6th Semester Exam 2023

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BPH/BP601T/23 B.Pharm (6th Semester) Exam., 2023 MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY—III Paper : BP-601T Full Marks -: 75 Time : 3 hours The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions GROUP—A 1, Answer the following questions : 2x10=20 (a) What are B-lactam antibiotics? Give two examples. _ (6) What are: ‘nucleoside’ reverse‘ trans- criptase inhibitors’? (c) Define pharmacophore. Write the full form of QSAR. (a) Draw the .structure of ethambutol and write its uses. (e) Write the structures of miconazole and nitrofurantoin. () ‘Define prodrugs with example. | M23/1425 ( Turn Over ) ae (2) (g) What do you ‘understand by the term " ‘antifungal antibiotics’? Give one example. } (h) Write about the MOA of aminoglycoside antibiotics. () Define anthelmintic agents. Give one | example, @ =What do you understand by the term ‘molecular docking’? GRouP—B 2. Answer any two of the following questions : 10x2=20 (a) Explain the Salient features of the Blactam antibiotics, 34+4+3=10 (b) Classify antiviral agents. Write the synthesis and uses of tolnaftate and metronidazole, Write ~ the SAR of sulphonamides, 3+44+3=10 (c) Define antim: 2+444=10 M23/1425 (Continyeg') | (3) GROUP—C. 3. Answer any seven of the following questions : (a) () () (a) @) (9) (h) @ 5x7=35 Classify antifungal agents with suitable examples and structures. Write the synthesis and uses of mebendazole. Write the synthesis, mechanism of action and uses of trimethoprim. What is TB? Classify antitubercular agents with examples. Write the synthesis, mechanism of action and uses of chloramphenicol. Write about the chemistry of macrolide antibiotics. Write a note on the SAR of tetracyclines. How are prodrugs useful in minimizing taste and solubility - characteristic problems of a drug molecule? Explain with examples. Classify antiprotozoal agents with examples. kok M23—200/1425 BPH/BP601T/23 BPH/BP602T/23 : B.Pharm (6th Semester) Exam., 2023 PHARMACOLOGY—III Paper : BP-602T Full Marks : 75 Time : 3 hours The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions 1. Answer the following questions : 2x10=20 (a) Mention the difference between expecto- rants and antitussive agents. with examples. (b) Define antiemetic agents with examples. (c) Write the uses and adverse effects of macrolide antibiotics. (a) Classify antileprotic agents with examples. (e) What do you mean by biosimilars? Give an example. () Define the term. ‘teratogenicity’ with an example. M23/1426 yi (Turn Over) BPH/BP602T/23° B.Pharm (6th Semester) Exam., 2023 PHARMACOLOGY—III Paper: BP-602T Full Marks : 75 Time : 3 hours The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions 1. Answer the following questions : 2x10=20 (a) Mention the difference between expecto- rants and antitussive agents with examples. (b) Define antiemetic agents with examples. (c) Write the uses and adverse effects of macrolide antibiotics. (d) Classify antileprotic agents with examples, (e) What do you mean by biosimilars? Give an example. () Define the term. ‘teratogenicity’ with an example, M23/1426. (Turn Over) “7 (2) What do. you';mean’ by. rhythm: :a, d cycles? (@) (h) Write ‘the function. of. leukotrienes, (? Explain digestants and carminatives with examples. : @) What are monoclonal antibodies? 2. Answer any two of-the~following questions : 10x2=20 _(a) Classify the drugs used for relief of . cough. Write MOA, uses and. ADR of corticosteroids. 3+7=10 (}), Enumerate the classification of anti- cancer drugs according to ‘particular Phase of cell cycle. Discuss the. general principles of chemotherapy’ of cancer. ' — 6+4=10 (c) Give the classification of antivirals: ‘Write the mechanism of acyclovir. , 6+4=10 3. Answer any seven of the following questions : ) Ee TON 5x7=35 (a) Discuss the mechanism of action and adverse ; drug: :reaction of alkylating agents. m M23/1426 ° ( Coritinued) (3) (b) Write the pharmacological actions, adverse effects and therapeutic uses of proton pump inhibitors. (c) Illustrate the treatment of UTI. (a) Explain the treatment and management of organophosphorous compound poisoning. (e) Discuss about biological clock and its role in chranotherapy. ( Wlustrate the role of beta-lactamase inhibitors in the management of bacterial infection. (g) Discuss the general principles involved