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To Read

 HDI Pakistan
 Ranking of world countries wrt poverty, wealth, health, intelligence, intellect level etc
 UNGA speeches IK and Trump. India
 International Political Economy

Facts and figures


 CJP: Asif Saeed Khosa (CJP is also the Chairman of Judicial Commission of Pakistan)
 CJP: saqib nisar
 IHC CJ Athar Minallah
 Senate chairman: Sadiq Sanjrani
 Senate Vice chairman: Saleem Mandviwalla
 Speaker NA: Asad Qaisar
 Deputy Speaker NA: Qasim Khan Suri
 Federal minister of Law and Justice: Farogh Nasim
 Advisor on Finance: Dr Abdul Hafeez Sheikh
 Advisor to PM on Commerce, Industries and Investment: Razak Dawood
 Minister for Economic Affairs: Hammad Azhar
 FBR Chairman: Shabbar Zaidi
 Chairman NAB Justice Javed Iqbal
 Chairman FBR Syed Shabbar Zaidi
 DG FIA Wajid Zia (PSP)
 DG ISI Lt. Gen. Fiaz Hameed
 DG IB Dr. Suleman Khan
 DG ISPR Maj. Gen. Asif Gafoor
 COAS Kamar Javed Bajwa
 CM Sindh: Murad Ali Shah
 Governor Sindh: Imran Ismail (PTI)
 CM Punjab: Usman Buzdar (PTI)
 Governor Punjab: Chaudhary Muhammad Sarwar (PTI)
 CM KPK: Mahmood Khan (PTI)
 Governor KPK: Shah Farman (PTI)
 CM Baluchistan: Jam Kamal Khan (BAP)
 Governor Baluchistan: Amanullah Khan Yasinzai (BAP)
 CM Gilgit Baltistan: Hafiz Hafeezur Rehman (PML-N)
 Governor Gilgit Baltistan: Raja Jalal Hussain Maqpoon
 PM Azad Kashmir: Raja Farooq Haider
 President Azad Kashmir: Masood Khan
 COAS: Raheel Sharif  Qamar Javed Bajwa
 Chairman Joint Chief of Staff Committee (CJCSC): Nadeem Raza (27 NOV 2019)
 According to Gallup and Gillani Pakistan’s poll in October 2019, only 8% Pakistani consider Kashmir as the biggest problem Pak is
facing these days (inflation 53%, unemployment 23%, corruption 4%, water crisis 4%, and political instability 2%)
 World Diabetes Day (14 NOV) worldwide 463m people are diabetic. According to International Diabetes Federation (IDF), diabetes in
Pakistan is 17.1%.


 Some people are more equal than others in Pakistan

 Relativism: ideological (capitalism/communism), political (parliamentary/presidential), religious and social. Judiciary uses relativism
 in the name of Public Interest Litigation. However, PIL is a relative term. Everything can come under this term and consequently,
judiciary will assume all power of executive and legislative.
 +ves: We have FM and good FP. Civil military relations improves. Youth bulge (agents of social change: youth, education and
innovation+media. If all 4 agents are functional, rate of change is high), energetic workforce (young, productive workforce could
elevate country to highest levels of prosperity). Afghan peace (Lindsey Graham, US Senator accepts IK stance), CPEC, Kartarpur,
India (we want peace through solution of Kashmir problem). Pakistan Citizen Portal app. Checks and balances are there in
Pakistan+Civ-mil relations are improving.
 -ves: There is more critique on dysfunctionality of institutions in Pakistan than appreciating manifest functions of them. Almost all
institutions have manifest functions, latent functions and dysfunctions. What is dysfunctional for 3 rd world, is functional for 1st world
(universal functionalism). Youth bulge (creating doctors, call center workers and immigration applicants). Partial accountability.
Economy weak (circular debt). Freedom of speech. Youth bulge. An uneducated, unproductive population could drag the country to
the depths of despair

