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Instructions: Circle the word YES, if your answer is yes. If no, circle the word NO. Answer all the
questions below, with the answer that seems most fair to you.

1.- YES NO Have you ever felt any nervous illness?

2.- YES NO Do you often feel as if you are going to get sick?

3.- YES NO Do you sometimes feel waves of heat or cold?

4.- YES NO Have you fainted on more than two occasions in your life?

5.- YES NO Are you afraid of dealing with people who are strangers to you or frequenting places
that are not familiar to you?

6.- YES NO Do you suffer from frequent dizziness?

7.- YES NO Do you feel nervous or fearful in the presence of a superior?

8.- YES NO When you see a wounded person bleeding, do you feel faint?

9.- YES NO Do you feel nervous when a superior observes you while you work?

10.-YES NO Do you feel distressed when you are alone without friends around?

11.-YES NO At this moment, do you feel upset or nervous while answering this questionnaire?

12.- YES NO Do you frequently make mistakes when you are given orders or instructions?

13.- YES NO Do you get clumsy and things go wrong when you have to do a job quickly?

14.- YES NO Do you sweat and shake when you have a general exam or an inspection?

15.- YES NO Would you like to always have someone close to you who could give you advice?

16.- YES NO Do you have to do them very slowly for things to turn out well?

17.- YES NO Are you embarrassed to eat outside your home?

18.- YES NO Do you feel an irresistible need to repeat acts that bother you?

19.- YES NO Is it usually difficult for you to make a decision for yourself?

20.- YES NO Do you often feel sad or unhappy?

21.- YES NO Do you usually feel dazed or dazed, no matter what you do?

22.- YES NO Are you very impressed by cockroaches or mice?

23.- YES NO Does the future usually seem uncertain or hopeless to you?

24.- YES NO Are you indifferent to exciting situations?

25.- YES NO Is it difficult for you to start a conversation in meetings and do you remain alone in a
corner, without participating in the group?

26.- YES NO Would you like to ignore the problems that plague you in your life?

27.- YES NO Do you often consider yourself a nervous person?

28.- YES NO Do you sometimes feel strange fears?

29.- YES NO Do you have problems falling asleep or staying asleep all night?

30.- YES NO Do you worry too much about insignificant setbacks?

31.- YES NO Do you feel incessantly worried?

32.- YES NO Have you suffered any nervous depression?

33.- YES NO Have you ever been hospitalized in an institution for the mentally ill or nervous?

34.- YES NO Do you often feel discouraged or down?

35.- YES NO Have you had heart or chest pain?

36.- YES NO Do you often feel like your heart wants to burst out for no apparent reason?

37.- YES NO Do you often have difficulty breathing?

38.- YES NO Do you suffer from palpitations frequently?

39.- YES NO Do your thoughts frequently scare you?

40.- YES NO Do you often feel shaky?

41.- YES NO Do nightmares frequently wake you up?

42.- YES NO Do you get startled when you hear sudden noises or movements during the night?

43.- YES NO Do sudden noises make you jump and shake?

44.- YES NO Do you get nervous when someone shouts near you?

45.- YES NO Do you often feel restless or uneasy?

46.-YES NO Do you have thoughts or ideas that scare you a lot and that reappear again?

47.- YES NO Do you frequently suffer from severe headaches?

48.- YES NO Do your hands or body sweat a lot even in cold weather?

49.- YES NO Do you often feel itchy skin when you feel attacked?

50.- YES NO Do you stutter frequently?

51.- YES NO Do you sometimes have nervous tics in your head, eyes or any part of your body?

52.- YES NO When you were between 8 and 14 years old, did you frequently wet the bed at night?
53.- YES NO In hot weather, do your hands or feet get cold?

54.- YES NO Do you suffer from asthma?

55.- YES NO Do you currently wet the bed at night?

56.- YES NO Are you a sleepwalker?

57.- YES NO Have you ever had seizures?

58.- YES NO Do back pain make your work difficult?

59.- YES NO Do your eyes ever hurt so much that you can't use them?

60.- YES NO Do you often feel in very poor physical condition?

61.- YES NO Does your severe headache prevent you from doing what you have to do?

62.- YES NO Do you often suffer from attacks of physical exhaustion or fatigue?

63.- YES NO Do you get so tired that you are worried about your health?

64.- YES NO Does the fact that your feet are sensitive to pain make your life impossible?

65.- YES NO When you get up in the morning do you feel tired?

66.- YES NO Does it happen to you that a feeling of pressure or a headache makes it difficult for
you to do what you have to do?

67.- YES NO Do you always feel sick, in poor health?

