List Classified by References and Meticulously Ordered by Preference of Teachers of Basic and Social Sciences-1

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Document generated through a compilation of recommendations, comments from other classmates, good and bad experiences,
gossip, information from the internet and one's own opinion about each teacher; with the aim of obtaining the best possible
academic achievement that the enrollment number allows, due to schedule you will never have good teachers.
If you use this information to navigate or adjust a schedule, fuck your mother in advance, I put effort into this research to help those
who care about their career and want to learn, not to promote mediocrity, why do you get out of bed every day to the faculty, let's
see who hires you and if they do, let's see how long you last, where is your rubbish honor, better buy the degree.

The best for any registration, there is no excuse, whether first or second or even listener, they are the best options
Entering class is a pleasure and you enter with enthusiasm to learn more about the subject. Do not hesitate to sign up, if there is
space, get in ... Cool teachers who teach at a good level, who are also good-natured and some even easy to pass (eminences not very demanding )
• The best with the best reputation, wide recommendation and who give the topics with great clarity and good level
• They are very good teachers, you learn very well and at a good level, but the previous ones have priority and prestige.
preferably First Enrollments in Second if you don't get lively enough you will become ASDRII
You also enter class with the pleasure of learning more, but the course is heavy. Think about it to sign up and if you do, raffle off ...
Teachers are difficult to pass but just by taking a course with some you come out very well prepared like the greats (an exhaustion that is worth it)
• Difficult to pass but they are cool, you will continue to love them, you would even be able to register them again
• The course is very hard, you suffer a lot but you learn very well the hard way and passing is very extreme
preferably Second Enrollments and that is if the First was with an extremely good teacher
You end up trusting yourself and go to class when you want because you know that passing is in short order. How damned you look if
you sign up ... Teachers who teach but you will NOT leave with a very high level, that is, they teach at a basic level but you ensure you pass (study on
your own )
• They have good teaching methods, you learn the basics well but they don't give you a good level / You don't look so bad boating
• The level they manage is very mediocre and deficient, you pass but you don't learn much / You look very bad sailing
- I don't have references
No idea who they are
…Professors I don't know, I'll fail you, but I'd rather sign up by chance than one of the 2 categories that follow (ask for references)
• If you get references, classify that teacher in one of the categories already specified
If it is within your means, AVOID THEM . If there are only the following professors left, it is better to take the subject until the
next semester, otherwise you would be burning up your enrollment like hell and you are going to resort anyway without knowing
anything . About a month later, almost the entire class realizes that entering The label “class” is a waste of time They are in poop brown … Who knows how the
hell they came to teach engineering classes, they don't teach absolutely anything (mark ships “according to”)
• Useless things that are most LIKELY to happen to you, yes or no you will never know how or why and you leave without even
having any notion of the matter
• Useless, it is VERY LIKELY that they will fail you, yes or no you will never know how or why and you leave without knowing
It's scary to enter class, maybe even resentful. Don't sign up under any reason or circumstance, even if you are the only one with a
place ... Teachers we can call "HDP" passing may seem impossible and with some it may not be clear to you what they teach ( Culeros)
• Eyes with which you may learn but you still have to endure them
• Buttholes that don't teach on top of assholes or if they teach, you don't understand them
*/(The teachers of each category are strictly and meticulously ordered in a preferential manner)/*
If you can't find a teacher in one subject, look for one in the other subjects.
If you don't get a good place and only the browns and the reds are left, from among the unknown ones, enter the one with the fewest vacancies or consult the surveys
and include the one who has
came out with a better grade (*Warning* surveys are not a completely reliable parameter, nor is the criterion of fewer vacancies) or if there is a group
“TO ASSIGN TEACHER” will be a much better option than including one of the brown or red ones
If you join groups because you have the schedule instead of the quality of the teacher, you have no right to complain about the course you are taking


Soriano Sánchez Luis Humberto
Arzamendi Pérez Sergio Roberto
Aguilar Morales Casiano
Piña Ramírez Victor Hugo “The Powerful Pineapple”
Hernandez Lopez Hector
Arcos Hernandez Jose Luis
Durán Campos Victor Manuel
Malfavón Ruíz Yonahandy
Rodríguez Chávez Rosalba
Rangel Ordoñez Francisco Armando
Velazquez Torres Juan
Salgado Rodríguez José Francisco
Pineda Ramirez Alicia
Ramirez Manny Pedro
Galván Bochelen Erasmus
Martínez Ávalos Raquel
Velasquez Marquez Alfredo
Arenas Sánchez Enrique
Speziale San Vicente Leda
Rubio Suarez Manuel
Sánchez Salinas María Sara Valentina
Lopez Parra Armando
Macías Castillo Marco Antonio
Diaz Osornio Jaime Hector
Flores Muñoz Yezmin
Gómez Ramírez Marco Antonio “Barco Antonio”
Luna Camacho Margarita
Vázquez Martínez Ismael
Ortega Barbosa Maria Guadalupe
Rubio de Silva Xavier
Del Castillo González Héctor Luis
Lopez Montes Alexis
Castillo Cortes Francisco José
Martínez Gómez Ricardo
Patiño Ramírez Jesus Antonio
Larios Canale José Enrique
Balmori Negrete Gustavo
Gonzalez Vega Patricia
Madrigal Silva Gustavo Efraín
Solis Ubaldo Rodolfo
Solar González Jorge Alfonso


