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June - Examination 2016
B.A./B.Sc./B.Com./ BCA/ BSW/BHHM
Environmental Studies
n¶m©daU Aܶ¶Z
Paper - QES
Time : 3 Hours ] [ Max. Marks :- 100
Note: The question paper is divided into three sections A, B and C.
Write answers as per given instructions.
{ZX}e : ¶h àíZ nÌ "A', "~' VWm "g' VrZ IÊS>m| ‘| {d^m{OV h¡& à˶oH$
IÊS> Ho$ {ZX}emZwgma àíZm| H$m CÎma Xr{OE&

Section - A 10 × 2 = 20
(Very Short Answer Questions)
Note: Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question
delimit your answer in one word, one sentence or
maximum up to 30 words. Each question carries 2 marks.

IÊS> - "A'
(A{V bKw CÎmar¶ àíZ)
{ZX}e : g^r àíZm| H$m CÎma Xr{OE& Amn AnZo CÎma H$mo àíZmZwgma EH$
eãX, EH$ dm³¶ ¶m A{YH$V‘ 30 eãXm| ‘| n[agr{‘V H$s{OE& à˶oH$
àíZ 2 A§H$ H$m h¡&
QES / 8900 / 4 (1) (P.T.O.)
1) (i) Define Ecosystem.
nm[apñW{VH$s V§Ì H$mo n[a^m{fV H$s{OE&
(ii) When is the world environment day celebrated ?
{díd n¶m©daU {Xdg H$~ ‘Zm¶m OmVm h¡?
(iii) Mention the difference between hot and cold desert.
R>ÝS>o ‘éñWb d D$îU ‘éñWb ‘| A§Va ~VmB¶o&
(iv) Name any two Biotic components of the Ecosystem.
nm[apñW{VH$s V§Ì Ho$ {H$Ýht Xmo O¡{dH$ KQ>H$mo Ho$ Zm‘ {b{IE&
(v) What is water logging ?
Ob ßbmdZ ³¶m h¡?
(vi) What is net productivity ?
Z¡Q> CËnmXZ ³¶m h¡?
(vii) What are hot spots ?
VßV ñWb ³¶m h¡?
(viii) Write two important functions of grasslands.
Kmg Ho$ ‘¡XmZm| Ho$ Xmo à‘wI H$m¶} {b{IE&
(ix) What are national parks ?
amîQ´>r¶ CÚmZ {H$go H$hVo h¡?
(x) Mention natural sources of pollution.
àXÿfU Ho$ àmH¥${VH$ ñÌmoV ~VmB¶o&

QES / 8900 / 4 (2) (Contd.)

Section - B 4 × 10 = 40
(Short Answer Questions)
Note: Answer any four questions. Each answer should not
exceed 200 words. Each question carries 10 marks.

(IÊS> - ~)
(bKw CÎma dmbo àíZ)
{ZX}e : {H$Ýhr Mma àíZm| H$m CÎma Xr{OE& Amn AnZo CÎma H$mo 200 eãXm| ‘|
n[agr{‘V H$s{OE& à˶oH$ àíZ 10 A§H$m| H$m h¡&
2) Comment upon savannah grasslands.
gdmZm Kmg Ho$ ‘¡XmZ na {Q>ßnUr H$s{O¶o&
3) Write a note on Aquatic Ecosystem.
Obr¶ nm[apñW{VH$s¶ V§Ì na EH$ ZmoQ> {b{IE&
4) What is green house effect ?
h[aV J¥h à^md ³¶m h¡?
5) Discuss the position of forests in India.
^maV ‘| dZmo H$s pñW{V H$s ì¶m»¶m H$s{OE&
6) Explain wastewater reclamation.
ì¶W© ^y{‘ gwYma H$mo g‘PmBE&
7) Suggest measure to control desertification.
‘éñWbr¶H$aU H$s amoH$Wm‘ Ho$ {bE Cnm¶ gwPmBE&
8) Explain in brief about Biodiversity.
O¡d{d{dYVm Ho$ ~mao ‘| g§{jßV ‘| g‘PmBE&
9) Describe water cycle.
ObMH«$ H$s ì¶m»¶m H$s{OE&

QES / 8900 / 4 (3) (P.T.O.)

Section - C 2 × 20 = 40
(Long Answer Questions)
Note: Answer any two questions. You have to delimit your each
answer maximum upto 500 words. Each question carries
20 marks.

(IÊS> - g)
(XrK© CÎmar¶ àíZ)
{ZX}e : {H$Ýhr Xmo àíZm| H$m CÎma Xr{OE& Amn AnZo CÎma H$mo A{YH$V‘ 500
eãXm| ‘| n[agr{‘V H$aZm h¡& à˶oH$ àíZ 20 A§H$m| H$m h¡&
10) Write a detailed note on aquatic ecosystem.
Obr¶ nm[apñW{VH$s V§Ì na EH$ {dñV¥V ZmoQ> {b{IE&
11) Write an essay on natural factors affecting distribution of
OZg§»¶m H$mo à^m{dV H$aZo dmbo àmH¥${VH$ KQ>H$m| na EH$ {Z~§Y {b{IE&
12) Enumerate in detail about solid waste management.
R>mog H$Mam à~§YZ Ho$ ~mao ‘| {dñV¥V àJUZm H$s{OE&
13) Explain in detail about ozone layer depletion.
AmoOmoZ naV Ho$ jaU Ho$ ~mao ‘| {dñVma go g‘PmBE&

QES / 8900 / 4 (4)

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