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Published on 03 April 2013. Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE on 5/11/2019 7:58:08 AM.

Oxidized few layer graphene and graphite as metal-free

catalysts for aqueous sulfide oxidation†
Cite this: J. Mater. Chem. A, 2013, 1,
~o P. de
Bruno R. S. Lemos,a Ivo F. Teixeira,a Bruno F. Machado,b Marcos R. A. Alves,b Joa
Mesquita,a Ronny R. Ribeiro,c Revathi R. Bacsa,b Philippe Serp*b and Rochel M. Lago*a

Few layer graphene and natural graphite were chemically modified by oxidation with HNO3 at 80 and 140  C
and used to promote the oxidation of sulfide ions in aqueous solutions. TEM, potentiometric titration, XRD,
BET and Raman spectroscopy show that HNO3 treatment even at 140  C did not modify the graphene and
graphite morphologies but produced significant amounts of different oxygen surface groups. The
presence of these groups on few layer graphene and graphite strongly increased the Saq2 oxidation,
Received 4th February 2013
Accepted 3rd April 2013
showing activities comparable to a high surface area activated carbon with a similar amount of oxygen
surface groups. The obtained results suggest that the sulfide oxidation efficiency requires a balance
DOI: 10.1039/c3ta10541e
between two important effects, i.e. the presence of oxygen functionalities to initiate the Saq2 oxidation and the electrical conductivity that is important to further transfer the electrons removed from sulfide.

Introduction efficient and low cost systems for the removal of sulde from
gas and aqueous phases.3
Modern industrial processes in the paper, natural gas, coal- The removal of hydrogen sulde from the gas phase has
mining, chemical and petroleum rening industries result in been studied by different processes such as adsorption, bio-
the production of gases and aqueous waste streams containing logical processes and catalytic oxidation. Several studies have
varying amounts of hydrogen sulde and/or sulde ions asso- investigated the removal of gaseous H2S using different adsor-
ciated with different cations such as sodium or ammonium. bents such as activated carbon,4 alumina,5 silica6 and zeolite.7
Concern for the environment1 and applicable regulations Catalytic oxidation of H2S using air has been proposed using
preclude the discharge of such sulde-containing water to different catalysts such as vanadium,8 iron oxides9 or carbon
receiving bodies of water such as rivers, lakes or estuaries. materials.10 Various biological processes to remove hydrogen
Additionally, these waste streams can be corrosive to equipment sulde gas have also been proposed, e.g. biolters11 and
and constructions.2 For waste water streams containing rela- microorganisms supported on activated carbon.12,13
tively large amounts of suldes, it is conventional to treat the The removal of H2S from aqueous media has been investi-
waste water containing sulde with acid and large amounts of gated using different methods such as precipitation,14 adsorp-
steam to convert the sulde into hydrogen sulde gas. The H2S tion,15 ultrasonic irradiation,16 electrochemical processes17 or
gas can be recovered and converted, inter alia, to elemental chemical oxidation using hydrogen peroxide.18 For this latter
sulfur. With increasing energy costs, the expense of generating process, catalysts may be used to favor the reaction towards
the steam needed to implement this procedure can be prohib- sulfate or elemental sulfur formation. Catalytic removal of
itive. Such expense is exacerbated when only small or trace sodium sulde from aqueous solutions by catalytic aerobic
amounts of sulde are present in relatively large streams, but oxidation with hydroquinone/ferric salts19 or with carbon
nevertheless large amounts of steam must be used to remove materials or carbon materials/ferric salts has also been repor-
the sulde that is present. Consequently, there has been a ted.20,21 Microorganisms can also be used to oxidize sulde into
considerable interest in the last few years in the development of sulfur-containing species (mainly elemental sulfur, poly-
suldes, thiosulfates, thionates and sulfates).22 Several studies
Chemistry Department, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, UFMG, Belo have suggested that these sulde oxidizing bacteria are based
Horizonte, Brazil. E-mail:; Fax: +55 34095700; Tel: +55 34095719 on a sulde-quinone reductase enzyme.23,24 These enzymes
Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination, Composante ENSIACET, UPR CNRS 8241, show two main features, i.e. the presence of quinone redox
Université de Toulouse UPS-INP-LCC, 4 allée Emile Monso, BP 44362, 31432 groups and a facile electron transportation system. Such char-
Toulouse Cedex 4, France. E-mail:; Fax: +33 534323596;
acteristics can also be present in some carbon materials.
Tel: +33 534323572
Chemistry Department, Universidade Federal do Paraná, UFPR, Curitiba, PR, Brazil
This has inspired us to modify an activated carbon in order
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: to introduce some of the properties of the enzymatic systems for
10.1039/c3ta10541e the aqueous phase oxidation of sulde.25 It has been shown that