1. Economy
2. FATF, terror financing
3. Corruption, NAB
4. Youth Bulge
5. Pak-India
6. Pak-US
7. Pak-China
8. Pak-Iran
9. Iran-Saudi
10. Parliamentary vs. presidential system
11. Afghan conundrum
12. 5th generation warfare, PEMRA
13. Syria
14. Brexit
15. FATA-KP merger
16. China
17. US-China trade war
18. Yemen
19. Democracy
20. Global Warming
21. Polio
22. Local government
23. Madaris reforms
24. Education
25. Ehsas
26. Social issues
27. Health
28. Population
29. Feminism
30. Human Rights
31. Freedom of expression
32. Social media
33. Terrorism
34. Sports
35. War
36. Social Media
37. Science and Technology
38. Globalization and nationalism
39. National Politics
40. EU
41. France
42. USA
43. Pak-Bahrain
44. South East Asia
45. Kaula Lampur Summit
46. Trump Impeachment
47. Brexit
I. Economy: Pakistan ranked 108 in World Bank Ease of Doing Business index (136 in 2019. 108 in 2020). Highest-ever upward shift (28
points) in a year by Pakistan. Among world’s top 10 business climate improvers. Pak 1 st position in South Asia in bringing fast reforms.
6th in top reformers of world. KSA, India, China are among top 10 reformers too. WB said enactment of six regulatory reforms improved
Pakistan’s ranking. Improved country’s image for attracting investments. Total FDI jumps 137% in 1st quarter of FY20: SBP data.
Opportunities for improvement: Acc. to WB, the country ranks 156 th on enforcing contracts. It takes 1,071 days to resolve a commercial
dispute in Pakistan, almost twice the average among high-income economies. Govt. has made it easier on paper to get an electricity
connection but investors (esp. small- & medium-sized companies) continue to face same old bureaucratic red tape when they apply for
a connection. Besides EoDB, there are other factors also to attract investments: rule of law, political stability, international country
perception. Adviser to the Prime Minister on Investment Razak Dawood. Shabbar Zaidi, FBR chairman. Finance Advisor Dr Hafeez
Sheikh. Govt is going to convert incumbent FBR into Pakistan Revenue Authority by June 2020. Restructuring entire tax machinery for
centralized collection of GST on services and goods.
II. FATF, terror financing: CTD, FIA, NAB, State Bank, police
Pakistan FO denounced US Department of State’s Country Report on Terrorism 2018 that criticized Pak for allegedly not doing enough
to curb LeT and JeM. Report says that although Pak has implemented international standards to combat money launderingand terror
financing, implementation remains uneven and has not taken measures against LeT and JeM which continue to operate, train, organize
and fundraise in Pak. While Pak extended support for Afghan peace process, it did not restrict Afghan Taliban and Haqqani Network
from operating from Pak. Report completely overlooks the factual situation on ground and sacrifices rendered by Pak (Pak efforts
resulted in elimination of al-Qaida) in last 2 decades in international struggle against terrorism. Report fails to mention that TTP,
Jamaat-ul-Ahrar and Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISKP) are operating from across western border. FO said Pak is taking concrete
steps in light of NAP, which had been drawn with consensus of all national stakeholders. FO added Pak is also ensuring
implementations of UNSC 1267 sanction regime. Pak is also helping in peace negotiations for Afghan issue. Report accepts that NAP
2015 including interagency coordination has been trying to combat terrorism. Report says that although Paki law designates hawala
and hundi system as offences to terrorism but these unlicensed money transfer system persist and are open to abuse by terrorism
III. Corruption, NAB
IV. Youth Bulge: Launch by the SECP of a start-up portal to encourage innovation. This year marked a ‘watershed moment’ for Pakistani
start-ups, many believe. Sadly, when we look at the entrepreneurial ecosystem here, there is not too much to celebrate. Indeed, the
number of digital start-ups has been growing for the last five years, especially since the launch of 3G/4G mobile technology. Yet we
remain in the early stages due to poor access to funds, as well as regulatory and financial barriers, which continue to restrain start-up
growth and bar venture capitalists from entering this market. Only one out 10 firms is able to secure funding from friends, family or
investors. Restrictions on the flow of funds into and out of Pakistan force many to set up companies in other countries and discourage
foreign venture capitalists from financing or acquiring local firms. Government must make concerted efforts to revamp the poor
business environment
V. Pak-India:
Hegemonic: India’s hegemonic and expansionist intention has manifested itself in a dangerous move. Modi setup has come up with a
fanciful map in violation of recognized geographical boundaries. This malevolent scheme deliberately identifies AJK and part of GB as
Indian territories. Pakistan dismissed attempt as legally untenable. Map violates UN resolutions.
Case Study: During 19th century, Mexico and America fought horrific wars over territorial disputes. However, later on both countries
recognized importance of dialogue. US-Mexico Boundary Treaty, signed in 1970, resulted in ending almost all disputes. Today, US is
largest trading partner of Mexico. US’s 3rdlargest trade partner is Mexico.
Kashmir: Humanitarian considerations must take precedence over self-defined strategic and economic interests. According to Gallup
and Gillani Pakistan’s poll in October 2019, only 8% Pakistani consider Kashmir as the biggest problem Pak is facing these days. Head of
parliamentary committee on Kashmir, Fakhar Imam repeated the slogan about Kashmir being Pakistan’s jugular vein. India formally
annexed IOK. Almost 1m tweets deleted at Indian government’s behest. Far-right EU lawmakers visited IOK. Almost 1m tweets deleted
at Indian government’s behest. Even when mainstream media has been browbeaten and swayed by financial blandishments into
becoming cheerleaders for the government, social media, given its nature, remains a largely untamed space where global voices can be
heard. Twitter must distinguish between incitement to violence and fair comment. Also read GB episode of Kashmir issue. Pakistan
vowed to continue to support just struggle of Kashmiris. French parliament had discussed Kashmir issue. Some US congressmen
pressured US govt about Kashmir issue. Overall silence by international community on issue. Modi’s Houston address: attempted to
equate 9/11 and 26/11. Said those who carried out those attacks came from same country. Tried to justify scrapping of Article 370 by
saying situation was being exploited by separatists and terrorists. It is matter of irrefutable reality that 9/11 attack was orchestrated by
Al-Qaeda. Al-Qaeda was not based in Pakistan. Modi was responsible for massacre of Muslims in India. Responsible for state terrorism
