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OF: Prof. Norah Luna Yanarico


TO: Prof. Jaime Choque Mita


OBJECT: Annual Report on School Activities Management 2003

DATE:Causaya, December 6, 2003


The Sub Central Causaya Directorate dependent on the Tiahuanacu District

Directorate of Education, Ingavi province of the Department of La Paz, in compliance with the
legal regulations of the higher authorities of Education, kindly informs you of the following:

To guarantee the development of the administrative, technical-pedagogical,

infrastructure and socio-cultural activities of the three Educational Units, planning and
organization were carried out with the active participation of the teaching staff, School Boards
and Parents, taking into account the context of the region.


- At the beginning of school management, the teaching staff of the three Educational
Units were organized by grades and subjects, taking into account the specialty that the
teaching staff have.

- He organized the School Board, respecting the uses and customs of the community.

- The organization of students was distributed according to the corresponding grades.

- Supervision and monitoring of classroom work and learning was carried out constantly
in the first and second cycle in order to guide and assess the activities developed by the
teacher and the student:


- At the beginning of the educational work, workshop courses were planned, however
they were carried out on two occasions with the teachers who went to receive workshop
courses with Plan Internacional Altiplano.

- The constitution of practicing students at the Santiago de Huata Higher Normal

Institution has been unsatisfactory for the children. Consequently, the teachers raise the
difficulties that some of them had and respectfully ask not to receive more to avoid later

- The advance of scheduled content, due to stoppages and road blockages that occurred
in the current administration, was regularly achieved at around 60% to 70% of
scheduled content expired.


- The central and associated units have sufficient school area, whether grasslands or
arable lands that provide utility, under the administration of the School Board and
supervised by the teachers and the Management, the amounts coming from the harvest
and the rental of grass, They are used for the good of schools.

- In relation to infrastructure, the Central has benefited from a module of two classrooms,
built by INSERVIDA and the complete renovation of two classrooms with the Popular
Participation fund administered by the Honorable Municipal Mayor of Tiahuanacu.

- In terms of equipment, the plant has radio recorders, televisions, computers and others,
which are used at some point due to lack of electricity.
- In the associated units they only have one radio recorder for the six courses, which is
insufficient for their application and they need at least one audiovisual equipment.


- According to the planning, quarterly meetings were held with parents and community
members to determine and plan aspects related to education.

- Participation in different social and cultural activities of the school and the community.


The EU Causaya has a number of 7 primary level teachers, 4 secondary level teachers and two
administrative ones. And the Associated Units, 2 teachers in Kasa Achuta and 4 in the EU
Huancollo, the individualized report is detailed below:

1. Prof. Justina Condori Flores.

1.1. Professional Title.- Rural Normalist, Primary specialty.

1.2. Professional Performance.- He carries out his teaching function at the Causaya
Central Unit, with initial education and the first year of primary level of the
transformation program, they have organized work groups, taking into account gender
equity and he has reconfigured the classroom with learning corners .

1.3. Negative Aspect.- Demonstrates disinterest and negligence in the planning of

curricular activities, passing classes in an improvised manner, as he did when the PIA
facilitators came to follow up on the courses that that institution has given, they found
the teacher without her planning improvising the class giving explanations for not
having enough time.
Because she is at a critical moment, the teacher looks for excuses to justify herself with
the Management, demonstrating an attitude of indifference. On the other hand, he has
problems with two parents over financial matters. Therefore the JJ. USA and Parents
request its change for reasons already mentioned so as not to continue harming the
children of the community.

2. Prof. Julián Quispe Condori

2.1. Professional Title.- Primary Specialty Rural Normalist.

2.2. Professional Performance.- Works in the Causaya Educational Unit with the Fourth
and Fifth grades of the Primary Level, has organized its corners, uses the modules as
support and other texts from the Unit.

2.3. Negative Aspect.- The teacher did not attend the teaching strengthening workshop
courses sponsored by PIA, nor did he attend the Intercultural Bilingual courses
convened by the Ministry of Education, therefore it is difficult for him to plan
curricular activities.

3. Rosendo Bruno Callisaya

3.1. Professional Title.- Rural Normalist of Primary Specialty Fifth Category.

3.2. Professional Performance.- Designated as a teacher of the Second and Third Year of
Primary School, demonstrates interest in the work, planning the curricular activities
according to the context, has organized the learning corners, uses the modules as
support, works according to its scope and knowledge with favorable results, he is
interested in his preparation and updating his knowledge and continues to improve
himself at UMSA.

4. Prof. Domingo Choque Yapuchura

4.1. Professional Title.- Rural Normalist, primary specialty.

4.2. Professional Performance.- Designated as a 6th grade teacher. Primary level year, has
the students and the classroom properly organized, with learning corners, uses working
documents for planning, obtaining favorable results. Parents ask for its ratification for
next year.

5. Prof. Jaime Ramirez Turpo

5.1. Professional Title.- Rural Normalist with a primary specialty.

5.2. Professional Performance.- Designated as a 3rd year teacher. Primary Level Cycle
with the subject of Language, due to lack of secondary level teachers, also cooperated
with the subject of Literature. He is punctual, restless, cooperative and responsible
with the students, he continues to improve himself at the University. Parents ask for
their ratification because they still have one year in the Educational Unit.

6. Prof. Tomás Alacama Choque

6.1. Professional Title.- Rural Normalist with a Primary specialty, mathematics and
natural sciences.

6.2. Professional Performance.- Designated as a 3rd year teacher. Primary Level Cycle
with its specialty, cooperating with the subjects of Biology and Physical Education, at
secondary level, the results were regular, because it is very tolerant with students,
scientific and pedagogical preparation good, restless and likes to investigate and takes
interest in updating your knowledge.
7. Prof. Valentin Puña Quispe

7.1. Professional Title.- Rural Normalist with a Secondary specialty, Social Studies.

7.2. Professional Performance.- He fulfills his teaching function with his specialty at the
Secondary Level, uses contextual materials, knows the scientific part, researches
teaching strategies and is interested in updating his knowledge. Because it is the only
specialty at the Secondary Level, parents ask for its ratification from the teacher.

