Gels and Jellies

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Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos

Faculty of Chemical Sciences and Engineering


Educational Program: Chemical Engineering

Team members. Cuernavaca, Mor to November 21, 2018

• Kevin Rogelio Cruz Rogel
• Gilberto Rubén Alejandro López Ruiz
• Jaciel Ivan Rodríguez Picaso
• Jose David Vega Duran
What is a
Gel is called the condition where a lyophilic sol coagulates and
comes into contact with a semi-rigid gelatinous mass that contains
all the liquid present.

Dispersed System Name Example

Dispersion medium phase
Solid Liquid Gel Jelly
Solid Solid Gel Ruby in glass.
Gold in glass.
Properties of gels

Link breakage
What is a jelly
It is a sweet preserve with a transparent
and gelatinous appearance, made from fruit
juice to which plenty of sugar or honey is
Pectin or gelatin is frequently added to give
it that gelatinous consistency.
What is a sol li ofilico?
All lyophilic sols have a strong affinity between the dispersed phase and
the molecules that constitute the dispersion medium, they are much more
stable solids and behave like true solutions.
Gel and Jal

Gel I Bain

Systems that contain a lot of liquid and

that in turn can end up having quite dry Disperse rocketing and elastic
systems. system that contains a lot of liquid
Classification given according to
Mainly its solvent Its solvent phase is all those
phase is water compounds that contain carbon
Mechanical Properties of the gels
Jelly formation.
By settling (gelation)
Due to coagulation or decreased solubility of colloidal solutions
upon cooling

By chemical
reaction between two
concentrated solutions

Due to swelling
of xerogels
Applications .
V In the production of fiber optic cables.
V Use in medicine for the disappearance of
imperfections to give a cosmetic
V Food industry.
V Dentistry.
V Cosmetic prostheses.
• Microbiology.

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