against people of IOK. Indian naval officer Kulbhushan Jadhav and his confession of involvement in fomenting insurgency in Baluchistan.
It is testimony to India’s involvement in terrorism. Modi’s claim that he changed special status of IOK because terrorists were exploiting
situation is absolutely fallacious. Pulwama incident which he often refers was actually carried out by a local freedom fighter. Kashmirs
are fighting for their legitimate right of self-determination as enshrined in UN resolutions. Freedom movement is purely an indigenous
movement which began in 1989. Forced to pick up arms in 1989. August 5 scrap of Articles 370 and Article 35-A is for demographic
changes and a bigger scheme to target Muslims all over India to realize the objectives of ‘Hindutva’. Humanitarian crisis unfolding in
IOK and issue pertaining to right of self-determination are matters of international concern and not internal issue of India. Obligation of
UN + big powers to prove their humanitarian credentials by asking India to lift curfew. Otherwise, it could have disastrous consequence
for region and the world. Two nuclear powers.
Pakistan has been trying since one decade to create peace among two countries. Peaceful bilateral relations will bring uncountable
benefits. Media campaigns in India, great hype to extremist ideas. Hatred rhetoric speeches. Last year Imran Khan welcomed for open
talks to resolve this matter. Modi did not give positive response. In Agra Summit 2001, Pakistan tried its best to resolve this matter, but
UN responded negatively. What is happening in Kashmir, would never let India sleep. Fascist democracy taking roots. In India,
Democracy in India is just a myth. Modi wants to conquer world by his investment approach. There is a tag of hyper-nationalist on
Modi now. He is considering it as a victory, but in actual it’s a long-rum defeat.
Religious tourism: We share culture and religion too (Indian Muslims). Pakistan: Katas Raj for Hindus. Kartar Pur/revered shrines for
Sikhs. India: Khawaja Moinuddin Chishti in Ajmer, Nizamuddin Aulia in Delhi. Cross-border marriages.
Kartarpur coridor: Two contrasting trajectories as was witnessed on Nov 9 when Pakistan was setting up a Gurdwara (Sikhworship
place) while India was demolishing a mosque. In contrast you see occupied Kashmir`s Srinagar Jamia mosque that is locked every
Friday, Eid prayers are not allowed there, mourning processions during Muharram were banned in the valley and Kashmiris there are
barred from holding Eid Miladun Nabi celebrations. 4km long corridor. Visa free link b/w Darbar Sahib in kartarpur and Dera baba
Nanak Shrine in Indian Punjab. Up to 5K/day visitors. 550th birth anniversary of founder of Sikhism guru Nanak Dev. 50Rs coin. No fee.
No passport, only valid ID. IK and Sidhu speech. US State Department spokesperson Morgan Ortagus said that Kartarpur sets a positive
example of neighbors working together for mutual benefits. Kartarpur Corridor in Punjab`s Narowal district. It gives a visa-free access
to devotees from across the border to visit Gurdwara Darbar Sahib, one of Sikhism`s holiest shrines. Corridor was formally opened by
PM IK in a ceremony attended by hundreds of people, former Indian PM Manmohan Singh. Mr Khan called for peace and cross-border
trade between Pakistan and India, while also highlighting the grim situation in India-held Kashmir. 5,000 visitors will be able to cross
over daily to visit the shrine without a visa. Indeed, religious tourism has great potential to promote people to-people contacts in the
subcontinent. Pakistan is home to other significant Sikh shrines in Hasan Abdal, Lahore etc. Similarly, there are ancient Hindu temples
in Sindh`s Thar region, the Hinglaj mandir in Balochistan, as well as Katas Raj in Punjab. It takes two to tango, India must also
reciprocate by easing restrictions on Pakistani visitors wanting to pay their respects at revered Sufi dargahs of the revered Khawaja of
Ajmer, Nizamuddin Aulia in Delhi, the tombs of other Muslim saints on the occasion of their urs or even otherwise. Religious tourism
and people-to-people contacts reduce hostilities between Islamabad and New Delhi. Key irritants in the relationship particularly the
Kashmir issue must not be lost sight of.
Peace in South Asia: Major power rivalries. Regional tensions. Unresolved issues. Indian hegemonic ambitions. (Kashmir issue.
offensive military doctrine. Engaging in nuclear blackmail. Rejecting proposal for strategic restraint. Nuclearization of Indian Ocean.
Indian attempt to diver water flow. Indian army chief Bipin Rawat’s provocative statements
Sports: On request of All India Tennis Association, Indian’s Devis Cup match against Pak (to be played in Islamabad) is to be played at a
neutral venue after advice from international Tennis Federation’s security advisor. Security review amid political tensions among two
Trade: We must improve trade relations
Babri Mosque: In an episode of unabashed ugliness, a frenzied mob of thousands of Hindu extremists stormed the 16th-century
mosque and reduced it to rubble, guided by the belief that the spot where the masjid was built was Ram Janmabhoomi, the place
where Hindus believe the deity was born. SC handed Hindu groups control of a contested site where a 16th century mosque was razed
in 1992, paving the way for construction of a temple there that has long been an election promise of ruling BJP. SC ruling in Ayodhya
matter has settled suit in favor of Hindus. It is ironic that the decision came on the day when the Kartarpur Corridor was opened for
Sikh pilgrims, indicating Pakistan’s intentions to facilitate other religious communities. It would have been better had the court given
the site to neither side, considering the sensitivity of the matter. Destruction of the mosque marked the beginning of the end of the
Nehruvian ideal of a secular India, and the triumphal, raucous arrival of the Sangh Parivar on the national stage. Verdict will embolden
the foot soldiers of Hindutva. National narrative is being shaped by Savarkar and Golwalkar rather than Nehru and Gandhi. Now, it is
for the Indian people to decide whether they wish to adopt a democratic course, or build a Hindu rashtra where minorities are either
hounded out, or forced to live as second-class citizens. FM Shah Mehmood Qureshi said: India had lost the path of Mahatma Gandhi,
who preached tolerance and non-violence, and it had now been taken over by extremist Hindu organisation RSS. India of today is not
India of Gandhi and Nehru. It is now Hindustan, which is dominated by supremacist Hindutva ideology. After disregarding Gandhi`s
values, secular India has got buried under RSS ideology. Human rights abuses being committed by Indian troops in occupied Kashmir
and the growing violence in India in general, including cases of mob lynching, child abuse, rape and sexual oppression and communal
intolerance. Foreign Office had said that the Indian Supreme Court`s verdict in the Ayodhya dispute had exposed India`s secular face.

