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Accurate Inlet Boundary

Conditions to Capture
Combustion Chamber
and Turbine Coupling With

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Benjamin Martin1 Large-Eddy Simulation
Toulouse 31000, France The coupling between different components of a turbomachinery is becoming more
e-mail: widely studied especially by use of computational fluid dynamics. Such simulations are of
particular interest especially at the interface between a combustion chamber and a tur-
Florent Duchaine bine, for which the prediction of the migration of hotspots generated in the chamber is of
CFD Team CERFACS, paramount importance for performance and life-duration issues. Despite this need for
Toulouse 31000, France fully integrated simulations, typical turbomachinery simulations however often only con-
sider isolated components with either time-averaged constant value, radial profile or
Laurent Gicquel least frequently two-dimensional maps imposed at their inlet boundaries preventing any
CFD Team CERFACS, accurate two-way coupling. The objective of this study is to investigate available solu-
Toulouse 31000, France tions to perform isolated simulations while taking into account the effect of multicompo-
nent coupling. Investigations presented in the paper focus on the full aero-thermal
Nicolas Odier combustor-turbine interaction research (FACTOR) configuration. The first step of the
proposed method is to record conservative variables solved by the large-eddy simulation
Toulouse 31000, France
(LES) code at the interface plane between the chamber and the turbine of a reference
simulation. Then, using the spectral proper orthogonal decomposition (SPOD) method,
the recorded data is analyzed and can be partially reconstructed using different numbers
ome Dombard of frequencies. Using the partial reconstructions, it is then possible to replicate a realistic
inlet boundary condition for isolated turbine simulations with both velocity and tempera-
Toulouse 31000, France
ture fluctuations, while reducing the storage cost compared to the initial database. The
integrated simulation is then compared to the isolated simulations as well as against sim-
ulations making use of averaged quantities with or without synthetic turbulence injection
at their inlet. The isolated simulations for which the inlet condition is reconstructed with
a large number of frequencies show very good agreement with the fully integrated simu-
lation compared to the typical isolated simulation using average quantities at the inlet.
As expected, decreasing the number of frequencies in the reconstructed signal deterio-
rates the accuracy of the resulting signal compared to the full recorded database. How-
ever, isolated simulations with a low number of frequencies still perform better than
standard boundary conditions, especially from an aero-thermal point of view.
[DOI: 10.1115/1.4052099]

Introduction components by taking into account the flow unsteadiness at the

interface between components. The ability to mimic the complex
The coupling between different components in turbomachinery
dynamics of turbulent flows by a small number of the more ener-
is a topic of paramount importance for manufacturers. The behav-
getic modes is crucial to be able to analyze and model the com-
ior and performance of an isolated component can indeed be
plex physics with a low memory cost. Proper orthogonal
strongly altered when installed in the complete configuration,
decomposition (POD) is commonly used to extract spatially
reducing the expected performance and/or lifespan in some cases.
orthogonal modes from a series of flow snapshots at different
Numerically, it is possible to study these phenomena by perform-
times. In its standard form, POD [1,2] is performed in the time
ing integrated simulations of multiple turbomachinery compo-
domain, but it can also be formulated in the frequency domain. In
nents. However, unsteady simulations are often needed to capture
the frequency domain, the method is called spectral proper orthog-
the spatial and temporal interactions occurring at the interfaces.
onal decomposition [3]. The recovered modes vary in both space
And despite the constant progress of computational power,
and time and are orthogonal under a space–time inner product,
unsteady simulations of multiple components is still not conceiva-
which is well-suited to investigate the spatio-temporal coherence
ble as of today in a design phase for engine manufacturers. With
of the dataset. Thanks to the extraction of the most energetic fre-
this in mind, other options have to be considered to replicate the
quencies at the flow inlet, it is then possible to create unsteady
interactions between components at a lower cost.
inlet boundary conditions with realistic velocity and temperature
The aim of this study is to investigate the use of realistic bound-
ary conditions applied to simulations of isolated turbomachinery
Despite having the capability of investigating spatio-temporal
coherence from an initial database, the use of the spectral proper
1 orthogonal decomposition (SPOD) method still raises issues that
Corresponding author.
Manuscript received July 13, 2021; final manuscript received July 26, 2021; need to be considered. First, the choice of the inner product will
published online November 1, 2021. Editor: Jerzy T. Sawicki. affect the spectrum recovered by the SPOD method. In a

Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power FEBRUARY 2022, Vol. 144 / 021007-1
C 2022 by ASME
Copyright V
configuration aiming at investigating the combined effect of hot- In the following, a first configuration addresses both combus-
spot migration and swirled flow on the turbine aero-thermal prop- tion chamber and vanes at once (Fig. 1). This case has been shown
erties, the chosen inner product should at least associate the to accurately predict the effects of the flow and thermal nonuni-
velocity and temperature at the interface. Second, as mentioned formities generated by the combustor on the turbine [12].
earlier, to reduce the overall storage cost of the recorded database, For this specific LES prediction as well as for all forthcoming
partial reconstruction are created, hence raising the question on predictions presented in this work are performed using AVBP, a
the impact of the omitted information on the resulting inlet bound- massively parallel CFD code developed by CERFACS [13]. The
ary condition. Finally, the use of the SPOD method is significantly code solves the three-dimensional LES-modeled compressible
more complex compared to a standard boundary condition using Navier–Stokes equations based on a fully explicit cell-vertex for-