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aqueous sulde oxidation is strongly promoted by the presence operating at 100 kV), thermogravimetric analysis – TGA (Shi-
of oxygen surface groups. However, activated carbon has a poor madzu TGA-60H, with a constant heating rate of 10  C min1 in
electrical conductivity. In the present work, we investigate the an air ow of 50 mL min1), X-ray diffraction – XRD (Seifert XRD
sulde oxidation promoted by three different chemically 3000T using Cu Ka radiation and l ¼ 0.15418 nm). Raman
modied carbonaceous materials, i.e. few layer graphene and spectra were obtained on a HR800 One Labram Jobin Yvon, l ¼
graphite with different concentrations of oxygen supercial 632.82 nm. For each sample, between 5 and 10 spectra were
groups and a reference commercial activated carbon. recorded at different spots and an average representative spec-
trum was obtained. The surface area values were obtained by
Published on 03 April 2013. Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE on 5/11/2019 7:58:08 AM.

Experimental the BET method on Quantachrome Autosorb 1 Equipment. The

measurements were carried out using nitrogen with 41 cycles of
adsorption and desorption. The number of oxygen surface
Few layer graphene powder was prepared by a catalytic chemical groups was determined by potentiometric titration (Metrohm
vapor deposition method using a ternary oxide catalyst and 670). The pH data and the volume of titrant were adjusted by a
ethylene as the carbon source in a uidized bed reactor at nonlinear regression program developed in MATLAB 6.5.27,28 The
650  C.26 The carbon deposited at the end of the reaction was oxygen group density was calculated by dividing the number of
puried by dissolving the catalyst in acid. The average thickness oxygen groups (obtained from titration) by the specic surface
of the particles was in the range of 6–8 nm as estimated from area of the material. X-band Electron Paramagnetic Resonance
the line broadening of (002) reection in the X-ray powder dif- (EPR) spectra from solid samples at room temperature were
fractograms. High resolution TEM showed thin akes of varying recorded on a Bruker Elexsys E500 spectrometer equipped with a
thicknesses from 2–8 nm with domain sizes in the 200 nm Bruker ER4122SHQE resonator. Semi-quantitative measure-
range. Electron diffraction of the akes showed highly crystal- ments were performed using a non-calibrated chromium (3+)
line graphene layers (Fig. 1). Raman spectra were taken aer doped magnesium oxide powder sample.
sonication of the powders in ethanol and drying the suspension
on a substrate. The spectra conrmed the presence of graphene
Electrochemical measurements
layers with IG0 /IG ratios >1 (see ESI, Table S2†).
The modication of the graphene surface was carried out by Cyclic voltammograms were obtained with a potentiostat (Palm-
nitric acid oxidative treatment at 80 and 140  C for 3 hours. These Sens) at room temperature using a conventional three electrode
samples were named GN80 and GN140, respectively. The arrangement with a Pt wire counter electrode, a Ag/AgNO3
graphite (GT) (Micrograf: high purity micronized grades with reference electrode (3.0 M KCl), and a carbon paste electrode as
average particle size (d50) between 3 and 60 microns; from the working electrode. The carbon paste electrodes were
Nacional de Grate) was functionalized by the same method with prepared by mixing 45 mg of graphite powder with 5 mg of
HNO3 at 80 (GT80) and 140  C (GT140). Aer the acid treatment, mineral nujol oil for 10 minutes. The resulting paste was packed
both the graphene and graphite samples were extensively washed into a glass tube of 2 mm internal diameter and 10 cm length.
to obtain pH ca. 7 and dried (80  C) for 24 hours. Electrical contact was made through a copper wire cleaned in a
Activated carbon (AC) made from coconut shell (Sulfal) was solution of 10% HNO3. The surfaces of the electrodes were
used for comparison and was pre-treated with concentrated HCl polished on paper to produce a at reproducible working
under reux for 30 min to remove soluble metals, extensively surface. All electrochemical experiments in this work were
washed with distilled water and dried in an oven at 80  C carried out in a 1 mM Na2S–0.1 M KCl solution which is used as
overnight. an electrolyte.

