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EDITION Approved by Produced by

General manager Risks prevention
Year 2019

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1. Introduction.

This emergency plan is aimed at safeguarding the integrity of both the workers, means of transportation and
the environment, which interact with the company Transportes Winkler.

Emergency Plans are a series of steps described in an administrative order that involves technical elements
and resources, both material and human, in addition to the assignment of administrative and technical
responsibilities, in order to achieve the purpose of reinforcing security conditions against to an adverse
event and thus be able to minimize the effects of an emergency, which translates into direct benefit to the
company's workers, the community and the environment.

2.- General Objective.

Organize the human and technical means available to reduce or control the possible effects of: accidents,
incidents or injuries to people, damage to facilities, interruption of activities or degradation of the
environment, in the event of an unwanted event.

3.- Specific objectives.

a) Create, educate and train all staff on how they should react and act in the event of an unwanted
event of any kind involving company vehicles.
b) Guarantee effective action in the event of an emergency.
c) Know the potential risks of incidents.
d) Protect and preserve property and assets against damage that may occur as a result of an
e) Minimize as much as possible the damage generated by an emergency to both people and material
assets of private, fiscal and/or own property.
f) Comply with the provisions related to security plans.

4.- Responsibilities.

The responsibilities in compliance with this contingency plan of the different levels of the company are
detailed below:

a) Driver: Drivers will have the responsibility of giving timely notice to the Fleet Chief when faced with
an emergency situation. You must provide all the information required according to the type of
emergency, physical location, affected people, most urgent needs, etc. He must ensure the correct
behavior of the crew and the safety of the personnel assigned to the vehicle. Collaborate with line
of command or authorities during an emergency.
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b) Auxiliary Personnel: You must immediately notify the driver in charge of the truck if you observe
any emergency or abnormal situation. Collaborate as necessary to avoid major losses, both to the
personnel involved, external personnel, and equipment and materials.
c) Fleet Manager: will coordinate internal and external communication elements and actions. As an
example, you must coordinate the company vehicles that will travel to the emergency, in addition
to coordinating with the emergency agencies to travel to the scene. (Carabineros, Firefighters,
Ambulance among others).
d) Risk Preventionist: Will be responsible; to disseminate the contingency plan and the preparation
and education of those involved. It will be your responsibility to provide all necessary support to
minimize the consequences of an emergency as much as possible. You will be responsible for
coordinating subsequent meetings to analyze and establish control measures, and you will also
have the responsibility of coordinating medical care, whether physical or psychological, for the
workers involved.
e) General Manager: Allocate the necessary resources to cover this Contingency Plan.

5. Classification of the emergency, internally, it has been classified into three different levels:

a) Beginning of the emergency (Yellow Alert): Situation that can be controlled and solved simply and quickly
by the personnel and with the means of protection that the company currently has (Example: Truck that has
smoke in one of its wheels, causing a fire to start that can be controlled with the fire extinguisher).

b) Partial emergency (Orange Alert): situation that requires the action and support of the Supervision line,
other areas of the company or civil protection entities to be mastered. (Example: Accident that requires
Carabineros de Chile personnel to attend for traffic control and/or a fire company in the sector).

c) Declared emergency (Red Alert): Situation whose control requires all of its own equipment and means of
protection to help or support external relief and rescue means. Incident that affects several vehicles.
(Example: Fire of a truck with fire programming towards forest areas. On this occasion you must help or
support Carabineros, Firefighters, Ambulances and if CONAF personnel are required).

6.- Types of Emergencies covered by the plan.

a) Fires.
b) Spill of dangerous substances.
c) Spills of non-hazardous waste (Solids and Liquids).
d) Failure of the equipment or vehicle en route, which prevents travel to the workshop.
e) Vandalism or street disorder.

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7.- Rules addressed to the workers of Transportes Winkler.

- Always remember: never put your life or the lives of others at risk.
- All personnel who witness an incident or observe unsafe or abnormal actions or conditions must
inform the fleet manager.
- Keep company contact numbers updated. (See annex No. 1).

8.- Operating procedure according to emergency situation .

