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Lyric poetry:
Major genres of lyric poetry.
4- Song. It is a poem that expresses admiration
and emotion. Common themes are love,
beauty, nature, friendship or God.
4- Anthem. It is an exalted song, of a religious
or patriotic nature. They celebrate the union
of certain human groups.
4- Ode. It is a reflective poem where the author
exposes his thoughts while observing reality.
4- Elegy. The expression of pain over death,
loss and separation. It has also been used to express pain for a
national or collective misfortune.
4- Eclogue. Poem that exposes feelings of love and exaltation for
nature. Usually with a pastoral air.
4- Satire. It is a mocking criticism of aspects that may be subject
to censorship.
Minor genres of lyric poetry.
4- Madrigal. It is a love poem in verse.
4- Epigram. Short poem in satirical style.
4- Letrilla. Strophic poem composed to be sung.
Epic or narrative poetry.
Within the variety of literary genres, the epic
presents reality objectively or subjectively, since in
most cases the works are totally or partially fictional.
The author describes places, people, situations,
environments, historical events... All under the
pretext that it may or may not be real. The
Characters interact with each other through monologues or dialogues, and
the author can narrate in various ways. In all cases, the narrator's intention is
4- Omniscient narrator. He knows everything and expresses himself in
the third person.
4- Observer narrator. He only narrates what he is supposed to witness or
4- First person narration. In an autobiographical way.
4- Epistolary narration. The play is developed through letters between
two characters.
It is a short narrative created by one or more authors,
based on real or imaginary events, inspired or not by
previous writings or legends, whose plot is carried out by
a small group of characters and with a relatively simple
and, therefore, easy plot. to understand.
Major theatrical genres.
TRAGEDY: Traditional dramatic genre, opposed to comedy. It is a work
with a terrible theme and disastrous outcome, in which
illustrious or heroic figures.
COMEDY: Traditional dramatic genre, contrasted with
tragedy. Its outcome is always pleasant and optimistic
and its purpose is to achieve, through the laughter of the
public, the recognition of certain vices and defects, the
criticism of certain people and institutions; The
entanglement and misunderstanding of the situations are
characteristic of this comic theatrical genre.
DRAMA: Theatrical genre, in which an action from life is represented,
through the dialogue of the characters, who deal with serious and profound
Minor theatrical genres.
ENTERTAINMENT: Comedy theatrical piece, in a single act and with a
humorous plot.
STEP: Short dramatic piece, simple subject and comic treatment, which in
the past was interspersed between the parts of comedies.
MONOLOGUE: Monodrama - dramatic piece performed by a single actor,
even when several characters intervene; It is a speech of greater length than
usual in dialogues, delivered alone or in the presence of other characters.
FARSE: Comedy piece intended to make people laugh. The difference
between farce and comedy lies in the subject matter; that in the first, unlike
the second, it does not necessarily have to be convincing or close to reality.

A dramatization is, in general, a
representation of a certain situation or fact. The
dramatic is linked to the drama and the latter to the
theater, so a dramatization can be both tragic and
It is a short phrase of popular origin that is
traditionally repeated and that expresses advice,
WORDS ARE teaching or thought. Proverbs are widely used by
ENOUGH Spaniards in certain situations or contexts.
A riddle is a type of TWISTER.
riddle with a statement, usually in the
form of a rhyme. These are simple riddles in which
something is described indirectly so that someone can
guess it.

Tongue twisters are short sentences or texts, which, with

words that are striking to the ear in any language, created
so that their pronunciation out loud is difficult to say, are
frequently used either as a humorous genre of oral literature or as an
exercise for develop agile and expeditious diction.
JOKE. -Please help me, my daughter
A joke or joke is a short, fictitious and humorous oral or has lost.
written narrative that is funny and provokes laughter. -What's it called?
Sometimes it can also be satirical, ironic, critical or -Hope.
burlesque. It contains a verbal or conceptual game Impossible, hope is the last thing
that is lost. HAHAHA.
capable of making people laugh and based on humor.
Aphorism is a statement or sentence that aims to express
a principle in a concise, coherent and apparently
definitive manner.
In popular children's literature, the term retahíla is usually "Sawdust! I saw n!
The San Juan cops ask for

used to refer to certain word games, sound and rhythmic cheese and are given a bone;
they ask for bread and are not
games, games, with or without meaning, games with
special messages, values, etc. They are usually poems that
combine play with the magic of words, rhyme, rhythm...
It is an act of promulgating aloud a matter of interest to
the public and, particularly, the act with which a
celebration begins. They were soon accompanied by
music, going from a sales mode to becoming a musical



When the day is red,
When it starts to turn off,
I can see from below,
As you have to reach heaven.
Although many do not see it,
Even if they don't know how to appreciate,
I forever your beauty
I always have to admire.
When the night is dark
You shine like a lantern,
And when I feel most alone,
Only you understand my pain.
Cold and dark they see you, with a wrong shine,
Some think you bring darkness,
I think you are there for those most in need.
I feel confident with you, only you know how to listen.
All the sorrows that my soul brings
you know how to console them.
I have lost the meaning of life, nothing gives me emotion anymore,
I just wait for the night to have my conversation with you.
Thank you for your company, thank you for your understanding, I hope
moon from me
Life, may you always be there to comfort my heart.
Shaista Barriola.
You always see me and I never see you,
but no matter what I am the center of your attention.
I have many colors and sounds too, from the living room, to your room,
from the
terrace to the balcony, I can move.
You see me before you sleep, you see me when you wake up,
You see me at noon and after homework I finish.
You still don't know who I am? I'm not a stranger in your life,
In fact, you love being with me because I am very entertaining.
Answer: television.

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