Experiment Report

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What is an experiment report?

An experiment report is a written work that describes the procedures and

findings in conducting an experiment. Its purpose is to make known how the
experiment was carried out, its importance and the conclusions derived from

This report must be a clear and concise report of all activities carried out. So,
to improve reader comprehension, it is important to follow a writing plan,
similar to that used in scientific publications.

Experiment or experimental reports are the documents that are made in

laboratories after a scientific experiment has been done. • Those who study
science at any level (most frequently at university or secondary school) must
write this type of reports, in which the most essential information about the
experience is collected. Thus, from a young stage one is in contact with the
scientific research methodology. •

This type of report makes it easier for the information from the experiment to
be available to other researchers who want to work in the same area. • In this
way, new scientists can use the experimental report as support for new
research or they can redo the experiment to verify its veracity.

Characteristics of an experiment report

Can you distinguish an experiment report by its features alone? Before

attempting to do this type of written work, it is essential that you know it very
well. For this reason, we present its most distinctive features:

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o Formal and scientific language is used. That is, everything that is
explained must be described precisely, without using decorative words or
phrases that may make it difficult for the reader to understand.

o It must have clear and direct writing. The report must present a logical
order of ideas, presenting strictly relevant information about the process. You
should not include insignificant concepts, as they could confuse or distract the

o It has a solid structure . The experiment report contemplates a scientific

approach, therefore, to communicate the work carried out, it follows an
ordered structure that allows the author to review each stage of the

o You can use graphic elements to support the explanation. From

tables and graphs, to summaries, statistics and images, whenever possible.
This is very helpful when the results include many numbers or extensive

What language is used in experiment reports?

Technical, scientific language is used in experiment reports. This means that

in addition to using simple language, words are incorporated which are
technicalities, which have a deep and appropriate meaning to the topic.

Experiment reports are scientific documents, so whoever prepares them must

use formal and precise language. As their name indicates, these reports have
the objective of informing, so it is necessary that the content of the text be
clear and concise, maintaining objectivity and using the terms required by
scientific methodology.

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An example of this language: through a microscope, the presence of the
Salmonella bacteria could be verified on the skin of a group of turtles.

Structure of an experiment report

The structure of an experiment report is not rigid, since it must adapt to the
objectives or scope of the experiment. However, we have a design that
includes the following elements:

Front page

The cover includes the title of the work, the names of those who carried out
the experiment, the institution to which they belong, and the date of its
presentation. The title is brief and should clearly communicate the topic to be
studied. So, we recommend avoiding the use of definite and indefinite articles
(la, el, las, los, un, una...).


The summary is written at the end of writing the report and is a brief review
of the experiment carried out. It contains the most relevant information about
the work, including the methodology, the results obtained and the
conclusions. By reading the summary, the reader should be able to identify
what the experiment is about and what was concluded.


The importance and purpose of conducting the experiment is explained here.

Includes theoretical information supported by bibliographic references. This
section should provide the reader with an overview of the problem at hand.
Likewise, the author presents his hypothesis and the objectives he pursues
with the experiment.

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In this section, the author presents a list of all the instruments used in the
experiment, such as measuring equipment, technological devices, facilities or
substances, specifying their names and if they have any special

Experimental method

The author describes each of the steps executed in the development of the
experiment. These must be written in a clear and orderly manner, so that the
reader can do it himself. This section also defines the chosen experimental


This part covers the recording of all the results obtained in the experiment.
The presentation of the results must be honest, without altering reality.
Furthermore, it is necessary that these respond to the stated objectives. It is
appropriate to use tables, graphs or diagrams to facilitate the reader's


It is the section that allows you to indicate whether the experiment supports
or rejects the study hypothesis, stated in the introduction. In it, the author
must explain and analyze the results and relate them to the objectives
formulated at the beginning of the report.


At the end of the report, a list of all the books, magazines, reports, web pages
and other documents that were consulted or cited during the development of

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the work is included. The presentation of references must include information
that facilitates identification, such as the name of the author, the title of the
work, the date of publication, etc.

