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OR University

G Catholic
from Cuenca






Dr. Katty Ochoa.


Belén Chimbo Vásquez.


Roles in Society.

PREPARED BY: Daniela Belén Chimbo Vásquez.

PROFESSOR: Dr. Katty Ochoa
OR G Catholic University of Cuenca



As a result of the documentary research process, in this argumentative essay the

conceptual notions associated with “social roles” as fundamental elements in the process

of interaction of individuals with their system will be systematically presented.

For its development, the etymology of the term has been considered, finding its root in

the French “rôle” following its use in the English language as “role” to finally appear in

Spanish as “role” with its meaning being the function or the role that someone plays in a

certain context; By expanding the term to “ social role” it is expanded to include that

function that subjects perform in their social environment (that is, the community of

individuals who share a culture and who interact with each other).

Based on these premises, the analysis of the various roles that individuals can play in

their society is proposed, which refers to the behavioral patterns that society expects

from a person, since it is a frequent postulate in the study of sociology. .

In addition to exposing how the framework of each person's social role entails the

obligation to adapt their behavior to a specific profile.

OR G Catholic University of Cuenca



Social roles are defined as the role that is exercised within society, that is, they detail and

represent what activities or behaviors are expected in a given social environment. Who

are the ones who define what tasks correspond to us? Is the role assigned ready-made or

do we build it ourselves? We resolve these doubts in this article. Enrique Pichón (1985)

PREPARED BY: Daniela Belén Chimbo Vásquez.

PROFESSOR: Dr. Katty Ochoa
defines the role as “an organized model of behavior, relative to a certain position of the

individual in an interaction network, linked to one's own expectations and those of

others.” (Ten, 2018)

1.1 Argumentation. - Roles are inherent to the performance of all types of group

activities. Thus, in a sports team, the goalkeeper or center back, the pivot or the forward

will have their specific function, while in the family there are highly defined

performance roles, children, parents, etc., and in other areas of interaction social roles

such as manager, teacher, intern, assistant among others.

However, the same individual may play different roles depending on the context in

which he or she is located. The boss in the office, the father in the family, the intellectual

within the group of friends.

For this reason, a role is constructed and adapted based on the interaction with the

environment; initially it may be defined by what the other contributors of the group

expect to be carried out, in a general way, and later each individual must adapt those

perspectives and claims to their personal characteristics.

OR G Catholic University of Cuenca


“Our role in society or in the group is dynamic and evolves. In many cases in this

transformation it is we, as main actors, who have the greatest responsibility in its

direction. In this sense, problems usually appear when we behave like a ship adrift.

When we try to adopt a role that exceeds the limits of our flexibility or when we want to

introduce too rapid and radical changes in our functions, we can feel great discomfort.

Ultimately, each person's role should be unique and non-transferable. There may be

“positions” to which we adapt when we enter a new group, but starting from some

general lines and behaviors, it is the role that must adapt to us and not the other way

PREPARED BY: Daniela Belén Chimbo Vásquez.

PROFESSOR: Dr. Katty Ochoa
around, as happens in so many cases. On many occasions, we end up confusing certain

roles with ourselves. For example, when we say “I am the mayor” we are believing the

role. Perhaps it would be more correct to say, “I am acting as mayor.” (ABC, 2006)

2.1 Argumentation. - Every person as a member of social groups has functions to

perform in each of them, their purpose being to act jointly with the other members of the

group to achieve the proposed purposes.

Therefore, it is in the socialization process that the individual simultaneously learns

social roles by performing in all the groups to which he belongs, thus the roles are

internalized in the personality of the individual. They are called social roles because they

represent uniform behaviors shared by several subjects.

OR University
G Catholic
from Cuenca


For Parsons, there would not be a single social role, but what is expected of a particular

person would change depending on their context, the individuals with whom they

interact, the culture in which they live and other factors such as their age, their economic

status or their own needs.

Within this theory, a social role does not have to be negative. It is a neutral element that

serves to regulate interactions between the different members of a group or culture, and

as such it could serve to maintain order and well-being of the people involved. However,

sometimes the social role can also cause undesirable consequences. (Rodriguez, 2020)

3.1 Argumentation . – Following this line of ideas, it is possible to argue that a person

can regularly end up behaving in a way that goes against their own desires, values and

interests in order to access what is expected of them.

