Solid Waste Project

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Generation of an eco-efficient environmental culture


Environmental pollution and consequently global warming can be seen and addressed
from different perspectives. This improvement project seeks to be a relevant and
effective proposal to address them. It allocates its efforts to the development of a
process of awareness among the students of the Private Educational Institution “Albano
Quinn” and subsequently to be replicated to other public educational institutions and to
the population of the Sicuani district, through a school environmental management
program . This educational institution has been selected because we work there and we
have closely observed the critical levels of contamination by solid waste and we have
proposed to promote and apply adequate environmental education that contributes to the
improvement and well-being of the environment. In addition, this educational institution
was focused, because it shows the acute problems of pollution and poor awareness and
environmental culture , and the purpose of the present proposal is to change the attitude
of adolescent students, parents, teachers and the general population, towards the social
and environmental problems of our environment, instilling in them awareness and
training in environmental education in order to create a multiplier effect and improve
their quality of life .


The different activities and especially during recess hours that are carried out every day
within the “Albano Quinn” Educational Institution, generate considerable amounts of
garbage on a daily basis, such as the consumption of food products , notebook pages,
toilet paper and work . office , which belongs in greater quantities to plastic and paper
that are found in the group of solid waste, which is defined as any object or waste
material that is produced after the manufacture, transformation or use of consumer goods
and that is abandoned after be used. These solid wastes cannot be used or transformed to
give them another utility or direct use.

One of the objectives of pedagogical work in schools is mainly to generate a culture of

care for the environment , raising awareness among all members of the school
community to carry out the appropriate separation of the waste that is generated and in
this way to take advantage of the recycling to avoid continuing to contaminate our
environment by taking them to open- air dumps or landfills.

Faced with such a critical situation, this proposal aims to generate a series of strategies
that allow us to strengthen the culture of caring for the environment through learning
sessions and projects that can be worked on during class hours, through environmental
clubs that help students to the process of collecting and properly separating solid waste
throughout their lives, mainly collecting PET and paper in special containers to achieve
its sale and with this income the necessary equipment is acquired to implement this
1.1 Statement of the problem.

One of the main environmental problems in Peru is the management of urban solid
waste and its final disposal, which is the object of this study. In the district of Sicuani
there are various factors that affect the pollution and depredation of natural resources ,
among the main ones are the dumping of solid waste outdoors (in avenues, irrigation
canals, unoccupied spaces), generating the so-called points critical factors that constitute
infectious sources are the burial and burning of waste, the lack of environmental
awareness on the part of the residents, and the lack of access to basic services .
The generation of solid waste is an inseparable part of the activities carried out by an
organization . Considering that within the stages of the life cycle of solid waste
(generation, transportation, storage , collection, treatment and final disposal), companies
constitute the fundamental scenario, in which the different activities associated with
management are developed and linked. thereof. The correct treatment of the issues and
their prioritized consideration in the context of environmental management activities is
essential, through which the establishment of safe management schemes that guarantee
a higher level of environmental protection is promoted, as part of the goals and
objectives of the different productive sectors.
To date, the public cleaning service has been developed only in the traditional town of
Sicuani and not in the surrounding towns that make up the district, restricting said
service only to the collection, transfer and final disposal of waste in the dump.
neglecting the aspects of treatment, segregation/reuse and environmental education ,
elements that together determine true Comprehensive Solid Waste Management.
The main problem is related to the limited processes in solid waste management, which
contributes to the deterioration of the environmental health of the Locumba district,
since the technical-operational capacity for solid waste management is in charge of the
unit of parks and gardens, there being no specialized unit for the subject, this implies
that there is a lack of knowledge of the importance of solid waste management (within
the framework of Integrated Management) in the district of Locumba.
Although current legislation regulates the area of the natural environment, numerous
irregularities and abuses occur. This is due, in most cases, to a lack of coordination
between the different administrations and to the presence of economic interests that are
prioritized over compliance with the rules .
Although there are many studies that describe the technical, operational and
management aspects that must be taken into account for the successful implementation
of a strategy for progressive environmental improvement, in most cases the changes do
not materialize. proposed in them.


