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Bolivarian State Academic Council (CABE)

Proposal for adaptation of the Business Development program

I Semester

Curricular Unit: Development of Communication Skills

General Objective: At the end of the thematic unit, the student will be able to
understand the various types of existing communication, as well as the formal
aspects required for writing.

Facilitator Profile: Social Communicator, Graduate in Education with a Major

in Language, Literature and Latin

Curricular Unit Contents

Unit 1. Human communication, types of communication and interpersonal

relationships. Communication process. Types of communication. Relationships
Unit 2. Grammar and orthography. Definition. Formal aspects of writing.
Sentence, subject, predicate. Paragraphs (Definition).Writing. Types of
paragraphs. Language (Definition). Sign language. Punctuation marks. Types of
Unit 3. Text production. Types and writing standards (APA). Report. Rehearsal.
Job. Monograph, among others.
Unit 4. Tools for learning and multiple intelligences. Reading. Memorization.
Learning. Multiple intelligences.

Learning Strategies: Presentations in communities, consultations with

students, debates, exhibitions.

Evaluation Strategies: Handwritten essays, workshops, and talks given by

students of the program to children and young people from communities and
educational institutions, as well as organized communities, community councils,
among other groups existing in the area.

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Bolivarian State Academic Council (CABE)

Basic Bibliography:

Lampe, A. (1993) The diagnostic-prescriptive method in teaching reading.

Caracas: upel.
Upel (1989). Literacy: readings. Libertador Experimental Pedagogical
University, Caracas.
Ocean. Master practical communication library, 8 Volumes, Edit. ocean, Spain.
Curricular Unit: Personal Development

General Objective: Allow the student to have a better knowledge of himself

and his environment, based on the importance of values within a society, as
well as to differentiate morality from ethics in the various environments in which
the student unwraps.

Facilitator profile: Graduate in Business Development, Psychologist,

Professional specialist in human resources

Curricular Unit Contents

Unit 1. The person and their relationship with themselves. Life Proyect
Unit 2. Self-esteem
Unit 3. Values and beliefs
Unit 4. Morals and Ethics on a personal level and in the exercise of professional
Unit 5. Life Proyect.
Unit 6. Neuro-Linguistic Programming. PN techniques.
Unit 7. Emotional intelligence and stress management.
Learning Strategies: Meeting with students , exhibitions, socialized discussion,
reports, maps, mental,

Evaluation Strategies: Student development when the content is taught,

workshops for organized communities, spokespersons for community councils
on the effectiveness of managing ethics, morality and stress management in
work situations, accompaniment to institutions educational activities in the area
to encourage self-esteem, values, beliefs within the different subsystems of the
educational sector

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Basic Bibliography:

Ander – Egg, E. and Aguilar, M. (2005). How to prepare a project. Lumen –

Humanitas. Argentina.
Goleman, D. (1997). Emotional Intelligence. PURE. Spain
Izquierdo, C. (1997). The world of values. DAUGHTERS OF SAINT PAUL. El
Pérez, E. (2005). To Educate in Values. 5th Edition. Saint Paul. Caracas.
Pérez, E. (2008). Educate Values and the Value of Educating. 8th Edition. Saint
Paul. Caracas.
Cied/pdvsa (2000). Personal Development Program. Support material.
Ramos, M. (2004) Values and Self-esteem. University of Carabobo. Valencia
Robbins, S. (2004) Organizational Behavior. Pearson Education, 10th edition,
Ramos, M. (2004) Values and Self-esteem. University of Carabobo. Valencia

Curricular Unit: Creativity and Innovation

General Objective: At the end of the subject, the student will be able to
recognize creativity and innovation as development strategies that allow them to
exploit their individual and collective potential to achieve greater personal,
professional and environmental performance.

Facilitator Profile: Sociologist, Graduate in Business Development, specialist

in human resources management, Graduate in administration, Graduate in
Curricular Unit Contents

Unit 1. Introduction to creativity.

Unit 2: Definitions of creativity and innovation. Theories. Differences. The art of
creation. Freedom for creative and innovative thinking. Innovation as a mental
attitude. Creativity and innovation as strategies for change.

Unit 3. Barriers against growth and creative attitude. Blocks of creative

expression. Sources of creative thinking. The challenge of creativity

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Unit 4. Techniques to stimulate creativity.

Unit 5. Applications of creativity and innovation in problem solving, individually
and in groups.
Unit 6. Creative Organizations.
Learning Strategies: Socialized discussion, debates, mind maps, concept
maps, presentations by the facilitator, presentation of experiences of
entrepreneurs from the communities, told by themselves.

Evaluation Strategies: Provide organized communities with relevant

information for the development of their own knowledge, preparation of
proposals by students

Basic Bibliography:

Gretz, Karl ((81994). Take advantage of your employees' creativity. McGraw Hill
Publishing House, Mexico.
Kucsmarski, Thomas (1997): Innovation, Mac Publishing. Graw Hill; Colombia.
Arroyo, Ana and Ganzxarain; jaione (2002). Creativity and innovation

Curricular Unit: Business English I

General Objective: At the end of the subject the student will be able to
correctly use the dictionary, words and verbs that will allow them to construct
sentences in the new language.

Facilitator Profile: Graduate in Education in Foreign Languages with an

English mention.

Curricular Unit Contents

Unit 1: The Dictionary, Types and Uses.

Unit 2: English Grammar. Alphabet. Writing and pronunciation. Pronouns and

verbs. Word formation: prefixation and suffixation, compound words.

Unit 3: Reading Methods: Scanning and Skimming

Unit 4: Verbs and their Use: Characteristics, Classification (Transitive,

Intransitive, Regular and Irregular), Tenses (Simple, Progressive and Perfect).
Defective Verbs: Definition, Meaning and Use.

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Unit 5: Structure of the language. The sentence, definition, characteristics,

classification. Parts: subject, verb and predicate. Simple and compound

Unit 6: Exercises: construction of simple sentences. Applications to social and

business relationships.

Learning Strategies: Master class, presentation and group discussion, reports,

practical exercises in the classroom, written exam, conceptual and mental
maps, among other possible

Evaluation Strategies: Continuous, Summative and Comprehensive


Basic Bibliography:

Ballester, A. (2002) “Meaningful learning in practice: how to make learning

meaningful in the classroom.” Legal deposit 1838-2002.
Bruner, J. (1997) “Education, door to culture.” Learning Collection No. 125. Ed.
Madrid Viewer.
Castillo, Carlos. (1972). “University of Chicago Spanish Dictionary.” The
University of Chicago Press. Ltd.

