Evaluation Class 1 - Attempt Review

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4/9/22, 17:43 Evaluation Class 1: Review of the attempt

Started on Sunday, September 4, 2022, 16:16

Status : Completed
Finished in Sunday, September 4, 2022, 17:43
Time spent 1 hour 26 minutes
Qualification 10.0 out of 10.0 ( 100 %)

Question 1
Correct Scored 1.0 out of 1.0

A professional coach found, after the first four sessions, that his coachee had serious internal personality problems that made him be extremely
strict with himself and with those around him, leading to very violent and aggressive situations, even on a physical level. .

Select one:
or a. The coach continued with the sessions until he could help him personally.
or b. The coach changed focus and performed behavioral therapy to get the negative behaviors back on track.
or c. The coach closed the process by ignoring the coachee.
@d . The coach closed the process and advised continuity through therapy with a specialist outside the professional field.

The correct answer is: The coach closed the process and advised continuity through therapy with a specialist outside
the professional field.

Question 2
Correct Scored 1.0 out of 1.0

If I realize that the coachee is lying to me or at least not telling me the complete truth, I…

Select one:
or a. I tell you directly.
or b. I make him see it, manipulating him and leading him towards what I want
to hear.
or c. I don't do anything, it would be of no use.
@d . I let him see it, I will have to be subtle to make it clear with intelligent and well-prepared questions. If it is not accepted, then I will
out of trust have to be direct in my communication and provide my evidence. We are not here to waste time. Lying goes against
and interest in you and doesn't help me as a coach. I'll have to ask myself why he lies or hides things, and ask him too.
him. If I do not

then I'll have
to say it

The correct answer is: I let him see it, out of trust and interest in him. If you don't recognize it, then I'll have to say it directly.

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4/9/22, 17:43 Evaluation Class 1: Review of the attempt

Question 3
Correct Scored 1.0 out of 1.0

During a coaching relationship, you and your client feel physically attracted and realize that you really enjoy being together. Break the
professional relationship and close the process when receiving a proposal for intimate relationships from the client.

Select one:
or a. Ethically incorrect.
@b . Ethically In coaching, in addition to the trust created, there is an intimacy in the information given and sometimes when speaking.
correct. Delicate topics can put the client in situations of emotional vulnerability. Take advantage of this for
emotional, sexual or emotional satisfaction of the coach is absolutely reprehensible and totally distorts the purpose of
coaching, it is best to break that situation and disengage before it happens.

The correct answer is: Ethically correct.

Question 4
Scored 1.0 out of 1.0

The most veteran and knowledgeable person in the company was placed in front of the coaches in an important process of welcoming new

Select one:
or a. That's called consulting, not coaching.
@b . That's not It is easy to confuse coaching and mentoring, in fact there are companies that are similar, but they are very diverse and
coaching, it's each one follows a methodology that has nothing to do with the other. It is necessary to distinguish them to develop
mentoring. appropriate coaching and mentoring plans in companies. Both concepts obviously support each other.

or c. Coaches must be people with vast experience and knowledge of the company they are going to serve.
or d. It was very good, who better than him to teach the new ones.

The correct answer is: That is not coaching, it is mentoring.

Question 5
Correct Scored 1.0 out of 1.0

When the coach listens carefully to the coachee, the following effect occurs:

Select one:
@ to. The coachee There is nothing more flattering than having a fan who listens to you with all his attention and shows it with actions and
feels gestures. It makes us feel important and generates a state of well-being. We live in a world of misunderstandings. If
understood someone takes the trouble to listen to me and understand me in depth, that someone will always be admired by the
and at the listener.
same time
or b. Nothing happens, it's normal, listening in an interview.
or c. He feels uncomfortable talking so much.
or d. The coachee is waiting for the coach's timely and accurate advice.

The correct answer is: The coachee feels understood and at the same time important.

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Question 6
Correct Scored 1.0 out of 1.0

Several human resources managers did not see the need to work in groups with the directors who were going to enter a coaching process.

Select one:
or a. They are not really useful in a personal development process, much less at a managerial level.
or b. There are no team coach sessions.
or c. Coaching is a pure individual process for a particular good.
@d . Sometimes it is good to work in group sessions with the participants of the process, to air dirty laundry or delve into concepts or do team

The correct answer is: Sometimes it is good to work in group sessions with the participants of the process, to air dirty
laundry or delve into concepts or do team building.

Question 7
Correct Scored 1.0 out of 1.0

Once the coaching process is completed and the objectives with a client have been achieved, I am able to close the project, establish
communication channels, but I detach myself from the client from now on. He will have to walk alone from now on and find his own path.

Select one:
or a. Ethically incorrect.
@b . Ethically Coaching is a process that begins, develops and ends. Detachment is a symptom of our
correct. professionalism. We are professionals focused on problem solving, not counselors.
permanent. A process must be established that provides greater professionalism to the coaching monitoring process.

The correct answer is: Ethically correct.

Question 8
Correct Scored 1.0 out of 1.0

A contract is not so necessary between coach and coachee. In the bond of trust, it is assumed that everything will be fine.

Select one:
or a. Right, it's more than
@b . A contract is The contract is necessary to stipulate everything. It doesn't have to be very extensive or very formal, if you don't
necessary to make want to, but it is a document signed by both parties, which establishes the rules of coaching and what each
clear what can be person must do.
expected and what
each person is
going to do.
along the
or c. Simply having a written sheet defining what coaching is is enough.
or d. It depends on attitudes and good will.

The correct answer is: A contract is necessary to make it clear what can be expected and what each person is going to
do throughout the process.

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Question 9
Correct Scored 1.0 out of 1.0

A goal has these characteristics:

Select one:
or a. Point to the past.
or b. It has no temporality or I achieve it or not throughout life.
@c . None of them.
The objectives must have the following
- Measurable.
- Real and attainable.
- Ambitious.
- Temporary, they have an expiration date.
- Very specific.
- They must go to the essentials.
or d. It's monetary.

The correct answer is: None of them.

Question 10
Scored 1.0 out of 1.0

Several key employees of a certain company were forced to enter into a coaching process to improve their development and stimulate their
professional career.

Select one:
@ to. The coaching process is voluntary, never forced. The coachees can be chosen, but the last step is taken by them wanting to enter the
Q b. It all depends on the motivation skills of the coach.
or c. Those who do not wish to enter into the process should do so, as in the end it will be beneficial for everyone.
or d. They will see how good coaching is and will convince themselves in the first sessions.

The correct answer is: The coaching process is voluntary, never forced. The coachees can be chosen, but the last step
is taken by them wanting to enter the process.

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