in the treatment of poisoning. (h) Write the mechanism of action, adverse effects and therapeutic uses of chloroquine. (@j) Write a note on antidiarrhoeal drugs. kkk ge RPU /RP602T/23 * BPH/BP606T/23 (N) B.Pharm (6th, Semester) Exam., 2023 “QUALITY ASSURANCE Paper : BP-606T, (New) Full Marks::.75 Time : 3 hours The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions SECTION—A 1. Answer the folleWi ' 2%10=20 (a) Whiat ‘do‘youaiean’ ‘by pevatiets ‘recall? (b) What are the different c climate zones as per’ Tene (c) ‘Define’ Total uals Management. i (d@) What is * the purpose of documentation in Se ae industry? fe) Briefly, 7 express, r about Warehousing Practices. , . Good i () What. do “you” mean _ by ., ‘Master : Production Record’? §23/1430 : aa Turnover.) (2) (9) Define quality: documentation. 1 (h) Mention some responsibilities of QA. (j What is ‘Robustness’ and ‘Raggednesg’ __ in analytical validation? () What are the full forms of IQ and OQ? SECTION--B 2. Answer any two of the following questions : . 10x2=20 (a) What do you. mean by. NABL accreditation? Discuss about the so-Principles, and.,..procedures ;,of/NABL accreditation. 2e4Helt (b) Define internal. and ‘external, ‘quality audits. Narrate~ briefly about to providing exhaustive.)checklist | of essential components of a GMP audit. 248-10 | euibes PONS GMT ‘ () What i is s analytical method validation? “* Classify it with’ thé! definitions'of each class. Discuss'about the components of analytical method Validation following | ‘US-FDA. > 14247610 M2371430 \ ( coritinied ) pe (3) SECTION—C 3. Answer any seven of the following questions : (a) () (C] (@) (e) @) (h) @ M23—200/1430 5*7=35, Define ‘quality assurance’ and ‘quality control’ and also’ mention various differences between them. . What do you mean by QbD? Discuss the elements of QbD. What are the twenty elements to be addressed in ISO : 9000 quality system? What are the various types of glasses used as packaging materials of pharmaceutical products? Classify pharmaceutical waste. What are the different methods of waste disposal? - Explain in detail regarding equipment validation. Narrate briefly about the ‘master formula record’. 7 State the difference between calibration and validation. Briefly discuss about the objectives and principles of ‘material management’. kkk BPH/BP606T/23 (N) 4 ¢ ) BPH/BP605T/23 B.Pharm (6th Semester) Exam.,/2023 PHARMACEUTICAL’ BIOTECHNOLOGY Paper,.:, BP-60ST Full Marks::\75) 3) iolW (iy The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the,questions} yas wwaiA .S tatW (p\ ‘ “GROUPA : 1. (a) 2 oth 1 vat G-amylase. ce ‘What is‘ ‘chitmerié DNA? iavsa9g , : @) “What is the function of ligase enzyme? (e),,What ia HAT, media? (D8 Whabosi isoitntithers! function’ — of < ‘vimmindgtobulin?: tonsa wid trwob uohav all civ aesoug ria) M23/1429 ( Turn.Over,) (@) hy) @ @ 2. Ans' (a) @) the struc "heat label Preparation, a+gt4el0 () ~ -M23/142 ie: (2) “Write any four applications ‘of PORHy 4 Name two methods. of. preparati, on of, viral vaccines. MAM What are episomes? ! What is induced:mutation? GRouP—B \ whl ripe sgt ont wer any two questions 102-99 | What is enzyme?, Explain various methods of enzyme immobilization with their advantage and disadvantage, vB ‘ “a8et0 Mesh “junds at surysecl —(n) What is immunoglobulin?:, Write. down of immunoglobulin with a gram’ Write’down the general method ,..of, , immunological (nh What are the ‘getiéial ‘requirdiniefts Yor &n» ideal fermentation media?) Write down the’ general method, of ,a.,typica! fermentation p it Tocess with its veriou! 410 Process Control parameters, at : ot ( csi (3) GRouP—C 3. Answer any seven questions : 5x7=35, (a) Describe ELISA with its applications. (b) Write a note on penicillinase. (c) Explain ‘the applications of genetic engineering in pharmacy. _ (a) Write a short note on biosensor. (e) Write a brief note on storage and stability of vaccines. oO Write down the preparation of penicillin by fermentation process. (g) What is MHC? Write down the differences between MHC Class I and Class II molecules. . (h) Write down the preparation procedure of insulin hormone by recombinant DNA technology. . @) Define immunoblotting. Write about Western blotting technique. kkk 23200 1/1429 i BPH/BP605T/23 BPH/BP604T/23 (N) B.Pharm (6th Semester) Exam., 2023 BIOPHARMACEUTICS AND PHARMACOKINETICS Paper : BP-604T (New) Full Marks :.75 Time : 3 hours The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions GrouP—I 1. Answer the following questions : 2x10=20 (a) Why lipophilic and unionized drugs can cross GI membrane easily? (b) Write a note on apparent volume of distribution. 