Position Paper PEPCKTL05

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Republika ng Pilipinas

Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 702-7001

Catapang, Lourence BTLED 2-1 / PEPCKLTL05

Nueva, Mary Joy Sir Nino Adam Dilay

Position Paper

A change in one specific field is a crucial issue that one person or one group needs
to address. On this stand on these changes, we both agree on what Freedenberg's
view is. To make changes in a society, you need to have the power to invoke your
purposes. Aside from that, you also need influence from higher-ups to hear your
initiation. And that's the thing that a normal person doesn't have; that's why teachers
tend to be fine with what curriculum is currently implemented. They are afraid to
speak up for themselves because they know that they have the capability to do so,
but they do not have the power to initiate. In other professions, it can happen too,
because that is how our society works. Teachers and students are afraid to come up
with their changes because they know that some people tend to look okay on the
things that need changes.

The role of the head of the institution plays a vital role in how changes will be
implemented. They are the ones who have the power to invoke changes for the
institution and the curriculum that it currently uses. The changes that they make will
affect everyone, or even though they are not making any changes, they will still
affect their constituents. It is like a domino effect for everyone, creating an endless
outcome or even an unforeseen outcome. Because, just like a domino, their changes
might go slowly, but they can go roughly as well. In one institution or curriculum, this
kind of scenario greatly affects how one field, structure, and education system will
further develop.

According to Hoyle's reasoning, which is based on Matthew B Miles' well-known

concept, fundamental change is only achievable when an institution is in good
organizational health. Hoyle develops this medical metaphor in both of the studies
cited above by claiming that innovations fail to take hold due to tissue rejection by a
school that lacks organizational health. According to Hoyle, the healthy state that
allows for the institutionalization of innovation can be achieved by changing the role
of the head so that teachers are more involved in decision making and by instituting
greater collaboration among teachers, who must also develop an extended
professionality so that they see their work in a broader educational context. There
may be some disagreement with these admirable goals. Doubts simply arise over
the ease with which they can be accomplished. Hoyle believes that, given enough
time, appropriate in-service training, and local government backing, improvements in
the school's underlying structures can be achieved without excessive strain and
worry on the personnel. The fundamental purpose of this proper is to have a
comprehensive grasp of how a school's internal organization affects curriculum
Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 702-7001

The organizational structures and the role of the head greatly affect how innovations
for the institutions and their curricula work. That's why, according to Hoyle,
collaboration with teachers is important. Because of this, normal people, teachers,
and students can speak up in the ways they want. They will feel heard and seen by
the organization, which will break the stigma of fear that you need influence to do so.
Collaboration is one of the most important factors for society to move forward and
not be stagnant in making changes, as collaboration will open endless possibilities
for things that they are not aware of.

Evoking changes in a society comes with a great deal of effort, and it comes from
how organizational structures work. On how they are capable of making those
changes that they want for one institution, or rather, to its curriculum. Because it
affects the people involved in this kind of matter, they will see that speaking up for
yourself is hard. Humans just tend to be okay with things that are not okay. Since
they are afraid, they are unable to promote the changes that they want. But like
Hoyle said, collaboration with the people involved in this matter will create endless
possibilities and changes. Because it will break the stigma of barriers between the
higher-ups and their constituents. For the reason of having changes, it is important to
involve everyone who is part of the given matter, as they will feel that they are being
part of it and that they are never left behind.

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