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NAME AND SURNAME: S. M. Q.C. [spectacledchic-sims4] Top With
AGE: 9 years
DATE OF BIRTH: August 12, 2009
LEVEL OF STUDY: 4th grade
EVALUATOR: Milagros Marisol Cárdenas Pairazaman
SUPERVISOR: María Zegarra


Practice of the Projective Techniques course


Karen Manchover's human figure drawing test

The child comes from a dysfunctional family since his father does not live with him,
the child lives alone with his mother, he comes from a private school in the 4th
grade, he frequently obtains passing grades, he is a child skilled in mathematics but
he does not He doesn't like letters or reading, he has many friends at school, he likes
going to school.
According to the mother at home, he is an obedient child, sometimes he gets lazy
because he prefers to play on the computer or go play soccer with the neighbors.
The woman comments that when her son is in that process it is difficult for him to
go study.
The mother also comments that her son is very affectionate with her, he hugs her
and does not allow anyone to get close to him, he is very attached to her, the child
tells her what he does at school if he has done well or badly, but lately he found that
He was hiding some exams where he had failed and he had to talk to the teacher to
improve his behavior.

The child appears happy and a little restless, accompanied by his mother, asking a
lot: What was he going to do? Although he had already been told that he was going
to draw, he averted his gaze a lot, then the boy hummed while he drew, being a man
he first drew a girl so I then told him to draw one of the same sex, he took his time
calmly, he did not make any blur. In the end he was sure that he did the drawing
well, he seemed happy and rubbed his hands a lot.

The head reflects your aspirations. Big head, this indicates frustration, the child
made the drawing of the man's head bigger than the drawing of the woman
The child drew features such as the eyebrow, the eyes, the mouth, this means
that the child is superficial and cautious about things.
In the boy and girl I draw it with a little seriousness, making the mouth with a
line, this means maturity in the drawing.
Draw in the two drawings with a line, this can mean aggression on the part of
the drawing child or it also presents tension since it makes it clear that in the
drawing he closes his mouth. The mouth draws with a sensual line that. It means
sexual desire. The girl's jaw is drawn more highlighted, quite the opposite of the
boy's drawing, since she draws it coarser and broader, therefore a dependent
trait is seen in the drawing boy, then he draws the eyes, which means contact
with the outside world. . Draw the eyes very small, this shows curiosity on the
part of the artist and guilt.
On the boy I draw an eyebrow, but on the girl I do not draw an eyebrow, the
girl's hair was done up, but on the boy this is not shown by the artist in the case
of the girl's drawing of personal care.
In the child's drawing the eyebrow is raised a little which means disdain or
It is a passive organ, if I draw an ear in both drawings, the child by drawing the
ear with accentuation shows that he is susceptible to offenses.
In the case of the child he made a messy drawing, but in the case of the woman
he made it more organized with a border, this shows sexual disorder on the part
of the artist. Since if you are a man you must draw in order to the child's
She has a sex symbol. In the boy's drawing I draw a nose, but in the girl's I draw
him without a nose. Fear may be shown in the child.
In the girl's drawing it is elongated which shows morality or it could be schizoid
meaning lonely, but in the boy's drawing it is short which means bad mood. I
don't draw the Adam's apple on any of them.
Degree of concentration and contact with the drawing therefore presents
neurotic traits which means negative emotional level, anxiety, depression or
feeling guilty about things.
Depending on the drawing, it appears that the child feels guilty for some
aggression, depending on the rigid arms, physical or psychological weakness is
They are points of contact, in the drawing the child made the fingers short
The fingers are enclosed by lines which means repressed aggression.
He made a trace with skirts on his feet which means that the child has
immaturity. He didn't do toes.


I draw a woman's torso to be very thin and small, just like a man's, but taller,
which is not in accordance with her own body or is unpleasant.
The shoulder gives more power to the boy since I draw it wider while the girl
draws it very small.
The boy drew the girl with wider hips, this gives power to the drawing due to
the great pelvic development.
If you draw a line to divide the trunk of the legs in the girl, you draw her with a
very thin waist, this means impulsiveness breaks out. He does not draw the
internal organs.
The normal drawing joints gave strength to the figure.
In the drawing of the girl, the skirt reaches below her ankles, this means that she
has a maternal image and you can see that the child is drawn in adult-type
clothing where she identifies him as the father. According to elongated shoes it
means impotence.


The child first draws a child according to his age who appears to be the same.
The static drawing shows him with schizoid features or little effort to be
successful, this was very cautious since he drew in order first the head, then the
neck, trunk, arms, hands, legs and shoes
Rigidity in the drawing shows repression.
Person with concern or feeling of inferiority and maternal dependence.
Very small drawings, this occurs in schizoids and also hysterics since they draw
it in the middle of the page. They also draw the hands very close to the body
which means the presence of schizoid and paranoid features.
The child drawing from the front and with clothes means exhibitionist desires.
In some parts it has thick lines which means it is schizophrenic or schizoid, just
like the previous ones. There are no blurs in the drawing and no shadows in the

He is therefore susceptible since knowing how to handle it and not being offended
by anything presents paranoid traits due to what has been mentioned.
He presents schizoid, schizotypic and paranoid traits, therefore, he must take
workshops to raise his self-esteem.
Not having a father, all his repressed feelings go towards his mother since he sees
her as an example and adoration, all his feelings go towards her.
The drawing is in accordance with the child's age, 'therefore psychologically he is
on a normal average, the guideline mentioned above should only be followed.

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