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i N Printed Pages : 5 (20817) Roll No... LLB.VISem. 14231 LL.B. Examination, May-2017 LAW ‘Law of Human Right (K-6003) Time: Three Hows) (Maximum Marks : 100 Note + Asempt al the sections as per Instructions Wes wh wel F Rtaga ee aie) Section-A wes (Very Short Answer Questions) (ais ag sete sera) Note: Artempt sll the five questions. Each question camvies¢ marks, Very Short answers required not exceeding 75 words. * Sx4=20 ae: wh de set 8 omy AAAs oer 4 ke Bi sft 75 met tg ae ats BA 1, Write about the Concept of Human Rights. are sitar 8 oN @ daeE RCL 4231 PTO, Ihutp:/ wsasoo'snanay dy woop ‘aoarApmasnsao-mniy nt 2 3 4 5. i Q@) Nations What are the objectives of the Ui Charter’? Rye Tee & at $ ater aT a? ‘Name any four collective rights ? erat are erates ert at ar ee How does National Human Rights Commission Constitute? werrarteare smi ar rest Pow sare tat & ? Whalis the difference oval ‘between Human Rights and A RT tert & a shee B 7 © Section-B wx © Short Answer Questions) (ag sata ae) Note : Attempt any two questions out of the following 3 questions. Each questioncasries 10 marks. Short answer is required not exceeding 200 words. 2«10=20 te: Preafeferr 3 met & ot weit & oar die we Ser 10 sat ar BI sAfeeaT 200 eet 3 ay TA arti 1 14231 Ihutp:/ woo épmasnsan: any dy ‘uoarApmasnsa9-aini Qa) 6 AretheHuman Rights’ grant by astat’or are they inherent ina human being ? Discuss the importance ‘and philosophy of nature of Human Rights. a ara Tey eT aT Ara rea 2 are sitar & Heme ote sree & eats ‘aaraT AR 7. Write a short note on National Commission for Women. hup:/ “Te fen er we rr RF 8. Give an account of judicial activism in India with regard to upholding Human Rights ares A arve itare & ante & ee A =a beeen a Fart Are Section-C wee (Detailed Answer Questions) (Praga Serta sera) Note : Attempt any hree questions out of he following five questions, Each question carries 20 marks. “Answer is required in detail 3%20=60 ate: Presfafter die met 98 Prd die wel & cae “SfoIE se eT 20 ata ar 8 Peg Ga aa a 14231 Ihutp:/ 2 g ‘aoarApmasnsao-mniy nt http://www. . 4 9. For the implementation of the provisions of the ‘covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the main instrumentality envisaged is the Human Rights ‘Committee. Discuss composition, procedure and functioning of the committee. ert ere oer 3 tee & eet Bary wa 8 fg, GR are ava Aa T Pear arrattears a4 & ao, RAT aire arial Ret aE “The Directive Principles of State Policy ‘contained inPartIV ofthe Constitution aims at providing social and economic rights and welfare of all, Desribe their nature and relevance t0 the Intemational Covenant on Social and Economic Rights. carey ata & art Va aie ww A fdas ot a oben es oe aes tere are at ar aor font aye & aren at ge arn oft as tert & okra & deo F area APT I. Discuss the various rights enshrined in European ‘Convention on Human Rights. iter arate sara aria fae afte ret 14731 See Sth page Ihutp:/ nysnsao: sua 5 i n Discuss the provisions of the International Human (GS) ‘The Universal Declaration on Human Rights contains ‘the general principles of aw recognized by civilized nations and also an authoritative interpretation of the Charter by the General Assembly. Discuss the importance and provisions of UDHR in above reference, aerated ache der 3 wer wey are ‘pr fait Rrra aaa Pear ar & te aT aT ae a aes Pre eat aT fram aod 7 arated & white deen a Feet ot maar fete st misnsoo'seanay dnt Rights Instruments regarding the principle of equal ‘rights of men and women. Ferd ote got & war after & fara 8 veg 4 sista raed tt & meer wh Atay wt ‘Whatsapp @ 9300930012 ‘Your old paper & get 10 gk Oat Ae ake 10-30 Paytm or Google Pag & Ihutp:/ ‘woo:spnysnsaa-avavnsth ttps:/ N Printed Pages (20518) ROW NO. seems LLB.-VISem. 