Curricular unit: Project Laboratory I

General Objective: At the end of the academic period, the student will be able
to establish an internal and external diagnosis of the selected community and
develop a socio-productive project within the community, which responds to the
existing needs and potentials.

Facilitator Profile: Graduate in business development, industrial engineer,

public accountant, administrators, engineer with experience in the formulation
and evaluation of projects and socio-productive projects.

Curricular Unit Contents

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Unit 1. What is a project, Life project, Research according to the paradigm and
its approaches, Quantitative qualitative method, action research, Suggested
Research Approaches: Field research - Feasible Project - Participatory Action
Research - Technological development project - Socio-Productive Project,
Explain the process and phases of social research

Unit 2. Socio-productive projects. General aspects that frame the socio-

productive project, Legal framework, Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic,
Laws, National and Regional projects, Production chains, socio-productive
networks and Communal productive fabric, Definition, characteristics and
importance of socio-productive projects productive, Basic Guidelines for the
formulation of socio-productive projects with a socialist approach, Socio-
Productive Project: Definition, Importance, Why Do It, What are goods, what are
Services, When a project is sustainable and when it is sustainable, Project
Phases , How to organize to carry out a socio-productive project, Steps to
prepare it, Components of the project, methodology used by the federal
government council for the presentation of socio-productive projects.

Unit 3. Internal and external analysis, Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses

and Threats, development of strategies through the application of SWOT

Unit 4. Phases of the IAP project cycle (Participatory Action Research).

Diagnosis (It consists of recognizing and explaining the problem. In this phase it
is important to incorporate the subjects involved, as well as attend the spaces
where the research will be carried out), Planning (Establish the steps to follow
for the development of the research project), Execution (Consists of putting the
project into practice and monitor and control its development), Evaluation
(Consists of the process of data analysis and reflection that allow explaining the
results obtained) presentation of the project (written and oral presentation of the
research work)

Learning Strategies: Presentations by the facilitator, mind maps, socialized

discussions, seminars.

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Evaluation Strategies: handwritten essays, providing organized communities

with the relevant tools to develop their knowledge in relation to the
implementation of socio-productive projects, project progress, presentation of
the projects carried out to the communities.

Note: The project laboratory curricular unit from I does not have recovery.

Basic Bibliography: Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela,

Organic Law of the Federal Council of the Government, Law of the communal
councils, Laws that support the communal economic system.

Social Contribution of the Academic Period : Incorporate the student with

the community, Community Councils, and any group that is an active part in
their environment and establish in the geopolitical space where the definition of
the internal and external analysis is developed, and by virtue of the result of that
analysis carry out a socio-productive project following the methodology
established by
the Federal Government Council, which must be presented to the community
and the corresponding organizations and entities. In order to achieve this
objective, it is necessary to link the rest of the thematic units that the student is
studying in the first period.

II Semester

Curricular Unit: Business English II

General Objective: At the end of the subject, the student will be able to
correctly use words, adjectives, adverbs, and connectors that will allow them to
construct and manage complex sentences in the foreign language in the
business environment.

Facilitator Profile: Graduate in Education in Foreign Languages with an

English mention.
Curricular Unit Contents

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Unit 1: English words: definition, characteristics, functions: gerund, adjective,

part of a progressive, translation according to its function.

Unit 2: Adverbs: definition, characteristic and classification. Adjectives:

definition, characteristics, classification, formation, degrees, nouns that function
as adjectives.

Unit 3: Connecting words: definition, function, classification: adverbs,

prepositions, conjunctions, and relative adjectives. Complex sentences:
definition, composition.

Unit 4: Passive voice: training, differences between passive and active voice.
Verb tenses of active and passive voice, compounds, modal verbs in present
and past.

Unit 5: Applications in the business context: meetings and conferences,

reception of visitors. Business correspondence, abbreviation techniques.
Reports and summaries, service notes and circulars. Telephone communication
nomenclature. Business trips: ticket reservations, accommodations. Types of
companies: individual, limited partnership, public company, public company. Its
structure. Productive process. Productive sectors.

Distribution, wholesalers, retailers, their position in the market. Economic

activity; utility, prices, supply and demand. Markets and monopolies.

Topic 6: Expression of attitudes and logical relationships: degrees of certainty

and probability. Obligations, demands. Tastes and preferences. Expression and
request for opinions and information. Agreement and disagreement. Advice and

Learning Strategies: Presentation by the facilitator , Lecture and Group

Discussion, Reports, Practical Exercises

Evaluation Strategies: Continuous, Summative and Comprehensive


Basic Bibliography:

Castillo, Carlos. (1972). “University of Chicago Spanish Dictionary.” The

University of Chicago Press. Ltd.

Alcaraz V, Enrique and Brian H. Dictionary of Economic and Financial Terms,

Editorial Ariel.

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English Dictionary of Business, Commerce and Finance, Routledge Publishing.

Eckersley-Eckersley (1997), “A compressive English grammar” Longman group
ltd. London.
Guralmick, David (1973), “Websters new world dictionary.” The world publishing
New York, editor. Herbert (1965), “The structure of technical English longman
group limitec”. London, Madrid, D, C.

Curricular Unit: Basic Accounting

General Objective: At the end of the course, the student will be able to record
the financial operations and income statements of an organization .

Facilitator Profile: Public Accountant, Graduate in Administration

Curricular Unit Contents

Unit 1. Accounting: The company and accounting information.

Unit 2. Accounting books: Regulations and generally accepted principles.
Unit 3. Accounting accounts: Types, plan of account, theory of charge and
credit, account adjustment, trial balances.
Unit 4. Financial statements: Income statement or profit and loss, balance
sheet (forms of presentation and/or elements).
Learning Strategies: Presentation by the facilitator, socialized discussion,
community workshops, community councils

Evaluation Strategies: Handwritten essays, training workshop on accounting

terms, workshop on accountability, aimed at the Communal Councils,
Communes and community, presentation before an assembly of citizens the
results of the transmission of knowledge imparted to the communities and filling
out books as established in current Venezuelan regulations.

Curricular Unit: Computer Science

General Objective: At the end of the curricular unit, the student will be able to
properly handle the computer through the use of commonly used programs and

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Facilitator Profile: Graduate in Mathematics Education with a Computer

Science major, Computer Graduate, Computer Engineer, Computer Science

Curricular Unit Contents

Unit 1. Introduction to computing. ICT in Venezuela and its laws.

