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Endometriosis: Current Commentary

Optimal Management of Endometriosis

and Pain
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Camran Nezhat, MD, Nataliya Vang, MD, Pedro P. Tanaka, MD, PhD, and Ceana Nezhat, MD

The pathophysiology of endometriosis-associated pain

involves inflammatory and hormonal alterations and
E ndometriosis is a hormone-dependent progressive
inflammatory disorder that develops when
endometrial-like tissue is formed outside of the uterine
changes in brain signaling pathways. Although medical
cavity. Chronic pain, infertility, and organ dysfunction
treatment can provide temporary relief, most patients
are the key clinical features.1,2 Approximately 5–10
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can achieve long-term sustained pain relief when it is

combined with surgical intervention. Owing to its com- million reproductive-aged women in the United States
plexity, there is an ongoing debate about how to suffer from endometriosis—the great imposter.2
optimally manage endometriosis-associated pain. We Because of its complex nature, it can take 6–10 years
believe optimal management for this condition requires: to diagnose endometriosis, and its symptomatology
1) possible egg preservation in affected young patients varies tremendously.1,2 Most patients experience
with and without endometriomas; 2) preoperative med- cyclic pelvic pain with menses, but some experience
ical suppression to inhibit ovulation and to avoid removal symptoms of noncyclic pelvic pain, such as dyspareu-
of functional cysts that might look like endometriomas; nia, dyschezia, and dysuria. Characteristically, pain
and 3) postoperative hormonal suppression to decrease severity does not correlate with the amount of endo-
recurrence, but this treatment should be modified metrial tissue formed. Many patients present only
according to disease severity, symptoms, and fertility with unexplained infertility. As Giudice states, “infer-
goals. tility results from the toxic effects of the inflammatory
(Obstet Gynecol 2019;134:834–9) process on gametes and embryos, compromised fim-
DOI: 10.1097/AOG.0000000000003461 brial function, and eutopic endometrium that is resis-
tant to the action of progesterone and is inhospitable
to embryonic implantation.”3 However, endometri-
osis can produce symptoms that mimic other diseases,
From the Camran Nezhat Institute, Center for Special Minimally Invasive and including irritable bowel syndrome; interstitial cysti-
Robotic Surgery, Palo Alto, the Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford,
and the University of California-San Francisco, School of Medicine, San
tis; vascular, musculoskeletal, neurologic, and psycho-
Francisco, California; and the Nezhat Medical Center, Atlanta, Georgia. logical diseases; obesity; anorexia; thyroid
The authors thank Drs. Farr Nezhat (Medical Director Nezhat Surgery, Weill dysfunction; autoimmune disorders; and heart dis-
Cornell Medical College of Cornell University), Gary Peltz and Lisa Saunders ease.
(Department of Anesthesia, Stanford University), Azadeh Nezhat and Mailinh
Vu (Camran Nezhat Institute) for assistance in manuscript preparation.
The etiology of endometriosis is still not fully
understood, but estrogen plays a major role in its
Each author has confirmed compliance with the journal’s requirements for
authorship. pathogenesis. A commonly accepted theory that
Corresponding author: Camran Nezhat, MD, Camran Nezhat Institute, Center
endometriosis is caused by retrograde menstruation
for Special Minimally Invasive and Robotic Surgery, Palo Alto, CA; email: was introduced in the 17th century by Ruysch, and this was later supported by Sampson.2 In the early
Financial Disclosure 1900s, Thomas Cullen recognized that endometriosis
Ceana Nezhat disclosed that money has been paid to them by Karl Storz and
Lumenis. The other authors did not report any potential conflicts of interest.
could invade pelvic nerves.2 One theory is that
endometrial-like tissue enters the peritoneal cavity
© 2019 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. This is an
open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons through the fallopian tubes, and this ectopic tissue
Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives License 4.0 (CCBY-NC-ND), persists by establishing its own blood supply to ensure
where it is permissible to download and share the work provided it is properly its survival and create a protective environment to
cited. The work cannot be changed in any way or used commercially without
permission from the journal. prevent the immune system from clearing the ectopic
ISSN: 0029-7844/19 tissue. In fact, the implant can attract inflammatory


