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BPH/BP-601T/2021 (N) B.Pharm (6th Semester) Exam., 2021 MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY—III Paper : BP-601T (New) Full Marks : 75 Time : 3 hours The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions 1. Answer the following questions : 2x10=20 (a) Name the basic rings present in the structure of Penicillins. (b) What are macrolide antibiotics? (c) Write the uses of ciprofloxacin. (ad) What are the objectives of prodrugs? (e) When the second line antitubercular drugs are preferred? Give reason. (f) Define cephalosporins. (g) Write the name of two nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. 22M/10 (Turn Over ) (2) (h) Draw the basic skeleton structure of tetracycline and number it. () Define antifungal antibiotics with example. () Write the scientific names of five major Plasmodium species. 2. Answer any seven questions of the following : 5x7=35 (a) Give a brief account of the SAR of Penicillins. (b) Name two __ penicillinase resistant Penicillin. Draw their structures. (c) Write the natural source of chloramphenicol. Give the structure, properties, mechanism of action and uses of chloramphenicol. (d) Write a note on quinolines as antimalarial agents. (e) Briefly discuss the carrier-linked prodrugs with suitable examples. i) Write the structure and mechanism of action of the following : () Isoniazid (ii) Para-amino salicylic acid aaa (Continued ) (3) (g) Discuss briefly about nalidixic acid and Ofloxacin as urinary anti-infective agents. (h) Give the structure, properties, mechanism of action and uses of acyclovir. () Classify antifungal agents with suitable structural examples. 3. Answer any two questions of the following : (2) (ii) ) @ (ii) @ @ @ 22M—120/10 10x2=20 Write the synthetic . protocol, mechanism of action and uses of metronidazole. Define and classify anthelmintics with structural examples. 5+5=10 Define cotrimoxazole with its composition. Discuss the mechanism of action of cotrimoxazole. Write the structure and uses of sulphacetamide. (4+4)+2=10 Discuss Hansch analysis in relation to QSAR. Define molecular docking. Name the steps involved in docking procedure. Explain any one method in docking procedure. S+5=10 koto BPH/BP-601T/2021 (N) BPH/BP-602T/2021 (N) B.Pharm (6th Semester) Exam., 2021 PHARMACOLOGY—III Paper : BP-602T (New) Full Marks : 75 Time : 3 hours The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions 1. Choose the correct answer : 1x20=20 (a) Which of the following antitussives is present in opium but has no analgesic or addicting properties? () Noscapine (ii) Codeine (iii) Pholcodeine (iv) Ethylmorphine (b) Select the antiasthmatic drug which cannot be administered by inhalation. () Theophylline (i) Ipratropium bromide (iii) Budesonide (iv) Terbutaline 22M/11 ( Turn Over ) (2) (c) Choose the correct statement(s) about inhaled glucocorticoids in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). () They are indicated in COPD only for severe/advanced cases. (ii) Instituted early they retard the progression of COPD. (ii) Their use predisposes to respiratory infections. (iv) Both (i) and (i) (a) Omeprazole exerts practically no other action, except inhibition of gastric acid secretion because @) it transforms into the active cationic forms only in the acidic pH of the gastric juice (i) its active forms have selective affinity for the H+K+ATPase located in the apical canaliculi of gastric parietal cells (iii) its cationic’ forms are unable to diffuse out from the gastric parietal cell canaliculi (iv) All of the above 22M/11 ( Continued ) (3) (e) Select the drug which is an inhibitor of gastric mucosal proton pump. () Carbenoxolone sodium (i) Sucralfate (iii) Famotidine (iv) Lansoprazole () The following are true of aluminium hydroxide gel, except () it is a weak and slowly reacting antacid (i) its acid neutralizing capacity decreases on storage (iii) it interferes with absorption of phosphate in the intestine (iv) it causes loose motions as a side effect (g) The ‘new formula’ WHO-ORS differs from the older ‘standard formula’ WHO-ORS in the following respect(s) () it has lower Na*ion and glucose concentration. (i) it has higher K* ion concentration (iii) it has no basic salt (iv) Both (ii) and (iii) 22M/11 (Turn Over ) @ @ 22M/11 (4) All of the following drugs are antibiotics, except @ streptomycin (i) penicillin (iii) cotrimoxazole (iv) chloramphenicol Bacteristatic effect is () inhibition of bacterial cell division (i) inhibition of young bacterial cells growth (iii) destroying of bacterial cells (iv) formation of bacterial L-form Antibiotics inhibiting the bacterial cell wall synthesis are () beta-lactam antibiotics (ii) tetracyclines (iii) aminoglycosides (iv) macrolides The most important mechanism of concurrent acquisition of multidrug resistance among bacteria is () mutation: (i) conjugation (ii) transduction (iv) transformation ( Continued ) @ (m) 22M/11 (8) Choose the antimalarial drug having a gametocidal effect. () Mefloquine (i) Primaquine (iii) Doxycycline (iv) Sulfonamides What does the term ‘antibiotics’ mean? () Non-organic or synthetic substances that selectively kill or inhibit the growth of other microorganisms (i) Substances produced by some microorganisms and their synthetic analogues that selectively kill or inhibit the growth of other microorganisms (iii) Substances produced by some microorganisms and their synthetic analogues that inhibit the growth of organism cells (iv) Synthetic