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Ismir Frostheave
Winter Eladrin, chaotic neutral

Armor Class 19
Hit Points 127(17d8+51)
Speed 30ft.


19 (+4) 21 (+5) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 18 (+4)

Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing,

and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Senses darkvision 60 ft, passive perception 13
Languages Common, Elvish, Sylvan
Spell save DC 16

Fey Step.
Step As a bonus action, Ismir can teleport up to
30 feet to an unoccupied space that he can see.
When used, one creature of his choice that he can
see within 5 feet must succeed on a Wisdom
saving throw or else be frightened of him until the
end of his next turn.
Winter's Touch Once per day, Ismir may cast Cone
of Cold and Ice Storm, and may also cast the
cantrip Frostbite for 2d6's worth of cold damage.
Sorrowful Presence If he so chooses, Ismir may
force any non-eladrin creature that starts its turn
within 60 feet of him to make a DC 13 Wisdom
saving throw. On a failed save, the creature
becomes charmed by him for 1 minute. On a
successful save, or after the effect ends, the target
is immune to the effect for 24 hours.

Hrimfang Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 A Knight of Frost and Sorrow
ft., one target. Hit: 1d10 slashing damage, and Eladrin are by nature mutable beings, shifting mood and
1d10 cold damage. season like leaves turning over in a breeze: an eladrin who
wakes one day in the bright joy of spring may wake the next
Reactions with the fiery heart of summer beating in their chest.
Ismir Frostheave has spent many long years in the icy grip
Frigid Rebuke. When Ismir takes damage from a
creature he can see within 60 feet, he can force
of winter.
that creature to succeed on a DC 16 Constitution
It is an old song now, passed mostly into legend, but the
saving throw or take 11 (2d10) cold damage. tale it tells is this: two souls met and fell in love, their hearts
twined around each other like the roots of trees, steady and
strong. One heart could not beat without the other as its
echo, and for many a season, their joy grew together. They
The Ghost of Winter fashioned a home for themselves, beneath the shaded boughs
Frost blooms on foliage, and grass grown brittle crunches of trees that were old when the world was young.
underfoot. Where a moment ago, the sun shone bright and But the Feywild is a strange and twisting place, and few
warm, a faint dusting of snow now swirls in the air. The good things last. The land of golden-boughed trees in which
breath from your mouth mists as you exhale. A harsh chill the lovers dwelled came under the sway of an Archfey who
bites at your skin. delighted in petty cruelties. One day, on a wicked whim, the
You have found yourself in a place where the weave of the new ruler demanded the heart of one of the two lovers as a
world grows thin, and a splinter of the Feywild is bleeding prize - as though it were a mere trinket - and when denied,
through - and with it comes a bitter winter. was incandescent with fury.
It is a sharp and jagged splinter, and it follows wherever
Ismir Frostheave goes like an icy shroud. Go with care, or it
might leave you bleeding.
As an act of vengeance, the two lovers were torn apart - one
cast into a realm unknown, and the other left to wander,
untethered from his home, searching for his beloved.
Swearing not to rest until they were together once more - and
swearing vengeance upon the one who tore them apart - they
say he is wandering still.
... Ismir has wandered for centuries, grown old inside his
own sorrow. The years have worn him thin, until all that is
left of him is frost and splinters and the razor-edged hope that
some day, he will find his beloved again. Clad in armour
wreathed in ice, and carrying a longsword that bleeds frost
along its edges, he is willing to go to any length to have his
heart be unbroken once more.
Frozen Ground
Wherever Ismir goes, his wintry fragment of the Feywild
follows him like a mantle, twisting the ground on which he
walks. Even should he step fully into the material world, the
chill goes with him, and being in his presence is to be gnawed
by frostbite.
Unless those in his presence are dressed in cold weather
gear, or have an immunity or resistance to cold, at the end of
each hour they must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving
throw or take a level of exhaustion. If Ismir is touched with
bare hands by someone who does not have immunity or
resistance to cold, they have to succeed on a DC 10
Constitution saving throw or take 1d4 cold damage, as his
very presence burns with frost.

Friend or Foe?
Ismir Frostheave is not by nature an evil or wicked
creature. But whether he works with or against the
party depends on how and why they interact with
Love lost and wandering. Ismir is desperately
searching for his lost beloved. If the party can offer
any aid in his quest, he may offer to return the
favour out of gratitude.
Icy vengeance.
vengeance Having lost so much, one of the
few things Ismir has left is his rage towards the
Archfey. If the party is also in opposition to the
Archfey, Ismir will stand with them - though he
may well do it entirely for selfish reasons.
Implacable fury.
fury Should he find that the party
stands between him and his goal - or that they are
in any way allied with the Archfey - he will not
hesitate to tear them down.

Copyright: Anna Landin | Image credit: Anna

1 Landin

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