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Responsibility, the commitment of oneself and of a work team are fundamental in

any project that is undertaken, especially if it is a project where responsibilities are
delegated and you have to trust in the training and good judgment of the people in
charge, even so, always You have to be aware of the work entrusted to third
parties, especially if the success of what is planned depends on the result of their

Precisely to guarantee that everything is executed according to plan and that there
is someone dedicated to this activity when the owner or contractor cannot do it
personally, the figure of the audit is born, as it is known in Colombia, where a
person or company must be aware of everything related to the execution of a
project and is the one who must report to its contractor.

In this work, the video titled “and the kingdom was lost” will be analyzed and how
due to the lack of attention and commitment of the people in charge in addition to
the absence of someone who would dedicate the time required to review a project,
this step of being an extraordinary project, winner of an international competition
and worldwide expectation, to a resounding failure.

The video titled “and the kingdom was lost” based on a popular English song that
concludes that for lack of a nail a kingdom was lost, shows us the story of the
famous Architect Stephen Sunbeam who, guided by a dream, begins a project that
revolutionizes architecture. in the city of London with an auditorium for one
hundred thousand people, this last-minute project had to be presented in a few
days and despite not giving it enough time, its creator seemed to have everything
under control.
Things began to go off course when ten months later, when they had to hand over
the project to the engineers to design, the specifications were still being written and
due to the secretary's inattention, an error was generated in the fundamental
aspect that was to carry out to the spectators from the underground parking lots to
the auditorium, he misspelled one of the most important numbers of the project,
this fact would not have been so serious if the architect did not give priority to other
things and took the time required to make the final review before handing over the
project to the design team.
In the design and construction office, serious errors were also made due to the lack
of commitment of its officials and control by the managers. Details such as not
updating an address caused one of those in charge of reviewing and designing not
to receive the information to time and by giving priority to other activities it does not
give the necessary rigor to the review assuming that what was in the original
project was good, approving the planning stage and starting definitive designs
without anyone having taken the time to carry out a review of such an important
project. This is where we begin to analyze the existence of an audit in each of the
stages of this project, if the construction company directed by David Wishart makes
the decision to hire a person or company that performs the functions of an audit
with a technically trained team. From the beginning of the project, this would have
among its functions the review of the project in its previous stages and the
preliminary designs, quickly finding this transcription error, since its function would
be to dedicate the necessary time to review the documents in all phases. of the
Continuing with the story, six months after the designs were approved, a person
from the elevator company detects the error but does not communicate it to the
correct person, who does not give the importance of the case because it is not their
area, assuming that someone else You will see it and it distracts this person who,
due to his lack of experience, fears being wrong. When he finally decides to
communicate with the right person, he does not find the right recipient who does
not pay the necessary attention because it is not his job and his responsibility. In
this part of the story we can see that the people who work in these companies do
not They have a commitment to it and that due to their lack of responsibility,
preparation or experience contribute to ineffective processes for their companies,
that is why the success of a company and even more so if it is an audit lies in the
choice of its collaborators, these people They must also be prepared, suitable,
responsible and committed to their work.
The story continues seven months after the final designs have been approved
when, already in the construction stage, the construction contractor George Hall
tries to communicate the error to the architect, who with a arrogant attitude decides
not to listen to him, he is in a hurry to go to the awards ceremony. of the project
and assumes that the contractor wants more money for his work, orders him to
build what is on the plans and that no one took the time to review, the contractor
also in a disobliging attitude taxes the architect to have proof and is going to build
knowing there is an error. Continuing with the analysis of the presence of an audit
in this story, it would be more than evident that already in the construction stage
this error had to be detected by a suitable audit and this would be in charge of
communicating the discovery in the designs to the construction company and the
designer. enjoying greater credibility and trust, also avoiding the designer's
suspicion when interpreting that the contractor wanted more money
The story ends nine months later, shortly after delivery, when the error is
communicated to the engineers and the designer of the elevators, Pablo Kumar,
and all the participants in the execution of the work make excuses for what was
written in the original project and that no one reviewed, Solving the problem
involves astronomical expenses was the final and lapidary phrase of this story,
expenses that could be avoided as already mentioned with the appointment of a
person or company to review the project from its beginnings, that is, an audit.
I consider that this error could have been evident at the time of the purchase
process of the elevators, which should have been done well in advance due to their
characteristics and that purchase had to be authorized by the project manager or
maximum position of the construction company. But I also believe that the purpose
of this work is not to show reality but to draw attention to how any action or
omission, no matter how minimal or insignificant it may seem, is capable of altering
the results in the short, medium or long term.

This interesting story demonstrates the importance of responsibility, commitment,

preparation and capacity of each member of the work team regardless of the area
in which they are located, attention to details, qualities of utmost importance in a
company and even more so. It is an auditing company which must generate trust,
credibility and technical solvency. We saw how factors such as time, distraction,
omission or negligence led an important project to failure.
In addition to not having a suitable work team, they also did not have someone
who would dedicate time to the things that require it, such as reviewing the project,
studying the documents in all its previous and execution phases, that is, an audit.

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