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25 Years of Priestly Life

Fr. Ransom Pereira SFX

Fr. Ransom Pereira was born to Mr. Caitano Manuel Pereira and Mrs. Filomena Carmalina Pereira in the
village of Anjuna, Bardez-Goa. He has 2 elder Brothers Paul Pereira and Lino Pereira and a younger
Sister Wilma Pereira.
I was Ordained Priest on 3rd May 1999 together with my companion Fr. Seby D’Souza at
our Village Parish St. Michael, Anjuna Bardez, Goa. My First Appointment was as Prefect in
the Apostolic School in Pilar and then in Batim in the newly Built Apostolic school
Building. I served there till May 2004.
My Second Appointment was in Haryana, Mata Mariam Jan Seva High School, with Fr.
Jesuino Almeida, of happy memory, in Narnaul. I served there from June 2004 as a Vice-
Principal for a year and then as Principal till May 2010. This was one of the most
experiencing and tough Mission places of my life.Director of Social Work in the Villages in
Narnaul together with Sr. Tessina was also the hallmark of my ministry specially working
with the Slum Children of that region.
One of my most memorable experiences as a Pilar Missionary Priest was in the Mission of Narnaul,
Haryana. I was the Principal of the School in this challenging place. After the school hours, I made time in
the evenings together with the sisters belonging to Our Lady of Grace congregation to visit the slums
dwellers in that place. Through a Caritas Project from the Delhi Diocese and with the Leading support from
the sister, we catered to the needs of these poor people. We could then register 30 of their children in the
school for learning. We regularly held different development programmes for the uplifting of the Women
and children. Through Music and Singing we proclaimed the Word of God to these poor people.
From June 2010 the then Superior General Fr. Tony Lopes asked me if I would go to
Austria? I thought for some days and said yes to this new Challenge. So, from June to
November 2010, I began learning the German Language. And in the month of November
2010, I flew to Austria, Diocese of Linz.
For six months I was attending a German Language school in Linz. After that I was posted
as Assistant Parish Priest in Christ the King Church in Steyr, Austria.
In 2012, together with Fr. Brian Fernandes we took charge of 3 new Parishes in Steyr. Fr.
Brian as Parish Priest and me as Assistant. In the year 2017 I took the charge as Parish Priest
of 4 Parishes.
From 2024, due to scarcity of Priests in the Region, 15 Parishes are clubbed together as one
Parish with one Parish Priest, Pastoral Assistant and an in charge of Finances. I am appointed
as Parish Vicar of the Parish.
In the past 25 years, Music and Singing has kept me alive and Active. Till date I have
released 5 Music Albums of my own music and Lyrics. Two in Goa and three in Austria.
Funds of which are sent to the Projects of the Pilar Society.

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