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Apply For Interest

This for is for individuals who are

applying to being considered as an
expert/professional for any specialised
short-term projects or didn’t find a
relevant open position in our page. Due
to the volumes of applications we
receive, you will only hear us during
interviews of our batch reviews. These
are not announced anywhere.

Name *

Jesca Mongi

First Last

Email *

Phone Number *


Gender *
Prefer Not To Say

Nationality *


How did you hear about us?

Referred By Someone

Years of Experience *
0-3 years
3-5 years
5-10 years
10-15 years
15+ years

What is your area of expertise? *

Expansion and Growth Projects
Product Market Fit Projects
Comprehensive Primary and Secondary
Market Research
Large Scale and Outsourced Team
Product and MVP Design Flows
Business Process Gap Analysis and Solutions
Process Mapping Audits and Reviews
Design Thinking/UI/UX Projects

Which type of experience would you like to

be considered for? *
Full-Time Professional
Part-Time Professional

What are the functions where you'd

consider yourself to be a trained expert? *
Business Development
Partnerships Management
Operations Management
Logistics Management
Human Resources/People Management
Legal and Compliance
Administrative (e.g EA/PA/Chief of Staff)
Customer Care/Service

If Other, then tell us which function?

Expected Daily Rate (TZS)

Only answer if you picked Consultant

Expected Hourly Rate (TZS)

Only answer if you picked Consultant

Expected Gross Salary (Monthly – TZS)

Only answer if you picked Full Time or Part Time

Current Employment Status

Employed – Full Time

Current/Most Recent Company and Role *

Please indicate where you currently work and your title, or most
recently worked and title.

Current Level of Management Experience

Fresh Graduate

Currently Monthly Salary (Gross)

Below TZS 500K
TZS 500,001-2,000,000
TZS 2,000,001-4,000,000
TZS 4,000,001 – TZS 6,000,000
TZS 6,000,0001 – TZS 8,000,000
TZS 8,000,001 – TZS 10Mn
TZS 10mn – 15mn
TZS 15mn – 20mn
TZS 20mn +

Why do you like to do side

gigs/hustles/short-term expert projects? *

What has been your most exciting short-

term project and why? *

Short Bio (250 words) *

Assume that you had to share this with someone who doesn’t
know you but would love to hire you for a short-term project

0 of 250 max words.

Please link your CV here. Kindly ensure that

it is a view-only link to a file or a google
folder. *

Agree and Consent Clause *

I would like to be added to Recroot Africa’s
mailing list and database and I provide consent to
receive information, news, updates and any such
marketing-related activities.


2023 Recroot Africa. All Rights


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