VI. Pak-US: Trump administration, minimized its contacts with Pakistan in its first year. Engagements resumed when Washington sought
Islamabad’s support for holding direct talks with Afghan Taliban. President Donald Trump hosted Prime Minister Khan at the White
House and pledged to expand both political and commercial ties with Pakistan. Trump administration believes in extensive high-level
engagements for rebuilding its ties with Pakistan, replacing the structured dialogue introduced by the Obama administration.
VII. Pak-China: Pakistan among 54 nations praising China’ HR record. China’s treatment of ethnic Uighurs in Xinjiang province was debated
in UN on British backed statement. 54 nations praised China. 23 assailed its record. In past, Pakistan played key role in connecting
China with modern world.
VIII. Pak-Iran: Pak-Iran share 900km border. Arif Alvi met Dr Hassan Rouhani during sideline meeting on sidelines of 18 th Non-Aligned
Movement (NAM) summit in baku, Azerbaijan. NAM was established in 1961. Consists of 120 developing states not formally aligned
with any major power block. It is largest after UN. Iran was first country to recognize and accept Pakistan. Today, Iran is standing with
us on Kashmir issue. Iranian parliament passed a resolution in solidarity with Kashmiri people. We must play role to resolve Iran-US
tensions for sake of regional stability. Pakistan should be well-aware about international conspiracies about our friendly countries,
China and Iran. We must not accept foreign pressure in this regard.
IX. Iran-Saudia: US+ six Gulf allies announced sanctions on 25 entities associated with Iran`s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and
Lebanon`s Hezbollah, in a move to tighten controls on both group`s finances. UAE calls for Iran talks with world powers for a deal. Iran
has actually resumed its nuclear enrichment. Tensions in Gulf have arisen due after attacks on oil tankers in vital global shipping lane
and a major assault on energy facilities in KSA.
X. Parliamentary vs. presidential system: Our constitution gives powers to executive to legislate when parliament is not in session and
president is satisfied that circumstances exist to warrant promulgation of ordinances. It dilutes democratic norms. Only handful
(around 10) countries allow this. Even not British constitution, which we inherited. Art 89 allows president to promulgate ordinances
under extraordinary circumstances.
How is legislation done? Initial drafts of new laws are generated by political parties/members. Parties internally debate and draft
formally/informally. Ruling party may decide to adopt it as government bill or any member may introduce it as a private member’s bill.
Govt. bills are examined by ministry concerned, law ministry and cabinet. Bill is then introduced in parliament (Senate or NA) where it is
normally referred to standing committee concerned. Committee, where almost all political parties are represented, undertake a
detailed scrutiny of the bill. Sometime, experts and civil society representatives are also invited to committee meetings for
consultation. After standing committee passed the bill, report is placed before the house. House debates over it. After the house passes
it, it is referred to other house where concerned standing committee reviews it and returns to house for approval. When bill has been
passed by both houses, it is forwarded to president for assent. Obtaining that, it becomes law.
XI. Afghan conundrum (19-year war):
President Ashraf Ghani’s wife Lady Rula Ghani said she would be first Afghan lady to reject Taliban rule. Although Taliban are citizens of
Afghanistan and they deserve their land, but doesn’t deserve Taliban rule.
US in Afghanistan
The US failures in Afghanistan were covered with lies – revealed in report ‘The Afghanistan Papers’ published by ‘Washington Post’.
In a report, Douglas Lute (war emperor during Obama and Bush Administrator) said that “we were devoid of fundamental
understanding of Afghanistan… We didn’t know what we were doing.”
US forces deployed in afghanistan uptill now is 7,75,000. 2000 killed and 20,000 injured.
Afghanistan national army (pro-american) 64,000 killed
Quadrilateral (US, Russia, China, Pakistan) talks held in Moscow in October to review stalemate in peace process. 1 st round of
Quadrilateral discussions occurred in Beijing in July. Highest number of civilians killed (1.1K) in last quarter of year than during any
single quarter in past decade. US special envoy for Afghan reconciliation, Zalmay Khalilzad, met with Afghan Taliban leaders secretly.
THE fact is that were Afghanistan to implode, the chaos thus spawned would not remain confined within its borders. Perhaps this is the
key concern behind the quadrilateral talks that took place in Moscow focusing on Afghan peace, and featuring diplomats from Pakistan,
the US, Russia and China. if Afghanistan is destabilised further, Russia will be concerned due to its geographic proximity, while the US
will also want to prevent terrorist groups from finding refuge in the country. As for China, it also fears Afghanistan becoming a base for
extremists that may target its interests. And Pakistan has the most to lose from an unstable Afghanistan; for the past four decades, this
country has been affected by the instability within the borders of its western neighbor. US welcomed proposed intra-Afghan talks in
China. Talking to ABC channel, Chairman Joint Chief of Staff Gen Mark Miley: troops will stay for several more years in Afghanistan as
mission is not complete. Mission was to prevent Afghanistan from being a haven for terrorist blotting attacks on US homeland. For this,
Afghan govt and security forces will have own internal security to prevent terrorists using territory to attack other countries, especially
USA. Chief’s statement does not conform to Trump’s public position (he doesn’t want to keep US troops engaged in war). Talks began
in September 2018 in Doha, Qatar. In September 2019, he invited President Ashraf Ghani and senior Taliban leadership to presidential
resort near Washington to sign deal but he withdrew invitation after a series of terrorist attacks in Kabul killed US+NATO soldiers. But
in late October, he sent his peace envoy, Zalmay Khalilzad, back to region for initiating peace talks. US are now encouraging neighbours
to play a more active role in negotiating peace deal and want Russia and China to help in this regard. 14K US troops + thousands of
European forces participating in Nato-led Resolute Support mission, are still in Afghanistan.
Pak-Afghan: Our relations with Afghan are not good since day 1. Afghan chooses Ind over Pak every time. Pakistan closed its consular
services in Kabul, citing security concerns. Officers and staff of Embassy of Pak were being harassed. Talks are underway for repairinf
ties with Afghanistan. Foreign Secretary Sohail Ahmad and ISI Chief Lt Gen Faiz Hameed visited Kabul for talks on events that have
added strain to bilateral ties. They met with Afghan NSA Hamdullah Mohib. Talks included dispute over Afghan market in Peshawar,
border firing incidents, and mutual allegations of harassment of diplomats.
XII. 5th generation warfare, PEMRA
Software becomes malware. Blackberry, security business tycoon says in its report: “Mobile malware and APT espionage” that some
unknown state sponsored hackers are spreading fake apps laden with malware to target paki military & govt. as a new espionage
campaign to steal sensitive data.
XIII. Syria (8-year war)
Turkey-US: HoR passed resolution that killing of 1.5 million Armenians by Ottoman Empire between 1915 and 1923 amounted to
genocide, a claim recognised by some 30 countries. Moreover, Relations tensed after Ankara launched cross-border offensive on
October 9 against the Kurdish YPG militia (make up the bulk of SDF) and held 120km long swathes of Syrian land along the frontier. .
Fought for 8 days after US pull-out. Mike Pence, USA VP, reached a deal with Erdogan after Trump threatening letter to Erdogan.
Turkish pledged to end Operation Peace Spring against Kurdish YGP. Relations also strained after US’ failure to extradite Muslim
preacher Fethullah Gulen, accused of ordering 2016 failed coup. Moreover, Turkey says that there is an Interpole red notice against
Mazlum Abdi, commander of SFD (US-backed Kurdish-led Syrian forces). Trump must stop cooperating+meeting with him and catch
him to extradite him to Turkey. US Senator Lindsey Graham urged US State Department to expedite visa for Abdi to let him come to US
Congress to speak on situation on ground in Syria.
Turkey-Syria: Syrian army and Turkish forces clashed near border. Ankara said it reserved right to launch another offensive against
Kurdish YPG militia.
Turkey-Kurds: SDF says Kurdish fighters are withdrawing from positions along Turkish border.
Turkey and Russia: Russia and Syria deployed more troops to Syria’s border with Turkey. Russia and Turkey struck a deal (Sochi
agreement) for Kurdish forces to withdraw from frontiers from both sides of Turkish held areas under supervision of Russian and Syrian
forces. Kurdish-led SFD objected to some provisions of Sochi agreement. Syria wants to eventually set up a safe zone along entire
length of 440km border and to resettle 3.6m Syrian refugees currently in Turkey.
XIV. Brexit
XV. FATA-KP merger:
XVI. China:
Beijing Consensus (China Model) vs. Washington Consensus
refers to the political and economic policies of the People's Republic of China[2] that began to be instituted by Deng Xiaoping after Mao
Zedong's death in 1976. The phrase "Beijing Consensus" was coined by Joshua Cooper Ramo to frame China's economic development
model as an alternative—especially for developing countries—to the Washington Consensus of market-friendly policies promoted by
the IMF, World Bank, and U.S. Treasury.

