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BASF Integrated Site (Guangdong) Co. Ltd.

BIG_00-0000-000-CL-020-401 Drainage Philosophy

Rev. Date Author Reviewer Chapter Description

4 2021-08-06 Jing Qiu Wangfang Hu Chapter 3 Issued for Phase I & II Pre-FEED /FEED
3 2021-05-13 Jing Qiu Marco Reichel, Chapter Issued for Phase I & II Pre-FEED /FEED
Tobias 2.4/2.6/2.
Bornhofen 7/3.1/3.2/
2 2021-02-05 Jing Qiu Marco Reichel, Attachem Issued for Phase I & II Pre-FEED /FEED
Tobias ent2
1 2020-11-06 Jing Qiu Marco Reichel, All Issued for Phase I & II Pre-FEED /FEED
0 2019-08-06 Qiu Jing Marco Reichel All Issued for Initial Phase Pre-FEED/FEED/
Detail Engineering

Overview of Changes

Chapter Description

Chapter 3 Add description for code application

Attachement02 As cloud marked

Marking of Changes

A border on the right side marks a paragraph in which the changes (e.g. changes, additions
or deletions) have been made in the new revision. Additionally, underline “ “ is
used to mark exact changes / updates. All revision markings of a previous issue of the
document will be removed before new changes are incorporated.

BIG Project Pre-FEED / FEED Rev. Descr. 4

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BASF Integrated Site (Guangdong) Co. Ltd.

BIG_00-0000-000-CL-020-401 Drainage Philosophy


1 PURPOSE .....................................................................................................3

2 DEFINITION ..................................................................................................3


3.1 Chinese Stands ........................................................................................... 5

3.2 BASF Corporation Standards .................................................................... 5
3.3 Related Specifications ............................................................................... 6

4 BASIC PHILOSOPHY ...................................................................................6

4.1 Type of Liquid Streams .............................................................................. 6
4.2 Drainage of Chemicals ............................................................................... 7
4.3 Surface Drainage ........................................................................................ 7

5 AREA SPLIT-UP ...........................................................................................8

5.1 Drainage of Tank Farms ............................................................................. 8

5.2 Drainage of Process Unit ........................................................................... 8

6 RAINFALL .....................................................................................................9

7 USED FIRE-FIGHTING WATER SYSTEM ...................................................9

8 RAINWATER MONITORING POOL .............................................................9

9 SAFEGUARDING..........................................................................................9

10 ATTACHMENTS .........................................................................................10
ATTACHMENT 01: Wastewater Battery Limit Conditions ................................ 10
ATTACHMENT 02: Drainage Flow Diagram ...................................................... 10

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BASF Integrated Site (Guangdong) Co. Ltd.

BIG_00-0000-000-CL-020-401 Drainage Philosophy


The purpose of this standard is to get uniformity in the way of drainage and minimize
environmental impact in BASF Integrated Project Guangdong in Donghai Island
Petrochemical Park (including Dongtoushan Island), Guangdong Province, PR China,
named “SITE” in further description below.
The SITE includes all up- and downstream plants, infrastructure, offsite facilities,
logistics and utilities. The below information shall serve as the basis of design for the


2.1. Must, shall & should

In order to treat different situations or conditions accordingly during the implementation

of this code, words denoting the different degrees of strictness are explained as
• words denoting a very strict or mandatory requirement:
“must” is used for affirmation
“must not” is used for negation
• words denoting a strict requirement under normal conditions:
“shall” is used for affirmation
“shall not” is used for negation
• words denoting a permission of slight choice or an indication of the most
suitable choice when conditions allow:
“should” or “may” is used for affirmation
“should not” is used for negation
2.2. RW– Rain Water

Surface rainwater runoff originated on non-contaminated (with hydrocarbons or

chemicals) paved areas or roofed buildings and structures.
2.3. UFFW– Used Fire Fighting Water

Firefighting water runoff produced during firefighting at potentially contaminated areas

like production, storage and pump areas or bund areas (tank farm). Firefighting water
must therefore be retained by appropriate measures, collected, tested and treated
before a discharge into receiving water body.

