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The following essay aims to describe the importance of applying Labor Counseling within

In this essay to be developed we will focus on explaining in detail what Labor Counseling
is as well as its objective, the steps for its implementation, in addition to the situations in
which it is necessary to apply it and finally we will highlight our own point of view on the
importance of Counseling. its advantages and disadvantages


What is Labor Counseling?

It is the exercise of Counseling in the field of organizations, to resolve conflicts and

discomforts of one or more of its members, which negatively affect the fulfillment of the
organization's objectives.

What's your objective?

Facilitate the management of change in the organization by establishing internal

communication strategies that favor the development and incorporation of the potential
and skills of its members and the development of programs that promote group spirit and
avoid subsequent crisis situations. in it, providing, if necessary, specific assistance
programs for workers.

Situations in which it is necessary to apply Labor Counseling?

In the field of organizations, Workplace Counseling processes begin when those

responsible for the organization are dissatisfied with aspects linked to interpersonal
relationships, attitudes or behaviors on the part of its members. Labor Counseling
processes can also be initiated to facilitate organizational changes, such as mergers,
transformations, changes in corporate values, etc.
What are the steps for the implementation of Labor Counseling?

Labor Counseling does not follow a rigorously established sequence for its
implementation; However, a sequence is suggested that can be adapted to the
characteristics of each particular organization.

The first step is what in Counseling theory is called Survey , which consists of the entire
interpretation that the counselor makes of the cognitive and emotional meanings implicit
and explicit in the request for help that he receives during the first interview and when he is
informed. about the reason why you are consulted.

A second step involves a Diagnosis , which involves the counselor's own perspective or
interpretation of the real problem that exists in the organization and refers to the
"phenomenological essence" of what was seen and heard by the counselor in the previous

The third step Initial work planning involves the specific definition of the way to implement
Counseling in the organization through the formation of groups, members, scheduling of
meetings, and objectives to be achieved. Here a prior strategy is defined to begin the help

Subsequently, the fourth step , Presentation of a proposal, includes, as its name indicates,
presenting the work scheme to be carried out in the organization such as initial plan,
objectives, evaluation form, fees, etc.

In a fifth step called Start of work , it is the implementation of the initial work plan
previously accepted by the organization's managers.

Sixth step , Evaluation and continuation of the work , implies that once the initial plan is
completed, the organization's managers, together with the counselor, analyze and
evaluate the counselor's task and define whether it is appropriate to continue the work. If
so, a new strategy-advance-evaluation cycle is created that is different from the previous
one because it is a living and changing process.

Labor Counseling in organizations is an activity that has gained popularity in recent years
as a result of the growth and professionalization of organizations. Its importance lies in the
fact that the principles of person-centered therapy are applied to each company in its own
existing and changing reality, which means that it is personalized.

In its advantages we can implicitly understand its importance, advantages that include the
establishment of positive work environments, cordial human relations within a framework
of trust, development of the potential of all members of the organization, elimination of
losses of resources and time. due to inconveniences, discussions, interpersonal conflicts,
and development of leadership qualities among the organization's senior management
and, consequently, the achievement of the organization's goals and objectives.

The disadvantages that we can find in the use of psychological consulting for the
organization are firstly difficulty in achieving a change in the attitude of the organization's
workers, on the other hand, the Counselor, being an external agent and alien to the
organization, has a limited vision. of the organization, which prevents a complete
understanding of it. In addition to this, the costs for psychological consulting services can
be high for medium-sized organizations, which would make them economically unviable.



One of the most prestigious private cemeteries detected some time ago a significant
decrease in sales, not attributable to promotional or competitive reasons.

A team of three Counseling professionals carried out an operational situational diagnosis,

detecting deep interpersonal difficulties between salespeople and with the area's
An intervention strategy was offered that consisted of individual interviews and intensive
encounter groups. Cognitive and experiential resources were used to promote a better
personal disposition and increase motivation.


 Sánchez Bodas, Andrés and collaborators. (1999). Humanistic Counseling: theory

and practice. Argentina: Editions of the Holos Institute Argentine Center for
Humanistic Psychology and Counseling, pp. 109-141.
 Bimbela José. COUNSELING: A technology for the well-being of the professional.
Cartuja University Campus, pp.1-24.
UNIVERSITY STUDENTS. University of Jaén, Andalusia. Psychology Bulletin, No.
107, March 2013, pp. 7-19.

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