analogues of natural substances that kill protozoa and helminthes ( Continued ) (n) (0) @) @) 22M/11 (6) Choose the drug, inhibiting viral DNA synthesis. () Interferon (i) Saquinavir (ii) Amantadine (iv) Acyclovir Immune disorders include @) hypersensitivity (i) auto-immune disease (iii) immunodeficiency fiv) All of the above The major chemical messenger involved in hypersensitivity is () interleukin (i) lymphokine (iii) histamine (iv) interferon HIV attaks () T-helper cells (i) T-cytotoxic cells (iii) B-cell (iv) macrophages ( Continued ) (7) (r) What are signs and symptoms of a UTI in adults? (j) Frequent urge to urinate (ii) Pain during urination (iii) Milky/Cloudy urine (iv) All of the above (s) A toxic substance produced by biological system is specially referred to asa (i) toxicant (ii) toxin (iii) xenobiotic (iv) poison () The urinary system consists of () bladder, kidneys, uterus and urethra (i) kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra (iii) ovaries, uterus, urethra and kidneys (iv) Urethra, kidneys, bladder and vas deferens 22M/11 ( Turn Over ) 2. Answer any two of the following questions : 10x2=20 (a) (i) Discuss the role of sympathomimetic amines and theophylline in asthma. 6 (i) Classify the drugs used for relief of cough. 4 (b) What are the properties of an ideal antacid? Why is a combination of two or more antacids frequently used in therapy? 10 (c) (i) Give clinical classification of anti- malarial drugs. Write adverse effects of chloroquine. 6 (ii) Write the mechanism of action, adverse effects and therapeutic uses of metronidazole. 4 3. Write short notes on any seven of the following : 5x7=35 (a) Drugs used in COPD management (b) Digestants and carminatives (c) Doxapram hydrochloride as respiratory stimulant (a) Antiemetics 22M/11 ( Continued } (9) (e) Sexually transmitted diseases () General principles of treatment of poisoning (g) Antidiuretic hormone (h) Immunostimulants and — immuno- suppressant () Classification of antiamoebic agents ke 22M—120/11 BPH/BP-602T/2021 (N) —aeNee es ee BPH/BP-603T/2021 (N) B.Pharm (6th Semester) Exam., 2021 HERBAL DRUG TECHNOLOGY Paper : BP-603T (New) ( Theory ) Full Marks : 75 Time : 3 hours The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions 1. Answer the following questions (Objective- type) : 2*10=20 (a) What is the optimum temperature for drying digitalis leaves after collection? What happens to its substances if the leaves are not dried immediately after their collection? (b) Give two examples of corms used for vegetative propagation of medicinal plants. Name two herbal substances that are classically exemplified as bio- pesticides. 22M/12 ( Turn Over ) (2) (c) Name two omega-3 fatty acids that prevent cardiovascular diseases. Write the chemical structure of the substance responsible for pungency in garlic along with its name. (d) Name the substance in St. John’s Wort responsible for drug interaction with monoamine oxidase inhibitors. Why does intake of grape juice result into increased blood level of certain drugs if they are administered along with the said juice? (e) Name the substances in Aloe and Liquorice responsible for inhibiting melanogenesis in the skin. Name the naphthoquinone derivative in Henna responsible for permanent pigmentation of hairs and skins. () Name the structural backbone of steviol. Give an example of red azo dye from natural sources to colour cosmetics. (g) Name the method used to determine water content in crude drugs containing volatile oil. Name the reference bitter substance used for determination of bitterness value. 22M/12 ( Continued ) (3) (h) How do the structural monomers link among themselves to form galacto- mannan? How do the structural monomers link among themselves to form arabic acid? () Name the Section of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 under which manufacture for sale of Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani drugs are regulated. Name the form in which the Good Manufacturing Certificate is issued. G) Name the Section of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 that deals with Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani Drugs Technical Advisory Board. What is the minimum manufacturing space for GMP certification under Schedule T of Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani medicines? 2. Answer any two of the following questions (Long-answer type) : 10x2=20 (a) Write in detail about the processing of herbal raw material with examples. (b) Explain the methods of preparation and standardization of Asavas, Aristas and Bhasma. Write the principle of homoeopathy with examples. 22M/12 ( Turn Over ) (4) (c) Explain the method for the determination of water content in crude drugs containing volatile matters with Pictorial representation. How will you determine the tannin content in a given sample of crude drug? 3. Answer: any seven of the following questions (Short answer-type) : 5x7=35 (a) What are neutraceuticals? Classify them with an emphasis to their beneficiary health effects. (b) What are the essential fatty acids? Write the substances present in Spirulina and Chicory with their uses. (c) Write a note on herb-drug interactions with examples. (d) Explain the role of Soapnut, Henna‘and Bhringraj as drugs used in cosmetics. (e) Write brief notes on phytosomes, liposomes and nanoparticles with examples. () What is biopiracy? Give two examples where the arguments of Indian scientists against biopiracy were internationally established. 