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Does the Name Jesus mean Pig, Horse, Beast

and Son of Zeus?

By Roger Casco Herrera

Bible Teacher of Ministries Who is Jesus Christ?

Dear brothers, may the peace and order of the Lord be with each of you. On this
occasion, I am again interested in continuing to reveal the supposedly profound
false teachings that reveal the truth behind the Name of JESUS. The fanatics and
idolaters of Israel and even of Hebrew do not want to believe, they do not want to
accept the historical evidence that shows us that the New Testament was written in
Greek. And they continue to invent with their New Testament Hebrew versions.

Unfortunately, this proselytizing, heretical and blasphemous community, in addition

to being apostate, continues to distort the good sense of the existence of the name
of Jesus in the New Testament .

This ministry of biblical teaching and Christian research has the fundamental
purpose of contributing doctrinal information to the visitor and answering the
current questions that are tainting it.

The name of Jesus has no meaning, why? Well, it is a transliteration of the name
corresponds to JESUS in Spanish, BEWARE!!!! It is not Latin, the Latin language
has nothing to do with it here. You can easily verify it by reviewing the biblical
version that you have where the name of Jesus naturally appears and you will see
that on the first pages a note appears that identifies the manuscripts and their
language. that were translated, you will see that it only says Greek or Hebrew, or
Greek Hebrew and Aramaic, there is no Latin manuscript normally included in the
versions currently rated as the best.

Doesn't it seem curious that current and ancient versions continue to translate and
print the name of JESUS? This name is because it is a transliteration of the Greek
name from the NT. Jesus is not a blasphemous name, nor a pagan name, nor a
jerek, much less demonic and profane. Nor is it a Roman invention, nor a Vatican
invention, nor an error by the biblical interpreters of the REINA VALERA or any
other version that JESUS translates. If this were the case, read this carefully, the
inventors of the Greek name IESOUS would have been the same Jewish rabbis of
Jerusalem, the Septuagint version, a translation of the Hebrew Old Testament into
Greek, the rabbis had already translated the name of the Priest YESHUA from
Ezra 3:2 as IESOUS in this version created by the best 72 rabbis sent from
Jerusalem by the same High Priest between 300 and 200 years before the
appearance of Christ Jesus. Interesting truth!

Iesous's work on the Rabbinical Jewish Septuagint is nothing more nor less than a
completely professional and academic work. Likewise, the appearance of the
Greek name Iesous in the Greek manuscripts of the New Testament dating from
the 10th century after Christ. Likewise is the appearance of JESUS.

Many will say, yes, but the name of the Messiah is Yeshua, why don't we call him
that? Why Jesus and not Yeshua? Now I ask you, why do you know what his name
is? where did you read that his name was YESHÚA? In the new testament or the
old testament? Scholars agree that his Hebrew name was Yeshúa (not the
pronunciation Yashua). It is due to the historical evidence found in Greek and other
complementary variants of it. Jesus is the transliteration or equivalence of Iesous,
Iesous is the transliteration of the Hebrew name Yeshúa and the Roman
naturalization of this same name.

Dear brothers, the name of Jesus, Iesous, Yeshúa is the same, only in different
languages. No one should fear, or even doubt, the excellent origin we have of this
name in Spanish.

The Lord has given me the opportunity to write the book HIS NAME , I hope
through your support in prayer and support. This study contains the technical and
biblical answer to all these questions regarding the problem of the name of the
Lord in depth. After reading the book you will be able to give a forceful answer
about the different harmful variants against the name of JESUS. False teachings
that are being taught by the false rabbis and false messianic Jews that have

On this occasion, after this introduction I want to show you the epidemic that is
spreading through social networks and the Internet, from blogs to the websites of
entire churches that have allowed themselves to be contaminated with this corrupt
and anathema trash; What is this type of teaching doing? division, confusion,
misinform and corrupt sound doctrine and the gospel of Christ Jesus.

The example I will take is publicly available on the YAHOO ANSWERS page;
where a Lucy asks:

What does Jesus mean in Hebrew? Is it true that it is a nickname that means
"may his name be erased"?

I read that in a response right here, written by a Jew, it clarified that since at a
certain time they were forced to convert they gave that name to the Messiah... but
it was very surprising to me, I would like someone to clarify it for me, thank you.
3 years ago
Additional details

Thanks everyone, amazing answers...