cells, which further potentiates its growth. Moreover, Another source of pain is nerve fiber entrapment
this ectopic endometrial-like tissue is biologically within endometriotic implants.4 The cyclical sciatic
active outside of the uterus.3 pain, weakness, and sensory loss can all stem from
endometriotic entrapment of the sciatic, femoral, or
ENDOMETRIOSIS-ASSOCIATED PAIN lumbosacral nerve roots.9 There are numerous de-
scriptions of sacral radiculopathy occurring in pa-
The pelvis is highly vascularized and enervated,

tients with endometriosis, and there are even

which is why pain impulses from this region are
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processed and sent to the brain (Fig. 1).4–6 This, along descriptions of wheelchair-bound patients becoming
with multiple other factors, contributes to the pain fully ambulatory after treatment of infiltrative
syndrome that is associated with endometriosis. Peri- endometriosis.9
toneal fluid in women with endometriosis contains Central sensitization is another mechanism that
high levels of nerve growth factors that promote neu- promotes endometriosis-associated pain. Patients
rogenesis, the ratio of sympathetic and sensory nerve become highly sensitive to subsequent painful stimuli
fibers is significantly altered within endometriotic tis- because of endometriosis-induced neuroplastic
sue, and the nerve density within endometriotic nod- changes in descending pathways that modulate pain
ules is increased.7,8 Also, the cytokines and perception.10 In response to a subsequent insult (ie,
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prostaglandins produced by mast cells and other nephrolithiasis or peritoneal organ injury), women
inflammatory cells attracted to ectopic endometrial- can experience pain from endometriosis as a result
like tissue can activate nerve fibers and can trigger of inability to engage descending inhibition
nearby cells to release inflammatory molecules.5,6,8,9 pathways.10

Fig. 1. Pelvic nerve supply. Supe-

rior hypogastric plexus, which
contains sympathetic and sensory
afferent fibers from the uterus, is an
extension of the aortic plexus at the
fifth lumbar vertebra. This plexus
divides into right and left hypogas-
tric nerves that join the pelvic
splanchnic nerves from S2-S4. Pain
impulses from the uterus and cervix
travel through afferent sympathetic
nerves, which are found in the
uterosacral ligaments and postero-
lateral pelvis. These coalesce in the
midline as the superior hypogastric
plexus and travel to the dorsal root
ganglia of the spinal cord. These
pain stimuli are then processed and
sent to the brain. Illustration by
Edzhem Tombash and Camran
Nezhat. Used with permission.
(Adapted by permission from
Springer Nature: Nezhat C, Falik R,
McKinney S, King LP. Pathophysi-
ology and management of urinary
tract endometriosis. Nat Rev Urol
2017;14(6):359–72. Copyright 2017
Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of
Springer Nature. All rights reserved.)
Nezhat. Endometriosis and Pain. Obstet
Gynecol 2019.

VOL. 134, NO. 4, OCTOBER 2019 Nezhat et al Endometriosis and Pain 835
MEDICAL MANAGEMENT sitivity as a result of aberrant gene expression in the
Pain management should be individualized. The goal of eutopic endometrium that leads to progesterone
medical therapy is to reduce pain by decreasing resistance.13 For those unable to tolerate oral med-
inflammation as well as ovarian and local hormone ications, the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine
production (Table 1). Complete estrogen suppression system can reduce pain and recurrence.4,14 How-
may not be necessary to relieve endometriosis- ever, the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine sys-