Characterization Kinetic studies of sulde oxidation

The samples were characterized by transmission electron Kinetic studies of sulde oxidation in aqueous solution were
microscopy – TEM (JEM 1011 electron microscope of JEOL performed using different carbon catalysts. The reactions were
carried out using 30 mg of the materials in 6 mL of Na2S$9H2O
(8.8 g L1). During the experiments, the formation of polysulde
was monitored by measuring the absorbance of the aqueous
solution at a wavelength of 290 nm, using a Shimadzu UV
spectrophotometer 2550.

Results and discussion

Few layer graphene, graphite and activated carbon were modi-
ed by a well-known chemical oxidation method with HNO3 at
different temperatures, i.e. 80 and 140  C, in order to yield
Fig. 1 Transmission electron microscopy images of few layer graphene
different amounts of oxygenated surface groups.29,30
produced by ethylene CVD. Image on the right shows the high resolution image The nature and concentration of the oxygen surface groups
of a thin flake (shown by arrow) and the corresponding diffraction pattern. produced by the oxidation was determined by potentiometric

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titration.27 Fig. 2 shows the concentration of oxygen surface Lc (10–11 nm) values did not change signicantly before and
groups according to their pKa for the samples studied. aer the nitric acid treatment.
An increase in the concentration of oxygen groups can be The Raman spectra of GT (Fig. 3) showed three bands, i.e. an
observed for GN aer treatment with HNO3. This increase is intense band centered at 1590 cm1 (G band) related to the well-
more pronounced at 140  C compared to 80  C due to the more organized graphite layered structure, a band at ca. 1300 cm1
aggressive oxidation conditions. The presence of sites with related to defective carbon structures (D band) and the one at
pKa < 5 conrms the formation of carboxylic groups, especially ca. 2700 cm1 (G0 band).31 Aer treatment with HNO3 the rela-
aer oxidation at 140  C. Lactone and lactol groups show pKa tive intensity of the D band strongly increased causing an
Published on 03 April 2013. Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE on 5/11/2019 7:58:08 AM.

