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Deprogramming of mental

This information that we present below is intended to be a working scheme of the process followed by us to
free-unblock access to the energy of the essence/being of the person, and, from it, be able to do all the work. of
disconnection and deprogramming of the pre-conscious mental sphere that maintains the connection to the
energetic control mesh that exists around the planet, at the level of the mental plane.
Before continuing with this, it is important that the interested person see and listen carefully to all the
information presented in this conference so that they obtain the basis of what everything we explain below
The objective of this therapeutic process is none other than to provide access to the primordial particle that
forms the core of who we really are and defines us as conscious beings. The vibration and frequency of that
essence, which is what we really are, is what gives us the potential to do all the work that follows below, and
which, based on our particular experiences, we have divided into several steps:
First step:
 Unblocking and removal of blockages, implants, and any obstruction in the Aura dimension, especially at the
ethereal matrix level.
 Unlocking in the Hara dimension (BA terminology Brenan) which is the previous point to access the essence of
the person.
 Unlocking in the dimension of Essence. Obtaining access to the “quantum” energy of the person's being.
 Disconnection of the “matrix sphere” with the Essence, carrying and projecting this energy towards the pre-
conscious mental sphere, in the back of the head, which is where the main connection programs to the “mesh”
and system of consciousness are located. energy control.
Second step:
 Deprogramming of mental spheres: programming; of projection, of distraction; of beliefs, etc. with the Essence.
Depending on the programming that each person carries, we try to access those beliefs, programs and archetypes
that emerge as a person is prepared to heal and dismantle them. This means that none of us know in advance
what type of programs and beliefs are going to appear, since each person's mind is completely different and we
do not have a working pattern regarding which belief or program should be eliminated, since each one carries a
different programming load.
Third step:
 As the person eliminates programming and the energy of his essence is enhanced, this energy can be projected
into the sphere of consciousness to achieve the elimination and unification of the ego's Selves. This process
involves the destruction of all the psychological and energetic components formed throughout the person's life,
created by the ego program in order to manage the material world. The projection of the “quantum” energy of
the essence destroys and unifies, leaving a single “I” in the sphere of consciousness, a unique personality that
operates under the command of the ego.

The scheme of action on the different components is more or less this:

Mental spheres and irrelevant accumulation of data and bits of information
When we are reading, studying, or doing any activity where it is required to consciously acquire data, the ideal is not to have any other
source of noise or emission nearby, be it television, radio, or even being in a noisy or noisy place. too busy.
The reason has nothing to do with concentration, or with the calm and tranquility that one may need to be able to read or study in a
relaxed manner, which is also important, but with the way in which our mind works, and acquires all kinds of information. external,
since, whether you realize it or not, we are unconsciously assimilating information through the five senses all day long, which, when not
processed consciously , becomes garbage at a subconscious level, which is of no use.

Let's develop the model of how our psyche works to understand it better. The study of the mind from this more metaphysical aspect is
known as psycho-cybernetics and those of you who are interested in it can find more information on the Internet.

Brain-mind-mental body
The first thing to distinguish is between brain, mind and mental body. The
physicist Nassin Haramein said that looking for the mind inside the head is
like looking for the host of a radio program inside the receiving device.
And, to understand it correctly, we must differentiate between the brain, as
the computer processor, the mind, as the interface that collects, classifies
and manages data and information, and the mental body, as, generically,
the warehouse and base. of their data, so that, we find that the human
being, in order to think and use his cognitive abilities, has a mechanism
that has several components functioning in perfect synchrony.

The brain, then, is the organ of the physical and chemical body that we
use. But the mind is a quantum field, in the head, that links between it and
what we call the mental body, the third subtle body that human beings
have in our energy system. The latter has a structured and defined shape
around the physical body, and is perceived as yellowish in color, as you see
in the image. Those of you who are therapists have possibly dealt a lot with
the mind and the mental body, since it is where all the traumas, phobias,
limiting beliefs, blockages, etc. are concentrated. which, in general, all
people have. We will see a little more about it in a future article.

Thus, the mental body serves as human beings to manage the processes of
the mind on the physical plane, and its capacity depends on its
development and expansion, that is, the greater the use and expansion of
our mind, the more robust it is. Our mental body is large and structured.