Unit 2. Uses of the computer. ICT and free software.
Unit 3. Computer application.
Learning Strategies: Advice given by the facilitator, practices in relation to the

Evaluation Strategies: Continuous, summative and comprehensive evaluation,

Provide organized communities with relevant information for the use of ICT and
its management within the activities they carry out, provide training workshops
and technological literacy training, aimed at the use of new technologies. free
software trends

Basic Bibliography: Joel Martí. Research – Participatory action structure and

phases, Oscar Jara Holiday. Theoretical and Practical Guidelines for the
Systematization of Experiences. ALFORJA Study Center, Costa Rica, Basic
guidelines for the formulation and presentation of socio-productive projects with
a socialist approach. Ministry of Popular Power for Planning and Development,
Manuel Aristorena. Young Entrepreneur's Manual. National Director Fe y
Alegría of Venezuela, Principles of Social Comptrollership, Questions and
Answers of FUNDEMI, Presentation Guide for Socio-Productive Projects, Cae
of ANCONA María de los Ángeles. Quantitative Methodology, Strategies and
Techniques of Social Research.

Spain. 2001, Rodríguez et al. Qualitative Research Methodology. Malaga. Aljibe

Editions. 2000

Curricular Unit: Entrepreneurship I

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General Objective: At the end of the curricular unit, the student will be able to
undertake organizational ideas under the different property models that exist
within the legal system.

Professional Profile: Sociologist, Public Accountant, Administrator, Graduate

in Business Development, Graduate in Administration, Engineer
Curricular Unit Contents
Unit 1. Entrepreneurship. Stages of learning to undertake. Types of property
enshrined in the Constitution
Unit 2. Interpret the behavior of an entrepreneur, mission, vision and ways of
thinking, creating and innovating.
Unit 3. Organizational sense, opportunity relationships.
Unit 4. Organizational strategies and case studies.
Unit 5. Evolution of entrepreneurship within the Venezuelan economy

Unit 6. Measures used by the government sector to leverage entrepreneurs

within Venezuelan territory

Learning Strategies: Seminars, Socialized Discussion, Workshops,

presentation of successful experiences undertaken by communities and society.

Evaluation Strategies: Continuous, summative and comprehensive evaluation.

Transfer of tools to communities and organizations that lead an active life within
the social environment that allow them to undertake socio-economic projects.
productive, accompaniment to communities in the implementation of socio-
productive projects

Curricular Unit: Project Laboratory II

General Objective: At the end of the curricular unit, the student will be able to
carry out a diagnosis for the development of a project, based on the needs and
potentials existing in the community.

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Facilitator Profile: Graduate in business development, Industrial Engineer,

public accountant, administrator, Engineer with experience in project
formulation and evaluation

Unit 1: Business Diagnosis in Economic Sectors. Industrial, Fishing, Tourist,

Mining, Agricultural, Technological, Financial, Commercial Sector

Unit 2: Aspects that must be taken into consideration for the Diagnosis of a
project, IAP Participatory Action Research, which consists of recognizing and
explaining the problem. In this phase it is important to incorporate the subjects
involved, as well as attend the spaces where the research will be carried out,
Make visits, Make contact with the community councils and significant authors
within the community, Collect data and information through interviews , surveys,
tours, conversations, records, meetings with the subjects involved, data
analysis, will allow the development of the community approach, SWOT matrix,
knowing the needs and selecting priorities, as well as preparing statistical data
and obtaining legal documents necessary for the investigation , Define needs
(this must be participatory), Establish priorities according to needs and then
select the most important one (must be taken into account according to the type
of project being developed), .Location of the project, Bibliographic review

Unit 3. Elements that make up the situational diagnosis (Phase I of the project).
Data: Identification, geographic location- limits, demographic data. Historical
review, a brief outline of the beginnings will be made, giving it a sequence until
reaching the present day. Preparation of the sketch of the community or space
where the research project will be developed. Social, economic, political,
religious, cultural, educational, sports-recreational community approach.
Preparation of SWOT Matrix Table of needs and priorities according to the
choice of the participatory community and the team of researchers.

Unit 4. Project Foundation. Problem Statement. Problem formulation.

Objectives of the problem. Justification of the problem. (Economic, social,
educational impact, for example), Estimate the scope(s). Tentative title of the
topic to be discussed or the project to be developed

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Learning Strategies: Presentations by the facilitator, mind maps, socialized

discussions, seminars.

Evaluation Strategies: Handwritten essays, providing organized communities

with the relevant tools to develop their knowledge in relation to carrying out the
diagnosis for the development of projects, as well as the foundation required for
the execution of projects, presentation to the communities of the diagnoses
made. , and proposals on topics to be developed.

Note: The project laboratory curricular unit from II does not have

Social Contribution of the Academic Period : Strengthen ties between the

university and popular power, by incorporating the student with the community,
Community Councils, and any group that is an active part in their environment
through the application of the SWOT matrix, developing the relevant strategies
to minimize negative aspects, and collaborate in carrying out community
diagnoses which help carry out projects to guarantee improvements in
environmental conditions. The results of the activities carried out with the
communities must be presented to said community, and to the corresponding
organizations and entities. In order to achieve this objective, it is necessary to
link the rest of the thematic units that in the second period that the student is
Basic Bibliography: Joel Martí. Research – Participatory action structure and
phases, Oscar Jara Holiday. Theoretical and Practical Guidelines for the
Systematization of Experiences. ALFORJA Study Center, Costa Rica, Basic
guidelines for the formulation and presentation of socio-productive projects with
a socialist approach. Ministry of Popular Power for Planning and Development,
Manuel Aristorena. Young Entrepreneur's Manual. National Director Fe y
Alegría of Venezuela, Principles of Social Comptrollership, Questions and
Answers of FUNDEMI, Presentation Guide for Socio-Productive Projects, Cae
of ANCONA María de los Ángeles. Quantitative Methodology. Strategies and
Techniques of Social Research, Rodríguez and others. Qualitative Research
Methodology. Malaga. Aljibe Editions.

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III Semester

Curricular Unit: Business English III

General Objective: At the end of the subject the student will be able to express
himself in written form adequately in the English language, using terms of daily
use and interpreting content from entrepreneurship and organizational material.

Facilitator Profile: Graduate in Education in Foreign Languages with an

English mention.

Curricular Unit Contents

Unit 1: Conditional sentence: definition, classification, formation and translation.