14231 LLB, Examination, May-2018 Law Law of Human Rights (K-6003) Time : Three Hours} [Maximum Marks : 100 Note : Attempt all the section as per instructions ate: wh wd A Raga es th Section-A wos (Very Short Answer Questions) (ag srt) Note : Attempt all the five questions. Each question caries 4 marks. Very Short answer is required not exceeding 75 words. 4x5=20 he san dia weal 3 ire PA as me 4 fal By softopam 75 red A tt ay Ge oR BL 1, Whatis’MAGNA CARTA’? feat axel gar & ? 14231 PTO, hups:/Avww toa’ umn Rights Day’? vo Rare Sar rare A ETH a srt? 2 Concept of Human Rights arr oe SEE Consitetionof Nationa Human Rights Commision ah TARE | e Nameany four Collective Rights. care aefoeri (Cultural Rights eis ate | Section-B weg (Short Answer Type Questious) . (ag sata a) Answer any dne question out ofthe following three questions. Each question caries 20 marks. Short answerisrequred not exceeding 200 words, 201-20 fren it meat & a OE RTH ST “ee | mets ea 20 stat wR 1 ET 200 areal ye tg 014231(CV)N14250(CV) bitps:// 2 2 & hittps:// 8) bifreate bowen aan Rights and Fundamental Rights rca te ek RT aT A ae ATER National Commission for Schedule Caste and Schedule Tries. btps!' sxe ede rk Fees National Commission for Women. Frat & fae oe srt Section-C wet (Long Answer Type Questions) (at exta e3) Answer any two queatons out ofthe ellowing five ‘questions. Each question cates 30 mark. Answer is required in deta 3022-60 Prefefee dia wet 2 & Rel @ sel S gee ‘re 1 ss we 30 ish mB Raga ae nia B 1 Discuss the expansion of Human Rights Jurisprudence through judicil interpretation under ‘Ar 21 of the Indian Constitution, aia Amat % 9 21 3 site ears Pater & ara area itary Patera & Pree fit a vansticvyarsoicy) 2 atos:pmisnsoo' amas hitps:// 4 Discuss the rights enshrined oon Human Rigs, er ve ar fe # en oo in European Convention Jniversal Discus the importance and provisions of Unive Declaration of Human Rights as recognized by all civilized nations raft arhatie: de Peat al FET pel & aa afte fe nor 8, Baer saat Raber re ‘Wate an essay on Human Rights and United Nations Care. rater ed age US He ade A Pe fafa 1 Discuss the method of implementation of Human Rights as given under Intemational Covenant of Civiland Political Rights, 196. Rita of asthe after & oinisha after, 1966 @ eat A rafter ay Se i ot Far 14331/CVA250(CV 4 hueps:/ 2 ntps:iwww D Printed Pages (20621) Roll No... LLB.-VISem, 14250/14231 (CV-I) LL.B. Vith Semester Examination, Sune-2021 Law (Law of Human Right) (K-6003) (Old & New same) Time: 1%: Hours} {[iaximum Maris : 100 Ne :Artempt llth section s per instructions. te: ah ol & Rega ee Pre) Sestion-A (ws-3) Very Short Answer Questions (etry swt 37) Note: Anenptany ive questions ach question caries 10 marks. Very short answer is required not exceeding 15 words. aaig=20 14250/14231(CV.I) PTO. Iups:/iwww Itps:/iwwwy @ te: POR Rae sare ting ets eT 109%e1 a cafes 75 el 3 at ag ST BART zl 4. Waite «note on Human Rights and fundamen right. aerate at ETE atraret oe Fee Fae | 2, Whatarethe purposes of UN.O,? ager ay deh em eT? 45, Deseibe Civil Politica Rightsas"Human Rights gazette aratt ot AFR ae BST aa ahr “4. How does Haman Rights Comission Constiote in india? nps:(/ ace 3 sree aT Ba aia det? International Labour Organization (ILO) tere Pres re (STE St) 142s0naza(cv-1D Jntps:/iwww ntps:iwww e Scetion-B (area) Short Answer Questions (ag sata a7) Note: Attempt any one question out ofthe following thre question. Each question cares 20 mas Shoctanserisreqited ntexcenting 20 words 1-20-20 es Pre rae #8 Pah me TE Are) ne we 20 ia wr By rea 200 sre ag or ea #1 ‘Universal declaration of Homan Rights addressed to the individual does contain inalienable rights of| individual Explain, ‘cee rate arate Be er aa & orcs at ars ee 8 wre ie 14250/14231(CV-1, PTO. Iups:/iwww ntps:iwww “ 17. Discuss the importance and objects of Intemational covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 1966. fart othe wore siftertt ar srerefa