Castañeda from Isla Puga Jaime Erik
Jury Pineda Mayverena
Crail Corzas Sergio Carlos
Moon Head María del Rosario
Barragán Martínez Alejandra Maribel
Piña Ramírez Victor Hugo “The Powerful Pineapple”
Quintanar Cortés Luis Enrique
Hernandez Lopez Hector
Malfavón Martínez Sara Martha
Rodríguez Chávez Rosalba
Santillán Ramírez Lorenzo Rafael
Rocha Beltrán Gustavo Guillermo
Zavala Galicia Diego Alberto
Lopez Dominguez Gabriel
Vacio González Manuel de Jesús
Ramirez Manny Pedro
Martínez Ávalos Raquel
Hernandez Moreno Luis "Bullfighter"
Rubio Suarez Manuel
Esquivel Rodríguez María Elizabeth
Diaz Osornio Jaime Hector
Aguilar Delgado Silvia Jennifer
Juarez Montoya Pablo
Caballero López Hortensia
Kings Cruz Caesar
Suarez Escamilla Francisco
Córdova Alarcón José Rodrigo
Rocha Gómez María Teresa
Ortega Barbosa Maria Guadalupe
Peñuñuri Santoyo María Teresa
Camacho Trujillo Arturo
Castillo Cortes Francisco José
García Guerra Hanna Leslye
Patiño Ramírez Jesus Antonio
Romero Serrano Noé de Jesús
Navarro Vazquez Bernardo
Reyes Cortés Jaime Alfonso
Gomez Joel
Lara Esparza Carlos Alfonso
Meza Romero Armando Carlos
Montesano Brand René

Martinez Alavez Jacquelyn
Ávila Núñez María del Rocío
Arzamendi Pérez Sergio Roberto
Jimenez Arteaga Aldo
Aguilar Morales Casiano
Piña Ramírez Victor Hugo “The Powerful Pineapple”
Acosta Bernal Luis Javier
Aviles Rosas Gerardo
Juárez Mendoza Ana Marissa
Hernandez Lopez Hector
Guzmán Vargas Erica
Mora García Hector
Rodríguez Chávez Rosalba
Velazquez Torres Juan
Salgado Rodríguez José Francisco
Ruiz Medina Jesus Edmundo
Zavala Galicia Diego Alberto
Barrera García Francisco
Fernández Martínez Martha Josefina
Martínez Ávalos Raquel
Aguilar Pascual Juan
Speziale San Vicente Leda
Rubio Suarez Manuel
Sánchez Salinas María Sara Valentina
Diaz Osornio Jaime Hector
Montoya Cervantes Francisco Javier
Flores Muñoz Yezmin
Aguilar Delgado Silvia Jennifer
Cortés Rosas Javier
Flores Guzmán Mario
Juarez Montoya Pablo
Caballero López Hortensia
Sandoval Murcia Armando
Muñoz Sánchez Ricardo
Rodríguez Vera Jorge Armando
Peñuñuri Santoyo María Teresa
Insunza Hernandez Jorge
Hernandez Vargas Roberto
Castillo Cortes Francisco José
Vásquez Segovia Luis Cesar
Martínez Gómez Ricardo
Patiño Ramírez Jesus Antonio
Fonseca Velázquez José Ramón
Hinojosa Rosas Ruben
Chin Auyon Mario Luis
Barrera Ramirez Juan Carlos
Reyes Cortés Jaime Alfonso
Elizabeth Aguirre Maldonado
Gutiérrez Soria Javier
González Sosa Jesus Vicente
Second Cuevas Felipe
Montesano Brand Rene