Beijing Consensus Washington Consensus

John Williamson Joshua Cooper Roma
Economy regulated by state Laissez Faire
Socialism (ideology of innovation, chaotic management and self- Neo-Liberalism, capitalism
Export promotion and protectionism Free international trade
Regulations on FDI and tech transfer Liberalisation of FDI
Industrialization is focused Globalization is focused
Not GDP, but poverty, quality of life and individual justice State’s GDP is main focus
Soft power Hard power by IMF, WB

Hong Kong protests

Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill (Anti-ELAB) movement
until 1997, Hong Kong was ruled by Britain as a colony but then returned to China. Under the "one country, two systems" arrangement,
it has more autonomy than the mainland, and its people more rights. The extradition bill which triggered the first protest was
introduced in April. It would have allowed for criminal suspects to be extradited to mainland China under certain circumstances.
Opponents said this risked exposing Hong Kongers to unfair trials and violent treatment. They also argued the bill would give China
greater influence over Hong Kong and could be used to target activists and journalists. Protestors attacked parliament and protested
actions on Hong Kong International Airport. Police uses live bullets while protestors use petrol bombs and stones. Police injured a girl’s
eye, thus protestors wore red masks to show solidarity.
“Five Demands, not one less”: Moto of anti-government and pro-democratic protestors.
1. Protest should not be called as ‘riot’
2. Amnesty of protestors who are arrested
3. Independent inquiry into police brutality
4. Implementation of complete universal suffrage
5. Withdrawal of extradition bill (which is done)
Some also want the resignation of Carrie Lam, whom they view as Beijing's puppet.
Chinese president Xi Jinping has warned against separatism, saying any attempt to divide China would end in "bodies smashed and
bones ground to powder".
What is Hong Kong's status?
Hong Kong is a former British colony handed back to China in 1997.
It has its own judiciary and a separate legal system from mainland China. Those rights include freedom of assembly and freedom of
But those freedoms - the Basic Law - expire in 2047 and it is not clear what Hong Kong's status will then be.
Article 14 of Basic Law – local government can request for help from China’s People Liberation Army (PLA) in event of public order

XVII. US-China trade wars

XVIII. Yemen (UN special envoy for Yemen, Martin Griffiths)
Saudi Arabia brokers deal between warring sides (Govt. & southern rebels) in south Yemen. It paved way for wider peace talks to end
the five-year civil war. New govt will involve 24-members, equal ministries allocated to STC & Hadi supporters. Deal enhanced status of
STC, which has previously been excluded from all UN-brokered peace deals. STC is opposed to influence of Muslim Brotherhood-aligned
party al-Islah in Hadi’s government.
Southern Transitional Council (STC), backed by UAE, in August seized control of southern port city of Aden, leaving the Saudi- and UN-
backed government led by President Mansour Hadi in possession of little land/effective power. Hadi had already been thrown out of
Yemen’s capital, Sana’a, in 2014 by Iranian-backed Houthi rebels. Split in south between Hadi & STC pitted two normal Gulf allies, UAE
and KSA, against one another.
Houthis in September offered a ceasefire with KSA, ending their effective drone and cruise missile attacks into KSA. An extensive
prisoner swap program has been agreed.
XIX. Democracy: COAS, chairing a corps commander meeting at GHQ, said: Pakistan Army as organ of state will continue to support national
intuition as and when asked as per constitution”. Acc to ISPR, meeting was convened to review geo strategic and national security
environment. Internal security, LoC and AJK. Fully committed to thwart all threats.
XX. Global Warming: Individual, nations and globe has responsibility. 70+ nations at UN Climate Action Summit in New York on Sept 2019
had pledged to make concrete plans now for how to reach the goal of climate neutrality by 2050. In Pakistan, there are still voices
arguing against green transition saying that industrialized countries created the problem and should carry the burden. Pakistan is
responsible for only 1pc of carbon emissions, so it does not matter much anyway. But, climate aside, the strongest arguments for
Pakistan are economic and with regard to resource survival. They are compelling. Firstly, green transition in the energy sector would
mean much lower electricity prices. Smaller burden on Pakistan`s troubled trade balance. The energy sector in Pakistan primarily runs
on fossilfuels-oil, gas and coal. Consequently, electricity is very expensive in Pakistan, and this is making Pakistan less competitive
economically. The heavy dependence on imported oil and gas is also undermining Pakistan`s trade balance and is a major component
of the current economic crisis. Solar and wind turbines can produce electricity at half the price of oil and coal or better. With the help of
pioneering wind turbine giants, Denmark has the world`s highest amount of electricity from renewables approaching 70pc in 2020, but
at the same time has the lowest loadshedding and one of the lowest production cost levels in the world. Secondly, global consumers
are turning to sustainable production, and soon this will also be reflected in tax incentives and regulations in Pakistan`s two biggest
export markets: the EU and the US. Already, as many as two-thirds of consumers have a strong preference for sustainable products,
and this trend is expected to strengthen over the coming years. Big enterprises are taking out plastic from their line of products to
meet those expectations. A little further down the line, Pakistan`s main export markets will also put in place far stricter regulations for
products. Those who can produce sustainably will be the winners on the economic markets. Thirdly, Pakistan is one of 10 countries in
the world that will be most affected by climate change. In Pakistan, 85pc of water is used in agriculture. The lack of waste management
is slowly turning Pakistan into a wasteland. Air quality ranks among the poorest in the world. Impacts on health standards. Solution
exists. Waste-to-energy and recycling solutions could make it possible to put a value on waste and thereby finance solutions. In
Denmark, most waste is recycled, some is turned into energy and only 1pc goes into a landfill. The newest state-of-the art waste-to-
energy plant in Copenhagen can convert 500,000 tons of residual waste to energy every year practically without the emission of toxic
fumes. Copenhagen hosted the C40 World Mayors Summit with coordination among the largest cities around the world, including
Karachi in Oct 2019. Cities are responsible for 70pc of global carbon emissions and 80pc of energy use, and that is why green and smart
solutions for cities are crucial for overall global green transition. For Pakistan, climate neutrality is `need to do` for survival. It also
makes good economic sense. The green entrepreneurs of today, whether countries or business companies, will be the global winners
of tomorrow. Smog in Lahore. Air quality ranking. Pakistan owns pollution causes smog, say experts. Lahore smog level 550+ (600 in