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BASF Integrated Site (Guangdong) Co. Ltd.

BIG_00-0000-000-CL-020-401 Drainage Philosophy

2.4. PWW– Production Waste Water with COD, N, TDS

Production waste water from equipment, chemical waste water from laboratory with
COD, N, TDS. (to be confirmed with utility cluster). A pressurized system to collect
domestic and industrial waste water, inorganic waste water, as well as the
polluted/contaminated storm water from the bund area (tank farm) and production area
without roof.
2.5. SWW – Sanitary Waste Water

Sanitary sewage, kitchen effluent produced in buildings with relevant equipment.

2.6. Contaminated Waste Water

Water which is not contaminated and originated in the demineralized water system and
condensate recovery system, enriched with salts and water treatment chemicals.
2.7. FFP–First Flush Pit

The installation of first flush pits enables to segregate potentially contaminated and
non-contaminated stormwater by structural devices. The pits need to be designed to
catch at least the volume of the first 25 mm of precipitation on a contaminable area
before overflowing to RW system. The system needs to be designed or operated to
retain floating debris or oil etc. The first flush pits normally have to be operated at low
level. After the end of a stormwater discharge event the pits need to be emptied within
24 hours. First Flush Pits are not designed to be used to collect leakage. (rupture of
largest tank / vessel to be considered as holdup volume in ISBL such as
ditch/curb/dike/sump pit
2.8. Diversion PIT

The diversion pits locate at the outlet of RW within the block field. The installation of
diversion pits enables to segregate UFFW and RW by switching the control valves
(motorized). The size of pits should satisfy installation space for two motorized valves.

Plant to treatment polluted water at a high technical level. Emissions to water bodies
are continuously reduced and minimized. For this purpose tailor-made concept as a
combination of process-integrated measures for avoiding and reducing emissions,
recycling of materials in the process, pre-treatment of certain wastewater flows and a
mechanical biological treatment of total wastewater(end-of-pipe treatment)of a site are

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BASF Integrated Site (Guangdong) Co. Ltd.

BIG_00-0000-000-CL-020-401 Drainage Philosophy


The design should be in compliance with the latest revisions of the Chinese Codes and
Standards and the listed BASF Standards. The more stringent of these standards will
be applied. Principal of conflict management refer to BIG_00-0000-000-PM-010-020
Applicable Codes and Standards.
Plants applicable to others China industry drainage Codes and Standards should also
implement relevant industry codes and standards.
The publications listed below form part of this specification. Each publication should be
the latest revision and addendum in effect on the date this specification is IFC (Issued
for Construction). Work included in this specification should conform to the applicable
provisions of these publications
3.1 Chinese Stands

• GB50013-2018 Code for Design of Outdoor Water Supply Engineering

• GB50014-2006 Code for Design of Outdoor Water Drainage Engineering
(2016 edition)
• GB50014-2021 Standard for Design of Outdoor Wastewater Engineering
• GB5749-2006 Standard for drinking water quality
• GB 50483-2019 Code for Design of Environmental Protection of Chemical
Industry Projects
• GB50268-2008 Code for Construction and Acceptance of Water and Sewerage
Pipeline Works
• GB/T50934-2013 Technical Code for Seepage Prevention in Petrochemical
• SH/T3024-2017 Design Specification for Environmental Protection of
Petrochemical Industry
• SH/T3533-2013 Specification for Construction and Acceptance of Piping Works
for water supply and Drainage in Petrochemical Industry
• SH3034-2017 Specification for Design of Water Supply and waste water piping
in Petrochemical Industry
• SH3015-2019 Specification of design for water & wastewater in petrochemical
• T/CPCIF 0049-2020 Construction standard of accident emergency facility (pool) in
Chemical Industry Park
3.2 BASF Corporation Standards

• G-R-ENV 001 Environmental Protection Related Specification

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BASF Integrated Site (Guangdong) Co. Ltd.