7 (c) Write the importance of polymorphism in drug absorption. (a) Why is phase II reaction called true detoxication reaction? 23/1428 ( Turn Over ) WYim) S(e)S What,,is} sink : condition’ sand): how; maintain it? () Define mixed order pharmacokinetics, (g) Define ‘nonlinear pharmacokinetics, (h) What is I ding and mainteriance dose? () What is the difference between symport and antiport? «tiv: @) What do*:youi ‘mean’ by MEC and therapeutic. index? : ‘ 1 MOA SHAG oily np atye, YON, aT “GROUP 2. Answer any two questions : 10x2=2( Of=0(@)> Define absorption... Write &; note,,on |; theories of dissolution. Explain how ne» Particle. «Size, bq polymorphism, salt formation..and,,presystemic Metabolism affecting GI absorption of drug from its "dosage form i HO 00 fs shaw y 10 . noliwditteity (b) Write a note on various 1 é" dels." Explain one compartment ‘péii'model"' Tv! bolus omy PAministration, nw WW vanstey mW iby (c) What is elimintion? "Discuss in brief about the Pathways of drug metabolism with suitable examples, M23/1428) ; ( Continued j 3. Answer any seven questions : (a) (b) (o) (@ ) (9) (th) @ \i23—-200/1428 (3) GRouP—Ill Discuss the theory of dissolution. Write down the Wagner-Nelson method for calculating absorption rate constant’ for extravascular administration. Explain in vitro-in vivo correlations. How do you dedice the relationship of half-life and elimination rate constant? Write a note on blood-brain barrier and blood placental barrier. Explain kinetics of protein binding. List out the various factors affecting excretion and discuss any two. Explain the properties of two- compartment open model with suitable example. Discuss the ‘various methods to enhance bioavailability of BCS class II drug. kkk 5%x7=35 BPH/BP604T/23 (N) BPH/BP603T/23 .Pharm (6th Semester) Exam., 2023 ERBAL DRUG TECHNOLOGY (THEORY) . Paper : BP-603T Full Marks :75 Time : 3 hours The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions GROUP—A 1. Answer the following questions : 2x10=20 (a) Define lysosome and microspheres. (b) What do you mean by bioprospecting and biopiracy?. (c) Name four disintegrating agents of biological source. (d) Define patent and IPR with character- istics. (e) Define SOP and MFR. () Mention two examples of nutraceutical used in treatments of cancer. 23/1427 (Tum Over) (2) Name four colouring agents’, @) biological source, ‘chemical constitye® and uses. nts (h) Define perfume and flavours With example. @ Enlist four dietary, supplements Under nutraceuticals. Mention few examples, @) - Differentiate between Asava and Arishta and also mention~their -prime ‘uses, GROUP—B 2. Answer any two of the following questions : 10x25 (a) Write a note on ‘herbal-drug’ and ‘herbal- food’ interactions with examples. Briefly mention general aspects, scope, market growth types, classification and product available of nutraceuticals. (®) Define and classify herbal excipients with example. Describe the role of herb excipients in cosmetic formulations. Write down the evaluation parameters © any kind of herbal formulation. cultural (o) What do you mean by ‘good agri t its ee tces’? Also narrate briefly about ie Tole in Cultivation of medicinal Fefine includin, organi armin, biopesticides o M2: M23/ 1427 f (c ontintl (3) GRoup—c (Short answer-type questions ) 3. Answer any seven of the following questions : (a) () (c) (a) (e) | @ ny 0 123—200/1427 5*7=35 Define phytosome. Write its application and preparation and also mention their mechanism of action. Write a note on Indian Systems of Medicine. Name two plant sweeteners with biological ~ source and chemical constituents. Define various herbal preparations with examples. Write a note on patenting of traditional lmowledge and natural products with examples. Write a note on ‘good manufacturing practices’ of Indian herbal medicine. Explain the basic principles of ‘Siddha and Homeopathy System of Medicine’. Explain the need for quality control of raw materials and extracts. Write a short note about various conventional herbal formulations. kkk . BPH/BP603T/23

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