Gulberg) on Air Quality Index. 250-300 is hazardous. It is due to vehicle pollution (43% of total causes), industrial pollution, burning of
municipal and even industrial waste (25%) and brick using dirty fuel like rubber tyre. Our refineries provide Euro 2 compliant fuel
whereas in advanced countries refineries provide Euro 4 compliant fuel. Still, we let our refineries earn the same benefits. R-smog
report prepared by UN Food and Agriculture Organization. Climate Action Now Pakistan wrote letter to NA, bcz as citizens it is our right
to ask govt. Public protest regarding climate change is a great news. Admirable that many people are aware now. Life is at risk. Rain
forest being burnt down by greed. In world’s pollution, west is greater contributor. China is also damaging environment because of its
rapid growth of development. Profit comes first; humanity later. Poor countries face consequences. In Pakistan, number of tourist
places in northern areas destroying by air, water and land pollution of industries/corporations. Reduce in the use of plastic bag or non-
decomposable items can make a difference. Problem will not be catered just by avoiding use of plastic bags, neo-capitalism system
must be breakdown. Raising Slogans and protests can make a difference as most people don’t even know what is happening and.
Youngsters can participate in protests, as they are leaders of tomorrow. Protests will pressurize organizations who are polluting. Step
to make environment green. Otherwise, poor countries will suffer the consequence of rich countries.
Carbon Tax and Cap-and-trade
Burning of fossil fuel is ‘Negative Externality’ – the (industrial) things which negatively affects the society. The polluters should be
required to pay social cost along with private market price. This will reduce the combustion of fossil fuel to social optimum. ‘Pigouvian
Taxes’ (named after Pigou) are the basis for carbon taxes. Cap-and-trade: is capping companies to restrict certain chemicals (including
Imposing carbon tax will increase cost of operation and thus difficult for Pakistani Industry to compete in exporting goods. Moreover, it
would be unfair for low-income households as they spent most of their money on energy.
Solution: export industries should be exempted from carbon tax - as in Canada steel and cement industries are exempted. Moreover,
the revenue collected from industries for carbon tax should be given to all citizens equally, rather than to government, thus making it
fair. Furthermore, implementation of emission standards for automobiles (tottered cars, 2-stroke motorcycles, diesel buses)
XXI. Polio: Global polio cases has been cut by 99+% since 1988. WHO’s expert panel certified that second of three types of crippling virus
has been eradicated globally. Only polio virus type 1 is endemic in Pakistan and Afghanistan (infected a total of 88 ppl. Lowest global
annual figure was 22 cases in 2017). Type 2 was declared eradicated in 2015. Type 3 in October 2019.
It cannot be cured. Infection can be prevented by vaccination. In unvaccinated populations, polio viruses can re-emerge and spread
XXII. Local government: KP CM’s discretionary funds for lawmakers withdrawn. No development fund would be issued in the names of chief
minister, minister or any MPAs.
XXIII. Madaris reforms:
The Paigham-e-Pakistan document is a religious decree against extremism and consensus on Madressah reform.
Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training set up Directorate General of Religious Education (DGRE). It is also working on
preparing uniform curricula for all the schools and religious seminaries of country and registering all religious seminaries.
XXIV. Education: Federal Minister for Education, Professional Training and National Heritage Shafqat Mahmood said government was
evolving a strategy to give jobs to PhDs. We need religious education not deadly indoctrination.
Ehsas for Students: 50K undergraduate sscholarships/yr (fee+stipend) to proote human capital development. 2% for disabled. 50% for
females. Best way to reduce poverty is provision of opportunities to students from poor families, said IK. He regretted colonial era
educational system was functioning in Pak. Three parallel edu systems—English (0.8m students), Urdu (30m) and religious seminaries
Counter perspective: Countries did not wait till they were fully educated before they began to develop. Rather, they began to develop
which created the need for the spread of education. Britain became a global empire when there was relatively little mass education.
Today, with universal education, it is a minor player in the global system. There is no linear relationship between education and
development. There was little mass education when the British took over but because there were so few they needed local
intermediaries to help administer the colony in ways familiar to them. That was the genesis of the limited number of BA and MA
programmes set up to produce the babus they needed. Pakistan has continued to produce many more babus than it needs. By any
measure, there is much more education today than there was in 1947 without commensurate gains in development. By comparison,
many countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia with similar education levels at the outset have greatly outpaced Pakistan.
Why have well-educated people been making very poor yet crucial decisions despite their excellent educations? Climate change is a
good example — the existence of universal education in the US is of little avail if the Trump administration opts to disregard the
evidence on global warming. Pakistan’s development problems are not going to be resolved even if every citizen acquires a
postgraduate education. Education is not only about degrees or technical expertise. At the level of individuals, education confers the
ability to realise their full potential. Lack of adequate education results in intellectual stunting. It must also cater to actual needs of
men. Envision them with life-long learning. Gallup and Gilani Pakistan, 3 in 4 Pakistanis (75%) claim not to read any books at all; only
9% are avid readers. Education provides ability to think, to learn, to reason, to evaluate evidence, to argue logically, to differentiate
truth from falsehood and foundation for leading a life based on reason. It is no surprise that we have many highly skilled technicians
who appear intellectually stunted. Demand for skills does not exist independently of the state of the economy and society. To take an
obvious example, if an economy is not generating any jobs, training a whole lot of professionals is not going to lead to
development. They then apply for immigration. So, development comes first and signals the kinds of skills required. unilaterally
overproducing highly specialised doctors in a low-income country with no environmental sanitation makes little sense — most would
seek to emigrate while the majority of the population would be unable to afford the ones that remain and be forced to resort to quacks
who respond to the effective demand. Why do poor people in Pakistan acquire any education at all? Simply because the oversupply of
labour relative to economic development has made degrees a filter for recruitment for even the most mundane jobs. This has
transformed education into credentialing. People need credentials and many institutions have responded by becoming diploma mills.

