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``University of Antique

College of Engineering and Architecture

Sibalom, Antique


Date: Time:

INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following
questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box
corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet

1. Find the second derivative of x3 – 5x2 + x = 0
A. 10x -5 C.6x -10

B. 3x + 10 D.3x2 -5x

2. A triangle has a variable sides a,b,c subject to the constraint such that
the perimeter is fixed to 18 cm. What is the maximum possible are for the

A. 15.59 cm2 C.18.71 cm2

B.17.15 cm2 D.14.03 cm2

3. Find the length of arc of the parabola x2 = 4y from x = -2 to x = 2.

A.4.2 C.4.6

B.4.9 D.5.2

4. Evaluate the integral of (3x2 + 9y2) dx dy if the interior limits have an

upper limit of y and a lower limit of 0, and whose outer limit has an upper
limit of 2 and lower limit of 0.

A. 10 C.20

B. 30 D.40

5. A man purchased on monthly installment a P 100,000 worth of land. The

interest rate is 12% nominal and payable in 20 yrs. What is the monthly

A.P1,128.12 C.P1,152.15

B.P1,121.01 D.P1,101.08

6. What is the accumulated amount of five year annuity paying P 6,000 at the
end of each year, with interest at 15% compounded annually?

A.P 40,454.29 C.P41,454.29

B.P41,114.29 D.P40,544.29

7. The integral of cos x with respect to x is

A. sin x + C C.sec x + C

B.-sin x + C x + C

8. A car is travelling at a rate of 36 m/s towards a statue of height 6m. What

is the rate of change of a distance of the car towards the top of the statue
when it is 8m from the statue?

A. 32.4 m/s C. 39.6 m/s

B. 26.6 m/s D. 28.8 m/s

``University of Antique
College of Engineering and Architecture
Sibalom, Antique


Date: Time:

9. A normal window is in shape of a rectangle surmounted by a semi-circle.

What is the ratio of the width of the rectangle to the total height so that it
will yield a window admitting the light for a given perimeter?

A. 1 C.2

B. ½ D. 2/3

10. A family’s electricity bill averages $80 a month for seven months of the
year and $20 a month for the rest of the year. If the family’s bill were
averaged over the entire year, what would the monthly bill be?

A. $45 C. $55

B. $50 D. $60

11. Determine the diameter of a closed cylindrical tank having a volume of

11.3 cu m to obtain minimum surface area.

A. 1.22 C. 1.64

B.2.44 D.2.68

12. Find the minimum amount of tin sheet that can be made into a closed
cylinder having a volume of 108 cu. Inches in square inches.

A. 125 C. 137

B. 150 D. 120

π π
13. Evaluate the integral of cos x dx limits from ¿
4 2
A.0.423 C.0.293

B.0.923 D.0.329

14. A debt of P10,000 with 10% interest compounded semi-annually is to be

amortized by semi-annual payment ovewr the next 5 years. The first due in 6
months. Determine the semi annual payment.

A. P1,200.00 C. P1,193.90

B. P1,295.05 D. P1,400.45

15. A young engineer borrowed P 10,000 at 12% interest and paid P2,000 per
annum for the last 4 years. What does he have to pay at the end of the fifth
year in order to pay off his loan?

A.P 6,919.28 C.P5,674.00

B.P6,074.00 D.P3,296.00

16. A machine has an initial cost of P50,000 and a salvage value of P10,000
after 10 years. Find the book value after 5 years using straight line

A.P22,300 C.P30,000

B.P16,400 D.P12,500

17. A unit of welding machine cost P45,000 with an estimated life of 5 years.
Its salvage value is P2,500. Find its depreciation rate by straight-line

A.17.75% C.19.88%
``University of Antique
College of Engineering and Architecture
Sibalom, Antique


Date: Time:

B.18.89% D.15.56%

18. Evaluate:

A. B. C. 0 D.∞

19. Determine the diameter of a closed cylindrical tank having a volume of

11.3 cu m to obtain minimum surface area.

A. 1.22 B. 1.64 C.2.44 D.2.68 bonus

20. A tangent to a conic is a line

A. Which is parallel to the normal C. Which passes inside the conic

B. Which touches the conic at only one point D. All of the above

21. Find the slope of the ellipse x2 + 4y2 – 10x -16y + 5 =0 at the point where
y = 2 + 80.5 and x = 7.

A.-0.1463 C.-0.153

B.-0.1654 D.-0.1768

22. Evaluate the determinant:

A. 4 B.2 C.5 D.0

23. A person buys a piece of lot for P 100,000 downpayment and 10 deferred
semi-annual payments of P8,000 each, starting three years from now. What is
the present value of the investment if the rate of interest is 12% compounded

A.P134,666.80 C.P164,969.80

B.P154,696.80 D.P143,999.08

24. A cylindrical container open at the top with minimum surface area at a
given volume. What is the relationship of its radius to height?