between 5 and 9 and were observed mainly for graphene increase in the ID/IG ratio from 0.55–0.60 for GT and GT80 to
samples (especially for GN140). Phenols and quinones with pKa 1.36 for GT140. This increase in the relative intensity of the D
greater than 9 were observed for all the samples. This high band is related to the creation of defects on the graphite
degree of oxidation is conrmed by XPS analysis that showed an structure (mainly on the edges) due to the extensive oxidation by
oxygen content of 17% for GN140, whereas it was less than 4% HNO3 at 140  C. GN showed a Raman spectrum with an ID/IG
for GN. On the other hand, the oxidation of GT at 80  C (GT80) ratio of 0.86 that did not change much aer functionalisation.
did not produce a signicant change in the oxygen surface The higher ID/IG ratio in GN can be attributed to the smaller
group concentration compared to the initial GT. Only for the domain sizes of the FLG akes with defects associated with a
GT140 sample, there was an increase in the number of oxygen larger number of edges. As these defects are oxidized prefer-
sites. A commercial sample of activated carbon containing a entially by HNO3, the increase in the ID/IG ratio was not so
similar number of oxygen groups to GN140 and GT140 was pronounced as observed for GT. The G0 band intensity is
selected for comparison. increased aer functionalization.
FTIR spectra in KBr (ESI, Fig. S1†) conrmed the presence of For the GN sample, the increase in G0 band intensity upon
carbonyl groups on the surface of GT140 and GN140, the latter functionalization (see ESI, Table S2†) could arise from a partial
showing a broader band. The band due to the C–C stretching is exfoliation of the graphene sheets. The narrowing of the G0
also shied with respect to graphite. band is also in accordance with this observation. These results
XRD powder analyses (ESI, Fig. S2†) for the graphite samples suggest that nitric acid treatment leads to the exfoliation of few
showed intense peaks at 2q ¼ 26.5 related to the (002) graphitic layer graphene.32
planes. The graphitic crystallites were characterized by the Nitrogen adsorption experiments at 196  C showed a low
distance between graphene planes (d002) and the average sizes surface area for GT and GT80 (2–3 m2 g1). Functionalization
of the crystallites, La and Lc (see ESI, Table S1†). For GT, d002 with HNO3 at 140  C produced a small increase in the surface
(0.335–0.336 nm), La (42–44 nm), and Lc (20–21 nm) values did area to 10 m2 g1. As expected, GN showed a higher surface area
not change signicantly before and aer treatment at 80 and when compared to graphite, i.e. 54 m2 g1, which increased to
140  C, showing that the HNO3 treatment did not affect the 65 and 71 m2 g1 aer treatment with HNO3 at 80 and 140  C,
graphite crystallite structure signicantly. GN also showed a respectively. This increase in specic surface areas is likely to be
peak at 2q ¼ 26.3 conrming the presence of graphitic related to an exfoliation process induced by the introduction of
ordering. There also, d002 (0.338–0.339 nm), La (21–23 nm), and oxygenated groups between the layers of graphene. The AC used
in this work showed a much higher surface area of 866 m2 g1.
TEM images of the few layer graphene samples showed the
presence of sheets with sizes varying between 0.1 and 1 mm
(Fig. 4). Curling and wrinkling of the sheets was also observed.

Fig. 2 Number of oxygen functional groups formed on few layer graphene and
graphite after treatment with HNO3 at 80 and 140  C and a commercial activated
carbon. Fig. 3 Raman spectra of GN and GT before and after treatment with HNO3.

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GT showed in general larger particles/aggregates and smaller

fragments, which were analyzed by TEM. The images of these
fragments showed packs of at graphitic layers with dimen-
sions of 0.3–1.5 mm. Upon nitric acid treatment at 140  C, the
FLG edges were found to be damaged due to acid etching,
whereas no modication of texture was seen for GT (Fig. 4).
Published on 03 April 2013. Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE on 5/11/2019 7:58:08 AM.

Sulde oxidation studies

The sulde oxidation was monitored by UV/Vis spectroscopy. A
typical evolution of the UV/Vis spectra during the reaction with
aqueous sulde is shown in Fig. 5.
Previous works25,33 have shown that the reaction of sulde
initially produces polysuldes, e.g. S22, S32 and S42, which
can be identied by absorptions in the UV/Vis spectrum at 267,
290 and 375 nm, respectively.
These polysuldes are further oxidized to form complex Fig. 5 Typical UV/Vis spectral evolution during the disodium sulfide oxidation at
mixtures of oxygenated sulfur species.34 The kinetic measure- 25  C (using AC).
ments were carried out by measuring the evolution of the pol-
ysulde (UV band at 290 nm). The results obtained for GN,
GN80, GN140, GT, GT80, GT140 and AC are shown in Fig. 6.
It can be observed that AC is the most efficient material
showing an increase in the 290 nm band intensity up to 45 min
that remains stable thereaer. The sample GT140 shows a nal
activity similar to AC, whereas GT and GT80 show very low
polysulde production. The sample GN140 also shows fairly
high activity for the oxidation of sulde that decreases for GN80
and GN. It is interesting to observe that GT140 and more
particularly GN140 show signicantly faster production of pol-
ysulde compared to AC in the rst 15 min of reaction. Even
though the exact nature of the active functional groups is not

Fig. 6 Polysulfide formation (band at 290 nm) during the reaction of aqueous
Na2S with different carbonaceous materials.