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time-averaged constant value or two-dimensional (2D) maps. The mulation. The Lax–Wendroff scheme is used for the discretization
benefits of this method should therefore be substantial in order to of the convective terms, providing second-order space–time accu-
be considered as a credible candidate to replace in some configu- racy [14], while the subgrid scale (SGS) viscosity lSGS is modeled
rations the standard boundary conditions. using the wall-adapting local eddy-viscosity model [15]. The LES
In a first part, the full aero-thermal combustor-turbine interac- explicit filtering is guaranteed by the use of a SGS model,
tion research (FACTOR) setup used to address the aforemen- accounting for a filter characteristic length equal to the cube-root
tioned issues is presented. The integrated configuration composed of the node volume. Both combustor walls and turbine blades are
of the combustion chamber and the stator of the high-pressure tur- multiperforated to ensure a proper cooling and to mimic the tech-
bine, which will be used as a reference, is at this occasion nological features of a real engine. The mass flow distribution of
detailed. Then, the flow topology of the integrated simulation is the different injections with their associated temperature and loca-
studied to correctly understand the complexity of the flow at the tion are shown in Fig. 2. To accurately reproduce the multiperfo-
interface between the combustion chamber and the turbine. In a ration patterns, effusion cooling at inner and outer liners in the
second part, the SPOD method is briefly introduced and used to chamber and on the NGV surface are modeled using a heterogene-
analyze the recorded database to extract its spectral properties. ous coolant injection model [16].
Different inlet boundary conditions are then generated through Meshes used contains 29.6 M cells in the plenum/chamber and
various partial use of the initial spectrum. Finally, the integrated 12.4 M cells for the NGVs. Refinement regions are enforced
simulation is compared with experimental data, isolated simula- around the swirler blades, combustor walls and turbine blades.
tions with standard inlet boundary conditions as well as isolated The maximum yþ is 120 for the swirler blades, 80 for the combus-
simulations using the partially reconstructed databases as inlet tor walls and 100 for the vanes (close to the trailing edges). All
boundary conditions. walls are considered adiabatic and in accordance with the yþ val-
ues in the domain, the near-wall region is modeled with a log-law
Reference Configuration wall function [17].
In agreement with the available experimental data, plenum and
The studied configuration is the high pressure turbine vane of cooling flow are defined as mass flow inlets, while the outlet
the FACTOR test rig. Dedicated to the investigation of the inter- boundary condition is defined as a pressure outlet. Both inlet and
actions of lean combustion chambers with the high-pressure tur- outlet boundaries are imposed using Navier–Stokes characteristic
bines, the FACTOR project has generated a large database around boundary conditions [8,18,19].
two state-of-the-art experiments: a trisector combustor studied at In terms of flow topology, the FACTOR configuration features
UNIFI [4] and a full annular combustor equipped with its turbine a PVC at 500 Hz generated by a swirled fuel injection system.
stage located at DLR G€ottingen [5]. The configuration is CFD- This swirled flow at a temperature around 500 K creates a hotspot
friendly as it features an annular periodicity of 18 deg with one that directly impacts NGV #2 of the turbine stage, as evidenced
combustor and two nozzle guide vanes. The swirler aligned with by a view of streamlines seeded from the swirler exit in Fig. 3.
the leading edge of the second nozzle guide vanes (NGVs). Many This organization of the flow can also be clearly seen in Fig. 4.
large-eddy simulation (LES) of the combustion chamber either The black region shows an isosurface of low static pressure to
isolated or within integrated computations along with the turbine highlight the PVC. Additionally, the isosurface of Q-criterion
are available [6–11]. Downstream of the swirler (Fig. 1), the flow reveals the strong turbulent activity at the guiding duct exit, which
field features a central recirculation zone in the combustion cham- is then transported to the combustion chamber exit. This turbulent
ber and the breakdown of the swirler generates a processing vor- activity is still present throughout the turbine vanes. The isosur-
tex core (PVC), which is characteristic of this kind of fuel face also shows the cold flow injected via the heterogeneous mul-
injection system, used to anchor the flame. In the chosen configu- tiperforation. Regions with vortices at 300 K are located close to
ration, the NGVs are positioned so that the hot streak exiting the the combustor walls (both hub and shroud) and around the turbine
swirler impacts the leading edge of vane #2. Because of the swirl- vanes.
ing motion generated by the fuel injection system, the combustion This strong turbulent activity and thermal nonuniformities at
chamber exit features high levels of turbulence (turbulence inten- the turbine inlet motivates the choice of the FACTOR configura-
sity up to 20%), as well as residual swirl and temperature nonuni- tion to study the impact of turbine inlet boundary condition
formities [12]. All of these characteristics make isolated turbine
simulations with realistic inlet conditions quite difficult to

Fig. 2 Mass flow and temperature distributions of the different

inlets. Contours on the walls represent the multiperforation
Fig. 1 Fully integrated FACTOR configuration patterns.