Interrogative sentences, written and oral instructions, ordinal numbering.

Unit 2: Imperatives: definition, classification, formation and translation.

Unit 3: Word it: characteristics, meaning, translation in different contexts.

Unit 4: Summary: definition, characteristics, techniques for its preparation.

Paraphrasing: definition, characteristics, techniques for its preparation. Issue

Unit 5: Greeting situations, description of people and places, addresses, streets

and avenues. Ordering for purchases and sales of products. Information
management, classification. Sequence and connection of ideas. Description of
trends. Comparison, contrast and confirmation of data.

Unit 6: Interpretation exercises of readings from the organizational area, small

and medium-sized companies, orders, characteristics of external markets;
marketing, market research, product determination, pricing, distribution and
promotion; means of transport; relevant documentation, contracting, agents,
international payment methods
Learning Strategies: Presentation by the facilitator, interspersed questions,
workshops, case studies, field work.

Evaluation Strategies: Continuous, summative and comprehensive evaluation


Curricular Unit: Information System

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General Objective: At the end of the subject, the student will be able to
analyze and develop a management information system, given a situation of
need for information in the environment, that satisfies existing information

Facilitator Profile: System Engineer, Computer Engineer, Computer Science


Curricular Unit Contents

Unit 1. Introduction to programming: algorithms and flowcharts. Basic language:

characteristics, variable assignments and their classification, input and output
instructions, others. Data manager (base): characteristics, database creation,
index file, physical ordering

Unit 2. Definition of concepts: life cycle of a system. Data. Information,

information characteristic, information system. Decision-making process:
strategic level, tactical level, technical level. Information necessary for decision
making at each level, characteristics and periodicity.

Unit 3. System design and analysis: concepts, diagnosis of information needs,

process and stages,

Problem formulation: current state, desired state, restrictions, solution criteria.

Objectives of the information system: information to be produced, data required
to produce the information, black box concept, principles.

Unit 4. Design and implementation of a system, programming, training, system

testing, conversion and considerations. Practical exercise: proposal and
modeling of a real system.

Learning Strategies: Lecture, group discussion, reports, practical classroom


Evaluation Strategies: Handwritten essay, continuous, summative and

comprehensive evaluation

Basic Bibliography:

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Pérez Lobato, José, M. et al (1998) programming fundamentals. Madrid.

Burch G, Jhon and Estrates, Felix (1981). Information system. Theorize and
Practice. Limusa Editorial.
Lucas, Henry C, (1984) Information system, analysis, editorial design limousine.
Seen, A James, (1987) Analysis and designs of information systems, Mc Graw
Hill publishing house.

Curricular Unit: Entrepreneurship II

General Objective: At the end of the subject, the student will be able to
understand changes in behavior related to personal performance, social capital
and technology within the organizational framework, emphasizing small and
medium-sized businesses, as well as the business model. of social ownership,
identifying and understanding the attributes that sustain the entrepreneurial
culture; that allow

adopt an entrepreneurial attitude based on a new style of thinking, to solve

problems effectively.

Facilitator Profile: Sociologist, public accountant, administrator, Graduate in

Business Development, Engineer
Curricular Unit Contents
Unit 1. Entrepreneurial culture.
Unit 2. Motivation as an influential factor in entrepreneurial attitude and
Unit 3. Emotional intelligence as a factor in the development of an
entrepreneurial attitude and culture; in the individual, the group and the
Unit 4. Role of the entrepreneur applied in the social environment, advantages
offered by Venezuelan legislation to encourage entrepreneurship.
Learning Strategies: Presentations by the facilitator, socialized discussion,
mental maps, debates, practical exercises in communities, case experiences of
entrepreneurs in the area.

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Evaluation Strategies: Continuous, summative and comprehensive evaluation,

as well as based on the design and exchange with the communities of
entrepreneurial proposals that benefit the group.

Curricular Unit: Society and Culture

General Objective: At the end of the subject, students will be able to

understand themselves as citizens who are members of a community with a
unique cultural identity, locating themselves in their environment, based on the
sociocultural analysis and interpretation of their community and national reality.

Facilitator Profile: Sociologist, Historian, Graduate, Graduate in education with

a mention in culture.

Curricular Unit Contents

Unit 1. Venezuelan culture and society.
Unit 2. Social problems and state policies.
Unit 3. Ethical-political problems.
Learning Strategies: Interspersed questions, workshops, case studies,
analogies, conceptual and mental maps, forums, debates

Evaluation Strategies: Continuous, summative and comprehensive evaluation,

through linking with the communities through debates and workshops given by
the students in which they ratify the objectives in the classroom debates and
through the transfer of tools to the communities that allow them to reinforce their
identity and learn about the educational, cultural and social policies that are
currently supported by the executive.

Curricular Unit: Project Laboratory III

General Objective: At the end of the curricular unit, the student will be able to
know the legal and administrative elements required for the formation of an
organization, as well as everything related to the feasibility and planning of a

Facilitator Profile: Engineer, administrator, accountant, Graduate with proven

experience in the Planning, Control and Execution Phases of Projects.

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Curricular Unit Contents

Unit 1. General notions for the formation of companies adapted to the different
types of property enshrined in the Constitution. Legal aspects. Administrative
and Organizational Aspects. Risk Aspects

Unit 2. Feasibility study. Market study. Technical study. Economic-financial


Unit 3. Theoretical Framework of the Project. History of the problem.

Theoretical bases. Laws in which the project is framed.

Unit 4. Project planning. Methodology according to research or type of project

proposed. Type of research, Population, Sample, Informants, Information
collection instruments. Action Plan: General Purpose, Specific, Goal, Activities,
Task, Responsible, Resources (human, material, financial). Schedule of
activities (if it is by team, the formation of work committees must be attached to
the general schedule)

Learning Strategies: Presentations by the facilitator, concept maps, socialized

discussions, seminars, workshops.

