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Pavement Design Manual

Volume I Flexible Pavements and Gravel Roads - 2002 References

1. Transport and Road Research Laboratory (1993). A guide to the structural design of
bitumen-surfaced roads in tropical and sub-tropical countries. Overseas Road Note 31
(fourth edition). Overseas Centre, TRL, Crowthorne.

2. Transport and Road Research Laboratory (1982). A guide to surface dressing in

tropical and subtropical countries. Overseas Road Note No 3. TRRL, Crowthorne.

3. The performance of experimental weathered basalt gravel roads in Ethiopia, Research

Report 147, TRRL (1998).

4. Experimental use of cinder gravels on roads in Ethiopia, TRRL, Crowthorne

Berkshire, United Kingdom, 1987.

5. Newill, D. & Kassaye Aklilu, 1980. The location and engineering properties of
volcanic cinder gravels in Ethiopia.

6. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (1993).

AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures. Washington, D.C.

7. Transport and Road Research Laboratory (1993). Road Building in the Tropics.
State-of-the-Art Review No. 9

8. Navy Manual DM 7.01 - 1989. Soil Mechanics, Foundation and Earth Structures.

9. Laterite in road pavements, Special Publication 47, TRRL (1995).

10. Ministry of Transport and Communications- Roads Department– Republic of Kenya -

Road Design Manual –Part III– Materials and Pavement Design for New Roads
(August 1987)

11. Ellis, C.I., 1974. Village-Scale Production of Lime in Ghana, TRRL Supplementary
Report SR 42, Transport and Road Research Laboratory, Crowthorne.

12. Asphalt Institute. Mix design methods for asphalt concrete and other hot-mix types.
Manual Series No. 2 (MS-2 Sixth Edition). The Asphalt Institute, Lexington, KY.

13. Asphalt Institute (1984). Model construction specifications for asphalt concrete and
other plant-mix types. Specification Series No 1 (SS- 1). The Asphalt Institute,
Lexington, Kentucky.

14. Asphalt Institute (1998). Construction of hot-mix asphalt pavements. Manual Series
No. 22 (MS-22, Second Edition). The Asphalt Institute, Lexington, Kentucky.

15. Salt G F and Szatkowski W S (1973). A guide to levels of skidding resistance for
roads. Laboratory Report LR 510. TRL Limited. Crowthorne.

16. National Association of Australian State Road Authorities (1986). Principles and
practice of bituminous surfacing Vol. 1: Sprayed work. (National Association of
Australian State Road Authorities, Sydney).

Ethiopian Roads Authority REF-1

Pavement Design Manual
References Volume I Flexible Pavements and Gravel Roads - 2002

17. Asphalt Institute (1983). Specifications for paving and industrial asphalts.
Specification Series No. 2 (SS-2). College Park, Maryland (The Asphalt Institute).

18. Dickinson E J (1984). Bituminous roads in Australia. Australian Road Research

Board, Vermont South, Victoria.

19. Transport Research Laboratory (1996). Design guide for road surface dressings.
Road Note 39 4th edition. TRL Limited, Crowthorne.

20. Norwegian Public Roads Administration (1999). A guide to the use of Otta Seals.
Publication No. 93. Directorate of Public Roads, Road Technology Department,
International Division. Oslo.

21. Overby C (1998). Otta seal – A durable and cost effective global solution for low
volume sealed roads, 9th REAAA Conference, ‘An International Focus of Roads:
Strategies for the Future’. Wellington.

22. Committee for State Road Authorities (1986). TRH 7. Surfacing seals for rural and
urban roads and compendium of design methods for surfacing seals used in the
Republic of South Africa. Technical Recommendations for Highways. Department of
Transport, Pretoria.

23. Denning J H (1978). Epoxy-resin/calcined bauxite surface dressing on A1, Sandy,

Bedfordshire: skid resistance measurements 1968 to 1977. Laboratory Report LR
867. TRL Limited, Crowthorne.

24. Committee for State Road Authorities (1990). Draft TRH 20. Structural Design,
construction, and maintenance of gravel roads. Department of Transport, Pretoria.

25. Ethiopian Roads Authority (July 1998). Design Standards for Rural Roads (Draft).

26. Transport and Road Research Laboratory (1984). The Kenya road maintenance study
on unpaved roads: research on deterioration. TRRL Report LR 1111, Crowthorne.

27. Transport and Road Research Laboratory (1988). A view of road maintenance,
economics, policy and management in developing countries. TRRL Research
Report 145. TRRL, Crowthorne.

28. Roberts, F.L., McCullough, B.F., Williamson, H.J., and Wallin, W.R., “A Pavement
Design and Management System for Forest Service Roads: A Working Model—
Phase II,” Research Report 43, Council for Advanced Transportation Studies,
University of Texas at Austin, February 1977.

29. McCullough, B.F., and Luhr, D.R., “A Pavement Design and Management System
for Forest Service Roads: Implementation—Phase III,” Research Report 60, Council
for Advanced Transportation Studies, University of Texas at Austin, January 1979.

30. BCEOM (1998). Pavement Management System. Draft Final Report.

31. Pavement and Materials Design Manual- 1999. The United Republic of Tanzania,
Ministry of Works.

REF-2 Ethiopian Roads Authority

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