Appendix E1 Tailings Storage Facility TSF Management Plan - 32

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Appendix E1 – TSF Management Plan

were installed as a further measure to mitigate against the risk of an elevated groundwater mound
developing in the long-term outside of the footprint of the TSF. While there have been a number of measures
taken to control seepage from Cell 1, decommissioning of the cell was considered the best option to control
seepage in the long term, with tailings placement to Cell 1 ceasing in 2007.
As a result of these measures, the existing plume of seepage is expected to be recovered. The precautions in
place will make sure there is unlikely to be future potential contamination of groundwater beyond the TSF
footprint, subject to the studies mentioned in Section 3.3.2.

3.8 Previous MRM TSF Investments and Upgrades

MRM has invested more than $10 million since 2006 in TSF upgrades to protect the environment, including:

• decommissioning and commencement of rehabilitation of Cell 1 to minimise risk of seepage into the
waterway, including a geochemical assessment of tailings

• installation of a sump to intercept surface leachate draining toward Surprise Creek

• installation of a geo-polymer fill as a physical barrier to prevent further seepage

• installation of piezometers within the TSF embankments for monitoring

• ongoing monitoring of Surprise Creek, that checks average zinc, lead, copper and cadmium
concentrations at monitoring locations remain within stipulated guidelines

• undertaking electromagnetic surveys to locate and manage potential seepage points

• upgrading the Cell 2 spillway into the WMD

• developing additional protection with emergency spillways

• continuing the monitoring program to assess tailings content, seepage, and integrity of the
embankment walls, pipe and infrastructure.

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