wear, 1966 a Hess Sire Set oH PRET AE 8 Discuss the constnation, powers and funetioning of Women’s Commission in Inia sare 3 after ort aa ne, afer ote ar sort RT we Section-C (ers-x) Descriptive Answer Questions (Frege serge az) Note : Atempttwo questions out ofthe fllowing five questions. Each question carries 30 marks. Answers required in det 230-30 14250/14231(CV-I1) Iups:/iwww ntps:iwww ntps:iwww “ © : i art a ae ae ate: eas oi ae ari a U, Giveabriefaccountof the human rights enshrined safe ms er 30 oh ar Br Raegs sa ‘ in American Convention on Human Rights, 1969 itt 1 : \wih special referenceto the provision Arts that 9. What are the rights guaranteed by Intemational is not authorised to be suspended Me ‘Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural APE aftert ar critter afrea, 19693 afte Rights? How far they are ceflected in Indian awa afer? ax ota, friwmar o1 meu, Constition? - rai 8 at Bre Pa Prot ara ating i, ras Se ates ert sae ae . 7a 8, & aia or are reer ares Rt att a eA ery a 87 onda dita Fa wet aw aPaRe & ? 12. Describe the Inclusion of Human Rights Jurisprudence under the Constitution of India 10, Discuss the provision of Intemational Human Rights ‘through judicial interpretation. sais orcidaear art area arr A area after =aeare a wer ar ar cy Insicuments regarding the principle of equal ids ‘of men and women. gor ae eh or fet ar rare aa 4 siete ame oftert & Sereat 3 wear 13. Write short note on any wo of the following : fer Bre ti) Collective Rights 14250/14231(CV-T) PTO. 14250/14231(CV-I1) Iups:/iwww Iups:/iwww ntps:iwww o (6) Paopean Convention on Human Right Ay Nasa te elope aman ie Fe a oe ars Reet IE wo Tas seer Gi) He ortega ATT rt oiterd Aceh ce A Itps:/iwww A ot nontes Pages 7) (20622) . LL.B. - vi sem. 14250 LL.B. Examination, June-2022 Law (Law of Human Rights) (K-6003) Time : Three Hours} (Maximum Marks : 100 Note: Attempt all the Sections as per instructions, Ate welt evel a} tenga Eat AGE! Section-a / @3-% (ery Short Answer Type Questions) (aifey eng setter Note: Attempt ail five questions. Each question carries 4 marks. Maximum word limit is 75 words for each 5x4=20 snows P.T.O. https:/vww.cesustudy-com Re an Ge wy 8% sore AGW weet ee 4 APOE afeenc eu ghar acts we as Fee 5 gra ay 1 Behe “Human Rights! and point out their four basic characteristics ratte a Reet ae eA one a Redvers a gfy aby 2 Point out the reasons for preparing “Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948" rraiiort aries chon tone ap aR wed are a shir at) 3. Explain the concept of “Collective Rights" giving suitable examples mnefto aftont ah sioeerat sata sere 2 ge wHenge) 4250/2 hutps:iivww.ccsust 4. What is meant bY ‘Human Rights: Jurisprudence? rare tere & sen of 8? 5S. Point out the difference between Human Right, Natural Right and Legal Right are oftrore, tai oie ara fre aiftion Baran we at Section-8 / asa (Short Answer Type Questions) (org sent se Note : Attempt any two questions from this section. Each question carries 10 marks. The word limit for each answer is 200 words- 2x10=20 ste: ga ars & Pedi ase BER ABT rt 10 ie 8 ROT 200 Rt 4 seen sev ftfes 4250/3 Pro. hutps:// Briefly discuss the main problems thet Hinder the protection of tan Rights & International eye, BATA TT Repay apr at Eat sic RAE Fateh ay geggrr wh TeRNT LA a 7 Point out the basic differences between the European and American Convention on Human Rights. rT ie om gether oiftrmer ae ae ofhrerrer 5 gear ye aren at eae EL 8. Describe the main functions of National Commission for Women (NCW) in India saa 3 ergiey aff one (NCW) 3 mE art ox ais at) Section-C / ve-1 (Detailed Answer Type Questions) «Pega sertter we) Note : Attempt any three questions from this section. Each question carries 20 marks. Answer Is required in detail 3x2 14250/4 ate ar cm 3 A 9, ee se SRE WH 20-3 TB Re ne BRD a 9. Discuss the Human Rights. provision Under the