A. radius = height C. radius = height/2

B. radius = 2height D. radius = 3height

25. What is the first derivative of the expression (xy)x = e.

1+ lnxy 1+ lnxy
A. 0 B. x/y C.-y( ) D. c.-y( 2
x x

26. Find the derivative of

A. C.

B. D.

27. The sum of two positive number is 50. What are the numbers if their
product is to be the largest possible?

A. 24&26 B.28&22 C.25&25 D.20&30

``University of Antique
College of Engineering and Architecture
Sibalom, Antique


Date: Time:

28. Find the equation of the normal to x2 + y2 = 5 at the point (2,1)

A. y = 2x C. x = 2y

B. 2x + 3y = 3 D. x + y = 1

29. Locate the points of inflection of the curve y = f(x) = x2ex

A. -2 sqrt(3) C. 2 sqrt(2)

B. -2 sqrt(2) D. 2 sqrt(3)

30. Find the minimum amount of tin sheet that can be made into a closed
cylinder having a volume of 108 cu. Inches in square inches.

A. 125 C. 137

B. 150 D. 120

31. A point of the curve where the second the derivative of a function is
equal to zero is called

A. Point of inflection C. average value

B. RMS D. radius of curvature

32. A family’s electricity bill averages $80 a month for seven months of the
year and $20 a month for the rest of the year. If the family’s bill were
averaged over the entire year, what would the monthly bill be?

A. $45 C. $50

B. $55 D. $60

33. Find the slope of the tangent to the curve, y = 2x - x2 + x3 at (0,2)

A. 1 B.2 C.3 D.4

34. What is the maximum profit when the profit versus production function is
as given below? P is profit and x is unit of production.
P = 200000 – x - ( )
A. 285,000 B.200,000 C.250,000 D.305,000
35. Find the slope of the curve at the point (1,1): y = −2 x +1
A. ¼ B.-1/4 C. 1 ¼ D.-1 ¼

36. Evaluate:

A. 0 B.1/2 C.2 D.-1/2

4 2
37. Evaluate: lim
3 x −2 x +7
x→ ∞ 5 x + x−3
A. Undefined B.3/5 C.Infinity D. zero

38. What is the area between y = 0, y = 3x2, x = 0 and x = 2?

``University of Antique
College of Engineering and Architecture
Sibalom, Antique


Date: Time:

A. 8 C.24

B.12 D.6

39. ABC Corporation makes it a policy that for any new equipment purchased,
the annual epreciation cost should not exceed 20% of the first cost at any
time with no salvage value. Determine the length of service life necessary if
th depreciation used is the SYD method.

A. 9 years C.10 years

B. 12 years D.19 years.

40. The integral of cos x with respect to x is

A. sin x + C C.sec x + C

B.-sin x + C x + C

41. What is the area bounded by the curve y = x2, the x-axis and the line x =
-2 and x = 1

A. 4.25 C.2.45

B. 5.24 D.5.43

42. Integrate x cos (2x2 + 7) dx.

A. C.

B. D.sin(2x2 + 7) + C

43. A manufacturing firm wishes to give each 80 employees a holiday bonus. How
much is needed to invest monthly for a year at 12% nominal interest rate
compounded monthly, so that each employee will receive a P2,000 bonus?

A. P12,608 C.P12,610

B. P12,300 D.P12,600

44. The area bounded by the curve y2 = 12x and the line x = 3 is revolved
about the line x = 3. What is the volume generated?

A.179 C.181

B.183 D.185

π π
45. Evaluate the integral of cos x dx limits from ¿
4 2
A.0.423 C.0.293

B.0.923 D.0.329

46. What is the area between y = 0, y = 3x2, x = 0 and x = 2?

A. 8 C.24

B.12 D.6

47. A normal window is in shape of a rectangle surmounted by a semi-circle.

What is the ratio of the width of the rectangle to the total height so that it
will yield a window admitting the light for a given perimeter?
``University of Antique
College of Engineering and Architecture
Sibalom, Antique


Date: Time:

A. 1 C.2

B. ½ D. 2/3

48. Evaluate:

A. B. C. 0 D.∞

49. Find the equation of the normal to x2 + y2 = 5 at the point (2,1)

A. y = 2x C. x = 2y

B. 2x + 3y = 3 D. x + y = 1

50. A car is travelling at a rate of 36 m/s towards a statue of height 6m.

What is the rate of change of a distance of the car towards the top of the
statue when it is 8m from the statue?

A. 32.4 m/s C. 39.6 m/s

B. 26.6 m/s D. 28.8 m/s

51. A family’s electricity bill averages $80 a month for seven months of the
year and $20 a month for the rest of the year. If the family’s bill were
averaged over the entire year, what would the monthly bill be?