To what extent can education contribute to the environmental training of Educational
Institutions and the population of the Sicuani district?
 Promote the active and sustained participation of the students of the private
Educational Institution “Albano Quuin” through various strategies (lectures and
experiential environmental workshops, etc.) for the proper management, final
disposal and use of Urban Solid Waste (MSW). in the district of Sicuani

 Raise awareness among the educational population and the community in general
about the problem of garbage and the danger it represents for people's health and
environmental conservation.
 Equip the educational institution with special collectors for PET, Paper, organic
waste and other inorganic waste.
 Apply a pedagogical-didactic proposal to improve the management of household
solid waste in the district of Sicuani.
 Promote the generation of economic resources through the application of the project
in the educational institution, which will be invested in goods and services.
 Carry out a diagnosis on the management of solid waste; as well as the management
and final disposal given to them by the Provincial municipality of Canchis


The problem is the result of several factors such as the lack of knowledge and
awareness of the city, in addition, due to the lack of collection bins and the lack of
institutional programs that lead to the management and comprehensive use of the solid
waste generated in the institution. . With this project, educational institutions in
general and indirectly the provincial municipality of Canchis will benefit. Because:
- Foundations are created for an environmental citizen culture that provides good
management of the waste generated by themselves.
- The environment and aesthetics in the institution are improved.
-The accumulation and poor disposal of waste is prevented.


2.1 Beneficiary Population. Educational institutions and population in general.

2.2 Concordance with local development plans . This research project is related to the
Environmental Educational Project that demonstrates an Educational Institution that
is based on the development of the Environmental Approach.
Currently there are public and private entities that work on environmental promotion in
Sicuani through awareness campaigns aimed at the general population. Likewise, the
Ministry of Education (MINEDU), through Directorial Resolution 0077-2007-ED,
established as a standard for the entire educational system the promotion of
environmental practices within educational institutions through its "Safe, Clean and
Healthy Schools" campaign. , in agreement with the National Council of the
Environment (CONAM), the National Institute of Natural Resources (INRENA) and the
National Commission for Development and Life without Drugs (Devida). This national
program has been developed since 2006 and seeks to incorporate environmental issues
into the educational curriculum . The Ministry of Education has incorporated this
program under the following lines of action :
• Pedagogical
• Infrastructure
• Environmental citizenship
• Exchange of the educational community with the community in general
In the case of the Ministry of Health (MINSA), regulations have also been issued
regarding environmental care issues that allow the reduction of the mortality and
morbidity rate in acute respiratory diseases and acute diarrheal diseases. Solid waste
management programs have been designed as part of the General Directorate of
Environmental Management (DIGESA) of the MINSA. The programs and services
subject to this action, in accordance with Law No. 27314, are:
• Solid waste management
• Vector control
• Registry of companies authorized to manage solid waste
CONAM, on the other hand, which is in charge of coordinating with sectoral and
municipal authorities the application of the law, has experiences in different districts
through environmental committees and clubs to which residents who work within
their communities belong.

It is any product , material or element that once used CANNOT be used and must be
disposed of somewhere.
That is why waste and garbage are dynamic concepts; What is garbage today or here,
tomorrow or somewhere else can be waste, used as raw material for another production

