Speech On Civil Engineering

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First of all, a cordial greeting to each and every one of you. It is a

pleasant honor to address such a worthy audience and address them a few
words. Words you may already hear They have been said so many times, but it
is still necessary to share them. Words that at some point not only remain in
them, but rather we can turn them into reality. I am going to go precisely to talk
to you about our exciting career: Civil Engineering; about how we will live our
university life and also our daily life, because if we choose this beautiful
profession, we agree to live with it for life.
Without a doubt, the day we decided to opt for civil engineering we made
an excellent decision. Although it is not an easy path to follow, with effort and
perseverance our goals can be achieved, everything will depend on ourselves
and as they say “Walker, there is no path; Way is done when walking". As we
travel this path we will come across theories and problems that will require so
many sleepless nights and we will find exercises whose solutions will cause us
a real headache; But we will be there, ready to build a channel that waters our
intelligence and allows us to build a great building of knowledge.
By achieving this first stage we will have our first reward, they will call us
engineers, we will puff out our chests and with our heads held high we will be
able to say: I did it. However, this is where the most important test comes,
where we will build a true bridge between our knowledge and society where our
main objective will be to contribute to the progress of the country, a country that
is increasingly becoming ill with corruption and so many others. plagues, so we
will seek not to be successful men, but rather professionals with courage, who
not only seek personal benefit, but also the benefit of a society that will trust in
us, in our professionalism and in our ethics. The word Engineer derives from
ingenuity and it is no coincidence, since that ingenuity will be what drives us to
do things responsibly.
Now that we have the challenge, we have to take on this long career with
the best of intentions. Let's not be discouraged at the first obstacle. Alva
Edisson said that “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety percent sweat.”
Today it is up to us how much we are willing to achieve, we have enough tools
in our hands, we just have to know how to use them for the sake of a better life.


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