
The guide suggested stopping for a rest.
( Ngittii hitting ddn god y ditng lai nghi ngod.)
-» The guide suggested that we/ they should stop for a rest.
(ngutii hitting ddn goi y chung ta! ho nen ditng lai de nghi ngod)
GlAN TIÿP (Exclamations and yes/ no answers in indirect speeches)
1. C&u cam than (Exclamations)
Cau cam thdn bat d£u bang What (a / an)...! va How ...! thudng duoc thuat lai
bang dOng tCr exclaim!say that.

‘What a lovely garden!’ (Khu vittin dep qua)
-» She exclaimed/ said that it was a lovely garden.
Or: She exclaimed/ said that the garden was lovely.
(C6 ay thdt len rang khu vittin dep qua.)

‘How hot it is!’ (trtii nong qua!)

-> He exclaimed/ said that it was hot.
(Anh ta keu len rang trtii nong qua.)
‘Good!’ he exclaimed -» He gave an exclamation with pleasure.

‘Ugh!’ she exclaimed -> She gave an exclamation with disgust.

He said, ‘Thank you!’
He said, ‘Welcome!’
He thanked me.
He welcomed me.

He said, ‘Good morning!’ —> He greeted me.

He said, ‘Happy Christmas!’ ->• He wished me a happy Christmas.

He said, ‘Congratulations!’ He congratulated me.

He said, ‘Liar!’ He called me a liar.

He said, ‘Damn!’ He swore.

Cau tra lfti Yes/ No (Yes/ No answers)

Cau tra led yes v& no duoc diSn dat trong c£u giin tifip bang chu ngu” va tra
d6ng tir tuang ting (subject + auxiliary verb).
Daniel said, ‘Is there a cafe nearby’ and Tom said ‘No’.
— > Daniel asked (Tom) if there was a cafe nearby and Tom said there wasn’t
(Daniel hoi c6 quan ca phe nao gan day khdng vaTom noi khdng co)
He said, ‘Can you swim?’ and I said ‘Yes’.
-» He asked (me) if I could swim and I said I could.
(Anh ay hoi tdi co biet bed khdng va toi noi tdi biet)
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types in indirect speeches)
C&u true tidp co thd g6m hai hoSc nhidu loai cau kdt hop vdi nhau: cau tr£n
thuat + cau h6i; cau h6i + cau mdnh ldnh; cau mdnh ldnh + cau tiin thuat, v.v.
Khi d6i loai cau h6n hop nay sang cau gian tidp, ta c6 thd ddi theo tilmg phan va
dilng ede dOng tit gidi thidu thfch hop ridng cho titng phdn.
‘I have left my watch at home. What time is it now?’ he asked.
-> He said (that) he had left his watch at home and asked (me) what time it
was then.
(Anh ay noi anh ayddde quen ddng hS a nhd va hoi luc do la may gid.)
‘I’m going shopping. Can I get you anything?’ she said.

-» She said she was going shopping and asked if she could get me anything.
(Co ay noi co ay se di mua sam va hoi toi co can mua gi khdng?)
‘Someone’s coming,’ he said. ‘Get behind the screen’

-» He said that someone was coming and told me to get behind the screen.

(Anh ay noi co ngudi dang den va bao tdi trd'n phia sau tam man.)
Let’s shop on Friday. The supermarket will be very crowded on Saturday,’
she said.
— » She suggested shopping on Friday and said that the supermarket would
be very crowded on Saturday.

(C6 ay gai y di mua sam vao thtiSdu va noi rdng tM Bay sieu thi se rat ddng)
- D6i khi ddng tit gidi thidu thii hai cd th£ \h m6t phan tit.
‘Please, please don’t drink too much! Remember that you’ll have to drive

home’ she said.

-»She begged him not to drink too much, reminding/ and reminded him

that he would have to drive home.

(Cd ay van xin anh ta ditng udhg qua nhiiu va nhde rang anh ta edn phdi

Idi xe vi nhd.)
- Khi mdnh dd sau \k cau giai thfch cho mdnh dd trude, ta c6 ihi dilng as thay

cho ddng tit gidi thidu thu: hai.

He said, ‘You’d better wear a coat. It’s very cold out.’
-> He advised me to wear a coat as it was very cold out.
(Anh ay khuyen tdi nen mac do khoac vi ben ngoai treri rat lanh.)
‘Let’s shopping on Friday. The supermarket will be very crowded on
-> She suggested shopping on Friday as the supermarket would be \
very crowded on Saturday.
(Cd ay gai y di mua sam vao thitSdu vi thti Bay sieu thi se rat ddng.)
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Tlfip. (Introductory verbs in direct and indirect speech)
1. Dong ttr say c6 the dung trudc ho$c sau Idi ndi true tiep:
John said, ‘I’m hungry’.
‘I’m hungry’, John said.
Khi say theo sau ldi n6i true tiep chung ta cd M dao nguoc vi trf cua chu ngu
va ddng tCr say, vdi di6u kidn chu ngur 1& m6t danh tir:
‘I’m hungry’, said John,
Nhung chung ta khdng duoc n6i:
*I’m hungry’, said he.
Say c6 th£ nam giua c&u:

‘As a result’, said John, ‘I’m very hungry’.
Say to + tan ngitc6 the’ duoc dat cr cudi cau:
‘I’m hungry’, John said to me.

Nhung chung ta khdng n£n noi:

8. John said to me, ‘I’m hungry’.
Vdi leri ndi gidn tiep, chung ta co th£ dhng say to +tan ngu nhung hinh thuc
vdi tell + tan ngu thudng duoc dung hon.
John said to me that he was hungry.
John told me that he was hungry.

2. Dong tCr tell lu6n luon phai di vdi mdt t£n ngur. Vdi ldi ndi true tiep, tell +
tan /t£uiuon luon duoc dat sau:
‘I’m hungry’, John told me.

Vdi ldi n6i gian tidp, tell + tan ngu ludn ludn di trude:
John told me that he was hungry.

3. Nhung dong tur khac dung de gidi thieu ldi ndi true tiep vd gidn tiep:
‘I love you’, he whispered, [to whisper = thi Mm]

-> He whispered that he loved her.

‘We are not very late’, Tom assured us.

[to assure = train an, lam cho ai vung tarn]

-» Tom assured us that we were not very late.
‘I’ll marry you’, he promised, [to promise = htia]
-> He promised that he would marry her.
‘I live here’, he explained, [to explain = giai thfch]
-» He explained that he lived there.
‘I’m tired’, she complained, [to complain = than phi£n, phiin nkn]
-» She complained that she was tired.
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1. Adam
2. Has Emily .......
1. Put in told, said, asked, or talked,

.me he felt nervous.
who she’s invited to the party?
4. The men
5. Sol
6. Elaine has....
7. Has Matthew
you if you wanted a coffee.

.......... about football all evening. the waiter, ‘I think you’re very rude.’

8. 1 needed an aspirin, so I
her boyfriend she wants to split up.
you what he intends to do?
.where the nearest chemist’s was.

9. 1 had a really interesting time and to lots of people.
10. Steve ,.a joke, but no one laughed.
11. Who .that we now live in a global village’?

12. The security guard me what was in my briefcase, so I.

him there were some papers in it.

. . . . . . . . .
13. When the child was in bed, his mother. him a story.

... ... ...

. , ‘I’ll call again next week.”
14. When Mary left she
15. I’ve left my watch at home. Could you. me the time?
16. What is the word for someone who can two languages fluently?

17. 1 saw Peter yesterday, and he he was going to buy a new motorbike.
18. Can you the difference between butter and margarine?
19. What exactly did Jenny to you when you asked her about the party?

20. Sorry, could you up? I can’t hear very well.

2. Turn from Direct speech Into Reported speech.

1. “I’ve finished all my work,” she said.

She said (that) she had finished all her work.

2. “Why are you looking at me like that?” she asked him.


3. “Don’t play with matches,” his mother said.

4. “I’ve forgotten to bring my lunch with me,” he said.

5. “Win you be home soon?" She asked her husband.

6. “Go to bed!” Father said to the children.

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7. ‘Til clean the car tomorrow,” Tim said to his father.

8. “Where have you been?” Gary asked his wife.

9. “I’ve been working for the same company since 1960,” he said to me.

10. “Do you know Garfield?” she asked me.

3. Turn the following sentences into Reported speech.

1. “How shall I tell Tom the bad news? She said.
Shs.wked hm ?he. sheM tellIm.the

2. “You must try my home-made pie,”, he said.

3. “Can I go home now?” he asked.

4. “May I call you by your first name?” he asked her.
5. “You can come in, but you mustn’t make any noise,” she said to him.

6. “What time shall we arrive In London?” he asked.


7. “She must try harder if she wants to succeed,” he said.


8. “My father will be angry with me if he finds out,” she said.


9. “You ought not to drive so fast,” he said to her.


10. “They don’t have to come if they don’t feel like it,” he said.

11. “You bad better speak to the manager,” she said to him.

12. “I may not be able to meet you at the airport,” he said to her.

4. First write the appropriate introductory verb then report the following
1. “You should go to bed.” .advise.
.He. advised me to .go. to bed.

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2. “Please, please don’t leave me.”

3. “Do it now!”

4. "No, I did not kill him”

5. “Oh, alright, I’ll do the washing-up”

6. “Don’t forget to take the dog out ”

7. “Everybody, stand up now!"

8. “No, I will not give you my money.”

9. “Could I use your phone?”

10. “I’m sorry I shouted at you.”
11. "I’ll punish you if you don’t behave."

12. "It was me who stole the book."


13. "It only works if you press the green button."


14. "You’re right. It was a brilliant film."


15. "I’ve been feeling dizzy all day."


16. "Of course I’ll write to you."


17. “I’ll give you a lift home, if you like.”

18. “Let’s go for a swim.”

19. “It was you who broke the TV”

20. “If I were you, I would tell them the truth.”

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5. Rewrite each question in indirect speech, beginning as shown.
1. ‘What time does the film start, Peter?’
I asked . Peter, what. time, the film, started..
2. ‘Do you watch television every evening, Chris?’
The interviewer asked
3. ‘Why did you apply for this job?’ asked the sales manager.
The sales manager asked me
4. "Are you taking much money with you to France?"
My bank manager wanted to know
5. "When will I know the results of the examination?"

Maria asked the examiner
6. "Are you enjoying your flight?"
The flight attendant asked me
7. "How does the photocopier work?"

I asked the salesman

Sue asked Paul

8. "Have you ever been to Japan, Paul?"
6. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning.
1. What time does the next boat leave?

Do you think you could tell boat leave?

2. Where can I change some money?
Can you tell me .?

3. Where is the toilet?

Could you possibly tell me 9

4. How much does this pullover cost?

I’d like to know .?

5. How do I get to Victoria Station?

Can you explain . .?

6. Does this train go to Gatwick Airport?

Could you tell me .?
7. Where do you come from?
Would you mind telling me .?
8. What do you think of London?
Do you think you could tell me *

7. Use an appropriate Introductory verb to report the following.

1. “It wasn’t me who stole the car.” Said Henry.
Henry.denied.stealing. I having stolen
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2. “May I have a piece of cake please?” she said.

3. “Yes, okay. I’U tell him about the accident.” He said.

4. “I must have the report by tomorrow,” the boss said.

5. “Please, please let me go to the party,” Sue asked her mother.

6. “I’ll never be naughty again,” Ted said to his father.

7. “Stand up straight!” said the sergeant to the soldier.

8. “Yes. It was me who robbed the bank,” he said.

9. “I didn’t come to work because I was ill,” she said to her boss.

10. "Let’s play chess," he said.
11. “I’m sorry I forgot to phone you,” he said to her.

12. “Don’t forget to go to the bank,” she said to him.


13. “You should relax more,” the doctor said to him.


14. “Mark is always shouting at me,” she said.


15. “Yes, it is a nice dress,” he said.


16. “Shall I carry your bag, Tracy?” he said.

17. No, I certainly won’t do your homework Graham,” said Bill.

18. “You scratched my record,” he said to her.

19. “Leave now or I’ll phone the ponce,” she said to the salesman.

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20. "Oh alright, I’ll lend you my car, Tom," she said.

21. “It’s true, I broke the window,” he said.

22. “I’ll phone you as soon as I arrive,” she said to me.

23 “You’re right, she is beautiful.” she said.

24. “No, I won’t marry you, John,” she said.

25. “If you try to escape, I’ll shoot you,” he said to the prisoner.

26. “Why don’t we have chicken for dinner?” he said.

27. “You must sign the Mntrad, Mr Harrison,” she said.

28. “I’ll punish you if you do that again!” he said to the boy.
29. “Would you like me to show you how to use this computer?” she said to me.

30. “Yes, it is a good idea,” he said.

8. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning.


1. ‘Sue, can you remember to buy some bread?’


Paul reminded£ad

2. "I don’t really think it’ll snow tomorrow."

I doubt
3. ‘I’m sorry I didn’t phone you earlier.’

Jill apologized
4. ‘Yes, all right, I’ll share the bill with you, Dave.’
Brenda agreed
5. ‘No, I’m sorry, I won’t work on Saturday. Definitely not!’
Catherine refused
6. ‘Let’s go out to the cafe for lunch, shall we?’
Wendy suggested
7. ‘It’s not true! I have never been arrested.’
Larry denied
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8. ‘If you like, I’ll help you do the decorating, Bob.’
Ann offered
9. ‘I’ll definitely take you to the park on Sunday, children.’
Tom promised the
10. ‘I really think you should see a doctor, Chris.’
William advised
9. Look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a
word which should not be there. Tick each correct line. If a line has a
word which should not be there, write the word in the space.
Satellite television

when my parents decided that to get a new that
satellite television, I asked them why they .V.
thought this was a good idea. I doubted it 1)
whether it was really necessary, and told to them 2).

that I had thought they spent too much time 3).

watching television. They agreed they didn’t
go out very much, but were insisted that they
had had thought about th matter very carefully. 6)
‘we enjoy television. "They said me," and when we 7)
asked you, you said that you agreed with us" 8),

I replied them that I didn’t remember being asked, 9),

and that I would have tried to stop them. Then 10)

they were admitted that they had asked me while I was ID

watching my favourite programme. I asked them 12)

what was I had been watching, and they said 13).

it was a football match. "You told us that 14),

to keep quiet, so we thought that you agreed!" 15)

10. Report the following using an appropriate Introductory verb from the list

complain advise refuse warn beg suggest
agree exclaim deny offer
insist apologise threaten accuse prefer

1. “You should take more exercise,” the doctor said.

. to. take.mare.exercise.. .
2. “This film is so boring,” he said to his mother.

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3. ‘Please, please let me go out to play, Mum.” She said

4. "Shall I carry your shopping for you?" he said to her.

5. "Don’t get dirty in the garden,” she said to Jane.

6. "I’m not going to tidy Helen’s bedroom,” Tim said

7. "I didn’t eat the cake" he said to her.

8. "What a silly thing to say!" she said.

9. "You really must get your haircut," she said to him.

10. "You broke my record player," she said to him.

11. "I’m sorry I didn’t write to you” she said to her.
12. "Let’s go to Jamaica for our holiday," he said to her.

13. "Yes, that is a nice colour" the sales assistant said to her.

14. "I’d rather watch a film than the news," she said to her.

15. "How rude he is!" she said to me.


16. "I think you should go on a diet,” she said to him.


17. “I didn’t take your dress” she said to her sister.

18. "What a nice gilt!" he said.

19. "I’ll hit you if you don’t stop talking," the boy said to his brother.

20. "I’m sorry I spoke to you like that," he said to his mother.

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11. Rewrite the following sentence In Reported speech.
1. “What time does the next bus leave?” he said. “I need to get to the station.”
lie asked what time the next[ bus left because he needed to get to the station
2. "Don’t go swimming in the lake." she said. "The water is filthy."

3. "Let’s go shopping tomorrow," she said. "The sales have started."

4. "Stand up." The teacher said to the pupils. "The headmaster is coming."

5. “Please donl take my ring.” She said to him. “It was a present.”

6. “It’s very late, Martin," his mother said. “Where have you been?”

7. "Shall I cook the dinner?" he said to her. “You took very tired.”

8. “Please stop making that noise!” she said to him. "I can’t concentrate."
9. "Yes, I dropped your vase." She said. "I was cleaning the shelf."

10. "Can I use the car, please?" she said. "I need to run some errands."

11. "I’m sorry I’m late," he said. "The car wouldn’t start."

12. "Why are you teasing your sister?" she asked him. "You know it makes her


13. "Why won’t you come to the party?" he said to her. "Everyone would love
to see you."

14. "It was Rob who broke the window," he said to her. "He was kicking the

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Chuomg 16

I. CAU CHU D0NG VA CAU BI D0NG (Active and passive sentences)

1. C&u chu dong (Active sentences): cau chu ddng la cau trong do chu ngu la
ngudi hay vat thuc hidn hanh ddng.
Someone opened the door.
(Ai do da met cvca)

2. Cau b{ dong (Passive sentences): Cau bi ddng la cau trong d6 chu ngfi ia
ngudi hay vat nhan hoac chiu tac d6ng cua hanh d6ng.
The door was opened.
(Cua da duac mcr)

a. Hinh thurc (Form)

Subject + be + past participle (+by + agent)
This tree was planted by mv grandfather.
S be + pp O (agent)
(Cay nay do ong toi trdng)

b. Cach dting (Use)

Cau bi d6ng (passive sentence) dupe dhng:
1. Khi ngudi thuc hifin hanh dpng khdng quan trong ddi vdi f nghla ngudi n6i

mud'n di6n ta:

This school was built ten years ago.

(TrU&ng nay da dicefe xay mUoi ndm trUcfc day)

2. Khi ngudi n6i mud'n nh£n manh vao ngudi nhan hanh ddng:

The old man was hit by a car.

(Ong gia ay da bi xe dung)

[Nhan manh vao the old man, chur khdng phai vao bat cur ngudi nao khac]
3. Khi mudn cau n6i mang tmh khach quan, khdng thude vi ngudi nao:
It is believed that she has won the prize.
(Ngudi ta tin rang c6 ay da doat giai thuong)
* Khi ngudi hoac vat thuc hidn hanh ddng da ro rang.
The streets are swept every day.
(Nhitng con dudng duoc quet mSi ngay.)
[by street-sweepers]
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n. CACH CHUYÿN SANG CAU BI D0NG (Passive transformation)
Mu On chuy&i mOt cau chu d6ng sang cau bi d6ng, ta thuc hifin cac budrc sau:
Active YA o
VP by + agent
1. Lity tan ngu: (object) cua cau chu ddng lam chu ngu (subject) cua cau bi
2. D6i dOng tir chu d6ng (VA) thknh d6ng tir bi ddng (Vp).
Vp: Be + past participle (pp) [

Present simple am/ is/ are + pp
People speak English here. English is spoken here.

Present progressive am! is! are being + pp
They are painting the house. The house is being painted.
Past simple
h. was/ were + pp
Somebody cleaned this room yesterday. This room was cleaned yesterday.
Past progressive was/ were being + pp
My sister was baking the cakes. The cakes were being baked by my

Present perfect have/ has been + pp

He hasn't worn the jacket for years. The jacket hasn't been worn for years.
Past perfect had been + pp

They had destroyed all the documents All the documents had been destroyed
when we arrived. when we arrived.

Future simple will be + pp

I'll tell you when the time comes. You'll he told when the time comes.

Future progressive will be being + pp

We will be holding talks at this time Talks will be being held at this time

next year. next year.

Future perfect will have been + pp
You will havefinished this report by This report will have been finirhed by
Tuesday. Tuesday.
Be going to Am/ is/ are going to be + pp
We are going to buy her a gift. She going to be bought a gift.
Modal verbs can, should, must,.,. + be + pp
The manager must sign the cheque The cheque must be signed by the
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Modal perfect can, should,... + have been + pp

We should have sent the letter last The letter should have been sent last
week. week.
Present infinitive to be + pp
I want you to do it as soon as possible. I want it (to) be done as soon as
Perfect infinitive to have been + pp
We hope to havefinished the job by We hope the job (to) have been finished
next Saturday. by next Saturday
Present participle/ Gerund being + pp
/ don't like people telling me what to I don't like being told what to do.

Perfect participle having been + pp
Having warned them about the Having been warned about the bandits,
bandits, ...

[I had warned (sb)...]_ [I had been warned (by sb) ...]

Luu y: D6i khi get co th£ duoc dilng thay cho be d£ diAn dat nhQng su vide gAy
bat ngcf hoac kho chiu.
There was an accident in the street but nobody got hurt.
(Co mot tai nan xay ra tren dudng nhung khong ai bi thitcfng)
[= nobody was hurt]

The eggs got broken.

(Trung da bi vd). [= were broken]

3. Chu ngu cua cau chu d6ng thanh tic nhan (agent) cua cau bj ddng v& trudc
n6 phai c6 gidi tit by.

The President presented the medals.

-» The medals were presented by the President

(Hudn chucmg do TSng thdhg trao tang)

Cac chu ngu /, you, he, she, it, we, they, one, people, someone, somebody trong

cAu chu dOng thudfng duoc bo, kh6ng dung trong cAu bi d6ng.
Somebody has invited you to lunch.
-» You have been invited to lunch.
(Ban ductc men di an trua)
They left the dog in the garden.

» The dog was left in the garden.
(Con cho bi bo roi ngoai vudn)
Tuy nhi&n, n£u cac tit nhu people duoc phAm dinh befi cac tinh til lAm y nghTa
cua chung tro nAn gidi han hon, chung ta phai lap lai cAc tit Ay trong cAu bi d6ng.
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The English people greatly love the Queen.

-» The Queen is greatly loved by the English people.
( Nu hoang duoc ngu&i dan Anh rat yeu men.)
Most people have seen that film.
— > That film has been seen by most people.
(Cud'n phim do duoc rat nhieu ngUcri mud'n xem)
Lini y: Dhng with (khdng dCtng by) d£ chi dung cu, cdng cu hoac nguydn lidu
duoc stir dung.
He was shot (by the policeman) with a rifle.
(Anh ta bi ban bang sung trUcmg)

The room was filled with smoke.
(Can phdng day khoi)
* Vi tri cua trang tit hoac cum trang tit trong cku bi dong
- Trang tir chi each thuc thuring dung giua be vh qui khur phan tir (past


He wrote the book beautifully.
-» The book was beautifully written.
(Cud'n sach duefe vttt rdt hay)
- Trang tCr hoac cum trang tit chi noi chdri dung tnr6c by + agent.
The police found him in the forest

-> He was found in the forest by the police.

(No duoc canh sat tim thay trong rveng)
- Trang tir hoac cum trang tir chi thcri gian dung sau by + agent.

The secretary typed the report this morning.

— » The report was typed by the secretary this morning.

(Ban bdo cao da ducrc thuky ddnh may sang nay )

m. CAC CAU TRtJC BI D0NG DÿC BI$T (Special passive structures)

1. Ddng tir v6i hai tan ngur (verb with two objects)
Khi d6ng tir chu d6ng c6 hai tan ngu: tan ngu giln tidjp (indirect object) chi

ngucri va tan ngu true tidp (direct object) chi vat - tW cÿ hai tan ngu dlu cd \hi lam
chu ngu1 cho cau b| ddng.
•Tan ngur true tiep la m6t danh tir
(a) Verb + indirect object (I.O)+ direct object (D.O)
He gave the girl a doll
(b) Verb + direct object + preposition + indirect obiect
He gave a doll to the girl
DO Prep IO
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-> Dang bi ddng dupe th&nh lap bang hai each:
(a) Tan ngu gian tl6p (indirect object) trd thanh chu ngtf cua dOng t£r bi ddng.
The girl was given a doll.
(Co be duoc dua mdt con bup be)
(b) Tan ngu true tidp (direct object) trer thanh chu ngu cua ddng tir bi ddng.
A doll was given to the girl.
(Con bup be da dugc dua cho cd be)
Vide lira chon giua hai ca'u true bi ddng thy thude vho di£u da dupe n6i trude
do, hoac vao didu c£n phai nh£n manh. Tuy nhidn tan ngu gian tidp (indirect
object) thudng dupe dung lam chu ngu cua ddng tir bj ddng hon tan ngu true tidp

(direct object).
They have awarded Andrew a prize for his essay.
-> Andrew has been awarded a prize for his essay.
(Andrew duoc trao giai thudng cho bai tieu luan cua no)

[ph6 bid'n hon 'A prize has been awarded to Andrew for his essay.']

Gidi tit to ddi khi dupe bo di trude dai tir lam tan ngu gidn tidp.
Some flowers were sent (to) me by Hairy.
(Tdi duoc Harry giti tang vai bdng hoa.)
* Mdt s6 ddng tir thudng diing trong cau true nay g6m: allow, award, ask, give,
sell, send, show, lend, pay, promise, tell, offer, teach, refuse, write.

Lun y: Khdng diing cdu true (a) vdi hai ddng tir explain va suggest.
We explained the problem to the children.

-> The problem was explained to the children.

(Van de da duoc giai thich cho bon tre.)

[NOT The children were explained the problem.]

They suggested a meeting place to us.

-> A meeting place was suggested to us.

(NgU&i ta da de xuat vdi chung tdi mdt ncri gap mat)
[NOT We were suggested a meeting place.]
•Thn ngur true tiep lh mdt cum tir bat d£u bang who, when, what, which,
where, hoac mdt mdnh dd:
We showed him how to do it.
-» He was shown how to do it.
(Anh ay da duoc xem each lam chuyen do nhuthe nao.)
Tom told her when to start.
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-> She wes told when to start.
(Chi ay da duac bie't khi nao bat dau )
They promised you that they would meet you.
—> You were promised that you would be met.
(Anh duac ho hua ho se gap anh)
2. Dong Cur + tan ngflr + dong CCr nguyen mau c6 to(verb + object + to-
a. Cac ddng tCr chi cam xuc hoac mong tide: like, hate, love, want, wish, prefer,
hope... + object + to-infinitive -> dang bi ddng duac thÿnh lap bang c£ch dung
dang bi ddng cua ddng tur nguyen mSu.

Subject + verb + object + passive infinitive (to be + pp)
1 should love someone to take me out to dinner.
-» I should love to be taken out to dinner.

(Toi rat thich duac rncd di an tiem)

I didn't expect the police to find my car.
-» I didn't expect my car to be found by the police.
(Toi khdng hy vong xe cua toi duac canh sat tim thdy)
N6u tan ngu cua dfing tCr nguydn m&u chi cung mdt ddi tirong vdi chu ngur cua
cau thi dang bi ddng duac thknh lap khdng c6 tan ngur.

Subject + verb + to be + past participle

He likes people to call him 'Sir'.
-> He likes to be called Sir'.

(Ong ay thich duac goi bang “Ngai”)


I prefer you to call me by my first name.

-> I prefer to be called by my first name.
(Tdi thich duac goi bang ten)

b. Cac ddng ttir chi mdnh I6nh, su y6u cdu, su cho phdp, 15i khuydn, ldi mdi,
v.v.: ask, tell, request, order, advise, invite, allow ... + object + to-infinitive #

dang bj ddng duac thiinh lap bang cdch dilng dang bi ddng cua ddng tit chfnh.
Subject + passive verb + to-infinitive
We asked him to do it.
-> He was asked to do it.
(Anh ta bi sai lam viec do.)
They warned him not to be late.
-» He was warned not to be late.
(Anh ta duac nhdc nha khdng duac den mudn)
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* Dang bi d6ng nay cung duqc dilng cho mCt s<5 d6ng tCr chi tri gi£c: believe,
consider, think,feel, know, understand ... + object + to-inftni- five (thucmg la to be).
They believed him innocent.
—» He was believed innocent.
(Anh ta duac tin la vo toi.)
The teachers think him the best student in the class.
-> He is thought the best student in the class.
(Anh ay duac cho la sinh vien gioi nhat trong lap)
Luu y: Advise, beg, order, recommend, urge + indirect object + to-infinitive +
object cung c6 thl diroc d6i sang dang bi d6ng bang that... should + passive

He urged the Council to reduce the rates.
(Anh ta kien nghi Hdi dong giam thue)
-> He urged that the rates should be reduced.

(Anh ta kien nghi rang thue can phai duac giam bat)

> The Council was/were urged to reduce the rates.
(Hoi dong duac kien nghi can phai giam thue'.)
3. f)6ng tfir + t&n ngiir + dong tiir nguyen m&u khdng to (verb + object +
CAc dOng tit chi giac quan \feel, see, watch, notice, hear, listen to ... + object +

bare-infinitive -» dang bi ddng duqc thanh lap bang cdch dilng dang bi d6ng cua
d6ng tir chinh va d6ng tir nguyen mÿu c6 to (to-infinitive).

Subject + passive verb + to infinitive

They have never known him behave so badly.

-» He has never been known to behave so badly.

(Anh ta chua bao gidduac biet la cUxCttUnhuvay.

* Dang bi d6ng nky cung duqc dilng cho d6ng tir make va help.

I made John do it.


-ÿ John was made to do it.

(John da bi bdt lam chuyen do)

* let duqc dilng khdng c6 to.
They let Bob teach Mary.
They let Mary be taught (by Bob)
(Ho de Mary duac day)
Tuy nhi£n let ft duqc dimg d dang bi d6ng, allow thu&ng duqc dung thay cho
let trong cau bi ddng.
We were allowed to go.
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4. Dong ti)r + tan ngur + danh dong tir (verb + object + gerund)
Ddng tir dupe theo sau bed tan ngu + danh dpng tin see, hear, find, stop,
keep....+ object + verb-ing —> dang bi ddng dupe th&nh lap bang each diing dang
bi dOng cua ddng tir chmh.
Subject + passive verb + verb-ing
I found him working at his desk.
-> He was found working at his desk.
I saw him running off.
-» He was seen running off.
We saw him writing a letter.

-» He was seen writing a letter.
Khi tan ngu cua danh ddng tit chi cilng mdt ddl tupng vdi chu ngu cua cau
-> dang bi ddng dupe thanh lap bang each diing dang bi ddng cua danh ddng tir.

Subject + verb + passive gerund (being + pp)

I remember my father taking me to the zoo.
-» I remember being taken to the zoo (by my father).
(T6i nhd lai chuyen duoc bd'tdi dua den edng vien)
Mary hates people looking at her.
-» Sie hate being looked at.

(Mary khdng thich bi ngucri ta nhin minh)

5. Dong tit + dong tir nguyen the/ danh ddng tir + tan ngur (verb + to-
infinitive/ gerund + object)

Mdt s6 ddng tir nhu: advise, agree, insist, arrange, suggest, propose,
recommend, determine, decide, demand, etc. + to-infinitive I gerund + object

• thucmg dupe didn dat cf dang bi ddng bang mdnh d6 that (that clause).

Subject + verb + that + subject + should be + pp.

He decided to sell the house.

-> He decided that the house should be sold.

(Ong ta quyet dinh nen ban can nha.)
She suggested taking children to the zoo.
-» She suggested that the children should be taken to the zoo.
(C6 ay gcfi y rang nen dua bon tre di so thu)
6. Ddng tir + tan ngir + bo ngur cua tan ngur (verb + object + object
Tan ng~ true tidp sau mdt sd' ddng tir co \hi dupe theo sau bori mdt b6 ngu cua
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tan ngir (bd ngu c6 thd \k danh t£r hoSc tinh tuf). Trong m6nh dd bi d6ng, cac b6
ngir nay trcr thanh bd ngir cua chu ngir vh theo sau dbng tir.
We believed him innocent.
-» He was believed innocent.
(Anh ta ditgc cho la vo tdi)
I will paint the door yellow.
-» The door will be painted yellow.
(Cua ra vao se dugc son mau vang.)
They regard Kathy as an expert.
-> Kathy is regarded as an expert.
(Kathy dugc xem nhumpl chuyen gia.)