Evaluation Strategies: Handwritten essays, linking the knowledge acquired in

Project Laboratory I and II, for the formation of productive organizations created
among the participants and members of the communities, transfer to the
organized communities of relevant tools to continue their training in In relation to
the implementation of projects, present to the communities the results obtained
in the academic period corresponding to the feasibility study of the selected

Note: The project laboratory curricular unit from III does not have

Social Contribution of the Academic Period : Establish a project that

responds to the needs of the communities and work hand in hand with it to
respond to those requirements, through the formation of production units that
allow the increase of the productive apparatus of the sectors involved. The
results of the activities carried out with the communities must be presented to

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said community. It is necessary to link the rest of the thematic units that the
student is studying in the third period, in order to be able to articulately
guarantee the fulfillment of the goal.
Basic Bibliography: Joel Martí. Research – Participatory action structure and
phases, Oscar Jara Holiday. Theoretical and Practical Guidelines for the
Systematization of Experiences. ALFORJA Study Center, Costa Rica, Basic
guidelines for the formulation and presentation of socio-productive projects with
a socialist approach. Ministry of Popular Power for Planning and Development,
Manuel Aristorena. Young Entrepreneur's Manual. National Director Fe y
Alegría of Venezuela, Principles of Social Comptrollership, Questions and
Answers of FUNDEMI, Presentation Guide for Socio-Productive Projects, Cae
of ANCONA María de los Ángeles. Quantitative Methodology. Strategies and
Techniques of Social Research, Rodríguez and others. Qualitative Research
Methodology. Malaga. Aljibe Editions.

IV Semester

Curricular Unit: Business Administration

General Objective: at the end of the subject, the student will be able to know
the basic elements of administrative theory and science in an operational
perspective, to efficiently manage and evaluate the resources available in the
place where they develop their professional activity.

Facilitator Profile: Graduate in Business Administration, Graduate in Public

Accounting, Graduate in Business Development

Curricular Unit Contents

Unit 1. Administration

Unit 2. Administrative process:

Unit 3. Elements of Administration

Unit 4. Administrative skills

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Unit 5. Administrative Roles

Unit 6. Institutional Values of the Administration

Unit 7. Administrative Techniques in Business Administration

Unit 8. Types of Administration and Their Main Approaches

Unit 9. Factors Influencing the Manager's Environment

Learning Strategies: Presentations by the facilitator, concept maps, socialized

discussions, seminars, debates, field activities, workshops.

Evaluation Strategies: Handwritten essays, continuous, formative and

comprehensive evaluation, linkage with communities, transfers of

tools to communities that allow them to improve the way of administration

carried out in the instances in which they live.

Curricular Unit: Statistics

General Objective: at the end of the subject the student will be able to handle
data, interpret and apply information for decision making with the appropriate
use of new information and communication technologies for a better
understanding of the national reality.

Facilitator Profile: Engineer, Graduate in mathematics and computer science

Curricular Unit Contents

Unit 1. Basic concepts: description, inference. Statistics in the field of

Unit 2. Tables and statistical tables for presenting data, parts of a table and a
graph. Applications. Tabular presentation forms. Forms of graphic presentation.

Unit 3. Ratios, proportions, percentages and rates.

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Unit 4. Frequency distribution. The measurement. Frequency distribution, uses.

Graphic representation

Unit 5. Measures of central tendency. For grouped and ungrouped data.

Interpretation. Properties and characteristics. Use. Interpretation, differences,
notation. Preparation and use of the warhead.

Unit 6. Measures of dispersion. Calculation, interpretation. Decile and semi

deviation. Standard deviation. Formulas for calculation: ungrouped data,
grouped data. Interpretation, coefficient of variation: calculation, interpretation.
Uses of variability measures.

Unit 7.To symmetry.

Unit 8. Regression and correlation coefficients. Calculation by: pearson,

sperman bros. Interpretations

Unit 9. Time series: concepts, components, methods, moving averages, curve


Unit 10. Index numbers: characteristics, uses, types.

Unit No. 11. Preparation of statistical reports

Learning Strategies: Presentations by the facilitator, concept maps, socialized

discussions, seminars, debates, field activities, workshops.

Evaluation Strategies: Handwritten essays, continuous, formative and

comprehensive evaluation, transfers of tools to the communities that allow
establishing the measurement of the population, sample calculation in order to
know the concerns and conditions of the community
Campos, Gerardo (1973). General statistics (problems and solutions). 3rd
UCV Edition, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences. Caracas.
Haber, Runyon (1973). General Statistics. Inter-American educational fund.SA
Murray. S. Spiegel (1970) MC Graw-Hill Publishing Statistics. Bogota.

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Bolivarian State Academic Council (CABE)

Azorin Poch, Francisco (1970) course on sampling and applications, research

institute, faculty of economic and social sciences.,
Neter, John and Wasserman, W. (1973). Fundamentals of statistics. 3rd.
Edition. Publishing company. Continental, SA Mexico.
Arnaiz, Gonzalo (1969) introduction to theoretical statistics. Lez Nova
Publishing House.
Davis Salama, (2002) Statistics, methodology and applications. 5th. Edition.
Turin Publishing House. Caracas.
Curricular Unit: Entrepreneurship

General Objective: At the end of the subject the student will be able to handle
practical tools that allow them to minimize risks and optimize the key factors for
success in the formation of productive organizations.
Facilitator Profile: Engineer, Graduate in administration, public accountant,
Graduate in business development

Curricular Unit Contents

Unit 1: Initiative, attitude , objectives, opportunities, risks , uncertainty,
business, market, competition, reward, benefit, entrepreneur, proactive attitude,
key success factors, action scenarios

Unit 2: Conditions that encourage entrepreneurship. Entrepreneur profile.

Barriers to starting a business. Opportunities identification.

Unit 3: Culture as part of entrepreneurial management. Entrepreneur, business

activity and context. Management of uncertainty.

Unit 4: Technical-economic study for the viability of a business creation project.

Unit 5: Planning and entrepreneurship. Action plan

Learning Strategies: Presentations by the facilitator, mind maps, activities with
communities, forums, debates, field activities.

Evaluation Strategies: Handwritten essays, continuous, formative and

comprehensive evaluation, carrying out activities with the communities where
the established contents are applied to meet the objective of the chair.

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Curricular Unit: Project Laboratory IV

General Objective: At the end of the thematic unit, the student will be able to
know the financing policies, make the connection with the corresponding
entities in charge of guaranteeing said financing and begin the execution of the
selected project according to the established timelines.
Facilitator Profile: Graduate with proven experience in the Planning, Control
and Execution Phases of Projects, Industrial Engineer, Engineer, administrator,

Curricular Unit Contents

Unit 1. Project financing policies. Financing policies for socio-productive
projects in communities.

Unit 2. Linkage with the different institutions for the financing of the project

Unit 3. Project execution (application). It involves putting the project into

practice and monitoring and controlling its development. During this phase, the
dissemination and systematization is developed, and in the same way, work is
carried out together with the IV phase, that is, what is being done is evaluated in
order to proceed. to make the respective corrections.