These are all materials that do not represent a utility or economic value for their owner;
the owner therefore becomes a waste generator. From a legislative point of view, the
most complicated thing about waste management is that it is intrinsically a subjective
term, which depends on the point of view of the actors involved.
Waste, unlike garbage, is that once used it can become raw material for another
production process or it can simply be used.
The quantity and quality of solid waste can vary significantly throughout the year.
Commonly in temperate climates, the average daily, weekly and monthly amount of
waste is above the annual average during the summer months. This is partly attributable
to the increase in organic waste (due to habits and availability for consumption), in
addition to the probable urban improvement activities commonly carried out at this time.
In places where improvement activity during the holiday season months can increase by
several times the annual average, increasing the proportion of domestic and commercial
In places where the generation of industrial waste represents a significant percentage of
the total, the generation pattern is determined by the type of industries present.
Risks inherent to poor solid waste management
The risks to which a locality is exposed due to negative solid waste management are the
 Diseases caused by health vectors : There are several health vectors of great
epidemiological importance whose appearance and permanence can be directly related
to the inadequate execution of some of the stages in the management of solid waste.
 Water pollution: Improper disposal of waste can cause contamination of surface and
underground water courses, in addition to contaminating the population that lives in
these environments .
 Air pollution : Particulate matter, noise and odor represent the main causes of air
 Soil contamination: Soils can be altered in their structure due to the action of
percolated liquids, leaving them unusable for long periods of time .
 Landscape problems and risk : The accumulation of waste in unsuitable places brings
with it a negative landscape impact; In addition to having, in some cases, an important
environmental risk associated with it, accidents may occur, such as explosions or
 Mental health : There are numerous studies that confirm the emotional and mental
deterioration of the people directly affected.

Benefits of positive solid waste management

Positive management of solid resources can generate the following benefits:
 Conservation of resources: The appropriate management of raw materials, waste
minimization, recycling policies and appropriate waste management bring the
conservation and in some cases the recovery of natural resources as one of their main
benefits. For example, organic material can be recovered through composting.
 Recycling: A direct benefit of good management is the recovery of resources through
the recycling or reuse of waste that can be converted into raw materials or used again.
 Recovery of areas: Other benefits of disposing waste appropriately is the option of
recovering areas of low value and converting them into parks and recreation areas,
accompanied by a real possibility of obtaining energy benefits (biogas).


Recycling is the activity of recovering solid waste in order to reintegrate it into the
economic cycle, reusing it or using it as raw material for new products, with which we
can achieve various economic, ecological and social benefits. In many countries, the
relationship between the prices of recyclable materials and labor is such that recycling is
economically profitable. The reasons that justify this fact are the following:
 With recycling, materials can be recovered and, consequently, save raw materials,
energy and water necessary for the production of new materials and reduce
environmental pollution.
 The recycling sector helps create jobs for unskilled labor.
 Recycling allows the industry to obtain secondary raw materials at a low price and
increase its competitiveness .
 With recycling, the amount of waste disposed of in dumps or landfills is reduced.
The recycling process is made up of three fundamental stages independent of the recycled
Stage 1: Waste collection and treatment.
Stage 2: Manufacturing and transformation.
Stage 3: Purchase of recycled products.
Recycling is part of the three Rs waste treatment strategy , a strategy described below:
 Reduce, actions to reduce the production of objects that may become waste.
 Refuse, actions that allow the use of a product again to give it a second life, with the
same or a different use.
 Recycle, the set of waste collection and treatment operations that allow it to be
reintroduced into a life cycle.