22M/12 ( Continued ) (g) Write about the scope of herbal drugs in industry as well in research institutions in their future endeavours. (h) Explain the general requirements of good manufacturing practices for Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani medicines under Clause 1-1 of Part I of Schedule T. () Write the Constitution of Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani Drug Advisory Board. kkk 22M—120/12 BPH/BP-603T/2021 (N) BPH/BP-604T/2022(S) B.Pharm (6th Semester) Exam,, 2021 ( Held in 2022 ) BIOPHARMACEUTICS AND PHARMACOKINETICS Paper : BP-604T Full Marks : 75 Time : 3 hours The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions 1. Answer the following objective-type questions : 2x10=20 (a) What is AUC? (6) Define renal clearance. (c) Define absolute and relative bioavailability. (a) What is in vitro-in vivo correlation? (e) What do you mean by compartmental model? () What do you mean by loading and maintenance doses? (g) Define apparent volume of distribution. (h) Define systematic clearance. 22M/611 ( Turn Over ) (2) () What do you mean by linear pharmacokinetics? @) What is half-life? 2. Answer the following short-type questions (any seven) : (a) Discuss about two-compartment open (2) () (a) (e) @) (h) 7] 22M/611 model IV bolus. What are the factors influencing drug absorption? What are the clinical significance of protein binding of drugs? Discuss the methods to enhance the dissolution rates. Discuss about one-compartment open model intravenous infusion. Discuss the factors affecting renal excretion of drugs. Discuss the role of pharmacokinetics in pharmacy. What are the factors causing non-linearity? Describe the various barriers to drug distribution present in human body. ( Continued ) 5x7=35 (3) 3. Answer any. two of the following : 10x2=20 (a) (b) () What are objectives of: bioavailability study? Discuss the methods to enhance the bioavailability of drugs.’ 5+5=10 Discuss the dosage form factors influencing absorption of drugs: 10 What are significances of compartment models? Discuss in brief © one compartment model. 5+5=10 kk 22M—60/611 BPH/BP-604T/2022(S) BPH/BP-605T/2022(8) B.Pharm (6th Semester) Exam., 2021 ( Held in 2022 ) PHARMACEUTICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY Paper : BP-605T Full Marks : 75 Time : 3 hours The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions 1. Answer the following objective-type questions : (a) (b) () (a) ) 0 @) 22M/612 2x10=20 What is the principles of genetic engineering? Define immune suppression. Define plasma substitutes. What are the types of mutants? Define toxoids. What do you mean by aeration process in the fermentation method? What do you mean by dried human plasma? ( Turn Over } th) @ @ (2) What is transduction? Give the storage condition of two official vaccines. What is microbial transformation? 2. Answer any seven of the following short answer-type questions : 5x7=35, (a) () (] (d) (e) @) (h) @ 22M/612 Discuss about several cloning vectors. Describe PCR technique for gene multiplication. Discuss about different blood products. What is ELISA? Describe competitive type of ELISA. Describe hybridoma technology for production of monoclonal antibodies. Describe microbial transformation. Discuss about cloning factors. What are immunoglobulins? Describe different types of immunoglobulins. Discuss about the working of biosensors. ( Continued ) 3. Answer any two of the following long answer-type questions : 10x2=20 (a) What is recombinant DNA technology? Discuss about the applications of recombinant DNA technology. (b) Describe the construction.and working of a fermenter. (c) What is enzyme immobilization? Describe the different methods for enzyme immobilization. kak 22M—60/612 BPH/BP-605T/2022(S) BPH/BP-606T/2021 (N) B.Pharm (6th Semester) Exam., 2021 QUALITY ASSURANCE Paper : BP-606T (New) Full Marks : 75 Time : 3 hours The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions SECTION—A 1. Answer the following questions : 2x10=20 (a) Define quality control as per WHO. (b) Enlist the eight key elements of total quality management. (c) Define downward communication. (d) Discuss the reason behind stress testing. (e) Define QbD. (ff Define continuous improvement. 22M/15 (Turn Over ) (g) What is ISO 9000? (h) Give four benefits of ISO 14000. () Enlist the types of laboratories who can seek NABL accreditation. Gj) What is HVAC system? SECTION—B 2. Answer any two of the following questions : 10x2=20 (a) What is the purpose of ICH guideline? Discuss in detail the stability testing guidelines. 3+7=10 (b) Discuss the overview, elements and steps of registration of ISO 14000. 3+3+4=10 (c) Discuss the purchase specifications and maintenance of stores for raw materials. 3+7=10 SECTION—C 3. Answer any seven of the following questions : 5x7=35 (a) Write the process of contamination control in manufacturing processes area. 22M/15 (Continued ) (3) (b) Discuss the method of selection of equipment for a manufacturing unit. (c) Discuss the procedures of NABL accreditation. (d) What are the tests used for quality control of container? (e) Discuss the protocol and conduct of a non-clinical laboratory study. () How can we classify the returned goods received by the pharmaceutical industry? (g) Give the classification of recall. (h) Give the objective of quality review and quality documentation. () Discuss the importance of process validation method. kak 22M—120/15 BPH/BP-606T/2021 (N)

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