Learning Strategies: Consultations, practical exercises, field activity, concept

maps, socialized discussions

Evaluation Strategies: Evaluation continues in accordance with the learning

strategies, presenting to the communities the results obtained throughout the
development of the curricular unit.

Note: The project laboratory curricular unit from IV does not have

Social Contribution of the Academic Period : Establish a project that

responds to the needs of the communities and work hand in hand with it to
respond to those requirements, through the formation of production units that
allow the increase of the productive apparatus of the sectors involved. The
results of the activities carried out with the communities must be presented to

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said community. It is necessary to link the rest of the thematic units of the fourth
semester in order to be able to articulately guarantee compliance with the goal.
Basic Bibliography: Joel Martí. Research – Participatory action structure and
phases, Oscar Jara Holiday. Theoretical and Practical Guidelines for the
Systematization of Experiences. ALFORJA Study Center, Costa Rica, Basic
guidelines for the formulation and presentation of socio-productive projects with
a socialist approach. Ministry of Popular Power for Planning and Development,
Manuel Aristorena. Young Entrepreneur's Manual. National Director Fe y
Alegría of Venezuela, Principles of Social Comptrollership, Questions and
Answers of FUNDEMI, Presentation Guide for Socio-Productive Projects, Cae
of ANCONA María de los Ángeles. Quantitative Methodology. Strategies and
Techniques of Social Research, Rodríguez and others. Qualitative Research
Methodology. Malaga. Aljibe Editions.

Curricular Unit: Principles of Economics

General Objective: Understand the importance of economics in the
management and entrepreneurship of socio-productive organizations, through
the analysis of the fundamental theoretical notions that affect the business
context, adapted to the cultural, economic and socio-political environment,
through an analysis

critical of the Venezuelan reality, and of the locality where the student develops.
Facilitator Profile: Economist, Graduate in Administration, Graduate in
Curricular Unit Contents
Unit 1: Importance of economics in the development of productive

Unit 2: Fundamental theoretical notions of economics.

Unit 3: Basic economic principles.

Unit 4: Evolution of existing economic models in Venezuela.

Unit 5: Impact that entrepreneurship provides within the economy of a society.

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Unit 6. Venezuelan economic structure, economic relations of Venezuela with

other countries

Unit 7: Emerging economic system in Venezuelan society. Analysis of the

national reality

Learning Strategies: Forums, Presentations, debates, practical exercises, field


Evaluation Strategies: Continuous, summative and comprehensive evaluation,

which are in accordance with the learning strategies addressed.

V Semester

Curricular Unit: Planning

General Objective: Know and identify the elements and aspects of planning
that guarantee the study and good development of organizations

Facilitator Profile: Graduate in administration, Industrial Engineer, accountant

Curricular Unit Contents

Unit 1. General aspects and importance of planning.

Unit 2. Planning as a fundamental process in the successful development of

organizations and projects

Unit 3. Problems that may arise when planning and steps in the planning

Unit 4. Importance of planning in the development of social, communal and

family property organizations.

Unit 5. Contributions of good planning when starting an organization.

Learning Strategies: Presentations in communities, debates, workshops,


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Evaluation Strategies: Handwritten essays, workshops, and talks given by the

students of the program to organized communities, community councils, that
require, within their development, tools to keep control of available resources.

Curricular Unit: Organizational Development

General Objective: At the end of the curricular unit, the student will be able to
apply the theories that underpin organizational development, within an
organization in their environment, as well as establish the aspects that allow
determining what said organization is based on its members and its relationship
with the environment.

Facilitator Profile: Graduate in Administration, Management Specialist, Human

Resources Specialist
Curricular Unit Contents

Unit 1. Organizational development. The organization as a system. Culture and

organizational climate.

Unit 2. The organizational environment. Structure basic organizational

principles. Parameters for the design of structures.

Unit 3. Motivational theories. Motivational practices in organizations

Unit 4. Organizational behavior. Attitudes, personality, perception, learning.

Roles, norms, leadership. Business practices on leadership. Decision making.
Performance evaluation.

Unit 5. Organizational communication. Management of communication

channels in organizations

Unit 6. Applications. Work teams, intergroup development, integration and

reward systems and value creation, in an international context.

Unit 7. Change in the organization: change curve, conflicts. Methods,

techniques and instruments. Strategy, planned change and its phases.

Unit 8. Importance for an entrepreneur of knowledge of the tools applied to the

development of social, family, communal production organizations and small
and medium-sized businesses.

Learning Strategies: Facilitator presentations, practical cases, debates,

workshops, reports

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Evaluation Strategies: Continuous, summative and comprehensive evaluation,

manuscript essays, workshops, and talks given by the students of the program
to organized communities, community councils, confrontation of theory with
practice in communities and productive organizations in the locality

Curricular Unit: Business

General Objective: Know the basic business concepts, their application to

business development, and describe the trends that have arisen in the field of
business within the national scope.

Facilitator Profile: Graduate in administration, specialist in business


Curricular Unit Contents

Unit 1. The business, conceptualization, current business trends

Unit 2. Business as a negotiation process.

Unit 3. Types of businesses. .

Unit 4. Business in Venezuela, evolution, forms, laws that regulate it

Unit 5. The business plan. Definition. Steps for its realization

Learning Strategies: Facilitator presentations, practical cases, debates,

workshops, mind maps, development of a business plan

Evaluation Strategies: Continuous, summative and comprehensive evaluation,

manuscript essays, workshops, linking students with organized communities, for
the determination and classification of the type of businesses that are
developed within their environment, presentation to the communities of the
business plan made adapted to your requirements

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Curricular Unit: General Training Seminar I

General Objective: Allow the student to understand the importance of

sustainable development within economic development, as well as knowledge
of all the legal regulations that support the care and preservation of the
environment at the time of carrying out an economic activity that affects the

Facilitator Profile: Lawyer, Graduate in Administration, Graduate in

Accounting, Environmental Engineer, Graduate in Natural Sciences, Agricultural
Engineer, Graduate in Environmental Education, Graduate in Military Sciences
and Arts with GNB mention, Engineer with experience in environmental impact

Curricular Unit Contents

Unit 1. Elementary notions of ecology: Endogenous development (concept,

characteristic and importance) and Sustainable development (concept,
characteristic and importance). Attributes of endogenous and sustainable

Unit 2. Environmental impact: Concept, environmental legislation,

environmental impact assessment for project evaluation and execution

Unit 3. Importance of the application of an environmental management system

within the development of the productive activities of Venezuelan society

Learning Strategies: Lecture and group discussion, reports, workshops,

research work, advice, practical exercises, manuscript essays

Evaluation Strategies: Continuous evaluation, according to the learning

strategies addressed, transfer of tools to organized communities in order to
disseminate the legal norms and instruments applied to the conservation and
improvement of environmental conditions

Basic Bibliography: Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela,

Environmental Law, Environmental Criminal Law.