With reduction, reuse and recycling there is the possibility of reducing the amount of
waste that must be sent to disposal sites, such as landfills. These three basic solutions
generate savings in the operating costs of the control systems , prolong and increase the
useful life of the final disposal sites, enabling a lower use of natural resources and
reducing the use of virgin materials in the production of artificial materials.
The global trend to counteract the problem of excessive waste generation is the
application of the 3 Rs standard: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
These concepts imply:
Reduce: Reduce everything that generates unnecessary waste.
Reuse: Give maximum use to waste without having to destroy or dispose of it.
Recycle: Use waste materials over and over again to produce the same or other products.
REDUCE: (Throw less)
Reducing means preventing at source , on the one hand, the formation of waste, and on
the other hand, the toxicity of waste. It is necessary to modify both production processes
and our consumption habits.
What I can do?
 Avoid envelope packaging. Always choose products with the least amount of
unnecessary packaging and those that use recycled materials.
 Avoid packaging made with two or more materials (for example, cardboard with plastic
and aluminum )
 Reduce "throwaway" products, such as aluminum foil, plastic trays, tetrabrick packaging
 Reduce the use of plastic bags when shopping . Have a bag to do your daily shopping,
avoiding having "bags of bags" in our homes.
 Buy products that use reusable and/or recyclable materials
 Promote clean production processes, that is, they do not use toxic products, for example,
paper that is not bleached with chlorine.
 Reduce the use of PVC (containers, packaging, construction objects), a material that
generates serious environmental problems .
 Buy only what we really need
REUSE : (Save and reuse things that would normally be thrown away) It means reusing
a product, taking this possibility into account when we buy it. Many of them can be
creatively reused, giving a new use to the object that we would otherwise throw away. In
this way, we extend its useful life.
What I can do?
 Use returnable glass containers
 When using paper to write or print, take advantage of both sides. We can also make small
blocks with leftover paper.
 If possible, use rechargeable batteries .
RECYCLE: (Instead of throwing away products such as cans, bottles, papers, cardboard,
plastic containers, etc., we take them to someone who can convert them again into new
usable products).
Recycling means reprocessing waste to obtain new materials or products.
Recycling is, for example:
 transform used paper into pulp and, from this pulp, manufacture new paper;
 crush used glass bottles and melt them to make new glass items
 shredding and melting plastic bottles used to make, for example, carpets or stuffing for

Recycling requires four operations:

1. collection
2. selection of raw materials and cleaning
3. raw material recovery process to manufacture the product
4. market of customers who buy the product
Recycling allows the different materials to be reintroduced into the production cycles,
saving raw materials and reducing the amount of waste that ends up in final disposal. For
this reason, obtaining energy by incinerating waste is not recycling .