7. Dong tfir + menh de (verb + That-clause)
Khi mÿnh d6 that (that-clause) duoc dhng lam tan ngu cho cic d6ng tCr agree,
allege, announce, assume, hope, believe, claim, consider, estimate, expect, feel,

find, know, report, rumor, say, think, understand, etc. thi dang bi dbng co the
duoc didn dat theo hai each:

(1) Subject + passive verb + to-infinitive
Subject + passive verb + to have + pp
(2) It + passive verb + that-clause
People say that he is a good doctor.

-> He is said to be a good doctor.

-> It is said that he is a good doctor.
( Ngucri ta noi rang ong ay la mdt bac si gioi.)

We know that he was a spy.

-> He is known to have been a spy.

It is known that he was a spy.

(Ngucri ta biet rang 6ng ta da tung Id mdt gian diep.)

Liru y:
Trong each ddi thfr nh£t (1) chiing ta phai xet d£n thfri gian xay ra hknh ddng

trong mfinh de that (that-clause) va mCnh de chinh (main clause).

- Hanh dOng trong menh d£ that (that-clause) xay ra d6ng thdi hoSc xay ra sau
hanh d6ng trong menh de chinh ->ÿ dung present infinitive (to-infinitive).
People say that Henry is in love with Claire.
-> Henry is said to be in love with Claire.
(Moi ngucri noi rang Henry dang yeu Claire)
He didn’t consider that she had a different idea.
-> She wasn't considered to have a different idea.

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They believed that she was living abroad.
-> She was believed to be living abroad.
(Ngudi ta cho rdng c6 ay dang sdng dnudc ngoai)
They expect that the strike will end soon.
-> The strike is expected to end soon.
(Ngudi ta mong cudc bai cdng se sdm keft thuc.)
- H&nh ddng trong mdnh dd that xay ra trude hknh ddng trong mdnh d6 chmh #
diing perfect infinitive (to have + past participle).
They report that two people were injured in the explosion.
-> Two people are reported to have been injured in the explosion.
(Co hai ngudi duac cho la da bi thuang trong vu nS.

The police alleged that we had brought goods into the country illegally.
-» We were alleged to have brought goods into the country illegally by
the police,

(Chung tdi bi canh sat cho la da nhdp khau hang hoa trai phep.)

8. C&u mdnh lenh (Imperative sentences)
Cau mdnh ldnh (imperative sentences): Verb + object/Don't + verb + object
-> dang bi ddng diroe thanh lap bang each diing dOng tir LET.
Let + object + be + past participle
Write your name here.

-> Let your name be written here. (Hay viet ten anh a day)
Don’t make so much noise.


Let not so much noise be made.

(DiCng gay nhieu tieng 6n nhuthe.)


Sir chuy&i d6i sang cau bi ddng khdng thi thuc hidn duac trong nhung trudng

hop sau day:

1. V6 mat ngu: nghia, vide chuy&i sang cau bi ddng c6 ihi tao ra nhung cau ngd

ngdn la ky, khdng phil hop vdi nhung nguydn tac da ndu trong doan dau chuong
nay nhu:
Mary likes cats.
DSi thanh: Cats are liked by Mary
He can read English and French.
D6i thanh English and French can be read by him.
2. Vd mat CSLU true, nhung cau thude m&u Chu ngu x ddng til x tan ngG (SVO)
khdng thd d<5i sang cau bi ddng khi:


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- Tan ngu ia mdt ddng tur nguydn th£ (infinitive)
We want to see him at 5 o'clock.
- Tan ngu 1h mdt danh ddng tir (gerund):
I remember doing it.
- Tan ngu la mdt dai tit phan than (reflexive pronoun)
John could see himself in the mirror, [dai tit phan than]
(John co the nhin thay minh trong gUcmg)
Khdng \h£ d6i thanh:
*Himself could be seen in the mirror.
- Tan ngu ia mdt dai tit h6 tuong (reciprocal pronoun).
We could not see each other in the fog.

(Chung tdi khdng the nhin thay nhau trong sucfng mu.)
Khdng th£ d6i thanh:
Each other could not be seen in the fog.

- Tan ngu dupe phdm djnh boi mOt dai tit s6 huu chi \6 citng mpt dd'i tupng vdi

chu ngu cua cau:
He cut his finger.
Khdng th£ ddi thanh:
His finger was cut by him.
- DOng tit va danh tit theo sau lidn kd't nhau thanh mdt don vi ngir nghTa khdng

\h£ tach rdi ra dupe (inseparable semantic unit). Do ia truemg hop cua cac tir ngu’
thdng dung nhu:
to have a wash (giat qudn do) to take a walk (di dao)

to have a cold (cam lanh) to give a jump (nhay)

to have breakfast (an sang)

- Ddng tir ia mdt trong c£c ddng tit nhu sau day:

have They have a nice house.


fit 1 . The coat does not fit/suit you.

s |
thich hap, vita

resemble 'i John resembles his father.

look like] ***”** He looks like his father.
hold (chiia) The room holds 100 people.
mean (co nghTa) 'Oculist' means ’eye-doctor’.
contain (chita dung) The library contains a million books.
Nhung cd th£ noi:
A million books are contained in the library.


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V.THfi SAI KHlftN (The causative form)
The’ sai khieh (causative form) duoc d&ng di ndi ring chung ta sap x£p cho m6t
ngirdi khac lam didu gi do cho chung ta, nghla la chu ngu khOng phia la ngudi thirc
hi6n hanh d6ng; chu ngu y£u diu, sai bao, c&u xin hoac tra tien cho ngiroi khdc
lam viec do.
He repaired the roof. (Anh ay sica mai nhd ) # anh ay tu lam.
He had the roof repaired. (Anh ay nhdngudi ta si(a mai nha.)
-> ngucri khac lam.
The’ sai khieh c6 \hi duoc dien dat bang hai each: chu ddng va bi d6ng.
1. Chu dong (Active): khi mu6'n de cap de'n ngucri thuc hien hanh ddng.

Subject + HAVE + object (person) + bare-infinitive + object
Subject +GET + object (person) + to-infinitive + object
The manager had his secretary prepare the report.

(Giam doc bao thuky cua ong ay chuan bi ban bao cao.)
I'm going to get Harry to repair my car.

(T6i se nhd Harry sua 6 to)
cap de'n ngiroi
2. Thu dong (Passive): khi khdng mudn hoac khdng din d£
thuc hien hanh ddng.


Subject + + object (thing) + past participle (+ by + object)


You should have your car serviced regularly.

(Anh nen thiidng xuyen mang 6 td di bao tri.)

I lost my key. I’ll have to get another key made.

(Tdi da danh mat chia khoa. Tdi se phdi nhd ngicdi lam chia khoa khac.)
- Ca'u true have/ get + object + past participle edn duoc dung dd n6i v£ di£u gi

d6 (thirdng kh6ng td't dep) xay ra cho ngircri nao d6.


We had all our money stolen while we were on holiday.

(Chung tdi bi mat cap het tien khi di nghi mat)
[=A11 our money was stolen]
George had his nose broken in a fight.
(George da bi gay mui trong mdt vu danh nhau.)


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1. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

1. I’m having my hair cutting!cut!to have cut tomorrow.
2. The children were took!taken!taking to the seaside for the day.
3. 1 was sending!sent!send here by the manager.
4. Kate is having her car services!servicing!serviced tomorrow.
5. Sue had her windows breaking!broken!broke by vandals.
6. David has been offer!offering!offered a new job in Brazil.
7. Where exactly were you born!did you born/did you bear ?
8. I've just had my bike repaired!repair!repairing.

9. 1 was given!gave!did give this book by Emily.
10. This cake makes/made/was made for her birthday.

11. Their new house hasn 't been finished!wasn ’t finished yet.

12. The robbers were arrestedlhave been arrested as soon as they left the bank.
13. Sue told us her baby is born!had been born two weeks earlier than expected.
14. If there is too much snow, the match has been cancelled/will be cancelled.
15. By the time we got there, the rain had stopped!had been stopped.
16. When were you told!have you been told about the new rules?
17. Most of the passengers were swimming/were swum easily to the shore.

18. The winning horse was riddenlwas riding by Pat Murphy.

19. 1 looked again for the old man, but he was vanished!had vanished.
20. 1 don’t think that you will be asked/are being asked to show your passport.

2. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable passive form.


1. I’m sorry, madam, but this carpet (already sell) .has already.been sold..
2. The old house on the comer (knock down). .last year.

3. When exactly (John give) .his prize?

4. Most people agree that America (not discover). .by

Christopher Columbus.
5. All complaints about products (deal with) .by our customer
services department.
6. Police confirmed that the murder weapon (since discover). in a
nearby lake.
7. It (announce) .yesterday that the government has decided not
to raise income tax.
8. Good news! I (ask) .to take over as the new manager.
9. 1 don’t believe that this play (write) . by Shakespeare.
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10. Ann really likes (invite) to dinner parties.
3. Turn the following sentences into the Passive.
1. The ancient Greeks built the Acropolis.
T.he Acropolis. was the.ancient .Greeks,
2. Martin is writing the company report this year.

3. Somebody will clean the room tomorrow.

4. They put fresh flowers in the hotel rooms every day.

5. Bad weather may delay your flight.

6. They gave Sandy a present.

7. They think the President is dying.

8. They made her cry.

9. The mechanic has repaired the car.

10. The bomb destroyed the building.


11. Scientists might discover a cure for cancer.


12. Someone should help the old woman across the street.

13. They might have arrested the escaped prisoner.


14. They should have provided more food at the reception.

15. They ought to warn the public about him.

16. They should build more bus lanes.

17. They could have written the answers more clearly.

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18. The authorities have closed the casino.

19. The clubs have postponed the match.

20. People all over the world speak English.

21. The authorities have opened the new swimming pool.

22. Someone left this purse in the classroom yesterday.

23. The city council has banned traffic from the city centre.

24. People have elected a new government.

25. Someone broke into the flat last week.

4. Turn the following into the Passive in two ways.
1. They gave him a watch when he retired.
He. . was 'given,a watGh when he retired.

A watch, was-given- him •when he retired.
2. They have offered him the job.

The job
3. She will send you a fax.

A fax

4. They are going to show me a new technique.


A new technique
5. Someone gave her a book.
A book
6. They give the students extra lessons.
The students
Extra lessons
7. They have shown her the plans for the house.
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The plans for the house

8. They should have sent you a receipt.
A receipt
5. Turn the following into the Passive as in the example:
1. People expect him to win. ta expected.that he.wilL win.
2. Journalists have reported that the President is ill.
The President

3. Everyone knows that the statement was untrue.
The statement

4. Many people believe that the climate is changing.

The climate
5. Everyone knows that he has been in prison.

6. Many people say that the new prices are too high.
The new prices

7. They claim that this diamond is the largest in the world.

This diamond

It. >
6. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the

previous one. There is no need to use a phrase with by in your passive


1. People don't respect politicians.
2 The grass is being cut.
3. They're going to repair the phone.
The phone
4. They had lost the document.
The document

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5. Has anyone corrected the mistakes?

6. The door should have been locked behind us.
7. They will broadcast the programme on Sunday.
The programme
8. Someone had tom the page.
The page
9. We have to do the shopping.
The shopping

10. We're looking into the matter.
The matter
11. People just laugh at my suggestions.

My suggestions
12. Something must have delayed your visitors.
Your visitors
7. Combine each pair of sentences using a passive verb + a to-inflnitive or
active participle.
1. The team members have to work together. That's what the boss told them.

The .team members, were.told, ta work together.

2. The old man was wandering around the streets. The police found him.

3. The workers have accepted lower wages. The company has persuaded them.

4. Two young men were fighting. We saw them.


5. The victims may take legal action. That’s what their lawyers have advised

6. The children had to pick up all the litter. The teacher made them do it.

7. The woman was smuggling cigarettes into the country. Customs officers
caught her.

8. The refugees can’t get a job. The government won't let them.

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9. $50,000 on decorating the ballroom - that's whal they spent.

10. You shouldn't have driven so fast. I warned you not to.

8. Combine each pair of sentences. Begin with it and a passive verb.

We know something about the Prime Minister. He has bought a holiday home. that.the. Prime Minister, has.bought.a. holiday. home.
1. There's a rumour about the company. It is in difficulties.

2. People believed in the Emperor. To them he was a god.

3. Someone reported on the fighting. It had just begun.

4. The figures will show us something about poverty. It is increasing.

5. The official estimate is 200 people. They were killed by the pollution.
6. An agreement was reached about wages. They would be raised by five percent.

7. They have made a decision about the project. It will have to be cancelled.

8. There was a suggestion about the tickets. They should cost five pounds.

9. Write a sentence about each situation using a structure with have or get + a

passive verb.
1. Paul is at the dry-cleaner’s. They've cleaned his jacket.
Paul has hpd, his jacket cleaned

2. The decorators ate. at Angela’s. They’re working on her flat.


3. Some vandals damaged Lisa's car last week.

4. Your friends got some builders to build a house for them.

5. You really must finish your homework soon.

6. The bank has withdrawn Mark's credit card.

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7. You're wondering: where did Tom go for that haircut?

8. A painter painted our house last month.

9. The hairdresser is cutting my hair this afternoon.

10. Someone has stolen my motorbike.

11. The dentist has taken out all of Ricky's teeth.

1 2. 1 haven't been to the car-wash for a long time.

13. The men are coming to put in the new central heating on Saturday.

14. Someone broke Harry’s nose in a fight.

15. Isn't it time someone fixed your television?
10. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word give. Do not change the word give. You must use

between two and five words, including the word given.

1. Last Thursday we appointed a new marketing manager.

A new. marketing, manager.was. appointed .last Thursday.

2. Smith Ltd are supplying ouf company with furniture.


Our company .by Smith Ltd.

3. William the Conqueror built the castle in the 11th century.

The castle .William the Conqueror in the 1 1th century.
4. No decision has yet been made.
Nothing .yet..
5. People believe that someone murdered Jenkins.
It .murdered.
6. Your hair needs cutting.
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You ought .cut.
7. The police were following the suspects.
The suspects .police.
8. No-one has seen Peter since the day of the party.
Peter .the day of the party.
9. We put up a notice about the trip on the notice board yesterday.

A notice. .up on the notice board yesterday.
10. People think that an apple a day is good for you.
An apple a day .for you.

11. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains a passive form, and does not

contain the words in italics.
1. Apparently, Freddie has a wife in Scotland.
Freddie .is said to have.a wife, in Scotland *

2. Nobody knows anything about Brenda’s family.


3. People think that someone started the fire deliberately.


4. You should ask a doctor to see to that cut.


5. People say that Chris was in the army.


6. My trousers need to be pressed before I leave.


7. No-one has signed this letter.

8. Mary's hair still needs cutting.

The last train Mapped
ago, and since then the country branch line .....
12. Put in the correct active or passive form of the verbs.
.(stop) at Wellbury Station twenty years
has been.lefi. .... (leave) to fall
into disuse. But five years ago the old station buildings (1)
(sell) to a young couple, Alan and Sarah Pickford. Immediately the
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Pickfords (2) .(apply) to the local Council and (3) (promise)

a sum of money to help them with their proiect . Months (4) .
planning all the details. Then their plans (5)
After that the way was clear. The Pickfords(6)
... (spend)
(have to/approve).
the house completely
(renovate) by local builders. They themselves also (7)
(create) a beautiful garden around it. They certainly had lots (8)
(do). The task (9), .(seem) hopeless at first because everything was in such

.. .. ....... . .
a poor condition, but today the old station (10).
(admire), and it (11),
Many authentic railway details (12),
carriage (13),
(say/be) the best of its kind in the country.
.(preserve), and an old railway
(now/use) as a greenhouse. The station house

(14). (can/visit) by the public on weekend afternoons and holidays,
but visitors . (ask/not/come) at other times as the Pickfords are not
keen on (16) (disturb) during the week.
13. Complete the news article by putting in the correct active or passive form

of the verb in brackets. Sometimes there is more than one possible
For the last ten years, engineers ..hQy.e.bzenmzGMrine. (measure) noise
levels in Britain’s cities. The study. .. hQf.jmt. kten.GPmptet.e4.. (just/complete),
and it (1) .(show) that there is more noise than ever before. More

and more people (2). (drive) mad by the sounds of the city.
Complaints about noise (3), .(increase) constantly over the last
twenty years. Last year almost 300,000 complaints (4). (make).

The least favourite sources of noise (5) .(include) loud music,

barking dogs, mobile phones, car alarms and home improvements. We are all

.. .. ....... .. .. .. ... . .

familiar with the problems. How is it that a car alarm (6)

(can/hear) by everyone except the owner of the car? Why (7)

electric drills. .(have to/use) early on Sunday morning? Why

(8) .arguments. (carry) on with the windows wide

. . . . . . . .

open? Noise (9) (still/increase), said a member of the research

shops and clubs (11)

noise. So why (14)

government (15)
. . . .. . . . . .
group. These days traffic (10)....

(must/tackle). People (13)

(start) earlier in the morning, and
,. (stay) open later. The problem (12)

(can/drive) to commit suicide because of

(do) about the problem? Up to now the
(pay) little attention to it, but now action
...(need). We all hope that the results of our study

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14. Complete these sentences with the verbs in the passive.
1. We know that customs officials confiscated ten foreign passports last week.
Ten foreign passports .
2. People say that most small comer shops are losing business.
Most small comer shops .
3. It is expected that tax increases will be announced in tomorrow's budget.
Tax increases
4. People thought at first that the Crown Prince had been attacked.
The Crown Prince
5. We know that inner-city crime rates are increasing.

Inner-city crime rates
6. They say the star's wife has had at least two face-lifts.
The star's wife

7. It is rumoured that the Princess is in hiding in Scotland.

The Princess
8. It is feared that nine crew members were lost overboard.
Nine crew members
9. It was considered that his speech was one of the best.
His speech

10. We can't deny that we made certain mistakes early on.

11. Police reported that a man had been helping them with their investigation

A man


12. The accused was alleged to have committed fraud.


15. Choose the correct answer.

1. No permission has for anybody to enter the building.

A. been given B. given

C. to give D. be giving
2. Doctors in every part of the world.
A. need B. are needing
C. are needed D. will need
3. I'm sorry, sir. Your recorder isn't ready yet. It in the factory.
A. is being repaired B. is repaired
C. has been repaired D. hasn't repaired

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4. Every possible means but none proves successful
A. has tried B. has been tried
C. is being tried D. tried.
5. Bill .a job in a factory, but he refused to take it.
A. was offered B. offered
C. was offering D. had offered
6. In 1980, it was the tallest building that
A. were ever built B. has ever built
C. has ever been built D. had ever been built
7. Coal can to produce electricity for humans.
A. have used B. be used

C. use D. used
8. You can see the house ..for years.
A. isn’t painted B. hasn’t painted

C. hasn't been painted D. hadn't painted

9. Some new oilfields .... since 1976.
A. were opened up B. has opened up
C. have been opened up D. had been opened up
1 0. 1 promise that the matter will
A. be taken care B. be taken care of

C. take care D. take care of

1 1 . 1 was astonished to hear that your car .30,000$.
A. has cost B. cost

C. costs D. was cost.
12. The pen .me. It's hers.

A. isn't belonged to B. was belong to

C. doesn't belong to . D. didn’t belong to

1 3. The things talked about in this report .over a year ago.


A. had taken place B. took place

C have taken place C. were taken place.
14. The pencil well.
A. writes B. is written
C. was written D. writing
1 5. The work .by the time you get here.
A will have been done B. is done
C. had been done D. would have done

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16. This medicine .before dinner.
A. should have taken B. ought to take
C. should take D. should be taken
17. When water is heated, it. .... into vapour.
A. would be changed B. will change
C. is changed D. would change
18. I’ll write down your name and address in case you. ,as a helper.
A. are needed B. will be needed
C. need D. be needed
19. If one .by pride, he will reject useful advice.
A. overcomes B. is overcome

C. be overcome D. overcame
20. Much of the city by fire in the 17th century.
A. is destroyed B. was destroyed

C. had been destroyed D. would be destroyed

21. "Why did Lan look so unhappy?" - "She had, .by her classmates.”
A. laughed B. laughed at
C. been laughed D. been laughed at.
22. The question asked by him is difficult.
A. to answer B. to be answered

C. to be answering D. for answer.

23. Mathematics is hard
A. to learn B. to be learnt

C. for learning D. being learnt.

24. He ordered the work .at once

A. started B. to be started
C. to started D. starting.

25. His idea, though good, needs.

A. being tried out B. to be tried out

C. to try out D. tried.


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Chuovig 17
SIT DlfeN TA Vfi s6 LlTONG

1. Some, Any
Ca some v& any ddu dupe dilng di chi m6t s<5 lupng khOng xdc dinh khi khOng
th£ hay khbng c£n phai n6u ro s6 luong chirih xac.

1. Some (mot vai; mdt it)
Some thubng dupe dilng trong cau kh&ng dinh, trubc danh tir d6m dupe s6 nhi6u
(countable plural nouns) hoac danh tir khbng d£m duoc (uncountable nouns).

My mother bought some eggs. (Me toi da mua vai qua trung)
He is busy. He’s got some work to do.

(Anh ta ban. Anh ta co mdt sd'viec phdi lam.)
There's some milk in the fridge.
(Co mdt it sua trong tu lank)
I need some stamps. ~ There are some in the drawer.

(Tdi can vai con tem. ~ Co vai con tern trong ngan keo)
Some duoc dilng trong c&u hoi khi chung ta mong chb cau tra lbi Yes (Co).
Have you brought some paper and a pen?

(Ban co mang theo giay, vie't chu? ) -» ngubi n6i hy vong ngubi nghe c<5
mang theo gi£y va vi£t.

Did you buy some oranges?

(Ban co mua cam chic?) -> Ngubi noi hi vong ngubi nghe da mua.

Some cbn dupe dilng trong cau y£u c£u, lbi mbi hoac lbi dC nghi.
Would you like some more coffee?

(Anh dung them mdt it ca phe niia nhe?)

Can I have some sugar, please?
(Vui Idng cho tdi xin mdt it dieting.)
Let's go out for some drink.
(Chung ta hay di udhg nutic di.)
2. Any (...nao)
Any thubng dupe dilng trong cau phu dinh hoac nghi vah, trubc danh tir d£m
dupe s6 nhi£u va danh tir khbng d6m dupe.

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Have you got any butter? ~ Sony, I haven’t got any butter.
(Ban co tt bo ndo khdng? ~ Rat tii'c la tdi khdng c6 bo.)
There aren't any chairs in the room.
(Khdng co cai ghe nao trong phdng.)
[= There are no chairs in the room.]
Any co nghla “Mr c&” dupe dilng trong mdnh d6 khdng djnh, tru6c danh tit sO'
ft (d£m dupe hodc kh6ng d£m dupe) hodc sau ede tit c6 nghla phu dinh (never,
hardly, scarely, without, ...).
You can catch any bus. They all go to the center.
(Ban co the don bat cti chiec xe buyt ndo. Tat cd chung diu den khu trung

I’m free all day. Come and see me any time you like.
(T6i ranh rdi ca ngay. Hay din tham tdi bat cvcluc ndo anh thich)
He’s lazy. He never does any work.

(Anh ta that ludi nhde. Anh ta chang bao gid lam bat cti viec gi.)
They crossed the frontier without any difficulty.

(Ho vicot qua bien gidi khdng chut kho khan.)
Any c6 th£ dupe dilng trong mfinh d£ If (If-clauses).
If there are any letters for me, can you send them on to this address?
(Neu co la thu ndo gdi cho tdi, ban co the gdi chung den dia chi nay duoc

If you need any more money, please let me know.
(Neu anh can them tien, xin hay cho tdi biet.)

Ltfu y:
- Khi danh tir da dupe xdc dinh, chung ta c6 th£ dilng some vd any khdng c6

danh tCr theo sau.

Tim wanted some milk, but he couldn't find any.

(Tim mud'n udhg sita, nhung anh ay khdng tim duoc chut sCta ndo.)
If you have no stamps, I will give you some.

(Neu ban khdng cd tern, tdi se cho ban vdi con)

- Cac dai tit phi£m chi something, anything, someone, anyone, somebody,
anybody, somewhere, anywhere. . . dupe dilng tudng tu nhu edeh dilng some va any,
There's somebody at the front door. (Cd ai do d ciia trade.)
Is there anybody here? (Cd ai dddy khdng?)
Would you like something to drink? (Anh ud'ng chut gi nhe?)
I'm not thirsty. I don't want anything to drink.
(Tdi khdng khat. Tdi khdng mud'n udhg gi cd.)


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Let’s go somewhere for dinner. Is there anywhere we can go?
(Chung ta di dau do an td'i di. ~ chung ta di dau day?

DL Much, many, a lot of, lots of, a great deal of, a large number of,
Much, many, a lot of, ... \k cic tit chi ltfttig bat dinh, c6 nghia m6t s<5 lucrng 16n
ngirbi, vat hoac sir viec.

Vdi danh tit dem diroc so nhieu V6i danh tit khong dem dirofc
(With countable plural nouns) (With uncountable nouns)
many much
a large number of large amount of
a great number of a great deal of

plenty of plenty of
a lot of a lot of
lots of lots of

I haven't got much time for reading.

(Tdi khong co nhieu thdi gian de doc sach.)
There are so many people here that I feel tired.
(d day co nhieu ngudi den nSi tdi cam thay met)
A large amount of information is stored in the computer.
(Mot lucrng Ion thdng tin duoc luu trutrong may tinh)

She has got a great deal of homework today.

(H6m nay co ay co nhieu bdi tap ve nha.)

Did you spend much money for the cars?

~ Yes, I spent a lot money for them. But I want to have a lot of cars.

(Ban co tSn nhieu tien de mua nhung chiec 6 td nay khdng? ~ C6, tdi da tdh
nhieu tien de mua chung. Nhung tdi thich co nhieu dtd.)
Don't hurry - we have plenty of time.

(Dung vdi - chung ta cd nhieu thdi gian md.)


There are plenty of eggs in the fridge.

(Co nhieu trftng trong tu lanh)
He is making lots of money.
(Anh ta dang kiern duoc nhieu tien.)
George used to have lots of friends in New York.
(Trude day George co nhieu ban 6 New York.)
A large number of students have part-time jobs nowadays.
(higay nay, nhieu sinh vien lam viec ban thdi gian.)
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- Theo nguydn tAc chung, chiing ta dilng many, much frong cau phu dinh va
cau hoi va dilng a lot of, lots of trong cau khAng dinh.
We didn't spend much money for Christmas presents. But we spent
a lot of money for the party.
(Chung tdi da khdng td'n nhieu tien mua qud Giang Sinh. Nhung chung tdi
da tieu nhieu tien cho bQa tiec.)
Do you know many people here?
(Anh co quen nhieu ngtfcfi d day khdng?)
He's got lots of/ a lot of men friends, but he doesn't know many women.
(Anh ta co nhieu ban trai, nhung anh ta khdng quen nhieu ban gai.)

Tuy nhidn trong ldl van trang trong, ddi khi chung ta co th£ dung many v&
much trong cau khAng dinh. VA trong ldi n6i than mat, a lot of cung co th£ duoc
dung trong cau phu dinh va cau hoi.
Many students have financial problem.

c o
There was much bad driving on the road.

(Nhieu sinh vien gap kho khan ve tdi chinh.)

(Co nhieu xe chqy au tren dudng.)
I don't have many/ a lot of friends.
(T6i khdng co nhieu ban)
Do you eat much/ a lot of fiuit?
(Ban co an nhieu trai cay khdng?)
g a
sau cac tiSf so, as, va too.
e n
- Chung ta dilng much va many (khdng duoc dilng a lot of, lots of, plenty of...)

There was so much traffic that it took me an hour to get home.
(C6 qud nhieu xe cd din ndi tdi phai mat mdt giddSng hd mcri ve den nhd.)

[NOT a lot of traffic...]

You made too many mistakes in your writing.
(Ban da pham qud nhiiu Idi trong bdi viet.)

t h
Jason has a lot of friends, but I think I have as many friends as him.
(Jason co nhieu ban, nhung tdi cho rang tdi cung cd nhiiu ban khdng kem
anh ta)
+ Very much thubng duoc dimg trong cau khAng djnh nhu mdt trang til chd
khdng phai 1A tir han dinh.
I very much enjoy travelling. (Tdi rat thich di du lich)
- Many of, much of + determinerI pronoun
I won't pass the exam; I've missed too many of my lesson.
(Tdi khdng the thi dau; tdi da bo qud nhieu bdi vd.)

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You can't see much of a country in a week.
(Trong mot tuan ban khdng the tham quan duoc nhieu noi trong mdt nude.)
HI. Few, a few, little, a little
Few v& a few duoc dung trade ede danh tit ddm duoc sd nhi&i (countable plural
nouns). Little and a little duoc dCing trade ede danh ter khdng ddm duoc
(uncountable nouns).
- (ftFew, little (it, khdng nhieu) thudng c6 nghia phu dinh va chi mdt sd luong
rift ft hon nhung gi ban mudn hoSc mong dcri).
He isn't popular. He has few friends.
(Anh ta khdng duoc moi ngUdi yeu men. Anh ta cd it ban be)
[few friends - not many friends]

Few customers have come into the shop. It has been quiet.
(it khach hang vao ciia hieu. No rat vdng long)
[few customers = not many customers]

Hurry up! There is little time.

(Nhanh ten ndo! Cdn it thdi gian lam.
[little time = not much time, not enough time]
He spoke little English, so it was difficult to communicate with him.
(Anh ta noi duoc it tieng Anh, nen rat kho giao tiep vdi anh ta.)
[little English = not much English]

A few, a little (mdt vdi, mdt it) thudng cd nghia khang dinh va chi mdt sd
luong nhd (g2n nghia vdi some).
I enjoy my life here. I have a few friends and we meet quite often.

(Tdi thich sd'ng d day. Tdi cd vdi ngUdi ban va chung tdi rat thudng gap

[a few friends = some friends, a small number of friends]

A few customers have come into the shop. It has been fairly busy.

(Mot sd' khach hang vao cita hieu. No khd nhdn nhip.)
[a few customers = some customers, a small number of customers]

Let’s go and have a drink. We've got a little time before the train leaves.
(Chung ta di ud'ng nude nhe. Chung ta cdn mot it thdi gian trUdc khi tdu
-> [a little time = some time, a small amount of time]
He spoke a little English, so we were able to communicate with him.
(Anh ta noi duoc mot it tieng Anh, nen chung tdi cd the giao tiep vdi anh.)
-> [a little English = some English, a small amount of English]
Would you like a little salt on your vegetables?