021007-2 / Vol. 144, FEBRUARY 2022 Transactions of the ASME

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Fig. 3 View of the streamlines seeded from the swirler colored
by total temperature
Fig. 6 Mean total temperature and total temperature RMS (K)
at midspan of the turbine NGV section: (a) Ttot and (b) Ttot,rms

First, to better apprehend this simulation time tsim with respect

to the flow physics within the configuration, two characteristic
times are recalled, the domain through-flow time (between the
swirler exit and the turbine exit), sdomain ¼ 11 ms, and the turbine
through-flow time (between the turbine entry and exit),
sturbine ¼ 0:65 ms.
The total simulation time tsim can then be compared to these
two characteristic times yielding

tsim ’ 9sdomain ’ 154sturbine (1)

Fig. 4 Instantaneous view of the turbulent activity in the inte-
grated simulation: precessing vortex core in black (isosurface
of low static pressure) and turbulent eddies (isosurface of
Confirming that statistical convergence is as required in light of
Q-criterion) colored by static temperature usual recommendations. The conservative variables are recorded
at the chamber/turbine interface at a sampling time dt0 ¼
5:0  106 s (equivalent to 100 physical timesteps), which gives a
modeling. These observations are confirmed by the contours of total of 20 000 snapshots during tsim . Using the two characteristic
axial velocity and total temperature as well as the corresponding times introduced above, the following relationships are obtained:
root-mean-square (RMS) values at midspan of the turbine NGV sdomain ¼ 2200dt0 and sturbine ¼ 130dt0 . The position of the
section (Figs. 5 and 6). It clearly shows the strong turbulent activ- recorded plane is shown in Fig. 1 in green (interface between the
ity as well as the complex temperature fluctuations in the turbine chamber and the NGVs).
stage. Second, to confirm that the simulation time is sufficient to reach
a satisfying statistical convergence, the spatial averages of the
Database Generation and Spectral Proper Orthogonal RMS values for the axial velocity and static temperature at the
Decomposition inlet are computed from the recorded plane snapshots and are
plotted against the averaging time duration in Fig. 7. It shows that
To generate the database needed to build realistic inlet bound- tsim is indeed more than sufficient in to obtain converged values.
ary conditions for isolated simulations, the integrated simulation
is run for tsim ¼ 0:1 s.

Fig. 7 Spatial averages of the RMS values for the axial velocity
and static temperature at the turbine inlet. The black dashed
Fig. 5 Mean axial velocity and axial velocity RMS (ms21 ) at lines correspond to the final value for an averaging time of
midspan of the turbine NGV section: (a) u and (b) urms 0:1 s.

Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power FEBRUARY 2022, Vol. 144 / 021007-3
As stated in the introduction, different methods are available to The main outcome of SPOD is a spectrum as shown in Fig. 8 for
perform a modal decomposition of the initial high-dimensional the FACTOR interface database. It is obtained from the SPOD
system. POD can be considered. However, in its standard form, method detailed in Refs. [3] and [22]. The matrix containing all
POD operates in the time domain by decomposing the flow field the snapshots of the database is multiplied by itself using the
in a sum of products of spatially orthogonal modes and temporal aforementioned inner product. In this method, a discrete Fourier
coefficients with random dependency. The PVC impacts the transform is then performed on the resulting matrix, for which an
NGVs periodically. There is thus a strong time dependency that eigenvalue problem is solved. Note that in this study, the goal is
may not be correctly captured by POD. By providing orthogonal to build various inlet conditions using partial reconstruction of
modes in the spatio-temporal domain at each discrete frequency, the initial database, so only one mode is computed in this case,