The triangular arrow, used throughout the world, represents the three constituent stages of
the cycle:
 recovery of recyclable materials
 manufacturing of new products using recovered material as raw material
 purchase and use of products made with recycled material
REPLACE: purchasing products with long useful life, biodegradable, non-toxic and
lower environmental impact .
What I can do?
• buy glass containers instead of plastic or cans
• choose notebooks with cardboard covers instead of plastic ones
• choose other alternatives to battery-operated toys .
REJECT: products that are not friendly to the environment. It would be advisable to
choose those that, after use, are recycled by the same industries that manufacture them.
RECOVER everything you can. There are more and more items with short useful lives.
When buying, it would be better to choose repairable items and not disposable ones,
which are also usually more expensive in the long run.
REPAIR products that deteriorate due to use: it is enough to repair them well to have
them in good condition . Be careful! Many industries modify their products from year to
year and new models generally include only small technological changes that are not
relevant to the final result.
The project improvement proposal
The proposed proposal, understood as a complementary action to educational training in
schools, is aimed at providing students with learning opportunities that link the cognitive
experience with the experiential experience, through field practices, excursions and
reflection workshops. on the management of natural resources.
In this way, they achieve greater knowledge and skills that give practical meaning to their
will and commitment to protect and defend the environment. It is proposed to promote in
students values of respect for cultural diversity, nature and solidarity work to promote a
closer and more supportive relationship between the urban world and its environment.
The aim is to carry out concerted work between the different social actors: the
educational community (students, parents, teachers and workers), the local government
(municipal council), public and private companies and the population. This action will
allow the constitution of a program as one of the strategies for comprehensive
environmental care so that in the future it will be incorporated into the institutional
educational projects (PEI) of all educational institutions in Sicuani.
As has already been noted, for this purpose it is essential to seriously and interestedly
adopt an environmental culture with a sustainable development approach that is based on
specific principles , values, knowledge, skills and competencies .
This proposal considers the following:
Technical proposal and work with the educational community
This section deals with the actors, activities and goals of the proposal.
The main actors considered are students and teachers.
The proposal is planned to be executed at the IES Agropecuario 91 for a period of two
years. For the first year, it is expected to work exclusively with a group of 300 students
from the first three grades of secondary school. This work has been divided into two
stages: one corresponding to the awareness talks where the topics of biodiversity ,
ecosystems , water quality, soil quality, air quality, solid waste, renewable energies and
sexual, emotional and physical health will be taught. .
In the second stage, environmental workshops will be developed, which aim to generate
skills for application within schools and at home. The following workshops will be
developed: segregation of solid waste, preparation of compost and humus, manufacturing
of handmade paper, crafts with recyclable material and implementation of biogardens and
school nurseries.
As a result of the first year of training and workshops, 10 "environmental brigade
members" will be selected and trained, who will have the responsibility of continuing
with environmental promotion within the classrooms of the educational institution.
The work with teachers is aimed at giving them the necessary tools to teach
environmental issues to students. To do this, we will work with teachers of the Science,
Technology and Environment subjects and volunteers. School environmental
management will also be discussed through the school environmental committees, which
will allow each participating educational institution to strengthen their capacities and
incorporate environmental issues through programs or projects that improve their
environmental and health conditions in a sustainable manner.
3.1.1. Peru Case
Historically, the problem of solid waste (SR) in urban areas has been its elimination
because its presence is more noticeable and its annoyance affects the majority of the
population concentrated there.
Cities in developing countries face difficulties in establishing an adequate RS
collection and disposal service. Which is largely due to the limited management
capacity and lack of vision of the authorities, growth in the population's levels of
consumption and generation of RS, the lack of adequate equipment, the lack of
selective systems for the management of The different types of waste (domestic,
industrial, hospital, etc.) and the inadequate habits of the population appear as the
main causes associated with its poor management.
Peru, like other developing countries, has been experiencing explosive urban growth;
It is estimated that each year, approximately 150,000 people emigrate to the Lima
metropolitan area, constituting a third of the national population. This level of
urbanization has significantly changed the nature of the country's urban and economic
development, making it difficult to provide an adequate RS collection and disposal
Given these conditions, the need arises to study alternatives for RS management that
seek, in addition to improving the current waste management system, to reduce the
amount of RS generated at the source level and increase the forms of diversion once
produced, so such that less RS are destined for final disposal.
Under these conditions, the risks of contracting diseases or producing adverse
environmental impacts increase, in each of the stages through which solid waste goes,
mainly due to.
 Inadequate storage of solid waste at home can lead to the proliferation of vectors ,
pathogenic microorganisms, insects that transmit infectious diseases, as well as
unpleasant odors.
 Transportation can become a means of dispersing solid waste throughout the city
and eventually cause occupational accidents .
 The final disposal of solid waste without prior treatment leads to problems of soil
contamination and occupational diseases in solid waste handlers, reducing the useful
life of landfills, increasing the costs associated with the creation of new landfills.
3.1.2. General environmental law : Sicuani District case
The General Environmental Law, in its article I, mentions that every person has the
inalienable right to live in a healthy, balanced and adequate environment for the full
development of life, and the duty to contribute to effective environmental management
and protect the environment, as well as its components, particularly ensuring the
health of people individually and collectively; However, in the city of Sicuani and the
Annexes, this article is not being fully complied with, due to the advance of population
increase and the lack of operational technical capacity of the municipal solid waste
management service, by the Provincial Municipality of Canchis
In this sense and with the purpose of ensuring a healthy environment for the
population of the Annexes and Sicuani (provincial capital ), this solid waste
environmental management plan is proposed for the District of Sicuani, Province of
The environmental sanitation of the Annexes of the Sicuani district will improve the
level and quality of life of the resident and indirectly increase income from taxes
collected from the municipality, via the establishment of a collection system for the
collection service of household solid waste and that of public cleaning,
3.2.1 Waste.- It is a material that is discarded after it has carried out work or fulfilled its
mission. It is, therefore, something useless that becomes garbage and that, for ordinary
people, has no economic value. Waste can be disposed of (when landfilled or buried)
or recycled (obtaining a new use).
3.2.2 Solid waste.- Fraction of waste materials that are produced after the manufacture,
transformation or use of consumer goods, which are not present in a liquid or gaseous
3.2.3. Urban Solid Waste
In general terms, Urban Solid Waste (MSW) is that which originates from domestic
and commercial activity, and is produced in greater quantities in cities; In developed
countries where more and more packaging, paper, and many unnecessary products are
used, the culture of "use and throw away" has extended to all types of consumer goods
, and therefore the amounts of garbage that are generated They have been growing
until reaching very high numbers. For the purposes of this research, we understand
urban solid waste to be those that are commonly known as garbage. The types of
materials that constitute garbage are mentioned below. CRAIG, J. (2007).
3.2.4. Composition of Urban Solid Waste (MSW)
Garbage is usually made up of:
· Organic material. These are the remains from cleaning or preparing food , as well
as leftover food. It is also known as biodegradable garbage, that is, it decomposes or
disintegrates in a short time .
· Paper and paperboard. Newspapers, magazines, advertising , boxes, etc.
· Plastics . Disposable bottles, bags, plates, cups and cutlery, etc.
· Glass . Bottles, various jars, broken dishes, etc.
· Metals . Cans, jars, old iron. (Azqueta, 1995).
3.2.5. Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)
Some authors, such as Jorge Jaramillo, choose to use the term Municipal Solid Waste
as a technical name to refer to garbage. For them, municipal solid waste (MSW) is that
which comes from domestic, commercial, industrial activities (small industry and
crafts), institutional activities ( public administration , educational institutions , etc.),
markets , and those resulting from sweeping and cleaning. of roads and public areas of
an urban conglomerate, and whose management is in charge of the municipal
authorities. (Azqueta, 1995)
3.2.6. Industrial Solid Waste
By industrial solid waste we will understand that they are the result of industrial
chemical processes, which contain substances harmful to the environment, for
example: waste from activities (Castillo, 1993).
3.2.7. Hazardous Biological Infectious Waste
The waste generated in specialty hospitals, general hospitals, health centers, general
offices, clinical analysis laboratories and in any establishment aimed at providing
medical services to the population, is called Hazardous Biological Infectious Waste
(RPBI). These wastes present certain risks and very specific difficulties during their
handling, mainly due to the infectious nature of some of their components (Castillo,