The mind, what is it then? It is an energetic, quantum field, which, as we

have said, acts as an interface, in simple terms, between the brain and the
mental body. If the mental body has several layers or strata that serve as
a repository for different levels of our psyche, the mind has those same
strata (and others) but distributed in a different way.

mental spheres
In this case, the mind does not work in layers, but in spheres, since it is
composed, at an energetic level, of 6 of them, each one with a different
function. The 6 different energy spheres are located in different parts of the
head, but are not part of the physical body. These mental spheres are
formed when a person's mental body is formed, and are inserted into the
physical body after each new incarnation we have. As a person grows,
evolutionarily speaking, their mental spheres widen and expand, making
the mental body grow with them, and raising the person's level of evolution
by expanding their consciousness.

For what I want to explain to you today, we are going to focus on the first
three spheres, which are those corresponding to the Preconscious-
Unconscious, Subconscious and Conscious levels of our psyche.

External data collection

The way in which we capture information from the outside and process it through the “mental set” that we have, goes through several
stages. In this other article , we talk about how we decode reality according to our programs, patterns and archetypes loaded in the
mind and mental body, and today we are going to see the function of three of these spheres in this process.
As you see in the drawing above, sphere number 1 is the so-called unconscious or pre-conscious sphere, and it completely covers the
cerebellum, and is nothing other than the gateway for all the information captured by our senses, to be processed and decoded by
cognitive processes. The preconscious sphere captures everything that is happening around us, all types of stimuli, signals, data,
information, sensations, perceptions, etc., so that everything that is seen, felt, heard and perceived goes directly to it. for analysis and
storage, which then determines whether it is worked on at a conscious level by another sphere, and used, or relegated to the
accumulation of data that passes directly to our subconscious through its corresponding sphere.

Data collapse
If everything captured and processed by the pre-conscious sphere went to the third sphere of the diagram, the conscious sphere, our
rational mind would be flooded with data, we would not be able to process such an amount of information, and our brain would collapse.
You already know that we perceive millions of bits of information a day, of which only a few of them enter our conscious realm (we
realize), the necessary ones so that our ego/artificial personality can navigate the physical world in which we live. exists. If you have
read Carlos Castaneda, you will be familiar with an exercise in which Don Juan explained to him how to “saturate the tonal”, so that the
“nagual” could manifest itself more easily. Let's say that, in this case, saturating the "tonal" is saturating our conscious mind until it can
no longer do anything but "self-block", and make way for the expression and output of other deeper levels of consciousness, but it is not
something that Now we are interested in getting what I want to explain to you.

Everything is stored
By design and programming of how we are made, nothing that enters through the pre-conscious sphere is lost, but part of it is derived
directly to the second sphere, the subconscious sphere, which, connected to the subconscious layer of the mental body , serves as a
warehouse for everything that has not been processed by the conscious sphere of the mind. This subconscious sphere covers,
energetically, the entire central part of the head, as you see in the diagram, and is, therefore, the one that manages the reserve of all
the information that we can accumulate throughout our life.

When you are reading, for example, with the television on in the background, your pre-conscious sphere is capturing what you read, but
also what you hear or perceive around you. As your attention is focused on the book, your sphere number 1 sends to sphere number 3,
the conscious one (which covers the entire anterior part of the right temporal lobe), the information that you are interested in acquiring,
but it sends to sphere number 2, the subconscious, all the rest. Thus, while you read anything or have your attention focused on
something, your subconscious sphere continues to be loaded with external garbage, bits of data that are of no use to you, but that
accumulate and accumulate non-stop at a subconscious level in the mental body.

Constant programming
The problem, as a consequence of this, is that most of us have a subconscious that seems like a chaotic warehouse full of garbage, in
addition to that, while we had our attention focused on something else, possibly, according to the other sources of data emission that we
had around us, subliminal messages have been sneaking in, for example, coming from television advertisements or images with
behavioral patterns or programs emitted by it (which you do not see, but your mind does register). The same as when you go out on the
street and you see yourself flooded with advertising everywhere, as shown, for example, in the movie “ They Live” , and which are the
messages, orders and programs, which then reinforce the programs, patterns and archetypes implanted in our mind through our
subconscious, for the manipulation of external reality from the internal reality of each individual.

Needless to say, it is really difficult to block all these types of “subliminal instructions” because we are constantly bombarded by them,
but we do not need to open the door more than necessary, having our conscious sphere distracted by one thing, and letting it , through
the preconscious sphere, the subconscious is filled with another, millions of bits that, really, are of no use to us. The more aware a
person is of something, the less things accumulate at the subconscious level, this being the way to heal, cleanse and transmute
everything that each one carries with them, by recovering the information from the subconscious sphere and layer and moving it to the
subconscious layer. and conscious sphere, one can eliminate, deprogram and cleanse everything that one does not want to contain in

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