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the SPOD is therefore well-suited for the present configuration. A hence using only one block in the Welch method to maximize
link between a spatially varying information and frequency is fur- the spectral discretization. The different partial reconstructions
thermore very often needed for appropriate understanding of com- will yield multiple instantaneous snapshots corresponding to
plex or turbulent flows. Note that the link between SPOD and realistic turbulent inlet boundary condition but with a reduced
dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) [20] has been looked into storage cost. As it can be seen in Fig. 8, the spectrum recon-
[3] and “for stationary data, SPOD modes correspond to opti- structed from SPOD highlights the presence of the PVC with a
mally averaged DMD modes computed from an ensemble of peak at 500 Hz in accordance with other simulations. Its first har-
stochastic realizations of a process” [21]. For these reasons, the monic is also visible in the spectrum. Additionally and to give a
unsteady database consisting of instantaneous snapshots of better understanding of the spatial mark of the PVC, the first and
the turbulent flow extracted at the combustor/turbine interface in unique mode of the SPOD is shown at 500 Hz for the tempera-
the integrated simulation is analyzed using SPOD as described in ture and axial velocity in Fig. 9. It clearly displays two very dis-
Refs. [3] and [22]. tinct behaviors. For temperature, two regions in the hub and
From the original derivation of Ref. [23] and to preserve the shroud vicinities are in phase opposition (two regions with oppo-
space/time correlation among all variable of interest, the com- site sign in Fig. 9(a)). For the axial velocity, the mode is more
pressible energy norm E is used to take into account the density chaotic with multiple regions of varying intensities in phase
and temperature fluctuations [22] opposition (Fig. 9(b)), hence highlighting the complexity of the
" # flow induced by the PVC.
1 a0 2 q02 q R T 02 To perform isolated simulations, note that the recorded data-
02 02 02
E¼ qu þ qv þ qw þ þ (2) base can simply be directly imposed at the inlet of the isolated tur-
2 cq ðc  1ÞT
bine LES prediction. But from this initial spectrum, it is also
possible to reconstruct other inflow conditions with portions of
where q is the density, u, v, w are the three components of veloc- frequency ranges (partial reconstruction) to reduce the storage
ity, T is the static temperature, a0 is the sound speed, c is the spe- cost. It also offers the opportunity to study the effect of the partial
cific heat ratio, R is the gas constant, _ corresponds to the local reconstruction on the isolated simulation. This is specifically
temporal averaging operator and 0 the local temporal fluctuations detailed in the section Building Turbulent Inlet Boundary
relative to the local temporal average. Conditions.
The vector of the realizations of the flow fluctuations q there-
fore contains five quantities and the appropriate weighting matrix
W for the inner product between flow realizations is defined from Building Turbulent Inlet Boundary Conditions
the compressible energy norm E of Eq. (2) as As stated above, the aim of this study is to be able to perform
2 3 an isolated turbine LES simulation based on a restrained domain
a0 2 as shown in Fig. 10 while taking into account the coupling with
2 03 6 … 0 7 the chamber located upstream of the blades. In such a configura-
q 6 cq 7
6 u0 7 ð 6
6 q ⯗ 7
7 tion where a swirled hot flow directly interacts with the NGVs, a
6 07 1 6 7 strong importance of the PVC on the temperature distribution at
q¼6 7
6 v 0 7; W ¼ 2 6 q 7dV (3)
4w 5 V6 ⯗ q 7 the blade surface is to be expected. Different choices can be made
6 7 in terms of information imposed at the inlet. The objective is here-
0 6 q R 7
T 4 0 … 5 after to evaluate the impact of such choices on the isolated LES
ðc  1ÞT prediction.
To do so, six new inflow signals are constructed from the
SPOD spectrum by placing an energy cutoff or a bandpass filter at
different levels, as shown in Fig. 11, resulting into:

Fig. 9 Nondimensional amplitude of the first SPOD mode at

Fig. 8 SPOD spectrum 500 Hz: (a) static temperature (K) and (b) axial velocity (ms21)

021007-4 / Vol. 144, FEBRUARY 2022 Transactions of the ASME

injection of synthetic turbulence. Finally, “0” corresponds to a 0D
inlet for which only a scalar is imposed, where as “2” corresponds
to 2D, meaning that a 2D map is imposed at the inlet.
For cases T0 and T2, the velocity fluctuations are injected in
the computational domain at the inlet using synthetic turbulence.
The fluctuating velocity field is obtained from a sample of random
Fourier harmonics. Then this spatio-temporal signal is then added
to the mean boundary flow using Taylor’s assumption with a fro-
zen turbulence approach [25,26]. Note that this field does not sat-