68.- YES NO Do you feel so fatigued or so exhausted that you can't even eat?

69.- YES NO Do you have a good appetite?

70.- YES NO Do you constantly suffer from colds?

71.- YES NO Do you often feel your stomach upset?

72.- YES NO Do you frequently suffer from vomiting?

73.- YES NO Do you frequently suffer from indigestion?

74.- YES NO Do you often have stomach pains or stomach illnesses?

75.- YES NO Does your stomach or intestine generally function poorly?

76.- YES NO When you finish eating, do you feel strong stomach pains, so strong that they make
you hunch over?

77.- YES NO Do you generally have difficulties with your digestion?

78.- YES NO Do you frequently suffer from diarrhea?

79.- YES NO Has Lee been diagnosed with stomach ulcers?

80.- YES NO Do you consider yourself a misunderstood person?

81.- YES NO Do you have the feeling that you are being watched when you are at work?

82.- YES NO Do other people generally treat you well?

83.- YES NO Do you feel that people on the street are watching you or talking about you?

84.- YES NO Do you feel that people take you as a laughing stock?

85.- YES NO Are you very shy or sensitive?

86.- YES NO Do you get irritated easily?

87.- YES NO Do you make friends easily?

88.- YES NO If it were not for the control that you have of yourself, would you exploit yourself very

89.- YES NO As a child, did he have such bad behavior that it became necessary to admit him to a
special correctional institution?

90.- YES NO Because of your drunkenness, have you had problems so serious that they have led
you to lose your job?

91.- YES NO Have you been arrested more than three times?

92.- YES NO Have you ever taken drugs on a regular or habitual basis?

93.- YES NO Do you feel that your enemies are trying hard to persecute you?

94.- YES NO When they tell you what to do, do you get irritated?

95.- YES NO Do you often drown your sorrows in drink?

96.- YES NO Do you often do things, guided by a sudden or momentary impulse

97.- YES NO When you can't get the things you want, do you feel very angry or desperate?

98.- YES NO Do you usually feel deceived by people?

99.- YES NO Do you dislike the opposite sex? 100. YES NO Do you almost always adopt a defensive
attitude “on guard” in front of your friends? 101. YES NO Do you frequently have outbursts of

The test measures personality. It is applied from 15 years of age.

Grading method
Block 1- Fears and poor adaptation .
Questions 2 to 19 express feelings of inadequacy. The normal thing is that all the answers are NO,
except for number 15, which should be YES.

Block 2- Depression.
Questions 20 to 26 express a form of pathological reaction, especially depression; it is normal for
all of them to be NO, except for question 24.

Block 3- Nervousness and Anxiety.

All answers are Yes from 27 to 33.

Block 4- Neuro-circulatory or psychosomatic symptoms .

All answers are YES from 34 to 38.

Block 5- Fear Reactions From question 39 to 46 .

All answers YES. Expresses pathological phobic reactions.

Block 6- Psychosomatic symptoms .

All answers YES from 47 to 61.

Block 7- Hypochondria and Asthenia From 62 to 68 .

All answers YES.

Block 8- Gastrointestinal Symptoms .

From 69 to 79. All answers YES, except 69 which is NO.

Block 9- Sensitivity
From question 80 to 85, express excessive sensitivity and suspicion. All answers YES except
question 82 which is NO.

Block 10-. Psychopathic Disorders

From question 86 to 101. Expresses aggressiveness and psychopathic tendencies, all answers YES.

Answer Misad Depre Anxiet Trast. Fear Trast. Hypocon Trast. Sensiti Psycho
s YES aptati ssion y 27- Neuroti 39-46 Psychoso d 62-68 Gastroint vity pathy
on 2-9 20-26 33 c m 47-61 69-79 80-85 86-101
1 5% 14% 14% 20% 12% 6% 14% 9% 16% 6%
2 11% 28% 28% 40% 25% 13% 28% 18% 33% 12%
3 16% 42% 42% 60% 37% 20% 42% 27% 50% 18%
4 22% 57% 57% 80% 50% 26% 57% 36% -63% 29%
5 27% 71% 71% 100% 62% 33% 71% 45% 83% 31%
6 33% 85% 85% 75% 40% 85% 57% 100% 37%
7 38% 100% 100% 87% 46% 100% 63% 43%
8 44% 100% 53% 72% 50%
9 50% 60% 81% 56%
10 55% 66% 90% 62%
11 60% 73% 100% 68%
12 66% 80% 75%
13 72% 86% 81%
14 77% 93% 87%
15 83% 100% 99%
16 88% 100%
17 94%
18 100%
Qualification table in percentages.

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