Reduce : Given this situation, reducing impacts on the environment is absolutely the
responsibility of society as a whole. One way to assume this responsibility is to
reduce the use of inputs in different human activities, that is, reduce or reject the
products that are delivered with more packaging than you really need, preferring
packaging and products made with recycled or recyclable materials; The less
amount of materials consumed, the less amount of waste to dispose of. (Cerda
Reuse: The concept of reuse is very important because it indirectly allows you to reduce the
amount of waste, but it simply means giving a different use to a good than the one
you initially had. The idea of reusing is rooted in our country. This allows things
that are not useful to us to be reused by someone who needs them. (Cerda 2007)
Recycle: It is the process by which recovered solid waste is transformed into raw material for
the production of new products. Recycling waste is a process that you must take
into account; separate garbage into organic and inorganic waste, classify the
inorganic components into paper, cardboard, plastic , glass and metals, finally
process each waste material with appropriate treatment. By recycling we meet
several objectives that are friendly to the environment:
We reduce the volume of waste generated, the resources present in reusable
materials are used, the overexploitation of natural resources is avoided and the
costs of final waste disposal are reduced. (CONAMA, 1994)
We usually use the word garbage or waste for all the materials that are left over from
something, and that apparently no longer serve us. However, today it is preferred to speak of
"waste" to indicate that these materials still have value and that they would not automatically
have to be thrown away. (CONAMA, 1994)

Commercial Solid Waste:

Waste generated in commercial and commercial establishments, such as warehouses ,
warehouses, hotels , restaurants, cafes and market places. (CONAMA, 1994)
Household Solid Waste:
Waste that, due to its nature, composition, quantity and volume, is generated in activities
carried out in homes or any similar establishment (Field, B. et al 2003).
Agricultural residuals
Those generated by animal husbandry and the production , harvesting and mowing of crops
and trees , which are not used to fertilize soils . Similar (Field, B. et al 2003).
Biomedical Waste
Those generated during the diagnosis, treatment, provision of medical services or
immunization of human beings or animals, in research related to their production or in trials
with biomedical products. (Field, B. et al 2003).
Construction or Demolition Waste
Those that result from the construction, remodeling and repair of buildings or the demolition
of pavements, houses, commercial buildings and other structures . (Field, B. et al 2003).
Industrial Waste
Waste generated in industrial activities, as a result of production processes, maintenance of
equipment and facilities, and pollution treatment and control . (Field, B. et al 2003).
Special Solid Waste:
Solid waste that, due to its quality, quantity, magnitude, volume or weight, may present
dangers and, therefore, requires special handling. It includes waste with expired
consumption periods, waste from establishments that use dangerous substances, sludge,
bulky or heavy waste that, with authorization or illegally, is managed jointly with municipal
solid waste. (Hanemann, 1984).
Municipal Solid Waste:
Solid or semi-solid waste from urban activities in general. It can have residential or domestic
origin, commercial, institutional, small industry or sweeping and cleaning of streets,
markets, public areas and others. Its management is the responsibility of the municipality or
another government authority . Synonymous with garbage and solid waste. (Hanemann,
Biodegradable Waste:
All waste that can decompose aerobically or anaerobically, such as food and garden waste.
(Hanemann, 1984).



The proposal for a comprehensive urban solid waste plan will generate better use,
disposal, exploitation and behavior of the population of the district of


TO. Independent variable
 Management system
B. Dependent variable
 The proposal for a comprehensive urban solid waste plan will generate better use,
disposal, exploitation and behavior of the population of the district of Sicuani.


The type of research is basic and exploratory, because it deepens the knowledge of reality,
also because we will be able to understand our problem in greater depth.
It is a descriptive, transversal research, since it aims to describe the facts, therefore, it is
oriented towards knowledge of reality, also because we will be able to understand our
problem in greater depth.


The actions that will be applied in this study; performing the following steps:
a) Determine and evaluate the current management, characterization and daily
generation of solid waste in the Sicuani district
The diagnosis of solid waste management will be carried out taking into consideration
mainly the criteria given by the Provincial Municipality of Canchis, the entity in charge of
solid waste management, and by members of the educational community in participatory
conferences given by members of the group of environment in different areas and by the
application of the survey .
Once the surveys have been applied, they will be processed statistically.
The characterization of solid waste will be carried out preliminarily, it will consist of
determining the quantity and quality of solid waste, as well as the influence of different
factors on waste generation, and the per capita generation index was also calculated.
b) Carry out a diagnosis on the management of solid waste; as well as the management
and final disposal given to them by the municipality of Canchis.
To carry out a diagnosis, a detailed description will be obtained of all the aspects covered by
solid waste management (initial storage, collection, handling, transportation, cleaning of
roads and public areas as well as their final disposal), identifying the types and origin of the
waste. main solid waste that is generated, as well as the strengths and weaknesses in the
solid waste management system
c) Propose alternative lines of action, coordinated work between the municipal
government, educational institutions and citizens, whose purpose is the adequate
management of urban solid waste in the district of Sicuani.
The municipal government of the district of Sicuani does not have a system for using
garbage, in other words, it does not have a place intended to accumulate recyclable materials
or those that can be marketed, such as plastic cans, metals, glass and cardboard; Although it
should be mentioned that there are people who go to the garbage dump and select materials
such as aluminum cans and cardboard to sell them, but in minimal quantities.
d) Propose alternative lines of action for the proper final disposal and use of solid
waste, in order to reduce negative environmental impacts and damage to human
Among the alternatives for the use of solid waste is the proposal of the recycling center,
organic compost In the community of Pampa Phalla. The principles presented below are
three practices that residents of the Sicuani district could apply in their daily lives at home,
school or work, in order to reduce to a certain extent the amount of garbage they deliver to
the collection unit. , and that finally ends up in the municipal garbage dump.
With this, people would be contributing to reducing the total amount of solid waste
generated daily in the district and even reducing damage to the environment due to the
generation of this waste.
Reduce. Avoid everything that in some way generates unnecessary waste. As an example of
this, you could avoid the consumption of some industrialized products that are wrapped in
plastic, or carry a grocery bag or basket to avoid plastic bags.
Re-use. Reusing a product or material several times without treating it. Give maximum
utility to objects without the need to destroy or dispose of them; for example, reusing plastic
bags for shopping .
Recycle. Using the same materials over and over again, reintegrating them into another
natural or industrial process to make the same or another product. The advantage of this is
the fact of using fewer natural resources, for example: selling some materials such as plastic
cans, metals, glass and cardboard in recycling centers.