associated pain.11 Medical treatment is usually not cura- tem does not inhibit ovulation and the recurrence
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tive but suppressive, and symptoms will often recur after of endometriomas. For those patients for whom the
therapy discontinuation. The recurrence rate of endo- previous options have failed, we recommend using
metriosis is highly variable, ranging from 4–74%.2,3 a gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist
Initial treatment is typically use of combined with add-back therapy to prevent bone loss and to
oral contraceptive pills, which are effective in ease side effects. Patients taking GnRH agonists for
decreasing pain as well as in preventing postoper- endometriosis may develop resistance, because
ative recurrence.12 For those who cannot tolerate or endometrial-like tissue expresses aromatase and
have contraindications to estrogen, progestins such produces its own estradiol.
as medroxyprogesterone acetate, norethindrone Our experience is mixed with GnRH antagonists,
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acetate, or levonorgestrel are indicated. However, aromatase inhibitors, and bazedoxifene along with
there are patients who have decreased receptor sen- conjugated estrogens. Some patients obtain pain relief

Table 1. Medical Treatment Options for Endometriosis-Associated Pain

Medication Characteristics Side Effects

Combined OCPs 1st-line Thrombotic risk, nausea, weight gain, breakthrough

Oral, patch, ring bleeding, depression, breast tenderness, headache,
Continual use (skip 7-d placebo) amenorrhea
Temporary relief, inexpensive
Decreases pain by 52%
Limited use in patients with migraines
Continual use decreases recurrence of pain after
surgical excision
Progestins Oral, depot injections, implant, IUD Weight gain
Temporary relief, inexpensive Decreased libido
Decreases severity of diarrhea, intestinal Depression
cramping, and passage of mucus in colorectal
Decreases deep dyspareunia Fluid retention
Develops resistance
IUD insertion decreases pain after surgical
GnRH agonists 2nd-line, must have diagnostic workup before Changes lipid profile, depression, hot flushes, bone loss,
administration urogenital atrophy
Depot injection, expensive
Temporary relief
Limited use up to 1-y with add-back therapy
Improves pain scores 60–100%
53% recurrence of symptoms after 2 y
Aromatase inhibitors Not FDA approved Hot flushes, myalgia, arthralgia
Use for those for whom other therapies have
Major side effects
Limited duration
GnRH antagonists Oral administration, expensive Mood changes, hot flushes, loss of libido, vaginal
Use limited to 6 mo dryness, mild decrease in axial bone density
Improves dyspareunia and dysmenorrhea
OCP, oral contraceptive pill; IUD, intrauterine device; GnRH, gonadotropin-releasing hormone; FDA, U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

836 Nezhat et al Endometriosis and Pain OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

from these medications, but others discontinue them with the 22% reduction when diagnostic laparoscopy
prematurely owing to high expectations of fast miti- alone was performed.16
gation of symptoms. Laparoscopic uterosacral nerve ablation to dis-
Since use was legalized in California, tetrahydrocan- rupt efferent nerve fibers has been tested. However,
nabinol and cannabidiol, either separately or in combi- multiple large randomized controlled trials did not
nation, present an alternative option. Patients frequently find it to be beneficial in reducing endometriosis-