Castañeda from Isla Puga Jaime Erik
Martínez Alavez Jacquelyn
Arzamendi Pérez Sergio Roberto
Ávila Becerril Sofia Magdalena
Aguilar Morales Casiano
Jimenez Arteaga Aldo
Guzmán Vargas Erica
Leyra Ankle Erika
Hernandez Ceja Diana Elizabeth
Ramirez Garcia Elena
Malfavón Ruíz Yonahandy
Rodríguez Chávez Rosalba
Velazquez Torres Juan
Pineda Ramirez Alicia
Barrera García Francisco
Arenas Sánchez Enrique
Speziale San Vicente Leda
Aguilar Pascual Juan
Guzmán González Roberto “Robarco Guzmán”
Sánchez Salinas María Sara Valentina
Blancas Ríos Irlib Bethlehem
Lopez Parra Armando
Gómez Rodríguez Alfredo
Diaz Osornio Jaime Hector
Montoya Cervantes Francisco Javier
Miranda Tellez Abel
Juarez Montoya Pablo
Luna Camacho Margarita
Espinosa Pérez Gerardo René
Rodríguez Ocampo Paola Elizabeth
Hernandez Sanchez Leticia
Alcerreca Huerta Juan Carlos
Francisco Lightning Barrier
Hernandez Miranda Berenice
Tello Edgar Palette
Flores Pérez Anahí
Silva González-Pacheco Gerardo
García Guerra Hanna Leslye
Vázquez Segovia Luis Cesar
Martínez Gómez Ricardo
Chin Auyon Mario Luis
Balmori Negrete Gustavo
Flores Silva José Luis
López Acosta Norma Patricia
Second Cuevas Felipe
Badillo Monroy Narciso Osvaldo
García Esteban Mauricio
Castañeda from Isla Puga Jaime Érik
Soriano Sánchez Luis Humberto
Jury Pineda Mayverena
Crail Corzas Sergio Carlos
María del Rosario Moon Head
Barragán Martínez Alejandra Maribel
Aguilar Morales Casiano
Hernandez Lopez Hector
Apaza Pérez Willy Alejandro
Mora García Hector
Malfavón Ramírez Sara Martha
Santillán Ramírez Lorenzo Rafael
Duran Campos Victor Manuel
Arconada King Germán Ramón
Rocha Beltrán Gustavo Guillermo
Torres Ferrera Pablo
Lopez Dominguez Gabriel
Vacio González Manuel de Jesús
Salazar Guerrero Evelyn
Ramirez Galindo Margarita
Ramirez Manny Pedro
Hernandez Moreno Luis "Bullfighter"
Arenas Sánchez Enrique
Trejo Becerril Tamara Alicia
Guzmán González Roberto
Rubio Suarez Manuel
García and Colomé Pablo
Esquivel Rodríguez María Elizabeth
Blancas Ríos Irlib Bethlehem
Juarez Montoya Pablo
Caballero López Hortensia
Morales Rodríguez Hipólito Lorenzo
Pinzón Escobar Enrique Francisco
Saenz García Elba Karen
Insunza Hernandez Jorge
Vázquez Segovia Luis Cesar
Castillo Cortes Francisco José
García Guerra Hanna Leslye
García Casanova Veronica Hikra
Jimenez Velazco Mario
Anguiano Rojas Emiliano
Barrera Ramirez Juan Carlos
Navarro Vazquez Bernardo
Huerta Cruz Rosalba
Gutiérrez Soria Javier
Gomez Joel
Rosete Álvarez Juan Carlos

Ledezma Rubio Yahweh Abdul
López Téllez Edgar Raymundo
Pineda Figueroa Carlos Alberto
Aguilar Morales Casiano
Alonso Ortiz Jose Oscar
Farah Simon Lisette

Ocáriz Castelazo Juan María de la Salud “God of Classical Mechanics”

Zavala Galicia Diego Alberto
Struck Cano Pedro
Miranda Trejo Cynthia
Ávila Mendoza Ángel "The angel of Death"
Minami Koyama Yukihiro
Téllez Granados José Francisco
Pérez Miguel Gregorio “Goyo”
Aguilar Delgado Silvia Jennifer
Jaimes López Pedro
Escalante Rosas Raul
Miralles Escobar Antonio
Caballar López Epifanio Oscar
Gonzalez Ramirez Jorge
Sánchez Rodríguez Fernando
Miranda Cordero Lorenzo Octavio
García Casanova Veronica Hikra
Roses Landa Loustau Emilye
Arenas González Alfredo
Barrera Ramirez Juan Carlos
Arellano Figueroa José Alberto
Orozco López Rene
Gonzalez Vega Patricia
Solar González Jorge Alfonso


