AIMC2017-Template-initial-1 - Irma Rachmawati

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ASIA International Multidisciplinary Conference 2017

Title (Heading 1) Font 12 remaining font 10

Name of the Author1*a, Name of the Author2 b, Name of the Author3 c,
Name of the Author4 d, Name of the Author5 e,
a: Affiliation (Author 1)
b: Affiliation (Author 2)
c: Affiliation (Author 3)
d: Affiliation (Author 4)
e: Affiliation (Author 5)
*Corresponding Author Email:
Provide Abstract Maximum 300 words, One paragraph.(Italic)
Keywords: Provide Minimum 3 keywords separated by semicolon (e.g. Brand Loyalty; Customer Satisfaction;
Switching Cost)

1 Introduction
Paragraph text/ Tables Figures etc.
1.1 Sub Heading (if any)
1.2 Sub heading (if any)
Paragraph text/ Tables Figures etc.
2 Literature Review (Heading 1)
Paragraph text/ Tables Figures etc.
2.1 Sub Heading (if any)
2.2 Sub heading (if any)
Paragraph text/ Tables Figures etc.
3 Methodology/Materials
3.1 Sub Heading (if any)
3.2 Sub heading (if any)
Paragraph text/ Tables Figures etc.
4 Results and Findings
Paragraph text/ Tables Figures etc.
4.1 Sub Heading (if any)
4.2 Sub heading (if any)
Paragraph text/ Tables Figures etc.
5 Conclusion
Paragraph text/ Tables Figures etc.
5.1 Sub Heading (if any)
Paragraph text/ Tables Figures etc.
5.2 Sub heading (if any)
Paragraph text/ Tables Figures etc.

Acknowledgements: (If any)

This research work is supported by the Project (71372111) supported by NSFC.

All referencing styles are allowed. However, Authors must use ENDNOTE for References. Preferred Style is
APA for Humanities and Social Sciences, Others can use Vancouver style. Manual referencing is not allowed.

General Notes:

Article length should be between 6000 to 10000 words including figure table and references. Sample of table and
figure formatting is given under.

Sample of Table format

ASIA International Multidisciplinary Conference 2017

Table1. Model for Paper

Variables Observations Mean Median Maximum Minimum
ROA - - - - -
OPM - - - - -
CR - - - - -
Asset - - - - -
Gearing - - - - -
Total - - - - -

Sample of Figure

Figure 1. Model for Paper

Note: Tables and Figures should be adjusted within paragraphs text.

ASIA International Multidisciplinary Conference 2017

References (Normal Italic)

Aktas, N., Croci, E., & Petmezas, D. (2015). Is working capital management value-enhancing? Evidence from
firm performance and investments. Journal of Corporate Finance, 30, 98-113.
Deloof, M. (2003). Does working capital management affect profitability of Belgian firms?. Journal of business
finance & Accounting, 30(3‐4), 573-588.

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