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The Male Reproductive system

Use the words below to fill out the table:

Scrotum, seminal vesicle, penis, urethra, vas deferens, foreskin, sperm, testicle, prostate, testosterone

Parts of the Reproductive system Organ

The male sex hormone
The tube that is a passageway for both urine and
Sac of loose skin that contains and supports the
Place where the fluids are produced to nourish and
transport the semen
Skin covering the tip of the penis. It can be
removed in an operation called circumcision
Male organ used for sexual intercourse and
The male reproductive cell produced in the
The gland around the bladder that helps
manufacture semen and assists to force the semen
out of the body
The tube that carries the sperm from the testicles
The organ that produces the hormone
testosterone and the male sperm
The female Reproductive System
Use the words below to fill out the table:

Ovary, Hymen, ovulation, vagina, vulva, cervix, uterus, bladder, fallopian tube, labia, clitoris

Parts of the Reproductive system Organ

Tube where the female egg and the male sperm
unite at conception
Muscular passageway between the uterus and the
outside of the woman’s body
A word to describe the external female sexual
Organ that stores the urine
The release of an egg once a month from the ovary
One of the pair of glands where the female
hormones and egg (ovum) are produced
Thin layer of tissue that may partially close the
entrance to the vagina
The lower part of the uterus that is the
passageway between the uterus and vagina
The lips of the external female genitals
Small sensitive organ in the female located at the
top of the lips of the valve
Pear shaped organ where the baby develops from
the time it is a fertilized egg until birth
Human Reproductive System

Purpose of the human reproductive system:


Male Reproductive System

Female Reproductive System
Purpose of the male reproductive system:
__________________________________ Purpose of the female reproductive system:
__________________________________ _________________________________________
__________________________________ _________________________________________

Sex cell produced: Sex cell produced: _________________________

Organ involved in producing sex cell:
Organ involved in producing sex cell: _________________________________________
__________________________________ _________________________________________
Organ/s involved in transporting sex cell:
Organ/s involved in transporting sex cell: _________________________________________
__________________________________ _________________________________________
__________________________________ _________________________________________
__________________________________ _________________________________________
Sex cell stays in body/sent out of body?
Sex cell stays in body/sent out of body? _________________________________________

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