8. Prof. Freddy Quispe Pillco

8.1. Professional Title.- Rural Normalist of Primary specialty.

8.2. Professional Performance.- Designated with a secondary level item for a

mathematical subject, uses appropriate teaching strategies obtaining optimal results, of
our interest in the work, satisfactorily fulfills the teaching task.

9. Prof. Eusebia Zarzuri Quijo

9.1. Professional Title.- Normalist graduated from the urban area, Primary Specialty with
2 years of Service

9.2. Professional Performance.- Designated in Secondary Level Item, she worked with
the subjects, Chemistry and Physics, obtaining unsatisfactory results, she had
difficulties due to lack of experience and knowledge, she has little interest in work, due
to being in poor health.

9.3. Negative Aspect.- Because she was in the pregnancy stage, she left her husband as a
substitute for 3 months, later she returned to resume her work, indicating to the
Management that she still has a medical appointment to strictly keep for her health. For
this and other reasons of comfort, he asks for leave and at times abandons the students,
later justifying that he cannot walk.

Therefore, the parents ask for his immediate change, for the next administration
because he does not have a specialty in the subject, with a secondary level specialty
teacher, and for working only a few months and without will, before promoting
unprepared high school graduates.

10. Mr. Natalio Marco Q.

10.1. Professional Performance.- He works as a janitor at the Causaya Educational Unit,

cleaning classrooms, carrying circulars to the Associated Units and cooperating in
some work carried out by community members and the School Board.

10.2. Negative Aspect.- Since previous years, the community has asked for his change,
because he is permanently in a state of intoxication without respect for his own
family, and in recent years, he has no longer fulfilled his specific functions,
constantly abandoning school and at some point appearing drunk.

11. Prof. Eva Marquez Aruquipa

11.1. Professional Title.- Rural teacher specializing in Primary, Mathematics, and Natural

11.2. Professional Performance.- He works at the Causaya Educational Unit with the
Third Cycle courses at the Primary level with the area of Mathematics and
Technology and Practical Knowledge reaching 82 periods, he is punctual and
complies with the work documentation, he has many interests for improvement.

11.3. Negative Aspect.- Little understanding with some students in practical work.
Consequently, there is fear of complaints on the part of parents, in which their
children would be affected in their grades.

She is sociable and affectionate with some teachers, as a result of which on May 27
of the current administration she has had unpleasant problems in the company of
some teachers and the practicing ladies, serving herself alcoholic beverages until late
at night without respecting the educational institution, the The aforementioned young
interns were suspended from their internship activities in the presence of the School
Board and with the authorization of the guiding teacher of the Instituto Normal
Superior Santiago de Huata.

Consequently, the Management, the School Board and the Parents ask for its
immediate change, indicating that there will be no more mistreatment nor would we
want to see bad examples in an educational institution like this one.

12. Prof. Roberto Saavedra Mayta

12.1. Professional Title.- Rural Normalist of Agricultural Specialty for Primary Level.

12.2. Professional Performance.- Uses strategies and materials according to its scope,
obtaining unsatisfactory results, in the preparation of somewhat careless documents.

12.3. Negative Aspect.- The teacher has been in a critical state of health since June, so he
cannot understand what he is talking about, much less communicate in the classroom
during classes. Seeing this unfortunate situation, the Management accepted the
substitution for three months, replacing it with a technician who graduated in
agriculture from the University.
Unfortunately, parents are asking for its change, to avoid harm to their children's

That's all I can report in honor of the truth.


1. Prof. Germán Chuquimia and Julio Mamani F.

1.1. Professional Title.- Rural Normalists with a primary specialty and graduates of the
Education Sciences career, from the University.
1.2. Professional Performance.- Designated in the Kasa Achura Educational Unit as
teachers of Initial Education and Primary Level, they work with 3 multigrade,
responsible and punctual courses. The organization and coordination of their students
was efficient, they sought teaching strategies, their scientific professional knowledge
was increasingly better, the planning of curricular activities was infallible, therefore,
the learning result was efficient. The parents request the ratification of the two

2. Prof. Máximo Mamani R.

2.1. Professional Title.- Rural Normalist of Primary specialty, Merit category.

2.2. Professional Performance.- Designated in the Wancollo Educational Unit, he was in

charge of the 2nd and 3rd year of 1st. Primary Cycle.

He worked with the Intercultural Bilingual modality, using learning modules, with
contextual materials, reconfiguring the classroom, punctual and responsible at work,
tolerant and effective with his students. Consequently, parents ask for its ratification
for the next administration.

3. Prof. Gladys Medrano Rosas

3.1. Professional Title.- Primary Specialty Rural Normalist.

3.2. Professional Performance.- Being in charge of 2nd year students. Primary Cycle, did
not use working documentation, continuing with the previous system, using texts to
dictate it.

He is not very tolerant of his students and colleagues.

4. Prof. Nieves Mamani Sarzuri

4.1. Professional Title.- Primary Specialty Normalist with preparation at the university

4.2. Professional Performance.- For the pedagogical process of the classroom, he uses the
working document for planning, the orientation and guidance of his students is
efficient, the learning result was positive, he uses didactic material from the context,
using appropriate strategies according to his experience.

Not very tolerant of interested parties, very conservative with the school's assets, for
this reason and other problems that it possibly had to manage with the Mayor's Office
for classroom renovations, the outgoing school board requests its change for the next




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