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(Cho mot chut muo'i vao rau cua ban nhe?)
[a little salt = some salt, a small amount of salt]
Liru y:
- Only a little va only afew c6 nghla phu dinh .
We must be quick. We've got only a little time.
(Chung ta phai nhanh len. Chung ta chi cdn mot it thdi gian).
-> [only a little = not much]
Only a few customers have come in.
(Chi co mdt vai khach hang budc vao)
-> [only a few = not many]
- (a) little off (a)few of + determiner/ pronoun.

Only a few of the children in this class like math.
(Chi vai duo tre trong lap nay thich toan.)
Could I try a little of your wine?

(Toi udhg thit mdt chut ritau cua anh co ditac khdng? )

IV. All, most, some, no, all of, most of, some of, none of.
1. All (tat cd), most (phdn Idn, da sd) some (mdt vai), no (khdng) dupe dimg
nhu tit han dinh (determiner) trucfc danh ttr d£m dupe s6 nhidu hoSc danh tit khdng
dfim dupe.

All/ most/ some/ no (+ adjective) + plural noun/uncountable noun

All children are fond of candy. (Teft cd tre con deu thich keo)
Most cheese is made from cow's milk.

(Phdn tan pho mdt ditoc lam tit sita bd.)

Some food makes me ill. (Mdt sd'thiic an lam tdi budn ndn)

There are no rooms available. (Khdng cd phdng trdhg)

Most Swiss people understand French.

(Da sd'ngitdi Thuy Si hieu tiihg Phap)

AH classical music sends me to sleep.

(Tat cd ede loainhac cS dien dSu Idm cho tdi budn ngu)
2. All of, most of, some of, none of dupe dimg trude cac tit han dinh
(determiners: a, an, the, my, his, this,...) va cic dai tir (pronouns).
Have all (of) the plants died? -No, not all of them.
(tat cd cay cd'i deu chet hit sao? ~ Khdng, khdng phai tat cd.)
Most of her friends live abroad.
(Phdn lan ban be cua cd ta sd'ng d nude ngoai.)
Some of those people are very friendly.
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(Mot vai ngitcri. trong so do rat than thien.)
These books are all Jane's. None of them belong to me.
(Tat ca sach nay la cua Jane. Khong co cud'n nao cua tdi ca.)
Luu y:
- Chung ta co th£ bo of sau all hoac half khi of dung trude tCr han dinh (khdng
dirge bo of khi of &ling trude dai ttr.
All (of) my friends live in London, but all of them have been to the meeting.
(Tat ca ban be tdi deu song 6 London, nhung tdi ca deu da den du cube hop
Half (of) this money is mine, and half of it is yours.

(Phan mia sotien nay la cua tdi, con phdn nua cua anh.)
- Chung ta thuemg khdng dhng of khi khdng co tir han dinh (mao tir hoac tCr so
huu durng trude danh tir. Tuy nhiSn trong mOt vai trudng hop most of cung co thd
duoc dung ma khOng co tu han dinh theo sau, vi du nhu trude cac t6n rifing va dia


The Romans conquered most of England.
( Ngtferi La Ma da xdm chiem phdn Ian mtdc Anh)
- Cac cum danh tit dung sau all of, most of, some of,... thubng xdc dinh (phai co
the, these, those ...)
Most of the boys in my class want to choose well-paid jobs.

(Phdn Ictn nam sinh trong lap tdi mud'n chon edng viec dupe tra luang cao.)
- Chung ta co thÿ bo danh tir sau all, most, some, none n£u nghla da ro rkng.
The band sang a few songs. Most were old ones, but some were new.

(Ban nhac hat mdt vai bai. Phdn lan la cac bai cu, nhung cung co mdt sdbai

I wanted some cake, but there was none left.

(Tdi mud'n dn mdt it banh, nhung chang con ti bdnh nao.)

V. Every, each

Every v& each thudng duoc dung trude danh tir d£m duoc d s<5 ft (singular
countable nouns). .
The police questioned every/ each person in the building.
(Canh sat tham van tiCng ngUdi trong tda nha.)
[NOT ... every/ each-people]
Every/ Each room has a number. (Mdi phdng deu co s6)
[NOT Every/ Ench rooms]
Trong nhi£u trudng hop, every va each co thd duoc diing vdi nghTa tuong tu
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You look more beautiful each/ every time I see you.
(Mdi Ian tdi gdp ban, ban trdng xinh hem.)
Tuy nhien every v& each v&n c6 su kMc nhau vi nghla.
- Every (mdi; moi)
Chung ta dilng every khi chung ta nghl vi ngudi hoic v$t nhu m6t tdng thd
hoSc m6t nh6m. (chng nghla vdi all).
Every guest watched as the President came in.
(Khi TSng thd'ng btfcfc vao, moi quan khdeh diu nhin theo.)
[- all guests]
I go for a walk every day. (T6i di dao mdi ngdy.) [- all days]

Every c6 thd dirge dilng d£ n6i vi ba hoSc nhi£u hem ba ngudi haowcj vat,
thudng \h mdt s6 lugng ldm.
There were cars parked along every street in town.
(6 id dau doc theo moi con duemg trong thi xd)

[= all the streets]
- Each (mdi)
Chung ta dilng each khi chung ta nghi vi ngudi hoac vat mdt each rifcng re,
titag ngudi hoac tiing vat trong m6t nh6m.
Each person in turn shook hand with him.
(LAn liC0 tdng ngudi bat toy vdi dng ay.)

Each day seemed to pass very slowly.

(Duemg nhittiCng ngdy trdi qua chdm chap)
Each c6 thd dirge dilng di n6i vi hai hoSc nhidu hem hai, thudng la m6t nhdm

nh6 ngudi hoac vat

There are four books on the table. Each book was a different color.

(Tren ban cd 4 cud'n sach. Mdi cud'n cd mdu khac nhau.)

There were cars parked along each side of the street.

(Otd dau doc theo hai ben duemg.) [= both sides]


Each c6 th£ duge dilng mdt minh hoac dilng vdi of (Each of-f determiner!
There are six flats. Each has its own entrance.
(Co 6 can hd. Mdi edn diu cd Id'i di riing.)
Each of the houses has a backyard.
(Mdi ngdi nha diu cd sdn sau.)
Each of us sees the world differently.
(Mdi ngudi trong chung ta cd cai nhin khac nhau vi cudc ddi.)

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1. Complete the sentences with some or any.

1 . We didn't buy.

3. 1 didn't have
4. Can I have
2. This evening I'm going out with
money, so I had to borrow.

5. 1 was too tired to do.

.friends of mine.

.milk on my coffee, please?

6. Have you seen good films recently?
7. Can you give me . information about places of interest in the town?
8. With the special tourist train ticket, you can travel on. .train you like.

9. If there are. .words you don’t understand, use a dictionary.
10. She went out without. .money.
2. Complete the conversations. Put in some, any, anyone, someone, something,

anything, somewhere, anywhere.

1. A: We haven't got. .bread.
B: You’d better go to the shop, then. We need. .tomatoes, too.
2. A: Would you like. .cheese and biscuits?
B: Oh, no thank you. That was delicious, but I couldn't eat else.
3. A: There’s. .at the door.

B: Are you expecting. .visitors?

4. A: Has. offered to help you with the tea?

B: No, but I’d be very grateful for .help you can give.

5. A: I was looking for ., and now I can't remember what it was.

B: You said you were looking for matches.

6. A: Does. mind if I open the window?

B: No, please do. We all need fresh air.

7. A: Where shall we go on holiday?

B: Let's go. warm and sunny.


8. A: What happened to Sally last night?

B: I don't know exactly. She was upset about and refused to talk to
9. A: Would you like to eat?
B: No, I don’t want . .to eat. But I’m thirsty, I want. .to drink.
A: What would you like?
B: I don’t mind
10. A: Do you live. .near Jim?
B: No, he lives in another part of town.
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3. Complete the conversation. Put in a lot of, many or much. More than one
answer may be correct
Matthew: There are ( 1 \ , athletes taking part in the International Games
in London. There's been (2). .coverage in the papers.
Daniel : Our runners haven't won (3)
Matthew: No, not as (4) ....
There are still (5). ...... .. medals, have they?
.as last time. But there is plenty of time.
events to come. I'd like to go and see
some of the track events, but I haven't got (6)
.time at the

Daniel : No, not with exams coming up. We're having so (7)
lessons to study.

Matthew: I'm hoping to go at the weekend if I can get a ticket. Apparently
there aren't (8). .seats left.

Daniel : I’ve heard the cheapest tickets are $25, I think that's too

4. Put in a few,few, a little or little.
1. 1 don't think I can lift this box on my own. I need. .help.

2. .tourists visited Northern Ireland in the 1980s because of the
terrorism there.
3. The postman doesn't often come here. We receive. . letters.

4. The snow was quite deep. There seemed . .hope of completing our
5. Trevor doesn't find it easy to fix the shelves. He's having. .trouble.

6. Sarah is exhausted. She's having. .days' holiday next week.

7. David quite likes golf, but unfortunately he has. .ability.

8. 1 can speak. .words of Swedish, but I'm not very fluent.

9. Listen carefully. I'm going to give you. .advice.

10. 'Have you ever been to Paris?' Tes, I've been there. .times.'

5. Complete this paragraph from the travel book. Put in many, few, muck or

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
The main town of the island is very small and does not have
(1). .important buildings. The islanders do not have (2)
and they have (3)
.contact with the outside world. There is not (4)
chance of the place attracting large numbers of tourists. The roads are
not very good. There are lots of bicycles but not (5) cars. And there are
hardly any of the modem facilities which visitors expect. There are (6)
shops, and there is (7) entertainment.

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6. Choose the correct words.
1. We didn't spend many/ much money.
2. You must be quick. We have little/ a little time.
3. They've got so much/ lots of money that they don’t know what to do with it.
4. Did you take much/ many photographs when you were on holiday?
5. Would you like less/ fewer coffee than this?
6. The tickets cost too much/ too many, so we can't afford them.
7. "Would you like some/anv sugar in your tea?" Yes, please. Just a little/ a few.’
8. If you have some/ any problems, you can discuss them with your group

9. 1 take photos, but not as many/ a lot of as I used to. At one time I took many/
a lot.
10. How much/ How many butter do we put in?
11. Quick, let's go! There’s somebody/ anybody coming and I don't want

somebody/ anybody to see us.

12. He can speak little/ a little English, so it's not difficult to communicate with
13. My father drinks a lot of/ much tea.
14. This town is not a very interesting place to visit, so a few/ few tourists,
come here.

15. She spent a large number oil a great deal of time on the project.
16. A large number of/ A great deal of paintings have been sold.
17. We get muchJ a lot of rain here, but we don't get many/ much storms.

18. Do you mind if I asked you a few/ a little questions?

19. The shop is very quiet. There are a few/ only a few customers have come in.

20. How many/ How much cups of coffee have you taken?
7. Choose from the list and complete the sentences. Use of where necessary.

that food my friends plants a chicken birds


European countries accidents my life these clothes cars

1. All .need water.
2. None .will be at the party.
3. 1 have lived in this town most
4. Sarah travels a lot. She has been to most
5. Some. ,, from the party was all right, but I threw some of it away.
6. He's eaten two pizzas and most.
7. Many. .are caused by bad driving.
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8. Not aU. .... can fly. For example, the penguin can't fly.
9. None... are in fashion now.
10. Some. ....can go faster thin others.

. . . . . . . .
8. Complete the conversations, use the word in brackets with all, all the, most,
most of the, no or none of the.

1. A: I wonder where they make this milk.
B: It isn’t made in a factory, Andrew
2. A: What do you usually do on a Sunday?
B: Not much. We spend
(milk) comes from animals.

(time) reading the papers.

3. A: In general, people aren't interested in politics, are they?

B: I think. .(people) are bored by the subject.
4. A: These new flats are supposed to be for students.
B: That's ridiculous. .(student) in the world could possibly afford

such a high rent.
5. A: Who's paying for the new ice-rink to be built?
B: Well,
.(money) will come from the government, but the city has to
pay a quarter of the cost.
6. A: We should ban cars .(cars) pollute the air, don't they?
B: Well, except electric ones, I suppose.

....... ....
7. A: What kind of fruit should you eat to stay healthy?

B: I don't think it matters. .(fruit) is good for you, isn't it?

8. A: I knew there had been a power cut because it was so dark everywhere.

B: Yes,.., (lights) in our street went out.

9. Put in each or every. Sometimes both are possible.

1. She had a child holding on to hand.

2. The World Cup is hold .four years.

3. None of the rooms was the same. room was different.

4. .parent worries about their children.

5. In a game of tennis there are two or four players .player has a .

6. Melanie is a religious person. She goes to church .Sunday.
7. We had a great holiday. I enjoyed

8. The book is divided into five parts and.
9. Car seat belts save lives.
10. In a football match,
.minute of it.
.of these has three sections.
driver should wear one.
.team has 11 players.

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1 . 1 feel lonely here because I have.

2. These books are all Jane's
10. Fill in each blank with a proper expression of quantity. Use of where
friends in this city.
.them belong to me.

unfriendly at all.
4. Are those people English? No, just
.schools open in September.
6. Let's go and have a drink. We've got
3. Not all the people I work with are very friendly

.them are

time before the train leaves.

7. Have you got. .money? ~ Yes, but not.

8. Hurry or we'll be late. We have very. .time.
9. 1 have done .the exercises of grammar in this book, so I’m going
to buy another book.
10. We all got wet in the rain because. .us had an umbrella.

11. We'll have to work quickly because I haven't got. .time.

12. I do not know about biology, but I have .knowledge
about genetics.

. . . . . . .. .. .. .. .
13. The librarian says that you may borrow as. books as you want to.
14. The boys are making too. .noise.
15. 1 watched. .the film but not all of it.

16. I'm very poor. I have. money. But my brother is richer than I. He
has. .money in the bank.
17. Before mixing the cake, weight ingredient precisely.

18. When my rich uncle died, he left his fortune to his cat. He
hadn't left. .it to us.

19. How. .languages can you speak? And how. .time do

you spend on learning English?

20.When my rich unde died, he left. .his fortune to his cat and the
other half to a distant cousin! We had never expected to receive ..

it, but we were disappointed that he hadn't left it to us.

11. Choose the correct word or phrase.
Last week I made the mistake of revisiting the village where I grew up. It was a
small, friendly community with two farms and a number of old cottages round the
village green. I realized very quickly that although in (1) many/ few ways it
appears unchanged, in reality hardly (2) nothing/ anything is the same. (3) All/
Every the pretty cottages are there, of course, and (4) both/ most the picturesque
farmhouses. But (5) none of the/ none of inhabitants are country people. All of (6)
they/ them are commuters, who leave early (7) every morning/ all the morning for
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the nearby town. (8) Neither of/ Neither the farmhouses is attached to a farm these
days; the land has been sold and is managed by (9) somebody/ anyone in an office
(10) anywhere/ somewhere who has (11) little/ a little interest in the village itself.
There are (12) few/ a few new houses, but they have (13) no/none of local
character, you can see the same style (14) anywhere/ somewhere in the country.
(15) The whole/ Whole of the village, in fact, has been tidied up so much that it

12. Choose the correct answer.

1. Bill is very lazy. He never does,
A. some
2. It was a great party
B. any
has become (16) anything/ nothing more than just another suburb.

C. no
.enjoyed it.
D. few

A. Somebody B. All C. All of us D. Every of us
3. The bus service is very good. There's a bus. .ten minutes.
A. each B. every C. all D. any

4. When we were on holiday, we spent too.

A. a lot of B. many C. much D. lots of
5. What would you like to eat? I don’t mind. - whatever you’ve got.
A. Something B. Anything C. Nothing D. Any food
6. We couldn't buy anything because. ,of the shops were open
A. all B. half C. most D. none

7. 1 think that. .lemon juice on fish makes it taste better.

A. few B. a few C. little D. a little
8. The village was very small. There were. .houses.

A. a few B. only a few C. some D. only a little

9. .don't visit this part of the town.

A. The most tourists B. Most of tourists

C. Most tourists D. Most the tourists

10. has left a bicycle outside.

D. Something

A. Anyone B. Anything C.
1 Someone
11. Ron Mason owns a chain of supermarket. He's made money.
A. a lot of B. many
C. much D. a great number of
12. Diana's previous employer gave her a good recommendation because she
makes. mistakes in her work.
A a few B. little C. very few D. some
13. It's so boring here. .ever happens in this place.
A. Anything B. Something C. Things D. Nothing
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14. All the guests were dancing, having a good time.
A. All were B. Every was
C. Everyone was D. Someone were
1 5. There's. use in complaining. They probably won't do anything about
A. a few B. a little C. few D. little
16. 1 don't want to buy any of these books. I’ve got.
A. all B. all them C. everything D. them all.
17. 1 asked all the children and.... .had a different excuse for being late.
A. every B. each C. no D. some.

18. 1 spend... spare time gardening.
A. most B. the most of C. most of D. most of the
19. We tried a lot of hotel but...
A. some B. most
.of them had any rooms.
C. any D. none

20. Would you mind waiting.... minutes?
A. a few

B. a little C. few D. little

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Chuomg 18

I. THANH LAP DANH TLT (Noun formations)

1. Mot so danh tir diroc thanh l$p bang each them cac h&u to (suffixes) vao
sau dong tit.
a. -tionl -ation
to prevent - > prevention (su ngan ngila)

to introduce -> introduction (su giai thieu)
to invent
to conserve
h. ->
invention (suphatminh)
conservation (su bao tSn
to preserve -> preservation (su bao quart)
to admire -> admiration (su ngudng mo
b. -merit

to develop -> development (su phdt trieti)

to achieve achievement (thanh tuu)

to employ -> employment (viec lam)

to disappoint -> disappointment (su that vong)

to improve -> improvement (su cai tien)

c. -ence! -ance

to exist -> existence (su tSn tqi)

> difference (su khac nhau )

to differ
to attend > attendance (sU tham du)
to appear -> appearance (sUxuat hien)
d. -erl -or (chi ngudi/vdt)
to drive -» driver (tai xvt)
to teach -> teacher (giao vitn)
to edit
to instruct
editor (bien t&p vien)
instructor (hum luyUn vien )
to calculate -> calculator (may tynh)
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to dry -> dryer (may say)
to fertilizer
e.. -art -anti-ee (chi ngitdi)
—> fertilizer (phan bdn)

to beg -> beggar (ngiidi an xin )

to lie
to assist
—> liar (ke noi doi)
-> assistant (ngitdi phu ta)
to employ -» employee (nhan vien)
to examine —» examinee (thi sink)
to teach —-» > teaching ('vice/ nghe day hoc)

to build building (viec jeay dwngJ
to understai
g- -age
— > understanding (sir /new foe/)

to drain —> drainage (sit thao nitac)

to use — > usage (each sit dung)

2. Mot so danh tir dupe thanh Ihp bang each them cac hau to (suffixes) vao
sau danh tit.
a. ship

> friendship (tinh ban)
-> ownership (quyen sd htfu)

b. ism (noi ve chu nghia hoac hoc thuyet)
capital -> capitalism (chu nghia tit bdn )

hero -» heroism (chu nghia anh hung)

Marx —
> Marxism (chu nghia Marx)


ideal > idealism (chu nghia duy tarn)

3. Mot so danh tit dupe thanh lap bang each them c£c h$u to vho sau tinh

a. ~ity

possibility (sit c6 the, Jcha nang)
popularity (tinh phS bien )
responsibility (trach nhiem)
speciality (dac tinh)
real -> reality (thitc te)
national -> nationality (qud'c tich)
b. ism (chu nghia hoac chedd)
racial —> racialism (chu nghia phan biet chiing tdc)
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common —
> communism (chu nghTa cdng san)
social —
> socialism (chu nghTa xd hdi)
surreal —
> surrealism (chu nghTa sieu thuc)
c. ness

» feudalism (chedd phong kien )

> richness (sugiauco)
> happiness (niemlsU hanh phuc)
sad -* sadness (su buSn ba)
cold -» coldness (sulanhleo)
willing -> willingness (su tu nguyin)

4. Mot so danh tir diroc thanh l$p bang each them cac tien to (prefixes) vho
trirdc mot danh tir kh£c.
a. super¬
man -> superman (sieu nhan)

market -> supermarket (sieu thi)
h. —
-> superstar (sieu sao)
superstructure (kien true thurng tang)
store -> superstore (cua hang l&n)
b. under-
current -> undercurrent (ddng nude ngdm)

growth -> undergrowth (tang cay thap)

clothes -» underclothes (quan do I6t)


pass > underpass (dating ngamlchui)

weight — > underweight (nhe can, thieu can)

c. sur¬
face — > surface (be mat, be ngoai)


name > surname (ho)

plus -> surplus (sd'thdng du, sSthica)


tax > surtax (thui'lai tuc luy tiefn)

d. sub
way -> subway (dudng ngdm)
continent -» subcontinent (tieu luc dia)
committee -> subcommittee (phdn ban )
contract -» subcontract (Ziop d&zg p/in )
marine -> submarine (tau ngdm)


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II. THANH LAP TINH TlT (Adjective Formations)
1. Mot so tinh tfr diroe thanh lap bang c£ch them c£c h$u to (suffixes) vao
sau danh to.
a. -ful
harm harmful (co hai)
use useful (co ich)
success successful (co ke't qua, thanh cdng)
hope hopeful (day hy vong)
beauty beautiful (dep)
power powerful (cd/ddy quyin luc)

b. -less (mang nghia phu dinh)
child childless (khdng co con)
odor odorless (khdng mui)
home homeless (khdng nha, vd gia cu)

life lifeless (khdng co si/sdhg)

hope hopeless (khdng co hy vong)
power powerless (khdng co quyen luc)
c. -ly (cd ve, c6 tinh chdt, hdng gi&/ ngdylthdng. .)
man -» manly (hop vai dan dng)
friend friendly (than thien)

world worldly (co ve tran tuc)

hour hourly (hang gid)
year yearly (hang nam)

day daily (hang ngay)

d. -like (gid'ng nhu, tuffng tu nhu)

child childlike (gid'ng nhu ire con)

god godlike (nhu than/thanh)

life lifelike (gid'ng nhu that)


brother brotherlike (nhu anh em)

e. -y (c6 nhieu)
rain -> rainy (co mua, mua nhieu)
snow snowy (co tuyei, phu day tuye't)
dust dusty (day bui)
sand sandy (co cat)
salt -» salty (co vi mud'i, co muo'i)
health • • healthy (khoe manh)

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f -ish (cd tinh chdt cua, gid'ng nhu)
fool foolish (ngu ngd'c)
child childish (ich ky)
self selfish (nhutre con)
girl girlish (nhu con gdi)
g. -al (thudc ve)
magic magical (thudc ve ma thuat)
industry industrial (thudc cdng nghiep)
nature natural (thudc tunhiin)
music musical (thudc dm nhqc)

profession professional (chuyen nghiep)
h. -ous
poison poisonous (co chat ddc)
nerve nervous (thudc than kinh)

danger -» dangerous (nguy hiem)

fame famous (nSi tieng)
mountain —> mountainous (cd nhieu nui)
g. -able
fashion fashionable (hap thdi trang)
comfort comfortable (thoai mdi)

value valuable (co gia tri lan, dang gia)

2. Mot so tmh tir duoc thanh Idp bang each them h$u to vao sau dong tfr.

a. -ive
act active (tich cue)

progress progressive (co tien bd)

attract -> attractive (hap ddn, Idi cud'n)

expense expensive (dSt tien)

b. -ablel-ible

accept acceptable (co the chap nhdn)

count countable (cd the dem duac)
achieve achievable (cd the thuc hiin duac)
change changeable (cd the/de thay dSi)
eat eatable (cd the dn duac)
reduce reducible (cd the giam duac)
comprehend -> comprehensible (cd the hieu duac)

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3. Mot so tinh tur dirge thanh lap bang cdch them ti£n to (prefixes) vÿo
tru6c tinh tit.
a. super¬
human superhuman (sieu pham)
natural supernatural (sieu nhien)
sonic supersonic (sieu thanh)
fine superfine (sieu hang, thitcmg hang)
b. under¬
nourished undernourished (thieu an)
developed underdeveloped (kem phdt trien)
underdone (nvCa sd'ng nita chin, tai)

c. over¬
anxious overanxious (qua lo lang)
confident overconfident (qua tit tin)

bearing overbearing (ddc doan)

joyed overjoyed (qua vui sitting)
crowded overcrowded (chat nich, ddng nghit)
d. sub¬
conscious subconscious (thudc tiem thvtc)
atomic subatomic (thudc ha nguyen tit)

4. Mot so tinh tur mang nghla phu dinh dirge thanh lap bang each them
tien to (prefixes) trirdc tinh tir

a. un¬
happy unhappy (khdng hanh phuc)

fortunate unfortunate (khdng may)

comfortable -> uncomfortable (khdng thoai mai)

forgettable -» unforgettable (khdng the quen)

certain -> uncertain (khdng chac chan)

b. in
— » indirect (gian tiep)
inconvenient (bat tien)
dependent independent (ddc Idp)
formal informal (than mat)
visible invisible (vd hinh)
c, im (trittic nhitng tit bat dau bang m hoac p)
patient impatient (thieu kien nhan)
possible impossible (khdng the diterc)
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mature immature (non n&t, chtfa chin chan)
perfect imperfect (khdng hodn hao)
polite impolite (vd li)
d. ir-
regular Lrregular (batthudng)
religious irreligious (vd dao)
removable irremovable (khdng the di chuyen)
rational irrational (khdng hap ly, phi ly)
irrelevant (khdng thich dang)
e. il- (Trade nhung tit bat ddu b&ng l)

legal illegal (bat hap phdp, phi phap)
logical illogical (khdng Idgic, phi ly)
literate illiterate (that hoc, mil chit)

liberal illiberal (khdng hao phong, hep hoi)
f. dis-
dishonest (khdng thanh that)
disagreeably (kho chiu)
affected disaffected (bat binh, bat man)
courteous discourteous (bat lich sit)
5. Mot so tinh tir kep diroc thanh I&p b&ng c&ch ket hop mot danh tur vdi mot

qua khur phan tilt (noun + past participle -> Adjective)

man + made man-made (nhan tao)

hand + made hand-made (lam bang tay)

com + fed corn-fed (nuoi bang ngd)

snow + covered snow-covered (phu ddy tuyet)

horse + pulled horse-pulled (do ngita keo)

city + run city-run (do thanh phd'qudn ly)

6. Ngoai ra ta con co the thanh l&p tinh tilf b&ng each dung well hoac ill ket

hop vtiri mot qu& khur ph&n tir (well/ ill + past participle -> Adjective)
well + done well-done (nau ky, ndu chin)
well + prepared well-prepared (nd’i tieng)
well + known well-known (duac chuan bi tSi)
ill + prepared ill-prepared (mat day, vd giao due)
ill + bred ill-bred (mat day, vd giao due)
ill + founded ill-founded (vd can cti)

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in. THANH LAP D0NG TIT (Verb Formations)
1. Mot so dong tit dupe thanh lap bang edeh them tien to out- (d mure do
cao hom, tot hem, nhanh hem, dai hom..v.v) va noi dong tit (intransitive verb)
de tao thanh mot ngoai dong tit (transitive verb).
grow outgrow (l&n hem, phdt trien nhanhhcm
live outlive (sdhg Idu hom)
run outrun (chary nhanh hom)
weigh outweigh (nqng hem)
number outnumber (nhieu hom, dong hem)
bid outbid (tra gia cao hom)

Transitive verb: d6ng tit ludn c6 tan ngu true ti£p theo sau.
- Intransitive verb:dOng tit khPng c6 tan ngu theo sau.
2. Mot so dong tit dupe thanh lap bang each them tien to ert (dua vao, lam
cho, gay ra) vao sau tinh tit, danh tit hoac mot dong tit khac.

danger —> endanger (gay nguy hiem)
h. encase (cho vao thiingltui...)
enrich (lam giau )
large enlarge (lam cho rdng ra, md rong)
courage encourage (khuye'n khich )
act enact (trinh dien, bieu diin )

force enforce (thuc thi, ep buoc)

Hau td -en cung c6 th6 dupe them vao sau mpt s6 trnh tit dÿ tao thanh ddng tir.

tight -> tighten (that chat, siet chat)

weak weaken (lam cho yeu di)

bright brighten (lam rang rd)

sharp sharpen (lam cho sac nhon)

3. Mot so dong tit dupe thanh lap bang edeh them tien to vao dong tit.
a. over-

act overact (cucmg dieu vai diin)

stay overstay (aqua lau)
take overtake (vuat len)
throw overthrow (lat dS)
work overwork (lam viec qua site)
pay overpay (tra tien/lucmg qua cao)
b. under-
pay -> underpay (tra luemg thap)

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line underline (gach ducri)
sell undersell (ban re hem)
estimate underestimate (danh gid thap)
go undergo (trai qua, chiu dung)
play underplay (xem nhe)
c. super¬
impose superimpose (dat len tren edng)
intend superintend (trdng nom, gidm sat)
pose superpose (chSng lin)
charge supercharge (tang nap)

abound superabound (qua thda thai, du dat)
IV. THANH LÿP TRANG TU* (Adverb Formations)
Trang tir thirbng diroc thdnh lap bang edeh them hau t<5 -ly vdo sau tmh tir.

beautiful -» beautifully (tdt dep)
careless carelessly (batedn)
nervous h.
badly (xdu, kem)
nervously (bdn chSn, lo lang)
recent recently (gan day, mdi day)
careful carefully (can than)

strong -> strongly (manh me)

Lint y: M6t s6 trang tir ddc biet c£n ghi nh6:
good well (gioi, tdt)

late late/lately (ire, chqm)

hard hard/hardly (tick cue, Ichac nghiet)

ill ill (xdu, tdi, kem)

fast fast (nhanh )



Dudi day Id ede edeh nhan bi£t tir loai cua mCt tir khi 1dm bdi tap.
I. Danh tir (nouns): Danh tir thirbng duoc dat 6 ede vi tri sau:
1. Chu ngfir cua cdu (Subject of sentence)
Computers are being used in all kinds of work.
(may tinh duac sut dung trong tdt ca cac loai edng viec)
Maths is the subject I like best.
(Todn la m6n hoc tdi thich nhdt)
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2. Sau tinh ti* ho$c tinh tit sdr huru (his, my, her, ...)
She is a good teacher.
(C6 ay la giao vien gioi.) [adj + noun]
I parked my car across the road.
(T6i dd xe ben kia dating.)
3. Sau enough
He hasn't got enough patience to wait.
(Anh ay khdng du kien nhan di dai)
4. Sau c£c mao tit a, an, the, hoSc c£c tit han dinh this, that, these, those,
each, every, both, no, ...

The scientists have become important people in our society.
(Cac nha khoa hoc dd trd thdnh nhting ngutii quan trong trong xa hoi cua
chung ta.)
This friend of hers is said to be very rich.

(Nghe ndi ngutii ban nay cua cd ta rat giau)

She can find no solution to her financial troubles.
(ba ay khdng tim dutic each giai quyet nhdng kho khan vi tai chinh.)
Lull y: c£u true a! an!the + adj + noun
It's such a long time since I saw you.
(Dd du lam rdi tdi mtii gap lai ban )

5. Sau gidi tit (in, on, of, with, ...)

The robbery is under investigation.
(Vu cutip dang dutic dieu tra)

He has a good knowledge of science.


(Anh ay gioi ve khoa hoc tunhien.)

Sau cAc tit chi s6 lircfng (quantifiers): few, a few, little, a little, some, any,
much, many, most, ...