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Curricular Unit: Project Laboratory V

General Objective: Carry out the evaluation of a project based on the results
obtained from the applicable techniques.

Facilitator Profile: Graduate with proven experience in the Planning, Control

and Execution Phases of Projects, Industrial Engineer, Engineer, accountant,

Curricular Unit Contents

Project evaluation. It is the process of data analysis and reflection that allows
the results to be explained.

Unit 1. Techniques for project evaluation, Staging of negotiation and possible


Unit 2. Evaluation of the diagnosis, Evaluation of the action plan and its
monitoring and control and Final evaluation of the project

Unit 3. Product or results obtained, contributions and findings, conclusions and


Learning Strategies: Consulting, field activity, socialized discussions.

Evaluation Strategies: Evaluation continues in accordance with the learning

strategies, monitoring of institutions and certified entities for project financing.

Note: The project laboratory curricular unit from V does not have

Basic Bibliography: That required by each student that supports the approach
they propose for the execution of the project they develop.

VI Semester

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Curricular Unit: Marketing and Advertising

General Objective: Know the basic aspects and the legal basis applied for the
development of trade, and determine its importance for the success of the
development of organizations within Venezuela

Facilitator Profile: Graduate in Advertising and Marketing, Social

Communicator, Graduate in Accounting, Graduate in Administration.

Curricular Unit Contents

Unit 1. Fundamentals of Commerce . Concept. Commercial legislation. Code.
Types of commercial company. Restrictive measures. Legal basis. Commercial
sectors . Commercial policy. Distribution and sales channels. Comparative and
competitive advantages

. Electronic commerce . Advantages and opportunities. Applications. Security.

Commerce in Venezuela .

Unit 2. Marketing. Market and marketing. Evolution. Marketing management,

philosophies. Goal design; opportunity analysis; management of the marketing
effort. The four ps, durable goods, non-durable goods, services, convenience,
specialty. Market research. Information system. Needs; development and
analysis; influence on consumer behavior; decision process. Producer,
distributor, and government markets.

Unit 3. Selection of target markets. Demand measurement; segmentation,

selection and positioning. Environment: political, economic, legal, business,

The marketing mix. Design of products; Lifecycle; strategies and approaches in

pricing. Retail and wholesale businesses

Unit 4. Advertising, promotion and propaganda. Concepts; efficient

communication; advertising decision making; Personal sales.
Competitive strategies in marketing.

Learning Strategies: Exhibitions, Field activity, socialized discussions,

workshops, mental maps.

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Evaluation Strategies: Evaluation continues in accordance with the learning

strategies, develop an advertising campaign for the projects carried out by
Unefm students in their municipality, where the achievements achieved through
the joint work of the university and communities are evidenced.

Curricular Unit: Management Strategies

General Objective: Know the importance of proper management of

management tools that promote positioning and success within organizational

Facilitator Profile: Graduate in administration, accountant, Industrial engineer,

Graduate in human resources, Specialist in business management.

Curricular Unit Contents

Unit 1. The managerial activity. Concept, importance, application. Management

and leadership. Personality, attitudes and management.

Unit 2. Management functions: planning, organizing and developing business

strategies, delegating, supervising, controlling and evaluating.

Unit 3. Types of managers

Unit 4. Diversification strategy, competitive strategy, functional strategies

Unit 5. Contemporary management, new management tools

Unit 6. Management in the development of the activities of production units

according to the various types of property established in the Venezuelan legal
system (small and medium-sized companies, social production companies,
communally owned companies, mixed ownership companies, family production
units )

Learning Strategies: Exhibitions, Field activity, socialized discussions,

workshops, mental maps.

Evaluation Strategies: Continuous, summative and comprehensive evaluation,

in accordance with learning strategies, apply management tools in
organizations in your environment and show the results to those involved.
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Curricular Unit: General Training Seminar II

General Objective: At the end of the curricular unit, the student will be able to
determine the importance of social responsibility for the success of an
organization and its environment.

Facilitator Profile: Graduate in Administration, accountant, Business

management specialist, Human resources management specialist

Curricular Unit Contents

Unit 1. Social responsability. Concept, characteristic, importance, background

and origin, Evolution of social responsibility.

Unit 2: Types of social responsibility and improvement of interest groups,

strengthening the organizational image.

Unit 3: Stages to follow for the development of a social responsibility campaign.

Learning Strategies: Exhibitions, Field activity, socialized discussions,

workshops, mental maps.

Evaluation Strategies: Continuous, summative and comprehensive evaluation,

in accordance with the learning strategies, apply a social responsibility program
in a community and show the results obtained.

Curricular Unit: Financial Administration

General Objective: Know the basic tools of financial administration for the
effective management of the financial resources of organizations

Facilitator Profile: Graduate in administration, accountant.

Curricular Unit Contents

Unit 1 . Basic concepts of financial administration. Importance. Features.

Location of finances in the organization. Financial markets.

Unit 2. Valuation. Concept. Importance. Basic elements of valuation. Net

present value

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Unit 3. Financial analysis tools. Balance sheet structure. Structure of the profit
and loss statement. Financial indicators or ratios: liquidity, solvency, acid test,
debt, inventory turnover, accounts receivable turnover, cash turnover, fixed
asset turnover, profit margin, profitability of investment, profitability of
shareholders' equity.

Unit 4. Work capital Management. Cash: definition, collection acceleration and

payment delay policies, cash cycle and rotation. Accounts receivable: definition,
collection and credit policies. The inventory: definition, types, optimal
calculation. Credits: definition, commercial, banking credits.

Unit 5. Financial planning and control. Breakeven analysis. Cash budget.

Income statement and cash flow. Net present value and internal rate of return

Unit 6. Sources and use of funds. Definition and importance of the state.
Structure of the statement of sources and use of funds.

Learning Strategies: Exhibitions, Field activity, socialized discussions,

workshops, practical cases.

Evaluation Strategies: Continuous, summative and comprehensive evaluation,

in accordance with learning strategies, transfer of tools to communities that
allow them to optimally manage available financial resources.

