6th Semester Exam 2022

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BPH/BP 601T/22 B.Pharm 6th Semester Exam., 2022 MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY Papet : BP-601T Full Marks: + 75. Time : 3 hours The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions 1. Answer the following questions : 2x10=20 (a) What are the Sources of streptomycin and neomycin? i. ye, ost (b) Draw the stricture of erythiomyein, (c) Draw the Siructiires! i aperiem ‘anid oxapefiati. i (d) What is the structural diffetence between penicillin and cephalosporin? (e) Define molecular docking. a a What do’ ‘you “mean by bor’ ‘to’ treat tuberculosis? 2. jyjqusicilue vt (g) Write down, the uses.of griseofulvin with its structure. 22M/1151 (Turn Over ) (h) @ @ ‘(2) Draw the structure of chloramphenicol and mention its uses. What are the heterocycles present in mebendazole and thiabendazole? What is the structural difference between sulfanilamide’ and PABA? 2. Answer any seven of the following questions : (a) (b) (c) (a) (e) (9) (h) @ 22M/1151 5x7=35 Classify antibiotics with examples. Discuss the life cycle of P. falciparum. Synthesize para-aminosalicylic’ acid and write its uses. a Classify penicillins with example. Synthesize ciprofloxacin '’ ‘and nitrofurantoin. What are protozda? Classify antiprotozoal drugs with examples. Synthesize dapsone and write its uses. Classify sulfonamides with examples. Write a note on trimethoprim. Mevcigeosd ) (3) 3. Answer any two of the following questions : (a) (b) (c) 10x2=20 Elaborately discuss the applications of prodrugs. Describe the SAR of tetracycline. Classify antiviral drugs with examples and synthesize acyclovir with its mechanism of action. kook RPH/BP-604T/202 BPH/BP 602T/22 B.Pharm 6th Semester Exam., 2022 PHARMACOLOGY—iI Paper : BP-602T Full Marks : 75 Time : 3 hours The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions 1. Answer the following questions 2x10=20 (a) What is teratogenicity? Give an example. (&) Mention four. biological rhythms. (c) Mention four classes of, antibiotics acting by inhibiting cell-wall synthesis. (4) Mention the drugs used for the treatment of filariasis. , fe) Enlist non-systemic antacids: @) « Mention » antidote for’: morphine!’ and organophosphorus poisonings:: (g) Enlist respiratory stimulants. . (h) Mention four malarial parasites, 2M/1152 (Turn Over ) (2) () Write four examples of immuno: stimulants. G) Write the causative organism and drug of choice for syphilis and gonorrhoea, 2. Answer any seven of the following questions : 5x7=3 (a) Classify, antiviral. and. antiretroviral agents with examples. (b) Write the mechanism of action, adverse effects and uses of Zidovudine. (c) Outline the steps involved in the elimination! of orally ingested’ poisons. (d) Classify ‘antibiotics on‘ the ‘basis of mechanism’ of” action’ along © with examples. | . (e) Write a note on the causes’ and prevention of antimicrobial resistance. (.. Mention xanthine derivatives and: write their mechanism of antiasthmatic action. (g) Define © biological ‘clock. Write its significance in chronopharmacology. 22M/1152 ( Contin: (3) (h) Write the clinical symptoms of heavy ( metal poisonings. Add a note on their antidotes. Write a flowchart showing the life cycle of Plasmodium species. 3. Answer any two of the following questions : (a) (b) (¢) 10x2=20 Classify antifungal agents with examples. Write the mechanism of action, adverse effects and therapeutic uses of Triazoles. : 4+6=10 Classify antiulcer agents with examples. Write the mechanism of action and therapeutic uses of PPIs. 5+5=10 Classify antitubercular agents. Write the mechanism of action of INH and Rifampicin, 44+6=10 wk BPH/BP 606T/22 B.Pharm 6th Semester Exam., 2022 QUALITY ASSURANCE Paper : BP-606T Full Marks : 75 Time: 3 hours The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions _ . Answer the following questions : 2x10=20 (a) Mention two" objectives “' of | ICH ,guidelines..-.:))1:5 iit iiuar thw (cl (b) What is NEE Write its signi ance. | ftgia avi ati {c) Write the basic qualities glass. . (d) Define grammage test ‘with its significance. 49, 4) 91 ‘ BAY (ce) Mention two advantages [on GLP. ( ». Write , down thei! idifferent pone of, , validation.: geaprilstyiisp iil (2) (g) What is. validation. master plan? Explain. (h) Differentiate between process validation and method validation. () Mention the different climatic zones along with the condition. G) Write down the importance of document maintenance in pharmaceutical industry. 2. Answer any seven questions : 5x7=35 (a) Mention’ various differences between calibration and validation. (b) Write briefly about animal care facilities. (c), Explain, test. for carsenic for glass containers. Write its significance. 4+1=5) (d) Describe the ‘quality control test for non-parenteral _ plastic containers as per IP. i 4 (be) (e) What are the steps incliidedia the process of NABL accreditation? Explain briefly. Biel: (2 Write the significance and objective af stability guidelines with respect to ICH. 22M/1156 !IM—210/1156 @) (h) @ (3) Write the objective of ISO 9000 series, Elaborate quality principles in ISO 9000 series. 14455 Explain organizational flow chart. With example, describe the same. Write a short note on objective and importance of quality assurance department. Answer any two of the following questions : (a) (b) (c) 10x2=20 Define equipment validation. Explain the phases of equipment validation. 24+8=10 Write in brief about hydrolytic resistance test. Why is it necessary to perform this test on glass container meant for parenteral products? 6+4=10 Write a note on validation. Mention various objectives and types of validation. What do you mean by analytical method validation as per ICH guidelines? 