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Appendix E1 – TSF Management Plan

8 References
Allan Watson Associates (2003); Concept Design and Prefeasibility Study for Tailings Storage Facility;
prepared on behalf of Auscenco.

Allan Watson Associates (2011). Concept Design and Feasibility Study For Phase 3 Life of Mine Tailings
Storage Facility.
Golder Associates (2011). Hydrogeochemical Investigation of the Tailings Storage Facility.
McArthur River Mining (MRM) (2009) McArthur River Mining, Mining Management Plan, 2009-2010.

McArthur River Mining (2010) ‘McArthur River Mining Commonwealth Environmental Monitoring Report
2009/2010’, Reference Number GEN-HSE-PLN-6040-0003.
McArthur River Mining Pty Ltd (2010). Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) Operating Guidelines.
McArthur River Mining (2010-2011). Sustainable Development Mining Management Plan.

Met Serve Pty Ltd (2011). Ecotoxicology of Sulphate on Aquatic Biota in Surprise Creek at McArthur River
Mine, NT for Xstrata Zinc, McArthur River Mine October 2011

O’Kane Consultants Pty Ltd (2007). Development of a Conceptual Cover System Design for Closure of the
Tailings Storage Facility Cell #1 at McArthur River Mine. Phase One & Two Draft Report.

URS (2005a) Geochemical Assessment of Overburden and Tailings Materials Including Conceptual Design of
Overburden Emplacement Area. Prepared for McArthur River Mining Pty Ltd, July 2005.

URS (2005b). McArthur River Mine Open Cut Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement.

URS (2005c). McArthur River Mine Open Cut Project Environmental Impact Statement Supplement.

URS (2006). McArthur River Mine Open Cut Project Public Environmental Report.

URS, (2006b). Simulation of Proposed Tailings Storage Facility to Assess Potential Seepage Impacts, McArthur
River Mine. Prepared for Xstrata Plc.
URS (2009). EM Survey – TSF Monitoring Program McArthur River Mine. Prepared for McArthur River Mining.

URS (2010). McArthur River Mining Pty Ltd. Tailings and Water Management.

McArthur River Mine Phase 3 Development Project

Draft Environmental Impact Statement E1-48

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