Curricular Unit: Project Laboratory VI

General Objective: Present the project carried out and its results.

Facilitator Profile: Graduate with proven experience in the Planning, Control

and Execution Phases of Projects, Industrial Engineer, Engineer, Graduate in
Administration or Accountant.

Curricular Unit Content

Project Presentation. Written (project assembly) and oral presentation of the

projects carried out. The work in general terms in its writing, its outline must
follow the steps established by the legal regulations of the university. The
results of the implementation of the project carried out must be shown.

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Learning Strategies: Consulting.

Evaluation Strategies: Continuous, summative and comprehensive evaluation

of the progress presented by students throughout the academic period, and
presentation to the community and economic, social, political and educational
factors of the results of the work carried out.

Basic Bibliography: Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela,

Organic Law of the Federal Council of the Government, Law of the communal
councils, among other legal instruments applicable to the projects being

VII Semester

Curricular Unit: International Trade and Markets

General Objective: At the end of the subject the student will be able to know
the trends and behaviors of world trade and market, its impact on the
development of countries in a globalized context, the international treaties and
agreements signed by Venezuela with other States that promote the
development and exchange of commercial activities, in which socially and
communally owned companies, family production units, as well as small and
medium-sized businesses can be inserted.

Facilitator Profile: Lawyer, social communicator with specialization in

international markets, Customs graduate, Administration graduate, Accounting

Curricular Unit Content

Unit 1. International Trade. Factors. Commercial blocks. Balance of payments.

International order. Structure. Theories. International trade and economic
growth. International trade policy. Tariff theory and policy. Kinds of tariffs,
costs, benefits. Nominal and effective protection. No duty barriers.

Unit 2. International economic integration: theory, advantages. Current trend.

Effects on international trade. Shapes. Treaties and agreements. Customs
unions. Common markets. Single market.

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Unit 3. International markets: elements, classification. Customs operation.

Customs legislation: legal framework.

Exports. Promotion instruments.

Unit 4. Agreements signed by Venezuela regarding the exchange of goods and


Unit 5. Opportunities that Venezuelan entrepreneurs have for the placement of

goods and services in the member countries of UNASUR, MERCOSUR, ALBA

Learning Strategies: Presentations, Exhibitions, debates, workshops, advice,

practical cases

Evaluation Strategies: Continuous, summative and comprehensive evaluation

Basic Bibliography: Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Law

of Private International Law, Customs Law, Bustamante Code, International
Treaties signed by Venezuela on the exchange of goods and services, J. and
Others: "The Commercial Policy of the Common Market.

Curricular Unit: General Training Seminar III

General Objective: At the end of the curricular unit, the student will be able to
know the general aspects of human talent management, and the application of
strategic planning as a determining factor in the success of an organization.

Facilitator Profile: Graduate in human resources, Graduate in administration,

accountant, specialist in human resources management.

Curricular Unit Content

Unit 1. Basic aspects of Human Talent management. Concept, training, training

and formation, Administration of workers. Concept, purpose, objectives,
importance, fundamental activities and functions. Evolution of human talent
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Unit 2. Factors that influence the performance of human talent. Function and
importance, Human relations (communication and hierarchy), factors that
influence the management of human talent, techniques and tools used for the
management of human talent, Duties and rights of employees and employers.

Unit 3. Strategic planning. Definition, steps and elements to achieve strategic

planning, why use strategic planning, scenarios in which it should be applied.

Learning Strategies: Presentations, Exhibitions, debates, workshops, practical


Evaluation Strategies: Continuous, summative and comprehensive evaluation,

holding workshops for communities that facilitate the tools for human resources

Note: This Curricular Unit does not have recovery

Basic Bibliography:

Curricular Unit: Elective I

General Objective: Allow the student to complement their training in relation to

content required for optimal use of entrepreneurship opportunities found in their

Facilitator Profile: In accordance with the lecture to be taught.

Proposed Thematic Units:

 Emerging economic model: Communal Economic System

 Public policy opportunities for organizational entrepreneurship

 Evolution of modes of production in Venezuelan society

Learning Strategies: Presentations, exhibitions, debates, workshops, advice,

practical exercises, conferences by specialists from the business field,

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Evaluation Strategies: Continuous evaluation in relation to the learning

strategies addressed

Note: This Curricular Unit does not have recovery

Basic Bibliography: In correspondence with the objectives and contents

selected in each elective

Curricular Unit: Grade I Seminar

General Objective: At the end of the curricular unit, the student will be able to
carry out a research project following the established guidelines according to
the type of established methodology.

Professional Profile: Graduate in education, and professional in related areas

who masters various types of methodologies.

Curricular Unit Content

Unit 1. Types of research. Participatory action research , Qualitative Research,

Quantitative Research

Unit 2. Aspects that a research project should contain

Learning Strategies: Presentations, Exhibitions, Advances in physique,


Evaluation Strategies: Continuous evaluation of the advice carried out

throughout the academic period, presentation of the research project with the
guidelines established by the university

Note: This Curricular Unit does not have recovery

VIII Semester

Curricular Unit: Elective II

General Objective: Allow the student to complement their training in relation to

content required for optimal use of entrepreneurship opportunities found in their

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Facilitator Profile: In accordance with the lecture to be taught.

Proposed Thematic Units:

 Tourism as a leverage for sustainable development

 Agricultural activity to leverage sustainable development

 Oil, engine of Venezuelan society

 Integration as opportunities for entrepreneurship

Learning Strategies: Presentations, exhibitions, debates, workshops, advice,

practical exercises, conferences by specialists from the business field,

Evaluation Strategies: Continuous evaluation in relation to the learning

strategies addressed

Note: This Curricular Unit does not have recovery

Basic Bibliography: In correspondence with the objectives and contents

selected in each elective

Curricular Unit: Grade II Seminar

General Objective: Present the degree work in writing and orally, complying
with the specifications of the standards and guidelines established by the

Teacher Profile: The teacher of this unit must have experience in the topic that
the student develops, since he is the tutor and co-author of said research.

Curricular Unit Content

Presentation of the research work carried out, including the results, analysis,
conclusions and recommendations in compliance with the specifications of the
standards and guidelines established by the UNEFM

Learning Strategies: Consulting

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Evaluation Strategies: Continuous evaluation of the advice carried out

throughout the academic period, presentation of the degree work with the
guidelines established by the university

Note: This Curricular Unit does not have recovery

Basic Bibliography: Those established by the student and the tutor that allow
the research work carried out to be based.

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