Vicky hasn't made much progress in his study.


(Vicky khdng may tien bd trong hoc tap)

I have a little knowledge about genetics.
(Tdi biet chut it ve di truyen hoc)
Most boys like playing football.
(Phan Itin ede cau be deu thich chtii bong dd)
II. TINH TIT (Adjectives): Tmh tir thuring dung 6 cac vi tri sau:
1. Tmoc danh tir
Adjective + noun

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His father is a mechanical engineer.
(Cha anh ay laky succfkhi)
2. Sau dong tit be va dong tilf lien ket (linking verbs): get, seem, appear,
feel, taste, look, smell, stay, become.
Be, get, seem + Adj
She is beautiful. (Cd ay xinh dep)
Peter felt upset because he failed the test.
(Peter cam thdy buSn but vi anh ay thi trU0)
Mary looks happy now.
(Luc nay trdng Mary that hqnh phuc)

Coffee tastes good.
(Cd phe ngay ngon.)

keep/make + object + adj

The news made her happy.

(Tin do lam co ay vui sitting)
These gloves will keep your hands warm.
(Ddi gang nay se gitiam hai ban toy cua anh.)
3. Sau too.

be/seem/look/taste + too + adj

He is too short to play basketball.
(Anh ay qua thap khdng the chcri bong rS dtioc)

4. Trudc enough.

be + adj + enough
The water isn’t hot enough. It needs to be boiling.

(Nittic khdng du ndng. N6 cdn dactc dun lai)

Ben is intelligent enough to understand what the problem is.

(Ben du thdng minh de hiiu van de 6 ddy Id gi)

5. Trong dhi true so ... that.
be + so +adj + that
She was so angry that she couldn't speak.
(Ba ay gidn den mice khdng noi ditoc)
The film is so exciting that I've seen it many times.
(Phim nay hay den ndi tdi da xem no nhieu Ian)

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Liru y: be c6 th£ dupe thay bang cac d6ng tCr chi gi£c quan: seem, look, feel,
smell, taste, ..
6. Tinh tiir con dupe dung dudi dang so sanh= Tinh td dai (long adjective)
thudng dung sau more, the most, less, as ... as.
Meat is more expensive than fish.
(Thit dat hem ca)
This question is the most difficult of all.
(Trong tat ca cac cauhoi, cau hoi nay kho nhat.)
He is as deaf as a post.
(Ong ta diec dac)

7. Trong cau cam than:
How + adj + S + V hoflcWhat + (a/an) + adj + N

How beautiful the girl is!
(Co gai do xinh qua!)

What an interesting film!
(Phim hay qua!)
IE. TRANG TtT (Adverbs)
Trang tOr thuerng dung cr cac vi trf:

1. Sau trp dong tfr (auxiliary verbs) va trude dong tir thudng (ordinary

Auxiliary V + adv + V

The pictures have definitely been stolen.


(Nhrfng buc tranh ro rang la da bi danh cap)

Tom drove carefully along the narrow road.

(Tom can than lai xe doc theo con duemg hep)

2. Trudc tinh td:

be/feel/look + adv + adj

I'm truthfully grateful for your help.
(Toi thdnh that biet cm ve si/giup ddcua ban)
That man looks extremely sad and tired.
(NgU&i dan 6ng do co ve rat buon va met moi)
It's a reasonably cheap restaurant.
(Do la mot nha hang gia titemg doi re)

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3. Sau too.
V + too + adv
She came too late to see him yesterday
(Hdm qua cd ay den qua tri khdng gap duoc anh ta)
They walked too slowly to catch the bus.
(Ho di qua cham khdng the bdt kip xe buyt)
4. C&'u true so ... that.
V + so + adv + that
Jack drove so fast that he caused an accident.

(Jack lai xe nhanh den nSi gay tai nan)
She sang so beautifully that everybody applauded.
(Co ay hat hay den nSi moi ngudi deu vd tay)

5. Dumg cuoi c&u

S -f V(+0) + adv
It was raining heavily.
(Trdi dang mua to)
She speaks English perfectly.
(Cd ay noi tieng Anh rat gioi)

The surgeon performed the operation successfully.

(Bac si phdu thuat da thuc hien ca mS thanh edng)

6. Trirdc enough.

V +adv + enough

You'd better write clearly enough for everybody to read.

Anh nen viei ro rang de moi ngudi doc duac.

She plays well enough for the beginner.

(Cd ay choi kha hay so vai mdt ngudi mcri tap choi)

7. Ddi khi trang tit co the dting m6t mlnh a d£u cau hodc giuta c&u va edeh
c&u bang ddu ph ?v (,)
Suddenly, he heard a strange voice.
(Thinh linh, anh ta nghe mdt giong noi la)
Jane felt ill. She went to work, however, and try to concentrate.
(Cd dry dm. Tuy nhien, cd ay van di lam va cd'gang tap trung)
IV. D0NGT(T (Verbs)
Vi tri cua ddng tir trong cau rat d£ nhan bidt vi n6 thubng dung sau chu ngu.
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Tom's behaviour improved at his new school.
(Cach cUxdcua Tom da tien bd d ngdi trulmg mai.)
I believe her because she always tells the truth.
(Toi tin co ay vi co ay luon noi that)
The girl sitting beside Tom has won the gold me.
s V
(Co gai ngdi canh Tom da doat huy chucmg vang)
The film which was shown last night attracted me.

(Bo phim td'i qua da Idi cud'n tdi.)


(Idiomatic expressions)

Thknh ngtf thubng c6 c£u true:
Verb + noun (phrase) + preposition
Mot so thanh ngur thong dung:
catch sight of bat gap, nhin thay

give place to nhudng chS

give way to nhuang bo, chiu thua
keep pace with/ keep up with sanh kip, bat kip

lose sight of mat hut, khdng nhin thay

chieu cd'den

make allowance for

make fun of chenhao
make a fuss over/ about lam roi tung ten, lam on sdm

make room for don chS cho


make use of dhng, sCc dung

lose touch with mat lien lac
keep/ lose track matdau
put a stop to lam ngitng lai
take account of de y den, htu tarn
take care of cham soc
take notice of limy
pay attention to chu y tdi


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put an end to cham did
set fire to lam chdy, thieu
take advantage lei dung
take note of de y, ghi chep
take leave of tit biet
give birth to sink con
make a contribution to gop phdn
keep correspondence with lien lac thittit
show affection for co cam tinh
feel pity for/ take (have) pity on thitemg xdt

feel regret for hd'i tiec, an han
feel sympathy for thdng cam
make complaint about Iceu ca, phdn nan

feel shame at
have a look at nhin ngdm
get victory over
play an influem h. chien thdng
co anh hitmg
have faith in tin titdng
take interest in quan tarn, thich thu

make a decision on/ make up one's mind: quyet dinh

As she stood up she caught sight of her reflection in the mirror.
(Khi ditng len c6 ay nhin thay hinh phdn chieu cua minh trong gitemg)

David takes liis interest in modem fashion.

(David quan tarn den then trang hien dai.)

I've made up my mind to be a doctor.

(T6i da quyet dinh se trd thanh bde si)


1. Add a word from the box to the prefix in each sentence to make a negiative
advantage agree appear employed
fortunately interesting patient understanding
1. 1 didn't read all of the book because I found it un .interesting
2. Cyding has one dis. .It makes you feel hot and sweaty.
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3. Sue had a ticket for the theatre, but un. .she fell ill that night.

5. My brothers always dis

6. After Jack lost his job, he was un.
7. Oh, I completely dis.
8. Because of a mis.
4. Terry can’t stand waiting in queues, because she's very im.
.when it's time to do the washing-up.
for three months.
.with you. I think it was a great film.
half the class went to the wrong classroom.

2. Complete the word in each sentence with a prefix from the box.
over- under-
1. My alarm clock didn't go off, and so I. .. -over-
slept this morning.

........ ......
2. Pete packed some shirts and socks, some. ..wear, and his jeans.
3. It's very cold this morning, so wear your.. .coat.
4. Our team was completely. .played by the team from Wales.
5. I've decided to. write my letter, because I made too many mistakes.

6. Steve. .cooked the meat, and it was burnt in places.

7. 1 have to go to the library today and
8. The staff went on strike because they were.
.new my ticket.
paid and overworked.
3. Complete the word in each sentence with a suffix from the box. Make any
other necessary changes to the word.

-er -let -ess -hood -ship -ful -ery

1. After two years of friend..ship , Kate got to know David really well.
2. If you don't speak the language you feel more like a foreign

3. Sarah spent a very happy child.
4. 1 asked a steward.
.on a small island.
.what time the plane arrived, but she didn't know.

5. Every teenage .knows that parents worry a lot.

6. Don't forget to add a spoon. of sugar, and some milk.

7. We live in a beautiful neighbour. .on the outskirts of the city.

8. Tina picked up a hand. .of snow, and threw it in my face.

9. Under the floor there was a rumbling sound of machine

10. The college sent Sue a small book. .describing its courses.
4. Complete each sentence with a noun made from the verb given.
1. There are over one million inhabitants in this city.
2. Greg often suffers from .in the school holidays.
3. This is the tallest .in the whole of the country.
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4. Some students can't find suitable .
5. 1 was upset by Carol's .to help me.
6. It took Richard years to become a successful.
7. Every .in this company has received a pay rise.
8. You need a lot of. .to write a good story.

9. Don't forget to turn off the. .before you leave.
10. 1 saw an interesting .in the local paper.


h. -
5. Complete each sentence with a noun ending in ness made from a word in
the box. Make any necessary changes.
dark friendly happy lonely short
sick silly thin tired thorough

1. The shortness, of the journey surprised me, as I thought it would be longer.

2. Sue was impressed by the of everyone in her new school.


3. We knew it was going to rain because of the of the sky.

4. Old Mrs Holt’s . was cured when she was given a pet cat.

5. The doctor told Peter that his was a result of overwork.

6. Wendy's teacher was impressed by the

........ of her work.


7. We wished the bride and groom .in their new life together.
8. Joe's teachers began to grow tired of his in class.

9. 1 felt rather cold when I arrived because of the of my clothes.

10. Jean took a travel .pill, and then she felt much better.
6. Complete the word in italics in each sentence with a prefix or suffix from
the box. Make any other necessary changes to the word.
1 -age dis- -ful im- un- -ness

1. 1 suppose Paul might help us, but it seems likely. ..iwiik&Ly.

2. Fred can't fill his pool because there's a water
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3. I found most of the maths questions completely
4. Jan has taken up photograph as a hobby.
5. Thanks for those notes. They were really use.
6. 1 like winter sports so I never go skiing.
7. When it's time for bed I start feeling sleep.
8. This is a really usual stamp. I've not seen one
like it before.
9. 1 really like Dan. He's always so happy and cheer.

10. I'm writing to thank you for the kind you
showed me.

7. Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word in bold.
1. It's usually. .cold today, considering it's still summer.

2. Actually, I found Tony's book was. .interesting.


h. my father used to go to school with your father.

4. The police managed .to find the missing children.

5. Jean's compositions are always .written.


6. I'm .ashamed of your behaviour!


7. This question is .difficult, isn’t it!


8. Mike tried .to phone Cathy several times.


9. These instructions seem. .complicated.

10. Someone had .left the front door open.
8. Complete each word with a word formed from the word in bold.
1. 1 can't sit on this chair. It's really un comfortable.
2. Ann has left home and is in. .of her parents.

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3. These old envelopes are re. ,so we can save money.
4. Not being chosen for the team was a great dis.
5. Maria and Louis have a reallygood, ship.
6. Being un, .means that you share with others.
7. Not taking exercise is rather un.

8. David has a really un .temper, and gets angry easily.
9. These trousers won't get smaller. They're un


10. They didn't give Gary the job as he was in
9. Add one of the prefixes in the box to each incomplete word so that it makes
sense. Use each prefix once only.

auto- dis- ex- in- mis- non-

ovor semi-
1 . Dick was very tired and suffering from

.... work.

2. We couldn't see the magician! He had become visible.

3. 1 could only cross the road by going down a...., way.

4. Nobody believed what Mary wrote in her biography.

5. Let me introduce you to Janet, my

.... -wife.

6. What he said was not clear. In fact it was rather ....leading.


7. Unfortunately our football team lost in the -final.

8. Mr Smith regrets that he is .able to accept your invitation.
9. This is a good train, it goes to Manchester -stop.
10. Oh bother, my pencil sharpener has appeared again.
10. Complete each sentence with a word formed from a word in the box,
ending as shown.
drink equal hand hope partner employ
_ green harm neighbour _ wide

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1 . Carol and Andy have just moved into a new ... neighbour. .hood.
2. My new .er is paying me a much higher salary.
3. The local council have decided to. en the main road
4. Jerry picked up a .ful of the money and smiled.
5. I’m a terrible card player. I'm really. less.
6. It's a kind of blue colour, but a bit... ish too.
7. Bill now works in ship with two other architects.
8. Don't drink from the stream. You don't know if the water is able.
9. Most people say that they believe in the. .ity of men and women.
10. Doctors have proved that smoking is.... .ful.

11. Complete each sentence with a word formed from a word in box A. Use
one of the prefixes or suffixes in box B.
A art cycle friend hope national circle edible
ground mountain young _

B fore- m- inter- semi- tri- -eer -ful
-ly -ster
1. 1 can't eat this! It's completely. .. .inedible.
2. John has been interested in sailing ever since he was a/an
3. The teacher arranged the desks in a/an

4. 1 like it here. The people are really

5. There are two figures in the .of the picture.

6. You have to have a good head for heights if you are a

7. It's much safer for a young child to ride a/an .

8. Scientists are .that a cure for the disease will be found.

9. Most countries have signed a/an. agreement banning whaling.

10. Paintings by this .have been sold for millions of pounds.

12. Complete the compound word in each sentence with a word from the box.

clothed handed hearted looking mouthed

eared legged minded tempered
1 . Thank you for helping me, and being so kind-.heaxted
2. We searched all day, but had to return home empty-
3. Paul didn’t have time to think, but jumped into the river fully-.
4. It seems that long-. .people can run faster.
5. Try to concentrate and remember! You are so absent-.
6. Mary is very attractive, and her husband is good- .too.


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7. Stop shouting! I'm tired of your loud- .comments!
8. Mike gets angry easily. He's a bit short-.
9. Steve's book was dirty and dog-
13. Make nouns ending in -sis or -ure from the following verbs, making any
necessary changes in spelling. Then put each noun in its correct place in
the sentences below.
1. The doctor's.
2. Don't put an.
.. .. .. .. .. .. ..
was that I had bronchitis.

inside an aerogramme. It is not permitted.

3. The of the blood will help the police find the murderer.
4. The doctor used. .to make her calm and relaxed.
5. He was very ambitious, and his. to become prime minister was a

shock to him.
6. The. .at the bottom of the letter was impossible to read.

7. Some teachers put a lot of. .on learning by heart.
8. There has been a military government since the army's. .of power
six years ago.
9. This disease can lead to the. .of certain muscles.

10. The. .of the factory and loss of jobs came as a result of fewer
orders from abroad.
14. Make nouns from the following verbs by adding -y to the end and making

any other necessary changes in spelling. Then put each noun in its correct
place in the sentences below.

prosper enquire injure discover apologize

forge expire deliver _ recover conspire assemble

1. In England there is no postal. .on Sundays.


2. He still suffers from an .he received in a game of football ten

years ago.
3. He could copy other people's signatures perfectly. He was finally sent to
prison for .
4. The. of a ship from the bottom of the sea is a very difficult,
expensive operation.
5. The. .of America was made in 1492 by Christopher Coicmbus.
6. 1 wish you happiness, good health and. .for this coming year.
7. This is the parliamentary building, where the National. meets.
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8. She accepted his. .for his rude behaviour at dinner.
9. The President believed there was a. .to overthrow him.
10. On. your passport may be renewed for a further five years.
11. Thank you for your about our products. We enclose our
current catalogue.
15. Make nouns ending in -ence from the following verbs, making any
necessary changes in spelling. Then put each noun in tis correct place in
the sentences below.

prefer obey defend offend insist coincide

refer depend correspond reside differ

interfere exist pretend _
1. He couldn't go to university but continued his education through

2. This monument is in memory of the men and women who died in

of this country.
3. Police dogs are trained to a high standard of.
4. Tea or coffee? Do you have any .?
5. She wasn't really angry at all. It was just.
6. Dictionaries, encyclopaedias and atlases are called. .book.

7. The doctors tried to cure him of his .on drugs.

8. The United Nations came into.
9. Despite his
.. .. .. .. .. . . .in 1945.
.that he was innocent, he was arrested.


10. 1 can’t tell the. between butter and margarine.

11.1 hope she didn’t take. I was only joking.

12. 1 met John on holiday quite by chance. What a. i

13. She complained of. by her mother-in-law in her private affairs.


14. ‘Place of. .' means the place where you live.

16. Make nouns from the following verbs by adding -ance to the end and
making any other necessary changes in spelling. Then put each noun in
its correct place in the sentences below.
annoy resist avoid insure resemble enter
attend perform accept disturb assist endure
1. It was the actor's finest
2. The teacher kept a record of every student's.
3. This signature bears no .to mine! It's a forgery!

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4. When I received the offer of a job, I immediately wrote a letter of.
5. The police were called to a. .at a private party last night.
6. My house. .covers me for fire, flood, theft and damage.
7. When she was very old she couldn't look after herself without....
8. When people kept talking during the film, he showed his. .by

9. The
10. After fierce. .....
turning round and looking at them.
.to the park is through that gate there.
for two days, the soldiers surrendered to the enemy.
11. By continuing his journey alone, on foot, in freezing weather without food
for two days he showed remarkable powers of.
12. The Automobile Association recommends. of the city centre

during the present road repairs.
17. Make nouns from the following verbs by adding -al to the end and
making any other necessary changes in spelling. Then put each noun in

its correct place in the sentences below.

1. His unpunctuality and bad work soon led to his .from the firm.
2. After the funeral service in the church, we went out to the cemetery for the

3. Thousands of people were at the airport for the President's

4. of your season ticket for another six months will cost you $268.

5. To get married before you are eighteen, you will need your parents'. .
and consent.

6. The first performance of the play is tomorrow. The actors are having a final

7. At the end of the five-day. ,, he was found guilty and sent to prison.
8. The factory manager wants to use different machines but the workers don't

like this
9. The police were amazed at the.... .of the five children after a
night out in freezing temperatures.
10. He made a complete of the accusation against him but no
one believed him.
11. 1 don't understand his .to help us. He's usually very helpful.
12. The new republican government demanded the. .of the king's
statue from the main square.

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18. Make nouns from the following verbs by adding age to the end and
making any other necessary changes in spelling. Then put each noun in
its correct place in the sentences below.
use shrink store post stop
break wreck

..... marry
1. A family house always needs.
2. With the.
3. The
leak pass
space for old furniture and luggage.
of time, her heartache grew less painful.
between Alan and Josephine will take place in St Andrew's
Church on April 21st.
4. The firm is proud of its non-strike record. There hasn't been a. of

work for twelve years.
5. Airmail.... Australia for a large parcel is very expensive.
6. The of the smashed car was left by the road as a warning to

7. The Prime Minister is very angry about the. .of information to the

8. The American
press from closed secret meetings.
.of this word is different from the British.
9. In a shop selling glass and china a certain amount of. is unavoidable.
10. This shirt was guaranteed against. , but look, it's too small for me
now and I’ve only washed it once.

19. Make nouns, all ending in -sion, from the following verbs. Put each noun
in its correct place in the sentences below. _

divide conclude expand persuade

revise admit exclude explode include

1. I hope friendly. .will make him change his mind. I don't want to
use force.

2. If they get divorced, they'll have to decide on the. .of their money
and property.

3. He dreamt of the of his firm from a small factory to a large

international business.
4. .to the club is limited to members only.
5. There was a very loud. .when the bomb went off.
6. In the final weeks before the exam, the students did a lot of
7. He was delighted by his in the national football team.
8. The. of her name from the list of people chosen to meet the
President was a great disappointment.
9. and finally, in I thank you all for coming.
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20. Make nouns from the following verbs by adding -ment to the end. Put
each noun in its correct place in the sentences below.

entertain improve postpone arrange

enlarge encourage advertise
1. The. .for Monday is that we'll meet at 7 and take the train at 7.45.
2. 1 like this photo. I think HI have an. made.
3. This is the city's. .district, full of cinemas and theatres.
4. We regret to announce the

.. .. .. .. .. . .
of this evening’s concert. The
conductor is ill. The concert will take place next week.
5. The teachers were pleased at the in his work.

6. His parents gav6 him a lot of. in his studies.
7. There was a newspaper .for a job as a typist.
21. Make nouns ending in -tion from the following verbs, making any

necessary spelling changes. Then put each noun in its correct place in

the sentences below.
revolt repeat compete reduce acquire
produce pronounce qualify solve introduce
1. There's a lot of .among car manufacturers to sell most cars.

2. There are some differences in between British and American

3. Is a degree a necessary .for this job?

4. .of the new sports car has been affected by a fire at the factory.
5. They are trying to find a. .to the problem.

6. A book sometimes sells better if it has an. written by a famous


7. The art gallery is very proud of its recent. .of an important painting.
8. There was a. The people rose up and overthrew the government.

9. That must not happen again. There must be no. .of the incident.
10. That shop is offering a big. .in the price of its clothes.
22. Make nouns from the following verbs by adding -ion to the end. Put each
noun in its correct place in the sentences below.
prevent interrupt elect protect suggest
predict select react invent addict
1. If I can work all day without any. ,, I can finish the job by this
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2. 1 can't make any. .about the. result. I don't know how the
voting will go.
3. What was his to the news? Was he pleased or angry?
4. RSPCA stands for the Royal Society for the. .of Cruelty to Animals.
5. His. .of a new type of car engine brought him a lot of money.
6. His .to drugs nearly killed him.
7. RSPB stands for the Royal Society for the.. .of Birds.
8. What shall we do tomorrow? Swimming? Film? Museum? Has anyone
got a better .?
9. He was delighted by his. .for the school football team.

23. Supply the correct word form.

... ... ... ... . . . . . .

1. This is my favourite chair. It's very .(comfort)
2. It's ,to drive so fast, (danger)
3. 1 must clean this. floor, (dirt)

4. Elvis Presley was a. pop singer, (fame)
5. How many
6. It was
h. holidays do we have? (nation)
.not to write down the address, (fool)
7. 1 live in the part of the city, (south)
8. Everyone likes him because he is .(friend)
9. You can rely on his judgement, he's very .(sense)

10. She dresses with great style and her clothes are. .(fashion)
11. The President was a very. .man. (power)

... ... ... ... .. .. .. .


12. It was. .so they had to drive very slowly, (fog)

13. 1 try to speak clearly when I meet a (foreign)

14. He's the ... of this machine, (invent)

15. Who is the of the group? (lead)

16. Agatha Christie is a famous for her detective stories, (novel)

17. The telephone put me through to the office, (operate)

.. .. .. .. ... . .
18. She's a so we must be polite, (visit)
19. Mr Peter Brown is a famous. (economy)
20. A is an entertainer making people laugh, (comedy)
21. Are you the. of this car? (own)
22. The hotel asked us to register, (reception)
23. 1 don't know why they call him a .(lie)
24. Alfred Hitchcock was a famous film. (direct)
25. 1 think the most. ... idea is to go by car. (sense)
26. He made an for the position of manager, (apply)
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.. .. .. ........... . .
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27. She got a letter from her boss, (person)
28. We need her before we can go ahead, (approve)
29. I'd like a nice orange, (juice)
30. We must make a about where to go. (decide)

.. ................. .. .. .. .. .. .. .
31. There are ways of doing this work, (vary)
32. is my favourite hobby, (photograph)
33. He always feels in the morning, (sleep)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
34. He made an to see me at two o'clock, (arrange)

... ....
35. You must be
36. The train made a late
when you open the door, (care)

37. Let’s go for a walk in the fresh air. (health)
38. The wanted to know everything about the accident, (report)
39. It's a very academic,. book, (scholar)

40. 1 worked as a engineer when I left university, (train)

41. Peter is an .... student in our class, (industry)
42. All the

h. felt happy in the end. (compete)

43. This city has over a million . (inhabit)
44. Whisky of course is an drink, (alcohol)
45. The music program was performed by some famous (sing)
46. This map is very.

.... .on my holiday, (use)


47. He spoke English fluently but with some. mistakes, (grammar)

48. It was too. for sunbathing, (cloud)

49. It was. of you to make fun of him like that, (kind)

50. Some of Tom’s answers in his exam were. (correct)



Van phong (style) ia each hanh van d£ diln dat m6t c&u n6i. C6 nhi£u each dÿ
difin dat, ta co thd dung:
a. Tfnh tCr thay cho danh tit (hoac nguoc lai)
She had a determination to overcome her difficulties.
= She was determined to overcome her difficulties.
(C6 ta quyet tam vixgi qua moi kho khan)
They show no interest in the picture.
= They aren't interested in the picture.
(Ho khdng thich bite tranh)
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b. D6ng tir thay cho danh tir (hoSc ngupe lai)

Can I have a look at your new dress? = Can I look at your new dress?
(T6i co the xem chiec do mdi cua ban duac khdng? )
He had an intention of making a journey with her.
= He intended to make a journey with her.
(Anh ta dinh di du lich vdi co ta.)
c. The bi d6ng cua d<5ng ttr thay cho th£ chu dOng (hoac ngupe lai)
Mary has finished her homework.
(Mary da lam xong bai tap vi nha)
= Mary's homework has been finished.

(Bai tap vi nha cua Mary da duac lam xong)
We should keep dangerous chemicals in safe places.
(Chung ta nen cat giichoa chat nguy hiem a nai an todn)

- Dangerous chemicals should be kept in safe places.
(Hod chat nguy hiem nen duac cat a nai an todn)

d. Trang tir thay cho tmh tCr (hoac ngupe lai)
He is a careful driver.
(Anh ay la mdt tdi xecan than.).
He drives carefully. (Anh ay lai xe can than)

Tom is a good student.

(Tom la mdt hoc sinh gioi)
= Tom studies well.

(Tom hoc gioi)

Luu f: Khi d6i each hknh van, ta cin luu su thay d6i cua gidi tfir, tinh tir hoac

trang tir trong cau.

They gave some careful thought to the problem.

- They thought carefully about the problem.

(Ho da suy nghT ky ve van de nay.)

He has a strong desire to become a doctor.

= He strongly desires to become a doctor.
(Anh ay ao ude duac trd thanh bde si)
1. to look at : to have a look at (Nhin vao)
2. to think about/ of : to give thought to (nghT)
3. to be determined to : to have a determination to (du dinh)
4. to know (about) : to have knowledge of ( biet)
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5. to tend to : to have a tendency to (c6 khuynh hudng)

6. to intend to + inf. : to have intention of + V-ing (dtfdinh )
7. to desire to : to have a desire to (ao udc)
8. to wish : to have/ express a wish (ao udc)
9. to visit sb : to pay a visit to sb/ to pay sb a visit (tham vieng)
10. to discuss sth : to have a discussion about sth (thao luari)
11. to decide to : to make a decision to {quyet dinh)
12. to talk to : to have a talk with {noi chuyen)
13. to explain sth : to give an explanation for sth {giai thick)
14. to call sb : to give sb a call (goi dien cho...)

15. to be interested in : to have interest in {thick)
16. to drink to have a drink {ud'ng)
17. to photograph : to have a photograph of (chup hinh)

18. to cry : to give a cry {khoc, keu)
19. to laugh at : to give a laugh at {cudi nhao)
20. to welcome sb
21. to kiss sb h.
: to give sb a welcome {chao ddn)
: to give sb a kiss {hdn)
22. to ring sb : to give sb a ring {goi dien)
23. to warn : to give warning {bao ddng canh bao)

24. to try to (+inf.) : to make an effort to/ to make an attempt to {edging)

25. to meet sb : to have a meeting with sb {gap ai...)
26. to succeed : to make a success {thdnh edng)

27. to be used : to be in use {dmc sic dung)

28. to rest : to have a rest {nghi ngd)

29. to sleep : to have a sleep {ngu)

30. to bathe : to have/ take a bath (tdm)

31. to examine : to have an examination {khdm, kiem tra, xem xet)

32. to agree : to be in agreement {ddng y)

33. to disagree : to be in a disagreement {khdng ddng y)

34. to contact sb : to have contact with sb {lien lac, quan he
35. to exchange : to have an exchange of {trao dSi)
36. to argue with sb : to have an argument with sb {tranh edi vdi ai)
37. to complain about : to have a complaint about (phan nan ve...)
38. to land : to make a landing {ha canh)
39. to receive sth : to be in receipt of sth {nhan...)
40. to need : to have a need of {can)
41. to love sb : to fall in love with sb (yeu ai)
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42. to brush sth : to give sth a brush (chai)

43. to arrange with sb : to have an arrangement with sb (sdp xep)

1. Rewrite these sentences by using the underlined nouns as verbs or
1. He had no intention of making a long journey with her.
2. Has the city government made a decision to build a hospital for the poor?
3. She shows no interest in what she is doing for the company.
4. Do most school-leavers have a strong desire to work at a tourist office?

5. 1 don't think they are in disagreement with what we shall do.
6. The plan didn't make a success just because most members showed no
determination of doing it well.

7. During the lesson, she always takes a careful look at all the sentences and
examples the teacher is giving.

8. My friend expressed a wish to become a pilot.
9. You have no need of answering all the questions in their order
10. Please give me a call when you arrive, and we'll have a meeting at a certain
11 . She has no knowledge of what will be because she never gives thought to it.

12. She said she would pay me a visit someday

1 3. He made a decision to leave home

14. 1 had no intention of staying here.

1 5. She has a great interest in music.

16. There was an exchange of English lessons between the two schoolgirls
17. He takes a bath every morning

18. 1 had an arrangement with the neighbors about feeding the cats.
19. There was no explanation for her plan.

20. She had a medical examination by a doctor.

2. Rewrite these sentences, using the nouns corresponding to the verbs.
1. 1 argued with the referee about his decision.
I had an
2. Do you agree with John about this?
Are you in
3. She usually brushes her hair before going out.
She usually gives her hair a

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4. She complained about his rudeness.
She had a number of.
5. Because of engine trouble, the plane had to land on the fields.
Because of engine trouble, the plane had to make a
6. Just look at this picture.
Take a
7. 1 love her very much.
I'm in
8. We must start early.
We must make an

9. He received her letter of the 10th.
He was in
10. After lunch time she usually rests.
After lunch time she usually takes a

3. Rewrite the sentences, beginning with the given words.
1. There is a tendency to minimize problems.
2. They show a strong desire to put aside the status of the school child
They strongly

3. They thought much about their work.

They gave a
4. They had little knowledge of the job of their choice.

They..... . .........
....... ....... . .....
5. There is a determination to overcome problems.

They are
6. He visits us whenever he’s in town.

He pays
7. There has been a tendency to choose well-paid jobs.

They have
8. They spend millions of dollars on advertising every year.
Millions .L.
9. It's good for you not to have a contact with her.
You'd better
10. 1 slept well last night.
I had.
11. Carol Stuart cooks and swims very well.
Carol Stuart is
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12. She has a strong desire for a scholarship.
She strongly
1 3. The villagers gave us a cordial welcome.
The villagers
1 4. He has no intention of leaving the city.
He doesn't
1 5. She teaches English well.
She is
16. This job has to be done at once.
17. She types with care.

