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Unit Test 2024, CLASS XII


Subject Code: - 048

Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 50

1. The question paper consists of 5 sections and Questions.
2. Section A consists of questions 1-12 carrying 1 mark each and is multiple choice questions.
3. Sections B consist of questions 13 - 15 carrying 2 marks each and are very short answer types
and should not exceed 60-90 words.
4. Sections C consist of questions 16-18 carrying 3 marks each and are short answer types and
should not exceed 100-150 words.
5. Sections D consist of questions 19-20 carrying 4 marks each and should not exceed 200 words.
6. Section E consists of Question 21-23 carrying 5 marks each and are long answer types and
should not exceed 200-300 words.
7. All questions are compulsory.


Q1. There are …………….. basic functions of management.

Q2. Planning in sports leads to

Q3. ………………… is a process of setting objectives and deciding how to accomplish them.

Q4.purchase of sports equipment is the work of the …………………

Q5. In a knock-out tournament, if 9 teams are participating then number of byes in upper half will be….

Q6. How many matches will be played in 2nd round if 14 teams are participating in a knock out

Q7. …………… is the exaggeration of the normal dorsal curve of the spine resulting depressed chest.

Q8. In ………, there is wide gap between the knees.

Q9. A condition in which the spine curves to the left or right is referred to as
Q10. Dhanurasana and Bhujangasana is best corrective measure for ………..

Q11. Pachimottanasana and sit ups are best suited exercises for ……….. deformity.

Q12. First ever women’s Olympics medal by an Indian was received by …………….

Section B
Q13. Write a short note on menarche.

Q14. What are the objectives of intramural?

Q15. What is staffing?

Section C
Q16. Explain development characteristics during childhood.

Q17. Write in brief about run for fun health programme.

Q18. Draw a fixture of 5 teams on cyclic method.

Section D
Q19. Draw a fixture of 7 teams on tabular method.

Q20. Explain Female athlete triad.

Section E
Q21. Draw a knock out fixture of 25 teams and give special seedings to 4 teams.

Q22. Draw a knock out fixture of 17 teams and give seedings to 2 teams.

Q23. Define spinal curvature deformities and list their causes and precautions.

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