Student Union; a platform for grooming of leadership skills rather than a battlefield.
Freedom of Association is acknowledged by Article 17 of Pakistan Constitution, Article 8 of International Covenant on Economic, Social
and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) and Article 22 of International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).

Dos: intellectual background, leadership, proper mechanism,

Not Dos: Political nature, rivalry with other unions,
Pakistan: Imran Khan said to revive it having complete code of conduct. Student Union banned by Zia ul Haq since 9 Feb 1984 through
martial law because he wanted to sack teachers in the independent voice and nip the student resistance in the bud. Previously,
National Students Federation (NSF) proved to be impetus against authoritarian rule of military. The widespread protests started in
North Africa, South America and East Pakistan, that activism in Karachi had nationwide consequences. Today, leftist, democratic and
socialist political party named ‘Awami Workers Party’ is active in Lahore (Punjab University) depicting laal laal clothes (socialism)

XXV. Ehsas: Social safety and poverty alleviation program launched by PTI. Premier has launched multiple welfare projects under Ehsan’s
umbrella including Ehsas-Saylani Langar Scheme and Panah-gah to provide food and shelter to poor.
XXVI. Social issues: Census gives misleading data for disabled people. 2017 census
XXVII. Health:
Dengue: This year dengue cases arose to 50,000 with 80 deaths around the country. This considerably low that other countries like Sri
Lanka had 2,34000 and Philippines had 3,71000 reported cases.
Govt. established online database (Pakistan Renal Registry) to collect data from renal centers. Good for research culture. Punjab govt
approved 7bn for free treatment of cancer patients for next 5 years.
XXVIII. Population: Public consensus on curbing rampant high fertility has still to happen. What about collective destruction of environment,
rising poverty, water issue, shrinking cultivable land to housing schemes and unemployment? World community assembled in Cairo in
1994, to create consensus on how the world would tackle complex issues of population and development. Had the progress seen in
post-Cairo years continued, we could have had a population growth rate of 1.5 per cent a level we are aspiring to attain by 2025.
Pakistan in the 1990s: Lady Health Workers programme had been launched with huge success, opening access to conversations about
health and family planning concerns. Fertility was almost 6.0 children/woman in 1991 and declined fast to 4.8 in 1998. But then by
2000, we did lose our way. ICPD25 (International Conference on Population and Development) conference being held in Nairobi in
November 2019. CJ Mian Saqib Nisar took suo motu notice of alarming population growth rate. The Council of Common Interests
endorsed the recommendations made by the Supreme Court taskforce. Role of religious leaders.What is holding us back? NFC award
needs review and we certainly need more family planning services. We do need a population fund at federal level as CCI clearly
recommends. We can achieve wonders when we want to. Let us protect fundamental rights of our unborn children to a better world.
XXIX. Feminism:
Gender Gap
World Economic Forum’s Gender Gap Report 2020, shows Pakistan in 151/153 countries after Yemen and Iraq. Bangladesh at 50th
while India at 112. It includes men and women in their participation and access to health, education, economy and politics.
12-14 Nov 2019: Nairobi Summit (in Nairobi – capital of Kenya) on 25 th International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD)
to end all maternal deaths, gender based violence and family planning issues till 2030. The convoy of ICPD25 said there will be no
Sharmeen Obaid's animated short Sitara is all geared up to release on Netflix in 2020. The film addresses the issue of child marriages.
Khalil ul Rehman Qamar’s interview with Entertainment Pakistan is a masterclass in mansplaining. He said “There are only two things
that make a woman beautiful: Haya (modesty) and wafa (loyalty). If you don’t have those, I call you non-women”. He said “ men have
no power to say no” so why point fingers at men. IHC may get its 1st lady judge (Lubna Saleem Pervaiz) since its establishment in 2011.
XXX. Human Rights:
Minorities in Pakistan – Balochistan, Ahmadis
Since 1948, 45000 Baloch people are missing or abducted by Pakistan security forces, reported by Voice of Baloch Missing Persons
(VBMP) association. Atif Mian (Ahmadi, economist and professor at Princeton University) was asked to step down from Economic
Advisory in PTI government in Sep 2018.

Sohail Ayyaz raped 30 teenage girls and the parents of victims didn’t even filed the case because of fear of defamation.
Myanmar faced accusations of genocide in a landmark lawsuit filed by Gambia (mainly Muslim country) at the UN`s top court (ICJ) over
the Southeast Asian nation`s treatment of Rohingya Muslims. Gambia was acting on behalf of the 57-nation Organisation of Islamic
Cooperation in bringing the case against Myanmar before ICJ in The Hague. Lawsuit accuses mainly Buddhist Myanmar of breaching the
1948 UN Genocide Convention through a brutal military campaign targeting the Rohingya minority in Rakhine state. The 2017
crackdown forced 740,000 Rohingya to flee over the border into sprawling camps in Bangladesh. Human Rights Watch hailed the move
by the tiny west African state, saying it was the `first judicial scrutiny` of Myanmar`s alleged crimes against the Rohingya. The lawsuit
asks the ICJ to `order Myanmar to cease and desist from its genocidal acts, to punish the perpetrators, and to provide reparations for
the Rohingya victims. `Gambia`s justice ministry said. UN investigators have also called on the UN Security Council to refer Myanmar to
the Hague-based ICC or to set up a tribunal, like for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, but again no action has yet been taken. The ICJ
was set up in 1946 after World War II to adjudicate in disputes between UN member states. The ICJ previously dealt with a genocide
case when Bosnia brought a lawsuit against Serbia over the conflict in the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s. That case ended in 2007 with
Serbia being held to have failed to prevent genocide during the 1995 Srebrenica massacre and of failing to cooperate with war crimes
XXXI. Freedom of expression:

Each year, PEN highlights the cases of five persecuted writers. This year`s list included a Mexican investigative journalist who has been
repeatedly threatened and previously detained after publishing a book on child sex trafficking; a Sri Lankan writer who published a
short story about child abuse in a Buddhist temple; a Ugandan academic who was detained for `cyber harassment` after posting a
poem on Facebook criticizing the country`s president; a Turkish journalist who covered army operations in the country`s Kurdish area,
now facing terrorism charges; and an Egyptian poet who wrote the lyrics to a song criticizing the government that went viral weeks
before last year`s presidential election.

Coda investigation agency revealed that govt. has acquired web monitoring system from Canada-based Sandvine. System will monitor
internet traffic through Deep Packet Inspection method. Sandvine has documented history of selling its technology to authoritarian
regimes for undermining basic civil liberties. Dissent would be curbed. Political/right activists. Moreover, laws that govern digital
surveillance are flawed. Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act 2016, can be used for abuse, against HR. Pakistan is entering in list of bad
internet governance.
The Supreme Court`s Faizabad dharna judgement rightly declared: ‘The right of assembly is recognised as a right to preserve the
democratic order, but it cannot be used to overthrow a lawful government.’

XXXII. Social media: “Would #BoycottJews or #BoycottBlacks trend on Twitter the way #BoycottMuslims did?” We are seduced by the idea
that the net is neutral. But it is not. Today, four billion people are connected and each one of them is a publisher. It leaves people
doubting all information. We live in an age where there is a lot of information, but very little knowledge and wisdom. They cannot just
get away with saying we are just publishing. They are responsible. Govt officials and military around the globe targeted for hacking
through whatsapp in 20 countries of 5 continents, including Pakistan, US, India, UAE etc. Whatsapp filed suit against Israeli hacking tool
developer NSO Group (it denied saying it only helps govvt to find terrorists and criminals).
Russia: Will provide internet provider technical devices to install to enable centralized control of internet traffic and filter contect to
prevent access to banned websites. Rights activists accuse it tool of censorship.
#GrabYourKeyboards is a cyber mill to influence peoples narrative having real humans rather than robots. According to the Dawn
findings almost 95% of hashtags are artificial, political in nature and misleading. For example #ArrestAntiPakJournalists by ‘IK Warriors’
who trended it on twitter. Similarly, #BoycottTomatoes a compaign in November when tomatoes price skyrocketed in Pakistan
XXXIII. Terrorism: Definition of terrorism under Section 6 of Anti-Terrorism Act 1997is to wide. Legislature should redefine terrorism: says SC.
Apex court observed that crimes committed to settle personal scores cannot be treated as terrorism even if they cause fear or
insecurity in society. Al-baghdadi died in Idlib province of Syria (Abu Ibrahim replaced him as commmander). He was most wanted man
on earth. Leading ISIS since 2014. Detonating suicide bomb after US special forces operation near Turkish border in Syria in area where
Russia has presence. His ideology may live on. Mus be curtailed. Russia+Iran responded with caution and suspicion whether he died or
not. US put his body into sea.
XXXIV. Sports: Pakistan (Muhammad Asif) won World Snooker Championship 2019.
XXXVI. Social Media
Role and significance
Ills + prospects
Social issues
Freedom of expression
XXXVII. Science and technology
Nuclear war
Robotics and AI
New public management
IT (strategy, governance)
Threat to jobs
XXXVIII. Globalization and nationalism
Feminist critique
5th generation warfare
Xenocentrism, ethnocentrism
XXXIX. Good Governance
Social issues (illiteracy, poverty, unemployment) + governance
XL. Water, energy
XLII. National Politics
Nawaz Sharif: He deposited Rs.12 billion in the national exchequer.

