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Appendix E1 – TSF Management Plan

4 Proposed TSF Expansion – Cell 4

4.1 Location
The new Cell 4 area comprises a gently inclined and broadly undulating pediplain with mostly medium to
deep red and yellow, medium to high plasticity sandy clay and clay type soils. These soils grade through
clayey gravels to weathered dolomite or dolomitic siltstone bedrock at depths varying between 1.0 m and in
excess of 2.0 m. Elsewhere, red to yellow gravelly silty clay underlain by weathered dolomitic shale/siltstone
bedrock (around 2 m depth) occurs locally on low rises.

MRM considered alternative sites to contain Project tailings. However, all alternative sites within the region
have similar soils and therefore provide no benefit in terms of seepage control. The current site was found to
offer the best environmental performance based on its existing disturbance footprint, technical performance,
seepage control, vegetation presence, cultural heritage areas and lowest long-term risks.

4.2 Hydrogeology
The geology beneath the TSF comprises of 0.1 to 0.6 m of superficial alluvial and abandoned watercourse
deposits, a 0.8 to 4.5 m thick middle succession of sandy clay and silty clay and a lower succession of
weathered siltstone, sandstone, and dolomite that extends to approximately 12 m below the ground surface.

Based on previous TSF design works and the available data within the TSF area, comprising geological
structure, groundwater intersection depths and in-situ permeabilities, the following interpretation of this data
indicates the following with respect to the hydrogeological setting of the site:

• groundwater, forming part of a regional unconfined aquifer system, exists within the Project area.
The groundwater surface within the TSF area is at a depth of some 10 to 12 m

• the regional groundwater system is hosted within faulted/fractured dolomite and dolomitic siltstone.
The permeability of these sequences is of the order of 5x10-6 to 10-6 m/s

• groundwater flow is generally a function of secondary porosity associated with geological structures.
Groundwater flow is unknown, however is inferred to be sympathetic with topography, being
generally towards the south-east

• aquifer recharge is likely to occur via direct infiltration of rainfall/stormwater runoff through surface
sequences or via sub-cropping structures (generally coincident with creek lines/drainages)

• with a limited groundwater surface gradient and moderate aquifer permeabilities, the inferred rate
of groundwater flow is low to moderate. (AWA, 2011).

4.3 TSF Cell 4 Embankment Design

The Cell 2 design of the TSF was amended to include a clay core cut-off key, effective from the construction
of Cell 2 onwards. The cut-off key provides a barrier to seepage flows in the upper, higher permeability
The addition of Cell 4 to the TSF is required to accommodate tailings that will result from the Project. The
Cell 4 placement area was selected based on the demonstrated properties of the existing TSF, the presence
of existing TSF infrastructure, and to minimise disturbance to other areas.
Adjoining Cell 4 to Cells 2 and 3 also has the advantage of sharing an established embankment wall that
includes the clay cut off key. Cell 4 will also include an engineered liner (such as HDPE, bentonite or clay) to
further limit potential seepage from the TSF.

Stage 1 of Cell 4 will have an embankment crest level of RL 55 m and capacity of 4,300 ML for use as a
water storage dam, providing additional evaporation surface area sufficient to remove 1,410 ML of water
from the TSF annually. Stage 2 is planned for 2029 and the embankment height will be raised to RL 61 m,
McArthur River Mine Phase 3 Development Project
Draft Environmental Impact Statement E1-31

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