She is
18. No sooner had we begun our walk than it rained.

19. This woman has very little sleep.
This woman
20. My grandfather is a lover of music.
My grandfather
21. He is a careful driver.
He drives
22. She sings well.

She is
23. All the arrangements have been made.
They .

24. He is the best football player in his team.

No one

25. She plays tennis well.

She is
26. People speak English in Australia.

27. They are building a hospital for the poor.
28. No one has seen her since 1980.
29. He visited his parents last week.
30. We decided to go to Boston.
We had

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Chuangl. DANH Tlf
1. wives 14. women 27. lice 40. feet
2. buses 15. brothers 28. halves 41. boxes
3. keys 16. brushes 29. matches 42. classes
4. ladies 17. torches 30. sheep 43. wishes
5. churches 18. lives 31. knives 44. flies
6. pennie/pence 19. axes 32.bamboos 45. potatoes
7. wolves 20. shirts 33. pianos 46. hankerchiefs
8. towns 21. roofs 34. spies 47. shelves

9. cities 22. thieves 35. scratches 48. cliffs
10. teeth 23. trays 36. proofs 49. geese
11. children 24. loaves 37. asses 50. fish, fishes

12. bees 25. oxen 38. donkeys
13. men 26. mice 39. inches

2. Countable: lesson, hair (sometime an uncountable), dress, hole, shop
Uncountable: air, daytime, dirt, news, darkness, music, sleep, tennis, smoke,
poetry, soup (sometime a countable), cream (sometimes a countable), butter,

1. water 4. clay 7. smoke 10. bananas

2. roads 5. shoes 8. carelessness
3. intelligence 6. brushes 9. qualities

1. noise 6. job 11. Your hair is -it

2. a light 7. experience 12. a piece of advice

3. light 8. any paper 13. stone

4. time 9. doesn’t 14. a paper

5. a wonderfull time 10. very good weather 15. means

1. a paper knife 5. money - lender 9. bedroom
2. wineglass 6. washing - machine 10. coal - miner
3. match - box 7. brick wall
4. writing - desk 8. dinning - room
1. fireman 4. fiancee 7. father - in - law
2. plumber 5. queen(empress) 8. president
3. bride/ wife 6. bachelor 9. duckling
10. paediatrician
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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website chia sẻ đề thi, tài liệu Tiếng Anh hay, mới nhất
1. sister’s house 6. winter’smoming
2. stone’s throw 7. two hours’ clim/few minutes’ res
3. five pence’s worth 8. today’s football results
4. week’s work 9. butcher’s
5. book of mine 10. hour and a halfs discussion.
l.b 2.c 3.a 4.d 5. c
6. a 7.b 8. d 9. c 10. c
11. d 12. a 13. c 14. b 15. d

1 . were 6. is 11. don’t 16. has
2. has 7. are 12. does 17. are
3. work 8. have 13. isn’t 18. isn’t

4. are 9. likes 14. works 19. weren’t

5. wears 10. is 15. is 20. confirms
1. has 6. remember 11. is
2. Are 7. are 12. are
3. think -is 8. is 1 3. has

4. are 9. live 14. is

5. is 10. is 15. has

1. a train station 6. the dining room carpet

2. leather shoes 7. the Marketing Director
3. a five - year - old boy

8. a glass medicine bottle

4. working clothes 9. shoe shops
5. a factory inpector 10. a credit card

1. road accident 5. weather forecast

2. room number 6. newspaper editor

3. seat belt 7. shop window
4. credit card 8. frying pan
1. 450 pages 5. 60 minutes 9. 500- year
2. ten page 6. two - hour 10. five days
3. 20 - pound 7. five courses 11. six- mile
4. 15 minutes 8. two - year 12. 15 - year-old

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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website chia sẻ đề thi, tài liệu Tiếng Anh hay, mới nhất
1. the policeman’s mistake
2. the bottom of the bottle
3. Mr. hill’s daughter
4. the name of this street
5. our neighbors’ gardens
6. Don and Mary’s children
7. Helen’s friend’s wedding
8. the ground floor or the building
9. Mike’s parents’ car

10. the economic policy of the government/ the government’s economic policy
11. the gangters’ money
12. the horse’s tail
13. the house of the people we met in Spain

14. the arm of the chair

15. the monthly meeting of the club/the club’s monthly meeting
16. Last year’s work
17. the death of someone important
18. the middle of the night
19. my sisters’ room

20. the door of the garage

1. The doctor’s dog 11. Jame’s father

2. The ladies bags 12. The boys’ clothes

3. A day’s journey 13. The boy’s coat

4. Aunt Sally’s fan 14. The women’s club

5. Mr. Smith’s and Mr.Jones’s 15. The Commander in- -

books Chiefs orders

16. My sister - in - law’s name

6. My uncle John the

butcher’s shop 17. Keats’ poems
7. The people’s votes 18. My children’s toys
8. A two weeks interval 19. My father’s car
9. The man’s umbrella 20. My parents’ car
10. The men’s clothes

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Chitcmg 2. DAI Tlf
1 . them/they 2. It 3. me 4. her 5. We
6.1 7. It 8. they 9. them/me 10. them
1. It 2. one 3. It 4. it 5. One
6 . ones 7. one 8. It 9. ones 10. It
1 . her/her 2. Hers 3. his 4. Yours/mine 5. yours
6. mine 7. Our/their 8. their/their 9. mine 10. yours

1. their 2. his 3. our 4. mine
5 . Ours/theirs 6. yours/my brother’s 7. their 8. ours
9 . yours/ his sister’s 10. Ours

1 . It’s important to keep it somewhere safe.

2. It takes only one hour to travel from London to Brighton by train.
3 . It’s extremely difficult to understand some parts of King Lear.
4 . It’s clear to everyone but himself that he will fail.
5. It’s won’t be easy to find our way home.
6 . It was my question that made him angry?

7 . It’s good chance to meet each other on this occasion.

8 . Do you think it is difficult to explain to him what happened?
9 . It is thought that he is the best doctor in this city.

10. It’s stupid to fall asleep like that.


1 . myself 2. himself (herself) 3. herself 4. yourself

5. themselves 6. yourself 7. ourselves 8. herself

9 . himself 10. herself/herself


1. b 4. c 7. b 10. c 13. a
2.. a 5. b 8. a 11. c 14. d
3.. a 6. d 9. c 12. b 15. b
1 . whose 2. of which 3. who 4. which 5. which
6., who 7. who 8. that 9. whom 10. that
1. What 2. Whose 3. Who(m) 4. Who 5. Which
6.. Who 7. What 8. What 9. What 10.Whose

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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website chia sẻ đề thi, tài liệu Tiếng Anh hay, mới nhất
1. What is a leaf?
2. Who is that handsome...
3. Who(m) can I give them to?
4. Who(m) are you going to Canada with?
5. What is she like?
6. Whose foot did he jump on?
7. Which cup must I drink out of?
8. What did he open the door with?
9. Who must...?
10.What is Sweden like?

1. every 2. all 3. every 4. all 5. all
6. every 7. every 8. all 9. every 10. all

1. anything 5. anything 9. Anybody
2. somebody-anybody
3. any
h. 6. something 10. somebody-something
7. somebody-anybody 11. Anybody
4. something-something 8. something-anybody 12. some
1. nobody 2. Everyone-no one

3. anything 4. somewhere-someone
5. nothing 6. anything
7. everywhere-nothing 8. nobody

9. something 10. Nobody-anything


1. their 2. his 3. are -

4. Likes they 5. wants - they
6. it 7. have 8. come 9. has - their

1. either -
2. none all 3. both -
4. neither Both 5. none

6. each 7. either 8. neither 9. none - all

10. Both - either - Neither


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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website chia sẻ đề thi, tài liệu Tiếng Anh hay, mới nhất
Chuomg 3. TlNH TIT
1. The marble table ...
2. The man with the gray hair is a history professor
3. The evening lecture on life in Tibet. . .
4. The salesman who waited on you sold a used car..
5. The girl who has the green dress on. . .
6. many books on photography
7. the third examination question. ..
8. The few people who came. . .
9. Those two steel knives that are in the drawer. . .

10. ... many rain clouds ...
1.Each 3. each 5. every 7. every 9. Every

2. Every 4. every 6. Each 8. each 10. Each

l.both 3. either 5. every
2. Neither 4. each/ every 6. Whole
1. little 6. little 11. little 16. much

2. many 7. a little 12. a little 17. many

3. much 8. a few 13. little 18. much/ little
4. many 9. few 14. a few 19. much

5. few 10. little 15. few 20. many/ much


1. a new telephone book 6. her pretty black wool dress

2. several very easy English books 7. their children’s first two names

3. a very pretty green suit 8. These five new one-dollar bills


4. some very old Spanish pictures 9. a young American student

5. those two blue silk dresses 10. Her daughter’s first two names
1. On the whole I thought Gulftown was a nice place.
2. Our apartment by the water was really big.
3. The weather was much better than usual.
4. We were only a short distance from the beach.
5. The view from our balcony was absolutely magnificent.
6. If possible, I’d like to go there again some time.
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7. People could swim in the sea because it was so warm.
8. Although expensive, the holiday was definitely worth it.
1. central 4. primary 7. total
2. similar 5. healthy 8. a living
3. embarrassed 6. satisfied
1. present time 2. anyone famous
3. involved instructions 4. company concerned
5. people present 6. something different

7. man responsible 8. people involved
1. It’s a large green bath towel.
2. It’s an inexpensive smoke alarm.

3. It’s a stylish aluminium garden chair.

4. It’s a small circular wall mirror.
5. It’s a blue polyester sleeping bag.
6. It’s a large wood-effect storage cupboard.
7. It’s a traditional American cowboy hat.
8. It’s a two-kilowatt oil-filled electric radiator.

9. It’s a useful folding guest bed.

10. It’s a new light grey computer workstation.

1. The work we do is very tiring.

2. I couldn’t fmd anything nice in the shops.

4. The nights are very cold.

5. The strong have a duty to care for the weak.

7. The view was very nice/absolutely magnificent.

9. I’ve got a brother (who is) good at tennis.

10. The child leads a rather lonely existence.

11. It was an expensive Japanese digital camera.
13. The good thing is that we all get on well together.
1. interesting 6. astonishing 11. annoying 16. tiring
2. exciting 7. amused 12. depressed 17. fascinating
3. embarrassing 8. terrifying; shocked 13. exhausting 18. excited
4. embarrassed 9. bored; boring 14. confusing 19. thrilling
5. amazed 10. boring; interesting 15. frightened 20. puzzled
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1. surprised 2. interesting 3. boring 4. excited
5. worried 6. tiring 7. frightened 8. bored
9. tired 10. exciting 11. annoyed 12. frightening
1. covered 2. made 3. minded 4. looking
5. lighted 6. tight 7. free 8. hearted
9. deep 10. witted 11. distance 12. Famous
1. ten-ton 4. 4,000-year-old 7. 2,000-word

2. fifteen-piece 5. one-litre 8. one-egg
3. twelve-man 6. thirty-five-hour 9. five-minute
10. three-course

1. When I was on holiday, it rained the whole week.

2. I’ve lived here most of my life.
3. Your house is bigger than ours.
4. I’ve forgotten the name of my doctor.
5. We’ve had little warning of the changes.
6. So many people have applied for the job.

7. I met an old friend of yours at a party.

8. Neither of the chairs is/are comfortable.

9. Every hotel was full.

10. My holiday starts in ten days’ time.

Chuang 4.TRANG Ttt (ADVERBS)


1. I never watch quiz shows.
2. Someone has just been telling me the news.
3. I usually have to work late.
4. I don’t always get up so early.
5. We have recently moved house.
6. You’ll definitely pass the exam, but I probably won’t.
7. The bus is usually a few minutes late.
8. But I seldom do have a day off.
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9. We’re just getting ready to go out.
10. I’ve been carefully checking all these figures.
1. tomorrow 3. happily/here 5. easily 7. automatically 9. a bit/a lot
2. clearly 4. slowly 6. here 8. much 10. a lot/a bit
1. badly 3. good 5. usually 7. hard 9. lately
2. well 4. hardly 6. well 8. fast 10. early
1. outside your office at 2 pm tomorrow.

2. beautifully in the concert at the Opera house.
3. eagerly every week.
4. always telephones me in the morning.

at this store for three weeks.
6. doesn’t ever travel by plane.
8. h.
never arrives at the meeting on time.
to the library next week.
9. to Japan on Saturday for a week.
10. the garden yesterday.

1. well in yesterday’s game. 5. at a cafe, actually.

2. early most days. 6. soundly the whole time.

3. here soon. 7, thoughtlessly sometimes

4. to a barbecue tomorrow. 8. on time most day, surprisingly

1. daily 3. freely 5. well-dressed 7. well 9. nearly

2. highly 4. good-looking 6. lately 8. hardly 10. most


1. happily 3. long 5. suitably 7. beautifully

2. probably 4. dramatically 6. high
1. I’ll soon he on holiday.
2. I’ve just been looking at them.
3. I’ve finally made up my mind.
4. She now sends all her time on the golf course.
5. I immediately rang the fire brigade.

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1. still, long 3. no longer, already, after
2. yet, yet, long, already 4. any longer, still, still, afterwards, far
1. The old man doesn’t often go out of the house.
2. I’m always pleased to see you.
3. We normally/ usually/generally go into town on the bus.
4. You can sometimes/occasionally get nice things really cheap in the market.
5. I’ve often/frequently stayed late at the office.
6. The work I do is never boring.

7. We don’t often see policemen on the streets./We don’t see policemen on the
streets very often.
8. The program sometimes/occasionally doesn’t work properly.

1. buys a newspaper every day.

2. seldom goes to the theatre.
3. has often thought about emigrating.
4. cooks a meal most evenings.
5. will never/won’t ever get married.

1. But they’re fairly similar.

2. It matters a lot

3. This one is easily the best.

4. He behaved extremely impolitely.

5. I’m half convinced by your arguments.

6. Are you really running a dating agency?
7. He isn’t very old.

8. I feet much happier now.


9. We enjoyed it very much

10. I’m not at all cold./I’m not cold at all.
11. She’s rather nice.
12. Is it any better than the old one?
1 . 1 had quite an argument with him.
2. She’s got such a nice personality.
3. He’s a bit of an idiot.
4. There’s too small a space.
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5. We’ve got a fairly strong team.
6. It’s rather a difficult question.
7. It’s quite a big job.
8. We’ve walked quite a long way.
9. I haven’t seen you for such a long time.
10. I couldn’t do as good a drawing as that.
1. terribly 5. publicly 8. securely
2. angrily 6. enthusiastically 9. unexpectedly
3. happily 7. reasonably 10. Well

4. automatically
1. has she travelled more than fifty miles from her village.
did he think about having a holiday abroad.

3. had he started driving his new car when he had an accident.
did I realize how dangerous the situation had been.
does he pay in an orchestra.
6. would he be allowed to set foot in their house.
7. are the designs reproducted exactly as illutrated.
8. will Miss Rose be offered the job.

9. have I heard such nonsense.

10. ... had we walked in the door than the phone rang.
11. ... should a doctor break his confidence.

12. ... was Tom late, but he had left all his books behind.
13. .... you need any help, just call.

14. .... ran a small stream.

15. .... was I show how to operate the machine.


1. as much as 5. as fast as 9. as long as
2. as comfortable as 6. as often as 10. as expensive as
3. as quietly as 7. as well as 11. as soon as
4. as quickly as 8. as exciting as 12. as strong as

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1. faster 2. more colourful 3. better 4. prettier
5. the better 6. less impressive 7. much 8. more famous
9. taller 10. older 11. easier 12. More
13. better 14. worse 15. more
1. the youngest 2. better 3. as expensive
4. the cheapest 5. more slowly 6. farther/further
7. the worst 8. the most boring 9. more beautifully
10. less angry 11. more comfortable 12. more quickly, faster

1. harder and harder 7. more and more nervous
2. more and more confused 8. worse and worse
3. more and more difficult 9. better and better

4. more and more complicated 10. heavier and heavier
5. more and more
6. longer and longer
h. 11. more and more expensive
12. bigger and bigger
1. as 2. more 3. as 4. more
5. as 6. more 7. more 8. than

9. than 10. less 11. than 12. than

13. more 14. as 15. less

1. The more... the more 2. The more difficult it is, the harder
3. than you 4. tougher than

5. the most 6. by far the best

7. much/far/a lot taller 8. like the one

9. as mine 10. as beautiful as

11. like her mother 12. the same price as

13. as intelligent as 14. style as Bob’s

15. colour as mine
1. Peter can’t run as fast as Jill (can).
2. This journey didn’t last as long as I thought it would.
3. I arrived later than I expected.
4. You’ll have to work harder/faster.
5. 1 have an elder/older brother.
6. Martin didn’t think the first part of the film was as interesting.
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7. Paul has been working less carefully than before.
8. This is the earliest train.
9. This cafe is the nearest.
10. Can’t you offer a better price?
1.C2.B 3. A 4. D 5. D 6C 7.B 8. A 9. C 10. B
1. better 2. most 3. latest 4. happier 5. deeper
6. hottest 7. better 8. further 9. best 10. worst

1. I’ve never eaten a better meal.
2. Fish costs just as much as meat in some countries.
3. I’ve never had such a good time.
4. The more you run, the fitter you will get.

5. Wednesday is the earliest the doctor can see you, I’m afraid.

6. 1 must have a rest, I can’t go (on) any further.
7. Home computers aren’t as expensive as they used to be.
8. Sue knows more Italian than I do.
9. Learning to drive isn’t as difficult as/is easier than I thought it would be.
10. John isn’t a better skater than Barbara.

1. the nicest room 9. the most carefully of
2. the most beautiful girl 10. the best players in

3. the happiest day of 11. the most famous teams in

4. the most intelligent student in 12. the quickest of

5. the most boring speech 13. the worst expriences of

6. the largest company in 14. the most valuable painting in

7. the wettest month of 15. the busiest time of

8. the most delicious meal

1. This hotel is the most expensive.
2. The sun is hotter than the moon.
3. You are more patient than I am/me.
4. The table/ the desk is as big as the desk/the table.
5. Prices just get higher and higher.
6. The skirt is more expensive than the dress.
7. This crossword is the least difficult.
8. They were getting more and more excited
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9. It’s the most romatic story I’ve ever read.
10. A bus is less expensive than a taxi.
1. cost less than mine 6. isn’t/wasn’t as good as
2. are better as maths than 7. driven along such a bumpy
3. is a little taller than 8. more you eat, the fatter
4. was growing angrier and 9. was the best he could
5. did her 10. was just as difficult as
1. than me/ 1 am 5. than her/ than she is

2. than him/ than he does 6. as them/ as they have been
3. as me/ as I do 7. as you/ as you do
4. than us/ than we were 8. than me/ 1 did

1. Their children don’t behave as well as ours do.

2. Our garden isn’t as large as theirs.
3. He earns as much in a week as I do in a month.
4. The food they served wasn’t as nice as I expected it to be.
5. I didn’t have as much champagne as Henry.
6. They party didn’t go on as long as I thought it would.

7. There weren’t as many people at the party as he anticipated.

8. Sheila didn’t behave as dreadfully as she usually does.

9. She didn’t wear as much jewelry as she usually does.

10. I don’t see as much of her as I used to.

Chucmg 6. DONG Ttl (VERBS)


trans = transitive; int = intransitive; inf infinitive; part = participle; ger =
1. cleaning: trans, ger
2. talk: int, inf
3. mind: trans, inf; turning: int, ger
4. finish: trans, inf
5. working: int, ger; getting: int, present part
6. cleaning: trans, ger
7. studying: int, present part; do: int, inf
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8. written: trans, past part
9. dismiss: trans, inf
10. swim: int, inf
1. must 6. Can/Will/Could/Would (.. .please)
2. can; can’t 7. Does
3. Would/Could/WilVCan 8. shouldn’t
4. Is 9. should
5. shouldn’t/mustn’t 10. can’t; can
1. weren’t able to 2. is able to

3. was able to 4. Are you able to
5. was able to 6. am not able to
7. wasn’t able to 8. Aren’t you able to

9. are able to 10. Weren’t the students able to
1. mustn’t
3. doesn’t have toh. 2. must/ mustn’t
4. mustn’t
5. don’t have to 6. don’t have to
7. don’t have to 8. don’t have to
9. mustn’t 10. mustn’t

1. ... should take an aspirin.
2. ... should look for another job.

3. ... should go away for a few days.

4. ... shouldn’t use her car so much.

5. ... should put some pictures on the walls.

6. ... shouldn’t drive so fast

7. ... shouldn’t go to bed so late.

8. ... should take a photograph.

1. Could I possibly leave the office an hour earlier than usual?
2. You couldn’t possibly lend me your guitar for the evening, could you?
3. I was wondering if you could help me carry a cupboard upstairs?
4. Could you move your car?
5. I was wondering if we could leave early today.
6. Do you think you could do some shopping for me if you have some time?
7. Do you think I could look at your newspaper?
8. I couldn’t possibly use your phone, could I?
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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website chia sẻ đề thi, tài liệu Tiếng Anh hay, mới nhất
9. Could you possibly give me a lift into town?
10. Could I have the bill ready by 11 am?
1. She may be ill.
2. Her train may be late.
3. She may not know the way.
4. She might think it’s on another day.
5. There may be a traffic jam.
6. She may feel the salary is low.
7. She might not want the job after all.
8. She may not be feeling well today.

9. She might have a good reason.
1. The key must be returned after use.

2. Books mustn’t be kept for more than two weeks.
3. This computer mustn’t be used by students.

All lights must be turned off by midnight.
5. Bags must be left with the librarian.
6. Copies mustn’t be made without permission.
7. This door mustn’t be left open.

1. I’ll phone you next week.

2. At the age of nine he still couldn’t read.
3. We must leave on time tomorrow morning.

4. Can you come with me tonight?

5. You shouldn’t work so hard.

6. They might/could be here soon.

7. Shall we go and see a film tonight?

8. He won’t give me answers.

9. May/Can I smoke in here?

10. You mustn’t tell him any of this . . .

1. used to dream 9. used to live
2. am not used to speaking 10. am not used to eating
3. get used to living 11. used to have
4. used to stop 12. used to be
5. use to work 13. didn’t use to have - used to be
6. am not used to drinking 14. get used to living
7. has got used to being 15. aren’t used to driving
8. used to have
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1. buying 2. to go 3. to rent 4. driving/talking 5. to turn
6. being' 7. to give 8. playing 9. cleaning 10. drink
1. to buy 2. to arrive 3. moving 4. to feed 5. to take
6. to go fishing 7. to meet 8. jogging 9. to arrive 10. to give
1. to have started 2. to be know 3. having been greeted
4. to have been raised 5. to be restricted 6. being permitted
7. having suffered 8. hacking

1. ask me to leave 2. Taking
3. Try not to keep interrupting 4. my interrupting
5. seems to have left 6. used to driving
7. not let their children watch 8. losing

9. to learn 10. to be standing

11. telling 12. going
l.D 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. D
6. A 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. D
l.C 2.B 3. A 4. B 5.C

6. A 7. A 8. B 9. D 10.A
11. D 12. B 13. C 14. C 15. D
16.D 17. B 18. B 19. D 20. D

Chuong 7. Glfll Ttl (PREPOSITIONS)


1. to, off 5. in, on 8. in, at

2. between, opposite 6. against, in 9. at, in

3. in, in 7. on, over 10. into, onto

4. on, near
1, at 7. in 13. at 19. beside/next to, on, on
2. at 8. in 14. in, in 20. on, opposite
3. on 9. on 15. on 21. on, in, above, under
4. at 10. at 16. on 22. in, between
5. in 11. at 17. under, on 23. behind
6. in 12. on 18. in/among 24. below, above
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1. on 5. on 9. in 13. at, in 17. in, for
2. at 6. at 10. on 14. on 18. at, till
3. in 7. in 11. in, till 15. at, in 19. in, in, at, in
4. in 8. at 12. during 16. in 20. in, in
1. from 5. for 9. at 13. with
2. at 6. for 10. by 14. for, for or about, about
3. by 7. at 11. by/at 15. by, by
4. about 8. about 12. at 16. by
1. with 5. about 9. for 13. by, about

2. at 6. from 10. at, at 14. with
3. for 7. from 11. from 15. from, about
4. from 8. by 12. with 16. from, for

1. off 2. At 3. in 4. out of 5. under

6. by 7. without 8. on 9. to 10. for
1. in bed 2. on time 3. in all 4. out of reach
5. by chance 6. out of doors 7. at present 8. in common
9. on the way 10. on business

1. till 4. throughout 7. from 10. by
2. from 5. until 8. prior to

3. for 6. over 9. during


1. instead of 5. on behalf of 9. Because of

2. Regardless of 6. Apart from 10. According to

3. In cave of 7. As for
4. in favour 8. by means of

1. in two 3. out of work 5. in difficulties 7. in pain
2. without a doubt 4. by sight 6. by heart 8. on sale
1. in 6. since 11. till/until 16. for 21. during
2. on 7. for 12. in 17. at 22. on
3. from 8. on 13. about 18. from 23. in
4. for 9. with 14. for 19. till 24. for
5. in 10. for 15. in 20. at 25. after

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1. at 5. at 9. in 13. in
2. on 6. in 10. on 14. on
3. at 7. at 11. in 15. on
4. on 8. At 12. at 16. on
1. by 2. until/till 3. By the time 4. at
5. by 6. until/till
1. within 2. after 3. afterwards 4. from
5. until/till/to 6. within 7. after

1. up 4. along 7. in 10. onto/off
2. down 5. past 8. At 11. from
3. across 6. into 9. off/onto 12. to

10. on

1. on 4. at 7. along/on
2. by 5. by 8. in/at 11. on
3. on 6. in 9. on 12. by
1. on 4. on 7. By 10. in
2. on 5. on 8. on 11. on

3. by 6. in 9. in
l.C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. A

6. B 7. D 8. D 9. A 10. D

1. out of tune 5. at most 9. in captivity

2. by heart 6. out of order 10. for safe-keeping

3. on the whole 7. on average 11. in charge

4. for a change 8. in common 12. on good terms

1. cause of 6. attitude toftowards 11. invitation to
2. advantage of 7. demand for 12. damage to
3. solution to/for 8. cheque for 13. difficutly with
4. increase in 9. contact with 14. need for
5. difference between 10. reason for 15. connection between
1) excited about the trip to the zoo.

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2) afraid of the dark.
3. bored with the video.
4. interested in computers.
5. surprised at/ by the new.
6. proud of the/ their children.
7. annoyed with her/ the children.
8. satisfied with their pay increase.
9. nervous of speaking in font of the crowd.
10. disappointed with the loss.

1. by 4. like 7. with 10. except
2. with 5. on 8. for 11. without
3. for 6. of 9. as 12. by

1. out of work 3. for sale 5. at the end 7. in time

2. on time 4. on average 6. at last 8. at once
l.d 6. a 11. d 16. d 21. b 26. a
2. c 7. d 12. c 17. b 22. a 27. a
3. b 8. d 13. a 18. a 23. d 28. b

4. c 9. d 14. d 19. b 24. c 29. d

5. b 10. C 15 a 20. d 25. c 30. c

1. with -
11. with for 21. in
12. about 22. to

2. of
3. to - to 13. at/ by 23. of- of
4. with 14. with/ by 24. on

5. with 15. about 25. of


6. to 16. for 26. with

7. about 17. of 27. of
8. of 18. for 28. of
9. about 19. of 29. in
10. for/ about -with 20. of -of 30. of

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Chucmg CUM 8. D0NG
1. wash 2. look 3. set 4. called
5. try 6. fill 7. turned 8. dropped
1. for 2. up 3. against 4. on
5. in 6. across 7. round 8. with
9. into 10. to
1. took off 2. ran into 3. put off 4. thought over 5. went out

6. stood out 7. set out 8. sold out 9. saw to 10. worn out

1. at 2. for 3. to 4. down
5. over 6. for 7. up 8. on
9. up 10. up 11. to 12. out

1. Brian takes after his mother.
2. We’ve run out of food!
3. Mike and Tom don’t get on well with each other.
4. Jean is very good at dealing with people.

5. The handlebars on my bike need seeing to.

6. Julia was very ill, but she’s got over it now.
7. What exactly are you getting at?

8. Paul’d new school didn’t live up to his expectations.


l.C 2. D 3. C 4. C
5. A 6. B 7. D 8. C


1. Jack always turns up late for work.

2. Look up their number in the phone directory.
3. I’m putting money aside to buy a new bike.
4. After a few days the pain in Dave’s leg wore off.
5. I’m afraid the match has been called off.
6. The government refused to give in to the demands of the terrorists.
7. We offered them $250,000 for the house but they turned our offerAumed it
8. We can put you up if you come to Cambridge.
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9. I can’t work out how much the whole trip will cost.
10. A large silver limousine drew up outside the house.
1. Sorry, but I haven’t got round to fixing your bike yet.
2. Oh bother, we have run out of milk.
3. It took me a long time to get over my illness.
4. Julie must have grown out of biting her nails.
5. I think we’ve come up with an answer to the problem.
6. I don’t think I feel up to playing football today.
7. Ann is someone I really look up to.
8. 1 must see about having the kitchen painted.
9. Please help me. I’m counting on you.

10. Peter takes after his father.
1. made up 2. broke down 3. sent for 4. blew up

5. cut off 6. carried on 7. brought up 8. did without

9. left out 10. help up 11. fell for 12. hung up
l.B 6. C 11. D 16. A 21. C
2. A 7. A 12. A 17. B 22. A
3. C 8. D 13. B 18. B 23. B
4. D 9. B 14. C 19. C 24. D

5.B 10. C 15. D 20. D 25. C


Chuang 9. LlfiN Ttr(CONJlJNTIONS)



1. but 2. Unless 3. that 4. till (until)

5. until (before) 6. (al)though 7. if 8. unless

9. because 10. or
1. My brother is well but my sister is ill./Though my brother is well, my sister
is ill.
2. He sells mangoes and oranges/as well as oranges.
3. He did not succeed though he worked hard/He worked hard but he did not
4. Tom and Mary played well./Both Tom and Mary played welLATom as well
as Mary played well.
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5. I honour him, because/as/since he is a brave man.
6. You may go but I will stay.
7. Tom reads for pleasure; but Mary (reads) for profit.
8. We decided to set out, though it was late.
9. He is rich but not happy/Though he is rich, he is not happy.
10. He must be tired, because (as,since) he was waslked twelve miles.
1. 1 was raining and I felt cold so I went indoors.
2. He loves her and she loves him, so they are getting married.
3. 1 can paint the lounge or (I can) clear the fridge, but I can’t do both.
4. Mr Downes seemed poor, but in fact he had a lot of money.

5. Tim is sleeping, so you can’t speak to him at the moment.
6. The postman banged the gate and shouted at Lulu, so she bit him.
7. My mother wanted me to become a doctor but I didn’t.
8. Nick didn’t understand the lesson, so he couldn’t do the homework.

9. A bee flew into the classroom this morning and (it) stung me.

10. You mustn’t out this in the washing machine, you must wash it by hand or
(you must) dry-clean it,
11. We lay in the sun and we got hot, so we swam and we cooled off.
12. Louis broke her watch, so she borrowed mine.
13. We might go to Spain or France.
14. Mike could speak French and Spainish, but he couldn’t write them.