United Nations Charter. ig ag ge Seale oft aT arate wth 10. Critically discuss the “Intemational Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966 along with the two protocols, Is India signatory to above covenant and its protocols. fafior cd ries often weifear eer IR Bag dat telat a were as TL ae aT > seb wife aT MITT OR TET fea BP 14250/5 huips:/ 1 PI8CU5S the cansteuton and powers and Functions of wyational Human Rights Commission” in india RAAT ey ry fear 3 OF aR st 24 rat am a ty 12, Briefly describe the main provision of “American Convention on Human Rights Is it more effective than European Convention on Human Rights? “SARC ora sitio aifirmer & ye geet Br Het avis ot ene aR TAR itr oftrerr & sere weet 82 13, The Indian Higher Judiciary has v contributed significantly to the protection of Human Rights of citizens by adopting inclusive Human Rights Jurisprudential approach in iS decisions. Critically elaborated citing relevant case-laws, 14250/6 hups:/ “se ION ATO 9 aries a ary SRE BY FRET ETH Be oa. faftroren ot ame Ptah & ait ae mech for Brg # aca man tat an Ra Be amen Bt re ‘Whatsapp @ 9300930012 ‘Send your old paper & get 10 sc got ed ot abe 10 ere Paytm or Google Pay 14250/7 ups:/'www. A Printed Pages: 7 (20623) - Roll NO. encore LL.B.-VI Sem. 14250 LL.B. Examination, June-2023 Law Law of Human Rights (K-6003) Time : Three Hours} [Maximum Marks : 100 Note : Attempt all the seétions as per instructions. te: wht edt & Pega os Section-A wed (Very Short Answer Questions) (sift ag sate eA) Note: This section contains five questions, all 14280 questions will be compulsory. There will be no internal choice. Each question carries 4 marks. 5x4=20 7.0, htips:// @ we: gore S da ne 8, ah wet otard Bi aE APCS Rr Rese at rT GT 4 ort mB 1. Distinguish between Fundamental Rights and Human Rights. es ata ah re sot BET TC HIE 2. What rights are called collective rights ? , eae ater BH-8 sifted a wet rer B 7! How far right to life is protected in various international insiruments on human rights? art sfeteftr arrartee sume Hat we oft * & cereal ger Porat ver & 7 4. Write a brief note on the Economic and Social Council. ones ot ares oft oe ga eer Reef Fever ‘Write a brief note on United Nations Educational, 14250 hitps:// @ Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Rega TE Soars, entre ate teas are (area) oe ow arr frowt feere Seetion-B wes (Short Answer Questions) {eg sata we) Note : This section contains three questions, attempt any twe questions. Bach question carries 10 marks. 2«10"20 ses ge wwe 8 che oer F, Peal TA oa BPR IH Wet 10 Sat wr BI 6. Write abriefnote on Civil and Political Rights under the American Convention on Human Rights RET oe ARCA sire srr ah Are aortas attra dt oe itr Fer RAPT | 14250 (P.T.O. https:/ (a) 7. Discuss the role of National Human Rights Commission in the protection of the Human Rights of the Citizen in India. caste arrattrere ort eG oreia MRT & arrears eer A afer a Ae aT 8. White brief note on United Nations Charter and Haman Rights. igen arg ere ote ar atest wrt Fee fet Seetion-C weg (@etailed Answer Questions) (Rega wate ee) Note : This section contains five questions, attempt any three questions. Each question carries 20 marks 3*20=60 14250 https:/ (s) te get es A le seer 8, Pore ee a a APE TR wet 20 of a 81 Critically examine the rights and freedom provided ‘under the European Conventions on Humman Rights. rarer oe i ies Hae era St actrees geet HT (6) ‘Write a short note on any two : (i) National Commission for Women,, Gi) Human Rights Committee and its mechanism Gi) Public Interest Litigation and Judicial activities fart Soe aie eoreh Fafteg = 10, Discuss the basic Human Rights guaranteed and protected under the Constitution of India. (@ Weha Afeen anata - arr & after & sits weds ott weer Gi) arene wat ote gaat oUt re sift Riker

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