prefer these compounds over opioids, and their use is associated pain. Complications of subsequent uterine
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associated with less nausea and constipation. The use of prolapse and intraoperative ureteral transection have
tetrahydrocannabinol or cannabidiol is especially bene- been reported with this procedure.16 In contrast, lap-
ficial for managing postoperative pain, and their use does aroscopic presacral neurectomy was 87% efficacious
not have the addictive concerns associated with opioid in reducing severe midline pelvic pain.2,4–6 We find
use. We use an enhanced recovery after surgery protocol this procedure especially effective in patients with
and highly discourage opioid use. mild or no endometriosis.17 The adverse effects asso-
Acupuncture is another potentially useful adjunct in ciated with presacral neurectomy are constipation and
treating the pain. It has been proposed to work by bladder and urinary symptoms.17 We perform presac-
activating descending inhibitory pain pathways while ral neurectomy in only about 1% of our patients.
centrally deactivating pain signals. Acupuncture also A prospective, multicenter cohort study of 981
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increases the pain threshold and leads to production of women with varying degrees of disease showed
neurohumoral factors such as dopamine, nitric oxide, significant postsurgical symptom improvement over
noradrenaline, acetylcholine, and others.15 In addition, 36 months in patients who underwent laparoscopic
it increases natural killer cells, thereby modifying excision of endometriosis. The most notable improve-
immune function and decreasing estrogen production.15 ment was seen in dysmenorrhea, with a 57% reduc-
Pelvic physical therapy has been shown in tion in symptoms; chronic pelvic pain and
a retrospective study to improve endometrial pain in dyspareunia were reduced by 30%. Owing to recur-
63% of patients after at least six sessions.4 Deep pres- rent pain, a second-look surgery was performed in 9%
sure massage, stretching pelvic floor muscles, joint of patients, and histologically confirmed endometri-
mobilization, foam rollers with breathing, and relaxa- osis recurrence was documented in 5%. Of these
tion techniques are the integral elements. patients, 7% benefited from medical therapy.18
Abbott et al demonstrated significant pain relief
SURGICAL MANAGEMENT (80%) after surgery compared with a placebo group
Surgery remains the mainstay in definitive diagnosis. (32%). They report progression of disease with
High-definition video laparoscopy with or without second-look laparoscopy in 45%, no change in 33%,
robotic assistance is the standard initial approach. In and improvement in 22% of patients. Twenty percent
our extensive experience, laparotomy is seldom neces- of cases were not responsive to surgery.18
sary. Excellent illumination with enhanced video mag- Several noninvasive diagnostic tests for endome-
nification enables better recognition of subtle lesions as triosis, such as BCL6 and endometrial function tests
well as the depth of infiltrative lesions. Depending on and blood and saliva tests, are becoming available.
the patient’s desire, location of lesion, availability of These tests are especially important for asymptom-
proper instrumentation, as well as the experience and atic infertility patients and for younger patients, for
skill of the surgeon, eradication of endometriosis can be whom we recommend egg preservation if possible.
achieved with surgical management techniques that We individualize management of ovarian endome-
include excision, vaporization, and ablation. The non- triosis and endometriomas based on the patient’s age,
surgical options discussed above can be used to supple- fertility desires, family history of ovarian cancer, and
ment surgical treatment for long-term results.4 type of endometriomas.4 For many infertility pa-
The best surgical approach for the treatment of tients, restoration of anatomy along with methodical
superficial endometriosis is controversial. A meta- and meticulous treatment of endometriosis can lead
analysis of randomized controlled trials involving 335 to natural conception or increase in overall in vitro
women demonstrated that excision of endometriosis fertilization success.19 The treatment of endometri-
was superior to coagulation in reducing dysmenor- osis needs to be thorough to be effective. We recom-
rhea, dyschezia, and chronic pelvic pain when eval- mend preoperative medical suppression to inhibit
uated at 12 months of follow-up.16 Laser ablation with ovulation and to avoid removal of functional cysts
layer-by-layer vaporization of endometriosis was that might look like endometriomas and possibly
shown to be 65% effective in reducing pain, compared decrease inflammation.

VOL. 134, NO. 4, OCTOBER 2019 Nezhat et al Endometriosis and Pain 837
We prefer conservative treatment for lesions of in the cervix. Up to one quarter of patients will
the rectum and rectal bulb close to the anal verge with undergo subsequent trachelectomy owing to pelvic
associated sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve pain or bleeding after hysterectomy. Tsafrir et al21
involvement. This can be accomplished by shaving demonstrated that the most common pathologic
excision and disc resection rather than through diagnosis and indication for trachelectomy was endo-
segmental resection (Fig. 1).5 Injury to the neurovas- metriosis. In a retrospective review after supracervi-

