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General Knowledge questions 2011 JETS fair

1. What name is given to the study of snakes ?

Answer: eptology
2. What is the former name of the ministry of Justice in Zambia?
Answer:Ministry of Legal Aid/Affairs
3. Who was the president of Mozambique killed in a plane crash?
Answer: Samora Masheal
4. Which date, month and year was Mwanawasa put to rest?
Answer: 3rd September, 2008
5. What name is given to a person with theft disorder?
6. Name the man who discovered the method of constructing a regular seventeen sided polygon.
Answer: Karl Fredrick Gauss
7. What name is given to a point where an earthquake occurs?
Answer: Epcentre
8. What system is used to measure the immune system of a human?
Anwers: CD4 count
9. The town Makasa was named after a white man called ….
Answer: Meauther
10. Who was the first vice president of Zambia?
Answer: Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe
11. Which ANC leader came to attend Nchwala ceremony recently?
Answer: Jacob Zuma
12. Which American president was killed after the civil war?
Answer: Abraham Lincoln
13. Who gave proof for finding the area , volume and the center of gravity of a circle, sphere, conics
and spirals?
Answer: Armstedam
14. Which farmous food was originated in Napals in 1720?
Answer: Pizza
15. What is the deepest falls in Africa?
Answer: Kalambo Falls
16. Which world leader was executed in 2006?
Answer: Saddam Hussein
17. Which former African leader pioneered the fight against HIV/AIDS?
Answer: Dr. Kenneth Kaunda
18. Which district is considered to be the biggest in Zambia?
Answer: Mpika
19. Which Copper Mine is considered to be the deepest in Africa?
Answer: Mufulira Copper Mine
20. Which rail line was commissioned by the two presidents Mr. Rupiah Banda and Dr. Mbingu
Answer: Mchinji Rail line
21. Who was the first president in the third Republic of Zambia?
Answer: Dr. Fredrick Chiluba
22. In which North African country, where citizens demanded for a civilian government and called
for the incumbent military president to resign?
Answer: Egypt
23. How long did the Egyptian revolution last?
Answer: 18 days
24. Who is the world ‘s greatest overland explorer?
Answer: Marco polo
25. What do we call the study of sound?
Answer: Acoustics
26. The initials www stands for….
World wide web
27. Which topic in mathematics is used when preparing food?
Answer: ratio and proportion
28. Who is the current UN secretary?
Answer: Ban- k- moon
29. Who was the first president of United State of America?
Answer: George Washingon
30. Who was the president of South Africa when Nelson Mandela was released from prison?
Answer: Fredrick W Deklerk
31. Who asked for the body of Jesus Christ to be laid in his new tomb?
Answer: Joseph Arithatea
32. How many years did Nelson Mandela spend in prison?
Answer: 27 years
33. Which African leader won the 1993 Nobel peace prize?
Answer: Nelson Mandela
34. Who is the University of Zambia vice chancellor?
Answer: Jacob Mwanza
35. How is Southern province deputy minister?
Answer: Elijah Muchema
36. Which country does the Zambian national team coach come from?
Answer: Italy
37. Which river is considered to be the biggest in the SADDC region?
Congo river
38. Who was the 43rd president of the United State of America?
Answer: George W Bush
39. Which African country is ruled by a female president?
Answer: Liberia
40. What was the first slogan of CELTEL?
Answer: let’s talk
41. What do we call a wheel used for measuring long distances?
Answer: Odometer
42. The shape of an egg is known as……
Answer: Ellipse, Ellipsoid or oval
43. Name any type of matter……
Answer: solid, liquid and gas
44. What form of transport is most expensive?
Answer: air transport (one attempt)
45. How many days has March in a leap year?
Answer: 31 days
46. Which town is known as the hub of the Copperbelt?
Answer: Kitwe
47. Which is the most populated country in Africa?
Answer: Nigeria
48. Who was the FIFA president when South Africa hosted the world cup tournament?
Answer: Sep Blatter
49. Which company in Zambia has been sold to Libyian investors?
Answer: ZAMTEL
50. The owners of mobile communication provider AIRTEL, originate from which country?
Answer: India
51. How many edges has a cube?
Answer: 12 (one attempt only)
52. Which Zambian politician proclaimed “Zambia shall be saved?”
Dr. Nervous Mumba
53. Which country will host the next world cup tournament?
Answer: Brazil
54. Who was the last vice president during Chiluba’s tenure?
Answer: Enock Kavindele
55. Which country hosted the 2006 Africa cup of nations?
Answer: Egypt
56. State whether true or false. Zambia is to the Northern side of Tanzania.
Answer: false (one attempt)
57. When was Levy Patrick Mwanawasa buried?”state the day month and year”
Answer: 3rd September, 2008
58. During the last fight, Esther Phiri fought a boxer from….
Answer: Colombia
59. Which coach did Herve Renard succeed?
Answer: Patrick Phiri
60. Which is the latest district in Northern Province?
Answer: Mafinga District.

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