Ledezma Rubio Yahweh Abdul
López Téllez Edgar Raymundo
Pineda Figueroa Carlos Alberto
Mancilla Raúl Bridge
Álvarez González Adrian
Rodríguez Carreon Nicolás
Figueroa Alcántara Carlos Gabriel
Zavala Galicia Diego Alberto
Ocáriz Castelazo Juan María de la Salud “God of Classical Mechanics”
Ávila Mendoza Ángel "The angel of Death"
Minami Koyama Yikihiro
Arganis Juárez Maritza Liliana
Pérez Miguel Gregorio “Goyo”
Marroquín García David
Pinzón Aguirre Ricardo Arturo
Escalante Rosas Raul
Alvarez Cid Andrés
Manzanilla Saavedra Bernal
Aguilar Castillo Alfredo Antonio
Miralles Escobar Antonio
Carballar López Epifanio Oscar
Ramirez Romero Gloria
Gonzalez Ramirez Jorge
Sánchez Rodríguez Fernando
Hinojosa Rojas Ruben
Miranda Cordero Lorenzo Octavio
Fonseca Velázquez José Ramón
Barrera Ramirez Juan Carlos
Orozco López Rene
Gonzalez Vega Patricia
Ayala Martínez Manuel
Gomez Joel
Soriano Sánchez Jesús Humberto
Jury Pineda Mayverena
Barragán Martínez Alejandra Maribel
Vignau Esteva Guillermo Adolfo
Ávila Núñez María del Rocío
Arzamendi Pérez Sergio Roberto
López Nájera Bertha
López Téllez Edgar Raymundo
Vázquez Lorenzana Cesar
Apaza Pérez Willy Alejandro
Silva González Francisco Leonel
Ramírez Chavarría Roberto Giovanni
Arconada King Germán Ramón
Torres Ferrera Pablo
Lopez Dominguez Gabriel
Ramirez Manny Pedro
Arenas Sánchez Enrique
Guzmán González Roberto “Robarco Guzmán”
Monsivais Montoliu Ian Guillermo
Blancas Ríos Irlib Bethlehem
Martínez Fuentes Carlos Arturo
Lopez Coyote Monica
Morales Maldonado Marisol
Flores Pérez Anahí
Coyoc Campos Antonio Jesus
Castillo Cortes Francisco José
García Guerra Hanna Leslye
Alanis Teran Israel
Patiño Ramírez Jesus Antonio
Mena Iniesta Baltazar
Sanchez Urban Rosa Elba
Moreno Flores Mario
Flores Silva José Luis
Rosete Álvarez José Carlos


Castañeda from Isla Puga Jaime Erik
Guevara Corona Erik Norman
Garcia Vargas Joel Avelino
Martínez Alavez Jacquelyn
Barragán Martínez Alejandra Maribel
Vázquez Lorenzana Cesar
Zarraga Martínez Jesús Alfredo
Morales Trejo Alejandro
Mora García Hector
Enriquez Vargas Miguel
Velazquez Torres Juan
Lopez Dominguez Gabriel
Botero Jaramillo Eduardo
Ruiz Medina Jesus Edmundo
Salazar Guerrero Evelyn
Ramirez Galindo Margarita
Martínez Ávalos Raquel
Godínez Rojano Francisco Antonio
Hernandez Moreno Luis "Bullfighter"
Fernández Martínez Martha Josefina
Aguilar Pascual Juan
Guzmán González Roberto “Robarco Guzmán”
Lopez Parra Armando
Cortes Rosas Jesus Javier
Ramos Gómez Edgar Ali
Alvarez Cid Andrés
Salcedo Nieto Carlos Rodrigo
Vargas Espinoza de los Monteros Alejandra
Miralles Escobar Antonio
Hernandez Vargas Roberto
Patiño Ramírez Jesus Antonio
Roses Hair Carlos Alberto
García Casanova Veronica Hikra
Ramírez Y Villa Andrés Basilio
Pena Maciel Daniel
Flores Silva José Luis
Gutiérrez Arenas Rodrigo Alejandro
Ursul Solanes Juan
Hernandez Hernandez Rogelio Regino
González Cárdenas Miguel Eduardo
Lara Esparza Carlos Alfonso
Gomez Joel


Manzanarez Gómez Nayelli
Aguilar Juárez Isabel Patricia
Morales Trejo Alejandro
Lemus Miriam Estela
Hernandez Ceja Diana Elizabeth
Flores García Liliana
Alvarado Lopez Sandra
Bañuelos Saucedo Ángel Leonardo
Rocha Beltrán Gustavo Guillermo
Morales Chains Eloisa
Bañuelos Duran Amparo
Paniagua Ballinas Jorge Federico
Gómez Ramírez Marco Antonio “Barco Antonio”
Valdes Y Alfaro Irene Patricia
Casar Marcos Guillermo
Cortes Rosas Jesus Javier
Vargas Rodríguez Julio
Sarmiento Torres Véduar Allié
Diaz Trueba Luis Humberto
Palomino Benson Leobardo Luis Othon
Estrada Castillo Octavio
Soler Anguiano Francisca Irene
Tafoya Ronquillo María Luisa
Peñuñuri Santoyo María Teresa
Hernandez Perez Ernesto Gabriel
Vargas Espinoza de los Monteros Alejandra
Hernandez Vargas Roberto
García Casanova Veronica Hikra
Ramírez Y Villa Andrés Basilio
Wellens Purnal Ann Godelieve
Rocha Miller Nora Patricia
Front of the Bernard Cross
Ramírez Ensastigue Marina
Pinilla Moran Víctor Damián
Garcia Burgos Salvador
Pineda Figueroa Carlos Alberto
Lemus Miriam Estela
Ruiz Medina Jesus Edmundo
Morales Chains Eloisa
Arganis Juárez Maritza Liliana
Figueroa Páez José Alejandro
Cortes Rosas Jesus Javier
Ontiveros Junco Jorge
Mejía Ramírez Héctor Raúl
Sandoval Rodríguez José Horacio
Salazar Moreno Alfonso
Roses Hair Carlos Alberto
García Casanova Veronica Hikra
Ramírez and Villa Andrés Basilio
González Cardel Mario Francisco
Hernandez Hernandez Rogelio Regino
Pinilla Morán Víctor Damián