Function of experiment reports

I understand that experiment report is synonymous with laboratory report

(which are the experiences we normally have during high school). Now taking
this into account we can say that:
- It is a summary of all the activities carried out during the laboratory
- Includes theoretical framework, development of activities (questions and
answers, analysis, calculations, explanation of diagrams) and their respective

In short, these encompass everything perceived and understood by the

students themselves during the laboratory practice.

Broadly speaking, experiment reports function as a kind of proof that

experimentation was carried out. That is, the reports are proof that the
experiment was carried out by the researcher or researchers.

In addition, these reports also serve to record the data or particularities that
were observed during the experiment. In this way, the researcher can have a
file where he can locate the characteristics, possible drawbacks and results of
his experiment.

Likewise, this report will be useful to future researchers who are interested in
the topic that was discussed in the experiment. For example, a scientist can

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use the report made by another scientist with the aim of expanding the object
of study and providing new elements.

Within the student field, experimental reports allow teachers to evaluate the
performance of their students in scientific subjects (biology, natural sciences,
among others). Writing these reports makes students familiar with scientific

How to make an experiment report?

These are some basic rules and useful tips to apply when writing your
experiment report. Pay attention to the instructions and the structure of the
work, this way you will avoid making mistakes and the task will be much

1. Make use of bibliographic resources

When doing an experiment, you need to become familiar with the

phenomenon you are studying. Therefore, it is important to do your research
before starting the work, so that you can understand everything that happens
during the experiment.

2. Prepare outlines or drafts before starting the


To organize ideas, outlines or drafts represent very useful tools when

planning or structuring your experiment report. These give you a general, but
more organized, idea of what you want to communicate.

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3. Get to the point

Brevity in the report is essential. You should be concise and only write what is
necessary. Avoid including excess or dispensable information. In this case,
less is more.

4. Pay attention to spelling

It is common for the report to be valued more than the experimental work
itself. Make the text look attractive by taking care of punctuation and spelling.
If you have doubts about a word, you can consult a dictionary or search

5. Review the structure of the report

Reading and analyzing previous work helps you better understand the
structure of a report. Knowing the parts and characteristics of the report
facilitates and improves its preparation.

6. Avoid ambiguities

You must ensure the clarity of the experiment report. Since one of the
functions of this work is to allow other people to replicate the experiment,
your report should provide specific instructions so that interpretation is not

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Grammatical sentence: Grammatical sentences (generally called

simply “sentences”) are the smallest complete meaning units with syntactic
independence and are characterized by beginning with a capital letter and
ending with a period (or with an equivalent orthographic sign).

Verb: Verbs are those words that are used to express actions, states,
attitudes, conditions, events of nature or existence. For example: come on,
they were, you will run. There are many types of verbs and several criteria to
analyze them according to person, number, mood, tense, among other things.

Adjective: Adjectives are words that are used to modify the noun and,
therefore, agree with it in gender and number . Adjectives are words that
complement the noun by providing more information about it, pointing out
general qualities or detailing a particular characteristic that is inherent to it.

Adjectives have a specifying or explanatory function. For example: exemplary

father / red wine / classical music The adjective works as a complement to
the noun, which must coincide in terms of gender and number ( masculine or
feminine , singular or plural).

Adverb: Adverbs are words that complement verbs , adjectives or even

other adverbs. They are used to express place, quantity, time, manner, doubt,
statement, etc. For example: I bought a lot. ( Adverb of quantity )

Unlike the adjective (which must coincide in gender and number with the
word it complements), the adverb is always invariable. For example: My
daughter knows a lot. / My children know a lot. The adverb “a lot” (which in
this case complements the verb “know”) does not change, despite the fact that
the gender and number of the noun (son / children) are changed.

Connectors: Connectors, as their name indicates, have the function of

joining words, phrases, phrases or statements within the same paragraph.
They also serve to establish semantic relationships between the different
paragraphs of a text.

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