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The fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ, whose purpose is to bring about the immortality
and eternal life of man. It includes the Creation, the Fall, and the Atonement, along with all
the laws, ordinances, and doctrines that God has given us. This plan makes it possible for all
people to achieve exaltation and live forever with God (2 Ne. 2; 9). The Scriptures also refer
to this plan as the plan of salvation, the plan of happiness, and the plan of mercy.

GEE. Plan of Redemption (p.166)

Abraham 3:22-26


The action plan is a tool that facilitates carrying out the objectives set by an organization,
through an adequate definition of objectives and goals.

The Action Plan allows you to strategically organize and guide actions, human talent,
processes, instruments and available resources towards the achievement of objectives and
goals. Likewise, the Action Plan allows defining indicators that facilitate the monitoring and
evaluation of actions and serve as a guide for timely decision-making.

From the spiritual point of view, before planning we must:

1 .- Pray to receive inspiration and try to obtain it; and

2 .- Analyze (meditate) regarding people's needs, focusing on how to serve them and help
them progress spiritually.

PME. Chap. 8, The wise use of time (p. 157). With the action plan we answer the
following questions:

What are we going to do..?

What are we going to do it for?

How are we going to do it..?

When are we going to do..?

Which of us is going to do it?

With what resources?

An action plan serves to define the actions

and tasks to be carried out, assigning responsibility and start and end dates.

A work plan must contain the following information:

• Define specific objectives.
• Establish the goals necessary to achieve each of the specific objectives.
• Establish indicators that allow measuring the achievement of the goal.
• Determine the activities that must be developed.
• Specify who is responsible for carrying out the activities.
• If it is necessary to coordinate the implementation of any activity, it must be
indicated with which auxiliary organization.


An objective consists of a desire for what you want to achieve (Attend to a problem or
need). This purpose must be expressed clearly and concisely. Every objective must answer
the question: why?

Objective characteristics:

Accurate : In such a way that good planning and adequate evaluation of the
objectives can be carried out.
Adequate in time : That they can be completed in a reasonable period of work.
Flexible : Possible to modify when unexpected situations arise.
Motivators : That they are a challenge possible for people to achieve. That those
involved feel identified with the development of activities Participatory : The best
results are achieved when those responsible for meeting the objectives can
participate in their establishment.
Feasible : They must be real, practical and possible to achieve.
Convenient : That your achievements support the basic purposes and missions of the
Mandatory : Once established, there must be a reasonable obligation to achieve

Every objective, whether general or specific, must be written in the infinitive, because it
implies an action or commitment. For example: accelerate , update , adapt , attend ,
establish , favor , open , comply , contribute , among others.

They reflect what is going to be achieved in a given time, responding to how much you
want to achieve. The main characteristic of a goal is that it must clearly explain: what do
you want? How much do you want? And when do you want it?

Setting goals makes it possible to measure results and evaluate the degree of compliance
and efficiency achieved by the person responsible. In other words, the goal is the
quantification of the specific objective located in time and place.

Goals define the quantity and quality of what is desired to be achieved through specific
objectives; they can be specified in absolute or relative terms.

The goals should be:

• Realistic : That they can be achieved with the available resources.

• Precise : Duly explicit.
• Periodic: Define the date on which you want to reach them.
• Measurable : Indicate units of measurement.
• Coherent : Linked to the objectives.

They are measurement parameters through which the achievement of the goal and therefore
the fulfillment of the specific objectives is determined.

The indicators have to be measurable in quantity and time. The set of indicators allows you
to analyze, evaluate and justify the proposed activities and results.

Activities are all those tasks or events aimed at achieving the planned goals. They indicate
the logical steps or the path that must be followed to contribute to the achievement of goals.

Activities should answer the questions: what should be done? and how should it be done?

It should be noted who specifically is responsible for carrying out the activity. Those
responsible must have the capacity to carry out the proposed activity.



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