Lazcano Sálas Saúl
Lopez Dominguez Gabriel
Arenas Sánchez Enrique
Aguilar Pascual Juan
Figueroa Páez José Alejandro
Alvarez Cid Andrés
Velazco Velazco Cynthia Lisseth
Aguilar Juárez Heriberto de Jesús “Morfeo”
Vega Toledano Edgar

Ramos Trejo Efraín
Herrera Mejía Guadalupe Gertrudis
Morales Acosta Lázaro
Sanchez Perez Francisco
Garduño García Israel
Peña Bandala Roberto
Durán Piña Juan Eric
Pina Roses Nayeli Jasmine
Muñoz Barrera Jesus Abraham
Sanchez Guzman Armando
Providell Urango Adriana María
Rodriguez Castro Jesus
Anguiano Rojas Emiliano
Rodríguez Picazo José Luis
Guitron Ignacio Cave
Reyes Farias Martin
Cisneros Hernandez Roberto

Valdes Sanchez Sergio
Rodriguez Espino Claudia
Arteaga Ricci Tanya Itzel
López García Jorge Luis “Huicho”
García Ledezma Heriberto
Alcantara Juarez Manuel
Hernández Hernández Luciralia Castañeda Castañeda Manuel Castillo Corona Dulce Mónica Morales Nava María Guadalupe
Velázquez Mena Alejandro Hernández Quinto Aida Alicia Aguilar Díaz Cruz Sergio
Flores Delgado Gerardo “Naiguel”
Rodríguez Gómez Juan Ángel
Lions Viloria Amed Antonio Cadena Peralta Felipe de Jesús Saavedra Hernández Honorato
Reynoso Andrade Mayelly González González Carolina
Nakayama Cervantes Martha Angélica Solorzano Palomares Juan Fernando García Ledezma Gilberto
De León Razo Julio Alfonso
Garcia Morales Karina
Valdes Casillas Oscar Rene
Tlahuel Pérez Carlos Raúl
Huerta Molina Samuel Ramírez Taquez Joel Beltran Lozada Ricardo Trejo Cruz Ulises Bernardo Saynez Fabián Julio Cesar Román
García Ayesha Sagrario Sáenz García Elba Karen Quezada Reyes Cintia
Macedo Calvillo José Francisco
Durán Martínez Israel Sánchez Vaca Aurelio
Rodríguez García Francisco Javier Castañeda Perdomo Maricela
Manríquez Miranda Manuel Augusto Morales Arredondo Efrén Arturo
González Cárdenas Miguel Eduardo Santos Jaimes Germán
Ayala Pérez Jaime
Solano Gálvez Jorge Alberto
De la Mora Pliego Alberto Axcaná Román Zamitiz Carlos Alberto
López García Jorge Luis “Huicho”
Castaneda Castaneda Manuel
Flores Delgado Gerardo
Saavedra Hernández Honorato Camacho Villaseñor Gabriela Vera García María Helena Hernández López Jorge Ángel García Morales
Manríquez Miranda Manuel Augusto González González Carolina
Ramirez Taquez Joel
González Ríos María Guadalupe Rodríguez Gómez Juan Ángel Rodríguez Pérez Pedro Israel
Bravo Hernández Adolfo Román García Ayesha Sagrario Santos Jaimes Germán