BIG_00-0000-000-CL-020-401 Drainage Philosophy

3.3 Related Specifications

• BIG_00-0000-000-PM-030-010 Site and Design Conditions

• BIG_00-0000-000-CL-020-402 Underground Piping Specification
• BIG_00-0000-000-PI-020-006 Painting Specification
• BIG_00-0000-000-PM-040-040 Conditions and Specifications for Utilities and
• BIG_00-000-00-PM-010-090 Commodity Abbreviations


• Take water protection into basic consideration and aim to avoid malfunctions.
• The drainage from various units should be separated originally on base of liquid
• Pressurized aboveground pipe should be used to discharge the SWW/PWW cross
the Batter Limit
• Increase the reuse of water, promote the wastewater reclamation, reduce the
effluent discharge.
• Set quality control devices at the outlet of rainwater system.
• PWW should be avoided as far as possible and minimize the length in UG system
4.1 Type of Liquid Streams

Each unit is subject to the following liquid streams entering the plant:
• Chemicals
• Utilities
• Rainwater
• Firewater / Used firefighting water
Chemicals and Utilities will be drained inside pipes and/or equipment.
Stormwater and firefighting water will fall on the outside of the equipment.
For saving on investment and operating costs for treatment facilities and collection
systems, wastewater streams will be separated. Potentially contaminated water shall
dictate the way of separation base on degree and kind of contamination.
Connection is prohibited for separated drainage system.
Online Flowmeter and monitoring meter should be installed at outlet of wastewater of
each plant/block field/cluster (ISBL/OSBL) per local environmental authority or water
risk assessment.
Seepage prevention should be considered to avoid any kind of leakage to the
environment for PWW and UFFW system

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BASF Integrated Site (Guangdong) Co. Ltd.

BIG_00-0000-000-CL-020-401 Drainage Philosophy

4.2 Drainage of Chemicals

Water is one of the main raw and auxiliary materials for the chemical industry. Many
chemical reactions are carried out in aqueous medium. In almost all chemical
processes contaminated wastewater is generated (raw material remains, product
residuals, by-products, etc.). This wastewater has to be treated in an appropriate
manner before being discharged to the receiving surface water (sea, river) in
compliance with limits and thresholds of national law and site permits.
Dedicated drainage systems (process drains) used for hazardous or valuable liquids,
should not enter a shared collection system. If pipes buried underground, they should
not cross the Battery Limit.
Shared collection systems will only be used for (groups of) liquids, which are non-
aggressive to each other or to any other liquids and biologics downstream. It is
mandatory to identify which liquids can and which cannot be discharged in a central
collection system.
On the Battery Limit values are set for the chemical and physical properties for the
liquids to be disposed in a central system.
Wastewater systems will be indicated on the Process Flow Diagram and P&ID for each
unit. For pressurized production wastewater systems, aboveground piping shall be
foreseen. To reduce the leakage risk, gravity production wastewater piping should be
avoided as far as possible and minimize the length in UG system.
For wastewater battery limit condition, see attachment 1.
4.3 Surface Drainage

Surface drainage flows to different underground collection systems according to the

surface situation. Rainwater on paved and potential contaminated areas must flow to
FFP (First Flush Pit) first, and on clean areas to rainwater sewers.

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BASF Integrated Site (Guangdong) Co. Ltd.

BIG_00-0000-000-CL-020-401 Drainage Philosophy


Table 1:Drainage Destination

Type of area/flow Drains to remark

Large areas can be drained with
ditches entering the rainwater sewer.
Unpaved Soil
Sedimentation must be avoided by
additional measures.
Roads and other
Rainwater system
clean areas
Buildings with roofs Rainwater system
Drain by pump to rainwater
sewer after confirmed the
Tank farm qualified otherwise to
production wastewater system
when it is contaminated.
Water quality check and valves is
required to make sure leakage would
hold up inside the bund area / ISBL.
contaminated area FFP
Type of water quality check and
(bund area)
valves control would be decided
during water risk assessment.
Overflow of FFP Rain water system

