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• To all those present and especially Professor Elizabeth Marrero,

the Trainer Arcángel Durán, and all the fellow students of the Chair; Thank
you very much for being at the closing of our 3 chair.

I have the immense honor of giving these significant words of gratitude at the
conclusion of our “Children's Literature” subject, having focused on the activity
of Literary Gatherings, to each of those already mentioned, but not before
letting you know that I am proud to be the one for you. show them the
strengths that we have achieved through the teaching-learning journey

The fundamental objective is to facilitate the student's development of skills

both for the analysis of various works of children's literature from their
aesthetic, recreational and educational nature, as well as for the practical
application of the subject in the professional context; and the development, in
the Education student himself, in his taste and interest in reading

There were many people who directly and indirectly, and even without
knowing it, supported us by making their knowledge available to us, sharing
our doubts and concerns, and most importantly, encouraging us to move
forward; Therefore, today we feel highly strengthened in our academic

At the end of this lecture it is important to highlight that we are approaching

At the end of this chair, it is important to highlight that we achieve our goal in the
presence of values taught by Prof. Elizabet Marrero and the Trainer Arcángel
Durán who, with their vast knowledge, have awakened in us the interest that we
need to move forward; It is also very true that many times we have underestimated
them and at no time have we neglected the knowledge they have given us, and
this has allowed each of us to expand our knowledge; and help us live the dream
of surpassing ourselves and meeting our expectations, and of always striving for
constant improvement, to be better human beings and, above all, highly proactive
and committed Education professionals.
This occasion has not been the exception, and myself, as well as the rest of my
colleagues, praise his work, and we thank him greatly for helping us achieve this
new goal, concluding the Chair of Children's Literature.

I want to end these emotional words with a thought from our Master, Don Simón
Rodríguez, who fills us with enthusiasm and pride for having chosen this
professional career...

"The title of Master should not be given except to the

who knows how to teach, this is the one who teaches
learn; not to the one who orders to learn or
indicates what is to be learned, nor to whom
advises that you learn. The Master who
knows how to give the first instructions, follow
taught virtually everything
learn later, because he taught

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