Acosta Bernal Luis Javier
Soto Ayala Rogelio
Flowers Cruz Esther
Morales Salvatierra José Luis
Velazquez Marquez Alfredo
Bravo Hernandez Violeta Luz Maria “Violent”
Núñez Orozco Félix Benjamín
Santiago Cruz Blanca Estela
Caballero López Hortencia
Ramirez Gonzalez Adriana
Pérez Martínez Ana Laura
Pérez León Antonia del Carmen
Marquez Moreno Araceli
Jimenez Nava Baldemar
Ferat Toscano Catalina
Cisneros Peralta Dulce María
Soto Castruita Enrique
Solis Silva Fernando
Baron Sánchez Gerardo
Pacheco Hernandez Gerardo
Bautista Salazar Guadalupe
Gómez Goytia Karla
Fomina Loudmila
Pérez Nova María Antonieta
Carreon Castro Maria del Pilar
Jaime Vasconcelos Miguel Ángel
Reyes Bustamante Miguel Ángel
Villaseñor Hernández Natasha Carime
Flores Juárez Ofelia
Garcia Vazquez Patricia
Chávez Mercado Carlos
Estrada Reyes Rosa
Aburto Mejía Susana
Valdez Hernández Yazmín Adriana
Wonder Galvan Ramiro
Sánchez Navarro Claudia Elisa
Sánchez Tlaxqueño Hermelinda Concepción
Gonzalez Vega Patricia
Acosta Bernal Luis Javier
Martinez Alavez Jacquelyn
Franco García Vianey
Flowers Cruz Esther
Morales Salvatierra José Luis
Santiago Cruz Blanca Estela
Velasquez Marquez Alfredo
Roman Garcia Ayesha Sagrario
Arenas Saenz Miriam
Sánchez Navarro Claudia Elisa
Sánchez Tlaxqueño Hermelinda Concepción
Gonzalez Vega Patricia
Gamez Leal Rigel
Acosta Bernal Luis Javier
Soto Ayala Rogelio
Jury Pineda Mayverena
Rojas Tapia Alejandro
López Rodríguez Adán Tonatiuh
Flowers Cruz Esther
Vacio González Manuel de Jesús
Hernandez Rodriguez Beatriz Eugenia
Jaramillo Morales Gabriel Alejandro
Bravo Hernandez Violeta Luz Maria “Violent”
Aguillón Martínez Javier Eduardo
Núñez Orozco Félix Benjamín
Rodríguez Durán María Ofelia
Maldonado Susano Maria del Carmen
Muñoz Hernández Genaro
Esponda Cascajares Alicia María
Santiago Cruz Octavio "The shark"
Sandoval Rodríguez Juan Antonio
Sanchez Islas Miguel
Alvarez Carrillo Leticia
Palacios Muñoz Alfonso
Guadarrama Santana Asur
Arenas Saenz Miriam
Hernandez Quintero Agustín
Alanís Teran Israel
Martínez Bautista Abraham Laurencio “The Goblin”
Sánchez Navarro Claudia Elisa
Cabrera Posada Ricardo
Wang Chen Zhixue
Larios Canale José Enrique
Cedeño Vázquez Juan Carlos
Barcenas Escobar Martin
Elizabeth Aguirre Maldonado
Melo Díaz María del Carmen
Muñoz Gutiérrez Felipe
Acosta Bernal Luis Javier
Pérez Hernández María Guadalupe
Franco García Vianey
Rojas Tapia Alejandro
Flowers Cruz Esther
Pérez Contreras Eduardo
Morales Salvatierra José Luis
Garcia Vazquez Patricia
Juárez de la Mora Lucía Jazmín
Maldonado Susano Maria del Carmen
Rodríguez Durán María Ofelia
Esquivel Rodríguez María Elizabeth
Santiago Cruz Blanca Estela
Macías Esquivel Gabriela
Santiago Cruz Octavio
Blancas Silva Ivonne
Sandoval Rodríguez Juan Antonio
Suárez Nájera Rafael Guillermo
Hernandez Rodriguez Beatriz Eugenia
Jaramillo Morales Gabriel Alejandro
González Trevino Antonio
Zaragoza Zúñiga Diana
Palacios Muñoz Alfonso
Gonzalez Pineda Francisco
Pacheco Reyes Aurea Nohemí
Alvarez Castillo Leticia
Galindo Muñís Juan
Arizabalo Salas Rubén Darío
Arenas Saenz Miriam
Insunza Hernandez Jorge
Sánchez Navarro Claudia Elisa
Melo Díaz María del Carmen
Suárez Hernández Luis Andrés
Elizabeth Aguirre Maldonado


Gamez Leal Rigel
Villalobos Pérez Salvador Enrique “Villapomos”
Pérez Contreras Agustín
Gonzalez Lopez Santiago
Gaytán Pérez Raymundo
Ortiz Olivera Oliverio Octavio “Multi-O”
Cedeño Vázquez Juan Carlos
Vacio González Manuel de Jesús
Jaramillo Morales Gabriel Alejandro
Peralta Pérez Rolando
Rodríguez Durán María Ofelia
Sovero Ancheyta Guillermo
Canseco Rodal Raúl
Lopez Molina Eduardo
Vega Calderon Fernando
Bárcenas Escobar Martín
Melo Díaz María del Carmen
Sánchez Esquivel Victor Manuel
Pérez Lara Catarino Fernando
Gutiérrez Arenas Rodrigo Alejandro
Cirion Robertson Wenceslas
Soto Bueno Norma
Aguilar Serrato José Guadalupe
Gonzalez Lopez Santiago
Gaytán Pérez Raymundo
Hector Mora Garcia
Juárez de la Mora Lucía Jazmín
Cedeño Vázquez Juan Carlos
Rodríguez Durán María Ofelia
Suárez Nájera Rafael Guillermo
Pacheco Conde Antonio
Rios Hacha Juan Adolfo
Flores Zárate Rigoberto
Mozo Ramos Edgar Senobio
Meléndez Meléndez Ernesto
Alvisuri Caballero Germán
González García Alberto Rafael
Trigueros Meza Patricia
Díaz-Barriga Arceo Lucía Graciela
Melo Díaz María del Carmen
Pérez Lara Catarino Fernando
Elizabeth Aguirre Maldonado
Vázquez Fuentes Julia


