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Appendix E1 – TSF Management Plan

from performance monitoring of the early rehabilitation works will then be applied and adapted to the
overall rehabilitation design for closure of the remainder of the TSF.
At the end of mine life, and prior to relinquishment of the mine lease, MRM will provide detailed post-
rehabilitation monitoring reports to the Northern Territory Government to demonstrate that the rehabilitated
landform is stable and that performance criteria agreed in the Life of Mine Completion Plan have been

6.5 TSF Closure Monitoring

An “observational” approach will be taken in determining how long the seepage recovery bores need to be
operated following mine closure. Groundwater levels will be monitored within the TSF, the perimeter
embankment, and the area down-gradient of the TSF. During operation of the mine, personnel will be on site
to oversee the groundwater and seepage monitoring program. After mining activities have ceased, an
automated monitoring system will be installed. The automated monitoring system will store data at the site,
which will be downloaded at regular intervals, either by personnel visiting the site or by a dial up connection.

The Mine Management Plan also outlines a closure and rehabilitation plan for the tailings. This is at least 25
years away and so the final plan, when the time comes, will include emerging best practice and new
technology as relevant.

MRM has made a commitment to the long term management of the tailings, even after the mine has closed,
until such time that the monitoring and maintenance is assessed by the Northern Territory Government to be
no longer required. The aim is to ensure the tailings has no lasting legacy on the environment or for future
owners of the land.

The cost of an unplanned closure of the mine site is used to estimate the security that is held by the Northern
Territory Government as required by the Mining Management Act 2001. The security is based on the costs of
implementing the environmental requirements to achieve the agreed closure criteria and is presented
annually in the Mining Management Plan.

6.6 TSF Rehabilitation Reporting

Rehabilitation status and requirements for the TSF are reviewed annually. Updated calculations of closure
costs are included in the annual Sustainable Development Mining Management Plans and provide the basis
for the Financial Security Bond. Maintenance of the seepage recovery bores, including considerations for
future electricity requirements have been included in the calculated mine closure costs.
The TSF rehabilitation design is consistent with current best practice and provides multiple levels of protection
against erosion. Continual improvement in the TSF rehabilitation design will be developed during the life of
the mine. Furthermore, data from the performance monitoring of the early rehabilitation of the existing Cell
1 will be used to adapt the rehabilitation design and to confirm the integrity of the rehabilitation works prior
to mine closure.
MRM will use the monitoring data and erosion modelling to verify that the rehabilitation design has adequate
protection to sustain the integrity of the TSF against erosion in the long term.
Progressive results will be reported to the Northern Territory Government during the mine life through the
Mine Management Plan process and agreed measurable mine closure criteria will be defined in the Life of
Mine Closure Plan.

This approach ensures that adequate objectives and prescriptive rehabilitation processes are provided as
commitments for project approval, whilst ensuring mechanisms and commitments are in place for continual
improvement and implementation of best practice during the mine life and prior to mine closure.

McArthur River Mine Phase 3 Development Project

Draft Environmental Impact Statement E1-43

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