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isfy the Navier–Stokes equations: it only satisfies the continuity
Fig. 10 Isolated NGV configuration equation and its spectrum is fixed and differ from the reference
The first indicator which will be looked at is the memory
required to store inlet boundary information in each case. As
stated above, for the integrated simulation, the quantities are
exchanged at chamber/turbine interface and it does not require
any storage. The database generated by recording the quantities at
the interface contains 20,000 temporally equally spaced snap-
shots. The size of this database is thereafter the reference to com-
pare the memory requirement of each inlet conditions.
From cases F1–F6, the inlet condition is generated from a par-
tial reconstruction of the initial database by choosing only the fre-
quencies in the SPOD spectrum above a certain threshold. For
case F1, the entire database is kept, hence giving 10,000 frequen-
cies in total. As a result, the memory compression is only 50%
(10,000 fast Fourier transform (FFT) coefficients are stored for
each node of the inlet boundary condition compared to 20,000
snapshots). From F2 to F6, the reconstruction is only partial with
a decreasing number of frequencies in each case. For these cases,
only the FFT coefficients of the chosen frequencies are stored
which explains the increase of memory compression.
Fig. 11 SPOD spectrum with the associated threshold for
cases F1, F2, F3, F4, and F6 and the limits of the bandpass filter For case S0, only four scalars need to be stored, hence the
for case F5 memory cost is close to zero. It is the same for T0, with the addi-
tional scalar for the velocity RMS. Finally, for S2 and T2, an aver-
aged 2D map is stored for each quantity imposed at the inlet. As a
 F1: contains the entire initial spectrum with a total of 10,000 result, it is equivalent to storing 1 flow snapshot. The values of
frequencies, memory compression and selected frequencies (for cases for
 F2, F3, F4, and F6: correspond to an energy cutoff set at which it is relevant) are summarized in Table 1.
103 ; 102 ; 101 , and 1, respectively, retaining a decreasing Finally, for all the cases for which the inlet conditions is recon-
number of frequencies, structed from the initial database, the total energy contained in the
 F5: relies on a band-pass filter around the PVC frequency at reconstructed spectrum is indicated in the same table.
500 Hz and its first harmonic. As stated above, the memory compression for the partial recon-
structions is an important factor to reduce the size of the initial
These six cases using an inlet boundary condition generated
database. However, to justify the use of the presented method, the
from the recorded database are furthermore compared to more
computational resources required for isolated simulations using
simple and traditional boundary conditions:
the realistic SPOD boundary condition should remain lower than
 S0: the inlet boundary condition is defined by specifying a the complete simulation of the combustion chamber and the tur-
constant scalar value for each quantities imposed at the inlet, bine. In this regard, the CPU cost of each simulation for the same
i.e., the three moments (qu,qv and qw) and the temperature. simulation time is compared in Table 2 for the reference inte-
The scalars imposed are constant in space and time. grated simulation and for the two types of boundary conditions
 T0: the imposed quantities are identical as S0, with the addition (BC). The standard one, which corresponds to the average CPU
of velocity RMS randomly generated and added to create tur- cost of cases S0, T0, S2, and T2, simply uses time-averaged con-
bulent activity. The turbulence is injected via a synthetic stant value or 2D maps. The realistic BC cases using the SPOD
approach proposed by Guezennec et al. [24]. The velocity approach correspond to the average CPU cost of cases F1–F6. As
RMS is obtained from the integrated simulation by performing it can be seen with the relative difference values, the use of the
a temporal and spatial average of its value at the interface. proposed realistic boundary condition causes a 8.9% increase in
 S2: the inlet condition is imposed from a 2D map issued computational cost. Note that this increase in cost is not dependant
from the database temporal average of the needed quantities of the number of frequencies selected in the partial reconstruction.
without RMS. Nevertheless, the cost increase remains much lower than the refer-
 T2: it is identical to S2 with an additional 2D map for veloc- ence integrated simulation, showing a clear benefit of the proposed
ity RMS that are then used to randomly generate local turbu- BC. In the cases with realistic BC, the values of the database are
lent activity at the inflow. The 2D map of velocity RMS is read and imposed at each node of the turbine inlet, which causes
obtained from a temporal average only of the data recorded the cost increase compared to standard boundary conditions.
in the integrated simulation. Unlike case T0 the value of
velocity RMS used to generate the synthetic turbulence is
not constant in space. Results and Discussion
Note that in the nomenclature of the traditional boundary cases, Integrated Simulation: Validation and Comparison With
“S” stands for steady boundary condition without turbulent injec- Experiment. To validate the chosen numerical setup, the inte-
tion and “T” stands for turbulent boundary condition with the grated simulation used as a reference in the rest of the paper is

Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power FEBRUARY 2022, Vol. 144 / 021007-5
Table 1 Number of frequencies of the partial reconstruction, memory compression of each case relative to the initial database
and total energy contained in the reconstructed spectrum when applicable

SPOD frequencies Memory compression Total energy contained in the reconstructed spectrum

Ref. — 0.00% —
F1 10000 50.00% 100%
F2 1172 94.14% 99.06%
F3 497 97.52% 90.31%
F4 72 99.64% 44.45%

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F5 42 99.79% 27.30%
F6 1 99.99% 11.89%
S0 — 100.00% —
T0 — 100.00% —
S2 — 99.99% —
T2 — 99.99% —

Table 2 CPU cost comparison of the reference simulation and

isolated simulations with standard boundary conditions with or
without turbulence injection (BC) and realistic SPOD BC

Relative difference
Nondimensional CPU compared to the
cost for the 0.1 s simulation standard BC

Ref. 3.375 þ237.5%

Standard BC: 1.0 —
S0, T0, S2, T2
Realistic BC: 1.089 þ8.9%
F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6

Fig. 13 Time-averaged total pressure and total temperature on

plane 41: (a) total pressure—experiment, (b) total pressure—
first compared to the available experimental data at planes 40 and integrated simulation, (c) total temperature—experiment, and
41 (Fig. 10). For the total pressure, since the inlet total pressure is (d) total temperature—integrated simulation
slightly different to the experiment alone, the total pressure is
scaled by the averaged inlet total pressure (142,580 Pa for the
experiment and 148,075 Pa for the integrated simulation). As can (Fig. 13), the contours obtained from the integrated simulation
be seen in Fig. 12, there is a good agreement between the two differ more. The drop in total pressure generated in the wake of
cases at plane 40 for temporally averaged variables. The topology the NGVs obtained in the simulation is more pronounced com-
of the flow is well recovered by the simulation with a low pressure pared to the experiment. However, the overall shape is well-
region at the center of the vane which is a marker of the residual recovered although a slight deviation close to the hub is observed.
swirl generated by the swirler. The hotspot region highlighted by For the total temperature, the agreement with the experiment is
the presence of high values of total temperature contours are also very satisfying. The absolute values of total temperature are anal-
similar, with comparable shapes and positions. For plane 41 ogous and the regions of low total temperature are matching.