A. $45 C. $50

B. $55 D. $60

52.Find the partial derivatives with respect to x of the function xy2 – 5y +


A. y2 – 5 C.y2

B.xy – 5y D.2xy

53. A car is travelling at a rate of 36 m/s towards a statue of height 6m.

What is the rate of change of a distance of the car towards the top of the
statue when it is 8m from the statue?

A. 32.4 m/s B. 39.6 m/s C. 26.6 m/s D. 28.8 m/s

54. A fencing is limited to 20 ft. length. What is the maximum rectangular

area that can be fenced in using two perpendicular corner sides of an existing

A. 120 B. 100 C. 140 D. 190

55. Evaluate laplace transform of tcoskt.

A. s2/(s2+k2)2 C. k2/(s2+k2)2

B. (-s2+k2)/(s2+k2)2 D.(s2 – k2)/(s2+k2)2

56. A bank charges 12% simple interest on a P 300.00 loan. How much will be
repaid if the loan is paid back in one lump sum after three years?

A.P408.00 C.P450.00

B.P415.00 D.P551.00

57. Find the area bounded by x = 2y - y2 and the y-axis.

A. 4/3 B.5/3 C. 2/3 D. 1/3

``University of Antique
College of Engineering and Architecture
Sibalom, Antique


Date: Time:

58. A balloon rising vertically 150m from and observer. At exactly 1min, the
angle of elevation is 29 deg 28min. How fast is the balloon rising at that

A.104 m/min B.102 m/min C.106 m/min D.108 m/min

59. For the formula R = E/C, find the maximum error if C = 20 with possible
error of 0.1 and E = 120 with a possible error of 0.05

A. 0.0325 B. 0.0275 C. 0.0235 D. 0.0572

60. Evaluate lim (sin-19x)/2x, when x = 0.

A. 9/2 B.π C. ∞ D. -∞

61. What do you call the integral divided by difference of the abscissa?

A. Average value C. Abscissa value

B. Mean value D. Integral value

62.Find the area bounded by the parabola sqrt of x + sqrt of a and the
line x + y = a
A. a3/2 C. a1/3
B. a2/3 BONUS D.a3
63. A man borrowed P100,000 at the interest rate of 12% per annum,
compounded quarterly. What is the effective rate?
A.3% C.13.2%
B.12% D.12.55%
64.Find the value of x for which y = 2x3-9x2 + 12x – 2 has a maximum
A.1 B.2 C.-1 D.-2
65.If in the Fourier series of a periodic function, the coefficient a0
= 0 and an = 0, then it must be having _________ symmetry.
A. odd B. odd quarter-wave C. even D. either a or b
66.What is the corresponding effective rate of 18% compounded semi-
A.19.25% C.19.48%
B.18.46% D.18.95%
67.Find the second derivative of y =xlnx
A. x B.1/x C.1 D. x2
68. Find the position value of c such that the area of the region
bounded by the parabola y = x2 – c2 and y = c2 – x2 is 576.
A.13 C.8
``University of Antique
College of Engineering and Architecture
Sibalom, Antique


Date: Time:

B.5 D.6

69. Which of this is equal to 6 ( x – 3 )?

A. x^6 – 3^6 C. 6 x – 18
B. 6x + 3 D. 6x – 3
∫√((1-cosx)) dx
A. 2√2 cos x + C C. -2√2 cos x + C
B. -2√2 cos x/2 + C D. 2√2 cos x/2 + C
71.Find the radius of curvature of the parabola y2 – 4x = 0 at the
point (4, 4)
A. 22.36 C.25.36
B. 20.36 D.27.36
72.Find the area bounded by y = x^3, the x-axis and the lines x = -2
and x = 1.
A.0.43 C.1.25
B.2.45 D.4.25
73. Obtain L {t^n}
A. n! / s^n – 1 C.(n+1)! / s^ (n + 1)
B. n! /s^n D. n! /s^ (n+1)
74.Find the radius of curvature at any point in the curve y + ln cos x
= 0
A. cos x C.1.5707
B. sec x D. 1
75.What curve is described by the equation 4x2 – y2 + 8x + 4y = 15?
A. hyperbola C.parabola
B. circle D.ellipse
76.What percent of 50 is 12?
A.14% C.2%
B.4% D.24%
77.If you obtain a loan of P 1M at the rate of 12% compounded annually
in order to build a house, how much must you pay monthly to amortized
the loan within a period of ten years?
A.P13,994.17 C.P12,955.21
B.P15,855.45 D.P12,900.25
``University of Antique
College of Engineering and Architecture
Sibalom, Antique


Date: Time:

78.Assume that f is a linear function. If f(4) = 10 and f(7) = 24,

find f(100).
A.98 C.144
B.576 D.458
79. Identify the property of real numbers being illustrated:
x + (y+z) = (x+y) + z
A. Commutative Property of Addition
B. Associative Property of Addition
C. Commutative Property of Multiplication
D. Associative Property of Multiplication
80. A machine has an initial cost of P 50,000 and a salvage value of
P10,000 after 10 years. Find the book value after 5 years using
straight- line depreciation.
A.P12,500 C.P30,000
B.P16,400 D.P22,300
81.An equipment cost P10,000 with a salvage value of P500 at the end
of 10 years. Calculate the annual depreciation cost by singking fund
method at 4% interest.
A.P791.26 C.P950.00
B.P971.12 D.P845.32
82.Find the derivative of the function y = 3/ (x2 + 1).
A.6x/ (x2 + 1)2 C.6x(x2+1)2
B.- 6x/(x2+1)2 D.- 6x(x2+1)2
83.Find the present value in pesos, of a perpetuity of P15,000 payable
semi-annually if money is worth 8% compounded quarterly.
A.P371,287 C.P372,537
B.p373,767 D.p374,977
84.A man paid 10% down payment of P200,000 for a house and lot and
agreed to pay the balance on monthly installments for “x”years at an
interest rate of 15% compounded monthly. If the monthly installment
was P 42,821.87, Find the value of x.
A.7 C.9
B.5 D.11
85.Find the minimum distance from the point (4,2) to the parabola y2 =
A.3 sqrt of 3 C.2 sqrt of 3
``University of Antique
College of Engineering and Architecture
Sibalom, Antique


Date: Time:

B.3 sqrt of 2 D.2 sqrt of 2.

86.In polar coordinate system, the polar angle is negative when:

A. measured counterclockwise
B. measured clockwise
C. measured at the terminal side of θ
D. none of these.
87.The area enclosed by ellipse 4x^2 + 9y^2 = 36 is revolved about the
line x = 3. What is the volume generated?
A. 370.3 C.360.1
B. 355.3 D.365.1
88.Solve the differential equation y’ = y/2x.
A. y = cx C. y2 = cx
B. y = cx2 D.y3 = cx
89.Which of the following is divisible by 6.
A. 792 C.794
B. 790 D.796
90. A post office can accept for mailing only if the sum of its length
and its girth (the circumference of its cross section) is at most 100
in. What is the maximum volume of a rectangular box with square cross
section that can be mailed?
A. 5432.32in3 C. 2592.25in3
B. 1845.24in3 D. 9259.26in3
91. Water is running out of a conical funnel at the rate of 1 cu.
in/sec. If the radius of the base of the funnel is 4 in. and the
altitude is 8 in, find the rate at which the water level is dropping
when it is 2 in. from the top.
A. -1/9pi in/sec C. 1/2pi in/sec
B. -1/2pi in/sec D. 1/9pi in/sec
92. The area bounded by the curve y^2 = 12x and the line x = 3 is
revolved about the line x = 3. What is the volume generated?
A. 186 C. 181
B. 179 D. 184
93. A machine costing P720,000 is estimatated to have a book value of
P 40,545.73 when retired at the end of 10 years. Depreciation cost is
computed using a constant percentage of the declining book value. What
is the annual rate of depreciation in %?
A. 28 C.25
``University of Antique
College of Engineering and Architecture
Sibalom, Antique


Date: Time:

B. 16 D.30
94. A man borrowed P 20,000 from a local commercial bank which has a
simple interest of 16% but the interest is to be deducted from the
loan at the time that the money was borrowed and the loan is payable
at the end of one year. How much is the actual rate of interest.
A.12% C.14%
B.10% D.19%
95. If you borrowed money from your friend with simple interest of
12%, find the present worth of P50,000 , which is due at the end of 7
A.P46,200 C.P46,730
B.P44,893 D.P45,789
96. Let f(x)= x^3+x+4 and let g(x)= f-1(x). Find g’ (6)
A. -1/4 BBB C. 1/4
B. -4 D. 4
97. If the half-life of a substance is 1,200 years, find the
percentage that remains after 240 years.
A. 76% C. 87%
B. 77% D. 97%
98. Find the slope of the curve x = t2 + et, y= t + et. At the point
A. 1 BBB C. 3
B. 2 D. 4
99. Sand is pouring to from a conical pile such that its radius is
always twice its height. If the volume of a conical pile is increasing
at the rate of 2 cu. m/sec. How fast is the height is increasing when
the height is 4m?
A. 1/16pi m/s C. 1/64 pi m/s
B. 1/32 pi m/s D. 1/8 pi m/s
100. What is the area of largest rectangle that can be inscribed in an
ellipse with equation 4x^2+y^2=4?
A. 3 C. 2
B. 4 D. 1
*** END ***

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