These procedures establish the actions to be carried out by the Transportes Winkler staff, in order to
minimize the risk for users, company officials, residents and surrounding sectors.

It should be noted that the actions are limited depending on the magnitude of the incident and are
governed until the arrival at the scene of the Organizations specialized in the treatment of the incident, in
the case in question it will be Firefighters, Police, Ambulance, leaving our resources available to provide
support. according to the instructions they give.

a) Procedure in case of Fire .

Preventive Measures to minimize risks.

- Periodic preventive maintenance will be carried out on all company vehicles.
- Each truck must have its respective 6 kilo PQS fire extinguisher.
- Smoking is prohibited in company vehicles.

Corrective measures in case of Fire.

If you are involved in a fire threat, the following must be done:
- Driver must inform Supervision of the situation, indicating the kilometer in which he is located, if it
obstructs the road, if the smoke affects the visibility of the route, characteristics of the truck or
smaller vehicle, license plate, if there are people involved.
- The driver must ensure his safety and that of his assistant. If the situation gets out of control, he
must leave the truck, protecting his physical integrity.
- If possible, use a manual fire extinguisher.

The driver and assistant may comply with the following instructions:

- Remove the fire extinguisher from the space where it is stored.

- Remove the nozzle from the fire extinguisher hose.
- Remove the safety pin by pulling on its ring.
- Press the discharge handle.

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- Get as close as possible to the flames.
- Direct the discharge of the extinguishing agent to the base of the fire.
- Perform a sweeping movement covering the entire fire.
- If it is not possible to control the situation, request help from the fleet manager, who will inform
the corresponding emergency teams (Firefighters, Police and Medical Services), and will send
company vehicles to serve as support.
- Visualize and report the risks associated with the emergency (if there is transport of dangerous
substances in the vicinity, if the vehicle burns in the vicinity of a fuel supply center).
- It is recommended to change the extinguisher after use, informing the fleet manager, to update

b) Spill of dangerous substances.

Spill of dangerous substances is a disposal, dissemination or extension of a material, substance or

element that escapes from a container, which due to its danger implies a high and certain risk, beyond
the normal, for health, property and the environment. environment.

Personnel may only act on spills internal to the company, with known substances and on small spills,
which involve storage of small containers, a small cylinder or a small leak from a large container, not
exceeding 200 liters of spill.

c) Spill of dangerous substances (fuels) into surface water channels.

- The driver must inform the Supervision of the situation, indicating the kilometer in which he is
located, characteristics of the accident, if it hinders the normal traffic of the route, if there are
vehicles involved, if there are people involved and their number. Verify the amount of dangerous
substance spilled and the affected watercourse, as long as this does not imply a risk for the worker
verifying the situation.
- The fleet chief will immediately inform the external aid agencies (firefighters, police, among
others). Those who have the tools to control the situation.
- All necessary measures must be taken to protect the physical integrity of workers.
- The driver and assistants must provide all the necessary support to the Agencies in charge and seek
a solution to clear the stopped traffic, if this condition occurs.
- The General Management must grant all the necessary resources to mitigate and apply
compensation measures according to the magnitude of the spill, and as established by the
competent authorities.

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- If the spill does not affect waterways, the fuel and/or lubricant must be removed by applying an
absorbent agent to the site, and then make final disposal of the cleaning remains in an authorized

d) Waste Spill (Solid and Liquid).

In the event of a waste spill on public roads or highways, the truck driver must:
- The driver must inform the fleet manager of the situation, indicating the kilometer in which he is
located, the characteristics of the accident, whether it hinders normal traffic on the route, and
whether a traffic accident occurred as a result of the spill. Verify the amount of Waste spilled. You
must inform if you need technical assistance for the truck and subsequently try to confine the spill,
if this does not involve danger to the physical integrity of the same.
- The fleet manager must coordinate the necessary support to immediately attend the scene of the
accident. You must also activate communications with the manager and other stakeholders.
- The fleet manager must review the best way to clean and mitigate the effects of the affected area,
defining an emergency team, which will be in charge of cleaning the affected area, in order to
eliminate the danger derived from the incident.
- The truck assistants must collaborate as necessary, as long as this does not imply a risk to their
health, and with prior authorization from the fleet manager.
- All personnel of the Transportes Winkler company must follow the instructions of the civil
protection services (Firefighters, Police, PDI and others) in case they are present at the scene of the
- Personnel at the site of the spill, whether working or providing support, must at all times use all
personal protective equipment necessary for the activity. (Safety shoe or boot, disposable overalls,
safety gloves, goggles, safety helmet, reflective vest, mask, among others).
- In the event that the incident occurs on a concessioned route, those in charge of regulating traffic,
installing signage or narrowing the route if necessary will be the company in charge of the route, or
failing that it may be carried out by firefighters or police officers.
- The truck belonging to the Transportes Winkler company must carry a set of 07 cones with a
minimum height of 80cm, as well as an emergency beacon.

