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Appendix I

Geometric Design Manual-2002 Abbreviations


AADT Average Annual Daily Traffic

AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
AAWSA Addis Ababa Water and Sewerage Authority
ADT Average Daily Traffic

BVC Beginning of Vertical Curve

CADD Computer-Aided Design and Drafting

CMP Corrugated metal pipe

DHV Daily High Volume

DS Design standard
DTM Digital Terrain Model
DV Design vehicle

EELPA Ethiopian Electric Light and Power Authority

ELH Economic Limit of Haul
EMA Ethiopian Mapping Authority
ERA Ethiopian Roads Authority
ETB Ethiopian Birr
ETC Ethiopian Telecommunications Corporation
EVC End of Vertical Curve

Ethiopian Roads Authority Page I-1

Appendix I
Abbreviations Geometric Design Manual-2002

FH Free Haul

GPS Global Positioning System

HAL Horizontal Alignment Listing

IDA International Development Agency

LOS Level of service

MUTCD Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices

PC Point of Curvature
PI Point of Intersection
PSD Passing Sight Distance
PT Point of Tangency
PVI Point of Vertical Intersection

RCP Reinforced concrete pipe

RFCS Road Functional Classification System
ROW Right-of-way
RPSD Reduced Passing Sight Distance
RTA Road Transport Authority

Page I- 2 Ethiopian Roads Authority

Appendix I
Geometric Design Manual-2002 Abbreviations

SSD Stopping Sight Distance

TBM Temporary Bench Mark

TCDE Transport Construction Design Enterprise

TOR Terms of Reference
TRL Transport Research Laboratory
TRRL Transport and Road Research Laboratory

VPI Vertical Point of Intersection

Ethiopian Roads Authority Page I-3

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