This project is non-experimental, descriptive, correlational and corresponds to the study
of the Environment sector, from the perspective of Environmental Management and
Sustainable Development ; Therefore, the materials to be used will be:
4.3.1. Primary sources of information
To collect data, information from the Municipality of Canchis was designed, a
structured survey would be carried out.
4.3.2. Secondary sources of information
· Records of the residents of the Sicuani district
· Record of tons from the district, entered into the landfill of the community of Pampa Phalla
· Bibliography referring to the topic of RSD.
4.3.3. Materials and instruments
For this study, the following instruments will be used:
· Digital camera
· Filmer
· IT equipment
· Recorder for interviews
 There will be effective participation of students when the project works hand in
hand with educational institutions in the development of their pei (Institutional
Educational Program) to achieve the goals and objectives set.
 The creation of environmental brigades in the participating educational
institutions will allow students to put into practice the knowledge acquired during
the talks and workshops, which will achieve their permanent participation and a
commitment to their school and their community.
 Working with teachers will allow environmental guidelines to be reflected
through the school curriculum, which will strengthen their capacities in school
environmental management for the development of programs and projects within
their institutions.
 The use of waste must begin from home. The ideal is for waste to be classified
according to its physical composition in the home, in order to prevent materials
susceptible to recycling from ending up in landfills.
 80% of the waste produced daily in the country is not recycled, and this is a
problem for the environment and even for our health.
 Ideally, waste as such should not exist; Nature teaches that everything produced
and created is returned to the environment and the same should be sought with
waste, that is, that everything is reused in one way or another; and through this
project we have captured it with art and in harmony with nature.
 Currently, it can be seen that recycled art campaigns have been increasing in
different Educational Institutions in our country in order to promote ecological

• Working with parents in educational institutions will allow their active participation in the
environmental promotion of the district through the dissemination and implementation of
the knowledge acquired.
Educational institutions, due to the moral obligation they have before society to
educate it, must take up the flag for the defense of life on the planet, training
individuals who project good management and reuse of solid waste in their
communities, to minimize its effects. in ecology.

• Municipalities and other organizations must be participants in this type of activities
for the propagation of environmental education in schools.
• Concerted work must be done between institutions and organizations linked to
environmental issues to formulate educational programs that have a practical
application and adjust to the reality of their environment.
• Strategic alliances must be sought between educational institutions and private
companies so that they can be active agents in caring for the environment and
supporting the execution of educational projects, thus responding to the commitment
to social responsibility that each private entity has with the community in which it is
• Educational institutions must promote the integration of their community for the
development of activities that adjust to the reality of their environment and
contribute to the sociocultural progress of their community.
• The teaching staff of educational institutions must promote curricular and
extracurricular activities in a participatory manner among students at the internal and
external levels to join efforts in the promotion and dissemination of an environmental
culture in the district.


 /trabajos10/recic/recic. Shtml.
 Guide for the Application of the
Environmental Approach “Educational institutions for sustainable
development”: MINEDU, MINSA AND MINAMBIENTE. 2011.
 Separate Marketing and Recycling of solid waste of the Ministry of
the Environment 2011.
 y Tabulada de
 .

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