cular structures could lead to gastrointestinal and gen- cal hysterectomy, 18% of patients reported pelvic
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itourinary (GU) complications such as severe pain and 10% reported dyspareunia related to the
constipation, urinary retention, and loss of bowel or remaining cervix. These patients ultimately under-
bladder function (Fig. 1).5,6 went trachelectomy.22 In a review of trachelectomy
Untreated endometriosis of the GU system can samples, higher cervical nerve fiber density was
have dire side effects, such as silent kidney loss.6 Rad- found in women for whom pelvic pain was the pro-
ical surgical management of problematic GU endo- cedure indication compared with the control group
metriosis may require segmental bladder resection, who had nonpain indications.22 Laparoscopic trache-
ureterolysis, ureteral resection and reanastomosis, lectomy is indicated for endometriosis patients with
and ureteroneocystostomy with or without psoas hitch persistent pelvic pain after supracervical
(Fig. 1).6 hysterectomy.23
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For the perimenopausal patient who has com- Though deeply infiltrative endometriosis can
pleted childbearing but still desires conservative invade the superior and inferior hypogastric plexus,
treatment, we recommend surgical treatment of endo- as well as the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve
metriosis as well as endometrial ablation with salpin- bundles, surgical injury can lead to even more
gectomy to prevent future pregnancy and reduce the devastating effects. We use the Tokyo method to
risk of ovarian and fallopian tube cancer. We also preserve nerves supplying the bowel, bladder, and
recommend postoperative medical therapy and long- sexual organs. This nerve-sparing technique includes
term follow-up to monitor for recurrence. For patients separation and ligation of the vascular portion of the
who do not desire future fertility and have debilitating cardinal ligament while preserving the branches of the
symptoms for which other therapies have failed, we pelvic splanchnic nerves (Fig. 1).5,6 We have previ-
discuss the risk/benefit ratio of a hysterectomy with ously suggested leaving some rectal disease behind
bilateral salpingectomy as well as postoperative med- and opting for postoperative hormonal suppression.
ical suppression to mitigate recurrence. We inform This decreases the risk of injuring the rectum or its
patients that ovarian conservation is not optimally neurovascular bundle, which would necessitate a per-
effective owing to continued hormonal stimulation of manent colostomy (Fig. 1).5
microscopic endometriotic lesions. However, in Surgical treatment of endometriosis can be chal-
a young patient, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy in lenging owing to its highly vascularized, deeply
addition to hysterectomy without hormone therapy invasive nature. Endometriosis can distort the anat-
may lead to early-onset cardiovascular disease, oste- omy, leading to indistinct planes of dissection. To
oporosis, and urogenital atrophy. In patients with treat patients adequately, the surgeon must be com-
catamenial pneumothorax associated with thoracic fortable dissecting the retroperitoneal spaces. From
endometriosis, we recommend bilateral salpingo- our experience, it is evident that hormonal suppres-
oophorectomy when they have completed childbear- sion may decrease inflammation, allowing for less
ing and when risks of videothoracoscopy outweigh the bloody dissection and optimization of lesion excision.
benefits.4,20 Management of surgical menopause with We therefore recommend some form of temporary
estrogen alone can stimulate growth of endometriosis. hormonal suppression before surgery for patients with
Patients who have undergone hysterectomy with bilat- advanced endometriosis.24
eral salpingo-oophorectomy with subsequent adjuvant Postoperatively, these patients will still need an
combined estrogen and progesterone for endometri- individualized hormonal treatment plan to prevent
osis suppression were found to have a low risk (4%) of microscopic or residual endometriosis from flourish-
recurrence.20 On the contrary, when progesterone is ing. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists and
not used, the recurrence of endometriosis is 5–15%.2,3 progestins have been shown to significantly reduce
If removal of the uterus is indicated, we favor pain.14 Postoperative hormone therapy should
a total hysterectomy over a supracervical approach. include both estrogen and progestogen, because estro-
The rationale lies in the evidence of abnormally gen alone may stimulate growth of microscopic
increased nerve density in the endometrial implants disease.

838 Nezhat et al Endometriosis and Pain OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

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