Quintanar Cortés Luis Enrique
Villalobos Pérez Salvador Enrique “Villapomos”
Cedeño Vázquez Juan Carlos
Jaramillo Morales Gabriel Alejandro
Aguilar Juárez Heriberto de Jesús “The Wizard of Dreams”
Martínez Gutiérrez Daniel
Bañuelos Saucedo Miguel Ángel
Melo Díaz María del Carmen
Mendoza Gutiérrez Jonatan

Division of Social Sciences and Humanities

… Teachers who help you raise your average because they are Social subjects
• They happen to you even if you don't do anything the entire semester, you might not even get in and the class is cool.
• Very easy to pass but the class can be tedious
• Yes you pass but you must make an effort to earn your grade
… Bad fart Social Teachers
• You risk whether you pass or not, they never tell you how you are doing and the class can be very annoying
• Quite strict assholes that give exhaustive and rigorous courses to deal with social subjects
*/(The teachers of each category are strictly ordered preferentially)/*

López Bolaños Alejandro Cesar He loves teaching the subject, all classes are interesting, you learn easily, fun and with solid
knowledge, he makes you love economics, if you ask him for a 10 he will give it to you
Lopez Cuesta Jose Antonio You even enter his class with pleasure, he explains everything with clarity and grace, the exams
are easy and in pairs, you just have to pay attention, you end up appreciating it.
Guzmán Correa Juan Carlos You learn well, passing the exams and handing in most of the assignments already gives you a 10
Torres Herrera Mantecón José Ignacio Aurelio It keeps the class entertaining, you not only learn economics but also culture
general, very easy to pass, if you pay attention you pass with a high rating
Valle Rodríguez Federico 60% attendance and 40% a questionnaire, almost everyone gets an 8, there is no exam and the
class lasts at most 40 minutes.
Guerra Moreno José Martín By going to all their classes you get a 10, but the classes are very boring, it's cool, in the end you
evaluate with a questionnaire about what you saw in class
Bernal Esponda Carlos Aurelio Very easy to pass, there is a lot left and when it goes it is late, in the entire semester you only do
two very easy exams and one assignment per week, the class can be a little boring
Gómez Rodríguez José René He likes to pretend supremacy at the beginning, but it is for every mother and in the end
everyone passes at least 8. Points for screwed up and good-natured.
Martínez López Erika You only qualify with a very easy exam, an exhibition and assistance, if you have someone, write
your name on the assistance list that best
Cabrera Camarillo Veronica Very easy to pass, it teaches more sociology than economics, it leaves few easy jobs to do and the
class is enjoyable
Alcantara Aguilar Pedro With him you are guaranteed at least an 8 if he places you maybe 10 even if you do poorly in the
course, but the class is very boring and you don't learn anything, plus he has a very bad character
Astudillo Moya Marcela Entertaining and dynamic class due to the participation of the entire group, it explains very clearly
why it facilitates learning, it only applies an exam that is half of the grade, the other half are
participations, the usual task is to read economic news
Delgado Martínez Irma
To get a good grade if you have to make an effort, participation and attendance count a lot.
Espinoza Bautista Héctor Jorge Urbina Casas Iris Monserrat Menendez Guzmán Alberto
Iris Aguilar Octavio Alejandro
Macedo Calvillo José Francisco If you participate a lot and if it happens to you, you have to work hard to pass, however you never
know how you are doing because the form of evaluation changes during the semester.
Vences Espinoza Carlos He is the type of teacher who, in order to avoid teaching, has students present all the topics in
teams. You will have to invest a lot of time in the subject due to homework, reports, exams and,
above all, the presentations, and you also don't learn.
Diaz Garcia Lizet Never trust how kind he can be, he will be bipolar but his cool side wins by a lot, you have to
dedicate a lot of time to the subject because every class he asks questions and anyone who
doesn't answer will be disappointed, at 8 o'clock they are given low, the exams are very difficult
and it is very difficult to grade. If you sign it up it will only be to make you angry. You learn a lot
Paniagua Ballinas Jorge Federico There is no way to put this guy in, he is the most feared in economics and the hardest in Proba. To
Mejía Estañol María Magdalena take her you would have to work very hard for a mediocre grade, she demands too much, she
doesn't teach and on top of that she is very bad vibes
Mondragón Saavedra Elsa Ruth She is crazy, bitter about life, she also demands too much and the class is very boring
Bahamonde Pelaes José Manuel Passing is brutal, it demands too much, only his final project is a business plan with endless items
to cover, the 3 midterm exams are of a very extreme level and the class is about reading slides and
if you ask him questions he gets upset.

