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Appendix E1 – TSF Management Plan

7 Previous TSF Commitments

MRM have made a number of commitments in regards to TSF via previous environmental assessments and
Mining Management Plans. MRM will continue these commitments for the life of the Project and refine them
where appropriate.

7.1 Draft EIS Commitments (August 2005) for Major Open Cut 25 Year Mine
The Draft Environmental Impact Statement August 2005 lists the following commitments in relation to the
TSF and water systems;

Extract Section 7 Waste Management

7.4.1 The existing tailings storage facility (TSF) footprint will be utilised for the open cut operations. No
additional land disturbances will be necessary.
7.4.2 The general operational philosophy for the new TSF will be based on the use of sub-aerial techniques
for tailings deposition. Sub aerial deposition involves the discharge of tailings from multiple locations
around the perimeter of the active cell.
As the head of water in the TSF is a key driver of seepage, the volume of water in the decant pond
will be kept as small as possible and water will not be stored across the tailings surface.

Maintaining a minimum moisture condition within the beach to inhibit the formation of oxidation
products from drying tailings beaches and to prevent dust generation.
7.4.3 The TSF embankment will be coincident with the existing embankments. Their integrity will be
confirmed by detailed investigations and depending on the results they will be either incorporated
into the new embankments or removed for the new construction.
The embankments will be designed to meet the minimum factors of safety. A factor of safety for any
structure needs to be greater than one before it can be considered safe.

Condition Factor of Safety Design

Steady State (at maximum storage level) 1.5 1.8

Seismic condition 1.1 1.2

At Closure 1.3 1.3

Rapid drawdown 1.2 -

Water management design will be based on the requirements of the Australian National Committee
on Large Dams (ANCOLD, 1999). Using this criteria, the hazard category of the TSF is rated as high
given the potential impacts from an uncontrolled release or embankment failure.

Any external draining spillway will be based on ANCOLD (1999) design conditions for a high hazard
category and will incorporate the worst of the following:

• Probable maximum flood (PMF) on the highest pond level in normal year; or
• Worst wet season on record less water returned to the plant, plus 100 year average
recurrence interval (ARI) storm plus waves.

McArthur River Mine Phase 3 Development Project

Draft Environmental Impact Statement E1-45

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