Isolated Simulations: Comparison With the Integrated Sim-

ulation. Before comparing the results obtained with a recon-
structed turbulent inlet boundary condition, it is worth looking at
the reduced mass flow rate, total pressure and temperature drops
throughout the NGV stage in each case between plane 40 and the
Q RTtot
Table 3 Reduced mass flow rate Qr 5 40 L2
(with Q the mass
flow rate, R the gas constant and L the midradius of the
turbine), ratio of total pressure and total temperature along the
turbine stage

Qr P40 Out
tot =Ptot
Ttot Out

Ref. 0.00877 1.112 1.034

F1 0.00877 1.112 1.034
F2 0.00877 1.112 1.034
F3 0.00877 1.112 1.034
F4 0.00878 1.111 1.034
F5 0.00877 1.110 1.033
F6 0.00877 1.109 1.034
S0 0.00878 1.103 1.023
Fig. 12 Time-averaged total pressure and total temperature on T0 0.00875 1.108 1.022
plane 40: (a) scaled total pressure—experiment (partial), (b)
scaled total pressure—integrated simulation, (c) total S2 0.00877 1.111 1.032
temperature—experiment, and (d) total temperature— T2 0.00875 1.110 1.029
integrated simulation

021007-6 / Vol. 144, FEBRUARY 2022 Transactions of the ASME

outlet (the planes are defined in Fig. 10). This is done to check Table 4 Spatial average of axial velocity and total temperature
that the inlet boundary condition chosen for the different cases RMS on planes 40 and 41
does not affect the simulated operating point, which could distort
the conclusions obtained by the comparisons. The results are Plane 40 Plane 41
shown in Table 3. It is clear that each operating point resulting
h urms i h Iu i h Ttot;rms i h urms i h Ttot;rms i
from the considered isolated simulations is very close to the refer- (ms1) (%) (K) (ms1) (K)
ence integrated simulation. All reduced mass flow rates are within
a 0.2% difference compared to the reference, which is not surpris- Ref. 12.91 28.28 33.01 18.80 22.81
ing since the conservative quantities are imposed at the inlet. F1 12.85 28.24 33.04 18.83 22.79

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Regarding the inflow to outflow condition ratios, they are calcu- F2 12.86 28.27 33.06 18.84 22.77
lated as a mass-flow weighted spatial and temporal average. Some F3 12.75 28.03 33.18 19.19 22.93
differences are observed for these two ratios, especially for F4 8.53 18.72 26.54 17.78 25.05
Ttot Out
=Ttot . This can be explained by the properties of the flow. For F5 6.75 14.82 20.72 15.46 22.74
instance, it is not surprising to see that case T0 produces the lower F6 3.40 7.45 12.17 11.53 18.20
drop in total temperature since the turbulent activity is less pro- S0 0.96 2.09 2.22 6.73 4.95
nounced for this case because of the chosen inlet boundary condi- T0 12.71 27.92 2.89 8.65 10.09
tion, hence reducing the overall loss generation.
S2 0.96 2.11 2.10 7.10 6.34
As mentioned above, being able to reproduce the effects of the
T2 11.78 26.04 9.79 17.44 14.96
chamber with a realistic boundary condition is valuable. But it is
important to verify that the information injected at the inlet is cor- Spatial average of turbulence intensity on plane 40. The color of the values
rectly transported and behaves as in the integrated simulation up to are determined by their relative difference compared to the reference.
the turbine entry. In this regard, the evolution of turbulent kinetic Green for relative differences lower than 5%, orange between 5% and
energy (TKE) for all cases from the inlet to the turbine entry is plot- 20% and red for relative differences greater than 20%.
ted in Fig. 14. The TKE is spatially averaged over the complete plane
of each x position. For cases F1, F2, and F3, it shows that the level significantly below the reference curve (20%–35%, Fig. 14). The
of TKE at the turbine entry is very comparable to the reference level. underlying reason is that for the synthetic turbulence approach,
When the number of frequencies is the SPOD reconstruction is the assumption of homogeneous turbulence is made, meaning that
decreased (F4, F5, F6), the level of TKE is much lower. Finally, for the levels of h vrms i and h wrms i are comparable to h urms i. How-
the two cases using the synthetic turbulence injection (T0 and T2), ever, for the reference case and for cases F1–F3, the flow turbu-
the level of TKE is also lower than the reference. lence is anisotropic, with h vrms i=h urms i ’ 1:16 and
To further appreciate the differences introduced by the choice h wrms i=h urms i ’ 1:17, which implies a greater TKE at the tur-
of the inlet boundary condition, average velocity and temperature bine entry. Note that this could have been avoided if the RMS
RMS are compared in each case for planes 40 and 41 and the tur- value chosen for the isotropic turbulence had been
bulence intensity is also given at plane 40 (Table 4). Since plane 2
40 is directly located downstream of the inlet, the properties 3 ðh wrms iref þ h wrms iref þ h wrms iref Þ instead of h urms iref only.
obtained for this plane are almost exclusively impacted by the
inlet boundary condition. It can be seen that the cases for which a
relatively high number of frequencies (full reconstruction for F1)
are kept in the reconstruction (cases F1, F2, and F3), the RMS val-
ues are very comparable to the reference. For F4–F6, the RMS
values are slowly decreasing. Unsurprisingly, for the two cases
with no turbulence injection (S0 and S2), RMS values are very
low for both velocity and temperature. Finally, for the two cases
with turbulence injection (T0 and T2), the velocity RMS is close
to the reference since this value has been specified in the boundary
condition parameters. Note that even if the values of h urms i for
T0 and T2 are comparable to the reference, their level of TKE is