Zardari: Benami / fake bank account case of worth Rs.35 billion. His case is being transferred from Karachi banking count to Islamabad
accountability court.

JUI-F: they demanded PM resignation and reelection. Alongside, the involvement of “Ahmadi group” (a pro-Israeli controlled religious
group) engagement with establishment without Molana Fazalul Rehman. The Lost Glory (Muthidda Majlis-i-Amal (MMA) govern 2
provinces in 2002 and lost in 2008). They are in search of lost glory. The Supreme Court`s Faizabad dharna judgement rightly declared:
“The right of assembly is recognised as a right to preserve the democratic order, but it cannot be used to overthrow a lawful

Privatization: PTI government is trying to privatize LNG-based power plants, steel mills, SME banks, PIA investments and hospitals. In
order to meet targets of collection of foreign exchange reserves and federal revenue by the end of this fiscal year. The privatization is
written in the terms of IMF.

Minority: Incidents such as the brutal anti-Ahmadi riots of 1953 and 1974, the merciless burning of Christian houses in Gojra (Toba Tek
Singh) in 2009 and Badami Bagh (Lahore) in 2013, and the burning to death of a Christian couple in Kot Radha Kishan (Kasur) in 2014
remain etched in the nation`s collective memory. Including Aasia Bibi case.

Agriculture: According to the report ‘Labor Force Survey’ by Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS). (2017-18) labor force in agriculture is
37% while in (2007-08) was 42%. Out of 5% decrease in agricultural labor, 3% went to industry (21pc to 24pc in past decade),
remaining 2% went to services sector. And poor working condition for large segments of workers.

EU offers technical assistance on FATF action plan, implementation of GSP-Plus: The Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) provides
duty-free treatment to goods of designated beneficiary countries. A joint press release issued at the conclusion of the tenth session of
the European Union-Pakistan Joint Commission in Brussels. The two sides appreciated the signing of the EU-Pakistan Strategic
Engagement Plan (SEP) in June 2019. The commission discussed the issues related to trade, investment, climate disasters and Afghan
immigrants. China, Colombia India, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam are not eligible for GSP Plus.
XLIV. France
“Yellow Vest” Movement in Paris. (it is a populist, grassroots revolutionary political movement for economic justice – against increase
in fuel taxation) (caused by – Globalisation, Neoliberalism, Corruption, Labor code reform, High taxes, President Emmanuel Macron's
economic positions)
French Police used tear gas and arrested protestors on the 1st anniversary of yellow vest protest movement. 55% population of France
is in support of this movement.
US President Donald Trump has granted full pardons to two American military officials and restored the rank of a third although all
three were found guilty of committing war crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq.
XLVI. Pak-Bahrain:
A bilateral military exercise titled “Shaheen Al Jazeera-2019” between Pakistan Navy`s Special Service Group and Royal Bahrain Defence
Force`s Special Operation Force (SOF). It happens every year, 13th consecutively and 10 days long.
XLVII. South East Asia
Sri Lanka’s new president ‘Gotabaya Rajapaksa’ won election, previously a military officer. 7 th president of Sri Lanka.
Cryber Crime: (PECA) Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act 2016 – prevention, investigation, prosecution, and trail. FIA is subordinate to
PECA, PECA doesn’t delegates power to FIA for investigation. Child pornography, sexual harassment and cyber-terrorism are not bail-
able and not cognizable

Kaula Lampur Summit

XLIX. Malaysia is hosting a summit for Muslim-majority nations, set to address issues like Islamophobia, poverty. 4 day summit starting
from 19 Dec 2019.
Pakistan had pulled out of the summit due to concerns by Saudi Arabia that the meeting could create a new bloc that would rival the
existing 57-member state Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), its headquarters in Riyadh. That it would divide the Muslim
a. Rohingya Refugee crisis: almost 7,30,000 people fled from Myanmar into Bangladesh and other countries after state-led
genocide happened in August 2017.
b. Uighur Muslims Detention: almost 3 million out of 10 million population in Xinjiang province of China are forced under
rehabilitation centres. Forcibly integrating Uighurs into the Han Chinese majority, pressuring them to give up tenets of
their faith, such as praying. China calls it ‘re-education’ or ‘deradicalisation’ by building 85 rehabilation centers in order to
‘harmonize the minorities‘ in the name of Countering Violent Extremism (CVE). Chinese’s CVE is different from
International CVE. Cultural integration, efforts to convey the Uighur Muslims that they are part of Chinese civilization for
thousands of years. ‘Chinese version of Islam’ including Chinese-style socialism and patriotism.
c. War in Yemen: (world’s worst humanitarian crisis) Saudi-led invasion of Yemen against Houthi rebels killed 100,000
d. Gender Apartheid: world’s 2/3 adult women are illiterate and 1/2 women is unemployed. (by UN Statistics Division 2015).
17 out of 20 countries with the widest gender gap are Muslim countries and OIC members. (by Global Gender Index of
World’s Economic Forum 2020)
e. Economic Inequality: Qatar's per capita income in 2017 was estimated at $128,000, according to the World Bank. Niger's
per capita income was estimated at $990. Income inequality within Middle Eastern countries is more the result of
entrenched elites and a history of failed economic policies
L. Trump Impeachment
The United States House of Representatives is expected to vote on Wednesday to impeach President Donald Trump for obstruction of
Congress and abuse of power related to his dealings with Ukraine.
In the call, Trump urged Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Ukraine President) to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden, and his son, Hunter,
who was on the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian gas company. Biden is a leading contender in the race for the Democratic nomination for
president in 2020. Trump devised a scheme to extort a promise from Zelenskyy for the Biden’s investigation. Trump was conditioning a
White House meeting for Zelenskyy on Ukraine announcing an investigation into false disinformation that Ukraine, not Russia,
conducted the cyberattacks on the US elections in 2016. At the time of the call, Trump was withholding $391m in military aid to help
Ukraine defend against Russia.
The impeachment inquiry began after an anonymous intelligence agency whistle-blower issued an internal report in August calling into
question Trump's handling of Ukraine policy.
53 republicans (trump), 45 democrats and 2 independent. For trump to be impeached it requires 2/3 special majority - means 45
democrats, 2 independent and 20 republicans.
LI. Brexit
LIV. a

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