10 kak BPH/BP 606T/22 EEN TCS BPH/BP-604T/22 B. Pharm 6th Semester Exam., 2022 BIOPHARMACEUTICS AND PHARMACOKINETICS Paper : BP-604T Full Marks; 75 Time : 3 hours The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions 1. Answer the following questions : 2x10=20 (a) What is the difference between Symport and Antiport? (b) What do you understand ‘by ‘the term rate-limiting step (RDS)? () Define agglomerative phase, of communition. {d) What are different;; approaches to promote crossing the BBB by drugs? Ny Ages wie (ec) Define total systemic clearancen aad renal, See ratio. nn ; What do. you mean, ben MEQ: and therapeutic index? : ; M7164 ° (Turn Over ) (2) (@g) What is the difference bet, ‘Ween, Mammillary and Catenary model? (kh) What is extraction ratio? @) Define flip-flop phenomenon, (j) What is the difference between Closeq and open compartment apparatus? 2. Answer any seven of the following questions 5: (a) What are the applications of developing IVIVC? What are the Parameters used for correlating in vitro dissolution with plasma data? (6) Write a note on the relationship between renal clearance values and mechanism of clearance. (c) What do you mean by non-compartment analysis? What are the applications and advantages of it? vs (2) Discuss the influence of drug pKa and GIT pH on drug absorption. °°)" (e) Give a brief note on diffusion layer oF film theory, n Q Discuss in brief the plot of Micheelis- Menten equation, : 22M/1154 eee conti METRY (3) (@) Write a note on the dissolution ap applications, compendial paratus types and their (h) Give a brief note on th e biopharma- ceutics classification system for drugs (BCS). @ Establish the equation in case of infusion plus loading dose. Answer any two of the following questions : 10x2=20 (a) What are the two methods for calculating K, from urinary excretion data? Compare their merits and demerits. 2+8=10 (b) Establish the equation in case of one- compartment open model—intravenous infusion. 10 (c) Discuss the patient-related factors (gastric emptying time and intestinal transit time) influencing GI absorption of a drug. 5+5=10 kok BPH/BP-6OBT /2022(8) B.Pharm (6th Somentor) Ixam., 2021 ( Held in 2022 } PHARMACEUTICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY Paper : BP-GOST Full Marks : 75 Time : 3 hours The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions !. Answer the following _objective-type questions : 2*10=20 (a) What is the principles of genetic engineering? (b) Define immune suppression. (c) Define plasma substitutes. (d) What are the types of mutants? (ec) Define toxoids. () What do you mean by aeration process in the fermentation method? (g) What do you mean by dried human plasma? 2M/612 ( Turn Over ) fh) a a (2) What is transduction? Give the storage condition of two Official vaccines. What is microbial transformation? 2. Answer any seven of the following shor answer-type questions : 5x7=: (a) (b) (9 (dj fe) 7] () (h) ) 22M/612 Discuss about several cloning vectors, Describe PCR technique for gene multiplication. Discuss about different blood products. What is ELISA? Describe competitive type of ELISA. Describe hybridoma technology for Production of monoclonal antibodies. Describe microbial transformation. Discuss about cloning factors. What are immunoglobulins? Describe different types of immunoglobulins. Discuss about th, i of biosensors, ce Working { Conti (3) sg Answer any two of the following long answer-type questions : f@) ®) © : 10x2=20 What is recombinant DNA technology? Discuss about the -applications of recombinant DNA technology. Describe the construction.and working, of a fermenter. What is enzyme immobilization? Describe the different methods for enzyme immobilization. wk* BPH/BP 603T/22 B.Pharm 6th Semester Exam., 2022 HERBAL DRUG TECHNOLOGY Paper : BP-603T Full Marks : 75 Time : 3 hours The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions 1. Answer the following questions : 2x10=20 (a) Define patent and IPR. (b) Name two natural perfumes. Mention their sources. (c) Define Arista and Asava with examples. (d) Write the sources and two health benefits of chicory. (e) Give the examples of natural binders. (9 Distinguish between primary and secondary metabolites. (g) Differentiate between conventional and organic farming. 2M/1153 (Turn Over ) (2) (h) Give the drug interactions of garlic. () Write briefly on bleaching agents. (i) Define herbal drug preparation. What is Kava-Kava? - Answer any seven questions : 5x7=3! (a) Discuss about the significances of identification and authentication of herbal drugs. (b) Explain briefly about ginger and amla as health food. (c) Enlist the plant-based institutions in India. (d) Write on the ICH guidelines for assessment of herbal drugs. (e) Write about pharmacokinetic herb drug interactions with examples, () What is biopiracy? Discuss any three biopiracy cases in India. (9) Write a detailed note on pest and Pest control in medicinal Plant. (h) Write briefly on the raw materials used in herbal cosmetics, 22M/1153 ts Continued 0) (3) Explain in detail the proced i in stability testing of paca involved gs. Write short notes on the c 7 rey functions of ASUDTAB ah ae 3. Answer any two questions : 10x2=20 (a) (®) (c) Explain in detail the WHO guidelines for the assessment of herbal drugs. Discuss the infrastructural require- ments, working space, storage area, machinery and equipment of a herbal fulfill © GMP drug industry to requirements. on the following : 5x2=10 Write short notes () Herbal shampoo (ii) Role of nutraceuticals in ailment of cvs diseases KKK

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