5.1 Drainage of Tank Farms

Through testing the quality of the rainwater inside the dike when rain stopped, non-
contaminated drainage should be pumped into gravity rainwater drainage system or
drainage contaminated into WWTP. A storage of 24-hours rainfall with a recurrence
period of 5 year as per local code should be considered inside the dike. The pump
should clean up the rainwater within 8 hours. Gravity Pipe cross tank farm dike is
5.2 Drainage of Process Unit

Ditches around the dike are considered to collect the drainage inside process unit. To
avoid pool fire, ditches or sump pits installed outside the frame structure of process
unit should be considered. Water quality check and valves should be considered to
make sure leakage would be hold up inside the unit. Valves should be fixed at the outlet
to underground piping. Type of water quality check and valves control would be
decided during water risk assessment. The first 25 mm of precipitation on a
contaminable area is discharged into FFP by gravity and then overflow to RW system.

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BIG_00-0000-000-CL-020-401 Drainage Philosophy


Rainfall information can see in BIG_00-0000-000-PM-030-010 Site and Design



The accumulated fire extinguishing water from a fire can be contaminated with
hazardous substances and therefore is considered wastewater (to be treated). Used
fire-fighting water inside the building is to be collected and discharge to used fire-
fighting water network. Used fire-fighting water outdoor is to be collected by rain water
system then discharged to used firefighting water network by switching the control
valve through diversion pit.
The used firefighting water should be stored in the used fire-fighting water basin. The
minimum volume of this basin should be designed complied with T/CPCIF 0049-2020
and the local requirements by the contractor.
The basins should be designed to avoid any kind of leakage to the environment. The
surface should be resistant to the handled media. Attention should be paid to careful
after-treatment to prevent cracking. The foundation of the basins is according to the
results of soil investigation. Buoyancy due to groundwater should be considered. The
final construction should be planned by the contractor under consideration of local


Rainwater monitoring pool shall be built before the rainwater is discharged from site
REDLIINE to ensure no contaminates are discharged into public/social areas, and
meanwhile, bypass line should also be designed to speed up the drainage if flooding
happens. The size of rainwater monitoring pool is calculated based on rain flow
multiplied by collection duration (10mins). Online analyzer or monitoring instruments
for contaminates shall be installed in the monitoring basin. Once offspec quality is
detected by the online instrumentation, the discharge to the sea shall be closed and
the contaminated storm water shall be sent to the WWTP / centralized UFFW basin.
The water monitoring pool should ensure the gravity discharge in normal conditions
(no super high tide/flooding from the sea etc.) To minimize the size/volume of the pools,
meandering walls, weirs with sluice gates etc. can be foreseen.


The sewer systems will consist of normally empty underground piping. In order to
prevent spreading of a fire /explosive gas mixtures, gas seals need to be present in the

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BASF Integrated Site (Guangdong) Co. Ltd.

BIG_00-0000-000-CL-020-401 Drainage Philosophy

Gas seal will be provided at least at every crossing of the battery limit and at every
junction of two or more headers in the OSBL gravity wastewater system. Gas seals will
be executed by dipping the out-going pipe at least 250 mm.
The ventilation from wastewater manholes needs to be controlled and sent to safe
The suggestion is to vent the sewers to safe locations by means of dedicated
ventilation piping. This piping would start at every manhole and reach to safe location.


ATTACHMENT 01: Wastewater Battery Limit Conditions

A 1.1 General

Battery limit conditions are the conditions under which the Utility Plant will take over
the liquids from the Production Plant. The limits will be valid at BL within the pipe.
A 1.2 Sanitary Waste Water

• Contaminants: Biodegradable human deposits. (faucet, urine, foodrests)

• pH: 5 – 9
• Temperature: 35 ºC Maximum.
• Pressure: Normal empty Gravity system in ISBL and Pressurized system in
OSBL(running dry).

A 1.3 Rain water

• Contaminants: None, or within limits of local (river) authority.

• Temperature: 40 ºC Maximum
• Pressure: Normal empty Gravity system (running dry).
• Max rain intensity: See 4.0 of this specification

A 1.4 UFFW

• To be discussed
A 1.5 Wastewater

• To be discussed

ATTACHMENT 02: Drainage Flow Diagram

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