15. We went to the museum but it was closed, so we went to the cinema.
1. so that 2. Although 3. in order to 4. because 5. but

6. if 7. so 8. unless 9. in spite of 10. In case


1. I’ll love you until I die.
2. I must get to the post office before it closes.

3. My leg hurts when I walk.

4. Mark heard the news on the radio while he was driving home.

5. We’re going to tidy up after everyone’s gone.

6. It started to rain as soon as she had left.
7. You have to wait until the light changes to green.
8. I’ve been sad since you left me.
9. Think of me while I’m away.
10. Come back before I forget you.
1. before 2. while 3. as if 4. since 5. when
6. since 7. until 8. after 9. when 10. as soon as
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1. after 2. as soon as 3. to 4. since
5. but 6. so that 7. because 8. in case
9. until 10. although 11. if 12. so
13. in spite of
1. As a result 2. Furthermore
3. however 4. In other words
5. On the contrary 6. After all
7. for example

1. Mary came to class late because her motorbike had a puncture.
2. Although Nick used to smoke, he seems to be in good health.
3. No one thought our team would win the championship, but we won by a

large margin.

4. He was standing in the shadow, so I couldn’t see his face clearly.
5. We couldn’t get tickets in spite of queuing for an hour.
6. Both Tom and Ann were late.
7. You won’t learn to use a keyboard properly unless you practice.
8. The man spoke very slowly so that I could understand what he said.

9. We can leave either today or tomorrow.

10. You can use my car as long as you drive carefully.

Chuang 10. ARTICLES (MAO T(j)


1. A/a 2. the/the 3. the/ the 4. a/the

5. a/nil/a 6. the/nil 7. nil/a 8. The/the/the

9. nil/nil/nil 10. nil/the 11. the 12. the/an
13. nil/nil/nil 14. The/the/nil 15. the/nil 16. a/an
17. a/an/the 18. nil/the/nil 19. nil/an/nil 20. nil/the
21. nil/the/nil 22. nil/nil 23. nil/nil/nil 24. The/a/the
25. a/nil/a/nil 26. nil/the 27. the/the/a/nil 28. nil/the/nil
29. nil/nil/nil 30. nil/nil/the/a/the 31. nil/nil 32. a/a/a
33. a/a 34. nil/an 35. the/the
nil: kh6ng dhng mao tur
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1. Language 2. experience 3. an iron 4. Play
5. a tin 6. work 7. Charity 8. a beauty
9. law 10. a speech
l)-the d) 2) - the e) 3)-i) 4) - the j)
5)-h) 6) -the b) 7) - the a) 8) - the g)
9)-c) 10) -f)
1. the 2. the - the 3.0
4. The 5.0 6. the

7. the - the - 0 8. The 9. the - the
10. 0 - 0 - the

1. A 6. the 11. the 16. the 21. the
2. a 7. the 12. the 17. a 22. the
3. a
4. a
8. a
9. the
h. 13. a
14. The
18. the
19. the
23. the
24. The
5. The 10. The 15. the 20. an
1. at the shop 6. to school 11. at college

2. in town 7. to church 12. in the factory

3. at home 8. to work 13. to the pub
4. in bed 9. to the library 14. at sea

5. in (the) hospital - 10. in prison 15. to the cinema

to the hospital

1. the football - television - football - the news - the radio

2. dogs -the dogs

3. cars - pollution - cars - aeroplanes - the pollution - the atmosphere

4. the birds - birds - wildlife

5. sports - basketball - skiing
6. music - The music
7. breakfast - breakfast
8. Thanksgiving - November - Christmas
9. the rich - the poor - the unemployment
10. history - the history - museums - old buildings
11. the guitar - the piano
12. the telescope - the telescope - astronomy
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1. the British Museum
2. Waterloo Station
3. The Thames
4. The Grand Hotel - Baker Street
5. Harrison’s
6. Hyde Park
7. IBM - British Telecom
8. The Houses of Parliament
9. Buckingham Palace

10. Everest
11. the State - New York
12. The Statue of Liberty - New York harbour
13. West London

14. Cambridge University

15. the Metropolitan Museum of Art - Broadway - Macy’s department store
1.0 2.0 3. the 4. the
5.0 6. The/ 0 7. an 8. a
9. the 10. the 11.0/ the 12.0

13. a 14. a 15.0 16. the

17.0 18. the 19.0 20.0

1-a 2-a 3 - the 4- the

5-0 6 -the 7-0 8 - the

9 - the 10-a 11 -The 12 -the

13 -the 14 -the 15 -The 16-0

17 - the 18 -the

1 - the 2-0 3 -the 4- the
5 -the 6-0 7-0 8-0
9-0 10-0 11 -The 12 -the
13-0 14 -the 15 - the 16 -the
17 - the 18 -the 19-0 20 - the

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1C 11C 21 D 31 B 41 C
2C 12 D 22 B 32 D 42 A
3B 13 B 23 A 33 C 43 B
4B 14 D 24 B 34 C 44 A
5C 15 B 25 A 35 D 45 A
6D 16 C 26 B 36 A 46 D
7B 17 C 27 A 37 C 47 C
8B 18 A 28 A 38 C 48 C
9C 19 B 29 C 39 D 49 B
50 D
10 A 20 D 30 C 40 C

Chumg 11. THi (TENSES)

1. is watching / is reading / is doing / is playing

2. goes / does not go / likes / prefers
3. go / am going / takes / costs
4. is taking / is coming
5. lives / come / see / does not bother / knocks
6. are watching / are enjoying (enjoy diSn ta h&nh d6ng dang xem m6t edeh
thfch thu)/ do not understand.

7. is putting / sees / hates

8. speak /come
9. is making / makes

10. does / am doing


1. see 6. smell 11. looks

2. taste 7. don't know 12. is listening

3. Are you enjoying 8. are you feeling 13. aren't looking

4. are you thinking 9. are you smelling 14. weighs

5. has 10. comes 15. is being

L are you doing 7. appears 13. 'm seeing
2. 'm looking 8. is thinking 14. is taking
3. think 9. is 15. is being
4. looks 10. looks 16. wants
5. doesn't fit 11. weighs 17. see
6. agree 12. hope

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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website chia sẻ đề thi, tài liệu Tiếng Anh hay, mới nhất
1. was she doing / arrived / was writing
2. was having (had) / was getting (got)
3. began / was studying
4. heard / got / left
5. asked /saw
6. was leaving / stopped
7. was crossing / raced
8. were just leaving / rang
9. heard /sent
10. went / were sleeping / looked / decided
11. arrived / was cleaning (cleaned)
12. worked / was studying
13. was writing /fell
o m
14. suggested / were fighting
15. was just closing noticed
. c
16. were fighting / ordered
17. was coming / saw / was climbing
18. was working / opened
n h
19. opened / saw
20. struck/ were sheltering / had / were / came.
1. have worked
4. have looked g 7. has learned

it e
2. have lived 5. has happened 8. has stopped
3. Have you been 6. has cooked 9. have cooked
10. has burnt
1. has taught
6. am / have forgotten
2. think / is knocking 7. is sitting
3. pays 8. has worked

t h
4. has studied (6 months now- 6 months
up to now)
5. rains
9. has done
10. have made

l.B 3. C 5. B 7. C 9. B
2. B 4. D 6. A 8. D 10. D
1. have not seen

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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website chia sẻ đề thi, tài liệu Tiếng Anh hay, mới nhất
2. have done
3. has not been / have waited (have been waiting)
4. have tried (have been trying) / have not succeeded
5. have lived (have been living) / have just decided
6. have already drunk / sat (have been sitting)
7. have waited (have been waiting) / has not come
8. has rested (has been resting) / has been
9. H. long have you learned (H. long have you been learning)
10. has slept (has been sleeping)
1. did (had done) 6. had gone / had lost

2. had done 7. died / had been
3. was 8. had not seen
4. sat / rested 9. had learned
5. had gone / wanted 10. found / had been damaged


1. told / had given 6. had been attacked
2. was / had had 7. had / had spent
3. came / had planted 8. had made / was considered
4. was 9. wanted / had arrived
5. had been / came 10. had been treated / resigned

1. A 3. C 5. C 7. B 9. C
2. A 4. A 6. C 8. D 10. A

1. will have written 6. will have stopped

2. will have left 7. will have travelled

3. will have met 8. shall/will have been working

4. will have finished 9. shall have finished

5. will have started 10. wil have been staying

1-D 3. B 5. D 7. D 9. B
2. D 4. D 6. C 8. C 10. C

1. Have you been, couldn't, broke, had
2. Have you visited, have been, haven't seen
3. have burnt, phoned, forgot, have already eaten
4. bought, arrived, found, did you do, Have you taken/Did you take, haven't been
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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website chia sẻ đề thi, tài liệu Tiếng Anh hay, mới nhất
5. has grown, saw, wanted, was.
6. have never flown, felt, flew, enjoyed
7. have lost, Have you seen, did you put, put
8. Have you ever met, 've spoken, saw
9. did you go, Have you been, went, swam
10. have just started, left, didn’t pay
11. did you leave, left, finished, have had
12. Did you see, have seen, didn’t want.
1. got up 8. went 15. happened
2. went 9. found 16. had left

3. opened 10. had forgotten 17. had gone
4. found 11. was 18. was
5. had drunk 12. scraped 19. had used
6. had 13. got 20. had been/was

7. got 14. turned 21. had forgotten

22. headed
1. haven’t heard 7. went 13. 'mcalling
2. have you been 8. was 14. need
3. started 9. did you stay 15. told

4. am 10. stayed 16. thought

5. 'm enjoying/enjoy 11. pays 17. do you think
6. sends 12. is 18, do I start

1. was washing, rang 6. sang, ate

2. did you feel 7. fell, happened

3. got, received 8. was washing-up, broke

4. went swimming 9. see, missed

5. bit, screamed 10. were you doing, phoned

1. while 6. ago
2. Last week 7. when
3. when 8. in
4. at 9. When
5. While 10. ago
1 . When we had eaten lunch, we sat in the garden.

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2. While I was looking for my keys, I remembered fd left them at home.
3. Anna used to play badminton when she was at school.
4. When I got into bed, I fell asleep immediately.
5. When I finallv/’d finally found the house, I knocked at the door.
6. After Jill gave/had given Nick his books, she went home.
7. Maria used to live/lived in Sweden when she was a child.
8. 1 used to get UP early when I went sailing.
9. The Vikings sailed to North America a thousand years ago.
10. Juliet was sure she'd seen me tall man before.
1. since 3. ever 5. yet 7. never 9. often

2. always 4. just 6. for 8. So far 10. already
1. 've worked here 6. haven't finished
2. haven’t been/Ve never been 7. you been

3. My pen has 8. 've left

4. have left 9. haven't spoken
5. 've just seen 10. Anna/she woken
1. was trying, stopped,
2. offered

3. paid, had phoned

4. was not wearing, didn't notice, was driving
4. lay, were feeding

5. admitted, had hit, hadn't damaged

6. wasn’t listening, was thinking

7. felt/was feeling, finished/had finished, fell

8. got, had disappeared
9. phoned, didn’t answe, were you doing

10. didn’t go, was raining


1. for 3. recently 5. before 7. last night 9. since
2. since 4. today 6. since 8. for ages 10. how long
1. has been learning
2. since I went to
3. Mary has become
4. been here since
5. time I have been

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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website chia sẻ đề thi, tài liệu Tiếng Anh hay, mới nhất
6. did Helen and Robert get
7. been wearing those trousers for
8. haven't spoken for a
9. already had something to
10. haven't played water-polo/have never played water-polo
1. This flower smells wonderful.
2. 1 think you are being very silly.
3. She is having a baby in the summer.
4. Nancy is thinking of moving to Scotland.
5. They are having a meeting.

6. 1 am seeing Janet this evening actually.
7. Good clothes cost more and more.
8. 1 am tasting the soup to see if it needs more salt.
9. Helen is having a bath at the moment.

10. 1 feel that you would be happier in another job.

1. loves 8. was standing
2. saw 9. had been waiting
3. thought 10. saw
4. goes 11. didn't stop
12. were wearing

5. writes down
6. has been doing 13. had passed
7. had collected 14. had crashed


1. was walking 13. turned

2. had been 14. (had) stopped
3. were 15. started

4. was raining 16. began/was beginning

5. was looking forward 17. were getting

6. had been talking 18. felt

7. had escaped 19. screamed
8. had offered 20. had been
9. lived 21. had decided
10. (had) told 22. couldn't
11. heard 23. had already fainted
12. stopped

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1. year 11. take
2. at 12. reached (arrive in/at, get to)
3. has been collecting 13. couldn’t
4. buying 14. At
5. has found 15. into
6. too 16. look
7. because 17. its
8. across 18. that
9. ever 19. entered
10. in 20. to

1. '11 meet 9. 'll get on
2. arrives 10. miss
3. 'll give 11. '11 have to
4. 'll recognise 12. reaches

5. doesn't say 13. 'll meet

6. 'll know 14. 'll get
7. '11 take 15. drives
8. comes 16. '11 call
1. sat 11. suddenly realised

2. read 12. had stopped

3. was wondering 13. was opening
4. noticed 14. opened

5. began 15. called

6. went 16. pushed
7. Do you go 17. was waiting

8. have you been putting off 18. shouted

9. was saying 19. Have you ever done

10. will hurt/is going to hurt 20. hates


l.B 4. A 7. D 10. C 13. C

2. D 5. C 8. C 11. B 14. A
3. A 6. B 9. A 12. D 15. C
l.C 6. B 11. D 16. C 21. A
2. C 7. A 12. A 17. C 22. A
3. D 8. D 13. D 18. D 23. B
4. A 9. C 14. D 19. B 24. C
5. B 10. A 15. B 20. A 25. B
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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website chia sẻ đề thi, tài liệu Tiếng Anh hay, mới nhất
1. will rain 9. would end 17. has lived
2. would get 10. built 18. had helped
3. had lost 11. will take 19. has just said
4. would come 12. is. writing 20. would capture
5. is 13. w'as 21. will introduce
6. has 14. is; 22. has made
7. was - turned 15. haid made 23. wouldn't do
8. had locked 16. haive taken 24. has never seen
25. is

1. D 3. B 5. B 7. A 9. B
2. B 4. A 6. D 8. B 10. D

1. are you going to do 5. does, start 9. Are you doing/Will you be doing
2. am going to try
3. am going
h. begins
am going
10. will feel
11. is going to be
4. won’t be able 8. Will, be 12. ’ll have
1. lost, ’ve just lost 4. Have you seen, left 7. hope, ’ve cooked

2. work, ’ve decided 5, had, caught 8. have taken up

3. ’ve been, ’ve come 6. 've never eaten, ate 9. reached, weren't
10. has had, 's gone


1. Have you seen

2. has been washing
3. use

4. is
5. have been living/ have lived

6. have never seen

7. have washed
8. make
9. are always making (repeated action showing annoyance)
10. are always drinking (annoyance)
11. are you going
12. am seeing (= am visiting)

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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website chia sẻ đề thi, tài liệu Tiếng Anh hay, mới nhất
1. see; will tell 13. went
2. get, will phone 14. go
3. will go, do 15. was making
4. will wait, stops/has stopped 16. hasn’t been - broke
5. will get, opens 17. will have already left
6. take/have taken, will feel 18. had already opened
7. finish/have finished 19. see
8. will let, hear 20. live
9. paint, will have 21. saw
10. will climb, gets/ has got 22. has gone
11. will have 23. was

12. left 24. had gone
25. changes

1. went 11. had just left/ were just leaving

2. had just left 12. rang
3. had been studying/had studied 13. ran
4. felt 14. had stopped
5. wanted 15. reached
6. looked 16. arrived
7. had been reading 17. sat

8. found 18. had just made

9. were 19. had got up
10. arrived

1. had been cooking 8. had left

2. had burnt 9. had been raining

3. had visited 10. had got

4. (had) met 11. had been

5. had happened 12. had been looking after

6. had been playing 13. had been doing

7. had left
1. had always wanted 7. decided
2. was 8. had been
3. had told 9. lived
4. was 10. arrived
5. left 11. was sitting
6. was offered 12. reading
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13. looked up 18. shouted
14. appoached 19. told
15. explained 20. arrived
16. listened 21. was
17. came out 22. had happened
1 . will have heard , see
2. ’ll have finished , 'll give
3. will be , get in , ’ll have been running around
4. will have been , ’ll win
5. won't have got , ’ll probably get back

6. ’ll have finished , comes , 'll move in
7. '11 be , see , ’ll have been workimg
8 come , ’ll have seen , ’ll love
9 will have gone , ’ll be


1. sat 13. had thought 25. had gone in
2. felt 14. had imagined 26. came out
3. didn't know 15. was 27. smiled
4. had gone in 16. couldn’t remember 28. hated
5. had been 17. had planned 29. appeared

6. had looked 18. almost decided 30. wished

7. went in 19. had to do 31. had gone
8. felt 20. had spent 32. got up
9. had already got 21. couldn’t give up 33. wondered

10. was 22. were 34. looked

11. wanted 23. felt 35. felt

12. meant 24. opened


l.C 6. C 11. D 16. C 21. B 26. C

2. A 7. B 12. B 17. D 22. B 27. C

3. B 8. C 13. B 18. D 23. A 28. D

4. B 9. B 14. B 19. A 24. D 29. C
5. C 10. C 15. D 20. C 25. B 30. B

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1. so that 5. for
2. to 6. couldn’t/wouldn't
3. in order to 7. can
4. dressed, could/would 8. could
1. Rachel turned on the TV so that she could watch the news.
2. ni post the card today in order that it gets/ will get there on Daniel's birthday.

3. Please turn down the radio so that I can get to sleep.
4. She locked the door in order that she wouldn’t be disturbed.
5. I gave her my address so that she could contact me.
6. I'm going to cash a check in order that I will have enough money to go


7. Please arrive early so that we can start the meeting on time.
8. 1 slowed down in order that the car behind could overtake.
9. Jackson is planning to take a semester off so that he will travel/ travels in
10. The man spoke very slowly so that I could/ would understand what he said.
11. 1 whispered in order that nobody else could/ would hear our conversation.

12. I'll give you a map so that you can/ will find the way all right.
13. Please be quiet so that I can hear what Sharon is saying.
14. The little boy pretended to be sick in order that he would/ could stay home

from school.
15. 1 turned off the TV in order that my roommate could study in peace and quiet.

1. 1 went to the shops for some eggs.

2. Nicola came here to have a meeting with the director.

3. We went on holiday for a rest.

4. Mike plays chess to relax.

5. 1 opened the window for some air.
6. Cristina went shopping for some new clothes.
7. 1 went to a private school to learn English.
8. Sam went to a specialist for treatment.
1. left work early, he could go
2. was rebuilt, make it
3. gave Jack her phone number, he could/would call
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4. put on some suntan oil, I don't/won't get
5. hid the presents, nobody woiuld/could see
6. had the party in a large hall, people would/could
7. arrived early, he could/would get
8. changed seats in the cinema., I could see
9. some sandwiches, wouldn’t feel hungry
10. wore a funny hat, his friends would notice
1. Melanie was hurrying so that she wouldn't miss her bus.
2. Ali borrowed an eraser to erase a mistake in his composition.
3. Most people work in order tihat they earn/ will earn money.

4. 1 wish we had a garden so that the children could/ would play in.
5. She is learning English in order to study in the United States.
6. The staff are working at weekends in order that they won't delay the project
any further.

7. Can we stop so that I can buy a newspaper?
8. We moved to London so as to visit our parents more often.

9. We're having to borrow money so that we can/will pay our bills.
10. 1 left the door open for Harry to get in.
11. I'm going to be very carefuil in order not to have an accident.
12. The government took these measures so that they could reduce crime.
13. He wore glasses and false beard in order not to be recognized.

14. 1 lowered the volume on the TV set so that it wouldn't disturb my neighbors.
15. Yesterday I took my umbrella so as not to get wet.

1. Dona is learning English to get a better job.

2. Claude studies encyclopedias so that he can answer quiz questions.

3. Vicky is saving up for a holiday.

4. Nick keeps a dog to guard tlhe house.

5. Olivia booked a babysitter so that she could go out for the evening.
6. Jessica is going on a diet int order to lose weight,

7. Trevor often switches off the heating to save money.

8. Sarah had to go to Birminglham for a business meeting.
9. Emma wore boots so that her feet wouldn't get wet.
10. I'm saving my money in order to travel in Europe next summer.

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1. old enough to get married 6. enough energy to play
2. too busy to talk 7. too far away to hear
3. too late to go 8. enough English to read
4. warm enough to sit 9. too big to put
5. too nice to be 10. enough qualifications
1. The food was too hot (for us) to eat.
2. 1 didn't have enough money for a taxi.
3. Sarah is too busy to take a day off.

4. It's too wet for a picnic./ It's too wet to have a picnic.
5. The piano was too heavy to move.
6. This coat isn’t warm enough to wear in winter.
7. 1 haven’t got enough chairs for all my guests.

8. The situation is too complicated to explain.
9. This sofa isn’t wide enough for three people to sit on.

10. 1 had too much equipment to carry.
11. The wall was too high to climb over.
12. Natasha is good enough to be a professional musician.
13. This river isn’t clean enough to swim in.
14. Some things are too small to see without a microscope.
15. He wasn't experienced enough to get the job.

1. such 6. so 11. so
2. so 7. so 12. so -such

3. such 8. such 13. so

4. such 9. so 14. such a

5. So 10. such 15. so


1. The weather was so hot (that) you could fry egg on the sidewalk.
2. She talked so fast (that) I couldn't understand her.

3. Grandpa held me so tighly (that) I couldn't breathe for a moment.

4. There were so few people at the meeting (that) it was canceled.
5. Ted was worried about the exam (that) he couldn't get to sleep last night.
6. Jerry got so angry (that) he put his fist through the wall.
7. 1 have so many problems (that) I can use all the help ycu can give me.
8. His handwriting is so illegible (that) I can’t figure out what this sentence says.
9. There was so little traffic (that) it took us only ten minutes to get there.
10. There were so many people came to the meeting (that) there weren't enough
seats for everyone.

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1. It was such a nice day (that) we took a walk.
2. It was such an expensive car (that) we couldn't afford to buy it.
3. We're having such beautiful weather (that) I don't feel like going to class.
4. The classroom has such comfortable chairs (that) the students find it easy to
fall asleep.
5. The tornado struck with sutch great force (that) it lifted automobiles off the
6. This is such good coffee (that) I think I’ll have another cup.
7. Karen is such a good pianist (that) I’m surprised she didn’t go into music
8. It was such a good book (that) couldn’t put it down.

9. We did such a lot of gymnastics (that) we couldn’t walk afterwards.
10. They were such beautiful flowers (that) we took a photograph of them.

1. Sarah was so late home (that) Mark had already gone to bed.
2. Mike hadn't cooked for such a long time (that) he'd almost forgotten how to.

3. The piano was so heavy (that) Mike and Harriet couldn't move it.
4. Tom was annoyed about United losing (that) he wouldn't speak to anyone.
5. The band was such a big attraction (that) all the tickets sold out.
6. Vicky had such a lot of work to do (that) she was sure she'd never finish it.
7. The party made such a lot of noise (that) it kept all the neighbors awake.

8. She speaks English so well ((that) you would think it was her native language.
9. It was such horrible weather (that) we spent the whole day indoors.
10. The music was so loud (that) you could hear it from miles away.



1. Since yesterday was a publ ic day, we didn’t have to go to work.

2. As we didn't want to wake anybody up, we came in very quietly.

3. We didn't know what time it was because none of us had a watch.

4. As it was a nice day, we went for a walk by the sea.
5. Since the door was open, I walked in.
6. As you paid for the theater tickets, please let me pay for our dinner.
7. Since oil is an irreplaceable natural resource, we must do whatever we can
to conserve it.
8. Because we didn't see Lisa for a long time, we didn't recognize her.
9. Lilian was late for work because she missed the bus.
10. Sonia was fired because she'd been working very hard.

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11. Since Eve had an attractive personality, she was very popular.
12. As mother had burnt the dinner, we ate out.
13. It's a really useful book because it explains everything very clearly.
14. Because Ellie hadn’t fully recovered yet, she felt weak.
15. Since all the students had done poorly on the test, the teacher decided to
give it again.
1. Because the weather was cold, we stayed home.
2. Most people begin to jog because they hear jogging is a good exercise.
3. People like to live in this country because its climate is healthy.
4. A computer becomes very popular nowadays because it can be used for

various purposes.
5. Stacey retired in 1987 partly because his health was ill.
6. We were late to the meeting because the traffic was heavy.
7. Harry had to stay in hospital because he broke his leg.

8. Because our leader couldn’t attend the meeting, it. was canceled.

9. The young couple decided not to buy the house because it was in
dilapidated condition.
10. Because I always enjoyed mathematics in high school, I decided to major
in it in college.

1. 1 am going to move aboard because the weather is so awful here.

2. My father gave up his job on account of (his) poor health.
3. Seeing (that) I'd worked all weekend, I had Monday off. Also possible.

Seeing as how I'd worked all weekend, I had Monday off

4. 1 didn't buy the coat as it was so expensive.

5. 1 feel much more confident now (that) I'm qualified.

6. Because of its excellent condition the car is a bargain.
7. 1 can't talk now because I’m working.

8. Since there is so much street crime, you had better take a taxi..
9. Joshua helped us out of kindness.

10. People are staying at home because of (their fear of) terrorism.
1. Jim had to give up jogging because of his severely sprained ankle.
2. The water in most rivers is unsafe to drink because of its pollution.
3. We had to stay in London an extra day because of the fog at the airport.
4. Bill has to do all of the cooking and cleaning because of his wife’s illness.
5. We all have received the best of everything because of our parents’ generosity.
6. 1 couldn't get to sleep last night because of the noise in the next apartment.
7. John has to sit in the front row in class because of his poor eyesight.
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8. We stopped our car because c'f the red traffic lights.
9. She couldn't see the road becaiuse of the high wall.
10. We postponed our trip because of the bad driving conditions.
11. Sarah won't walk across a bridge because of her fear of heights.
12. Mark's doctor has advised him to exercise regularly because of his
13. Piranhas can devour an entire cow in several minutes because of their
extremely sharp teeth.
14. Most students couldn't do the final exam because of its difficulty.
15. John succeeded in his exam because of his hard and methodical work.


1. however 5. but
2. Although 6. despite

3. Although 7. In spite of
4. On the other hand 8. although
1. Although 5. still
2. but 6. although

3. However 7. Despite
4. even 8. spite

1. Although 9. Although
2. in spite of 10. in spite of

3. because of 11. became

4. Because 12. in spite of

5. in spite of 13. because of

6. although 14. although

7. because of 15. Because of-although

8. because
1. Despite the snow, we went out for a walk
2. While some experts think prices will fall, others disagree
3. Despite losing at half-time, City won in the end.
4. Although it was hot, Diana wore her winter clothes.
5. Last summer was good but/, however, this summer it's rained all the time.
6. In spite of having a headache,,/his headache, James still read until late.
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7. Jon hadn’t studied but/, however, he (still) did well in the test.
8. Although it was cold, we all went for a walk.
9. While John has done well in French, he has not done so well in Maths-
10. Although I tried to persuade her, I didn't succeed.
11. In spite of the rain, I went swimming.
12. Despite feeling ill, Ann insisted on going to work.
13. Although he had an early lead, Hudson lost the race.
14. While I know that I should pay, I'm not going to.
15. Even though Larry was expected to accept the job, he didn't.
1. 1 enjoyed the film in spite of the silly story.

2. We hardly ever see each other despite living in the same street.
3. Although my foot was injured, I managed to walk to the nearest village.
4. In spite of having very little money, they are happy.
5. Even though I had an umbrella, I got very wet in the rain.

6. 1 couldn't sleep despite being tired.

7. Though he liked the sweater, he decided not to buy it.
8. 1 didn't get the job in spite of having a'l the necessary qualifications.
9. Although Nick used to smoke, he seems to be in good health.
10. It was still hot in the room even though I had turned on the air conditioner.
11. Laura wants to fly in spite of the fact (that) she feels afraid.

12. Trevor didn't notice the sign even though it was right in front of him.
1 3. I'm no better despite the fact (that) I've taken the pills.
14. Matthew doesn't know any French though it was one of his school subjects.

15. Despite being a millionaire, Henry's friend hates spending money.

16. We couldn't get tickets in spite of queuing for an hour.

17. Although I’d met her twice before, I didn’t recognize her.
18. Laura felt unwell in spite of this she went on working.

19. Even though I told the absolute truth, no one would believe me.
20. The good were never delivered despite the promise we had received.

1. In spite of being over sixty/ his age, Mr. Pike doesn't wear glasses.
2. Despite having much experience in machinery, he...
3. In spite of the darkness, they. ..
4. Despite the noise, I...
5. In spite of the heavy rain,...
6. Despite his strength, I...
7. ... in spite of his poverty.
8. In spite of not having finished the paper, he...

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9. Despite having been absent frequently, he...
10.... despite the red traffic lights;.
1. No matter how rich they are, tlhey aren't happy.
2. I'd rather have a room of my o’wn, however small it is.
3. No matter what jobs he got, he was not satisfied.
4. Whatever job you do, you should do it devotedly.
5. Whoever gains the most points wins the competition.
6. Whatever kinds of exercise he had taken, he got fatter and fatter.
7. No matter where he lived, he always thought of his homeland.
8. My roof leaks whenever it rains.

9. Don't trust him, no matter what he says.
10. Whatever difficulties you encounter, you should study hard.
11. No matter how intelligent she is, she can’t answer my question.
12. She would still love him however badly he behaved.

13. Whatever nonsense the papeirs print, some people always believe it.

14. I'll find him, no matter where he has gone.
15. Phone me when you arrive, however late it is


1. as if she was enjoying it.

2. as if he meant what he was saying.

3. as if it has just been cut.
4. as if it never gets fed.

5. as if I'm going to be sick.


6. as if she didn't want to come.

7. as if he's been up all night.
8. as if he hadn't eaten for a week.
9. as if they are going to get married.
10. as if someone has been smoking here.
1. as if/ as though he was/ were
2. as if it had been made
3. as if she had... met

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4. as if I was/ were
5. as if she hadn't heard
6. as if he didn't have
7. as if it was/ were
8. as if she was/ were
9. as if she had taken
10. as if she wouldn’t be
1. It’s time the children were in bed.
2. It's time I had a holiday.
3. It's time she was here.

4. It’s time the train left the station.
5. It's time 1/ we had a party.
6. It's time some changes were made./ It's time there were some changes.