To top it all off, a supposed Malaquiasisrael responds with authority and

extensive knowledge to the following, which to the detriment of many was
selected as the best response:
Friend, that is a good question, I am going to answer your question with
luxury and details, the meaning of Jesus is a third generation translation:

1st, original Hebraic Yahshua

2nd Greek: Jesus
3rd Latin: Jesus.

Friend, the closest word in the Hebrew dictionary for "Jesus" is:

* JE- He: Look! ,Strong's #: 1887.

* SÚS - which means: horse! Strong's #:5483.

So “Jesus” means: behold, a horse!

In Greek mythology there was a flying horse called: Pegasus/Pegasus/

Ie-sus, G-Zeus, He Zeus means: Son of Zeus. A horse is a beast, so the
false name Jesus is the true mark of the beast. If you look closely, Jesus
is the acronym: “Jehovah is Zeus.”
Friend, now comes the other part about the name of Jesus:

The “name” Jesus is the false, pagan and blasphemous “name” “Jesus”,
is the manipulated “translation” into Spanish of the invented, arranged
and arranged to deceive humanity' this erroneous name Iesous” (# gr.
Strong's: 2424). That “name”, which is better said, is a diction and
meaningless even in Greek; that is to say, that even in such a language it
lacks meaning, it has no semantics, completely lacking a relationship with
the verb «σώζω sózo: save» and the noun «σωτήρ sotér: savior (#s gr.
Strong's: 4982 and 4990 respectively).

That word, “Ιεσους”, was created, proposed and implemented in the

Kehil·láh HaRishonáh. All of this was implanted to erase the true name of
the Messiah Yahshua. In the same way “Jehovah” was a diction that
NEVER existed, was NEVER known OR used before 1518 CE, likewise
“Ιεσους”, was a totally UNKNOWN diction until in 125 CE, it was created,
presented and proposed as the Hellenic alternative of the name of the
Messiah, beginning in a period that spanned until 135 CE; Such a
proposal and subsequent implementation was carried out by the
Apologists, fanatical men in classical Greek philosophy, like ravening
wolves dressed as sheep, who secretly entered the Kehil·lah
HaRishonáh, even to make their conversion to the Messiah look more
"real", They even immersed/baptized; This means that even they received
the True Name, in other words, they profaned it and made the Name of
the Messiah Yahshua unclean just as they profaned the name of the
Father YAHWEH. due to wrong and altered titles and names.

I hope this answers your question and that you have a good time with the

As you have read, what do you think, dear reader? How far have they fallen?...
There is no valid, historical record, and even no professional and moral academic
that lends itself to saying such atrocities. If the name of Jesus is a translation from
Greek, what would it mean? As a respected doctor and Bible teacher said, these
are "bullshit."
They are saying that the name JESUS is an acronym (that is, an acronym made up
of two words) in both Hebrew, Greek and Latin. It is a harmful, destructive and
malicious response. Maybe they will believe that this is a great revelation but they
are very wrong. They even take binding and circumstantial references from
STRONG's dictionary as if to confirm their lie. As a student of Greek and Biblical
Hebrew, I must tell you that this DOES NOT EXIST, IT IS A LIE, IT IS A
DECEPTION, do not let yourself be part of these apostate movements.

1. JE - SUS is the same as "this is a horse or foal" in Hebrew.

2. IE - SOÚS is equal to "Son of Zeus" in Greek.
3. IE - SÚS is equal to "this is a pig" or a "Beast" in Latin.

I hope someone can understand that this is not real, it is a fiction that coincidentally
coincides with their corrupt ideas about the name of JESUS.

Dear brother, as I wish in the wonderful name of Jesus ó Yeshúa ó Gezú ó Iesus ó
Iesous ó Jésus ó Xia ó Issah ó Jezus ó Иисус ó 耶穌 ó यीशु ó イエス, etc... (All the
same name in different languages) that You can understand that what these false
teachers are teaching is a lie.

May the Lord keep us and continue to fill us with his holy spirit to discern all these
heresies, blasphemies, anathemas and apostasies. They talk about supposed
acronyms but in reality none of that is, simply erroneous interpretations that do not
exist... There is still time to repent, Jesus (Yeshua loves you). Peace and Holiness

Read more in Biblical Teaching and Christian Research Ministries Who is

Jesus Christ?

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