and) Failure of the equipment or vehicle en route, which prevents travel to the workshop.

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- The truck driver must report the situation to the fleet manager, indicating the details that allow
attendance at the location and together evaluate the situation, and determine the actions to be
taken if this is possible.
- It will be the driver's responsibility to remain in the truck until specific company personnel arrive if
it is possible to reach the place where the truck is located in a reasonable time.
- The fleet manager must coordinate the assistance of mechanics.
- The fleet manager must apply the accident procedure when necessary, due to damage to the truck
as detailed below:

Every time a vehicle suffers an incident, which requires reporting to the Insurance company,
the following documents must be submitted:
1.- Driver report with all the details of the accident:
Date, time, place, vehicles involved (Drivers, RUT, License Number, etc.).
Phone number and contact information of the affected third party. This report is issued by
the fleet manager.
2.- Photocopy of driver's licenses of both drivers.
3.- Photocopy of circulation permit and technical inspections.
4.- Police certificate (deadline 24 hours)

f) Vandalism or street disorder.

Personnel on the road may be exposed to vandalism on a daily basis. For this reason, the following
is established:
- The truck driver must immediately notify the fleet manager about the ongoing situation, indicating
the location, those affected, and details of the situation. Indicate if you need technical assistance
for the truck.
- The driver must stay inside the truck and not try to negotiate on his own with the organizers of the
- The fleet manager must coordinate the necessary assistance to provide coverage to the affected
workers. Go to the location or maintain telephone contact if you are prevented from approaching
the area.
- It will be the responsibility of the fleet manager to coordinate the arrival of specific organizations,
such as the Carabineros, to request help if the situation becomes uncontrolled, and workers are
exposed to aggression or damage.
- The Risk Preventionist must coordinate the necessary care in the event of injuries to workers.

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9.- Research.
- In this final phase, the assessment or dimension of the consequences produced by the emergency is
considered. It constitutes a task aimed at objectifying the real dimensions of the problem.
- Determine: What happened? What was damaged? How many and who were affected?
- As a first task, it is necessary to classify the type of emergency.
- Then the damages will be determined, that is, the harm or harmful effects caused by the
emergency. The above is verified according to the effects on people, infrastructure and the

Depending on the type of emergency and damage recorded, needs are generated to restore normality
to the affected area, with the collaboration of specialized personnel for each emergency.

To do this, depending on the type of emergency, it will be the fleet manager who must deliver a report
of the declared emergency and the actions taken, as well as an evaluation of whether it is necessary to
modify this Contingency Plan and its subsequent training for personnel.


Annex N°1- Telephone contacts.

Company Contacts.

- Company Manager: Lorena Teylorl Telephone number: +56 9 85297320

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- Prev. Risk: Mauricio Montiel Telephone number: +56 9 72188777


- Fleet Chief: Alex Winkler Telephone number: +56 9 85297303

Emergency contacts

- Mutual Security: Address Calle Urmeneta n° 895, Puerto Montt. Phone: (65) 2 328000
- Puerto Montt Clinic: Panamericana Sur Address, Puerto Montt. Phone: (65) 2 484800.
- Mutual Security Ambulance Distribution Center. Phone: (65) 2 345000.
- Puerto Montt Base Hospital: Address Los Oromos Street. Phone: (65) 2 362001
- Ambulance: 131
- Firefighters: 132
- Carabineros: 133

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