Fig. 14 Evolution of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) from the Fig. 15 Axial velocity RMS (ms21 ) comparison at plane 40: (a)
inlet to the turbine entry. The TKE is normalized by the maxi- ref., (b) F1, (c) F2, (d) F3, (e) F4, (f) F5, (g) F6, (h) S0, (i) T0, (j) S2,
mum of TKE of the reference case. and (k) T2

Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power FEBRUARY 2022, Vol. 144 / 021007-7
This will be fixed in a later study. Lastly, since the turbulence the coupling with the combustion chamber. Finally, for cases
injection method used in this case does not generate temperature F4–F6, the velocity RMS levels are significantly lower compared
fluctuations, the temperature RMS are much lower compared to to the reference but also compared to the cases with synthetic tur-
the reference. bulence injection. However, in terms of temperature fluctuations,
To better understand the differences introduced by the choice the behavior is more satisfactory since levels are closer to the ref-
of the inlet boundary condition, RMS of axial velocity and total erence with a pattern similar to the reference one. This confirms
temperature on plane 40 are presented for each case in Figs. 15 that capturing the effect of the PVC on the velocity/temperature is
and 16. Firstly, in the reference simulation, a region of high RMS of importance.
is observed in the center of the channel. This is due to the PVC As an additional comparison, the time-averaged axial velocity

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creating a recirculation zone and generating high turbulent fluctu- in plane 40 is shown in Fig. 17. For the three cases, the repartition
ations in this region. and amplitude of the velocity are very similar. This is not surpris-
Additionally, in accordance with the average values of Table 4, ing since for cases F1–F6, the velocity fluctuations generated
velocity fluctuations are indeed injected in cases T0 and T2. Note from the SPOD spectrum are superimposed to the mean flow.
that the pattern observed in Fig. 15(i) is an artifact of the synthetic Finally, to present a more quantitative comparison of the cases,
turbulence injection method and is linked to the presence of the the radial profiles of total temperature with the RMS envelope at
blade close to the inlet, hence invalidating the hypothesis of iso- plane 40 are given in Fig. 18. Cases F3, F6, and T2 are compared
tropic turbulence considered in the method. With the 2D map of to the reference. As already observed in the 2D comparison, if the
T2, the boundary condition is also not able to accurately repro- number of frequencies used in the partial reconstruction remains
duce the topology of the reference integrated simulation. Further- high enough, the boundary condition accurately reproduce the
more, as stated above, since the synthetic turbulence does not effect of the chamber at the turbine entry. As a result, in the refer-
inject temperature fluctuations, the total temperature RMS levels ence versus F3 comparison, apart from the RMS envelope close to
are far from the reference in both cases. the shroud, no difference is visible. For cases F6 and T2, the fluc-
Regarding the boundary condition generated from the SPOD tuation levels are two low and the mean profile deviates from the
spectrum, the results are more interesting. From cases F1–F3, the reference.
velocity and total temperature RMS contours are almost identical To further analyze the impact of the inlet boundary condition
to the reference. In the reference case and all cases using an inlet on the temperature distribution behind the turbine, total tempera-
boundary condition generated from the SPOD analysis, two ture and total temperature RMS contours are provided for each
regions of high total temperature RMS are observed close to the case for plane 41 (Figs. 19 and 20). In line with previous observa-
hub and shroud due to the mixing of the hot stream from the tions, cases F1, F2, and F3 are almost identical to the reference
chamber and the cooling flows of the multiperforated walls. Inter- for both quantities. It confirms that this choice of inlet boundary
estingly, this mixing between the hot and cold streams is also condition in the case of isolated simulations is suitable to correctly
present in case T2 to a lower degree. This also shows that despite reproduce the coupling with the chamber.
the partial reconstruction used for cases F2 and F3, the recon- Starting from F4 and going to F6, the wake of the blades is
structed database still contain the required information to mimic more pronounced in the total temperature contours. A decrease of
temperature fluctuations is also observed for these three cases.
Interestingly, since the spectrum of F6 only contains 1 frequency,
its contour of mean total temperature is close to case S2. How-
ever, the fluctuations generated by the single frequency allow to
reach higher levels of total temperature RMS compared to S2.
Looking at S0 and T0, it is clear that imposing 0D values at the
inlet of the turbine is not suitable to correctly replicate the effect
of the chamber of the turbine. The total temperature RMS are
very low compared to the reference for both cases despite the
injection of synthetic turbulence for T0. Additionally, particularly
for the total temperature, the boundaries between the isovalues are
sharper for S0 compared to T0. This difference is explained by the
lack of turbulent mixing for case S0.
In terms of mean total temperature, the results of T2 are rela-
tively good. The temperature patterns are decently recovered,
with accurate temperature levels in the blade wakes and at the hub
and shroud. However, since the synthetic turbulence injection is
only able to generate velocity fluctuations, the total temperature
RMS levels remain lower than the reference. Again, as for the S0/
T0 comparison, the isovalues of T2 are smoother compared to S2
due to the turbulent mixing.
For the radial profiles of plane 41, the conclusion is similar to
the radial profiles of plane 40. If the number of frequencies in the