PREPARED BY: Daniela Belén Chimbo Vásquez.

PROFESSOR: Dr. Katty Ochoa
Specifically, for Parsons, the subject is subject to great social pressure to constantly act

precisely based on our role for each specific situation.


Social roles play a very important role in everyday life, which is why several models

have been developed within sociology to classify them.

4.1 Cultural roles

The culture in which we are born and live has a great influence on the way we think and

behave. A person originally from an Asian country will tend to act

OR G Catholic University of Cuenca

very differently from a European or a Latino, without taking into account factors such as

their personality or individual tastes. (Rodriguez, 2020)

4.1.1 Argumentation. – The place of origin, the environment and the customs inherent

to it will have an impact on the behavior of its members, therefore, in Asian cultures,

great emphasis is usually placed on the importance of supporting the family and

respecting parents. Western cultures, on the other hand, reward individualism and

encourage behaviors aimed at personal gain.

4.2 Professional roles

Our work is one of the most important sources of norms for how we should act and

behave. A person in a position of responsibility will tend to adopt a very different social

role from that of his subordinate, even when he is outside his work environment.

(Rodriguez, 2020)

4.2.1 Argumentation. – At this point it is necessary to highlight how the work

environment with its hierarchies and subordinations influences the way individuals

PREPARED BY: Daniela Belén Chimbo Vásquez.

PROFESSOR: Dr. Katty Ochoa
proceed; a very clear example is that of a school classroom. Children tend to respect

their teacher simply because of his position, and they place great value on his words

without judging him.

4.3 Gender roles

In virtually every culture in the world, men and women are expected to behave

differently in certain areas. For example, among other things, it is generally believed that

men are more aggressive and assertive, and women are more empathetic and have

greater emotional intelligence. (Rodriguez, 2020)

OR G Catholic University of Cuenca

4.3.1 Argumentation. – Although it is currently intended that the two genders perform

in such a way that gender roles are abolished, there is controversy as some experts affirm

that these are largely biological and other theories defend the opposite.

4.4 age roles

Social roles change as the person goes through the different stages of their life. Thus,

young people are typically expected to study, party, and have casual relationships, while

middle-aged adults are expected to marry, start a family, and have a stable job.

(Rodriguez, 2020)

4.4.1 Argumentation. - The cycle of human development entails in itself the exercise

of various capacities and/or limitations inherent to the moment of the vital period in

which the subject is and based on these the performance of roles related to age.


Focused on maintaining the group: members must act based on:

- Cooperation

- Communication.

PREPARED BY: Daniela Belén Chimbo Vásquez.

PROFESSOR: Dr. Katty Ochoa
- Solidarity.

- Mutual help.

- Sympathy.

- Honesty.

- Transparency.

- Individual: refers to the role of each person within a group. (Diaz, 2015)

OR G Catholic University of Cuenca

- .1 Argumentation. - Social roles will be focused on the task of the group, this is

the specific function that a subject fulfills within their group, since the roles are of

the same nature as the purpose of the group.


- It can be stated that constantly, and even unconsciously, human beings fulfill

functions inherent to their social circle, which are called “Social Roles”.

- Social roles give people a place in society, throughout the life cycle, from the

place in which they work, their gender, etc.

- The performance of roles brings with it the allocation of social positions that,

apart from the behavioral patterns, responsibilities and obligations, provide a

series of privileges, rights, and prestige.

- Social roles are present in almost all aspects of human existence.

- Each role will change in the different groups that a person plays because they

basically refer to what society expects of subjects in each context.

OR University
G Catholic
from Cuenca

PREPARED BY: Daniela Belén Chimbo Vásquez.

PROFESSOR: Dr. Katty Ochoa
ABC. (06/20/2006). School ABC . Obtained from

Diaz, A. (10/30/2015). Hypertextual . Obtained from

Ten to. (06/11/2018). The mind is wonderful . Obtained from

Rodriguez, A. (03/10/2020). Life Persona . Retrieved from

PREPARED BY: Daniela Belén Chimbo Vásquez.

PROFESSOR: Dr. Katty Ochoa

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