well understood, this high initial activity of GN140 may arise

from the presence of a higher concentration of acidic surface
groups (pKa < 5, Fig. 2). The data show that the HNO3 treatment
on GT and GN signicantly increases the sulde oxidation
activity, in agreement with previous results.25 If the reaction
data are normalized by the number of oxygen sites, the sample
GT140 still shows very good results comparable to AC (Fig. 7).
On the other hand, some important changes are observed for
the GN samples. The non-oxidized GN sample shows the best
result whereas the activity of GN140 strongly decreases (Fig. 7).
Although the reasons for these changes are not clear, one can
speculate that it could be related to the severe attack of the
graphene structure by the HNO3 oxidation. As suggested by
previous work,35–37 the activity of sulde oxidation depends on
the oxygen surface groups but also on the electrical conductivity
of the material. Although the HNO3 oxidation introduces oxygen
surface groups which are supposed to improve the activity of
Fig. 4 TEM images of GN and GT before and after HNO3 oxidation at 80 and 140  C. sulde oxidation, it also introduces a large number of defects in

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oxidation with HNO3 even at 140  C. The GN samples did not

show any signicant EPR signal. These results combined with
the XRD data suggest that the graphite oxidation takes place
mainly on the surface and on the edges/borders of the material.
It is also interesting to compare the polysulde production
kinetic curves normalized by the surface area of the materials
(Fig. 9).
It can be observed that GT samples, especially treated at
Published on 03 April 2013. Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE on 5/11/2019 7:58:08 AM.

140  C with HNO3, showed the highest activities for the oxida-
tion of sulde per m2. This result is apparently related to the
combination of two features of graphite, i.e. the high electrical
conductivity with a high density of oxygen groups present on the
surface of the materials. For example, the sample GT140 has an
oxygen group density of 14 mmol m2, which is potentially active
for sulde oxidation. Although AC shows a very high surface
area, which is supposed to improve sulde oxidation, the
oxygen surface group density is low, ca. 0.2 mmol m2, and oen
Fig. 7 UV absorption (at 290 nm) normalized by the oxygen sites concentration
showing polysulfide formation during the reaction of aqueous Na2S with
located in low electrical conductivity domains inside the pore
different carbonaceous materials. structure.
Results of recent works have shown that graphite has a very
high conductivity, generally higher than 103 S m1,43–45 while
the graphene layer. These defects should strongly decrease the few layer graphene and particularly activated carbon have
electrical conductivity of the graphene layers, which leads to a conductivities usually lower than 102.45–48
decrease in the activity for sulde oxidation. As graphite is a Cyclic voltammetry (CV) of the samples GT, GT80 and GT140
more compact structure (as shown by the Lc values), the HNO3 was carried out to investigate the redox processes on the surface
oxidation should take place more on the edges of the graphitic of these samples. CV proles suggest that the conductivity of
layers and affect less the conductive structure (Fig. 8).38–40 these materials did not change signicantly even aer oxidation
In fact, EPR spectra of the samples GT, GT80 and GT140 at 140  C. CV studies of GN samples did not give reliable data
showed a strong signal related to the spin of electrons origi- due to the low electrical conductivity of the samples. The elec-
nating on the graphite bulk and surface.41 As graphite is trocatalytic activity of the samples GT, GT80 and GT140 (in the
oxidized by HNO3 at 80 and 140  C the relative number of these presence and absence of Na2S) with different sweeping veloci-
spins does not change dramatically, e.g. the spin relative ties is shown in the ESI (Fig. S4–S6†). In all the voltammograms
concentrations decrease to 80% of the original values (see ESI, an anodic peak current in potentials near 0.4 V is observed. A
Fig. S3†). It can also be observed by the asymmetry of the EPR linear correlation between the anodic peak current and
line A/B ratio (between 1.1809 and 1.3088)42 that the graphite the square root of scan rate (see ESI, Fig. S7†) suggests that the
electrical conductivity is not signicantly affected by the redox reactions are controlled by the diffusion of the

Fig. 9 Polysulfide formation monitored at 290 nm during the reaction of

Fig. 8 Schematic representation of the oxidation and creation of oxygen surface aqueous Na2S with different carbonaceous materials normalized by the BET
groups and defects on GN and GT. surface area.

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the high resolution TEM images of GN. Funding from the

CAPES-COFECUB program (Ph715/11) is also acknowledged.

Notes and references

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