Fig. 16 Total temperature RMS (K) comparison at plane 40: (a)

ref., (b) F1, (c) F2, (d) F3, (e) F4, (f) F5, (g) F6, (h) S0, (i) T0, (j) S2, Fig. 17 Time-averaged axial velocity (ms21 ) comparison at
and (k) T2 plane 40: (a) ref., (b) F3, and (c) F6

021007-8 / Vol. 144, FEBRUARY 2022 Transactions of the ASME

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Fig. 18 Radial profiles of total temperature with RMS envelope at plane 40: (a) ref versus F3,
(b) ref. versus F6, and (c) ref. versus T2

Fig. 19 Time-averaged total temperature (K) comparison at Fig. 20 Total temperature RMS (K) comparison at plane 41: (a)
plane 41: (a) ref., (b) F1, (c) F2, (d) F3, (e) F4, (f) F5, (g) F6, (h) ref., (b) F1, (c) F2, (d) F3, (e) F4, (f) F5, (g) F6, (h) S0, (i) T0, (j) S2,
S0, (i) T0, (j) S2, and (k) T2 and (k) T2

SPOD boundary condition is sufficient, the agreement is very clear that the turbine is exposed to high temperature fluctuations.
good compared to the reference (Fig. 21). But the number of fre- The maximum adiabatic wall temperature is around 450 K, con-
quencies is too low or if a standard turbulence injection method is firming its direct interaction with the chamber hotspot despite the
used, the mean profile and RMS envelope are not matching the film cooling protecting its surface. As a comparison, case F3 is
reference. also shown. The case constitutes a good compromise between the
Finally, in Figs. 22 and 23, the contours of adiabatic wall tem- memory cost (compression of 97.52% relative to the initial data-
perature and RMS for stator vane #2 are presented. These quanti- base) and the accuracy of the inlet boundary condition. As can be
ties are shown only for vane #2 since the hotspot of the chamber seen from the two figures, only minor differences with the refer-
directly impact its leading edge. It is therefore more exposed to ence are visible, which does invalidate the thermal predictions
the high temperatures of the combustor. In the reference case, it is obtained from case F3.

Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power FEBRUARY 2022, Vol. 144 / 021007-9
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Fig. 21 Radial profiles of total temperature with RMS envelope at plane 41: (a) ref versus F3,
(b) ref versus F6, and (c) ref versus T2

Fig. 22 Time-averaged adiabatic wall temperature (K) on stator Fig. 23 Time-averaged adiabatic wall temperature RMS (K) on
vane #2: (a) ref., (b) F3, (c) F6, and (d) T2 stator vane #2: (a) ref., (b) F3, (c) F6, and (d) T2

By further reducing the number of selected frequencies in the the overall surface of the blade compared to the reference. Inter-
reconstruction, the thermal predictions become unsatisfactory. In estingly, the case T2 is able to match relatively closely the adia-
case F6, the high temperatures at the root of the suction side are batic wall temperature of the reference. However because of the
not recovered and the temperature fluctuations are also lower on lack of temperature fluctuations injected at the inlet, the

021007-10 / Vol. 144, FEBRUARY 2022 Transactions of the ASME

temperature RMS levels are much lower, consistently with obser- Qr ¼ reduced mass flow rate
vations from Duchaine [27]. Finally, for both F6 and T2 cases, the R¼ gas constant
region of low temperature at the upper left reveals the presence of ref ¼ reference case
a strongly coherent hub corner vortex. This strong coherence is RMS ¼ root-mean-square
not observed in the reference or F3 cases. SGS ¼ subgrid scale
SPOD ¼ spectral proper orthogonal decomposition
T¼ static temperature
Conclusions and Outlook Ttot ¼ total temperature
The aim of the study presented in this paper was to investigate TKE ¼ turbulent kinetic energy

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the use of accurate turbulent and unsteady inlet boundary condi- u, v, w ¼ three components of velocity
tion for isolated turbine configuration by use of high fidelity simu- UNIFI ¼ University of Florence
lations. Results show that a database of unsteady snapshots c¼ specific heat ratio
recorded at the chamber/turbine interface of a fully integrated q¼ density
simulation can serve as a basis to build realistic inlet boundary s¼ characteristic time
condition accounting for both velocity and temperature fluctua- hi ¼ spatially averaged quantity
tions. The recorded database is first analyzed using SPOD to eval- 0 ¼ temporal fluctuations of a quantity
uate its spectral properties. From this initial spectrum, it is _¼ time-averaged quantity
possible to construct partial reconstructions of the database in 40 ¼ plane 40
order to reduce the storage cost while keeping the essential infor-
mation of the combustor effects. References
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