Puebla Chain Margarita She asks you what grade you want and that grade tells you, anyone who asks for less than 10 is
very stupid, plus she is very cultured, you learn a lot in her class and it is not boring. Even if you
don't attend the entire semester, you are guaranteed the 10th
Cuairan Ruidiaz María 10 sure, the class is very cool and interesting and you also learn.
Alberro Lizón Ana Luisa The only possible grade is 10 no matter what you do, the little work you do is cool and interesting
just like the class, work with very entertaining short stories, you can write anything and you still
have 10 in everything
Manzanera Silva Norma Aida By attending and doing the few assignments it leaves you will pass with a good grade, plus the
class is not boring, it instills interest in culture, the arts and in your way of writing.
Rull Valdivia María Isabel de las Mercedes Three installments of readings throughout the semester, generally by García Márquez and
you get a good grade
Olivares Zorrilla Rocío Relax class, send some texts and then ask about them, the final work is a two-page essay about
some of the readings seen, it is advisable to participate
Negrin Muñoz María Eugenia Many short reads, 10 easy
Pérez Cortés Ana Yantzin Ramiro If you do several jobs, but they are not worth much, passing is not difficult, it will make you love
Esteban Victoria the subject
Díaz de León Fernández de Castro His classes
María are catechism,
de Guadalupe very boring,
Flor Leaves 5 bookshe leaves several assignments but if you hand them all in, it
Gordillo Torres Julio Enrique Don't miss out, go to their plays, it helps you if you participate a lot
Ruíz Primo Martínez Tehny Carolina It is important to go to the museums that you ask for, the class is good and enjoyable, it is
not a boat
Pérez Esquivel Jesus
Castro Rangel Antonio de Jesus
García and Colomé Pablo Very boring class, it makes it more tedious with slides, good person but terrible teacher. Bad
Lopez de Haro Gonzalo option if you don't write well, it's not a boat. He is well known in the faculty for being corrupt.
Tuñón Pablos Enriqueta Instead of History Literature, strict, grumpy and difficult to pass, he fails the majority. The only way
Olvera Leonila Hydrangea to pass one of his exams is to learn each book by heart on the first reading, because he asks even
Rosette for the most minute detail, in the end it happens to the majority after having made them suffer all

Puebla Chain Margarita She asks you what grade you want and that grade tells you, anyone who asks for less than 10 is
very stupid, plus she is very cultured, you learn a lot in her class and it is not boring. Even if you
don't attend the entire semester, you are guaranteed the 10th
Faithful Rivera Amelia Guadalupe The only requirement for 10 is to hand in their few short assignments that don't take an hour to
do and you can hand them in whenever you want. The class is good and entertaining, the group
assignments are very pleasant, you end up getting along well with the entire group. There is no
problem if you fall asleep or if you study another subject in class, and he is also a very nice person.
Álvarez Carrillo Ana Luisa Selene If you deliver the little that is requested in the semester you already have 10, however your class is
about participation, debates and teamwork
Suarez Mejia Olinca It is not strict, it gives the opportunity to deliver the work later , it qualifies 50% team presentation
others with questionnaires, summaries, diagrams of each chapter that she gives, there are 7 and
the works are commented on in class or sometimes she takes a film of which a comment must be
Hernandez Villareal Andres
Tirado Ledesma Sergio It is advisable to be very organized, take attendance into account, evaluate with 3 easy exams and
You have to present in pairs what he assigns
Trujillo Priego Aldo Fernando Cool class, but it makes you work a lot
Díaz de León Fernández de Castro María de Guadalupe Flor
Ties Ramirez Luz Negrera, very heavy course
Vega and Roldán Oscar José
González Franco José de Jesús
Díaz Cerón José Octavio
Gómez González Angela Renata
Salazar Hernandez Maria Guadalupe
Álvarez Gutiérrez René
Mancilla Urrea Martha Strict but very objective, you try too hard for a low grade


Castañeda Narvaez Carlos Enrique Relax class, comment and ask about recent news, the hard class will soon be far away, 30%
The grade is attendance and participation and 70% is the presentation of whatever you want or a
Carranza Torres Eduardo book. You only have to do the optional, non-obligatory tasks and the class is very cool when it
doesn't make the students present.
Gómez Rodríguez José René Very easy to pass, what you get raises your grade, boring class only shows videos, doesn't teach
much, difficult exams, let you read books, you must have very good spelling He dubbed Mr.'s
Espirú Sen Roberto voice. Satan in Dragon Ball, it must be the mere band.
Tirado Ledezma Sergio It is advisable to be very organized, take attendance into account, evaluate with 3 easy exams and
you have to present in pairs what he assigns
González Franco José de Jesús
Carrion Hernandez Guillermo
Martínez Santoyo Germán Arturo
Messeguer Gally Jordi
Ruiz Villegas Salvador
García Gálvez Guadalupe Dalia
González Reza Héctor Gerardo
Matabuena and Cascajares Pedro Tirso Gregorio
Sanchez Espinoza Jose
Martin del Castillo Carlos
Lopez de Haro Enrique
Bueno Soria Juan Manuel
Carreon Granados Juan José Terrible teacher, he doesn't teach anything and the class is unbearably boring, his class is
programming in wescheme, even if you excel in class at the end he gives you the grade he wants,
if he likes you you've already made it
Ríos Dordelly Celia María Sara Leaves many jobs and it is very difficult for anyone to meet her expectations, therefore she is very hard
at grading, very stubborn, she must always be right, she passes on to those who make her beard

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