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Name: Vanessa Canoog Date: 04/08/2024

Course & Year: BSMA 3 Subject: ACCTG 320 – 73243

Business Ethics Activity: Resolving Ethical Business Challenges

1. Saul faces a moral dilemma after discovering what appears to be fraudulent billing practices by
his brother, Dr. Robert Smith, at their family medical practice. He's torn between acknowledging
the potential harm caused by these actions to patients and the healthcare system, and his
loyalty to his brother and their family legacy. Saul must navigate between his duty to uphold
ethical standards and his attachment to his family.
2. Medicare fraud is classified as a white-collar crime due to its non-violent, financially motivated
nature, typically perpetrated by professionals or officials. These crimes involve deception,
concealment, or a breach of trust and are often carried out through sophisticated methods to
gain monetary advantage. In the case of Medicare fraud, healthcare providers may engage in
activities such as billing for services not provided or inflating charges, defrauding the
government and taxpayers, and resulting in significant financial losses.
3. Saul needs to handle the situation with care, considering the interests of all parties involved. He
should start by gathering evidence of fraudulent billing practices and any financial records
showing where the misused funds went. Seeking advice from legal or ethical experts, Saul can
explore options for reporting the fraud while minimizing potential repercussions for himself and
his brother. Anonymously reporting to relevant authorities, such as the Medicaid Fraud Control
Unit or the Office of the Inspector General, might be a wise move to initiate an investigation
discreetly. Additionally, Saul might opt to have an honest conversation with his brother about
the seriousness of the situation and its ethical and legal implications. Ultimately, Saul must
prioritize ethical standards while also considering the well-being of his family and the

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