7. It's time he got up.
8. It's time my parents stopped treating Tommy like a child.

9. It’s too late. It's time we went home.
10. It's time the windows were cleaned./ It’s time we cleaned the window
1. have gone to an opera
2. have studied Chinese

3. be an engineer
4. not tell you
5. go out with their friends. . .stay home with their parents

6. not have gone out

7. stay home

8. lie on the beach/be lying on the beach


1. A 4. D 7. C 10. B 13. B
5. B 8. D 11. C 14. C

2. B
3. A 6. A 9. A 12. A 15. A
1. 1 had been run over by a ten-ton truck
2. eat at home than go to the restaurant
3. to go to the concert tonight
4. he was/ were a billionaire
5. (for us) to go home/ we went home
6. reviewed your lessons for the exams
7. it was/ were her native tongue
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8. you would stop fighting
9. they had told me the truth
10. he came to my house tonight


1. hadn't sunbathed 11. didn't live
2. could stay 12. had brought
3. could swim 1 3. didn't have to
4. had 14. had told

5. could see 15. wouldn’t make
6. didn't sit 16. could be

7. had 17. had come
8. enjoy 18. would give
9. could 19. were

10. I'll 20. hadn't bought
1. had gone 10. went/could go
2. had 11. had brought
3. would do 12. had bought

4. hadn't forgotten 13. went

5. wouldn't do 14. knew
6. hadn't eaten 15. had taken

7. had studied 16. hadn't bought

8. wouldn't leave 1 7. had finished
9. knew 18. spoke/could speak

1 1. 1 hadn't said.

1. 1 hadn’t eaten
2. it'd/ it would stop 12. you'd/ you would slow down
13. we hadn’t gone

3. 1 knew
4. 1'dA had taken 14. you wouldn't go/ didn’t go
5. Ann were/ was 15. I'd/I had saved
6. they'd/ they would hurry up 16. it was/ were
7. didn't have 17. 1 had found
8. we'd/ we had had 18. somebody would answer
9. it wasn't/ weren't 19. there weren’t
10. 1 could 20. you had told
1. 1 was/were as confident as.
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2. I'd got up/I had got up
3. We could afford a new computer..
4. 1 had
5. You hadn’t told everyone (the/our secret).
6. You’d lock /you would lock the front door.
7. only it would work/only the DVD player would work
8. 1 could have been at your wedding/I'd been/I had been at your wedding
1. 1 wish Ann was/ were here, or If only Ann was/ were here.
2. John wishes he could be a pilot when he grows up.
3. 1 wish I had come to the party last night, or if only I had come...

4. 1 wish you had given me a chance to tell you the truth, or If only you had
given ...
5. Mary wishes she could attend your wedding next week.

6. I wish I had learned to play a musical instrument, or if only I had learned

7. 1 wish you drove more slowly. If only you drove...

8. 1 wish it would stop raining, or If only it would stop...
9. 1 wish I had enough money to buy this book, or If only I had...
10. 1 wish I. didn’t live in a big city, or If only I didn't live...
11. Nam wished he had accepted the job.
12. 1 wish I wouldn't have to work tomorrow, or If only I wouldn't have ...

13. 1 wish I hadn't eaten too much ice-cream, or If only I hadn't eaten ...
14. 1 wish you had been here last week, or If only you had been...
15. 1 wish people didn't drop litter in the street, or If only people didn't drop...

16. 1 wish I had brought my camera, or If only I had brought...

17. 1 wish it wasn’t/ weren’t cold, or If only it wasn't/weren't...

18. 1 wish I could go to the party, or If only I could go...

19. 1 wish I had applied for that job. or If only I had applied...
20. 1 wish my life was/ were more interesting, or If only my life was/ were ...


l.C 3. A 5. A 7. C 9. A
2. C 4. C 6. B 8. B 10. D

1. who 5. that 9. that 11. which 15. whose
2. whose 6. whose 10. that 13. which 16. which
3. who 7. whose 11. which 14. who 17. that
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4. which 8. whose
1. whose 5. whose 9. blank, blank 13. blank 17. who
2. that 6. who 10. which 14. whose 18. whose
3. whose 7. who 11. blank 15. blank 19. who
4. who 8. which 12. who 16. which 20. whose
1. who 3. none 5. which 7. which 9. who
2. none 4. that 6. none 8. none 10. that

1 . that I told you about 6. that have been damaged
2. not possible 7. not possible
3. not possible 8. not possible
4. that arrested her 9. that serves very good meals

5. that knows you 10. that park outside

1. Thank you very much for the present you sent me.
2. She was dancing with a student who had... (The student with whom she
was dancing had...)
3. Romeo and Juliet were lovers whose parents...
4. This is Mrs Jones, whose son won...

5. The man (whom/that) I had come to see was sitting...

6. His girlfriend, whom he trusted absolutely, turned out...
7. The car crashed into a queue of people, four of whom were...

8. The roads were crowded with refugees, many of whom were...

9. He wanted to come at 2 a.m., which didn't...

10. They gave me four very bad tyres, one of which burst...
1 1 . Who lives in the house that/which has a white door?

12. We visited a patient whose eyesight had been restored by the surgeon.
13. The girls whose names begin with the letters A-K should go to the main

14. The countries that/which have very large debts will not be helped.
15. The people whose houses were damaged by the bomb will be compensated
1 6. The shop whose turnover is the largest will make a big profit.
17. The player whose shirts were dirty changed their shirts at half-time.
18. Those people that/who are ill treated should go on strike.
19. The car that/which had a white roof was involved in an accident, or,
The car whose roof was white was involved in an accident.
20. The guard who/that let a prisoner escape was punished.

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1. Tom, who had been..., was tired...
2. Jack, whose tyres were..., wanted...
3. He... manager, who passed...
4. She... thieves, which turned out...
5. The... of schoolchildren, six of whom were...
6. The Smiths, whose house... explosion, were given...
7. The... the next, which makes it...
8. He... windows, most of which hadn't been cleaned...
9. Tom ... patched jeans, which surprised the other guests, most of whom
were wearing
10. 1 ... train (which/that) I usually catch and had to travel on the next, which

1. This is the place where the accident occurred.

2. 7:05 is the time when my plane arrives.
3. I'll show you the second-hand bookshop where you can find valuable books.

4. The reason why I'm phoning you is to invite you to my party.
5. Mark likes to travel at night when the roads are quiet.
6. The Riverside Restaurant, where I once had lunch with Henry, is very
7. She doesn't want to speak to the cause why she divorced her husband.

8. The days when I lived far from home were the saddest ones.
9. A cafe where people can get a light meal is a small restaurant.
10. You didn't tell us the reason why we had to cut down our daily expenses.

1. Do you know the woman coming toward us?

2. The road joining the two villages is very narrow

3. Most of the goods made in this factory are exported.
4. My grandmother, being old and sick, never goes out of the house.

5. Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia, is a major trade center in

Southeast Asia.

6. The woman living here before us is a romantic novelist.

7. The scientists researching the causes of cancer are making progress.
8. Our solar system is in a galaxy called the Milky Way.
9. All students not handing in their papers will fail in the exam.
10. Simon Bolivar, a great south American general, led the fight for
independence early in the 19tn century.
11. Some of the people invited to the party can’t come.
12. Ann is the woman responsible for the error.
13. Mr Jackson, working in the company for over ten years, was nominated
as the new director.
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14. English has an alphabet consisting of 26 letters.
15. We noticed a pile of stones left in the road.
1. We used to have a room to pl;ay music in.
2. The child will be happier if hie has someone to play with.
3. David was the only person to offer his help.
4. We had to sit on the ground because we hadn't anything to sit on.
5. She didn't have anyone to sentd cards to.
6. There is a big yard for your c hildren to play in.
7. Emma Thompson is the most famous actress to appear on stage here.
8. We have some picture books for children to read.
9. He was the second man to be killed in this way.

10. Here are some novels for heir to read.
1. a river to swim in 6. anyone to go with

2. someone to play with 7. a garden for him to play in

3. a family to cook for 8. the first man to Leave
4. anything to open it with 9. a brush to sweep it with
5. letters to write 10. the fifth man to be interviewed
1. ...what to wear.
2. lose weight.

3. ...what school to go to.

4. ...what to do / what procedure to go through
5. drop the-class.

6. ...when to go.
7. ...where to buy the dress.

8. ...what to do with her sick dog..

9. ...what to do.

10. ... what to do with his/her problem.


1. why was there => why there was

2. told to => told
it is crucial => it was crucial
3. they were given => they be given
4. to not worry => not to worry
5. What's my father's annual => What my father's annual income is
income is is
6. exactly that => exactly what
7. What are we => That we are

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8. That at what age => At what age
is that a parent => is what a parent
1. the only person to offer his help.
2. the youngest girl to swim a length of the pool.
3. the only people to get a pay rise.
4, the last person to leave the aircraft.
5. the first woman to become Managing Director.
6. the most suitable candidate to apply for the job,
7. the first person to solve the puzzle.
8. the only person to write a letter of thanks.

1, blocking -
6. working studying 11. published
2. ringing 7. blown 12. to survive
3. played 8. to leave 13. struck

4. to fill 9. living 14. overlooking

5. called 10. sitting-reading 15. to offer
1. The hotel, which was miles . from anywhere, was full of guests who had
gone there to admire the scenery.
2. The book I lent you was written by a friend of mine who lives in France.

3. The woman whose jewels were stolen was interviewed by a police officer
who was staying in the same hotel.
4. The goal which won the match was scored by a teenager who had come on

as a substitute.
5, The boy I was sitting next to in the exam told me the answers.
6. My wallet, which contained over #100, was found in the street by a

schoolboy who returned it/was returned by a schoolboy who found it in

the street.

7. My friend Albert, whose car was stolen last week, has decided to buy a

8. Carol, who is a vegetarian, enjoyed the meal I cooked for her last week.
1. who 4. blank 7. whose 10. which 13. blank
2. who 5. who 8. which 11. which 14. whose
3. whom 6. which 9. who 12. which 15. who

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Chitmg 13. CAU (SENTENCES)

1. shall we 3. has he 5. are you 7. can he 9. didn't they
2. should you 4. will you 6. will you 8. haven't you 10. is he

1. what the time is 5. if/whether i'm in the right seat
2. what this means 6. where Asham Street is

3. how much this costs 7. if/whether this is Trafalgar Square
4. what time the museum opens 8. when this bus leaves

1. Is it raining?
2. Where do you live?

3. Has Mark been to Los Angeles?
4. Where did you buy your coat?
5. Does Laura play tennis?
6. Can I borrow your squash racket?
7. Who am I speaking to?

8. How much do video recorders cost?

9. What did you lock the door foir?
10. Will you be at the club tonight?

11. Did you enjoy your holiday?

12. How long does the journey taike?

13. Where are we going to have luncn?

14. Is the train on time?

15. Do Mike and Harry go camping?

16. When does the course finish?

17. What happens next?

18. Shall we go for a walk? Why don't we go for a walk?
19. Have you got a motorbike? Do you have a motorbike?
20. May/ Can I come in?
1. How is Christopher going to London?
2. How many cars have the Smiths got/ do the Smiths have?
3. Where does Janet work?
4. Why is Ann learning English?
5. How was the film?/ What was the film like?
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6. When will the meeting take place?
7. Who switched off the computer?
8. Whose burglar alarm was ringing?
9. Who(m) did Ann go to the dance with?/ With whom did Ann go to the dance?
10. How often are the Olympic Games held?
11. What is your weight?/ How many kilos do you weigh?
12. What does your father do?
13. How much money do you earn?
14. How far is it from here to the post office?
15. What color is the Vietnamese flag?
16. What did you buy?
17. What time are your friends arriving?/ When are your friends arriving?

18. How long will the meeting last?
19. Which shop does Susan work in?/ What kind of shop does Susan work in?
20. What did you buy this computer magazine for?/ Why did you buy this
computer magazine?

1. aren't we
2. have you
6. don’t they
7. do you
11. will you
12. isn't he
16. do you
17. does it
3. aren’t you 8. don't you 13. won't you 18. shall we
4. will you 9. hasn't he 14. wasn't he 19. are you
5. isn't he 10. should I 15. do they 20. doesn't he

1. Paul doesn't like football, does he?
2. You've got a sister, haven't you?

3. You haven't done your homework, have you?

4. You sat next to Ellen, didn’t you?

5. The guests haven't arrived, have they?

6. Your name is John, isn't it?

7. Your name isn't John, is it?

8. 1 didn't leave my wallet on the desk, did I?

9. William hasn't sot married, has he?

10. This book is by Martin Aimless, isn't it?
1. Place 3. Use 5. Don't put 7. Don’t eat 9. Keep
2. Make 4. Don't place 6. Don’t leave 8. Clean 10. switch

1. What a clever boy!
2. Isn't she tall!

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3. How interesting the novel was!
4. Didn't they write slowly!
5. What fast horses!
6. How expensive the dress is!
7. Wasn't the film frightening!
8. What warm weather!
9. How effectively they work!
10. What a lovely cat my friend has!
11. Doesn’t he look like his father!
1 2. How dirty those trousers are!
13. What awful noise!
14. How cold it is!

15. What nice shoes you've got on!
16. How tired I feel!
17. What an old house!
1 8. Isn't that a great song!

19. How beautifully Marta sings!

20. What a beautiful smile she has!
1. Helen is giving Jack some cassettes on his birthday.
2. 1 bought some new jeans recently.
3. This climate doesn’t suit me.

4. Diana is becoming more and more beautiful these days.

5. They have painted their front door a bright yellow!
6. 1 found my purse under the bed.

7. Dad sold the old Renault to our next door neighbor yesterday.
8. Our friend sent us some tulips by express mail.

9. Bob saw Mary crossing the street in town.

10. We took a bus to the airport.
1 1 . She hates answering the phone all the time.

1 2. All the neighbors supposed her to be a widow.

13. Her father would not consent to her living alone in a big city.

14. Can you spare me a few minutes of your valuable time?

15. It is important to go to school regularly.
16. We must give the encyclopedia back to them.
17. The trouble is (hat we are short of money.
1 8. No one heard John leave the house.
19. We are waiting for John to arrive.
20. The bus knocked him down.


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1. she does help 3. you do look
2. it did cost 4. it does stop
5. I did go 8. 1 did enjoy
6. they do quarrel 9. 1 do worry
7. he does care 10. she did see
1. It isn't expensive to buy a Compex computer.
2. It's very simple to use a computer.
3. It isn't difficult to understand the handbook.
4. It's easy to run any kind of software.
5. It's absolutely fascinating to explore the world of Compex.

6. Are you ready to try the ultimate computer experience?
7. It isn't safe to play on ladders.
8. It was silly to make such a fuss.

1. 1 service it myself 6. We decorated it ourselves.

2. She painted them herself. 7. He types them himself.
3. He cleans them himself. 8. 1 develop them myself.
4. 1 bake it myself. 9. She makes them herself.
5. They grow them themselves. 10. We cut it ourselves.

1. What kept me awake was Rachel’s stereo.

2. What Vicky is looking for is a job in television.
3. What I want to do is (to) make a fresh start.

4. What you must pay attention to are the details.

5. What they did was (to) book a holiday together.

6. What you have to think about is your profit.

7. What you must know are the needs of your customers.
8. What made me happy was your news.

9. What you should work towards is a realistic target.

10. What you need to do is (to) plan ahead.

1. It was Marconi who invented radio.
2. It was in 1492 that Columbus sailed to America.
3. It's golf that Tiger Woods plays.
4. It was in Greece that the Olympic Games first took place.
5. It's Mercury that is nearest the sun.
6. It was A. G. Eiffel who designed the Eiffel Tower.
7. It was the structure of DNA that was discovered by Crick and Watson.
8. It were the Ancient Egyptians who built the Pyramids.
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9. It's Mount Everest that is the highest mountain in the world.
10. It was John F. Kennedy who was the 35th President of the US.
1 . Do bring another chair.
2. Don't you be silly.
3. Do send me a copy of your catalogue,
4. Don’t you make so much norise.
5. Do be quiet.
6. Don't you lean out of the window.
7. Do forgive me.
8. Don't you do that again or you'll be in trouble.

9. Do give me a hand.
10. Don’t you tell anybody what happened.
1. Ted himself broke the news to me./ The person who broke the news to me

was Ted./ It was Ted who broke the news to me.

2. It is important to know your limitations.
3. It is money, not affection that they want.
4. He did misunderstand my intentions.
5. It was after she had gone thait I remembered her name.
6. 1 did do my English test very well.
7. Does Mary herself wash up (every day?

8. It was from Francis that she first heard the news.

9. It is pilots, not ground staff that we need. .
10. It is better to be early.

11 . It was Peter who lent us money, not Paul./ The person who lent us money
was Peter, not Paul.

12. We found it's impossible tc> get a visa.

13. It was on Thursday that Mike's uncle died./ The day when Mike's uncle

died was Thursday.

14. Bad roads don’t cause accidents. Speed itself does./ It is speed, not bad
roads that cause accidents.

15. It is cruel to tease animals.

16. 1 do love you; I myself love; you; It's you that I love.
17. It was England that won the World Cup in 1966.
18. We did enjoy ourselves.
19. It is unlikely that income tax will be reduced.
20. It is in the Fall that the couintryside is most beautiful.
21. It was Ann, not Mary (that) I saw.
22. Do remember to lock the dioor before you leave.
23. 1 think it's not a good idea to take up Yoga.
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24. It was kind of him to help me.
25. Do visit us again some time.
26. Don't you make too much noise.
27. 1 did do my English test very well.
28. It's chocolate cake (that) I'm eating./ What I'm eating is chocolate cake.
29. David himself teaches in a Technical College./ It's David who teaches.../
David is the person who teaches...
30. Don't you let me wait so long.
1. Only by training hard can you become a good athlete.
2. Not a single word did my grandfather say during his dinner with us.

3. Not only did he spend all his money but he also borrowed some from me.
4. No sooner had he left the office than the telephone rang.
5. Hardly had I put the phone down when the boss rang back.
6. Not until the bell rang did he finish his work.

7. Under the table was lying a sleeping dog.

8. Rarely had his brother been more excited.
9. Only after several months did we begin to see the symptoms of the disease
10. Never have I seen anyone in my life drink as much as you.
1. Not only was Tony late, but he had left all his books behind.

2. No sooner had I gone to bed than someone rang my doorbell.

3. Seldom have I stayed in a worse hotel.
4. Never have I heard such nonsense.

5. Only then did I realise that I had lost my keys.

6. Rarely has the economic situation been worse.
7. Not once did the manager offer us an apology.

8. Under no circumstances should you send money to us by post.

9. Only after seeing Hamlet on the stage did I understand it.

10. Little did the embassy staff realise that Ted was a secret agent.


1. we're, will be 10. had. I'd give
2. lived, we'd see 11. had come, would have enjoyed
3. take, we'll arrive 12. I’d known, would have sent
4. don’t hurry, we'll be 13. helped, might be
5. were, would be able to 14. had scored, could have won
6. don't wear, you'll feel 15. wore, wouldn't get
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7. studied, would get 16. had phoned, would have given
8. had, I'd ride 17. took, might feel
9. lend. I'll let 18. had driven, wouldn't have crashed
1. would 3. would 5. Would 7. would 9. would
2. unless 4. Unless 6 . Would 8. If 10. unless
1. He’ll help 14. 1 didn't agree
2. You'll make 15. I might not have been listening /
3. had crossed I wouldn’t have been listening
16. had, 'd be able

4. you’ve drunk
5. worked 17. take, 'll feel ate.
6. will be 18. ate, would live
7. 1 would have called/I'd have called 19. became, 'd buy

8. would notice 20. leave, will give
9. you wouldn't mind 21. follow, 'll come
10. 1 could drive
11. 1 could have let
h. 22. used, wouldn't be
23. touch, won't bite
12. it might stan 24. leave, '11 give
13. you won’t get 25. owned, wouldn't visit

1. had left early, wouldn’t have missed

2. 'd bought more milk, would have had
3. 'd taken/d remembered to take a map, wouldn't have got lost

4. 'd gone to bed, would have woken up

5. had made a shopping list. Wouldn’t have forgotten to buy/would have

remembered to buy
6. 'd realized you were tired, I wouldn't have asked you to go

7. had sailed across the Atlantic, would have reached

8. 'd turned left at the station, wouldn't have lost

1. 1 could take a photo.
2. If they had bought a group ticket,
3. I'm going to be angry.
4. If you could have gone to the concert,
5. if anyone approaches the house.
6. and you'll regret it.
7. If anything should go wrong, goes wrong,
8. it would take longer.
9. if they know you can pay it back.
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10. I would have refused.
11. Had we delayed any longer, delayed any longer
12. it will burst into flames.
1. 1 wouldn’t have got wet if I'd had an umbrella with me.
2. Unless you leave me alone, I’ll call the police.
3. If it’s snowing, we don’t go to school.
4. If Jack hadn't helped me, I wouldn't have been able to move the table.
5. If you make me some coffee, Til give you one of my biscuits.
6. Unless you'd told me about Sue's hair, I wouldn’t have noticed.
7. Should you see Peter, tell him to be here at 8.00.

8. If you were to ask me to marry you, I wouldn't accept!
9. If I were you, I’d see a doctor.
10. Unless you ask him, he won't help you.
11. If you don't take your medicine, you won't get better.

12. If you use a dictionary, you won't make any spelling mistakes.

13. Don’t park here, or/otherwise/or else you’ll be fined #20.
14. If I was/were you, I would confess my crime.
15. If she hadn’t been exhausted, she wouldn't have gone home early.
16. If you don't finish the book, you won't understand the story.
17. Unless she promises to be back early, she can't go out.
18. Provided (that) you stay still, the bee won't sting you.

1. stops, press 11. had told, would have helped
12. hadn't stolen, wouldn't be

2. treated, would be
3. help, will 13. hadn't driven, wouldn’t have crashed
4. leaves, will 14. smoked, wouldn't feel

5. is, will go 15. hadn’t fallen, would have won

6. find, will get 16. had invited, would have been able

7. take, will lose 17. had come, would have noticed

8. Td be, lived 18. would you feel, offered

9. did, would play 19. lent, would pay

10. phone, will you be 20. caught, would throw
1. we'll miss 6. she would have watched
2. I'll watch 7. will / is going to be
3. 1 record 8. did
4. we wouldn't keep 9. she won't mind/ she wouldn't mind
5. I'd thought 10. there's (going to be)
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1. You don’t get there in time unless you hurry.
2. We can't do the job unless we get help.
3. You can't allowed into the club you’re member.
4. 1 don't like fish. I wouldn't eat it unless I was extremely hungry.
3. Don’t leave the TV on unless you are watching it.
6. The doctor won't see you today unless it's an emergency.
7. 1 wouldn't have bought the picture unless I liked it.
8. You can't get a driver's license unless you are at least eighteen years old.
9. I'm not going to the party unless you go with me.
10. The dog won't attack you unless you move suddenly.

1. if 3. unless . 5. unless 7. when 9. if
2. as long as 4. in case 6. provided 8. so long as 10. in case
1. Unless you leave me alone, 111 call the police.

2. If it's snowing, we don't go to school.

3. If you press this button, the machine stops.
4. If you make me some coffee, I’ll give you one of my biscuits.
5. If you see Peter, tell him to be here at 8.00.
(5. Should the news turn out to be true, I'll sell my shares at once.
7. Unless he passes the final examination, he won't be able to graduate.

8. If you persist in defying instructions, we'll be forced to act.

9. Unless you leave an address, we will not be able to contact you.
10. Provided that you save some money, you will be able to buy a car.
11. If I'd had an umbrella with me, I wouldn't have got wet.

12. If Jack hadn't helped me, I wouldn't have been able to move the table.
13. Unless you'd told me about Sue's hair, I wouldn't have noticed.

14. If only we hadn’t eaten all the food.

15. 1 wish I had gone to university.

16. If only I had bought that car,

17. 1 wish I had realized how cheap it was.

18. If the policeman hadn't showed me the way, I wouldn’t have found the house.
19. Had I gone to the party, I’d have met Melanie.
20. Had you asked (him), he would have lent you his violin.
l.D 6. C 10. A 14. C 18. A
2. D 7. C 11. D 15. D 19. B
3. C 8. B 12. A 16. B 20. D
4. B 9. D 13. B 17. C

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Chuong15. L6l N6l GIAN Tl£p (INDIRECT SPEECH)
1. told 6. told 11. said 16. speak
2. said 7. told 12. asked 17. said
3. asked 8. asked 13. told 18. tell
4. talked 9. talked 14. said 19. say
5. said 10. told 15. tell 20. speak
1. She said that she had finished all her work.
2. She asked him why he was looking at her like that.
3. His mother told him not to play with matches.

4. He said (that) he had forgotten to bring his lunch with him.
5. She asked her husband if/whether he would be home soon.
6. Father told the children to go to bed.
7. Tim told his father (that) he would clean the car the following/next day/the

day after.

8. Gary asked his wife where she had been.
9. He told me (that) he had been working for the same company since 1960.
10. She asked me if/whether I knew Garfield.
1. She asked how she should tell Tom the bad news.

2. He said (that) I must/had to try his home-made pie.

3. He asked if/whether he could go home then.
4. He asked her if he might call her by her first name.

5. She told him (that) he could go in but he mustn’t make any noise.
6. He asked what time they would arrive in London, (information)

7. He said (that) she must/had to try harder if she wanted to succeed.

8. She said (that) her father would be angry with her if he found out.
9. He told her (that) she ought not to drive so fast.

10. He said (that) they didn’t have to go if they didn’t feel like it.
11 . She told him (that) he had better speak to the manager.

12. He told her (that) he might not be able to meet her at the airport.
1. advise - He advised me to go to bed.
2. beq - He begged her not to leave him.
3. order/command - He ordered/commanded them to do it immediately.
4. deny He denied killing/having killed him/that he had killed him.
5. agree - He agreed to do the washing-up.
6. remind - He reminded me to take the dog out.
7. order/command - He ordered/commanded everybody to stand up immediately.
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8. refuse - He refused 10 give themi/me his money.
9. ask - She asked if she could use my phone.
10. apologise - He apologised for Fih outing/having shouted at me.
1 1. threaten - She threatened to punish him/us if he/we didn't behave. /She
threatened that she would punish him/us if he/we didn't behave.
12. admit - He admitted stealing/having stolen the book./He admitted that he
had stolen the book.
1 3. explain - He explained that it only worked if you pressed the green button.
14. agree - He agreed that it was a brilliant film.
1 5. complain - She complained that she had been feeling dizzy all day.
16. promise - She promised to write to me/that she would write to me.
1 7. offer - He offered to give me/us a lift home.

1 8. suggest - She suggested going/that we (should) go for a swim.
1 9. accuse - He accused me of breaking/having broken the TV.
20. advise - He advised me to tell them the truth.

1 . 1 asked Peter what time the film started.

2. The interviewer asked Chris if he watched television every evening.
3. The sales manager asked me why I had applied for the job.
4. My bank manager wanted to know if I was taking much money with me to
5. Maria asked the examiner when she would know the results of the examination.

6. The flight attendant asked me If I was enjoying my flight.

7. 1 asked the salesman how the photocopier worked.
8. Sue asked Paul if he had ever been to Japan.

1. Do you think you could tell me what time the nex boat leaves?

2. Can you tell me where I can change some money?

3. Could you possibly tell me where the toilet is?

4. I’d like to know how much this pullover costs?

5. Can you explain how I get to Victoria station?

6. Could you tell me if this train goes to Gatwick Airport?

7, Would you mind telling me where you come from?
8. Do you think you could tell me what you think of London?
1. Henry denied stealing the car.
2. She asked if she might have a piece of cake.
3. He agreed to tell him about the accident.
4. The boss insisted on having the report by the following day/the next day.
5. Sue begged her mother to let her go to the party.

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6. Ted promised his father never to be naughty again. / Ted promised his father
that he would never be naughty again.
7. The sergeant commanded/ordered the soldier to stand up straight.
8. He admitted robbing/having robbed the bank/that he had robbed the bank.
9. She explained to her boss that she hadn't come to work because she had been ill.
10. He suggested playing chess/that they (should) play chess.
11. He apologised to her for forgetting/having forgotten to phone her.
12. She reminded him to go to the bank.
13. The doctor advised him to relax more.
14. She complained that Mark was always shouting at her.
15. He agreed that it was a nice dress.

16. He offered to carry Tracy's bag.
17. Bill refused to do Graham's homework.
18. He accused her of scratching/having scratched his record.
19. She threatened to phone the police if the salesman didn't leave immediately.

20. She agreed to lend/that she would lend Tom her car.
21. He admitted breaking/having broken/that he had broken the window.

22. She promised to phone/that she would phone me as soon as she arrived.
23. She agreed that she was beautiful.
24. She refused to marry John.
25. He threatened to shoot the prisoner if he tried to escape.
26. He suggested having chicken for dinner.

27. She insisted on Mr Harrison’s signing/that Mr Harrison (should) sign the

28. He threatened to punish the boy if he did that again.
29. She offered to show me how to use the/that computer.

30. He agreed that it was a good idea.


1. Paul reminded Sue to buy some bread.

2. 1 doubt if/whether it will snow tomorrow.

3. Jill apologised for not phoning me earlier.

4. Brenda agreed to share the bill with Dave.

5. Catherine refused to work on Saturday.

6. Wendy suggested going out to the cafe for lunch.
7. Larry denied ever having been arrested.
8. Ann offered to help Bob do the decorating.
9. Tom promised the children that he would take them to the park on Sunday.
10. William advised Chris to see a doctor.
9. 4. V 7. me 10. V 13. was
2. to 5. were 8. V 11. were 14. that
3. had 6. had 9. them 12. V 15. V
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1 . The doctor advised me to take more exercise.
2. He complained to his mother that the film was boring.
3. She begged her mother to let her go out to play.
4. He offered to carry her shopping (for her).
5. She warned Jane not to get dirty in the garden.
6. Tim refused to tidy Helen's bedroom.
7. He denied having eaten/eating the cake.
8. She exclaimed that that was a silly thing to say.
9. She insisted on his getting his hair cut.
10. She accused him of breaking/having broken her record player.
11. She apologised for not writing/having written to him.

12. He suggested going to Jamaica for their holiday./He suggested that they
(should) go to Jamaica for their holiday.
13. The sales assistant agreed that it was a nice colour.
14. She told her she prefened to watch/watching a film rather than the news.

15. She exclaimed that he was very rude.

16. She advised him to go on a diet.
17. She denied taking/having taken her sister’s dress.
18. He exclaimed that it was a nice gift.
19. The boy threatened to hit his brother if he didn't stop talking.
20. He apologised to his mother for speaking/having spoken to her like that.

1. He asked what time the next bus left because he needed to get to the station.
2. She warned them not to go swimming in the lake because/as the water was

3. She suggested going shopping the next day as/because/explaining that the

sales had started.

4. The teacher ordered the pupils to stand up because/as the headmaster was

5. She begged him not to take her ring, explaining that it had been/was a present
6. Martin’s mother told him it was very late and asked him where he had been.

7. He offered to cook the dinner, adding that she looked very tired.
8. She asked him to stop making that noise, explaining that she couldn't
9. She admitted (to) dropping the vase while she was/had been cleaning the
10. She asked if she could use the car because/as/explaining that she needed to
run some errands.
11. He apologised for being late, explaining that the car wouldn't start.
12. She asked him why he was teasing his sister, reminding him that it made
her unhappy.
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13. He asked her why she wouldn't go to the party, adding that everyone would
love to see her.
14. He accused Rob of breaking/having broken the window because/explaining
that he was/had been kicking the football.


1. cut 11. hasn’t been finished
2. taken 12. were arrested
3. sent 13. had been bom
4. serviced
5. broken
6. offered
14. will be cancelled
15. had stopped
16. were you told
o m
7. were you bom
8. repaired 18. was ridden
17. were swimming

9. was given 19. had vanished
10. was made 20. will be asked
1. has already been sold
2. was knocked down
an 6. has since been discovered
7. was announced

4. was not discovered

3. was John given/will John be given

5. are dealt with/will be dealt with

8. have been asked
9. was written
10. being invited

it e
1. The Acropolis was built by the ancient Greeks.
2. The company report is being written by Martin this year.

3. The room will be cleaned tomorrow.
4. Fresh flowers are put in the hotel rooms every day.

5. Your flight may be delayed by bad weather.

6. Sandy was given a present./ A present was given to Sandy.
7. The President is thought to be dying. / It is thought that the President is dying.
8. She was made to cry.
9. The car has been repaired.
10. The building was destroyed by the bomb.
11. A cure for cancel might be discovered.
12. The old woman should be helped across the street.
13. The escaped prisoner might have been arrested.
14. More food should have been provided at the reception.
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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website chia sẻ đề thi, tài liệu Tiếng Anh hay, mới nhất
15. The public ought to be warned about him.
16. More bus lanes should be built.
17. The answers could have been written more clearly.
18. The casino has been dosed.
19. The match has been postponed.
20. English is spoken all over the world.
21 . The new swimming-pool has; been opened.
22. This purse was left in the classroom yesterday.
23. Traffic has been banned from the city centre.
24. A new government has been elected.
25. rfhe flat was broken into last week.

1 . . ..was give a watch when he retired./. . .was given to him when he retired.

2. . . . has been offered the job./.... has been offered to him.
3 .. . .will be sent a fax./... will be sent to you.

4 am going to be shown a new technique./... is going to be shown to me.
5. ... was given a book./... was given to her.

6. ... are given extra lessons./... are given to the students.
1. ... has been shown the plans for the house./... have been shown to her.
8. . . . should have been sent a receipt./... should have been sent to you.
I . ... is expected to win./ It is expected that he will win.

2. ... has been reported to be ill./'... has been reported that the President is ill.
3. is known to have been untrue./... is known that the statement was untrue.
4. is believed to be changing.//... is believed that the climate is changing.

5. is known to have been in prison./... is known that he has been in prison.
6. ... are said to be too high./... is said that the new prices are too high.

7. ... is claimed to be the largest in the world./... is claimed that this diamond is
the largest in the world.

1. aren't respected. 7. will be broadcast on Sunday.

2. is cutting the grass. 8. was tom / had been tom.

3. is going to be repaired. 9. has to be done
4. was lost / had been lost. 10. is being looked into.
5. the mistakes been corrected? 11. are just laughed at.
6. should have locked the door behind us. 12. must have been delayed.
1. The team members were told to work together.
2 . The old man was found wandering around the streets.
3. The workers have been persuaded to accept lower wages.
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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website chia sẻ đề thi, tài liệu Tiếng Anh hay, mới nhất
4. Two young men were seen fighting.
5. The victims have been advised (by their lawyers) to take legal action. '
6. The children were made to pick up all the litter.
7. The woman was caught smuggling cigarettes into the country.
8. The refugees aren't allowed to/won’t be allowed to get a job.
9. $50,000 was/were spent (on) decorating the ballroom.
10. You were warned not to drive so fast.
1. It is rumoured that the company is in difficulties.
2. It was believed that the Emperor was a god.
3. It was reported that the fighting had just begun.

4. It will be shown that poverty is increasing.
5. It is estimated that 200 people were killed by the pollution.
6. It was agreed that wages would be raised by five per cent.
7. It has been decided that the project will have to be cancelled.

8. It was suggested that the tickets should cost five pounds.

1. Paul has had his jacket cleaned.
2. Angela is having her flat decorated.
3. Lisa had her car damaged last week.
Also possible: Lisa's car got damaged (by vandals) last week.
4. My friends had a house built (for them).

5. I really must get my homework finished/done soon.

6. Mark has had his credit card withdrawn (by the bank).
7. Where did Tom have/get his hair cut?

8. We had our house painted last month.

9. 1 am having my hair cut this afternoon.

10. 1 have had my motorbike stolen.

11. Ricky has had all his teeth taken out.

12. 1 haven't had my car washed for a long time.

13. We are having the new central heating put in on Saturday.

14. Hairy had his nose broken in a fight.

15. Isn’t it time you had your television fixed?
1. marketing manager was appointed 6. to get your hair
2. is being supplied with furniture 7. were being followed by the
3. was built by 8. has not been seen since
4. has been decided 9. about the trip was put
5. is believed that Jenkins was 10. is thought to be good

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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website chia sẻ đề thi, tài liệu Tiếng Anh hay, mới nhất
Freddie is said to have a wife in Scotland.
2. Nothing is known about Brenda' s family.
3. The fire is thought to have been started deliberately./It is thought that the fire
was started deliberately.
4. You should have that cut seen to> by a doctor.
5. Chris is said to have been in the army.
6. 1 must have my trousers pressed before I leave.
7. This letter has not been signed.
8. Mary hasn't had her hair cut yet.

1. were sold 9. seemed
2. applied 10. is ... admired
3. were promised 11. is said to be
4. were spent 12. have been preserved/are preserved

5. had to be approved 13. is now used/is now being used
6. had ... renovated 14. can be visited
7. created
8. to do
h. 15. are asked not to come
16. being disturbed
1. shows Also possible: has shown
2. are being driven Also possible: aaie driven

3. have been increasing/have increased

4. were made
5. include/included Also possible: have included

6. can be heard
7. do ... have to be used

8. are ... carried

9. is still increasing

10. starts/is starting

11. stay/are staying

12. must be tackled

13. can be driven
14. is ... done/is ... being done/has been done
15. has paid
16. is needed
17. will not be ignored/ are not ignored.
1. Ten foreign passports are known to have been confiscated by customs
officials last week.
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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website chia sẻ đề thi, tài liệu Tiếng Anh hay, mới nhất
2. Most small comer shops are said to be losing business.
3. Tax increases are expected to be announced in tomorrow’s budget.
4. The Crown Prince was thought at first / was at first thought to have been
5. Inner-city crime rates are known to be increasing.
6. The star’s wife is said to have had at least two face-lifts.
7. The Princess is rumoured to be in hiding in Scotland.
8. Nine crew members are feared to have been lost overboard.
9. His speech was considered (to beAo have been) one of the best.
10. It can't be denied that we made certain mistakes early on.
11. A man was reported to have been helping police with their interview.
12. It was alleged that the accused had committed fraud.

1. A 6. D 11. B 16. D 21. D
2. C 7. B 12. C 17. B 22. A

3. A 8. C 13. B 18. A 23. A
4. B 9. C 14. A 19. B 24. B
5. A 10. B

h. 15. A 20. B 25. B

Chitcmg 17. Su dien ta ve so lirong (EXPRESSION OF QUANTITY)

1. any 3. any - some 5. any 7. some 9. any/some

2. some 4. some 6. any 8. any 10. any

1. any - some 6. anyone/ anybody - some

2. some - anything 7. somewhere

3. someone - any 8. something - anyone/ some
4. anyone - any 9. something - anything - something - anything

5. something - some 10. anywhere


1. a lot of 4. many 7. many
2. a lot of 5. a lot of 8. many/ a lot of
3. many/a lot of 6. much/ a lot of 9. much
1. a little 4. little 7. little
2. Few 5. a little 8. a few
3. few 6. a few 9. a little
10. a few

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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website chia sẻ đề thi, tài liệu Tiếng Anh hay, mới nhất
1. many 4.. much 6. few
2. much 5.. many 7. little
3. little
1. much 8. any 15. a great deal of
2. little 9. maniy - a lot 16. A large number of
3. much 10. Hoiwmuch 17. a lot of - many
4. many 11. soimebody - anybody 18. a few
5. less 12. a liittle 19. only a few
6. too much 13. a lcotof 20. How many

7. some - a little 14. fevw
1. plants 6. of a chicken
2. of my friends 7. accidents

3. of my life 8. birds

4. European countries 9. of these clothes
5. of that food 10. cars
1. All milk 5. most of the money
2. most of the time 6. All cars

3. most people 7. All fruit/ Most fruit

4. No student 8. all (of) the lights

1. each 3. Each/ Every 5. Each 7. every 9. Every

2. every 4. Every 6. every 8. each 10. each

1. few 11. much

2. None of 12. much - a lot of/a little

3. Some of 13. many

4. a few of/ some of 14. much

5. Most 15. most of
6. a little 16. little - a lot of/ a little
7. any - much 17. each
8. little 18. all of- any of
9. all of/ most of 19. many -much
10. none of 20. half (of)-all of - any of

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1. many 5. none of the 9. somebody 13. no
2. anything 6. them 10. somewhere 14. anywhere
3. All 7. every morning 11. little 15. the whole
4. both 8. Neither of 12. a few 16. nothing
l.B 6. D 11. A 16. D
2. C 7. D 12. C 17. B
3. B 8. B 13. D 18. C
4. C 9. C 14. C 19. D
5. B 10. C 15. D 20. A

Chitong 18. Tl/VUNG (WORD STUDY)

1. uninteresting 5. disappears
2. disadvantage 6. unemployed
3. unfortunately 7. disagree

4. impatient 8. misunderstanding
1. overslept 3. overcoat 5. rewrite 7. renew

2. underwear 4. outplayed 6. overcooked 8. underpaid


1. friendship 5. teenager 8. handful

2. foreigner 6. spoonful 9. machinery

3. childhood 7. neighbourhood 10. booklet

4. stewardess

1. inhabitants 5. refusal 9. cooker
2. boredom 6. actor 10. advertisement
3. building 7. employee
4. accommodation 8. imagination
1. shortness 3. darkness 5. tiredness 7. happiness 9. thinness
2. friendliness 4. loneliness 6. thoroughness 8. silliness 10. sickness

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1. unlikely 3. impossible 5. useful 7. sleepy 9. cheerful
2. shortage 4. photography 6. dislike 8. unusual 10. kindness
1. unusually 6. thoroughly
2. surprisingly 7. awfully
3. Interestingly 8. unsuccessfully
4. successfully 9. unnecessarily
5. beautifully 10. obviously
1. uncomfortable 6. unselfish

2. independent 7. unhealthy
3. reusable 8. uncontrollable
4. disappointment 9. unshrinkable
5. relationship 10. inexperienced

1. overwork
2. invisible
h. 5. ex-wife
6. misleading
8. unable
9. non-stop
3. subway 7. semi-fmal 10. disappeared
4. autobiography

1. neighbourhood 6. greenish
2. employer 7. partnership

3. widen 8. drinkable
4. handful 9. equality

5. hopeless 10. harmful


1. inedible 6. mountaineer
2. youngster 7. tricycle

3. semi-circle 8. hopeful
4. friendly 9. international
5. foreground 10. artist
1. kind-hearted 6. good-looking
2. empty-handed 7. loud-mouthed
3. fully-clothed 8. short-tempered
4. long-legged 9. dog-eared
5. absent-minded
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1. diagnosis 3. analysis 5. failure 7. emphasis 9. paralysis
2. enclosure 4. hypnosis 6. signature 8. seizure 10. closure
1. delivery 5. discovery 9. conspiracy
2. injury 6. prosperity 10. expiry
3. forgery 7. Assembly 11. enquiry
4. recovery 8. apology
1. correspondence 6. reference 11. offence
2. defence - 7. dependence 12. coincidence

3. obedience 8. existence 13. interference
4. preference 9. insistence 14. residence
5. pretence 10. difference


1. performance 5. disturbance 9. entrance
2. attendance 6. insurance 10. resistance
3. resemblance 7. assistance 11. endurance
4. acceptance 8. annoyance 12. avoidance

1. dismissal 5. approval 9. survival

2. burial 6. rehearsal 10. denial
3. arrival 7. trial 11. refusal

4. Renewal 8. proposal 12. removal


1. storage 5. postage 8. usage
2. passage 6. wreckage 9. breakage

3. marriage 7. leakage 10. shrinkage

4. stoppage

1. persuasion 4. Admission 7. inclusion
2. division 5. explosion 8. exclusion
3. expansion 6. revision 9. conclusion
1. arrangement 5. improvement
2. enlargement 6. encouragement
3. entertainment 7. advertisement
4. postponement
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1. competition 6. introduction
2. pronunciation 7. acquisition
3. qualification 8. revolution
4. Production 9. repetition
5. solution 10. reduction
1. interruption 6. addiction
2. prediction ... election 7. Protection
3. reaction 8. suggestion
4. Prevention 9. selection

5. invention
1. comfortable 18. visitor 35. careful

2. dangerous 19. economist 36. departure
3. dirty 20. comedian 37. healthy
4. famous
5. national
h.21. owner
22. receptionist
38. reporter
39. scholarly
6. foolish 23. liar 40. trainee
7. southern 24. director 41. industrious
8. friendly 25. sensible 42. competitors

9. sensible 26. application 43. inhabitants

10. fashionable 27. personal 44. alcoholic
1 1, powerful 28. approval 45. singers

12. foggy 29. juicy 46. useful

1 5. foreigner 30. decision 47. grammatical
K inventor 31. various

48. cloudy
15. leader 32. Photography 49. unkind
K. novelist 33. sleepy 50. incorrect

1". operator 34. arramgement



1. He didn’t intend to make along journey with her.
2. Has the city government decided to build. . ..?
3. She isn’t interested in what she. . .
4. Do most school-leavers strongly desire to work. . .
5.1 don’t think they disagree with what. . .
6. The plan didn’t succeed just because most members weren’t determined to
do it well.
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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website chia sẻ đề thi, tài liệu Tiếng Anh hay, mới nhất
7. During the lesson, she always looks carefully at all the sentences...
8. My friend wished to become a pilot.
9. You needn't answer all the questions...
10. Please call me when you arrive, and we'll meet at a...
11. She doesn't know what will be because she never thinks about it.
12. She said she would visit me someday.
13. He decided to leave home.
14. 1 didn't intend to stay here.
15. She is greatly interested in music.
16. The two schoolgirls exchanged their English lessons.
17. He bathes every morning.
18.1 arranged with the neighbors...

19. She didn't explain her plan.
20. She was examined by a doctor.

1. 1 had an argument with the referee about his decision.

2. Are you in agreement with John about this?
3. She usually gives her hair a brush before going out.
4. She had a number of complaints about his rudeness.
5. Because of engine trouble, the plane had to make a land on the fields.
6. Take a look at this picture.
7. I'm in love with her.

8. We must make an early start.

9. He was in receipt of her letter of the 10th,
10. After lunch time she usually takes a rest.

1. They tend to minimize problems.

2. They strongly desire to put aside...

3. They gave a lot of thought to their work.

4. They knew little about the job of their choice.

5. They are determined to overcome problems.

6. He pays us a visit whenever he's in town.

7. They have tended to choose well-paid jobs.
8. Millions of dollars are spent on advertising every year.
9. You'd better not contact her.
10. 1 had a good sleep last night.
11. Carol Stuart is a good cooker and swimmer.
12. She strongly desires for a scholarship.
13. The villagers cordially welcomed us.
14. He doesn't intend to leave the city.
15. She is a good English teacher.
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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website chia sẻ đề thi, tài liệu Tiếng Anh hay, mới nhất
16. They have to do this job at o»nce.
17. She is a careful typist.
18. Hardly had we begun our walk when it rained.
19. This woman sleeps very little.
20. My grandfather loves music..
21. He drives carefully.
22. She is a good singer.
23. They have made all the arran gements.
24. No one in his team plays football as well as him.
25. She is a good tennis player.
26. English is spoken in Australia.
27. A hospital is being built for the poor.

28. She hasn't been seen since 19 80.
29. His parents were visited by him last week.
30. We had a decision to go to Boston.


Present Past Past Participle Meaning


abide abode abode chddcn, gift gin

arise arose arisen nSi day, nSi len
awake awoke awoken danh thftc, tinh
backbite backbit backbitten noi xau, noi len

backslide backslid backslid tdi pham, lai xa nga

be was/were been thi, la, a

bear bore bom sinh

bear bore bom mang, chiu

beat beat beaten dap, danh

become became become tra nen

befall befell befallen

beget begot begotten gay ra, sinh ra
begin began begun bat dau
behold beheld beheld nhln, ngam
bend bent bent cui xud'ng, ud'n cong
bereave bereft bereft doat cu&p
beseech besought besought nai, van xin
beset beset beset nhdt, vay
bet bet bet ddnh cudc (cd)
bestride bestrode bestridden ngdi, dftng giang

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betake betook betaken di ddh thdn vdo
bethink bethought bethought nghT, nhd lai
bid bid, bade bid (den) ddt gia
bind bound bound lam dinh vdo
bite bit bitten cdn
bleed bled bled (lam) chay mail
blend blended blended hop nhau
bless blessed blest ban phudc
blow blew blown thSi
break broke broken ddp vd
breed bred bred nudi day
bring brought brought mang, dem

broadcast broadcast broadcast truyin thanh
browbeat browbeat browbeat (en) doa nqt

build built built xayditng
burst burst burst nS
buy bought bought mua

cast cast cast lieng, nem
catch caught caught bdt duoc
chide chid, chided chid (den), chided rdymang
choose chose chosen chon lua
cleave clove cleft, cloven bam vlu vdo
cling clung clung bam, giG lay

clothe clothed clothed mdc (quan do)

come came come din
cost cost cost tri gia

creep crept crept bd, leo

crow crowed, crew crowed gdy, gd gay
cut cdt

cut cut
dare dared dared ddm
deal dealt dealt giao thiip

dig dug dug ddo

do did done lam

draw drew drawn rutve

dream dreamed, dreamt dreamed, dreamt mo, mdng
drink drank drunk ud'ng
drive drove driven lai xe
dwell dwelt dwelt dr, trii ngu
eat ate eaten dn
fall fell fallen roi, nga
feed fed fed nudi
feel felt felt cam thay
fight fought fought chiih dau
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find found found tim ra
flee fled fled tau thoat, chay
fling flung flung nem, lieng
fly flew flown bay
forbear forbore forborne kieng
forbid forbade forbidden cam
forego forewent foregone bo, chvCa
foreknow foreknew foreknown bidt trade
foresee foresaw foreseen thay trade
foretell foretold foretold noi trade
forget forgot forgotten quen
forgive forgave forgiven tha thti

forsake forswore forsaken bo
forswear forsore forsworn the bo
freeze froze frozen ddng lai
gainsay gainsaid gainsaid chd'i, edi

get got gotten dape, trdnen
gild gilded, gilt gilede, gilt ma vang
h. girt
cud'n thdt
g° went gone di
grind ground ground nghien xay
grow grew grown moc, trong

hamstring hamstrung, hamstrung cdt gan cho que

hamstringed hamstrunged
hang hung hung treo
hanged hanged treo cS

have had had co
hear heard heard nghe

heave -ed, hove -ed, hove nang len

hew hewed -ed, hewn dd'n chat

hide hid hidden dn, trSn

hit hit hit dung, dap

hold held held cam, gift

hurt hurt hurt (lam)dau
inlay inlaid inlaid kham, ddt
keep kept kept edm, give
kneel knelt knelt quy gdi
knit knit (ted) knit (ted) dan
know knew known biet
lade laded laded, laden chat len tau
lay laid laid dqt, de, de
lead led led dan, daa den

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lean leaned, leant leaned, leant dua vdo
leap leaped, leapt leaped, leapt nhay
learn learned, eamt learned, learnt hoc
leave left left ra di, bo
lend lent lent cho miCcrn
let let let d/, cho
He lay lain ndm
Hght Ht, Ughted Ht, Ughted thdp sang
lose lost lost md't
make made made Idm, che'tao
mean meant meant y mud'n noi
meet met met m

misdeal misdealt misdealt chia bai sai
misgive misgave misgiven gdy lo au
mislay mislaid mislaid de lai sai
mislead misled misled lam lac ditcmg

mistake mistook mistaken pham sai lam
misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood hiJu lam
h. mowed, mown
outbid (den)
xin, cdt
tra gia cao hem
outdo outdid outdone lam qud
outgo outwent outgone di qud
outgrow outgrew outgrown lorn hem

outride outrode outridden cudi di trtfdc

outrun outran outrun chary trude
outshine outshone outshone sdng hem
cang rdng ra

outspread outspread outspread

outwear outwore outworn ben hem
overbear overbore overborn (e) de xud'ng, dan dp

overcast overcast overcast lam u dm

overcome' overcame overcome thang, chengu

overdo overdid overdone Idm qud

overdraw overdrew overdrawn rut qud sd'tien cd

trong ngdn hang

overeat overate overeaten an qud
overfeed overfed overfed cho an qud
overgrow overgrew overgrown mpe nhidu qud
overhang overhung overhung treo folumg
overhear overheard overheard v6 tinh nghe
overlay overlaid overlaid phu l£n
overiie overlay overlain dot ndm tren
overleap overleapt overleapt nhay qua
overpay overpaid overpaid tra qud
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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website chia sẻ đề thi, tài liệu Tiếng Anh hay, mới nhất
override overrode overridden gat ra mdt ben
overrun overran overrun tran qua
oversee oversaw overseen quan sat
overset overset overset (lat) do nhao
overshoot overshot overshot bdn trUOt qua
oversleep overslept overslept nguqua
overtake overtook overtaken vuat qua
overthrow overthrew overthrown phadS
partake partook partaken tham gia, duphan
pay paid paid tra tien
put put put ddt, de
quit quit quit bo

read read read doc
steal stole stolen an cap, an trdm
stick stuck stuck gdn, dinh
sting stung stung chich, dd't

stink stank sunk bSc mui h6i

strew strewed -ed, strewn ri, ri len
stride strode stridden bitctc dai
strike struck struck danh ddp
string strung strung cdt day
strive strove striven cSgang
swear swore sworn the thd't

sweep swept swept quet

swell swelled swollen sung, phU lin
swim swam swum boi Idi

swing swung swung danh du

take took taken lefy, dem, dan

teach taught ttaught day hoc

tear tore Horn xe rack
tell told hold noi, he, bao

think thought thought nghl, tudng

thrive thrived, throve thrived think vuang

throw threw tthroven liing, nem

thrust thrust ithrown ddymqnh,ddm
tread trod thrust cha dap, giam
unbend unbent trrod (den) ud'n thdng, thang ra
unbind unbound unbent met, thdo ra
underbid underbid unbound bo thdu thdp hem
undergo underwent underbid (den) chiu, trdi qua
undersell undersold undergone ban re hem
understand understood undersold hiJu biit
undertake undertook understood,undertaken ddng y thuc hien
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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website chia sẻ đề thi, tài liệu Tiếng Anh hay, mới nhất

underwrite underwrote underwritten ky xac nhdn a ditdi

undo undid undone thdo, cdi
upset upset upset Idt, Idm dS
wake waked, woke waked, woken (ddnh) thfc
waylay waylaid waylaid chd, rinh
wear wore worn mac, ddi, mang
weave wove woven det, kit lai
wed wedded wedded, wed kit hdn
weep wept wept khdc
win won won thdng, dupe
wind wound wound quanh co, ud'n khuc
withdraw withdrew withdrawn rut ra, keo ra

withhold withheld withheld nit lai, kiem chi'
withstand withstood withstood chdhg, khang cu
wring wrung wrung ep, vat
write wrote written viei

rebuild rebuilt rebuilt xaylai

recast recast recast due lai
relay relaid relaid dqt lai
rend rent rent xendt
repay repaid repaid hoan trd lai
reset rest reset dat lai, lap lai
retell retold retold ke lai

rid rid rid giai thoat

ride rode ridden dixe..., ciidi
ring rang rung rung (chudng)

rise rose risen mpe, nSi lin

rive rived rived, riven bS, xe, bita

rot rotted rotten ri, muc, thdi

run ran run chay
saw sawed sawed, sawn cUa, xe

say said said ndi

see saw seen trdng thdy

seek sought sought tlm

sell sold sold bdn
send sent sent gvd
set set set Ian (mat treri)
sew sewed sewn may, khau
shake shook shaken lac
shear -ed, shore -ed, shorn cat bang keo
shed shed shed Idm dS, chay
shine shone shone chii'u sang
shoe shod shod mang giay
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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website chia sẻ đề thi, tài liệu Tiếng Anh hay, mới nhất
ihoot shot shot ban
show showed showed/ shown chi cho xem
shred -ed, shred -ed, shred xe vun ra
shrink shrank shunk co lai
shrive shrove shrive gidi tdi, ngdi tda
shut shut shut dong
sing sang sung hat
sink sank sunk chim, dam
sit sat sat ngdi
slay slew slain giet, sat hai
sleep slept slept ngu
slide slid slid troti tru&t

sling slung slung qudng, nem
slink slunk slunk len, chudn
slit slit slit rach, khtia
smell smelt smelt ngdi, bd'c mui

smite smote smit (ten) danh, dap

sow sowed sown gieo hat
speak spoke spoken noi
speed sped sped di mau
spell spelt spelt danh van
sped spent spent tieu, xai
spill spilt spilt IdmdS

spin spun spun quay trdn

spit spat spat khac, nhS
split split split che, bda

spoil spoilt spoilt lam hiihong

spread spread spread trdi ra

spring sprang sprung nay, nhdy lin

stand stood stood dting, dung
stave stove staved bdp dep

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Chuomg 1. DANH TtT 3

I. Dinh nghla 3
II. CSc loai danh tir 3
III. Chirc nang cua danh tir 15
IV. S6 hifti cich 16

V. Gidng cua danh tCr 20
VI. Su tuong hap giffa chu ngtf vh dOng tir 24
Exercises 30

Chuctng 2. DAI TtT 37
I. Dinh nghla
II. Cac loai dai tir
h. 37
Exercises 60

Chuomg 3. TlNH TtT 66


I. Dinh nghla 66
II. C£c loai tlnh tir 66
III. Tlnh tir diroe phan loai theo vi trf 80

IV. Tlnh tir don va tlnh tir ghep 81

V. Phan tir dimg nhu tmh tir 82
VI. Danh tir dhng nhu tlnh tir 83

VII. Vj tri cua danh tir 84

VIII. Tr&t tu cua tmh tir dting tru6c danh tir 86

IX. Tmh tir duoc dimg nhu danh tir 87

Exercises 88

Chuomg 4. TRANG TtT 94

I. Dinh nghla 94
II. Cac loai trang tir 94
III. Churc nang cua trang tir 100
IV. Vi tri cua trang tir 101
V. Phep dao dOng tir sau cac trang tir 103
Exercises 104


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I. So s£nh bang 111
II. So s£nh hem 112
III. So s£nh nha't 113
IV. Cach them ~es va -est, more va most 114
V. Hinh thurc so sanh bat quy tac 116
VI. Hlnh thurc so s£nh dac biet 117
VII. So s£nh gitfng nhau 119
VIII. So sanh khac nhau 119
Exercises 120

Chuang 6. D0NG TlT 127

I. Dinh nghia 127
II. Cac loai dOng tir 127
III. Ngoai dOng tOr va n6i d6ng tir 127
IV. D6ng tir quy tac va bat quy tac 128
V. Trcr dong tir va d6ng tir thucmg

Exercises 154

Chuang 7. GI0I TIT

h. 162
I. Dinh nghia 162
II. Vitricua gicritir 162
III. Cac loai gicri tir 163
IV. Gicri tir theo sau cac tfnh tir, danh tir va dCng tir

Exercises 182

Chitcmg 8. CUM D0NG Tf 195


I. Dinh nghia 195

II. Nghia cua cum dOng tir 195

III. Cich dung 195

IV. M6t s6 cum dOng tir timing dung 197

Exercises 205

Churcmg 9. LlfcNTlf 211

I. Dinh nghia 211
II. Cac loai lien tir 211
Exercises 215

Chiromg 10. MAO TIT 220

I. Dinh nghia 220
II. Cac loai mao tir 220
Exercises 233

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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website chia sẻ đề thi, tài liệu Tiếng Anh hay, mới nhất

Chucmg 11. THI 243

I. Thl hifin tai don 243
II. Thl hi£n tai ti€Tp di£n 245
III. Thi hifin tai hoitn thanh 249
IV. Thi hi6n tai hoan thanh ti£p di6n 253
V. Thi qu£ khu dcfn 255
VI.Thiqui khtitigpdiSn 258
VII. Thl qu£ khti hokn thknh/ti4n qu£ khur 260
VIII. Qu£ khur ho&n thanh tidTp di£n 261
IX. Thl tuong lai dan 261
X. Thi tuong lai ti£p di£n 265

XI. Thi tuong lai hokn thanh 266
XII. Thi tuong lai ho&n thanh ti£p di£n 267
Exercises 268

Chuong 12. MfiNH DfS VA CUM TlT


A. Cum tur vk m6nh d£ chi muc dfch 300
Exercises 302
B. Cum tit va m6nh d£ chi k£t qua 305
Exercises 307
C. Cum tir va m6nh d6 chi nguyfin nh&n hoStc ly do 310
Exercises 312

D. Cum tit \k mdnh d£ chi su tuong phan 314

Exercises 316
E. As if, As though, It’s high time, It’s time, would rather 319

Exercises 322
F. M6nh d£ sau wish va if only 326
Exercises 328

G. M6nh d£ quan h6 332

Exercises 342

Chucmg 13. CAU 351


I. Dinh nghla 351

II. Phan loai cau 351
III. Chtrc ning va trat tu tit trong cau 364
IV. Trat tu cua tit trong cau 366
V. Hinh thtic nh£in manh 375
VI. Su ddo cau 378
Exercises 380

Chucmg 14. CAU Bit U KI$N 389

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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website chia sẻ đề thi, tài liệu Tiếng Anh hay, mới nhất
I. Cac loai cau di£u ki6n 389
II. Thi cua dCng tCr trong cau di£u ki6-r» 389
III. Nhung cdch khac d£ di6n ta di£u Iki6n 395
IV. Nhtfng tir ngfir dung vcri if 396
Exercises 397

Chuong 15. LÿI N6l GIAN Tit? 406

I. L6i noi true ti£p va 15i noi gian ti£p 406
II. Cau tr£n thuat trong lfri n6i gian ti£p 406
III. Cau hoi trong 1M noi gian ti£p 412
IV. Cau m£nh 16nh, cau y£u c£u, d£ nghi, leri khuyen, v.v. trong 15i n6i gian
ti£p 414

V. Cau cam than va cau tra leri Yes/No trong lefi noi gian ti£p 417
VI. Cac loai cau h6n hop trong lcri noi gian ti£p 418

VII. DOng tCr gi6i thifiu trong leri noi true ti£p va gian ti£p 419
Exercises 420

Chu<mgl6. CAU BI DONG 429
I. Cau chu d6ng va cau bi d6ng 429
II. each chuyÿn sang cau bi ddng 430
III. Cac cau true bi dOng dac biet 432
IV. Nhung cau khGng th£ chuydn sang bi d6ng 438

V. Th£ sai khi£n 440

Exercises 441

Chxtojig 17. SIT DlflN TA Vf? S6 LITONG 453


I. Some, any 453

II. Much, many, a lots of, a great deal of, a large number of 455
III. Few, a few, little, a little

IV, All, most, some, no, all of, most of, some of, none of 458

V. Every, each 459

Exercises 461

Chumg 18. TtTVyNG HOC 468

A. each thanh lap tit 468
B. Hmh thtic cua tir 476
C. Thanh ngu 481
Exercises 482
D. Van phong 494
Exercises 497

KEYS 500
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